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Comparing version 0.7.1 to 0.8.0

# buble changelog
## 0.8.0
* Subclasses inherit static methods ([#33](
* Performance enhancements ([!21](
## 0.7.1

@@ -4,0 +9,0 @@


"name": "buble",
"version": "0.7.1",
"version": "0.8.0",
"description": "The blazing fast, batteries-included ES2015 compiler",

@@ -62,5 +62,5 @@ "main": "dist/buble.umd.js",

"chalk": "^1.1.3",
"magic-string": "^0.12.1",
"magic-string": "^0.13.1",
"minimist": "^1.2.0"

@@ -65,3 +65,3 @@ import wrap from './wrap.js';

transpile ( code, transforms ) {
const start = this.body[0] ? this.body[0].start : this.start + 1;
const start = this.parent.type === 'Root' || this.synthetic ? this.start : this.start + 1;

@@ -72,33 +72,22 @@ const indentation = this.synthetic ?

let addedStuff = false;
let introStatementGenerators = [];
if ( this.argumentsAlias ) {
const assignment = `var ${this.argumentsAlias} = arguments;`;
code.insert( start, assignment );
addedStuff = true;
introStatementGenerators.push( ( start, prefix, suffix ) => {
const assignment = `${prefix}var ${this.argumentsAlias} = arguments;${suffix}`;
code.insertLeft( start, assignment );
if ( this.thisAlias ) {
if ( addedStuff ) code.insert( start, `\n${indentation}` );
const assignment = `var ${this.thisAlias} = this;`;
code.insert( start, assignment );
addedStuff = true;
introStatementGenerators.push( ( start, prefix, suffix ) => {
const assignment = `${prefix}var ${this.thisAlias} = this;${suffix}`;
code.insertLeft( start, assignment );
if ( /Function/.test( this.parent.type ) ) {
const params = this.parent.params;
// default parameters
if ( transforms.defaultParameter ) {
params.filter( param => param.type === 'AssignmentPattern' ).forEach( param => {
if ( addedStuff ) code.insert( start, `\n${indentation}` );
const lhs = `if ( ${} === void 0 ) ${}`;
.insert( start, `${lhs}` )
.move( param.left.end, param.right.end, start )
.insert( start, `;` );
addedStuff = true;
this.transpileDefaultParameters( code, introStatementGenerators );

@@ -108,178 +97,235 @@

if ( transforms.parameterDestructuring ) {
params.filter( param => param.type === 'ObjectPattern' ).forEach( param => {
const ref = this.scope.createIdentifier( 'ref' );
code.insert( param.start, ref );
this.transpileObjectPattern( code, introStatementGenerators );
this.transpileArrayPattern( code, introStatementGenerators );
} prop => {
const key =;
// rest parameter
if ( transforms.spreadRest ) {
this.transpileRestElement( code, introStatementGenerators, indentation );
if ( prop.value.type === 'Identifier' ) {
code.remove( prop.value.start, prop.value.end );
if ( transforms.letConst && this.isFunctionBlock ) {
this.transpileBlockScopedIdentifiers( code );
const value =;
const declaration = this.scope.findDeclaration( value );
super.transpile( code, transforms );
if ( declaration.instances.length === 1 ) {
const instance = declaration.instances[0];
code.overwrite( instance.start, instance.end, `${ref}.${key}` );
} else {
if ( addedStuff ) code.insert( start, `\n${indentation}` );
code.insert( start, `var ${value} = ${ref}.${key};` );
addedStuff = true;
if ( this.synthetic ) {
if ( this.parent.type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression' ) {
const expr = this.body[0];
else if ( prop.value.type === 'AssignmentPattern' ) {
code.remove( prop.value.start, prop.value.right.start );
if ( introStatementGenerators.length ) {
code.insertLeft( this.start, `{` ).insertRight( this.end, `${this.parent.getIndentation()}}` );
if ( addedStuff ) code.insert( start, `\n${indentation}` );
code.insertRight( expr.start, `\n${indentation}return ` );
code.insertLeft( expr.end, `;\n` );
} else if ( transforms.arrow ) {
code.insertRight( expr.start, `{ return ` );
code.insertLeft( expr.end, `; }` );
const value =;
.insert( start, `var ${ref}_${key} = ${ref}.${key}, ${value} = ${ref}_${key} === void 0 ? ` )
.move( prop.value.right.start, prop.value.right.end, start )
.insert( start, ` : ${ref}_${key};` );
else if ( introStatementGenerators.length ) {
code.insertLeft( this.start, `{` ).insertRight( this.end, `}` );
addedStuff = true;
let prefix = `\n${indentation}`;
let suffix = '';
introStatementGenerators.forEach( ( fn, i ) => {
if ( i === introStatementGenerators.length - 1 ) suffix = ( this.parent.type === 'Root' ? `\n` : `\n` );
fn( start, prefix, suffix );
else {
throw new CompileError( prop, `Compound destructuring is not supported` );
transpileBlockScopedIdentifiers ( code ) {
Object.keys( this.scope.blockScopedDeclarations ).forEach( name => {
const declarations = this.scope.blockScopedDeclarations[ name ];
code.remove( param.start, param.end );
for ( let i = 0; i < declarations.length; i += 1 ) {
const declaration = declarations[i];
let cont = false; // TODO implement proper continue...
// array pattern. TODO dry this out
params.filter( param => param.type === 'ArrayPattern' ).forEach( param => {
const ref = this.scope.createIdentifier( 'ref' );
code.insert( param.start, ref );
if ( declaration.kind === 'for.let' ) {
// special case
const forStatement = declaration.node.findNearest( 'ForStatement' );
param.elements.forEach( ( element, i ) => {
if ( addedStuff ) code.insert( start, `\n${indentation}` );
if ( forStatement.shouldRewriteAsFunction ) {
const outerAlias = this.scope.createIdentifier( name );
const innerAlias = forStatement.reassigned[ name ] ?
this.scope.createIdentifier( name ) :
if ( element.type === 'Identifier' ) {
code.remove( element.start, element.end ); = outerAlias;
code.insert( start, `var ${} = ${ref}[${i}];` );
} else if ( element.type === 'AssignmentPattern' ) {
code.remove( element.start, element.right.start );
forStatement.aliases[ name ] = {
outer: outerAlias,
inner: innerAlias
const name =;
.insert( start, `var ${ref}_${i} = ref[${i}], ${name} = ref_${i} === void 0 ? ` )
.move( element.right.start, element.right.end, start )
.insert( start, ` : ref_${i};` );
for ( const identifier of declaration.instances ) {
const alias = forStatement.body.contains( identifier ) ?
innerAlias :
else {
throw new CompileError( element, `Compound destructuring is not supported` );
if ( name !== alias ) {
code.overwrite( identifier.start, identifier.end, alias, true );
addedStuff = true;
cont = true;
code.remove( param.start, param.end );
if ( !cont ) {
const alias = this.scope.createIdentifier( name );
if ( name !== alias ) { = alias;
for ( const identifier of declaration.instances ) {
identifier.rewritten = true;
code.overwrite( identifier.start, identifier.end, alias, true );
// rest parameter
if ( transforms.spreadRest ) {
const lastParam = params[ params.length - 1 ];
if ( lastParam && lastParam.type === 'RestElement' ) {
const penultimateParam = params[ params.length - 2 ];
transpileDefaultParameters ( code, introStatementGenerators ) {
this.parent.params.filter( param => param.type === 'AssignmentPattern' ).forEach( param => {
introStatementGenerators.push( ( start, prefix, suffix ) => {
const lhs = `${prefix}if ( ${} === void 0 ) ${}`;
.insertRight( param.left.end, `${lhs}` )
.move( param.left.end, param.right.end, start )
.insertLeft( param.right.end, `;${suffix}` );
if ( penultimateParam ) {
code.remove( penultimateParam ? penultimateParam.end : lastParam.start, lastParam.end );
} else {
let start = lastParam.start, end = lastParam.end; // TODO
transpileObjectPattern ( code, introStatementGenerators ) {
this.parent.params.filter( param => param.type === 'ObjectPattern' ).forEach( param => {
const ref = this.scope.createIdentifier( 'ref' );
code.insertRight( param.start, ref );
while ( /\s/.test( code.original[ start - 1 ] ) ) start -= 1;
while ( /\s/.test( code.original[ end ] ) ) end += 1;
let c = param.start;
code.remove( start, end );
} prop => {
code.remove( c, prop.value.start );
const key =;
if ( addedStuff ) code.insert( start, `\n${indentation}` );
if ( prop.value.type === 'Identifier' ) {
code.remove( prop.value.start, prop.value.end );
const name =;
const len = this.scope.createIdentifier( 'len' );
const count = params.length - 1;
const value =;
const declaration = this.scope.findDeclaration( value );
if ( count ) {
code.insert( start, `var ${name} = [], ${len} = arguments.length - ${count};\n${indentation}while ( ${len}-- > 0 ) ${name}[ ${len} ] = arguments[ ${len} + ${count} ];` );
if ( declaration.instances.length === 1 ) {
const instance = declaration.instances[0];
code.overwrite( instance.start, instance.end, `${ref}.${key}` );
} else {
code.insert( start, `var ${name} = [], ${len} = arguments.length;\n${indentation}while ( ${len}-- ) ${name}[ ${len} ] = arguments[ ${len} ];` );
introStatementGenerators.push( ( start, prefix, suffix ) => {
code.insertLeft( start, `${prefix}var ${value} = ${ref}.${key};${suffix}` );
addedStuff = true;
else if ( prop.value.type === 'AssignmentPattern' ) {
introStatementGenerators.push( ( start, prefix, suffix ) => {
code.remove( prop.value.start, prop.value.right.start );
const value =;
.insertRight( prop.value.right.start, `${prefix}var ${ref}_${key} = ${ref}.${key}, ${value} = ${ref}_${key} === void 0 ? ` )
.insertLeft( prop.value.right.end, ` : ${ref}_${key};${suffix}` )
.move( prop.value.right.start, prop.value.right.end, start );
if ( addedStuff ) {
code.insert( start, `\n\n${indentation}` );
else {
throw new CompileError( prop, `Compound destructuring is not supported` );
if ( transforms.letConst && this.isFunctionBlock ) {
Object.keys( this.scope.blockScopedDeclarations ).forEach( name => {
const declarations = this.scope.blockScopedDeclarations[ name ];
c = prop.value.end;
for ( let i = 0; i < declarations.length; i += 1 ) {
const declaration = declarations[i];
let cont = false; // TODO implement proper continue...
code.remove( c, param.end );
if ( declaration.kind === 'for.let' ) {
// special case
const forStatement = declaration.node.findNearest( 'ForStatement' );
transpileArrayPattern ( code, introStatementGenerators ) {
// array pattern. TODO dry this out
this.parent.params.filter( param => param.type === 'ArrayPattern' ).forEach( param => {
const ref = this.scope.createIdentifier( 'ref' );
code.insertRight( param.start, ref );
if ( forStatement.shouldRewriteAsFunction ) {
const outerAlias = this.scope.createIdentifier( name );
const innerAlias = forStatement.reassigned[ name ] ?
this.scope.createIdentifier( name ) :
let c = param.start; = outerAlias;
param.elements.forEach( ( element, i ) => {
code.remove( c, element.start );
forStatement.aliases[ name ] = {
outer: outerAlias,
inner: innerAlias
if ( element.type === 'Identifier' ) {
code.remove( element.start, element.end );
for ( const identifier of declaration.instances ) {
const alias = forStatement.body.contains( identifier ) ?
innerAlias :
introStatementGenerators.push( ( start, prefix, suffix ) => {
code.insertLeft( start, `${prefix}var ${} = ${ref}[${i}];${suffix}` );
} else if ( element.type === 'AssignmentPattern' ) {
introStatementGenerators.push( ( start, prefix, suffix ) => {
code.remove( element.start, element.right.start );
if ( name !== alias ) {
code.overwrite( identifier.start, identifier.end, alias, true );
const name =;
.insertRight( element.right.start, `${prefix}var ${ref}_${i} = ref[${i}], ${name} = ref_${i} === void 0 ? ` )
.insertLeft( element.right.end, ` : ref_${i};${suffix}` )
.move( element.right.start, element.right.end, start );
cont = true;
else {
throw new CompileError( element, `Compound destructuring is not supported` );
if ( !cont ) {
const alias = this.scope.createIdentifier( name );
c = element.end;
if ( name !== alias ) { = alias;
code.remove( c, param.end );
for ( const identifier of declaration.instances ) {
code.overwrite( identifier.start, identifier.end, alias, true );
transpileRestElement ( code, introStatementGenerators, indentation ) {
const params = this.parent.params;
const lastParam = params[ params.length - 1 ];
if ( lastParam && lastParam.type === 'RestElement' ) {
introStatementGenerators.push( ( start, prefix, suffix ) => {
const penultimateParam = params[ params.length - 2 ];
if ( penultimateParam ) {
code.remove( penultimateParam ? penultimateParam.end : lastParam.start, lastParam.end );
} else {
let start = lastParam.start, end = lastParam.end; // TODO
while ( /\s/.test( code.original[ start - 1 ] ) ) start -= 1;
while ( /\s/.test( code.original[ end ] ) ) end += 1;
code.remove( start, end );
const name =;
const len = this.scope.createIdentifier( 'len' );
const count = params.length - 1;
if ( count ) {
code.insertLeft( start, `${prefix}var ${name} = [], ${len} = arguments.length - ${count};\n${indentation}while ( ${len}-- > 0 ) ${name}[ ${len} ] = arguments[ ${len} + ${count} ];${suffix}` );
} else {
code.insertLeft( start, `${prefix}var ${name} = [], ${len} = arguments.length;\n${indentation}while ( ${len}-- ) ${name}[ ${len} ] = arguments[ ${len} ];${suffix}` );
if ( this.synthetic && this.parent.type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression' ) {
code.insert( this.body[0].start, 'return ' );
super.transpile( code, transforms );

@@ -13,3 +13,3 @@ import Node from '../Node.js';

} else {
code.insert( this.start + 1, `].concat(` );
code.insertLeft( this.start + 1, `].concat(` );

@@ -16,0 +16,0 @@

import Node from '../Node.js';
import { find } from '../../utils/array.js';

@@ -15,4 +14,2 @@ export default class ArrowFunctionExpression extends Node {

} else {
code.insert( this.start, 'function ' );
let parenthesised = false;

@@ -27,6 +24,7 @@ let charIndex = this.start;

if ( !parenthesised ) {
code.insert( this.start, '( ' );
let start = 'function ';
if ( !parenthesised ) start += '( ';
code.insertRight( this.start, start );
charIndex = this.params[ this.params.length -1 ].end;

@@ -40,21 +38,4 @@ while ( code.original[ charIndex ] !== '=' ) charIndex += 1;

if ( this.body.synthetic ) {
if ( find( this.params, param => param.type === 'RestElement' || /Pattern/.test( param.type ) ) ) {
const indentation = this.getIndentation();
code.insert( this.body.start, `{\n${indentation}${code.getIndentString()}` );
super.transpile( code, transforms );
code.insert( this.body.end, `;\n${indentation}}` );
else if ( transforms.arrow ) {
code.insert( this.body.start, `{ ` );
super.transpile( code, transforms );
code.insertAfter( this.body.end, `; }` );
else {
super.transpile( code, transforms );
super.transpile( code, transforms );

@@ -74,3 +74,3 @@ import Node from '../Node.js';

if ( needsObjectVar && needsPropertyVar ) {
code.insert( statement.start, `var ${object} = ` );
code.insertRight( statement.start, `var ${object} = ` );
code.overwrite( left.object.end,, `;\n${i0}var ${property} = ` );

@@ -81,13 +81,14 @@ code.overwrite(, left.end, `;\n${i0}${object}[${property}]` );

else if ( needsObjectVar ) {
code.insert( statement.start, `var ${object} = ` );
code.insert( left.object.end, `;\n${i0}` );
code.insert( left.object.end, object );
code.insertRight( statement.start, `var ${object} = ` );
code.insertLeft( left.object.end, `;\n${i0}` );
code.insertLeft( left.object.end, object );
else if ( needsPropertyVar ) {
code.insert( statement.start, `var ${property} = ` );
code.move(,, statement.start );
code.insert( statement.start, `;\n${i0}` );
code.insertRight(, `var ${property} = ` );
code.insertLeft(, `;\n${i0}` );
code.move(,, this.start );
code.overwrite( left.object.end,, `[${property}]` );
code.insertLeft( left.object.end, `[${property}]` );
code.remove( left.object.end, );
code.remove(, left.end );

@@ -101,8 +102,6 @@ }

if ( needsPropertyVar ) declarators.push( property );
code.insert( statement.start, `var ${declarators.join( ', ' )};\n${i0}` );
code.insertRight( statement.start, `var ${declarators.join( ', ' )};\n${i0}` );
code.insert( left.start, `( ` );
if ( needsObjectVar && needsPropertyVar ) {
code.insert( left.start, `${object} = ` );
code.insertRight( left.start, `( ${object} = ` );
code.overwrite( left.object.end,, `, ${property} = ` );

@@ -113,10 +112,11 @@ code.overwrite(, left.end, `, ${object}[${property}]` );

else if ( needsObjectVar ) {
code.insert( left.start, `${object} = ` );
code.insert( left.object.end, `, ${object}` );
code.insertRight( left.start, `( ${object} = ` );
code.insertLeft( left.object.end, `, ${object}` );
else if ( needsPropertyVar ) {
code.insert( left.start, `${property} = ` );
code.insertRight(, `( ${property} = ` );
code.insertLeft(, `, ` );
code.move(,, left.start );
code.insert( left.start, `, ` );
code.overwrite( left.object.end,, `[${property}]` );

@@ -126,3 +126,3 @@ code.remove(, left.end );

code.insert( this.end, ` )` );
code.insertLeft( this.end, ` )` );

@@ -133,4 +133,4 @@

code.insert( this.right.start, `Math.pow( ${base}, ` );
code.insert( this.right.end, ` )` );
code.insertRight( this.right.start, `Math.pow( ${base}, ` );
code.insertLeft( this.right.end, ` )` );

@@ -137,0 +137,0 @@

@@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ import Node from '../Node.js';

if ( this.operator === '**' && transforms.exponentiation ) {
code.insert ( this.start, `Math.pow( ` );
code.insertRight( this.start, `Math.pow( ` );
code.overwrite( this.left.end, this.right.start, `, ` );
code.insert ( this.end, ` )` );
code.insertLeft( this.end, ` )` );

@@ -11,0 +11,0 @@ super.transpile( code, transforms );

import Node from '../Node.js';
import CompileError from '../../utils/CompileError.js';

@@ -18,4 +17,4 @@ export default class CallExpression extends Node {

context = this.findScope( true ).createIdentifier( 'ref' );
code.insert( statement.start, `var ${context} = ` );
code.insert( statement.end, `;\n${i0}${context}` );
code.insertRight( statement.start, `var ${context} = ` );
code.insertLeft( statement.end, `;\n${i0}${context}` );

@@ -26,3 +25,3 @@ } else {

code.insert( this.callee.end, '.apply' );
code.insertLeft( this.callee.end, '.apply' );

@@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ const penultimateArgument = this.arguments[ this.arguments.length - 2 ];

if ( penultimateArgument ) {
code.insert( this.arguments[0].start, `${context}, [ ` );
code.insertRight( this.arguments[0].start, `${context}, [ ` );
code.overwrite( penultimateArgument.end, lastArgument.start, ` ].concat( ` );
code.insert( lastArgument.end, ` )` );
code.insertLeft( lastArgument.end, ` )` );
} else {
code.insert( lastArgument.start, `${context}, ` );
code.insertRight( lastArgument.start, `${context}, ` );

@@ -39,0 +38,0 @@

@@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ import Node from '../Node.js';

const indentStr = code.getIndentString();
let indentation = this.getIndentation() + ( inFunctionExpression ? indentStr : '' );
const i0 = this.getIndentation() + ( inFunctionExpression ? indentStr : '' );
const i1 = i0 + indentStr;

@@ -34,26 +35,24 @@ const constructorIndex = findIndex( this.body, node => node.kind === 'constructor' );

if ( !inFunctionExpression ) code.insert( constructor.end, ';' );
if ( constructorIndex > 0 ) {
if ( nextMethod ) {
code.insert( nextMethod.start, `\n\n${indentation}` );
} else {
code.insert( constructor.end, `\n\n${indentation}` );
} else {
const fn = `function ${name} () {` + ( superName ?
`\n${indentation}${indentStr}${superName}.apply(this, arguments);\n${indentation}}` :
`}` ) + ( inFunctionExpression ? '' : ';' ) + ( this.body.length ? `\n\n${indentation}` : '' );
code.insert( this.start, fn );
if ( !inFunctionExpression ) code.insertLeft( constructor.end, ';' );
if ( this.parent.superClass ) {
let inheritanceBlock = `${name}.prototype = Object.create( ${superName} && ${superName}.prototype );\n${indentation}${name}.prototype.constructor = ${name};`;
let inheritanceBlock = `if ( ${superName} ) ${name}.__proto__ = ${superName};\n${i0}${name}.prototype = Object.create( ${superName} && ${superName}.prototype );\n${i0}${name}.prototype.constructor = ${name};`;
if ( constructor ) {
code.insert( constructor.end, `\n\n${indentation}` + inheritanceBlock );
code.insertLeft( constructor.end, `\n\n${i0}` + inheritanceBlock );
} else {
code.insert( this.start, inheritanceBlock + `\n\n${indentation}` );
const fn = `function ${name} () {` + ( superName ?
`\n${i1}${superName}.apply(this, arguments);\n${i0}}` :
`}` ) + ( inFunctionExpression ? '' : ';' ) + ( this.body.length ? `\n\n${i0}` : '' );
inheritanceBlock = fn + inheritanceBlock;
code.insertRight( this.start, inheritanceBlock + `\n\n${i0}` );
} else if ( !constructor ) {
let fn = `function ${name} () {}`;
if ( this.parent.type === 'ClassDeclaration' ) fn += ';';
if ( this.body.length ) fn += `\n\n${i0}`;
code.insertRight( this.start, fn );

@@ -68,3 +67,3 @@

this.body.forEach( method => {
this.body.forEach( ( method, i ) => {
if ( method.kind === 'constructor' ) {

@@ -100,5 +99,10 @@ code.overwrite( method.key.start, method.key.end, `function ${name}` );

code.insert( method.start, `${lhs} = function` + ( method.value.generator ? '*' : '' ) + ( isAccessor ? '' : ' ' ) );
code.insert( method.end, ';' );
const insertNewlines = ( constructorIndex > 0 && i === constructorIndex + 1 ) ||
( i === 0 && constructorIndex === this.body.length - 1 );
if ( insertNewlines ) lhs = `\n\n${i0}${lhs}`;
code.insertRight( method.start, `${lhs} = function` + ( method.value.generator ? '*' : '' ) + ( isAccessor ? '' : ' ' ) );
code.insertLeft( method.end, ';' );
if ( method.value.generator ) code.remove( method.start, method.key.start );

@@ -127,8 +131,8 @@

if ( constructor ) {
code.insert( constructor.end, `\n\n${indentation}${intro.join( `\n${indentation}` )}` );
code.insertLeft( constructor.end, `\n\n${i0}${intro.join( `\n${i0}` )}` );
} else {
code.insert( this.start, `${intro.join( `\n${indentation}` )}\n\n${indentation}` );
code.insertRight( this.start, `${intro.join( `\n${i0}` )}\n\n${i0}` );
code.insert( this.end, `\n\n${indentation}${outro.join( `\n${indentation}` )}` );
code.insertLeft( this.end, `\n\n${i0}${outro.join( `\n${i0}` )}` );

@@ -135,0 +139,0 @@ }

@@ -33,5 +33,5 @@ import Node from '../Node.js';

if ( this.superClass ) {
code.insert( this.end, `\n\n${indentation}${indentStr}return ${};\n${indentation}}(` );
code.insertLeft( this.end, `\n\n${indentation}${indentStr}return ${};\n${indentation}}(` );
code.move( this.superClass.start, this.superClass.end, this.end );
code.insert( this.end, '));' );
code.insertRight( this.end, '));' );

@@ -38,0 +38,0 @@ }

@@ -23,3 +23,3 @@ import Node from '../Node.js';

code.remove( this.superClass.end, this.body.start );
code.insert( this.start, `(function (${superName}) {\n${i1}` );
code.insertLeft( this.start, `(function (${superName}) {\n${i1}` );
} else {

@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ code.overwrite( this.start, this.body.start, `(function () {\n${i1}` );

if ( this.superClass ) {
code.insert( this.end, outro );
code.insertLeft( this.end, outro );
code.move( this.superClass.start, this.superClass.end, this.end );
code.insert( this.end, '))' );
code.insertRight( this.end, '))' );
} else {
code.insert( this.end, `\n\n${i1}return ${};\n${i0}}())` );
code.insertLeft( this.end, `\n\n${i1}return ${};\n${i0}}())` );

@@ -41,0 +41,0 @@ }

@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import Node from '../Node.js';

if ( this.declaration.type === 'ClassDeclaration' ) {
code.insert( this.end, `\n\n${this.getIndentation()}` );
code.insertLeft( this.end, `\n\n${this.getIndentation()}` );
code.move( this.start, this.declaration.start, this.end );
code.insert( this.end, `${};` );
code.insertRight( this.end, `${};` );

@@ -24,4 +24,4 @@ import LoopStatement from './shared/LoopStatement.js';

if ( this.body.synthetic ) {
code.insert( this.body.body[0].start, `{\n${i1}` );
code.insert( this.body.body[0].end, `\n${i0}}` );
code.insertRight( this.left.start, `{\n${i1}` );
code.insertLeft( this.body.body[0].end, `\n${i0}}` );

@@ -33,6 +33,6 @@

code.move( this.left.start, this.left.end, bodyStart );
code.insert( bodyStart, ` = ${list}[${key}];\n\n${i1}` );
code.insertLeft( this.left.end, ` = ${list}[${key}];\n\n${i1}` );
code.insert( this.right.start, `var ${key} = 0, ${list} = ` );
code.insert( this.right.end, `; ${key} < ${list}.length; ${key} += 1` );
code.insertRight( this.right.start, `var ${key} = 0, ${list} = ` );
code.insertLeft( this.right.end, `; ${key} < ${list}.length; ${key} += 1` );

@@ -39,0 +39,0 @@ super.transpile( code, transforms );

@@ -28,6 +28,6 @@ import LoopStatement from './shared/LoopStatement.js';

if ( this.body.synthetic ) {
code.insert( this.body.body[0].end, `; ${updates.join(` `)}` );
code.insertLeft( this.body.body[0].end, `; ${updates.join(` `)}` );
} else {
const lastStatement = this.body.body[ this.body.body.length - 1 ];
code.insert( lastStatement.end, `\n\n${i1}${updates.join(`\n${i1}`)}` );
code.insertLeft( lastStatement.end, `\n\n${i1}${updates.join(`\n${i1}`)}` );

@@ -34,0 +34,0 @@ }

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ import Node from '../Node.js';

code.overwrite( this.object.end,, `['` );
code.insert(, `']` );
code.insertLeft(, `']` );

@@ -11,0 +11,0 @@

@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import Node from '../Node.js';

if ( this.shorthand ) {
code.insert( this.start, `${}: ` );
code.insertRight( this.start, `${}: ` );
} else if ( this.method ) {
const name = this.findScope( true ).createIdentifier( );
if ( this.value.generator ) code.remove( this.start, this.key.start );
code.insert( this.key.end, `: function${this.value.generator ? '*' : ''} ${name}` );
code.insertLeft( this.key.end, `: function${this.value.generator ? '*' : ''} ${name}` );

@@ -27,4 +27,4 @@ }

if ( transforms.reservedProperties && reserved[ ] ) {
code.insert( this.key.start, `'` );
code.insert( this.key.end, `'` );
code.insertRight( this.key.start, `'` );
code.insertLeft( this.key.end, `'` );

@@ -31,0 +31,0 @@

@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ import Node from '../Node.js';

const shouldWrap = this.shouldWrap && this.loop && this.loop.shouldRewriteAsFunction;
if ( shouldWrap ) code.insert( this.argument.start, `{ v: ` );
if ( shouldWrap ) code.insertRight( this.argument.start, `{ v: ` );
if ( this.argument ) this.argument.transpile( code, transforms );
if ( shouldWrap ) code.insert( this.argument.end, ` }` );
if ( shouldWrap ) code.insertLeft( this.argument.end, ` }` );

@@ -59,10 +59,6 @@ import Node from '../../Node.js';

code.insert( this.start, before );
code.move( this.body.start, this.body.end, this.start );
code.insert( this.start, after );
code.insertRight( this.body.start, before );
code.insertLeft( this.body.end, after );
code.move( this.start, this.body.start, this.body.end );
const index = this.type === 'DoWhileStatement' ?
this.start + 2 :
if ( this.canBreak || this.canReturn ) {

@@ -76,3 +72,3 @@ const returned = functionScope.createIdentifier( 'returned' );

code.insert( index, insert );
code.insertRight( this.body.end, insert );
} else {

@@ -84,3 +80,3 @@ const callExpression = `${loop}(${argString});`;

} else {
code.insert( index, callExpression );
code.insertRight( this.body.end, callExpression );

@@ -87,0 +83,0 @@ }

@@ -31,3 +31,6 @@ import Node from '../Node.js';

if ( transforms.classes ) {
const expression = this.isCalled ? this.superClassName : `${this.superClassName}.prototype`;
const expression = ( this.isCalled || this.method.static ) ?
this.superClassName :
code.overwrite( this.start, this.end, expression, true );

@@ -38,8 +41,8 @@

if ( callExpression && callExpression.type === 'CallExpression' ) {
code.insert( callExpression.callee.end, '.call' );
code.insertLeft( callExpression.callee.end, '.call' );
if ( callExpression.arguments.length ) {
code.insert( callExpression.arguments[0].start, `this, ` );
code.insertLeft( callExpression.arguments[0].start, `this, ` );
} else {
code.insert( callExpression.end - 1, `this` );
code.insertLeft( callExpression.end - 1, `this` );

@@ -46,0 +49,0 @@ }

@@ -35,3 +35,3 @@ import Node from '../Node.js';

if ( parenthesise ) code.insert( this.start, '(' );
if ( parenthesise ) code.insertRight( this.start, '(' );

@@ -56,3 +56,3 @@ let lastIndex = this.start;

if ( parenthesise ) code.insert( node.end, ')' );
if ( parenthesise ) code.insertLeft( node.end, ')' );

@@ -59,0 +59,0 @@

@@ -28,8 +28,18 @@ import Node from '../Node.js';

if ( transforms.destructuring && !== 'Identifier' ) {
const simple = this.init.type === 'Identifier';
const simple = this.init.type === 'Identifier' && !this.init.rewritten;
const props = this.isObjectPattern ? :;
const i0 = this.getIndentation();
const name = simple ? : this.findScope( true ).createIdentifier( 'ref' );
const indentation = this.getIndentation();
const props = this.isObjectPattern ? :;
let c = this.start;
let first = simple;
if ( simple ) {
code.remove(, this.end );
} else {
code.insertRight(, `${name}` );
code.move(, this.end, c );
props.forEach( ( property, i ) => {

@@ -40,17 +50,17 @@ if ( property ) {

if (!simple || i !== 0) {
code.insert( this.parent.end, `\n${indentation}` );
let start = first ? '' : 'var ';
if ( !first ) start = `;\n${i0}${start}`;
code.insert( this.parent.end, 'var ' );
code.move( id.start, id.end, this.parent.end );
code.insert( this.parent.end, ` = ${rhs};` );
code.insertRight( id.start, start );
code.move( id.start, id.end, this.start );
code.insertLeft( id.end, ` = ${rhs}` );
code.remove( c, id.start );
c = property.end;
first = false;
if ( !simple ) {
code.overwrite(,, name );
} else {
code.remove( this.parent.start, this.parent.end );
code.remove( c, );

@@ -57,0 +67,0 @@

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