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@@ -114,2 +114,34 @@ Bun implements the WHATWG `fetch` standard, with some extensions to meet the needs of server-side JavaScript.

### Streaming request bodies
You can also stream data in request bodies using a `ReadableStream`:
const stream = new ReadableStream({
start(controller) {
controller.enqueue(" ");
const response = await fetch("", {
method: "POST",
body: stream,
When using streams with HTTP(S):
- The data is streamed directly to the network without buffering the entire body in memory
- If the connection is lost, the stream will be canceled
- The `Content-Length` header is not automatically set unless the stream has a known size
When using streams with S3:
- For PUT/POST requests, Bun automatically uses multipart upload
- The stream is consumed in chunks and uploaded in parallel
- Progress can be monitored through the S3 options
### Fetching a URL with a timeout

@@ -184,2 +216,112 @@

#### Disable TLS validation
To disable TLS validation, set `rejectUnauthorized` to `false`:
await fetch("", {
tls: {
rejectUnauthorized: false,
This is especially useful to avoid SSL errors when using self-signed certificates, but this disables TLS validation and should be used with caution.
### Request options
In addition to the standard fetch options, Bun provides several extensions:
const response = await fetch("", {
// Control automatic response decompression (default: true)
decompress: true,
// Disable connection reuse for this request
keepalive: false,
// Debug logging level
verbose: true, // or "curl" for more detailed output
### Protocol support
Beyond HTTP(S), Bun's fetch supports several additional protocols:
#### S3 URLs - `s3://`
Bun supports fetching from S3 buckets directly.
// Using environment variables for credentials
const response = await fetch("s3://my-bucket/path/to/object");
// Or passing credentials explicitly
const response = await fetch("s3://my-bucket/path/to/object", {
s3: {
accessKeyId: "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY",
secretAccessKey: "YOUR_SECRET_KEY",
region: "us-east-1",
Note: Only PUT and POST methods support request bodies when using S3. For uploads, Bun automatically uses multipart upload for streaming bodies.
You can read more about Bun's S3 support in the [S3]( documentation.
#### File URLs - `file://`
You can fetch local files using the `file:` protocol:
const response = await fetch("file:///path/to/file.txt");
const text = await response.text();
On Windows, paths are automatically normalized:
// Both work on Windows
const response = await fetch("file:///C:/path/to/file.txt");
const response2 = await fetch("file:///c:/path\\to/file.txt");
#### Data URLs - `data:`
Bun supports the `data:` URL scheme:
const response = await fetch("data:text/plain;base64,SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ==");
const text = await response.text(); // "Hello, World!"
#### Blob URLs - `blob:`
You can fetch blobs using URLs created by `URL.createObjectURL()`:
const blob = new Blob(["Hello, World!"], { type: "text/plain" });
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
const response = await fetch(url);
### Error handling
Bun's fetch implementation includes several specific error cases:
- Using a request body with GET/HEAD methods will throw an error (which is expected for the fetch API)
- Attempting to use both `proxy` and `unix` options together will throw an error
- TLS certificate validation failures when `rejectUnauthorized` is true (or undefined)
- S3 operations may throw specific errors related to authentication or permissions
### Content-Type handling
Bun automatically sets the `Content-Type` header for request bodies when not explicitly provided:
- For `Blob` objects, uses the blob's `type`
- For `FormData`, sets appropriate multipart boundary
- For JSON objects, sets `application/json`
## Debugging

@@ -200,3 +342,3 @@

[fetch] > Connection: keep-alive
[fetch] > User-Agent: Bun/bun-v1.2.1
[fetch] > User-Agent: Bun/1.2.2-canary.20250201T140531
[fetch] > Accept: */*

@@ -312,1 +454,14 @@ [fetch] > Host:

### Implementation details
- Connection pooling is enabled by default but can be disabled per-request with `keepalive: false`. The `"Connection: close"` header can also be used to disable keep-alive.
- Large file uploads are optimized using the operating system's `sendfile` syscall under specific conditions:
- The file must be larger than 32KB
- The request must not be using a proxy
- On macOS, only regular files (not pipes, sockets, or devices) can use `sendfile`
- When these conditions aren't met, or when using S3/streaming uploads, Bun falls back to reading the file into memory
- This optimization is particularly effective for HTTP (not HTTPS) requests where the file can be sent directly from the kernel to the network stack
- S3 operations automatically handle signing requests and merging authentication headers
Note: Many of these features are Bun-specific extensions to the standard fetch API.

@@ -516,2 +516,237 @@ The page primarily documents the Bun-native `Bun.serve` API. Bun also implements [`fetch`]( and the Node.js [`http`]( and [`https`]( modules.

## Server Lifecycle Methods
### server.stop() - Stop the server
To stop the server from accepting new connections:
const server = Bun.serve({
fetch(req) {
return new Response("Hello!");
// Gracefully stop the server (waits for in-flight requests)
await server.stop();
// Force stop and close all active connections
await server.stop(true);
By default, `stop()` allows in-flight requests and WebSocket connections to complete. Pass `true` to immediately terminate all connections.
### server.ref() and server.unref() - Process lifecycle control
Control whether the server keeps the Bun process alive:
// Don't keep process alive if server is the only thing running
// Restore default behavior - keep process alive
### server.reload() - Hot reload handlers
Update the server's handlers without restarting:
const server = Bun.serve({
static: {
"/api/version": Response.json({ version: "v1" }),
fetch(req) {
return new Response("v1");
// Update to new handler
static: {
"/api/version": Response.json({ version: "v2" }),
fetch(req) {
return new Response("v2");
This is useful for development and hot reloading. Only `fetch`, `error`, and `static` handlers can be updated.
## Per-Request Controls
<!-- ### server.abort(Request) - Abort requests
The `server.abort(request: Request)` method:
- Returns `true` if request was aborted, `false` if already aborted/completed
- Triggers the request's `AbortSignal`
- Cancels any attached `ReadableStream`
- Rejects any pending body promises (like `.text()`)
const server = Bun.serve({
fetch(req, server) {
// abort if the url contains "slow"
if (req.url.includes("slow")) {
// When aborted, the server will not error due to the lack of a `Response` object
// If you return a `Response` anyway, it will be ignored.
return new Response("Processing...");
``` -->
### server.timeout(Request, seconds) - Custom request timeouts
Set a custom idle timeout for individual requests:
const server = Bun.serve({
fetch(req, server) {
// Set 60 second timeout for this request
server.timeout(req, 60);
// If they take longer than 60 seconds to send the body, the request will be aborted
await req.text();
return new Response("Done!");
Pass `0` to disable the timeout for a request.
### server.requestIP(Request) - Get client information
Get client IP and port information:
const server = Bun.serve({
fetch(req, server) {
const address = server.requestIP(req);
if (address) {
return new Response(
`Client IP: ${address.address}, Port: ${address.port}`,
return new Response("Unknown client");
Returns `null` for closed requests or Unix domain sockets.
## Server Metrics
### server.pendingRequests and server.pendingWebSockets
Monitor server activity with built-in counters:
const server = Bun.serve({
fetch(req, server) {
return new Response(
`Active requests: ${server.pendingRequests}\n` +
`Active WebSockets: ${server.pendingWebSockets}`,
### server.subscriberCount(topic) - WebSocket subscribers
Get count of subscribers for a WebSocket topic:
const server = Bun.serve({
fetch(req, server) {
const chatUsers = server.subscriberCount("chat");
return new Response(`${chatUsers} users in chat`);
websocket: {
message(ws) {
## WebSocket Configuration
### server.publish(topic, data, compress) - WebSocket Message Publishing
The server can publish messages to all WebSocket clients subscribed to a topic:
const server = Bun.serve({
websocket: {
message(ws) {
// Publish to all "chat" subscribers
server.publish("chat", "Hello everyone!");
fetch(req) {
// ...
The `publish()` method returns:
- Number of bytes sent if successful
- `0` if the message was dropped
- `-1` if backpressure was applied
### WebSocket Handler Options
When configuring WebSockets, several advanced options are available through the `websocket` handler:
websocket: {
// Maximum message size (in bytes)
maxPayloadLength: 64 * 1024,
// Backpressure limit before messages are dropped
backpressureLimit: 1024 * 1024,
// Close connection if backpressure limit is hit
closeOnBackpressureLimit: true,
// Handler called when backpressure is relieved
drain(ws) {
console.log("Backpressure relieved");
// Enable per-message deflate compression
perMessageDeflate: {
compress: true,
decompress: true,
// Send ping frames to keep connection alive
sendPings: true,
// Handlers for ping/pong frames
ping(ws, data) {
console.log("Received ping");
pong(ws, data) {
console.log("Received pong");
// Whether server receives its own published messages
publishToSelf: false,
## Benchmarks

@@ -565,57 +800,110 @@

interface Bun {
serve(options: {
development?: boolean;
error?: (
request: ErrorLike,
) => Response | Promise<Response> | undefined | Promise<undefined>;
fetch(request: Request, server: Server): Response | Promise<Response>;
hostname?: string;
id?: string | null;
maxRequestBodySize?: number;
port?: string | number;
reusePort?: boolean;
tls?: TLSOptions | Array<TLSOptions>;
unix: string;
websocket: WebSocketHandler<WebSocketDataType>;
}): Server;
interface Server extends Disposable {
* Stop the server from accepting new connections.
* @param closeActiveConnections If true, immediately terminates all connections
* @returns Promise that resolves when the server has stopped
stop(closeActiveConnections?: boolean): Promise<void>;
interface TLSOptions {
ca?: string | Buffer | BunFile | Array<string | Buffer | BunFile> | undefined;
| string
| Buffer
| BunFile
| Array<string | Buffer | BunFile>
| undefined;
dhParamsFile?: string;
| string
| Buffer
| BunFile
| Array<string | Buffer | BunFile>
| undefined;
lowMemoryMode?: boolean;
passphrase?: string;
secureOptions?: number | undefined;
serverName?: string;
* Update handlers without restarting the server.
* Only fetch and error handlers can be updated.
reload(options: Serve): void;
* Make a request to the running server.
* Useful for testing or internal routing.
fetch(request: Request | string): Response | Promise<Response>;
* Upgrade an HTTP request to a WebSocket connection.
* @returns true if upgrade successful, false if failed
upgrade<T = undefined>(
request: Request,
options?: {
headers?: Bun.HeadersInit;
data?: T;
): boolean;
* Publish a message to all WebSocket clients subscribed to a topic.
* @returns Bytes sent, 0 if dropped, -1 if backpressure applied
topic: string,
data: string | ArrayBufferView | ArrayBuffer | SharedArrayBuffer,
compress?: boolean,
): ServerWebSocketSendStatus;
* Get count of WebSocket clients subscribed to a topic.
subscriberCount(topic: string): number;
* Get client IP address and port.
* @returns null for closed requests or Unix sockets
requestIP(request: Request): SocketAddress | null;
* Set custom idle timeout for a request.
* @param seconds Timeout in seconds, 0 to disable
timeout(request: Request, seconds: number): void;
* Keep process alive while server is running.
ref(): void;
* Allow process to exit if server is only thing running.
unref(): void;
/** Number of in-flight HTTP requests */
readonly pendingRequests: number;
/** Number of active WebSocket connections */
readonly pendingWebSockets: number;
/** Server URL including protocol, hostname and port */
readonly url: URL;
/** Port server is listening on */
readonly port: number;
/** Hostname server is bound to */
readonly hostname: string;
/** Whether server is in development mode */
readonly development: boolean;
/** Server instance identifier */
readonly id: string;
interface WebSocketHandler<T = undefined> {
/** Maximum WebSocket message size in bytes */
maxPayloadLength?: number;
/** Bytes of queued messages before applying backpressure */
backpressureLimit?: number;
ws: ServerWebSocket<T>,
code: number,
reason: string,
): void | Promise<void>;
/** Whether to close connection when backpressure limit hit */
closeOnBackpressureLimit?: boolean;
/** Called when backpressure is relieved */
drain?(ws: ServerWebSocket<T>): void | Promise<void>;
/** Seconds before idle timeout */
idleTimeout?: number;
maxPayloadLength?: number;
ws: ServerWebSocket<T>,
message: string | Buffer,
): void | Promise<void>;
open?(ws: ServerWebSocket<T>): void | Promise<void>;
/** Enable per-message deflate compression */

@@ -627,35 +915,56 @@ | boolean

/** Send ping frames to keep connection alive */
sendPings?: boolean;
/** Whether server receives its own published messages */
publishToSelf?: boolean;
/** Called when connection opened */
open?(ws: ServerWebSocket<T>): void | Promise<void>;
/** Called when message received */
ws: ServerWebSocket<T>,
message: string | Buffer,
): void | Promise<void>;
/** Called when connection closed */
ws: ServerWebSocket<T>,
code: number,
reason: string,
): void | Promise<void>;
/** Called when ping frame received */
ping?(ws: ServerWebSocket<T>, data: Buffer): void | Promise<void>;
/** Called when pong frame received */
pong?(ws: ServerWebSocket<T>, data: Buffer): void | Promise<void>;
publishToSelf?: boolean;
sendPings?: boolean;
interface Server {
fetch(request: Request | string): Response | Promise<Response>;
compress?: boolean,
data: string | ArrayBufferView | ArrayBuffer | SharedArrayBuffer,
topic: string,
): ServerWebSocketSendStatus;
ref(): void;
reload(options: Serve): void;
requestIP(request: Request): SocketAddress | null;
stop(closeActiveConnections?: boolean): void;
unref(): void;
upgrade<T = undefined>(
options?: {
data?: T;
headers?: Bun.HeadersInit;
request: Request,
): boolean;
interface TLSOptions {
/** Certificate authority chain */
ca?: string | Buffer | BunFile | Array<string | Buffer | BunFile>;
readonly development: boolean;
readonly hostname: string;
readonly id: string;
readonly pendingRequests: number;
readonly pendingWebSockets: number;
readonly port: number;
readonly url: URL;
/** Server certificate */
cert?: string | Buffer | BunFile | Array<string | Buffer | BunFile>;
/** Path to DH parameters file */
dhParamsFile?: string;
/** Private key */
key?: string | Buffer | BunFile | Array<string | Buffer | BunFile>;
/** Reduce TLS memory usage */
lowMemoryMode?: boolean;
/** Private key passphrase */
passphrase?: string;
/** OpenSSL options flags */
secureOptions?: number;
/** Server name for SNI */
serverName?: string;

@@ -662,0 +971,0 @@ ```



@@ -113,3 +113,3 @@ Spawn child processes with `Bun.spawn` or `Bun.spawnSync`.

const text = await new Response(proc.stdout).text();
console.log(text); // => "bun-v1.2.1"
console.log(text); // => "1.2.2-canary.20250201T140531"

@@ -116,0 +116,0 @@

@@ -9,3 +9,3 @@ As of Bun v1.1.44, we've added initial support for bundling frontend apps directly in Bun's HTTP server: `Bun.serve()`. Run your frontend and backend in the same app with no extra steps.

const server = Bun.serve({
// Add HTML imports to `static`

@@ -36,2 +36,4 @@ static: {

console.log(`Listening on ${server.url}`)

@@ -112,3 +114,3 @@

import dashboard from "./public/dashboard.html";
import dashboard from "../public/dashboard.html";
import { serve } from "bun";

@@ -210,8 +212,10 @@

For example, enable TailwindCSS on your routes by adding add the `bun-plugin-tailwind` plugin:
For example, enable TailwindCSS on your routes by installing and adding the `bun-plugin-tailwind` plugin:
$ bun add bun-plugin-tailwind
plugins = ["bun-plugin-tailwind"]

@@ -221,4 +225,3 @@

<!-- index.html -->
<!doctype html>

@@ -238,10 +241,11 @@ <html>

/* style.css */
@import "tailwindcss";
### Custom plugins
Any JS file or module which exports a [valid bundler plugin object]( (essentially an object with a `name` and `setup` field) can be placed inside the `plugins` array:

@@ -248,0 +252,0 @@ plugins = ["./my-plugin-implementation.ts"]

@@ -10,3 +10,3 @@ Use `bun publish` to publish a package to the npm registry.

## Output
bun publish vbun-v1.2.1 (ca7428e9)
bun publish v1.2.2-canary.20250201T140531 (ca7428e9)

@@ -13,0 +13,0 @@ packed 203B package.json

@@ -101,3 +101,3 @@ ---

const db = drizzle(sqlite);
await migrate(db, { migrationsFolder: "./drizzle" });
migrate(db, { migrationsFolder: "./drizzle" });

@@ -104,0 +104,0 @@

@@ -38,3 +38,3 @@ ---

+ with:
+ bun-version: 1.0.11 # or "latest", "canary", <sha>
+ bun-version: 1.2.0 # or "latest", "canary", <sha>

@@ -41,0 +41,0 @@

@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ ---

[fetch] $ curl --http1.1 "" -X POST -H "content-type: application/json" -H "Connection: keep-alive" -H "User-Agent: Bun/bun-v1.2.1" -H "Accept: */*" -H "Host:" -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br" --compressed -H "Content-Length: 13" --data-raw "{\"foo\":\"bar\"}"
[fetch] $ curl --http1.1 "" -X POST -H "content-type: application/json" -H "Connection: keep-alive" -H "User-Agent: Bun/1.2.2-canary.20250201T140531" -H "Accept: */*" -H "Host:" -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br" --compressed -H "Content-Length: 13" --data-raw "{\"foo\":\"bar\"}"
[fetch] > HTTP/1.1 POST
[fetch] > content-type: application/json
[fetch] > Connection: keep-alive
[fetch] > User-Agent: Bun/bun-v1.2.1
[fetch] > User-Agent: Bun/1.2.2-canary.20250201T140531
[fetch] > Accept: */*

@@ -174,3 +174,3 @@ [fetch] > Host:

[fetch] > Connection: keep-alive
[fetch] > User-Agent: Bun/bun-v1.2.1
[fetch] > User-Agent: Bun/1.2.2-canary.20250201T140531
[fetch] > Accept: */*

@@ -177,0 +177,0 @@ [fetch] > Host:

@@ -58,3 +58,3 @@ Bun's test runner plays well with existing component and DOM testing libraries, including React Testing Library and [`happy-dom`](

$ bun test
bun test vbun-v1.2.1
bun test v1.2.2-canary.20250201T140531

@@ -61,0 +61,0 @@ dom.test.ts:

"version": "1.2.1",
"version": "1.2.2-canary.20250201T140531",
"name": "bun-types",

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ "license": "MIT",