Upload tokenized hex to Basic Stamp 2.
- Currently only uploads to BS2, not 2e, 2sx, etc.
- You need newer drivers
Install node.js. Then cd to this directory and install dependencies from source:
npm install
To upload the debug "Hi" example to your device, from the main directory type:
node examples/hi.js yourttyporthere
You should see something like:
Jacobs-MacBook-Air-2:bs2-programmer jacobrosenthal$ node examples/hi.js /dev/tty.usbserial-A502BMUQ
success { name: 'BS2', version: '1.0' }
Jacobs-MacBook-Air-2:bs2-programmer jacobrosenthal$
bootload(stream, hex, cb)
- Uploads your hex of Node Buffer of tokenized data.
- Takes a previously opened, reset stream-style object (See the example for details) and a Node buffer of tokenized bytes to send.
- Callback has singature (error, object) where object is a version object like { name: 'BS2', version: '1.0' }
identify(stream, revision, cb)
- Called for you by bootload, but exposed for your convenience.
- Takes a previously opened, reset stream-style object (See the example for details) and a Node buffer of tokenized bytes to send.
- Callback has singature (error, object) where object is a version object like { name: 'BS2', version: '1.0' }