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Package Overview
File Explorer

Advanced tools

Install Socket

Detect and block malicious and high-risk dependencies


Comparing version 5.0.3 to 6.0.0


'use strict'
var index = require('./lib/entry-index')
var finished = require('mississippi').finished
var pipe = require('mississippi').pipe
var read = require('./lib/content/read')
var through = require('mississippi').through
const Promise = require('bluebird')
module.exports = function get (cache, key, opts, cb) {
return getData(false, cache, key, opts, cb)
const index = require('./lib/entry-index')
const memo = require('./lib/memoization')
const pipe = require('mississippi').pipe
const pipeline = require('mississippi').pipeline
const read = require('./lib/content/read')
const through = require('mississippi').through
module.exports = function get (cache, key, opts) {
return getData(false, cache, key, opts)
module.exports.byDigest = function getByDigest (cache, digest, opts, cb) {
return getData(true, cache, digest, opts, cb)
module.exports.byDigest = function getByDigest (cache, digest, opts) {
return getData(true, cache, digest, opts)
function getData (byDigest, cache, key, opts, cb) {
if (!cb) {
cb = opts
opts = null
function getData (byDigest, cache, key, opts) {
opts = opts || {}
opts.hashAlgorithm = opts.hashAlgorithm || 'sha512'
const memoized = (
? memo.get.byDigest(cache, key, opts.hashAlgorithm)
: memo.get(cache, key)
if (memoized && opts.memoize !== false) {
return Promise.resolve(byDigest ? memoized : {
metadata: memoized.entry.metadata,
digest: memoized.entry.digest,
hashAlgorithm: memoized.entry.hashAlgorithm
opts = opts || {}
var src = (byDigest ? getStream.byDigest : getStream)(cache, key, opts)
var data = ''
var meta
src.on('data', function (d) { data += d })
src.on('metadata', function (m) { meta = m })
finished(src, function (err) {
cb(err, data, meta)
return (
byDigest ? Promise.resolve(null) : index.find(cache, key, opts)
).then(entry => {
if (!entry && !byDigest) {
throw index.notFoundError(cache, key)
return read(cache, byDigest ? key : entry.digest, {
hashAlgorithm: byDigest ? opts.hashAlgorithm : entry.hashAlgorithm,
size: opts.size
}).then(data => byDigest ? data : {
metadata: entry.metadata,
data: data,
digest: entry.digest,
hashAlgorithm: entry.hashAlgorithm
}).then(res => {
if (opts.memoize && byDigest) {
memo.put.byDigest(cache, key, opts.hashAlgorithm, res)
} else if (opts.memoize) {
memo.put(cache, entry,
return res

@@ -32,8 +60,17 @@ } = getStream = read.readStream
function getStream (cache, key, opts) {
var stream = through()
index.find(cache, key, function (err, data) {
if (err) { return stream.emit('error', err) }
if (!data) {
opts = opts || {}
let stream = through()
const memoized = memo.get(cache, key)
if (memoized && opts.memoize !== false) {
stream.on('newListener', function (ev, cb) {
ev === 'metadata' && cb(memoized.entry.metadata)
ev === 'digest' && cb(memoized.entry.digest)
ev === 'hashAlgorithm' && cb(memoized.entry.hashAlgorithm)
stream.write(, () => stream.end())
return stream
index.find(cache, key).then(entry => {
if (!entry) {
return stream.emit(

@@ -43,17 +80,80 @@ 'error', index.notFoundError(cache, key)

stream.emit('metadata', data)
let memoStream
if (opts.memoize) {
let memoData = []
let memoLength = 0
memoStream = through((c, en, cb) => {
memoData && memoData.push(c)
memoLength += c.length
cb(null, c, en)
}, cb => {
memoData && memo.put(cache, entry, Buffer.concat(memoData, memoLength))
} else {
memoStream = through()
// TODO - don't overwrite someone else's `opts`.
opts.hashAlgorithm = entry.hashAlgorithm
stream.emit('metadata', entry.metadata)
stream.emit('hashAlgorithm', entry.hashAlgorithm)
stream.emit('digest', entry.digest)
stream.on('newListener', function (ev, cb) {
ev === 'metadata' && cb(data)
ev === 'metadata' && cb(entry.metadata)
ev === 'digest' && cb(entry.digest)
ev === 'hashAlgorithm' && cb(entry.hashAlgorithm)
read.readStream(cache, data.digest, opts),
read.readStream(cache, entry.digest, opts),
}, err => stream.emit('error', err))
return stream
} = getStreamDigest
function getStreamDigest (cache, digest, opts) {
opts = opts || {}
opts.hashAlgorithm = opts.hashAlgorithm || 'sha512'
const memoized = memo.get.byDigest(cache, digest, opts.hashAlgorithm)
if (memoized && opts.memoize !== false) {
const stream = through()
stream.write(memoized, () => stream.end())
return stream
} else {
let stream = read.readStream(cache, digest, opts)
if (opts.memoize) {
let memoData = []
let memoLength = 0
const memoStream = through((c, en, cb) => {
memoData && memoData.push(c)
memoLength += c.length
cb(null, c, en)
}, cb => {
memoData && memo.put.byDigest(
Buffer.concat(memoData, memoLength)
stream = pipeline(stream, memoStream)
return stream
} = info
function info (cache, key, cb) {
index.find(cache, key, cb)
function info (cache, key, opts) {
opts = opts || {}
const memoized = memo.get(cache, key)
if (memoized && opts.memoize !== false) {
return Promise.resolve(memoized.entry)
} else {
return index.find(cache, key)
module.exports.hasContent = read.hasContent



@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ 'use strict'

rm: require('./rm'),
verify: require('./verify')
verify: require('./verify'),
clearMemoized: require('./lib/memoization').clearMemoized
'use strict'
var contentVer = require('../../package.json')['cache-version'].content
var path = require('path')
// Current format of content file path:
// ~/.my-cache/content-v1/sha512/ba/bada55deadbeefc0ffee
module.exports = contentPath
function contentPath (cache, address) {
return path.join(cache, 'content', address)
function contentPath (cache, address, hashAlgorithm) {
address = address && address.toLowerCase()
hashAlgorithm = hashAlgorithm ? hashAlgorithm.toLowerCase() : 'sha512'
return path.join(
address.slice(0, 2),
'use strict'
var checksumStream = require('checksum-stream')
var contentPath = require('./path')
var dezalgo = require('dezalgo')
var fs = require('graceful-fs')
var pipe = require('mississippi').pipe
const Promise = require('bluebird')
module.exports.readStream = readStream
function readStream (cache, address, opts) {
const checksumStream = require('checksum-stream')
const contentPath = require('./path')
const crypto = require('crypto')
const fs = require('graceful-fs')
const pipeline = require('mississippi').pipeline
module.exports = read
function read (cache, address, opts) {
opts = opts || {}
var stream = checksumStream({
digest: address,
algorithm: opts.hashAlgorithm || 'sha1'
var cpath = contentPath(cache, address)
hasContent(cache, address, function (err, exists) {
if (err) { return stream.emit('error', err) }
if (!exists) {
err = new Error('content not found')
err.code = 'ENOENT'
err.cache = cache
err.digest = address
return stream.emit('error', err)
const algo = opts.hashAlgorithm || 'sha512'
const cpath = contentPath(cache, address, algo)
return fs.readFileAsync(cpath, null).then(data => {
const digest = crypto.createHash(algo).update(data).digest('hex')
if (typeof opts.size === 'number' && opts.size !== data.length) {
throw sizeError(opts.size, data.length)
} else if (digest !== address) {
throw checksumError(address, digest)
} else {
pipe(fs.createReadStream(cpath), stream)
return data
return stream
} = readStream
module.exports.readStream = readStream
function readStream (cache, address, opts) {
opts = opts || {}
const cpath = contentPath(cache, address, opts.hashAlgorithm || 'sha512')
return pipeline(
fs.createReadStream(cpath), checksumStream({
digest: address,
algorithm: opts.hashAlgorithm || 'sha512',
size: opts.size
module.exports.hasContent = hasContent
function hasContent (cache, address, cb) {
cb = dezalgo(cb)
if (!address) { return cb(null, false) }
fs.lstat(contentPath(cache, address), function (err) {
function hasContent (cache, address, algorithm) {
if (!address) { return Promise.resolve(false) }
return fs.lstatAsync(
contentPath(cache, address, algorithm || 'sha512')
).then(() => true).catch(err => {
if (err && err.code === 'ENOENT') {
return cb(null, false)
return Promise.resolve(false)
} else if (err && process.platform === 'win32' && err.code === 'EPERM') {
return cb(null, false)
} else if (err) {
return cb(err)
return Promise.resolve(false)
} else {
return cb(null, true)
throw err
function sizeError (expected, found) {
var err = new Error('stream data size mismatch')
err.expected = expected
err.found = found
err.code = 'EBADSIZE'
return err
function checksumError (expected, found) {
var err = new Error('checksum failed')
err.code = 'EBADCHECKSUM'
err.expected = expected
err.found = found
return err
'use strict'
var Promise = require('bluebird')
var contentPath = require('./path')
var rimraf = require('rimraf')
var rimraf = Promise.promisify(require('rimraf'))
module.exports = rm
function rm (cache, address, cb) {
rimraf(contentPath(cache, address), cb)
function rm (cache, address, algorithm) {
address = address.toLowerCase()
algorithm = algorithm && algorithm.toLowerCase()
return rimraf(contentPath(cache, address, algorithm || 'sha512'))
'use strict'
var asyncMap = require('slide/lib/async-map')
var contentPath = require('./content/path')
var fixOwner = require('./util/fix-owner')
var fs = require('graceful-fs')
var lockfile = require('lockfile')
var path = require('path')
var pipe = require('mississippi').pipe
var split = require('split')
var through = require('mississippi').through
const asyncMap = require('slide/lib/async-map')
const contentPath = require('./content/path')
const crypto = require('crypto')
const fixOwner = require('./util/fix-owner')
const fs = require('graceful-fs')
const path = require('path')
const Promise = require('bluebird')
const through = require('mississippi').through
const indexV = require('../package.json')['cache-version'].index
const appendFileAsync = Promise.promisify(fs.appendFile)
const readFileAsync = Promise.promisify(fs.readFile)
module.exports.insert = insert
function insert (cache, key, digest, opts, _cb) {
if (!_cb) {
_cb = opts
opts = null
function insert (cache, key, digest, opts) {
opts = opts || {}
var bucket = indexPath(cache, key)
var lock = bucket + '.lock'
var cb = function (err, entry) {
lockfile.unlock(lock, function (er) {
_cb(er || err, entry)
fixOwner.mkdirfix(path.dirname(bucket), opts.uid, opts.gid, function (err) {
if (err) { return _cb(err) }
lockfile.lock(lock, {
stale: 60000,
retries: 10,
wait: 10000
}, function (err) {
if (err) { return _cb(err) }
fs.stat(bucket, function (err, existing) {
if (err && err.code !== 'ENOENT' && err.code !== 'EPERM') { cb(err) }
var entry = {
key: key,
digest: digest,
time: +(new Date()),
metadata: opts.metadata
// Because of the way these entries work,
// the index is safe from fs.appendFile stopping
// mid-write so long as newlines are *prepended*
// That is, if a write fails, it will be ignored
// by `find`, and the next successful one will be
// used.
// This should be -very rare-, since `fs.appendFile`
// will often be atomic on most platforms unless
// very large metadata has been included, but caches
// like this one tend to last a long time. :)
// Most corrupted reads are likely to be from attempting
// to read the index while it's being written to --
// which is safe, but not guaranteed to be atomic.
var e = (existing ? '\n' : '') + JSON.stringify(entry)
fs.appendFile(bucket, e, function (err) {
if (err) { return cb(err) }
fixOwner.chownr(bucket, opts.uid, opts.gid, function (err) {
cb(err, entry)
const bucket = bucketPath(cache, key)
return fixOwner.mkdirfix(
path.dirname(bucket), opts.uid, opts.gid
).then(() => {
const entry = {
key: key,
digest: digest,
hashAlgorithm: opts.hashAlgorithm,
time: +(new Date()),
metadata: opts.metadata
const stringified = JSON.stringify(entry)
// NOTE - Cleverness ahoy!
// This works because it's tremendously unlikely for an entry to corrupt
// another while still preserving the string length of the JSON in
// question. So, we just slap the length in there and verify it on read.
// Thanks to @isaacs for the whiteboarding session that ended up with this.
return appendFileAsync(
bucket, `\n${stringified.length}\t${stringified}`
).then(() => entry)
}).then(entry => (
fixOwner.chownr(bucket, opts.uid, opts.gid).then(() => (
formatEntry(cache, entry)
module.exports.find = find
function find (cache, key, cb) {
var bucket = indexPath(cache, key)
var stream = fs.createReadStream(bucket)
var ret
pipe(stream, split('\n', null, {trailing: true}).on('data', function (l) {
try {
var obj = JSON.parse(l)
} catch (e) {
if (obj && (obj.key === key)) {
ret = formatEntry(cache, obj)
}), function (err) {
if (err && err.code === 'ENOENT') {
cb(null, null)
function find (cache, key) {
const bucket = bucketPath(cache, key)
return bucketEntries(cache, bucket).then(entries => {
return entries.reduce((latest, next) => {
if (next && next.key === key) {
return formatEntry(cache, next)
} else {
return latest
}, null)
}).catch(err => {
if (err.code === 'ENOENT') {
return null
} else {
cb(err, ret)
throw err

@@ -94,4 +70,4 @@ })

module.exports.delete = del
function del (cache, key, cb) {
insert(cache, key, null, cb)
function del (cache, key) {
return insert(cache, key, null)

@@ -101,5 +77,5 @@

function lsStream (cache) {
var indexPath = path.join(cache, 'index')
var stream = through.obj()
fs.readdir(indexPath, function (err, files) {
const indexDir = bucketDir(cache)
const stream = through.obj()
fs.readdir(indexDir, function (err, buckets) {
if (err && err.code === 'ENOENT') {

@@ -110,22 +86,29 @@ return stream.end()

} else {
asyncMap(files, function (f, cb) {
fs.readFile(path.join(indexPath, f), 'utf8', function (err, data) {
if (err) { return cb(err) }
var entries = {}
data.split('\n').forEach(function (entry) {
try {
var parsed = JSON.parse(entry)
} catch (e) {
// NOTE - it's possible for an entry to be
// incomplete/corrupt. So we just skip it.
// See comment on `insert()` for deets.
if (parsed) {
entries[parsed.key] = formatEntry(cache, parsed)
Object.keys(entries).forEach(function (k) {
asyncMap(buckets, (bucket, cb) => {
fs.readdir(path.join(indexDir, bucket), (err, files) => {
if (err && err.code === 'ENOENT') {
return cb()
} else if (err) {
return cb(err)
} else {
asyncMap(files, function (f, cb) {
const bpath = path.join(indexDir, bucket, f)
bucketEntries(cache, bpath).then(_entries => {
const entries = _entries.reduce((acc, entry) => {
acc[entry.key] = entry
return acc
}, {})
Object.keys(entries).forEach(function (k) {
stream.write(formatEntry(cache, entries[k]))
}, err => {
if (err.code === 'ENOENT') {
} else {
}, cb)

@@ -142,9 +125,11 @@ }, function (err) { = ls
function ls (cache, cb) {
var entries = {}
lsStream(cache).on('finish', function () {
cb(null, entries)
}).on('data', function (d) {
entries[d.key] = d
}).on('error', cb)
function ls (cache) {
const entries = {}
return Promise.fromNode(cb => {
lsStream(cache).on('finish', function () {
cb(null, entries)
}).on('data', function (d) {
entries[d.key] = d
}).on('error', cb)

@@ -154,3 +139,3 @@

function notFoundError (cache, key) {
var err = new Error('content not found')
const err = new Error('content not found')
err.code = 'ENOENT'

@@ -162,10 +147,44 @@ err.cache = cache

function indexPath (cache, key) {
return path.join(cache, 'index', hashKey(key))
function bucketEntries (cache, bucket, filter) {
return readFileAsync(
bucket, 'utf8'
).then(data => {
let entries = []
data.split('\n').forEach(entry => {
const pieces = entry.split('\t')
if (!pieces[1] || pieces[1].length !== parseInt(pieces[0], 10)) {
// Length is no good! Corruption ahoy!
let obj
try {
obj = JSON.parse(pieces[1])
} catch (e) {
// Entry is corrupted!
if (obj) {
return entries
function bucketDir (cache) {
return path.join(cache, `index-v${indexV}`)
module.exports._bucketPath = bucketPath
function bucketPath (cache, key) {
const hashed = hashKey(key)
return path.join(bucketDir(cache), hashed.slice(0, 2), hashed.slice(2))
module.exports._hashKey = hashKey
function hashKey (key) {
// relatively readable key. Conflicts handled by buckets.
return key.replace(/[^a-z0-9_-]+/ig, '_').toLowerCase().slice(0, 120)
return crypto

@@ -177,3 +196,4 @@

digest: entry.digest,
path: contentPath(cache, entry.digest),
hashAlgorithm: entry.hashAlgorithm,
path: contentPath(cache, entry.digest, entry.hashAlgorithm),
time: entry.time,

@@ -180,0 +200,0 @@ metadata: entry.metadata

'use strict'
var chownr = require('chownr')
var dezalgo = require('dezalgo')
var inflight = require('inflight')
var mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
const Promise = require('bluebird')
const chownr = Promise.promisify(require('chownr'))
const mkdirp = Promise.promisify(require('mkdirp'))
const inflight = require('promise-inflight')
module.exports.chownr = fixOwner
function fixOwner (filepath, uid, gid, cb) {
cb = dezalgo(cb)
function fixOwner (filepath, uid, gid) {
if (!process.getuid) {
// This platform doesn't need ownership fixing
return cb()
return Promise.resolve()
if (typeof uid !== 'number' && typeof gid !== 'number') {
// There's no permissions override. Nothing to do here.
return cb()
return Promise.resolve()

@@ -22,16 +22,11 @@ if ((typeof uid === 'number' && process.getuid() === uid) &&

// No need to override if it's already what we used.
return cb()
return Promise.resolve()
cb = inflight('fixOwner: fixing ownership on ' + filepath, cb)
if (!cb) {
// We're inflight! whoosh!
// *now* we override perms
typeof uid === 'number' ? uid : process.getuid(),
typeof gid === 'number' ? gid : process.getgid(),
return inflight(
'fixOwner: fixing ownership on ' + filepath,
() => chownr(
typeof uid === 'number' ? uid : process.getuid(),
typeof gid === 'number' ? gid : process.getgid()

@@ -42,6 +37,7 @@ }

function mkdirfix (p, uid, gid, cb) {
mkdirp(p, function (err, made) {
if (err || !made) { return cb(err, made) }
fixOwner(made, uid, gid, cb)
return mkdirp(p).then(made => {
if (made) {
return fixOwner(made, uid, gid).then(() => made)
'use strict'
var fs = require('graceful-fs')
const fs = require('graceful-fs')
const Promise = require('bluebird')
let move
let pinflight
module.exports = moveFile
function moveFile (src, dest, cb) {
function moveFile (src, dest) {
// This isn't quite an fs.rename -- the assumption is that

@@ -16,14 +19,33 @@ // if `dest` already exists, and we get certain errors while

// Note that, as the name suggests, this strictly only supports file moves., dest, function (err) {
if (err) {
if (err.code === 'EEXIST' || err.code === 'EBUSY') {
// file already exists, so whatever
} else if (err.code === 'EPERM' && process.platform === 'win32') {
// file handle stayed open even past graceful-fs limits
} else {
return cb(err)
return Promise.fromNode(cb => {, dest, err => {
if (err) {
if (err.code === 'EEXIST' || err.code === 'EBUSY') {
// file already exists, so whatever
} else if (err.code === 'EPERM' && process.platform === 'win32') {
// file handle stayed open even past graceful-fs limits
} else {
return cb(err)
return fs.unlink(src, cb)
}).catch(err => {
if (process.platform !== 'win32') {
throw err
} else {
if (!pinflight) { pinflight = require('promise-inflight') }
return pinflight('cacache-move-file:' + dest, () => {
return Promise.promisify(fs.stat)(dest).catch(err => {
if (err !== 'ENOENT') {
// Something else is wrong here. Bail bail bail
throw err
// file doesn't already exist! let's try a rename -> copy fallback
if (!move) { move = require('@npmcorp/move') }
return move(src, dest, { Promise, fs })
fs.unlink(src, cb)
'use strict'
var asyncMap = require('slide').asyncMap
const Promise = require('bluebird')
var checksumStream = require('checksum-stream')

@@ -8,28 +9,24 @@ var fixOwner = require('./util/fix-owner')

var index = require('./entry-index')
var lockfile = require('lockfile')
var lockfile = Promise.promisifyAll(require('lockfile'))
var path = require('path')
var pipe = require('mississippi').pipe
var rimraf = require('rimraf')
var pipe = Promise.promisify(require('mississippi').pipe)
var rimraf = Promise.promisify(require('rimraf'))
module.exports = verify
function verify (cache, opts, _cb) {
if (!_cb) {
_cb = opts
opts = null
function verify (cache, opts) {
opts = opts || {}
var lock = path.join(cache, 'verify.lock')
var cb = function (err, stats) {
lockfile.unlock(lock, function (er) {
_cb(er || err, stats)
opts.log && opts.log.verbose('verify', 'verifying content cache at', cache)
const startTime = +(new Date())
return fixOwner.mkdirfix(
cache, opts.uid, opts.gid
).then(() => {
const lockPath = path.join(cache, 'verify.lock')
const lock = lockfile.lockAsync(lockPath).disposer(() => {
return lockfile.unlock(lockPath)
fixOwner.mkdirfix(cache, opts.uid, opts.gid, function (err) {
if (err) { return _cb(err) }
lockfile.lock(lock, function (err) {
if (err) { return _cb(err) }
garbageCollect(cache, opts, function (err, gcStats) {
if (err) { return cb(err) }
tidyIndex(cache, opts, function (err, tidyStats) {
if (err) { return cb(err) }
return Promise.using(lock, () => {
return garbageCollect(cache, opts).then(gcStats => {
return tidyIndex(cache, opts).then(tidyStats => {
var stats = tidyStats

@@ -39,24 +36,29 @@ Object.keys(gcStats).forEach(function (key) {

var verifile = path.join(cache, '_lastverified')
fs.writeFile(verifile, '' + (+(new Date())), function (err) {
if (err) { return cb(err) }
fixOwner.chownr(cache, opts.uid, opts.gid, function (err) {
if (err) { return cb(err) }
rimraf(path.join(cache, 'tmp'), function (err) {
if (err) { return cb(err) }
cb(null, stats)
return stats
}).then(stats => {
var verifile = path.join(cache, '_lastverified')
opts.log && opts.log.verbose('verify', 'writing verifile to ' + verifile)
return fs.writeFileAsync(
verifile, '' + (+(new Date()))
).then(() => {
opts.log && opts.log.verbose('verify', 'fixing cache ownership')
return fixOwner.chownr(cache, opts.uid, opts.gid)
}).then(() => {
opts.log && opts.log.verbose('verify', 'clearing out tmp')
return rimraf(path.join(cache, 'tmp'))
}).then(() => stats)
}).then(stats => {
stats.runTime = (+(new Date()) - startTime) / 1000
opts.log && opts.log.verbose('verify', 'final stats:', stats)
return stats
function tidyIndex (cache, opts, cb) {, function (err, entries) {
if (err) { return cb(err) }
rimraf(path.join(cache, 'index'), function (err) {
if (err) { return cb(err) }
function tidyIndex (cache, opts) {
opts.log && opts.log.verbose('verify', 'tidying index')
return => {
return rimraf(path.join(cache, 'index')).then(() => {
var stats = {

@@ -67,26 +69,23 @@ entriesRemoved: 0,

asyncMap(Object.keys(entries), function (key, cb) {
return Promise.reduce(Object.keys(entries), (stats, key) => {
var entry = entries[key]
if (!entry.digest) {
return cb()
return stats
var content = path.join(cache, 'content', entries[key].digest)
fs.stat(content, function (err) {
if (err && err.code === 'ENOENT') {
return fs.statAsync(content).catch(err => {
if (err.code === 'ENOENT') {
return cb()
} else {
index.insert(cache, key, entry.digest, {
uid: opts.uid,
gid: opts.gid,
metadata: entry.metadata
}, cb)
return stats
}).then(() => {
return index.insert(cache, key, entry.digest, {
uid: opts.uid,
gid: opts.gid,
metadata: entry.metadata
}).then(() => stats)
}, function (err) {
if (err) { return cb(err) }
cb(null, stats)
}, stats)

@@ -96,4 +95,5 @@ })

function garbageCollect (cache, opts, cb) {, function (err, entries) {
function garbageCollect (cache, opts) {
opts.log && opts.log.verbose('verify', 'garbage collecting content')
return => {
var byDigest = {}

@@ -103,42 +103,38 @@ Object.keys(entries).forEach(function (k) {

if (err) { return cb(err) }
var stats = {
verifiedContent: 0,
collectedCount: 0,
reclaimedSize: 0
var contentDir = path.join(cache, 'content')
fs.readdir(contentDir, function (err, files) {
if (err && err.code === 'ENOENT') {
return cb(null, stats)
} else if (err) {
return cb(err)
return fs.readdirAsync(contentDir).catch(err => {
if (err.code === 'ENOENT') {
} else {
asyncMap(files, function (f, cb) {
var fullPath = path.join(contentDir, f)
if (byDigest[f]) {
var algo = opts.hashAlgorithm || 'sha1'
verifyContent(fullPath, algo, function (err, collected) {
if (err) { return cb(err) }
if (collected != null) {
stats.reclaimedSize += collected
} else {
} else {
fs.stat(fullPath, function (err, s) {
if (err) { return cb(err) }
stats.reclaimedSize += s.size
rimraf(path.join(contentDir, f), cb)
}, function (err) {
if (err) { return cb(err) }
cb(null, stats)
throw err
}).then(files => {
var stats = {
verifiedContent: 0,
collectedCount: 0,
reclaimedSize: 0,
keptSize: 0
return Promise.reduce(files, (stats, f) => {
var fullPath = path.join(contentDir, f)
if (byDigest[f]) {
var algo = opts.hashAlgorithm || 'sha512'
return verifyContent(fullPath, algo).then(info => {
if (!info.valid) {
stats.reclaimedSize += info.size
} else {
stats.keptSize += info.size
return stats
} else {
return fs.statAsync(fullPath).then(s => {
stats.reclaimedSize += s.size
return rimraf(path.join(contentDir, f)).then(() => stats)
}, stats)

@@ -148,5 +144,4 @@ })

function verifyContent (filepath, algo, cb) {
fs.stat(filepath, function (err, stat) {
if (err) { return cb(err) }
function verifyContent (filepath, algo) {
return fs.statAsync(filepath).then(stat => {
var reader = fs.createReadStream(filepath)

@@ -157,15 +152,16 @@ var checksummer = checksumStream({

checksummer.on('data', function () {})
pipe(reader, checksummer, function (err) {
var contentInfo = {
size: stat.size,
valid: true
checksummer.on('data', () => {})
return pipe(reader, checksummer).catch(err => {
if (err && err.code === 'EBADCHECKSUM') {
rimraf(filepath, function (err) {
if (err) { return cb(err) }
cb(null, stat.size)
return rimraf(filepath).then(() => {
contentInfo.valid = false
} else if (err) {
return cb(err)
} else {
cb(null, null)
throw err
}).then(() => contentInfo)

@@ -175,7 +171,6 @@ }

module.exports.lastRun = lastRun
function lastRun (cache, cb) {
fs.readFile(path.join(cache, '_lastverified'), 'utf8', function (err, data) {
if (err) { return cb(err) }
cb(null, new Date(+data))
function lastRun (cache) {
return fs.readFileAsync(
path.join(cache, '_lastverified'), 'utf8'
).then(data => new Date(+data))
"name": "cacache",
"version": "5.0.3",
"version": "6.0.0",
"cache-version": {
"content": "1",
"index": "1"
"description": "General content-addressable cache system that maintains a filesystem registry of file data.",

@@ -11,6 +15,9 @@ "main": "index.js",

"scripts": {
"preversion": "npm t",
"postversion": "npm publish && git push --follow-tags",
"benchmarks": "node test/benchmarks",
"prerelease": "npm t",
"postrelease": "npm publish && git push --follow-tags",
"pretest": "standard lib test *.js",
"test": "nyc -- tap -j8 test/*.js",
"release": "standard-version -s",
"test": "nyc -- tap -J test/*.js",
"test-docker": "docker run -it --rm --name pacotest -v \"$PWD\":/tmp -w /tmp node:latest npm test",
"update-coc": "weallbehave -o . && git add && git commit -m 'docs(coc): updated'",

@@ -43,2 +50,4 @@ "update-contrib": "weallcontribute -o . && git add && git commit -m 'docs(contributing): updated'"

"dependencies": {
"@npmcorp/move": "^1.0.0",
"bluebird": "^3.4.7",
"checksum-stream": "^1.0.2",

@@ -48,3 +57,2 @@ "chownr": "^1.0.1",

"graceful-fs": "^4.1.10",
"inflight": "^1.0.6",
"lockfile": "^1.0.2",

@@ -54,16 +62,19 @@ "mississippi": "^1.2.0",

"once": "^1.4.0",
"rimraf": "^2.5.4",
"promise-inflight": "^1.0.1",
"rimraf": "^2.6.1",
"slide": "^1.1.6",
"split": "^1.0.0",
"unique-filename": "^1.1.0"
"devDependencies": {
"benchmark": "^2.1.3",
"chalk": "^1.1.3",
"glob": "^7.1.1",
"nyc": "^10.0.0",
"require-inject": "^1.4.0",
"standard": "^8.6.0",
"standard": "^9.0.0",
"standard-version": "^4.0.0",
"tacks": "^1.2.2",
"tap": "^10.0.2",
"tap": "^10.3.0",
"weallbehave": "^1.0.0",
"weallcontribute": "^1.0.7"
"weallcontribute": "^1.0.8"

@@ -70,0 +81,0 @@ "config": {

'use strict'
var index = require('./lib/entry-index')
var pipe = require('mississippi').pipe
var putContent = require('./lib/content/put-stream')
var through = require('mississippi').through
var to = require('mississippi').to
const index = require('./lib/entry-index')
const memo = require('./lib/memoization')
const write = require('./lib/content/write')
const to = require('mississippi').to
module.exports = putData
function putData (cache, key, data, opts, cb) {
if (!cb) {
cb = opts
opts = null
function putData (cache, key, data, opts) {
opts = opts || {}
var src = through()
var meta
var dest = putStream(cache, key, opts)
dest.on('metadata', function (m) { meta = m })
pipe(src, dest, function (err) {
cb(err, meta)
return write(cache, data, opts).then(digest => {
return index.insert(cache, key, digest, opts).then(entry => {
if (opts.memoize) {
memo.put(cache, entry, data)
return digest
src.write(data, function () {

@@ -31,15 +24,24 @@

opts = opts || {}
var digest
var contentStream = putContent(cache, opts).on('digest', function (d) {
let digest
const contentStream =, opts).on('digest', d => {
digest = d
var errored = false
var stream = to(function (chunk, enc, cb) {
contentStream.write(chunk, enc, cb)
}, function (cb) {
contentStream.end(function () {
index.insert(cache, key, digest, opts, function (err, entry) {
if (err) { return cb(err) }
let memoData
let memoTotal = 0
const stream = to((chunk, enc, cb) => {
contentStream.write(chunk, enc, () => {
if (opts.memoize) {
if (!memoData) { memoData = [] }
memoTotal += chunk.length
}, cb => {
contentStream.end(() => {
index.insert(cache, key, digest, opts).then(entry => {
if (opts.memoize) {
memo.put(cache, entry, Buffer.concat(memoData, memoTotal))
stream.emit('digest', digest)
stream.emit('metadata', entry)

@@ -49,10 +51,11 @@ })

stream.on('error', function (err) {
if (errored) { return }
errored = true
let erred = false
stream.once('error', err => {
if (erred) { return }
erred = true
contentStream.emit('error', err)
contentStream.on('error', function (err) {
if (errored) { return }
errored = true
contentStream.once('error', err => {
if (erred) { return }
erred = true
stream.emit('error', err)

@@ -59,0 +62,0 @@ })

@@ -19,9 +19,12 @@ # cacache [![npm version](]( [![license](]( [![Travis](]( [![AppVeyor](]( [![Coverage Status](](

* [`ls`](#ls)
* [`get`](#get-data)
* [``](#get-stream)
* [``](#get-info)
* [`put`](#put-data)
* [``](#put-stream)
* [`put options`](#put-options)
* [`put*` opts](#put-options)
* [`rm.all`](#rm-all)
* [`rm.entry`](#rm-entry)
* [`rm.content`](#rm-content)
* [`clearMemoized`](#clear-memoized)
* [`verify`](#verify)

@@ -48,3 +51,3 @@ * [`verify.lastRun`](#verify-last-run)

).on('digest', (d) => tarballDigest = d)
).on('end', function () {
).on('finish', function () {
console.log(`Saved ${tarball} to ${cachePath}.`)

@@ -60,3 +63,3 @@ })

).on('end', () => {
).on('finish', () => {
console.log('done extracting!')

@@ -70,3 +73,3 @@ })

).on('end', () => {
).on('finish', () => {
console.log('done extracting using sha1!')

@@ -91,3 +94,3 @@ })

#### <a name="ls"></a> `>, cb)`
#### <a name="ls"></a> `> -> Promise`

@@ -101,6 +104,3 @@ Lists info for all entries currently in the cache as a single large object. Each

```javascript, (err, allEntries) => {
if (err) { throw err }
// Output

@@ -128,11 +128,58 @@ {

#### <a name="get-stream"></a> `>, key, [opts])`
#### <a name="get-data"></a> `> cacache.get(cache, key, [opts]) -> Promise({data, metadata, digest})`
Returns a stream of the cached data identified by `key`.
Returns an object with the cached data, digest, and metadata identified by
`key`. The `data` property of this object will be a `Buffer` instance that
presumably holds some data that means something to you. I'm sure you know what
to do with it! cacache just won't care.
If there is no content identified by `key`, or if the locally-stored data does
not pass the validity checksum, the promise will be rejected.
A sub-function, `get.byDigest` may be used for identical behavior, except lookup
will happen by content digest, bypassing the index entirely. This version of the
function *only* returns `data` itself, without any wrapper.
##### Note
This function loads the entire cache entry into memory before returning it. If
you're dealing with Very Large data, consider using [``](#get-stream)
##### Example
// Look up by key
cache.get(cachePath, 'my-thing').then(console.log)
// Output:
metadata: {
thingName: 'my'
digest: 'deadbeef',
hashAlgorithm: 'sha512'
data: Buffer#<deadbeef>
// Look up by digest
cache.get.byDigest(cachePath, 'deadbeef', {
hashAlgorithm: 'sha512'
// Output:
#### <a name="get-stream"></a> `>, key, [opts]) -> Readable`
Returns a [Readable Stream]( of the cached data identified by `key`.
If there is no content identified by `key`, or if the locally-stored data does
not pass the validity checksum, an error will be emitted.
`metadata` and `digest` events will be emitted before the stream closes, if
you need to collect that extra data about the cached entry.
A sub-function, `` may be used for identical behavior,
except lookup will happen by content digest, bypassing the index entirely.
except lookup will happen by content digest, bypassing the index entirely. This
version does not emit the `metadata` and `digest` events at all.

@@ -142,10 +189,22 @@ ##### Example

// Look up by key
cachePath, 'my-thing'
).on('metadata', metadata => {
console.log('metadata:', metadata)
}).on('hashAlgorithm', algo => {
console.log('hashAlgorithm:', algo)
}).on('digest', digest => {
console.log('digest:', digest)
// Outputs:
metadata: { ... }
hashAlgorithm: 'sha512'
digest: deadbeef
// Look up by digest
cachePath, 'deadbeef'
cachePath, 'deadbeef', { hashAlgorithm: 'sha512' }

@@ -156,3 +215,3 @@ fs.createWriteStream('./x.tgz')

#### <a name="get-info"></a> `>, key, cb)`
#### <a name="get-info"></a> `>, key) -> Promise`

@@ -167,2 +226,3 @@ Looks up `key` in the cache index, returning information about the entry if

* `digest` - Content digest the entry refers to.
* `hashAlgorithm` - Hashing algorithm used to generate `digest`.
* `path` - Filesystem path relative to `cache` argument where content is stored.

@@ -175,6 +235,4 @@ * `time` - Timestamp the entry was first added on.

```javascript, 'my-thing', (err, info) => {
if (err) { throw err }
}), 'my-thing').then(console.log)
// Output

@@ -194,6 +252,7 @@ {

#### <a name="put-stream"></a> `>, key, stream, [opts])`
#### <a name="put-data"></a> `> cacache.put(cache, key, data, [opts]) -> Promise`
Inserts data from a stream into the cache. Emits a `digest` event with the
digest of written contents when it succeeds.
Inserts data passed to it into the cache. The returned Promise resolves with a
digest (generated according to [`opts.hashAlgorithm`](#hashalgorithm)) after the
cache entry has been successfully written.

@@ -203,2 +262,23 @@ ##### Example

).then(data => {
cachePath, '|cacache@1.0.0', data
}).then(digest => {
console.log('digest is', digest)
#### <a name="put-stream"></a> `>, key, [opts]) -> Writable`
Returns a [Writable
Stream]( that inserts
data written to it into the cache. Emits a `digest` event with the digest of
written contents when it succeeds.
##### Example

@@ -209,3 +289,3 @@ ''

cachePath, '|cacache@1.0.0'
).on('digest', d => console.log(`digest is ${d}`))
).on('digest', d => console.log('digest is ${d}'))

@@ -225,4 +305,4 @@ ```

If provided, the data stream will be verified to check that enough data was
passed through. If there's more or less data than expected, an `EBADSIZE` error
will be returned.
passed through. If there's more or less data than expected, insertion will fail
with an `EBADSIZE` error.

@@ -232,3 +312,4 @@ ##### `digest`

If present, the pre-calculated digest for the inserted content. If this option
if provided and does not match the post-insertion digest, insertion will fail.
if provided and does not match the post-insertion digest, insertion will fail
with an `EBADCHECKSUM` error.

@@ -239,6 +320,8 @@ To control the hashing algorithm, use `opts.hashAlgorithm`.

Default: 'sha1'
Default: 'sha512'
Hashing algorithm to use when calculating the digest for inserted data. Can use
any algorithm supported by Node.js' `crypto` module.
any algorithm listed in `crypto.getHashes()` or `'omakase'`/`'お任せします'` to
pick a random hash algorithm on each insertion. You may also use any anagram of
`'modnar'` to use this feature.

@@ -252,4 +335,20 @@ ##### `uid`/`gid`

#### <a name="rm-all"></a> `> cacache.rm.all(cache, cb)`
##### `memoize`
Default: null
If provided, cacache will memoize the given cache insertion in memory, bypassing
any filesystem checks for that key or digest in future cache fetches. Nothing
will be written to the in-memory cache unless this option is explicitly truthy.
There is no facility for limiting memory usage short of
[`cacache.clearMemoized()`](#clear-memoized), so be mindful of the sort of data
you ask to get memoized!
Reading from existing memoized data can be forced by explicitly passing
`memoize: false` to the reader functions, but their default will be to read from
#### <a name="rm-all"></a> `> cacache.rm.all(cache) -> Promise`
Clears the entire cache. Mainly by blowing away the cache directory itself.

@@ -260,4 +359,3 @@

cacache.rm.all(cachePath, (err) => {
if (err) { throw err }
cacache.rm.all(cachePath).then(() => {
console.log('THE APOCALYPSE IS UPON US 😱')

@@ -267,6 +365,6 @@ })

#### <a name="rm-entry"></a> `> cacache.rm.entry(cache, key, cb)`
#### <a name="rm-entry"></a> `> cacache.rm.entry(cache, key) -> Promise`
Removes the index entry for `key`. Content will still be accessible if
requested directly.
requested directly by content address ([``](#get-stream)).

@@ -276,4 +374,3 @@ ##### Example

cacache.rm.entry(cachePath, 'my-thing', (err) => {
if (err) { throw err }
cacache.rm.entry(cachePath, 'my-thing').then(() => {
console.log('I did not like it anyway')

@@ -283,3 +380,3 @@ })

#### <a name="rm-content"></a> `> cacache.rm.content(cache, digest, cb)`
#### <a name="rm-content"></a> `> cacache.rm.content(cache, digest) -> Promise`

@@ -293,4 +390,3 @@ Removes the content identified by `digest`. Any index entries referring to it

cacache.rm.content(cachePath, 'deadbeef', (err) => {
if (err) { throw err }
cacache.rm.content(cachePath, 'deadbeef').then(() => {
console.log('data for my-thing is gone!')

@@ -300,4 +396,8 @@ })

#### <a name="verify"></a> `> cacache.verify(cache, opts, cb)`
#### <a name="clear-memoized"></a> `> cacache.clearMemoized()`
Completely resets the in-memory entry cache.
#### <a name="verify"></a> `> cacache.verify(cache, opts) -> Promise`
Checks out and fixes up your cache:

@@ -324,3 +424,3 @@

* `opts.gid` - gid to assign to cache and its contents
* `opts.hashAlgorithm` - defaults to `'sha256'`. Hash to use for content checks.
* `opts.hashAlgorithm` - defaults to `'sha512'`. Hash to use for content checks.

@@ -335,4 +435,3 @@

cacache.verify(cachePath, (err, stats) => {
if (err) { throw err }
cacache.verify(cachePath).then(stats => {
// deadbeef collected, because of invalid checksum.

@@ -343,3 +442,3 @@ console.log('cache is much nicer now! stats:', stats)

#### <a name="verify-last-run"></a> `> cacache.verify.lastRun(cache, cb)`
#### <a name="verify-last-run"></a> `> cacache.verify.lastRun(cache) -> Promise`

@@ -351,6 +450,4 @@ Returns a `Date` representing the last time `cacache.verify` was run on `cache`.

cacache.verify(cachePath, (err) => {
if (err) { throw err }
cacache.verify.lastRun(cachePath, (err, lastTime) => {
if (err) { throw err }
cacache.verify(cachePath).then(() => {
cacache.verify.lastRun(cachePath).then(lastTime => {
console.log('cacache.verify was last called on' + lastTime)

@@ -357,0 +454,0 @@ })

'use strict'
var rmContent = require('./lib/content/rm')
var index = require('./lib/entry-index')
var rimraf = require('rimraf')
const Promise = require('bluebird')
const index = require('./lib/entry-index')
const memo = require('./lib/memoization')
const rimraf = Promise.promisify(require('rimraf'))
const rmContent = require('./lib/content/rm')
module.exports.all = all
function all (cache, cb) {
rimraf(cache, cb)
function all (cache) {
return rimraf(cache)
module.exports.entry = entry
function entry (cache, key, cb) {
index.delete(cache, key, cb)
function entry (cache, key) {
return index.delete(cache, key)
module.exports.content = content
function content (cache, address, cb) {
rmContent(cache, address, cb)
function content (cache, address) {
return rmContent(cache, address)
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