Cache Cow
All the caching modules I found on npm were for caching things in memory, or in an external service like Redis.
I couldn't find any cache modules on npm that fit my need, so I wrote this one.
- Do you have extra hard drive space?
- Store some of your files in the cloud or whatever?
- Want to save bandwidth or time by making fewer fetches to that cloud?
That is the use case this module is designed for.
I wanted to use the hard drive to cache files that are in remote storage like Amazon S3.
- When cache reaches 90% of the defined
it deletes files until the cache is 70% of maxsize
. - Returns streams, not buffers, for faster requests.
- How it chooses which files to delete can be customized
Free support
Email me or create an issue if you need help! I'm throwing this up without a lot of documentation, and am very welcome to feedback and suggestions.
# Hypothetical example using CacheCow with an HTTP proxy server
express = require('express')
request = require('request')
CacheCow = require('cachecow')
app = express()
cache = new CacheCow({
maxsize: 1024*1024*1024*10 # 10GB
# Define a function to deal with cache misses
getter: (filename, callback) ->
console.log "Not found in cache"
stream = request("{filename}")
callback(null, stream)
# Retrieve something from cache
app.get "/:filepath", (req, res) ->
cache.get req.params.filepath, (err, stream) ->
return res.status(404).send(err.message) if err?
stream.pipe res
# This scans the cache directory to gather file size information for any files
# already present in the cache directory.
cache.init (err) ->
console.log err if err?
app.listen 8080, (err) ->
console.log err if err?
console.log "started"
# Default values
cache = new CacheCow
maxsize: 1024*1024*1 # 1MB
dir: upath.join(os.tmpdir(), 'cachecow')
getter: ->
console.log 'You must define a getter function for cache misses!'
# Weights used in garbage collection equation
DeleteByFileSize: 0 # Delete big files first, keep as many files as possible
DeleteByTotalReads: 0 # Delete rarely used files, keep file that are frequently fetched
DeleteByLastAccess: 1 # Delete old files, keep files that have been recently fetched