Who this is for
This is for library authors who want to:
- Write
ES6 ES2015 (and beyond) source code (and use its imports/exports for code organization)
- Publish their code in a browser-friendly format (AMD or Global) and/or a Node-friendly format (CommonJS)
- Consume other libraries (via
import "other-codebase"
) in their source code and still be able to publish to the above formats
- Dependency depth of 1
- this lib does not yet support vendored modules that themselves depend on other modules, however:
- if each vendored module also adheres to the conventions below, then you can list all of them in
and it should still work fine
- Can only import from a vendored module's top-level namespace (aka
import X from "other-pkg"
is fine, but import X from "other-pkg/nested/thing"
is not)
- Dependencies are installed from npm (and their code is therefore in the
- source code is written in es6 with import/export statements
- source code is in a top-level
dir (configurable via option libDirName
- published commonjs code goes into
- published AMD code goes into
(the filename is configurable via option outputFileName
- published globals code goes into
(the filename is configurable via option outputFileName
- the source code (
) must also published to npm (so that it can be consumed by libraries that depend on this one, see below)
- dependencies are explicitly declared when building and:
- dependencies also adhere to these conventions (with some additional caveats, below)
- dependencies must also be written in es6 with import/export statements
- dependencies' source code is in a
dir (configurable) in that dependency's published npm package
- this is necessary because when broccoli-multi-builder builds your project for AMD it
transpiles and bundles the dependency's source as well, so it must be present
- An AMD loader is not included by default (to include one, set
options.loader = true
- The AMD output file is not wrapped in an IIFE
- The globals build takes the AMD tree and:
- includes the loader.js AMD loader
- in the bottom of the file, appends
require('<packageName>')["registerGlobal"](window, document);
- wraps the file in an IIFE
- It expects that your package will export a function called
that it can call with the arguments (window, document)
. To override this set options.registerGlobalExport
to a different string. The registerGlobal
named export from your index.js is where you would do something like window.MyPackageName = X;
in order to allow a third-party to use your library as the global MyPackageName
- The "main" entry in your package.json must point to
(broccoli-multi-builder will check for this)
- Third parties who use your library via commonjs will only be able to
. require
calls for sub-directories (like require('your-package/thing');
) will not work properly due to the way node's module require system works (it looks for paths relative to the directory root, not relative to the location of the "main" file) and the fact that broccoli-multi-builder publishes your commonJS code in dist/commonjs
- The CommonJS build does not attempt to bundle any of the listed vendoredModule dependencies (those should be listed in this library's package.json
so that the transpiled code can use node's standard require
mechanism to bring them in)
Publishing conventions
For other users of broccoli-multi-builder
In order to publish your npm module so that another library that uses broccoli-multi-builder can consume it, you
- put your es6 source code in lib/
- have a
that provides the default export for your library
- be sure to include your
code when publishing to npm
For browser-based users
Browser-based users can download your library via npm install <your-package-name>
and find
the format they prefer ("amd" or "global") available as a single file in the "dist/` directory, and
include that in their project via a mechanism of their choice.
Optionally, you may want to publish via bower as well.
For node-based users
Node-based users can install your library via npm install <your-package-name>
and then simply
in their code. Node's standard require
mechanism will take care of
including any other dependencies at that point (although these must be listed in your package.json dependencies
To build your es6-based library using broccoli-multi-builder
for amd, global or commonjs output:
- install and save broccoli-multi-builder:
npm install --save-dev broccoli-multi-builder
- install the broccoli cli tool:
npm install --global broccoli-cli
- install and save broccoli as a dependency:
npm install --save-dev broccoli
- install and save broccoli-merge-trees:
npm install --save-dev broccoli-merge-trees
Add a Brocfile.js
file in the root of your project with the following code:
var multiBuilder = require('broccoli-multi-builder');
var mergeTrees = require('broccoli-merge-trees');
var amdOptions = {
libDirName: 'path/to/es6/src/directory', // default: 'lib'
packageName: 'my-package', // influences the name of the built file and directories,
// and the source root for the amd modules
vendoredModules: [] // the npm package names of any other modules that your es6 code
// consumes. Those packages must have a file/directory structure
// as described below
var globalOptions = {
libDirName: 'path/to/es6/src/directory', // default: 'lib'
registerGlobalExport: 'registerGlobal', // default: 'registerGlobal'
packageName: 'my-package', // influences the name of the built file and directories,
// and the source root for the amd modules
vendoredModules: [] // the npm package names of any other modules that your es6 code
// consumes. Those packages must have a file/directory structure
// as described below
var cjsOptions = {
libDirName: 'path/to/es6/src/directory', // default: 'lib'
packageName: 'my-package',
vendoredModules: [] // same as the vendored modules for the amdOptions
module.exports = mergeTrees(['amd', amdOptions),'global', globalOptions),'commonjs', cjsOptions)
Ensure you have an index.js
file in the root of your lib directory (e.g. lib/index.js
) that has a default export. If you are building for globals mode also ensure your index.js
exports a function named registerGlobal
Then do a broccoli build dist
to put your cjs and amd output into dist/
Note that broccoli will complain about writing to a directory that already exists
so you may need to rm -rf dist
Read more about broccoli.js here.
More Caveats
If you are consuming another library built with broccoli-multi-builder:
- install it using
npm install other-package
- add its name to the array of
that you pass to the build
method in your Brocfile
- in your own
es6 code, it should be fine to import default (import X from "other-package"
) and named exports (import { namedThing} from "other-package"
- you must not import from anywhere but the module root path (i.e. cannot
import X from "other-package/thing"
) of a vendored module
Remember that npm automatically ignores everything in your .gitignore
file, so if you
are sensibly ignoring the built artifacts that show up in your dist/
directory, you can do one of these:
- (preferred, imo) ensure the
key in your package.json
lists the directories you want to publish (see docs)
- create an
file that does not list dist/
. That way npm will not ignore dist/
you publish (see docs)