What is case?
The 'case' npm package provides utilities for converting strings between different case styles, such as camelCase, snake_case, and more. It is useful for formatting strings in a consistent manner across different parts of an application.
What are case's main functionalities?
Converts a string to camelCase. This is useful for JavaScript variable naming conventions.
const case = require('case');
console.log(case.camel('hello world')); // 'helloWorld'
Converts a string to snake_case. This is often used in Python variable naming conventions or for database column names.
const case = require('case');
console.log(case.snake('hello world')); // 'hello_world'
Converts a string to kebab-case. This is commonly used in URLs or CSS class names.
const case = require('case');
console.log(case.kebab('hello world')); // 'hello-world'
Converts a string to Title Case. This is useful for formatting titles or headings.
const case = require('case');
console.log(case.title('hello world')); // 'Hello World'
Converts a string to CONSTANT_CASE. This is often used for constants in programming.
const case = require('case');
console.log(case.constant('hello world')); // 'HELLO_WORLD'
Other packages similar to case
The 'change-case' package provides similar functionality for converting strings between different case styles. It offers a more modular approach, allowing you to import only the specific case functions you need, which can help reduce bundle size.
Lodash is a utility library that includes functions for case conversion among many other utilities. While it is more comprehensive and widely used, it may be overkill if you only need case conversion functionalities.
The 'camelcase' package focuses specifically on converting strings to camelCase. It is lightweight and does one thing well, making it a good choice if camelCase conversion is all you need.
Case: An extensible utility to convert, identify, and flip string case.
Download: Case.min.js or Case.js
NPM: npm install case
(little 'c' due to NPM restrictions)
NuGet: Install-Package Case

Each of the following functions will first "undo" previous case manipulations
before applying the desired case to the given string.
Case.upper('foo_bar') -> 'FOO BAR'
Case.lower('fooBar') -> 'foo bar'
Case.capital('foo_v_bar') -> 'Foo V Bar'
Code Helpers
Case.snake('Foo bar!') -> 'foo_bar'
Case.pascal('foo.bar') -> 'FooBar'
Case.camel('foo, bar') -> 'fooBar'
Case.kebab('Foo? Bar.') -> 'foo-bar'
Case.header('fooBar=') -> 'Foo-Bar'
Case.constant('Foo-Bar') -> 'FOO_BAR'
UI Helpers
Case.title('foo v. bar') -> 'Foo v. Bar'
Case.sentence('"foo!" said bar', ['Bar']) -> '"Foo!" said Bar'
Case.sentence('the 12 oz. can', null, ['oz']) -> 'The 12 oz. can'
Case.sentence(str, names, abbreviations)
accepts an array of proper names that should be capitalized,
regardless of location in the sentence. This function is specialized, but useful
when dealing with input generated with capslock on (i.e. everything my grandma types).
It can also accept a list of abbreviations (words that may end in a period but aren't meant
to end a sentence).
Custom Casing
Case.lower('FOO-BAR', '.') -> 'foo.bar'
Case.upper('Foo? Bar.', '__') -> 'FOO__BAR'
Case.capital('fooBar', ' + ') -> 'Foo + Bar'
Case.lower("Don't keep 'em!", "/", true) -> 'dont/keep/em'
Case.capital("'ello, world.", null, true) -> 'Ello, World.'
, Case.lower
, and Case.capital
accept an optional "fill" value
that will replace any characters which are not letters and numbers. All three also accept
a third optional boolean argument indicating if apostrophes are to be stripped out or left in.
For example, programmatic case changes (snake, kebab, pascal, camel, constant) are best without
apostrophes, but user-facing ones (title, sentence) do not want "don't" turned into "Dont".
Extending Case
Case.type('bang', function(s) {
return Case.upper(s, '!')+'!';
Case.bang('bang') -> 'BANG!'
Case.of('TEST!THIS!') -> 'bang'
Case.type(name, fn)
: extends Case, creating a new function on Case
and adding Case.of
support automatically.
Case.of('foo') -> 'lower'
Case.of('foo_bar') -> 'snake'
Case.of('Foo v Bar') -> 'title'
Case.of('foo_ Bar') -> undefined
Case.of('Hello there, Bob!', ['Bob']) -> 'sentence'
Case.flip('FlipMe') -> 'fLIPmE'
Case.flip('TEST THIS!') -> 'test this!'
Case.random('Hello!') -> 'hElLO!'
Case.of(str[, names])
: identifies the case of a string, returns undefined if it doesn't match a known typeCase.flip(str)
: reverses the case of letters, no other changesCase.random(str)
: randomizes the case of letters, no other changes
Release History
- 2013-06-10 v1.0.0 (public, initial)
- 2013-06-20 v1.0.1 (regex improvements)
- 2013-08-23 v1.0.3 (better support for Node, Component and AMD)
- 2014-10-24 v1.1.2 (regexps used are now extensible and support more latin diacritics)
- 2015-01-27 v1.2.0 (deprecate squish in favor of pascal)
- 2015-01-28 v1.2.1 (fix UMD regression)
- 2015-10-27 v1.3.0 (Case.kebab and Case.random)
- 2015-12-02 v1.3.2 (fix title case when small word is first or last)
- 2016-02-01 v1.3.3 (Case.of('foo') to return lower, not snake)
- 2016-02-07 v1.4.0 (fix apostrophe handling)
- 2016-02-08 v1.4.1 (fix swallowed prefix/suffix on lone words)
- 2016-11-11 v1.4.2 (add typings for TypeScript support)
- 2017-03-09 v1.5.2 (add Header-Case and expose noApostrophes option for upper/lower/capital fns)
- 2017-07-11 v1.5.3 (Case.of and to[Type]Case functions should accept extra arguments, like the rest)
- 2017-10-23 v1.5.4 (Shift order of Case.of tests to prioritize 'capital' over 'header')
- 2018-05-04 v1.5.5 (Fix issue #26, corner case of bad "decamelizing" of string w/number after caps)
- 2018-11-15 v1.6.0 (PR #29, support 'abbreviations' argument for Case.sentence to avoid incorrect sentence ends)
- 2019-01-11 v1.6.1 (PR #30, update typings to include 'abbreviations' argument for Case.sentence)
- 2019-07-26 v1.6.2 (PR #31, allow importing as default)
- 2020-03-24 v1.6.3 (PR #33, update license structure in package.json for automated checkers)