status: proof of concept, work in progress
Command line utility for c-3po translation library
will extract translations to .pot file
-output --o result file with translations (.pot) (default: translations.pot)
-lang --l sets default lang (ISO format) (default: en)
check [lang] <pofile> <src...>
will check if all translations are present in .po file
-lang --l sets default lang (ISO format) (default: en)
merge <path...>
will merge two or more po(t) files together using first non-empty msgstr and header from left-most file
translate <path> [args]
will open interactive prompt to translate all msgids with empty msgstr in cli
-output --o result file with translations (.po) (default: translated.po)
stats <path>
will display various pofile statistics(encoding, plurals, translated, fuzzyness)
filter <path> [args]
will filter pofile by entry attributes(fuzzy, obsolete, (un)translated)
-fuzzy --f result file with fuzzy messages (.po) (default: false)
-no-fuzzy --nf result file without fuzzy messages (.po) (default: false)
-translated --t result file with translations (.po) (default: false)
-not-translated --nt result file without translations (.po) (default: false)
-reference --r a regexp to match references against (default: )
c-3po filter -nt small.po
msgid "test"
msgstr ""
init <lang> <filename>
will create an empty .po file with all necessary headers for the locale
-lang sets default locale (ISO format) (default: en)
-filename path to the .po file
update [lang] <pofile> <src..>
will update existing po file. Add/remove new translations
-lang sets default locale (ISO format) (default: en)
-pofile path to .po file with translations
-src path to source files/directories
replace <pofile> <out> <path>
will replace all strings with translations from the .po file
color <pofile>
will output po(t)file with pretty colors on, combine with | less -r
spell <pofile> [locale]
will spellcheck po file messages with given locale, locale can be autodetected from pofile
validate <pofile>
will validate js template strings (${x}
) in messages and translations and against each other
Please support c-3po-cli development by sending issues/PRs.