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Package Overview
File Explorer

Advanced tools

Install Socket

Detect and block malicious and high-risk dependencies


Comparing version 8.1.1 to 8.1.2




@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ interface Event {

declare type falsy = undefined | null | false | 0 | '';
declare type Ele = Window | Document | HTMLElement | Element | Node;
declare type EleLoose = HTMLElement & Element & Node;
declare type Selector = falsy | string | Function | HTMLCollection | NodeList | Ele | Ele[] | ArrayLike<Ele> | Cash;
declare type Comparator = string | Ele | Cash | ((this: EleLoose, index: number, ele: EleLoose) => boolean);
declare type Context = Document | HTMLElement | Element;
declare type PlainObject<T> = Record<string, T>;
declare type EventCallback = {
type falsy = undefined | null | false | 0 | '';
type Ele = Window | Document | HTMLElement | Element | Node;
type EleLoose = HTMLElement & Element & Node;
type Selector = falsy | string | Function | HTMLCollection | NodeList | Ele | Ele[] | ArrayLike<Ele> | Cash;
type Comparator = string | Ele | Cash | ((this: EleLoose, index: number, ele: EleLoose) => boolean);
type Context = Document | HTMLElement | Element;
type PlainObject<T> = Record<string, T>;
type EventCallback = {
(event: any, data?: any): any;

@@ -37,35 +37,12 @@ guid?: number;

declare const cash: ((selector?: Selector, context?: Context | Cash) => Cash) & CashStatic;
declare type MapCallback<T> = (this: T, index: number, ele: T) => Ele;
interface Cash {
map(callback: MapCallback<EleLoose>): Cash;
interface Cash {
slice(start?: number, end?: number): Cash;
interface CashStatic {
guid: number;
isWindow(x: unknown): x is Window;
isFunction(x: unknown): x is Function;
isArray(x: unknown): x is Array<any>;
isNumeric(x: unknown): boolean;
isPlainObject(x: unknown): x is PlainObject<any>;
type EachArrayCallback<T> = (this: T, index: number, ele: T) => any;
type EachObjectCallback<T> = (this: T, key: string, value: T) => any;
interface CashStatic {
isWindow(x: any): x is Window;
isFunction(x: any): x is Function;
isArray(x: any): x is Array<any>;
isNumeric(x: any): boolean;
isPlainObject(x: any): x is PlainObject<any>;
interface Cash {
get(): EleLoose[];
get(index: number): EleLoose | undefined;
interface Cash {
eq(index: number): Cash;
interface Cash {
first(): Cash;
interface Cash {
last(): Cash;
declare type EachArrayCallback<T> = (this: T, index: number, ele: T) => any;
declare type EachObjectCallback<T> = (this: T, key: string, value: T) => any;
interface CashStatic {
each<T>(arr: ArrayLike<T>, callback: EachArrayCallback<T>): void;

@@ -78,8 +55,7 @@ each<T>(obj: PlainObject<T>, callback: EachObjectCallback<T>): void;

interface Cash {
prop(prop: string): any;
prop(prop: string, value: any): this;
prop(props: Record<string, any>): this;
empty(): this;
interface Cash {
removeProp(prop: string): this;
text(): string;
text(text: string): this;

@@ -96,6 +72,6 @@ interface CashStatic {

interface Cash {
filter(comparator?: Comparator): Cash;
toggleClass(classes: string, force?: boolean): this;
interface Cash {
hasClass(cls: string): boolean;
addClass(classes: string): this;

@@ -112,99 +88,74 @@ interface Cash {

interface Cash {
toggleClass(classes: string, force?: boolean): this;
removeClass(classes?: string): this;
interface Cash {
addClass(classes: string): this;
hasClass(cls: string): boolean;
interface Cash {
removeClass(classes?: string): this;
get(): EleLoose[];
get(index: number): EleLoose | undefined;
interface CashStatic {
unique<T>(arr: ArrayLike<T>): ArrayLike<T>;
interface Cash {
add(selector: Selector, context?: Context): Cash;
eq(index: number): Cash;
interface Cash {
css(prop: string): string | undefined;
css(prop: string, value: number | string): this;
css(props: Record<string, number | string>): this;
first(): Cash;
interface Cash {
data(): Record<string, any> | undefined;
data(name: string): any;
data(name: string, value: any): this;
data(datas: Record<string, any>): this;
last(): Cash;
interface Cash {
innerWidth(): number | undefined;
innerHeight(): number | undefined;
outerWidth(includeMargins?: boolean): number;
outerHeight(includeMargins?: boolean): number;
filter(comparator?: Comparator): Cash;
interface Cash {
width(): number;
width(value: number | string): this;
height(): number;
height(value: number | string): this;
detach(comparator?: Comparator): this;
interface CashStatic {
parseHTML(html: string): EleLoose[];
interface Cash {
toggle(force?: boolean): this;
has(selector: string | Node): Cash;
interface Cash {
hide(): this;
not(comparator?: Comparator): Cash;
interface Cash {
show(): this;
val(): string | string[];
val(value: string | string[]): this;
interface Cash {
off(): this;
off(events: string): this;
off(events: Record<string, EventCallback>): this;
off(events: string, callback: EventCallback): this;
off(events: string, selector: string, callback: EventCallback): this;
is(comparator?: Comparator): boolean;
interface CashStatic {
guid: number;
interface CashStatic {
unique<T>(arr: ArrayLike<T>): ArrayLike<T>;
interface Cash {
on(events: Record<string, EventCallback>): this;
on(events: Record<string, EventCallback>, selector: string): this;
on(events: Record<string, EventCallback>, data: any): this;
on(events: Record<string, EventCallback>, selector: string | null | undefined, data: any): this;
on(events: string, callback: EventCallback): this;
on(events: string, selector: string, callback: EventCallback): this;
on(events: string, data: any, callback: EventCallback): this;
on(events: string, selector: string | null | undefined, data: any, callback: EventCallback, _one?: boolean): this;
add(selector: Selector, context?: Context): Cash;
interface Cash {
one(events: Record<string, EventCallback>): this;
one(events: Record<string, EventCallback>, selector: string): this;
one(events: Record<string, EventCallback>, data: any): this;
one(events: Record<string, EventCallback>, selector: string | null | undefined, data: any): this;
one(events: string, callback: EventCallback): this;
one(events: string, selector: string, callback: EventCallback): this;
one(events: string, data: any, callback: EventCallback): this;
one(events: string, selector: string | null | undefined, data: any, callback: EventCallback): this;
children(comparator?: Comparator): Cash;
interface Cash {
ready(callback: Function): this;
parent(comparator?: Comparator): Cash;
interface Cash {
trigger(event: Event | string, data?: any): this;
index(selector?: Selector): number;
interface Cash {
serialize(): string;
closest(comparator?: Comparator): Cash;
interface Cash {
val(): string | string[];
val(value: string | string[]): this;
siblings(comparator?: Comparator): Cash;
interface Cash {
clone(): this;
find(selector: string): Cash;
interface Cash {
detach(comparator?: Comparator): this;
after(...selectors: Selector[]): this;
interface CashStatic {
parseHTML(html: string): EleLoose[];
interface Cash {
empty(): this;
append(...selectors: Selector[]): this;

@@ -216,120 +167,169 @@ interface Cash {

interface Cash {
remove(comparator?: Comparator): this;
appendTo(selector: Selector): this;
interface Cash {
text(): string;
text(text: string): this;
wrapInner(selector?: Selector): this;
interface Cash {
unwrap(): this;
before(...selectors: Selector[]): this;
interface Cash {
offset(): undefined | {
top: number;
left: number;
wrapAll(selector?: Selector): this;
interface Cash {
offsetParent(): Cash;
wrap(selector?: Selector): this;
interface Cash {
position(): undefined | {
top: number;
left: number;
insertAfter(selector: Selector): this;
interface Cash {
children(comparator?: Comparator): Cash;
insertBefore(selector: Selector): this;
interface Cash {
prepend(...selectors: Selector[]): this;
interface Cash {
prependTo(selector: Selector): this;
interface Cash {
contents(): Cash;
interface Cash {
find(selector: string): Cash;
next(comparator?: Comparator, _all?: boolean, _until?: Comparator): Cash;
interface Cash {
after(...selectors: Selector[]): this;
nextAll(comparator?: Comparator): Cash;
interface Cash {
append(...selectors: Selector[]): this;
nextUntil(until?: Comparator, comparator?: Comparator): Cash;
interface Cash {
appendTo(selector: Selector): this;
parents(comparator?: Comparator, _until?: Comparator): Cash;
interface Cash {
before(...selectors: Selector[]): this;
parentsUntil(until?: Comparator, comparator?: Comparator): Cash;
interface Cash {
insertAfter(selector: Selector): this;
prev(comparator?: Comparator, _all?: boolean, _until?: Comparator): Cash;
interface Cash {
insertBefore(selector: Selector): this;
prevAll(comparator?: Comparator): Cash;
interface Cash {
prepend(...selectors: Selector[]): this;
prevUntil(until?: Comparator, comparator?: Comparator): Cash;
type MapCallback<T> = (this: T, index: number, ele: T) => Ele;
interface Cash {
prependTo(selector: Selector): this;
map(callback: MapCallback<EleLoose>): Cash;
interface Cash {
replaceWith(selector: Selector): this;
clone(): this;
interface Cash {
replaceAll(selector: Selector): this;
offsetParent(): Cash;
interface Cash {
wrapAll(selector?: Selector): this;
slice(start?: number, end?: number): Cash;
interface Cash {
wrap(selector?: Selector): this;
ready(callback: Function): this;
interface Cash {
wrapInner(selector?: Selector): this;
unwrap(): this;
interface Cash {
has(selector: string | Node): Cash;
offset(): undefined | {
top: number;
left: number;
interface Cash {
is(comparator?: Comparator): boolean;
position(): undefined | {
top: number;
left: number;
interface Cash {
next(comparator?: Comparator, _all?: boolean, _until?: Comparator): Cash;
prop(prop: string): any;
prop(prop: string, value: any): this;
prop(props: Record<string, any>): this;
interface Cash {
nextAll(comparator?: Comparator): Cash;
removeProp(prop: string): this;
interface Cash {
nextUntil(until?: Comparator, comparator?: Comparator): Cash;
css(prop: string): string | undefined;
css(prop: string, value: number | string): this;
css(props: Record<string, number | string>): this;
interface Cash {
not(comparator?: Comparator): Cash;
data(): Record<string, any> | undefined;
data(name: string): any;
data(name: string, value: any): this;
data(datas: Record<string, any>): this;
interface Cash {
parent(comparator?: Comparator): Cash;
innerWidth(): number | undefined;
innerHeight(): number | undefined;
outerWidth(includeMargins?: boolean): number;
outerHeight(includeMargins?: boolean): number;
interface Cash {
index(selector?: Selector): number;
width(): number;
width(value: number | string): this;
height(): number;
height(value: number | string): this;
interface Cash {
closest(comparator?: Comparator): Cash;
toggle(force?: boolean): this;
interface Cash {
parents(comparator?: Comparator, _until?: Comparator): Cash;
hide(): this;
interface Cash {
parentsUntil(until?: Comparator, comparator?: Comparator): Cash;
show(): this;
interface Cash {
prev(comparator?: Comparator, _all?: boolean, _until?: Comparator): Cash;
trigger(event: Event | string, data?: any): this;
interface Cash {
prevAll(comparator?: Comparator): Cash;
off(): this;
off(events: string): this;
off(events: Record<string, EventCallback>): this;
off(events: string, callback: EventCallback): this;
off(events: string, selector: string, callback: EventCallback): this;
interface Cash {
prevUntil(until?: Comparator, comparator?: Comparator): Cash;
remove(comparator?: Comparator): this;
interface Cash {
siblings(comparator?: Comparator): Cash;
replaceWith(selector: Selector): this;
interface Cash {
replaceAll(selector: Selector): this;
interface Cash {
on(events: Record<string, EventCallback>): this;
on(events: Record<string, EventCallback>, selector: string): this;
on(events: Record<string, EventCallback>, data: any): this;
on(events: Record<string, EventCallback>, selector: string | null | undefined, data: any): this;
on(events: string, callback: EventCallback): this;
on(events: string, selector: string, callback: EventCallback): this;
on(events: string, data: any, callback: EventCallback): this;
on(events: string, selector: string | null | undefined, data: any, callback: EventCallback, _one?: boolean): this;
interface Cash {
one(events: Record<string, EventCallback>): this;
one(events: Record<string, EventCallback>, selector: string): this;
one(events: Record<string, EventCallback>, data: any): this;
one(events: Record<string, EventCallback>, selector: string | null | undefined, data: any): this;
one(events: string, callback: EventCallback): this;
one(events: string, selector: string, callback: EventCallback): this;
one(events: string, data: any, callback: EventCallback): this;
one(events: string, selector: string | null | undefined, data: any, callback: EventCallback): this;
interface Cash {
serialize(): string;
export default cash;
export { Cash, CashStatic, Ele as Element, Selector, Comparator, Context };

@@ -1,28 +0,15 @@

/* MIT */
const propMap = {
class: 'className',
contenteditable: 'contentEditable',
/* LABEL */
for: 'htmlFor',
/* INPUT */
readonly: 'readOnly',
maxlength: 'maxLength',
tabindex: 'tabIndex',
/* TABLE */
colspan: 'colSpan',
rowspan: 'rowSpan',
/* IMAGE */
usemap: 'useMap'
function attempt(fn, arg) {
try {
return fn(arg);
catch (_a) {
return arg;
const doc = document, win = window, docEle = doc.documentElement, createElement = doc.createElement.bind(doc), div = createElement('div'), table = createElement('table'), tbody = createElement('tbody'), tr = createElement('tr'), { isArray, prototype: ArrayPrototype } = Array, { concat, filter, indexOf, map, push, slice, some, splice } = ArrayPrototype;
const idRe = /^#(?:[\w-]|\\.|[^\x00-\xa0])*$/, classRe = /^\.(?:[\w-]|\\.|[^\x00-\xa0])*$/, htmlRe = /<.+>/, tagRe = /^\w+$/;
const doc = document;
const win = window;
const docEle = doc.documentElement;
const createElement = doc.createElement.bind(doc);
const div = createElement('div');
const table = createElement('table');
const tbody = createElement('tbody');
const tr = createElement('tr');
const { isArray, prototype: ArrayPrototype } = Array;
const { concat, filter, indexOf, map, push, slice, some, splice } = ArrayPrototype;
const idRe = /^#(?:[\w-]|\\.|[^\x00-\xa0])*$/;
const classRe = /^\.(?:[\w-]|\\.|[^\x00-\xa0])*$/;
const htmlRe = /<.+>/;
const tagRe = /^\w+$/;
// @require ./variables.ts

@@ -34,3 +21,3 @@ function find(selector, context) {

: !isFragment && classRe.test(selector)
? context.getElementsByClassName(selector.slice(1))
? context.getElementsByClassName(selector.slice(1).replace(/\\/g, ''))
: !isFragment && tagRe.test(selector)

@@ -52,3 +39,3 @@ ? context.getElementsByTagName(selector)

eles = idRe.test(selector) && 'getElementById' in ctx
? ctx.getElementById(selector.slice(1))
? ctx.getElementById(selector.slice(1).replace(/\\/g, ''))
: htmlRe.test(selector)

@@ -74,3 +61,4 @@ ? parseHTML(selector)

const fn = Cash.prototype, cash = fn.init;
const fn = Cash.prototype;
const cash = fn.init;
cash.fn = cash.prototype = fn; // Ensuring that `cash () instanceof cash`

@@ -82,56 +70,39 @@ fn.length = 0;

} = function (callback) {
return cash(concat.apply([],, (ele, i) =>, i, ele))));
fn.slice = function (start, end) {
return cash(, start, end));
// @require ./cash.ts
const dashAlphaRe = /-([a-z])/g;
function camelCase(str) {
return str.replace(dashAlphaRe, (match, letter) => letter.toUpperCase());
function isCash(value) {
return value instanceof Cash;
cash.guid = 1;
// @require ./cash.ts
function matches(ele, selector) {
const matches = ele && (ele['matches'] || ele['webkitMatchesSelector'] || ele['msMatchesSelector']);
return !!matches && !!selector &&, selector);
function isWindow(value) {
return !!value && value === value.window;
function isCash(x) {
return x instanceof Cash;
function isDocument(value) {
return !!value && value.nodeType === 9;
function isWindow(x) {
return !!x && x === x.window;
function isDocumentFragment(value) {
return !!value && value.nodeType === 11;
function isDocument(x) {
return !!x && x.nodeType === 9;
function isElement(value) {
return !!value && value.nodeType === 1;
function isDocumentFragment(x) {
return !!x && x.nodeType === 11;
function isBoolean(value) {
return typeof value === 'boolean';
function isElement(x) {
return !!x && x.nodeType === 1;
function isFunction(value) {
return typeof value === 'function';
function isBoolean(x) {
return typeof x === 'boolean';
function isString(value) {
return typeof value === 'string';
function isFunction(x) {
return typeof x === 'function';
function isUndefined(value) {
return value === undefined;
function isString(x) {
return typeof x === 'string';
function isNull(value) {
return value === null;
function isUndefined(x) {
return x === undefined;
function isNumeric(value) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(value)) && isFinite(value);
function isNull(x) {
return x === null;
function isNumeric(x) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(x)) && isFinite(x);
function isPlainObject(x) {
if (typeof x !== 'object' || x === null)
function isPlainObject(value) {
if (typeof value !== 'object' || value === null)
return false;
const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(x);
const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(value);
return proto === null || proto === Object.prototype;

@@ -144,17 +115,2 @@ }

cash.isPlainObject = isPlainObject;
fn.get = function (index) {
if (isUndefined(index))
index = Number(index);
return this[index < 0 ? index + this.length : index];
fn.eq = function (index) {
return cash(this.get(index));
fn.first = function () {
return this.eq(0);
fn.last = function () {
return this.eq(-1);
function each(arr, callback, _reverse) {

@@ -188,21 +144,24 @@ if (_reverse) {

fn.prop = function (prop, value) {
if (!prop)
if (isString(prop)) {
prop = propMap[prop] || prop;
if (arguments.length < 2)
return this[0] && this[0][prop];
return this.each((i, ele) => { ele[prop] = value; });
for (const key in prop) {
this.prop(key, prop[key]);
return this;
fn.empty = function () {
return this.each((i, ele) => {
while (ele.firstChild) {
fn.removeProp = function (prop) {
return this.each((i, ele) => { delete ele[propMap[prop] || prop]; });
function text(text) {
if (isUndefined(text))
return this[0] ? this[0].textContent : '';
return this.each((i, ele) => {
if (!isElement(ele))
ele.textContent = text;
fn.text = text;
function extend(...sources) {
const deep = isBoolean(sources[0]) ? sources.shift() : false, target = sources.shift(), length = sources.length;
const deep = isBoolean(sources[0]) ? sources.shift() : false;
const target = sources.shift();
const length = sources.length;
if (!target)

@@ -231,24 +190,3 @@ return {};

// @require ./matches.ts
// @require ./type_checking.ts
function getCompareFunction(comparator) {
return isString(comparator)
? (i, ele) => matches(ele, comparator)
: isFunction(comparator)
? comparator
: isCash(comparator)
? (i, ele) =>
: !comparator
? () => false
: (i, ele) => ele === comparator;
fn.filter = function (comparator) {
const compare = getCompareFunction(comparator);
return cash(, (ele, i) =>, i, ele)));
// @require collection/filter.ts
function filtered(collection, comparator) {
return !comparator ? collection : collection.filter(comparator);
// @require ./type_checking.ts
const splitValuesRe = /\S+/g;

@@ -258,5 +196,21 @@ function getSplitValues(str) {

fn.hasClass = function (cls) {
return !!cls &&, (ele) => isElement(ele) && ele.classList.contains(cls));
fn.toggleClass = function (cls, force) {
const classes = getSplitValues(cls);
const isForce = !isUndefined(force);
return this.each((i, ele) => {
if (!isElement(ele))
each(classes, (i, c) => {
if (isForce) {
force ? ele.classList.add(c) : ele.classList.remove(c);
else {
fn.addClass = function (cls) {
return this.toggleClass(cls, true);
fn.removeAttr = function (attr) {

@@ -298,20 +252,2 @@ const attrs = getSplitValues(attr);

fn.attr = attr;
fn.toggleClass = function (cls, force) {
const classes = getSplitValues(cls), isForce = !isUndefined(force);
return this.each((i, ele) => {
if (!isElement(ele))
each(classes, (i, c) => {
if (isForce) {
force ? ele.classList.add(c) : ele.classList.remove(c);
else {
fn.addClass = function (cls) {
return this.toggleClass(cls, true);
fn.removeClass = function (cls) {

@@ -322,4 +258,123 @@ if (arguments.length)

fn.hasClass = function (cls) {
return !!cls &&, (ele) => isElement(ele) && ele.classList.contains(cls));
fn.get = function (index) {
if (isUndefined(index))
index = Number(index);
return this[index < 0 ? index + this.length : index];
fn.eq = function (index) {
return cash(this.get(index));
fn.first = function () {
return this.eq(0);
fn.last = function () {
return this.eq(-1);
// @require core/type_checking.ts
// @require core/variables.ts
function computeStyle(ele, prop, isVariable) {
if (!isElement(ele))
const style = win.getComputedStyle(ele, null);
return isVariable ? style.getPropertyValue(prop) || undefined : style[prop] ||[prop];
// @require ./compute_style.ts
function computeStyleInt(ele, prop) {
return parseInt(computeStyle(ele, prop), 10) || 0;
// @require css/helpers/compute_style_int.ts
function getExtraSpace(ele, xAxis) {
return computeStyleInt(ele, `border${xAxis ? 'Left' : 'Top'}Width`) + computeStyleInt(ele, `padding${xAxis ? 'Left' : 'Top'}`) + computeStyleInt(ele, `padding${xAxis ? 'Right' : 'Bottom'}`) + computeStyleInt(ele, `border${xAxis ? 'Right' : 'Bottom'}Width`);
// @require css/helpers/compute_style.ts
const defaultDisplay = {};
function getDefaultDisplay(tagName) {
if (defaultDisplay[tagName])
return defaultDisplay[tagName];
const ele = createElement(tagName);
doc.body.insertBefore(ele, null);
const display = computeStyle(ele, 'display');
return defaultDisplay[tagName] = display !== 'none' ? display : 'block';
// @require css/helpers/compute_style.ts
function isHidden(ele) {
return computeStyle(ele, 'display') === 'none';
// @require ./cash.ts
function matches(ele, selector) {
const matches = ele && (ele['matches'] || ele['webkitMatchesSelector'] || ele['msMatchesSelector']);
return !!matches && !!selector &&, selector);
// @require ./matches.ts
// @require ./type_checking.ts
function getCompareFunction(comparator) {
return isString(comparator)
? (i, ele) => matches(ele, comparator)
: isFunction(comparator)
? comparator
: isCash(comparator)
? (i, ele) =>
: !comparator
? () => false
: (i, ele) => ele === comparator;
fn.filter = function (comparator) {
const compare = getCompareFunction(comparator);
return cash(, (ele, i) =>, i, ele)));
// @require collection/filter.ts
function filtered(collection, comparator) {
return !comparator ? collection : collection.filter(comparator);
fn.detach = function (comparator) {
filtered(this, comparator).each((i, ele) => {
if (ele.parentNode) {
return this;
const fragmentRe = /^\s*<(\w+)[^>]*>/;
const singleTagRe = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>)?$/;
const containers = {
'*': div,
tr: tbody,
td: tr,
th: tr,
thead: table,
tbody: table,
tfoot: table
//TODO: Create elements inside a document fragment, in order to prevent inline event handlers from firing
//TODO: Ensure the created elements have the fragment as their parent instead of null, this also ensures we can deal with detatched nodes more reliably
function parseHTML(html) {
if (!isString(html))
return [];
if (singleTagRe.test(html))
return [createElement(RegExp.$1)];
const fragment = fragmentRe.test(html) && RegExp.$1;
const container = containers[fragment] || containers['*'];
container.innerHTML = html;
return cash(container.childNodes).detach().get();
cash.parseHTML = parseHTML;
fn.has = function (selector) {
const comparator = isString(selector)
? (i, ele) => find(selector, ele).length
: (i, ele) => ele.contains(selector);
return this.filter(comparator);
fn.not = function (comparator) {
const compare = getCompareFunction(comparator);
return this.filter((i, ele) => (!isString(comparator) || isElement(ele)) && !, i, ele));
function pluck(arr, prop, deep, until) {
const plucked = [], isCallback = isFunction(prop), compare = until && getCompareFunction(until);
const plucked = [];
const isCallback = isFunction(prop);
const compare = until && getCompareFunction(until);
for (let i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) {

@@ -343,2 +398,36 @@ if (isCallback) {

// @require core/pluck.ts
// @require core/variables.ts
function getValue(ele) {
if (ele.multiple && ele.options)
return pluck(, option => option.selected && !option.disabled && !option.parentNode.disabled), 'value');
return ele.value || '';
function val(value) {
if (!arguments.length)
return this[0] && getValue(this[0]);
return this.each((i, ele) => {
const isSelect = ele.multiple && ele.options;
if (isSelect || checkableRe.test(ele.type)) {
const eleValue = isArray(value) ?, String) : (isNull(value) ? [] : [String(value)]);
if (isSelect) {
each(ele.options, (i, option) => {
option.selected = eleValue.indexOf(option.value) >= 0;
}, true);
else {
ele.checked = eleValue.indexOf(ele.value) >= 0;
else {
ele.value = isUndefined(value) || isNull(value) ? '' : value;
fn.val = val; = function (comparator) {
const compare = getCompareFunction(comparator);
return, (ele, i) =>, i, ele));
cash.guid = 1;
function unique(arr) {

@@ -351,14 +440,278 @@ return arr.length > 1 ?, (item, index, self) =>, item) === index) : arr;

// @require core/type_checking.ts
fn.children = function (comparator) {
return filtered(cash(unique(pluck(this, ele => ele.children))), comparator);
fn.parent = function (comparator) {
return filtered(cash(unique(pluck(this, 'parentNode'))), comparator);
fn.index = function (selector) {
const child = selector ? cash(selector)[0] : this[0];
const collection = selector ? this : cash(child).parent().children();
return, child);
fn.closest = function (comparator) {
const filtered = this.filter(comparator);
if (filtered.length)
return filtered;
const $parent = this.parent();
if (!$parent.length)
return filtered;
return $parent.closest(comparator);
fn.siblings = function (comparator) {
return filtered(cash(unique(pluck(this, ele => cash(ele).parent().children().not(ele)))), comparator);
fn.find = function (selector) {
return cash(unique(pluck(this, ele => find(selector, ele))));
// @require core/variables.ts
function computeStyle(ele, prop, isVariable) {
if (!isElement(ele))
const style = win.getComputedStyle(ele, null);
return isVariable ? style.getPropertyValue(prop) || undefined : style[prop] ||[prop];
// @require collection/filter.ts
// @require traversal/find.ts
const HTMLCDATARe = /^\s*<!(?:\[CDATA\[|--)|(?:\]\]|--)>\s*$/g;
const scriptTypeRe = /^$|^module$|\/(java|ecma)script/i;
const scriptAttributes = ['type', 'src', 'nonce', 'noModule'];
function evalScripts(node, doc) {
const collection = cash(node);
collection.filter('script').add(collection.find('script')).each((i, ele) => {
if (scriptTypeRe.test(ele.type) && docEle.contains(ele)) { // The script type is supported // The element is attached to the DOM // Using `documentElement` for broader browser support
const script = createElement('script');
script.text = ele.textContent.replace(HTMLCDATARe, '');
each(scriptAttributes, (i, attr) => {
if (ele[attr])
script[attr] = ele[attr];
doc.head.insertBefore(script, null);
// @require ./compute_style.ts
function computeStyleInt(ele, prop) {
return parseInt(computeStyle(ele, prop), 10) || 0;
// @require ./eval_scripts.ts
function insertElement(anchor, target, left, inside, evaluate) {
if (inside) { // prepend/append
anchor.insertBefore(target, left ? anchor.firstChild : null);
else { // before/after
if (anchor.nodeName === 'HTML') {
anchor.parentNode.replaceChild(target, anchor);
else {
anchor.parentNode.insertBefore(target, left ? anchor : anchor.nextSibling);
if (evaluate) {
evalScripts(target, anchor.ownerDocument);
// @require ./insert_element.ts
function insertSelectors(selectors, anchors, inverse, left, inside, reverseLoop1, reverseLoop2, reverseLoop3) {
each(selectors, (si, selector) => {
each(cash(selector), (ti, target) => {
each(cash(anchors), (ai, anchor) => {
const anchorFinal = inverse ? target : anchor;
const targetFinal = inverse ? anchor : target;
const indexFinal = inverse ? ti : ai;
insertElement(anchorFinal, !indexFinal ? targetFinal : targetFinal.cloneNode(true), left, inside, !indexFinal);
}, reverseLoop3);
}, reverseLoop2);
}, reverseLoop1);
return anchors;
fn.after = function () {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, false, false, false, true, true);
fn.append = function () {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, false, false, true);
function html(html) {
if (!arguments.length)
return this[0] && this[0].innerHTML;
if (isUndefined(html))
return this;
const hasScript = /<script[\s>]/.test(html);
return this.each((i, ele) => {
if (!isElement(ele))
if (hasScript) {
else {
ele.innerHTML = html;
fn.html = html;
fn.appendTo = function (selector) {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, true, false, true);
fn.wrapInner = function (selector) {
return this.each((i, ele) => {
const $ele = cash(ele);
const contents = $ele.contents();
contents.length ? contents.wrapAll(selector) : $ele.append(selector);
fn.before = function () {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, false, true);
fn.wrapAll = function (selector) {
let structure = cash(selector);
let wrapper = structure[0];
while (wrapper.children.length)
wrapper = wrapper.firstElementChild;
return this.appendTo(wrapper);
fn.wrap = function (selector) {
return this.each((i, ele) => {
const wrapper = cash(selector)[0];
cash(ele).wrapAll(!i ? wrapper : wrapper.cloneNode(true));
fn.insertAfter = function (selector) {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, true, false, false, false, false, true);
fn.insertBefore = function (selector) {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, true, true);
fn.prepend = function () {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, false, true, true, true, true);
fn.prependTo = function (selector) {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, true, true, true, false, false, true);
fn.contents = function () {
return cash(unique(pluck(this, ele => ele.tagName === 'IFRAME' ? [ele.contentDocument] : (ele.tagName === 'TEMPLATE' ? ele.content.childNodes : ele.childNodes))));
}; = function (comparator, _all, _until) {
return filtered(cash(unique(pluck(this, 'nextElementSibling', _all, _until))), comparator);
fn.nextAll = function (comparator) {
return, true);
fn.nextUntil = function (until, comparator) {
return, true, until);
fn.parents = function (comparator, _until) {
return filtered(cash(unique(pluck(this, 'parentElement', true, _until))), comparator);
fn.parentsUntil = function (until, comparator) {
return this.parents(comparator, until);
fn.prev = function (comparator, _all, _until) {
return filtered(cash(unique(pluck(this, 'previousElementSibling', _all, _until))), comparator);
fn.prevAll = function (comparator) {
return this.prev(comparator, true);
fn.prevUntil = function (until, comparator) {
return this.prev(comparator, true, until);
}; = function (callback) {
return cash(concat.apply([],, (ele, i) =>, i, ele))));
fn.clone = function () {
return, ele) => ele.cloneNode(true));
fn.offsetParent = function () {
return, ele) => {
let offsetParent = ele.offsetParent;
while (offsetParent && computeStyle(offsetParent, 'position') === 'static') {
offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent;
return offsetParent || docEle;
fn.slice = function (start, end) {
return cash(, start, end));
// @require ./cash.ts
const dashAlphaRe = /-([a-z])/g;
function camelCase(str) {
return str.replace(dashAlphaRe, (match, letter) => letter.toUpperCase());
fn.ready = function (callback) {
const cb = () => setTimeout(callback, 0, cash);
if (doc.readyState !== 'loading') {
else {
doc.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', cb);
return this;
fn.unwrap = function () {
this.parent().each((i, ele) => {
if (ele.tagName === 'BODY')
const $ele = cash(ele);
return this;
fn.offset = function () {
const ele = this[0];
if (!ele)
const rect = ele.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
top: + win.pageYOffset,
left: rect.left + win.pageXOffset
fn.position = function () {
const ele = this[0];
if (!ele)
const isFixed = (computeStyle(ele, 'position') === 'fixed');
const offset = isFixed ? ele.getBoundingClientRect() : this.offset();
if (!isFixed) {
const doc = ele.ownerDocument;
let offsetParent = ele.offsetParent || doc.documentElement;
while ((offsetParent === doc.body || offsetParent === doc.documentElement) && computeStyle(offsetParent, 'position') === 'static') {
offsetParent = offsetParent.parentNode;
if (offsetParent !== ele && isElement(offsetParent)) {
const parentOffset = cash(offsetParent).offset(); -= + computeStyleInt(offsetParent, 'borderTopWidth');
offset.left -= parentOffset.left + computeStyleInt(offsetParent, 'borderLeftWidth');
return {
top: - computeStyleInt(ele, 'marginTop'),
left: offset.left - computeStyleInt(ele, 'marginLeft')
const propMap = {
class: 'className',
contenteditable: 'contentEditable',
/* LABEL */
for: 'htmlFor',
/* INPUT */
readonly: 'readOnly',
maxlength: 'maxLength',
tabindex: 'tabIndex',
/* TABLE */
colspan: 'colSpan',
rowspan: 'rowSpan',
/* IMAGE */
usemap: 'useMap'
fn.prop = function (prop, value) {
if (!prop)
if (isString(prop)) {
prop = propMap[prop] || prop;
if (arguments.length < 2)
return this[0] && this[0][prop];
return this.each((i, ele) => { ele[prop] = value; });
for (const key in prop) {
this.prop(key, prop[key]);
return this;
fn.removeProp = function (prop) {
return this.each((i, ele) => { delete ele[propMap[prop] || prop]; });
const cssVariableRe = /^--/;

@@ -374,3 +727,5 @@ // @require ./variables.ts

// @require ./is_css_variable.ts
const prefixedProps = {}, { style } = div, vendorsPrefixes = ['webkit', 'moz', 'ms'];
const prefixedProps = {};
const { style } = div;
const vendorsPrefixes = ['webkit', 'moz', 'ms'];
function getPrefixedProp(prop, isVariable = isCSSVariable(prop)) {

@@ -380,3 +735,5 @@ if (isVariable)

if (!prefixedProps[prop]) {
const propCC = camelCase(prop), propUC = `${propCC[0].toUpperCase()}${propCC.slice(1)}`, props = (`${propCC} ${vendorsPrefixes.join(`${propUC} `)}${propUC}`).split(' ');
const propCC = camelCase(prop);
const propUC = `${propCC[0].toUpperCase()}${propCC.slice(1)}`;
const props = (`${propCC} ${vendorsPrefixes.join(`${propUC} `)}${propUC}`).split(' ');
each(props, (i, p) => {

@@ -391,3 +748,2 @@ if (p in style) {

// @require core/type_checking.ts

@@ -445,3 +801,10 @@ // @require ./is_css_variable.ts

fn.css = css;
// @optional ./css.ts
function attempt(fn, arg) {
try {
return fn(arg);
catch (_a) {
return arg;
// @require core/attempt.ts

@@ -485,3 +848,2 @@ // @require core/camel_case.ts = data;
// @optional ./data.ts
function getDocumentDimension(doc, dimension) {

@@ -491,6 +853,2 @@ const docEle = doc.documentElement;

// @require css/helpers/compute_style_int.ts
function getExtraSpace(ele, xAxis) {
return computeStyleInt(ele, `border${xAxis ? 'Left' : 'Top'}Width`) + computeStyleInt(ele, `padding${xAxis ? 'Left' : 'Top'}`) + computeStyleInt(ele, `padding${xAxis ? 'Right' : 'Bottom'}`) + computeStyleInt(ele, `border${xAxis ? 'Right' : 'Bottom'}Width`);
each([true, false], (i, outer) => {

@@ -531,19 +889,2 @@ each(['Width', 'Height'], (i, prop) => {

// @optional ./inner_outer.ts
// @optional ./normal.ts
// @require css/helpers/compute_style.ts
const defaultDisplay = {};
function getDefaultDisplay(tagName) {
if (defaultDisplay[tagName])
return defaultDisplay[tagName];
const ele = createElement(tagName);
doc.body.insertBefore(ele, null);
const display = computeStyle(ele, 'display');
return defaultDisplay[tagName] = display !== 'none' ? display : 'block';
// @require css/helpers/compute_style.ts
function isHidden(ele) {
return computeStyle(ele, 'display') === 'none';
const displayProperty = '___cd';

@@ -573,9 +914,7 @@ fn.toggle = function (force) {

// @optional ./hide.ts
// @optional ./show.ts
// @optional ./toggle.ts
function hasNamespaces(ns1, ns2) {
return !ns2 || !, (ns) => ns1.indexOf(ns) < 0);
const eventsNamespace = '___ce', eventsNamespacesSeparator = '.', eventsFocus = { focus: 'focusin', blur: 'focusout' }, eventsHover = { mouseenter: 'mouseover', mouseleave: 'mouseout' }, eventsMouseRe = /^(mouse|pointer|contextmenu|drag|drop|click|dblclick)/i;
const eventsNamespace = '___ce';
const eventsNamespacesSeparator = '.';
const eventsFocus = { focus: 'focusin', blur: 'focusout' };
const eventsHover = { mouseenter: 'mouseover', mouseleave: 'mouseout' };
const eventsMouseRe = /^(mouse|pointer|contextmenu|drag|drop|click|dblclick)/i;
// @require ./variables.ts

@@ -586,2 +925,30 @@ function getEventNameBubbling(name) {

// @require ./variables.ts
function parseEventName(eventName) {
const parts = eventName.split(eventsNamespacesSeparator);
return [parts[0], parts.slice(1).sort()]; // [name, namespace[]]
fn.trigger = function (event, data) {
if (isString(event)) {
const [nameOriginal, namespaces] = parseEventName(event);
const name = getEventNameBubbling(nameOriginal);
if (!name)
return this;
const type = eventsMouseRe.test(name) ? 'MouseEvents' : 'HTMLEvents';
event = doc.createEvent(type);
event.initEvent(name, true, true);
event.namespace = namespaces.join(eventsNamespacesSeparator);
event.___ot = nameOriginal;
event.___td = data;
const isEventFocus = (event.___ot in eventsFocus);
return this.each((i, ele) => {
if (isEventFocus && isFunction(ele[event.___ot])) {
ele[`___i${event.type}`] = true; // Ensuring the native event is ignored
ele[`___i${event.type}`] = false; // Ensuring the custom event is not ignored
// @require ./variables.ts
function getEventsCache(ele) {

@@ -598,6 +965,4 @@ return ele[eventsNamespace] = (ele[eventsNamespace] || {});

// @require ./variables.ts
function parseEventName(eventName) {
const parts = eventName.split(eventsNamespacesSeparator);
return [parts[0], parts.slice(1).sort()]; // [name, namespace[]]
function hasNamespaces(ns1, ns2) {
return !ns2 || !, (ns) => ns1.indexOf(ns) < 0);

@@ -641,3 +1006,4 @@ // @require ./get_events_cache.ts

each(getSplitValues(eventFullName), (i, eventFullName) => {
const [nameOriginal, namespaces] = parseEventName(eventFullName), name = getEventNameBubbling(nameOriginal);
const [nameOriginal, namespaces] = parseEventName(eventFullName);
const name = getEventNameBubbling(nameOriginal);
this.each((i, ele) => {

@@ -652,2 +1018,13 @@ if (!isElement(ele) && !isDocument(ele) && !isWindow(ele))

fn.remove = function (comparator) {
filtered(this, comparator).detach().off();
return this;
fn.replaceWith = function (selector) {
return this.before(selector).remove();
fn.replaceAll = function (selector) {
return this;
function on(eventFullName, selector, data, callback, _one) {

@@ -681,3 +1058,6 @@ if (!isString(eventFullName)) {

each(getSplitValues(eventFullName), (i, eventFullName) => {
const [nameOriginal, namespaces] = parseEventName(eventFullName), name = getEventNameBubbling(nameOriginal), isEventHover = (nameOriginal in eventsHover), isEventFocus = (nameOriginal in eventsFocus);
const [nameOriginal, namespaces] = parseEventName(eventFullName);
const name = getEventNameBubbling(nameOriginal);
const isEventHover = (nameOriginal in eventsHover);
const isEventFocus = (nameOriginal in eventsFocus);
if (!name)

@@ -746,51 +1126,9 @@ return; = one;
fn.ready = function (callback) {
const cb = () => setTimeout(callback, 0, cash);
if (doc.readyState !== 'loading') {
else {
doc.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', cb);
return this;
fn.trigger = function (event, data) {
if (isString(event)) {
const [nameOriginal, namespaces] = parseEventName(event), name = getEventNameBubbling(nameOriginal);
if (!name)
return this;
const type = eventsMouseRe.test(name) ? 'MouseEvents' : 'HTMLEvents';
event = doc.createEvent(type);
event.initEvent(name, true, true);
event.namespace = namespaces.join(eventsNamespacesSeparator);
event.___ot = nameOriginal;
event.___td = data;
const isEventFocus = (event.___ot in eventsFocus);
return this.each((i, ele) => {
if (isEventFocus && isFunction(ele[event.___ot])) {
ele[`___i${event.type}`] = true; // Ensuring the native event is ignored
ele[`___i${event.type}`] = false; // Ensuring the custom event is not ignored
// @optional ./off.ts
// @optional ./on.ts
// @optional ./one.ts
// @optional ./ready.ts
// @optional ./trigger.ts
// @require core/pluck.ts
// @require core/variables.ts
function getValue(ele) {
if (ele.multiple && ele.options)
return pluck(, option => option.selected && !option.disabled && !option.parentNode.disabled), 'value');
return ele.value || '';
const queryEncodeSpaceRe = /%20/g, queryEncodeCRLFRe = /\r?\n/g;
const queryEncodeSpaceRe = /%20/g;
const queryEncodeCRLFRe = /\r?\n/g;
function queryEncode(prop, value) {
return `&${encodeURIComponent(prop)}=${encodeURIComponent(value.replace(queryEncodeCRLFRe, '\r\n')).replace(queryEncodeSpaceRe, '+')}`;
const skippableRe = /file|reset|submit|button|image/i, checkableRe = /radio|checkbox/i;
const skippableRe = /file|reset|submit|button|image/i;
const checkableRe = /radio|checkbox/i;
fn.serialize = function () {

@@ -813,338 +1151,90 @@ let query = '';

function val(value) {
if (!arguments.length)
return this[0] && getValue(this[0]);
return this.each((i, ele) => {
const isSelect = ele.multiple && ele.options;
if (isSelect || checkableRe.test(ele.type)) {
const eleValue = isArray(value) ?, String) : (isNull(value) ? [] : [String(value)]);
if (isSelect) {
each(ele.options, (i, option) => {
option.selected = eleValue.indexOf(option.value) >= 0;
}, true);
else {
ele.checked = eleValue.indexOf(ele.value) >= 0;
else {
ele.value = isUndefined(value) || isNull(value) ? '' : value;
fn.val = val;
fn.clone = function () {
return, ele) => ele.cloneNode(true));
fn.detach = function (comparator) {
filtered(this, comparator).each((i, ele) => {
if (ele.parentNode) {
return this;
const fragmentRe = /^\s*<(\w+)[^>]*>/, singleTagRe = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>)?$/;
const containers = {
'*': div,
tr: tbody,
td: tr,
th: tr,
thead: table,
tbody: table,
tfoot: table
//TODO: Create elements inside a document fragment, in order to prevent inline event handlers from firing
//TODO: Ensure the created elements have the fragment as their parent instead of null, this also ensures we can deal with detatched nodes more reliably
function parseHTML(html) {
if (!isString(html))
return [];
if (singleTagRe.test(html))
return [createElement(RegExp.$1)];
const fragment = fragmentRe.test(html) && RegExp.$1, container = containers[fragment] || containers['*'];
container.innerHTML = html;
return cash(container.childNodes).detach().get();
cash.parseHTML = parseHTML;
fn.empty = function () {
return this.each((i, ele) => {
while (ele.firstChild) {
function html(html) {
if (!arguments.length)
return this[0] && this[0].innerHTML;
if (isUndefined(html))
return this;
return this.each((i, ele) => {
if (!isElement(ele))
ele.innerHTML = html;
fn.html = html;
fn.remove = function (comparator) {
filtered(this, comparator).detach().off();
return this;
function text(text) {
if (isUndefined(text))
return this[0] ? this[0].textContent : '';
return this.each((i, ele) => {
if (!isElement(ele))
ele.textContent = text;
fn.text = text;
fn.unwrap = function () {
this.parent().each((i, ele) => {
if (ele.tagName === 'BODY')
const $ele = cash(ele);
return this;
fn.offset = function () {
const ele = this[0];
if (!ele)
const rect = ele.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
top: + win.pageYOffset,
left: rect.left + win.pageXOffset
fn.offsetParent = function () {
return, ele) => {
let offsetParent = ele.offsetParent;
while (offsetParent && computeStyle(offsetParent, 'position') === 'static') {
offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent;
return offsetParent || docEle;
fn.position = function () {
const ele = this[0];
if (!ele)
const isFixed = (computeStyle(ele, 'position') === 'fixed'), offset = isFixed ? ele.getBoundingClientRect() : this.offset();
if (!isFixed) {
const doc = ele.ownerDocument;
let offsetParent = ele.offsetParent || doc.documentElement;
while ((offsetParent === doc.body || offsetParent === doc.documentElement) && computeStyle(offsetParent, 'position') === 'static') {
offsetParent = offsetParent.parentNode;
if (offsetParent !== ele && isElement(offsetParent)) {
const parentOffset = cash(offsetParent).offset(); -= + computeStyleInt(offsetParent, 'borderTopWidth');
offset.left -= parentOffset.left + computeStyleInt(offsetParent, 'borderLeftWidth');
return {
top: - computeStyleInt(ele, 'marginTop'),
left: offset.left - computeStyleInt(ele, 'marginLeft')
fn.children = function (comparator) {
return filtered(cash(unique(pluck(this, ele => ele.children))), comparator);
fn.contents = function () {
return cash(unique(pluck(this, ele => ele.tagName === 'IFRAME' ? [ele.contentDocument] : (ele.tagName === 'TEMPLATE' ? ele.content.childNodes : ele.childNodes))));
fn.find = function (selector) {
return cash(unique(pluck(this, ele => find(selector, ele))));
// @require core/types.ts
// @require core/cash.ts
// @require core/type_checking.ts
// @require core/variables.ts
// @require core/each.ts
// @require core/extend.ts
// @require core/find.ts
// @require core/get_compare_function.ts
// @require core/get_split_values.ts
// @require core/guid.ts
// @require core/parse_html.ts
// @require core/unique.ts
// @require attributes/add_class.ts
// @require attributes/attr.ts
// @require attributes/has_class.ts
// @require attributes/prop.ts
// @require attributes/remove_attr.ts
// @require attributes/remove_class.ts
// @require attributes/remove_prop.ts
// @require attributes/toggle_class.ts
// @require collection/add.ts
// @require collection/each.ts
// @require collection/eq.ts
// @require collection/filter.ts
// @require collection/first.ts
// @require collection/get.ts
// @require collection/index.ts
// @require collection/last.ts
// @require collection/map.ts
// @require collection/slice.ts
// @require css/css.ts
// @require data/data.ts
// @require dimensions/inner_outer.ts
// @require dimensions/normal.ts
// @require effects/hide.ts
// @require effects/show.ts
// @require effects/toggle.ts
// @require events/off.ts
// @require events/on.ts
// @require events/one.ts
// @require events/ready.ts
// @require events/trigger.ts
// @require forms/serialize.ts
// @require forms/val.ts
// @require manipulation/after.ts
// @require manipulation/append.ts
// @require manipulation/append_to.ts
// @require manipulation/before.ts
// @require manipulation/clone.ts
// @require manipulation/detach.ts
// @require manipulation/empty.ts
// @require manipulation/html.ts
// @require manipulation/insert_after.ts
// @require manipulation/insert_before.ts
// @require manipulation/prepend.ts
// @require manipulation/prepend_to.ts
// @require manipulation/remove.ts
// @require manipulation/replace_all.ts
// @require manipulation/replace_with.ts
// @require manipulation/text.ts
// @require manipulation/unwrap.ts
// @require manipulation/wrap.ts
// @require manipulation/wrap_all.ts
// @require manipulation/wrap_inner.ts
// @require offset/offset.ts
// @require offset/offset_parent.ts
// @require offset/position.ts
// @require traversal/children.ts
// @require traversal/closest.ts
// @require traversal/contents.ts
// @require traversal/find.ts
const HTMLCDATARe = /^\s*<!(?:\[CDATA\[|--)|(?:\]\]|--)>\s*$/g, scriptTypeRe = /^$|^module$|\/(java|ecma)script/i, scriptAttributes = ['type', 'src', 'nonce', 'noModule'];
function evalScripts(node, doc) {
const collection = cash(node);
collection.filter('script').add(collection.find('script')).each((i, ele) => {
if (scriptTypeRe.test(ele.type) && docEle.contains(ele)) { // The script type is supported // The element is attached to the DOM // Using `documentElement` for broader browser support
const script = createElement('script');
script.text = ele.textContent.replace(HTMLCDATARe, '');
each(scriptAttributes, (i, attr) => {
if (ele[attr])
script[attr] = ele[attr];
doc.head.insertBefore(script, null);
// @require ./eval_scripts.ts
function insertElement(anchor, target, left, inside, evaluate) {
if (inside) { // prepend/append
anchor.insertBefore(target, left ? anchor.firstChild : null);
else { // before/after
if (anchor.nodeName === 'HTML') {
anchor.parentNode.replaceChild(target, anchor);
else {
anchor.parentNode.insertBefore(target, left ? anchor : anchor.nextSibling);
if (evaluate) {
evalScripts(target, anchor.ownerDocument);
// @require ./insert_element.ts
function insertSelectors(selectors, anchors, inverse, left, inside, reverseLoop1, reverseLoop2, reverseLoop3) {
each(selectors, (si, selector) => {
each(cash(selector), (ti, target) => {
each(cash(anchors), (ai, anchor) => {
const anchorFinal = inverse ? target : anchor, targetFinal = inverse ? anchor : target, indexFinal = inverse ? ti : ai;
insertElement(anchorFinal, !indexFinal ? targetFinal : targetFinal.cloneNode(true), left, inside, !indexFinal);
}, reverseLoop3);
}, reverseLoop2);
}, reverseLoop1);
return anchors;
fn.after = function () {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, false, false, false, true, true);
fn.append = function () {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, false, false, true);
fn.appendTo = function (selector) {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, true, false, true);
fn.before = function () {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, false, true);
fn.insertAfter = function (selector) {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, true, false, false, false, false, true);
fn.insertBefore = function (selector) {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, true, true);
fn.prepend = function () {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, false, true, true, true, true);
fn.prependTo = function (selector) {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, true, true, true, false, false, true);
fn.replaceWith = function (selector) {
return this.before(selector).remove();
fn.replaceAll = function (selector) {
return this;
fn.wrapAll = function (selector) {
let structure = cash(selector), wrapper = structure[0];
while (wrapper.children.length)
wrapper = wrapper.firstElementChild;
return this.appendTo(wrapper);
fn.wrap = function (selector) {
return this.each((i, ele) => {
const wrapper = cash(selector)[0];
cash(ele).wrapAll(!i ? wrapper : wrapper.cloneNode(true));
fn.wrapInner = function (selector) {
return this.each((i, ele) => {
const $ele = cash(ele), contents = $ele.contents();
contents.length ? contents.wrapAll(selector) : $ele.append(selector);
fn.has = function (selector) {
const comparator = isString(selector)
? (i, ele) => find(selector, ele).length
: (i, ele) => ele.contains(selector);
return this.filter(comparator);
}; = function (comparator) {
const compare = getCompareFunction(comparator);
return, (ele, i) =>, i, ele));
}; = function (comparator, _all, _until) {
return filtered(cash(unique(pluck(this, 'nextElementSibling', _all, _until))), comparator);
fn.nextAll = function (comparator) {
return, true);
fn.nextUntil = function (until, comparator) {
return, true, until);
fn.not = function (comparator) {
const compare = getCompareFunction(comparator);
return this.filter((i, ele) => (!isString(comparator) || isElement(ele)) && !, i, ele));
fn.parent = function (comparator) {
return filtered(cash(unique(pluck(this, 'parentNode'))), comparator);
fn.index = function (selector) {
const child = selector ? cash(selector)[0] : this[0], collection = selector ? this : cash(child).parent().children();
return, child);
fn.closest = function (comparator) {
const filtered = this.filter(comparator);
if (filtered.length)
return filtered;
const $parent = this.parent();
if (!$parent.length)
return filtered;
return $parent.closest(comparator);
fn.parents = function (comparator, _until) {
return filtered(cash(unique(pluck(this, 'parentElement', true, _until))), comparator);
fn.parentsUntil = function (until, comparator) {
return this.parents(comparator, until);
fn.prev = function (comparator, _all, _until) {
return filtered(cash(unique(pluck(this, 'previousElementSibling', _all, _until))), comparator);
fn.prevAll = function (comparator) {
return this.prev(comparator, true);
fn.prevUntil = function (until, comparator) {
return this.prev(comparator, true, until);
fn.siblings = function (comparator) {
return filtered(cash(unique(pluck(this, ele => cash(ele).parent().children().not(ele)))), comparator);
// @optional ./children.ts
// @optional ./closest.ts
// @optional ./contents.ts
// @optional ./find.ts
// @optional ./has.ts
// @optional ./is.ts
// @optional ./next.ts
// @optional ./next_all.ts
// @optional ./next_until.ts
// @optional ./not.ts
// @optional ./parent.ts
// @optional ./parents.ts
// @optional ./parents_until.ts
// @optional ./prev.ts
// @optional ./prev_all.ts
// @optional ./prev_until.ts
// @optional ./siblings.ts
// @optional attributes/index.ts
// @optional collection/index.ts
// @optional css/index.ts
// @optional data/index.ts
// @optional dimensions/index.ts
// @optional effects/index.ts
// @optional events/index.ts
// @optional forms/index.ts
// @optional manipulation/index.ts
// @optional offset/index.ts
// @optional traversal/index.ts
// @require core/index.ts
// @priority -100
// @require ./cash.ts
// @require traversal/has.ts
// @require traversal/is.ts
// @require traversal/next.ts
// @require traversal/next_all.ts
// @require traversal/next_until.ts
// @require traversal/not.ts
// @require traversal/parent.ts
// @require traversal/parents.ts
// @require traversal/parents_until.ts
// @require traversal/prev.ts
// @require traversal/prev_all.ts
// @require traversal/prev_until.ts
// @require traversal/siblings.ts
// @no-require extras/get_script.ts
// @no-require extras/shorthands.ts
// @require methods.ts
export default cash;
export { Cash };

@@ -1,183 +0,109 @@

/* MIT */
"use strict";
var propMap = {
"class": 'className',
contenteditable: 'contentEditable',
/* LABEL */
"for": 'htmlFor',
/* INPUT */
readonly: 'readOnly',
maxlength: 'maxLength',
tabindex: 'tabIndex',
/* TABLE */
colspan: 'colSpan',
rowspan: 'rowSpan',
/* IMAGE */
usemap: 'useMap'
function attempt(fn, arg) {
try {
return fn(arg);
} catch (_a) {
return arg;
var doc = document;
var win = window;
var docEle = doc.documentElement;
var createElement = doc.createElement.bind(doc);
var div = createElement('div');
var table = createElement('table');
var tbody = createElement('tbody');
var tr = createElement('tr');
var isArray = Array.isArray, ArrayPrototype = Array.prototype;
var concat = ArrayPrototype.concat, filter = ArrayPrototype.filter, indexOf = ArrayPrototype.indexOf, map =, push = ArrayPrototype.push, slice = ArrayPrototype.slice, some = ArrayPrototype.some, splice = ArrayPrototype.splice;
var idRe = /^#(?:[\w-]|\\.|[^\x00-\xa0])*$/;
var classRe = /^\.(?:[\w-]|\\.|[^\x00-\xa0])*$/;
var htmlRe = /<.+>/;
var tagRe = /^\w+$/;
// @require ./variables.ts
function find(selector, context) {
var isFragment = isDocumentFragment(context);
return !selector || (!isFragment && !isDocument(context) && !isElement(context))
? []
: !isFragment && classRe.test(selector)
? context.getElementsByClassName(selector.slice(1).replace(/\\/g, ''))
: !isFragment && tagRe.test(selector)
? context.getElementsByTagName(selector)
: context.querySelectorAll(selector);
var doc = document,
win = window,
docEle = doc.documentElement,
createElement = doc.createElement.bind(doc),
div = createElement('div'),
table = createElement('table'),
tbody = createElement('tbody'),
tr = createElement('tr'),
isArray = Array.isArray,
ArrayPrototype = Array.prototype,
concat = ArrayPrototype.concat,
filter = ArrayPrototype.filter,
indexOf = ArrayPrototype.indexOf,
map =,
push = ArrayPrototype.push,
slice = ArrayPrototype.slice,
some = ArrayPrototype.some,
splice = ArrayPrototype.splice;
var idRe = /^#(?:[\w-]|\\.|[^\x00-\xa0])*$/,
classRe = /^\.(?:[\w-]|\\.|[^\x00-\xa0])*$/,
htmlRe = /<.+>/,
tagRe = /^\w+$/; // @require ./variables.ts
function find(selector, context) {
var isFragment = isDocumentFragment(context);
return !selector || !isFragment && !isDocument(context) && !isElement(context) ? [] : !isFragment && classRe.test(selector) ? context.getElementsByClassName(selector.slice(1)) : !isFragment && tagRe.test(selector) ? context.getElementsByTagName(selector) : context.querySelectorAll(selector);
} // @require ./find.ts
// @require ./find.ts
// @require ./variables.ts
var Cash =
/** @class */
function () {
function Cash(selector, context) {
if (!selector) return;
if (isCash(selector)) return selector;
var eles = selector;
if (isString(selector)) {
var ctx = (isCash(context) ? context[0] : context) || doc;
eles = idRe.test(selector) && 'getElementById' in ctx ? ctx.getElementById(selector.slice(1)) : htmlRe.test(selector) ? parseHTML(selector) : find(selector, ctx);
if (!eles) return;
} else if (isFunction(selector)) {
return this.ready(selector); //FIXME: `fn.ready` is not included in `core`, but it's actually a core functionality
var Cash = /** @class */ (function () {
function Cash(selector, context) {
if (!selector)
if (isCash(selector))
return selector;
var eles = selector;
if (isString(selector)) {
var ctx = (isCash(context) ? context[0] : context) || doc;
eles = idRe.test(selector) && 'getElementById' in ctx
? ctx.getElementById(selector.slice(1).replace(/\\/g, ''))
: htmlRe.test(selector)
? parseHTML(selector)
: find(selector, ctx);
if (!eles)
else if (isFunction(selector)) {
return this.ready(selector); //FIXME: `fn.ready` is not included in `core`, but it's actually a core functionality
if (eles.nodeType || eles === win)
eles = [eles];
this.length = eles.length;
for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) {
this[i] = eles[i];
if (eles.nodeType || eles === win) eles = [eles];
this.length = eles.length;
for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) {
this[i] = eles[i];
Cash.prototype.init = function (selector, context) {
return new Cash(selector, context);
return Cash;
var fn = Cash.prototype,
cash = fn.init;
Cash.prototype.init = function (selector, context) {
return new Cash(selector, context);
return Cash;
var fn = Cash.prototype;
var cash = fn.init;
cash.fn = cash.prototype = fn; // Ensuring that `cash () instanceof cash`
fn.length = 0;
fn.splice = splice; // Ensuring a cash collection gets printed as array-like in Chrome's devtools
if (typeof Symbol === 'function') {
// Ensuring a cash collection is iterable
fn[Symbol['iterator']] = ArrayPrototype[Symbol['iterator']];
if (typeof Symbol === 'function') { // Ensuring a cash collection is iterable
fn[Symbol['iterator']] = ArrayPrototype[Symbol['iterator']];
} = function (callback) {
return cash(concat.apply([],, function (ele, i) {
return, i, ele);
fn.slice = function (start, end) {
return cash(, start, end));
}; // @require ./cash.ts
var dashAlphaRe = /-([a-z])/g;
function camelCase(str) {
return str.replace(dashAlphaRe, function (match, letter) {
return letter.toUpperCase();
function isCash(value) {
return value instanceof Cash;
cash.guid = 1; // @require ./cash.ts
function matches(ele, selector) {
var matches = ele && (ele['matches'] || ele['webkitMatchesSelector'] || ele['msMatchesSelector']);
return !!matches && !!selector &&, selector);
function isWindow(value) {
return !!value && value === value.window;
function isCash(x) {
return x instanceof Cash;
function isDocument(value) {
return !!value && value.nodeType === 9;
function isWindow(x) {
return !!x && x === x.window;
function isDocumentFragment(value) {
return !!value && value.nodeType === 11;
function isDocument(x) {
return !!x && x.nodeType === 9;
function isElement(value) {
return !!value && value.nodeType === 1;
function isDocumentFragment(x) {
return !!x && x.nodeType === 11;
function isBoolean(value) {
return typeof value === 'boolean';
function isElement(x) {
return !!x && x.nodeType === 1;
function isFunction(value) {
return typeof value === 'function';
function isBoolean(x) {
return typeof x === 'boolean';
function isString(value) {
return typeof value === 'string';
function isFunction(x) {
return typeof x === 'function';
function isUndefined(value) {
return value === undefined;
function isString(x) {
return typeof x === 'string';
function isNull(value) {
return value === null;
function isUndefined(x) {
return x === undefined;
function isNumeric(value) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(value)) && isFinite(value);
function isNull(x) {
return x === null;
function isPlainObject(value) {
if (typeof value !== 'object' || value === null)
return false;
var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(value);
return proto === null || proto === Object.prototype;
function isNumeric(x) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(x)) && isFinite(x);
function isPlainObject(x) {
if (typeof x !== 'object' || x === null) return false;
var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(x);
return proto === null || proto === Object.prototype;
cash.isWindow = isWindow;

@@ -188,262 +114,606 @@ cash.isFunction = isFunction;

cash.isPlainObject = isPlainObject;
fn.get = function (index) {
if (isUndefined(index)) return;
index = Number(index);
return this[index < 0 ? index + this.length : index];
fn.eq = function (index) {
return cash(this.get(index));
fn.first = function () {
return this.eq(0);
fn.last = function () {
return this.eq(-1);
function each(arr, callback, _reverse) {
if (_reverse) {
var i = arr.length;
while (i--) {
if ([i], i, arr[i]) === false) return arr;
if (_reverse) {
var i = arr.length;
while (i--) {
if ([i], i, arr[i]) === false)
return arr;
} else if (isPlainObject(arr)) {
var keys = Object.keys(arr);
for (var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
var key = keys[i];
if ([key], key, arr[key]) === false) return arr;
else if (isPlainObject(arr)) {
var keys = Object.keys(arr);
for (var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
var key = keys[i];
if ([key], key, arr[key]) === false)
return arr;
} else {
for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) {
if ([i], i, arr[i]) === false) return arr;
else {
for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) {
if ([i], i, arr[i]) === false)
return arr;
return arr;
return arr;
cash.each = each;
fn.each = function (callback) {
return each(this, callback);
return each(this, callback);
fn.prop = function (prop, value) {
if (!prop) return;
if (isString(prop)) {
prop = propMap[prop] || prop;
if (arguments.length < 2) return this[0] && this[0][prop];
fn.empty = function () {
return this.each(function (i, ele) {
ele[prop] = value;
while (ele.firstChild) {
for (var key in prop) {
this.prop(key, prop[key]);
return this;
fn.removeProp = function (prop) {
return this.each(function (i, ele) {
delete ele[propMap[prop] || prop];
function text(text) {
if (isUndefined(text))
return this[0] ? this[0].textContent : '';
return this.each(function (i, ele) {
if (!isElement(ele))
ele.textContent = text;
fn.text = text;
function extend() {
var sources = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
sources[_i] = arguments[_i];
var deep = isBoolean(sources[0]) ? sources.shift() : false,
target = sources.shift(),
length = sources.length;
if (!target) return {};
if (!length) return extend(deep, cash, target);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var source = sources[i];
for (var key in source) {
if (deep && (isArray(source[key]) || isPlainObject(source[key]))) {
if (!target[key] || target[key].constructor !== source[key].constructor) target[key] = new source[key].constructor();
extend(deep, target[key], source[key]);
} else {
target[key] = source[key];
var sources = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
sources[_i] = arguments[_i];
return target;
var deep = isBoolean(sources[0]) ? sources.shift() : false;
var target = sources.shift();
var length = sources.length;
if (!target)
return {};
if (!length)
return extend(deep, cash, target);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var source = sources[i];
for (var key in source) {
if (deep && (isArray(source[key]) || isPlainObject(source[key]))) {
if (!target[key] || target[key].constructor !== source[key].constructor)
target[key] = new source[key].constructor();
extend(deep, target[key], source[key]);
else {
target[key] = source[key];
return target;
cash.extend = extend;
fn.extend = function (plugins) {
return extend(fn, plugins);
}; // @require ./matches.ts
return extend(fn, plugins);
// @require ./type_checking.ts
function getCompareFunction(comparator) {
return isString(comparator) ? function (i, ele) {
return matches(ele, comparator);
} : isFunction(comparator) ? comparator : isCash(comparator) ? function (i, ele) {
} : !comparator ? function () {
return false;
} : function (i, ele) {
return ele === comparator;
fn.filter = function (comparator) {
var compare = getCompareFunction(comparator);
return cash(, function (ele, i) {
return, i, ele);
}; // @require collection/filter.ts
function filtered(collection, comparator) {
return !comparator ? collection : collection.filter(comparator);
} // @require ./type_checking.ts
var splitValuesRe = /\S+/g;
function getSplitValues(str) {
return isString(str) ? str.match(splitValuesRe) || [] : [];
return isString(str) ? str.match(splitValuesRe) || [] : [];
fn.hasClass = function (cls) {
return !!cls &&, function (ele) {
return isElement(ele) && ele.classList.contains(cls);
fn.toggleClass = function (cls, force) {
var classes = getSplitValues(cls);
var isForce = !isUndefined(force);
return this.each(function (i, ele) {
if (!isElement(ele))
each(classes, function (i, c) {
if (isForce) {
force ? ele.classList.add(c) : ele.classList.remove(c);
else {
fn.addClass = function (cls) {
return this.toggleClass(cls, true);
fn.removeAttr = function (attr) {
var attrs = getSplitValues(attr);
return this.each(function (i, ele) {
if (!isElement(ele)) return;
each(attrs, function (i, a) {
var attrs = getSplitValues(attr);
return this.each(function (i, ele) {
if (!isElement(ele))
each(attrs, function (i, a) {
function attr(attr, value) {
if (!attr) return;
if (isString(attr)) {
if (arguments.length < 2) {
if (!this[0] || !isElement(this[0])) return;
var value_1 = this[0].getAttribute(attr);
return isNull(value_1) ? undefined : value_1;
if (!attr)
if (isString(attr)) {
if (arguments.length < 2) {
if (!this[0] || !isElement(this[0]))
var value_1 = this[0].getAttribute(attr);
return isNull(value_1) ? undefined : value_1;
if (isUndefined(value))
return this;
if (isNull(value))
return this.removeAttr(attr);
return this.each(function (i, ele) {
if (!isElement(ele))
ele.setAttribute(attr, value);
if (isUndefined(value)) return this;
if (isNull(value)) return this.removeAttr(attr);
return this.each(function (i, ele) {
if (!isElement(ele)) return;
ele.setAttribute(attr, value);
for (var key in attr) {
this.attr(key, attr[key]);
return this;
for (var key in attr) {
this.attr(key, attr[key]);
return this;
fn.attr = attr;
fn.toggleClass = function (cls, force) {
var classes = getSplitValues(cls),
isForce = !isUndefined(force);
return this.each(function (i, ele) {
if (!isElement(ele)) return;
each(classes, function (i, c) {
if (isForce) {
force ? ele.classList.add(c) : ele.classList.remove(c);
} else {
fn.removeClass = function (cls) {
if (arguments.length)
return this.toggleClass(cls, false);
return this.attr('class', '');
fn.hasClass = function (cls) {
return !!cls &&, function (ele) { return isElement(ele) && ele.classList.contains(cls); });
fn.get = function (index) {
if (isUndefined(index))
index = Number(index);
return this[index < 0 ? index + this.length : index];
fn.eq = function (index) {
return cash(this.get(index));
fn.first = function () {
return this.eq(0);
fn.last = function () {
return this.eq(-1);
// @require core/type_checking.ts
// @require core/variables.ts
function computeStyle(ele, prop, isVariable) {
if (!isElement(ele))
var style = win.getComputedStyle(ele, null);
return isVariable ? style.getPropertyValue(prop) || undefined : style[prop] ||[prop];
// @require ./compute_style.ts
function computeStyleInt(ele, prop) {
return parseInt(computeStyle(ele, prop), 10) || 0;
// @require css/helpers/compute_style_int.ts
function getExtraSpace(ele, xAxis) {
return computeStyleInt(ele, "border".concat(xAxis ? 'Left' : 'Top', "Width")) + computeStyleInt(ele, "padding".concat(xAxis ? 'Left' : 'Top')) + computeStyleInt(ele, "padding".concat(xAxis ? 'Right' : 'Bottom')) + computeStyleInt(ele, "border".concat(xAxis ? 'Right' : 'Bottom', "Width"));
// @require css/helpers/compute_style.ts
var defaultDisplay = {};
function getDefaultDisplay(tagName) {
if (defaultDisplay[tagName])
return defaultDisplay[tagName];
var ele = createElement(tagName);
doc.body.insertBefore(ele, null);
var display = computeStyle(ele, 'display');
return defaultDisplay[tagName] = display !== 'none' ? display : 'block';
// @require css/helpers/compute_style.ts
function isHidden(ele) {
return computeStyle(ele, 'display') === 'none';
// @require ./cash.ts
function matches(ele, selector) {
var matches = ele && (ele['matches'] || ele['webkitMatchesSelector'] || ele['msMatchesSelector']);
return !!matches && !!selector &&, selector);
// @require ./matches.ts
// @require ./type_checking.ts
function getCompareFunction(comparator) {
return isString(comparator)
? function (i, ele) { return matches(ele, comparator); }
: isFunction(comparator)
? comparator
: isCash(comparator)
? function (i, ele) { return; }
: !comparator
? function () { return false; }
: function (i, ele) { return ele === comparator; };
fn.filter = function (comparator) {
var compare = getCompareFunction(comparator);
return cash(, function (ele, i) { return, i, ele); }));
// @require collection/filter.ts
function filtered(collection, comparator) {
return !comparator ? collection : collection.filter(comparator);
fn.detach = function (comparator) {
filtered(this, comparator).each(function (i, ele) {
if (ele.parentNode) {
return this;
fn.addClass = function (cls) {
return this.toggleClass(cls, true);
var fragmentRe = /^\s*<(\w+)[^>]*>/;
var singleTagRe = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>)?$/;
var containers = {
'*': div,
tr: tbody,
td: tr,
th: tr,
thead: table,
tbody: table,
tfoot: table
fn.removeClass = function (cls) {
if (arguments.length) return this.toggleClass(cls, false);
return this.attr('class', '');
//TODO: Create elements inside a document fragment, in order to prevent inline event handlers from firing
//TODO: Ensure the created elements have the fragment as their parent instead of null, this also ensures we can deal with detatched nodes more reliably
function parseHTML(html) {
if (!isString(html))
return [];
if (singleTagRe.test(html))
return [createElement(RegExp.$1)];
var fragment = fragmentRe.test(html) && RegExp.$1;
var container = containers[fragment] || containers['*'];
container.innerHTML = html;
return cash(container.childNodes).detach().get();
cash.parseHTML = parseHTML;
fn.has = function (selector) {
var comparator = isString(selector)
? function (i, ele) { return find(selector, ele).length; }
: function (i, ele) { return ele.contains(selector); };
return this.filter(comparator);
fn.not = function (comparator) {
var compare = getCompareFunction(comparator);
return this.filter(function (i, ele) { return (!isString(comparator) || isElement(ele)) && !, i, ele); });
function pluck(arr, prop, deep, until) {
var plucked = [],
isCallback = isFunction(prop),
compare = until && getCompareFunction(until);
for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) {
if (isCallback) {
var val_1 = prop(arr[i]);
if (val_1.length) push.apply(plucked, val_1);
} else {
var val_2 = arr[i][prop];
while (val_2 != null) {
if (until && compare(-1, val_2)) break;
val_2 = deep ? val_2[prop] : null;
var plucked = [];
var isCallback = isFunction(prop);
var compare = until && getCompareFunction(until);
for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) {
if (isCallback) {
var val_1 = prop(arr[i]);
if (val_1.length)
push.apply(plucked, val_1);
else {
var val_2 = arr[i][prop];
while (val_2 != null) {
if (until && compare(-1, val_2))
val_2 = deep ? val_2[prop] : null;
return plucked;
return plucked;
// @require core/pluck.ts
// @require core/variables.ts
function getValue(ele) {
if (ele.multiple && ele.options)
return pluck(, function (option) { return option.selected && !option.disabled && !option.parentNode.disabled; }), 'value');
return ele.value || '';
function val(value) {
if (!arguments.length)
return this[0] && getValue(this[0]);
return this.each(function (i, ele) {
var isSelect = ele.multiple && ele.options;
if (isSelect || checkableRe.test(ele.type)) {
var eleValue_1 = isArray(value) ?, String) : (isNull(value) ? [] : [String(value)]);
if (isSelect) {
each(ele.options, function (i, option) {
option.selected = eleValue_1.indexOf(option.value) >= 0;
}, true);
else {
ele.checked = eleValue_1.indexOf(ele.value) >= 0;
else {
ele.value = isUndefined(value) || isNull(value) ? '' : value;
fn.val = val; = function (comparator) {
var compare = getCompareFunction(comparator);
return, function (ele, i) { return, i, ele); });
cash.guid = 1;
function unique(arr) {
return arr.length > 1 ?, function (item, index, self) {
return, item) === index;
}) : arr;
return arr.length > 1 ?, function (item, index, self) { return, item) === index; }) : arr;
cash.unique = unique;
fn.add = function (selector, context) {
return cash(unique(this.get().concat(cash(selector, context).get())));
}; // @require core/type_checking.ts
return cash(unique(this.get().concat(cash(selector, context).get())));
fn.children = function (comparator) {
return filtered(cash(unique(pluck(this, function (ele) { return ele.children; }))), comparator);
fn.parent = function (comparator) {
return filtered(cash(unique(pluck(this, 'parentNode'))), comparator);
fn.index = function (selector) {
var child = selector ? cash(selector)[0] : this[0];
var collection = selector ? this : cash(child).parent().children();
return, child);
fn.closest = function (comparator) {
var filtered = this.filter(comparator);
if (filtered.length)
return filtered;
var $parent = this.parent();
if (!$parent.length)
return filtered;
return $parent.closest(comparator);
fn.siblings = function (comparator) {
return filtered(cash(unique(pluck(this, function (ele) { return cash(ele).parent().children().not(ele); }))), comparator);
fn.find = function (selector) {
return cash(unique(pluck(this, function (ele) { return find(selector, ele); })));
// @require core/variables.ts
function computeStyle(ele, prop, isVariable) {
if (!isElement(ele)) return;
var style = win.getComputedStyle(ele, null);
return isVariable ? style.getPropertyValue(prop) || undefined : style[prop] ||[prop];
} // @require ./compute_style.ts
function computeStyleInt(ele, prop) {
return parseInt(computeStyle(ele, prop), 10) || 0;
// @require collection/filter.ts
// @require traversal/find.ts
var HTMLCDATARe = /^\s*<!(?:\[CDATA\[|--)|(?:\]\]|--)>\s*$/g;
var scriptTypeRe = /^$|^module$|\/(java|ecma)script/i;
var scriptAttributes = ['type', 'src', 'nonce', 'noModule'];
function evalScripts(node, doc) {
var collection = cash(node);
collection.filter('script').add(collection.find('script')).each(function (i, ele) {
if (scriptTypeRe.test(ele.type) && docEle.contains(ele)) { // The script type is supported // The element is attached to the DOM // Using `documentElement` for broader browser support
var script_1 = createElement('script');
script_1.text = ele.textContent.replace(HTMLCDATARe, '');
each(scriptAttributes, function (i, attr) {
if (ele[attr])
script_1[attr] = ele[attr];
doc.head.insertBefore(script_1, null);
var cssVariableRe = /^--/; // @require ./variables.ts
// @require ./eval_scripts.ts
function insertElement(anchor, target, left, inside, evaluate) {
if (inside) { // prepend/append
anchor.insertBefore(target, left ? anchor.firstChild : null);
else { // before/after
if (anchor.nodeName === 'HTML') {
anchor.parentNode.replaceChild(target, anchor);
else {
anchor.parentNode.insertBefore(target, left ? anchor : anchor.nextSibling);
if (evaluate) {
evalScripts(target, anchor.ownerDocument);
// @require ./insert_element.ts
function insertSelectors(selectors, anchors, inverse, left, inside, reverseLoop1, reverseLoop2, reverseLoop3) {
each(selectors, function (si, selector) {
each(cash(selector), function (ti, target) {
each(cash(anchors), function (ai, anchor) {
var anchorFinal = inverse ? target : anchor;
var targetFinal = inverse ? anchor : target;
var indexFinal = inverse ? ti : ai;
insertElement(anchorFinal, !indexFinal ? targetFinal : targetFinal.cloneNode(true), left, inside, !indexFinal);
}, reverseLoop3);
}, reverseLoop2);
}, reverseLoop1);
return anchors;
fn.after = function () {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, false, false, false, true, true);
fn.append = function () {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, false, false, true);
function html(html) {
if (!arguments.length)
return this[0] && this[0].innerHTML;
if (isUndefined(html))
return this;
var hasScript = /<script[\s>]/.test(html);
return this.each(function (i, ele) {
if (!isElement(ele))
if (hasScript) {
else {
ele.innerHTML = html;
fn.html = html;
fn.appendTo = function (selector) {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, true, false, true);
fn.wrapInner = function (selector) {
return this.each(function (i, ele) {
var $ele = cash(ele);
var contents = $ele.contents();
contents.length ? contents.wrapAll(selector) : $ele.append(selector);
fn.before = function () {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, false, true);
fn.wrapAll = function (selector) {
var structure = cash(selector);
var wrapper = structure[0];
while (wrapper.children.length)
wrapper = wrapper.firstElementChild;
return this.appendTo(wrapper);
fn.wrap = function (selector) {
return this.each(function (i, ele) {
var wrapper = cash(selector)[0];
cash(ele).wrapAll(!i ? wrapper : wrapper.cloneNode(true));
fn.insertAfter = function (selector) {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, true, false, false, false, false, true);
fn.insertBefore = function (selector) {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, true, true);
fn.prepend = function () {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, false, true, true, true, true);
fn.prependTo = function (selector) {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, true, true, true, false, false, true);
fn.contents = function () {
return cash(unique(pluck(this, function (ele) { return ele.tagName === 'IFRAME' ? [ele.contentDocument] : (ele.tagName === 'TEMPLATE' ? ele.content.childNodes : ele.childNodes); })));
}; = function (comparator, _all, _until) {
return filtered(cash(unique(pluck(this, 'nextElementSibling', _all, _until))), comparator);
fn.nextAll = function (comparator) {
return, true);
fn.nextUntil = function (until, comparator) {
return, true, until);
fn.parents = function (comparator, _until) {
return filtered(cash(unique(pluck(this, 'parentElement', true, _until))), comparator);
fn.parentsUntil = function (until, comparator) {
return this.parents(comparator, until);
fn.prev = function (comparator, _all, _until) {
return filtered(cash(unique(pluck(this, 'previousElementSibling', _all, _until))), comparator);
fn.prevAll = function (comparator) {
return this.prev(comparator, true);
fn.prevUntil = function (until, comparator) {
return this.prev(comparator, true, until);
}; = function (callback) {
return cash(concat.apply([],, function (ele, i) { return, i, ele); })));
fn.clone = function () {
return (i, ele) { return ele.cloneNode(true); });
fn.offsetParent = function () {
return (i, ele) {
var offsetParent = ele.offsetParent;
while (offsetParent && computeStyle(offsetParent, 'position') === 'static') {
offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent;
return offsetParent || docEle;
fn.slice = function (start, end) {
return cash(, start, end));
// @require ./cash.ts
var dashAlphaRe = /-([a-z])/g;
function camelCase(str) {
return str.replace(dashAlphaRe, function (match, letter) { return letter.toUpperCase(); });
fn.ready = function (callback) {
var cb = function () { return setTimeout(callback, 0, cash); };
if (doc.readyState !== 'loading') {
else {
doc.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', cb);
return this;
fn.unwrap = function () {
this.parent().each(function (i, ele) {
if (ele.tagName === 'BODY')
var $ele = cash(ele);
return this;
fn.offset = function () {
var ele = this[0];
if (!ele)
var rect = ele.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
top: + win.pageYOffset,
left: rect.left + win.pageXOffset
fn.position = function () {
var ele = this[0];
if (!ele)
var isFixed = (computeStyle(ele, 'position') === 'fixed');
var offset = isFixed ? ele.getBoundingClientRect() : this.offset();
if (!isFixed) {
var doc_1 = ele.ownerDocument;
var offsetParent = ele.offsetParent || doc_1.documentElement;
while ((offsetParent === doc_1.body || offsetParent === doc_1.documentElement) && computeStyle(offsetParent, 'position') === 'static') {
offsetParent = offsetParent.parentNode;
if (offsetParent !== ele && isElement(offsetParent)) {
var parentOffset = cash(offsetParent).offset(); -= + computeStyleInt(offsetParent, 'borderTopWidth');
offset.left -= parentOffset.left + computeStyleInt(offsetParent, 'borderLeftWidth');
return {
top: - computeStyleInt(ele, 'marginTop'),
left: offset.left - computeStyleInt(ele, 'marginLeft')
var propMap = {
class: 'className',
contenteditable: 'contentEditable',
/* LABEL */
for: 'htmlFor',
/* INPUT */
readonly: 'readOnly',
maxlength: 'maxLength',
tabindex: 'tabIndex',
/* TABLE */
colspan: 'colSpan',
rowspan: 'rowSpan',
/* IMAGE */
usemap: 'useMap'
fn.prop = function (prop, value) {
if (!prop)
if (isString(prop)) {
prop = propMap[prop] || prop;
if (arguments.length < 2)
return this[0] && this[0][prop];
return this.each(function (i, ele) { ele[prop] = value; });
for (var key in prop) {
this.prop(key, prop[key]);
return this;
fn.removeProp = function (prop) {
return this.each(function (i, ele) { delete ele[propMap[prop] || prop]; });
var cssVariableRe = /^--/;
// @require ./variables.ts
function isCSSVariable(prop) {
return cssVariableRe.test(prop);
} // @require core/camel_case.ts
return cssVariableRe.test(prop);
// @require core/camel_case.ts
// @require core/cash.ts

@@ -453,935 +723,510 @@ // @require core/each.ts

// @require ./is_css_variable.ts
var prefixedProps = {},
style =,
vendorsPrefixes = ['webkit', 'moz', 'ms'];
var prefixedProps = {};
var style =;
var vendorsPrefixes = ['webkit', 'moz', 'ms'];
function getPrefixedProp(prop, isVariable) {
if (isVariable === void 0) {
isVariable = isCSSVariable(prop);
if (isVariable) return prop;
if (!prefixedProps[prop]) {
var propCC = camelCase(prop),
propUC = "" + propCC[0].toUpperCase() + propCC.slice(1),
props = (propCC + " " + vendorsPrefixes.join(propUC + " ") + propUC).split(' ');
each(props, function (i, p) {
if (p in style) {
prefixedProps[prop] = p;
return false;
return prefixedProps[prop];
if (isVariable === void 0) { isVariable = isCSSVariable(prop); }
if (isVariable)
return prop;
if (!prefixedProps[prop]) {
var propCC = camelCase(prop);
var propUC = "".concat(propCC[0].toUpperCase()).concat(propCC.slice(1));
var props = ("".concat(propCC, " ").concat(vendorsPrefixes.join("".concat(propUC, " "))).concat(propUC)).split(' ');
each(props, function (i, p) {
if (p in style) {
prefixedProps[prop] = p;
return false;
return prefixedProps[prop];
; // @require core/type_checking.ts
// @require core/type_checking.ts
// @require ./is_css_variable.ts
var numericProps = {
animationIterationCount: true,
columnCount: true,
flexGrow: true,
flexShrink: true,
fontWeight: true,
gridArea: true,
gridColumn: true,
gridColumnEnd: true,
gridColumnStart: true,
gridRow: true,
gridRowEnd: true,
gridRowStart: true,
lineHeight: true,
opacity: true,
order: true,
orphans: true,
widows: true,
zIndex: true
animationIterationCount: true,
columnCount: true,
flexGrow: true,
flexShrink: true,
fontWeight: true,
gridArea: true,
gridColumn: true,
gridColumnEnd: true,
gridColumnStart: true,
gridRow: true,
gridRowEnd: true,
gridRowStart: true,
lineHeight: true,
opacity: true,
order: true,
orphans: true,
widows: true,
zIndex: true
function getSuffixedValue(prop, value, isVariable) {
if (isVariable === void 0) {
isVariable = isCSSVariable(prop);
return !isVariable && !numericProps[prop] && isNumeric(value) ? value + "px" : value;
if (isVariable === void 0) { isVariable = isCSSVariable(prop); }
return !isVariable && !numericProps[prop] && isNumeric(value) ? "".concat(value, "px") : value;
function css(prop, value) {
if (isString(prop)) {
var isVariable_1 = isCSSVariable(prop);
prop = getPrefixedProp(prop, isVariable_1);
if (arguments.length < 2) return this[0] && computeStyle(this[0], prop, isVariable_1);
if (!prop) return this;
value = getSuffixedValue(prop, value, isVariable_1);
return this.each(function (i, ele) {
if (!isElement(ele)) return;
if (isVariable_1) {, value);
} else {[prop] = value;
for (var key in prop) {
this.css(key, prop[key]);
return this;
if (isString(prop)) {
var isVariable_1 = isCSSVariable(prop);
prop = getPrefixedProp(prop, isVariable_1);
if (arguments.length < 2)
return this[0] && computeStyle(this[0], prop, isVariable_1);
if (!prop)
return this;
value = getSuffixedValue(prop, value, isVariable_1);
return this.each(function (i, ele) {
if (!isElement(ele))
if (isVariable_1) {, value);
else {[prop] = value;
for (var key in prop) {
this.css(key, prop[key]);
return this;
fn.css = css; // @optional ./css.ts
fn.css = css;
function attempt(fn, arg) {
try {
return fn(arg);
catch (_a) {
return arg;
// @require core/attempt.ts
// @require core/camel_case.ts
var JSONStringRe = /^\s+|\s+$/;
function getData(ele, key) {
var value = ele.dataset[key] || ele.dataset[camelCase(key)];
if (JSONStringRe.test(value)) return value;
return attempt(JSON.parse, value);
} // @require core/attempt.ts
var value = ele.dataset[key] || ele.dataset[camelCase(key)];
if (JSONStringRe.test(value))
return value;
return attempt(JSON.parse, value);
// @require core/attempt.ts
// @require core/camel_case.ts
function setData(ele, key, value) {
value = attempt(JSON.stringify, value);
ele.dataset[camelCase(key)] = value;
value = attempt(JSON.stringify, value);
ele.dataset[camelCase(key)] = value;
function data(name, value) {
if (!name) {
if (!this[0]) return;
var datas = {};
for (var key in this[0].dataset) {
datas[key] = getData(this[0], key);
if (!name) {
if (!this[0])
var datas = {};
for (var key in this[0].dataset) {
datas[key] = getData(this[0], key);
return datas;
return datas;
if (isString(name)) {
if (arguments.length < 2) return this[0] && getData(this[0], name);
if (isUndefined(value)) return this;
return this.each(function (i, ele) {
setData(ele, name, value);
for (var key in name) {, name[key]);
return this;
if (isString(name)) {
if (arguments.length < 2)
return this[0] && getData(this[0], name);
if (isUndefined(value))
return this;
return this.each(function (i, ele) { setData(ele, name, value); });
for (var key in name) {, name[key]);
return this;
} = data; // @optional ./data.ts = data;
function getDocumentDimension(doc, dimension) {
var docEle = doc.documentElement;
return Math.max(doc.body["scroll" + dimension], docEle["scroll" + dimension], doc.body["offset" + dimension], docEle["offset" + dimension], docEle["client" + dimension]);
} // @require css/helpers/compute_style_int.ts
function getExtraSpace(ele, xAxis) {
return computeStyleInt(ele, "border" + (xAxis ? 'Left' : 'Top') + "Width") + computeStyleInt(ele, "padding" + (xAxis ? 'Left' : 'Top')) + computeStyleInt(ele, "padding" + (xAxis ? 'Right' : 'Bottom')) + computeStyleInt(ele, "border" + (xAxis ? 'Right' : 'Bottom') + "Width");
var docEle = doc.documentElement;
return Math.max(doc.body["scroll".concat(dimension)], docEle["scroll".concat(dimension)], doc.body["offset".concat(dimension)], docEle["offset".concat(dimension)], docEle["client".concat(dimension)]);
each([true, false], function (i, outer) {
each(['Width', 'Height'], function (i, prop) {
var name = "" + (outer ? 'outer' : 'inner') + prop;
fn[name] = function (includeMargins) {
if (!this[0]) return;
if (isWindow(this[0])) return outer ? this[0]["inner" + prop] : this[0].document.documentElement["client" + prop];
if (isDocument(this[0])) return getDocumentDimension(this[0], prop);
return this[0]["" + (outer ? 'offset' : 'client') + prop] + (includeMargins && outer ? computeStyleInt(this[0], "margin" + (i ? 'Top' : 'Left')) + computeStyleInt(this[0], "margin" + (i ? 'Bottom' : 'Right')) : 0);
each(['Width', 'Height'], function (i, prop) {
var name = "".concat(outer ? 'outer' : 'inner').concat(prop);
fn[name] = function (includeMargins) {
if (!this[0])
if (isWindow(this[0]))
return outer ? this[0]["inner".concat(prop)] : this[0].document.documentElement["client".concat(prop)];
if (isDocument(this[0]))
return getDocumentDimension(this[0], prop);
return this[0]["".concat(outer ? 'offset' : 'client').concat(prop)] + (includeMargins && outer ? computeStyleInt(this[0], "margin".concat(i ? 'Top' : 'Left')) + computeStyleInt(this[0], "margin".concat(i ? 'Bottom' : 'Right')) : 0);
each(['Width', 'Height'], function (index, prop) {
var propLC = prop.toLowerCase();
fn[propLC] = function (value) {
if (!this[0])
return isUndefined(value) ? undefined : this;
if (!arguments.length) {
if (isWindow(this[0]))
return this[0].document.documentElement["client".concat(prop)];
if (isDocument(this[0]))
return getDocumentDimension(this[0], prop);
return this[0].getBoundingClientRect()[propLC] - getExtraSpace(this[0], !index);
var valueNumber = parseInt(value, 10);
return this.each(function (i, ele) {
if (!isElement(ele))
var boxSizing = computeStyle(ele, 'boxSizing');[propLC] = getSuffixedValue(propLC, valueNumber + (boxSizing === 'border-box' ? getExtraSpace(ele, !index) : 0));
each(['Width', 'Height'], function (index, prop) {
var propLC = prop.toLowerCase();
fn[propLC] = function (value) {
if (!this[0]) return isUndefined(value) ? undefined : this;
if (!arguments.length) {
if (isWindow(this[0])) return this[0].document.documentElement["client" + prop];
if (isDocument(this[0])) return getDocumentDimension(this[0], prop);
return this[0].getBoundingClientRect()[propLC] - getExtraSpace(this[0], !index);
var valueNumber = parseInt(value, 10);
var displayProperty = '___cd';
fn.toggle = function (force) {
return this.each(function (i, ele) {
if (!isElement(ele)) return;
var boxSizing = computeStyle(ele, 'boxSizing');[propLC] = getSuffixedValue(propLC, valueNumber + (boxSizing === 'border-box' ? getExtraSpace(ele, !index) : 0));
if (!isElement(ele))
var show = isUndefined(force) ? isHidden(ele) : force;
if (show) { = ele[displayProperty] || '';
if (isHidden(ele)) { = getDefaultDisplay(ele.tagName);
else {
ele[displayProperty] = computeStyle(ele, 'display'); = 'none';
}); // @optional ./inner_outer.ts
// @optional ./normal.ts
// @require css/helpers/compute_style.ts
var defaultDisplay = {};
function getDefaultDisplay(tagName) {
if (defaultDisplay[tagName]) return defaultDisplay[tagName];
var ele = createElement(tagName);
doc.body.insertBefore(ele, null);
var display = computeStyle(ele, 'display');
return defaultDisplay[tagName] = display !== 'none' ? display : 'block';
} // @require css/helpers/compute_style.ts
function isHidden(ele) {
return computeStyle(ele, 'display') === 'none';
var displayProperty = '___cd';
fn.toggle = function (force) {
return this.each(function (i, ele) {
if (!isElement(ele)) return;
var show = isUndefined(force) ? isHidden(ele) : force;
if (show) { = ele[displayProperty] || '';
if (isHidden(ele)) { = getDefaultDisplay(ele.tagName);
} else {
ele[displayProperty] = computeStyle(ele, 'display'); = 'none';
fn.hide = function () {
return this.toggle(false);
return this.toggle(false);
}; = function () {
return this.toggle(true);
}; // @optional ./hide.ts
// @optional ./show.ts
// @optional ./toggle.ts
function hasNamespaces(ns1, ns2) {
return !ns2 || !, function (ns) {
return ns1.indexOf(ns) < 0;
return this.toggle(true);
var eventsNamespace = '___ce';
var eventsNamespacesSeparator = '.';
var eventsFocus = { focus: 'focusin', blur: 'focusout' };
var eventsHover = { mouseenter: 'mouseover', mouseleave: 'mouseout' };
var eventsMouseRe = /^(mouse|pointer|contextmenu|drag|drop|click|dblclick)/i;
// @require ./variables.ts
function getEventNameBubbling(name) {
return eventsHover[name] || eventsFocus[name] || name;
var eventsNamespace = '___ce',
eventsNamespacesSeparator = '.',
eventsFocus = {
focus: 'focusin',
blur: 'focusout'
eventsHover = {
mouseenter: 'mouseover',
mouseleave: 'mouseout'
eventsMouseRe = /^(mouse|pointer|contextmenu|drag|drop|click|dblclick)/i; // @require ./variables.ts
function getEventNameBubbling(name) {
return eventsHover[name] || eventsFocus[name] || name;
} // @require ./variables.ts
// @require ./variables.ts
function parseEventName(eventName) {
var parts = eventName.split(eventsNamespacesSeparator);
return [parts[0], parts.slice(1).sort()]; // [name, namespace[]]
fn.trigger = function (event, data) {
if (isString(event)) {
var _a = parseEventName(event), nameOriginal = _a[0], namespaces = _a[1];
var name_1 = getEventNameBubbling(nameOriginal);
if (!name_1)
return this;
var type = eventsMouseRe.test(name_1) ? 'MouseEvents' : 'HTMLEvents';
event = doc.createEvent(type);
event.initEvent(name_1, true, true);
event.namespace = namespaces.join(eventsNamespacesSeparator);
event.___ot = nameOriginal;
event.___td = data;
var isEventFocus = (event.___ot in eventsFocus);
return this.each(function (i, ele) {
if (isEventFocus && isFunction(ele[event.___ot])) {
ele["___i".concat(event.type)] = true; // Ensuring the native event is ignored
ele["___i".concat(event.type)] = false; // Ensuring the custom event is not ignored
// @require ./variables.ts
function getEventsCache(ele) {
return ele[eventsNamespace] = ele[eventsNamespace] || {};
} // @require core/guid.ts
return ele[eventsNamespace] = (ele[eventsNamespace] || {});
// @require core/guid.ts
// @require events/helpers/get_events_cache.ts
function addEvent(ele, name, namespaces, selector, callback) {
var eventCache = getEventsCache(ele);
eventCache[name] = eventCache[name] || [];
eventCache[name].push([namespaces, selector, callback]);
ele.addEventListener(name, callback);
} // @require ./variables.ts
function parseEventName(eventName) {
var parts = eventName.split(eventsNamespacesSeparator);
return [parts[0], parts.slice(1).sort()]; // [name, namespace[]]
} // @require ./get_events_cache.ts
var eventCache = getEventsCache(ele);
eventCache[name] = (eventCache[name] || []);
eventCache[name].push([namespaces, selector, callback]);
ele.addEventListener(name, callback);
function hasNamespaces(ns1, ns2) {
return !ns2 || !, function (ns) { return ns1.indexOf(ns) < 0; });
// @require ./get_events_cache.ts
// @require ./has_namespaces.ts
// @require ./parse_event_name.ts
function removeEvent(ele, name, namespaces, selector, callback) {
var cache = getEventsCache(ele);
if (!name) {
for (name in cache) {
removeEvent(ele, name, namespaces, selector, callback);
var cache = getEventsCache(ele);
if (!name) {
for (name in cache) {
removeEvent(ele, name, namespaces, selector, callback);
} else if (cache[name]) {
cache[name] = cache[name].filter(function (_a) {
var ns = _a[0],
sel = _a[1],
cb = _a[2];
if (callback && cb.guid !== callback.guid || !hasNamespaces(ns, namespaces) || selector && selector !== sel) return true;
ele.removeEventListener(name, cb);
else if (cache[name]) {
cache[name] = cache[name].filter(function (_a) {
var ns = _a[0], sel = _a[1], cb = _a[2];
if ((callback && cb.guid !== callback.guid) || !hasNamespaces(ns, namespaces) || (selector && selector !== sel))
return true;
ele.removeEventListener(name, cb);
} = function (eventFullName, selector, callback) {
var _this = this;
if (isUndefined(eventFullName)) {
this.each(function (i, ele) {
if (!isElement(ele) && !isDocument(ele) && !isWindow(ele)) return;
} else if (!isString(eventFullName)) {
for (var key in eventFullName) {, eventFullName[key]);
var _this = this;
if (isUndefined(eventFullName)) {
this.each(function (i, ele) {
if (!isElement(ele) && !isDocument(ele) && !isWindow(ele))
} else {
if (isFunction(selector)) {
callback = selector;
selector = '';
else if (!isString(eventFullName)) {
for (var key in eventFullName) {, eventFullName[key]);
each(getSplitValues(eventFullName), function (i, eventFullName) {
var _a = parseEventName(eventFullName),
nameOriginal = _a[0],
namespaces = _a[1],
name = getEventNameBubbling(nameOriginal);
_this.each(function (i, ele) {
if (!isElement(ele) && !isDocument(ele) && !isWindow(ele)) return;
removeEvent(ele, name, namespaces, selector, callback);
return this;
else {
if (isFunction(selector)) {
callback = selector;
selector = '';
each(getSplitValues(eventFullName), function (i, eventFullName) {
var _a = parseEventName(eventFullName), nameOriginal = _a[0], namespaces = _a[1];
var name = getEventNameBubbling(nameOriginal);
_this.each(function (i, ele) {
if (!isElement(ele) && !isDocument(ele) && !isWindow(ele))
removeEvent(ele, name, namespaces, selector, callback);
return this;
fn.remove = function (comparator) {
filtered(this, comparator).detach().off();
return this;
fn.replaceWith = function (selector) {
return this.before(selector).remove();
fn.replaceAll = function (selector) {
return this;
function on(eventFullName, selector, data, callback, _one) {
var _this = this;
if (!isString(eventFullName)) {
for (var key in eventFullName) {
this.on(key, selector, data, eventFullName[key], _one);
var _this = this;
if (!isString(eventFullName)) {
for (var key in eventFullName) {
this.on(key, selector, data, eventFullName[key], _one);
return this;
return this;
if (!isString(selector)) {
if (isUndefined(selector) || isNull(selector)) {
selector = '';
} else if (isUndefined(data)) {
data = selector;
selector = '';
} else {
callback = data;
data = selector;
selector = '';
if (!isFunction(callback)) {
callback = data;
data = undefined;
if (!callback) return this;
each(getSplitValues(eventFullName), function (i, eventFullName) {
var _a = parseEventName(eventFullName),
nameOriginal = _a[0],
namespaces = _a[1],
name = getEventNameBubbling(nameOriginal),
isEventHover = (nameOriginal in eventsHover),
isEventFocus = (nameOriginal in eventsFocus);
if (!name) return;
_this.each(function (i, ele) {
if (!isElement(ele) && !isDocument(ele) && !isWindow(ele)) return;
var finalCallback = function finalCallback(event) {
if (["___i" + event.type]) return event.stopImmediatePropagation(); // Ignoring native event in favor of the upcoming custom one
if (event.namespace && !hasNamespaces(namespaces, event.namespace.split(eventsNamespacesSeparator))) return;
if (!selector && (isEventFocus && ( !== ele || event.___ot === name) || isEventHover && event.relatedTarget && ele.contains(event.relatedTarget))) return;
var thisArg = ele;
if (selector) {
var target =;
while (!matches(target, selector)) {
if (target === ele) return;
target = target.parentNode;
if (!target) return;
thisArg = target;
if (!isString(selector)) {
if (isUndefined(selector) || isNull(selector)) {
selector = '';
Object.defineProperty(event, 'currentTarget', {
configurable: true,
get: function get() {
return thisArg;
Object.defineProperty(event, 'delegateTarget', {
configurable: true,
get: function get() {
return ele;
Object.defineProperty(event, 'data', {
configurable: true,
get: function get() {
return data;
var returnValue =, event, event.___td);
if (_one) {
removeEvent(ele, name, namespaces, selector, finalCallback);
else if (isUndefined(data)) {
data = selector;
selector = '';
if (returnValue === false) {
else {
callback = data;
data = selector;
selector = '';
finalCallback.guid = callback.guid = callback.guid || cash.guid++;
addEvent(ele, name, namespaces, selector, finalCallback);
if (!isFunction(callback)) {
callback = data;
data = undefined;
if (!callback)
return this;
each(getSplitValues(eventFullName), function (i, eventFullName) {
var _a = parseEventName(eventFullName), nameOriginal = _a[0], namespaces = _a[1];
var name = getEventNameBubbling(nameOriginal);
var isEventHover = (nameOriginal in eventsHover);
var isEventFocus = (nameOriginal in eventsFocus);
if (!name)
_this.each(function (i, ele) {
if (!isElement(ele) && !isDocument(ele) && !isWindow(ele))
var finalCallback = function (event) {
if (["___i".concat(event.type)])
return event.stopImmediatePropagation(); // Ignoring native event in favor of the upcoming custom one
if (event.namespace && !hasNamespaces(namespaces, event.namespace.split(eventsNamespacesSeparator)))
if (!selector && ((isEventFocus && ( !== ele || event.___ot === name)) || (isEventHover && event.relatedTarget && ele.contains(event.relatedTarget))))
var thisArg = ele;
if (selector) {
var target =;
while (!matches(target, selector)) {
if (target === ele)
target = target.parentNode;
if (!target)
thisArg = target;
Object.defineProperty(event, 'currentTarget', {
configurable: true,
get: function () {
return thisArg;
Object.defineProperty(event, 'delegateTarget', {
configurable: true,
get: function () {
return ele;
Object.defineProperty(event, 'data', {
configurable: true,
get: function () {
return data;
var returnValue =, event, event.___td);
if (_one) {
removeEvent(ele, name, namespaces, selector, finalCallback);
if (returnValue === false) {
finalCallback.guid = callback.guid = (callback.guid || cash.guid++);
addEvent(ele, name, namespaces, selector, finalCallback);
return this;
return this;
fn.on = on;
function one(eventFullName, selector, data, callback) {
return this.on(eventFullName, selector, data, callback, true);
return this.on(eventFullName, selector, data, callback, true);
; = one;
fn.ready = function (callback) {
var cb = function cb() {
return setTimeout(callback, 0, cash);
if (doc.readyState !== 'loading') {
} else {
doc.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', cb);
return this;
fn.trigger = function (event, data) {
if (isString(event)) {
var _a = parseEventName(event),
nameOriginal = _a[0],
namespaces = _a[1],
name_1 = getEventNameBubbling(nameOriginal);
if (!name_1) return this;
var type = eventsMouseRe.test(name_1) ? 'MouseEvents' : 'HTMLEvents';
event = doc.createEvent(type);
event.initEvent(name_1, true, true);
event.namespace = namespaces.join(eventsNamespacesSeparator);
event.___ot = nameOriginal;
event.___td = data;
var isEventFocus = (event.___ot in eventsFocus);
return this.each(function (i, ele) {
if (isEventFocus && isFunction(ele[event.___ot])) {
ele["___i" + event.type] = true; // Ensuring the native event is ignored
ele["___i" + event.type] = false; // Ensuring the custom event is not ignored
}; // @optional ./off.ts
// @optional ./on.ts
// @optional ./one.ts
// @optional ./ready.ts
// @optional ./trigger.ts
// @require core/pluck.ts
// @require core/variables.ts
function getValue(ele) {
if (ele.multiple && ele.options) return pluck(, function (option) {
return option.selected && !option.disabled && !option.parentNode.disabled;
}), 'value');
return ele.value || '';
var queryEncodeSpaceRe = /%20/g,
queryEncodeCRLFRe = /\r?\n/g;
var queryEncodeSpaceRe = /%20/g;
var queryEncodeCRLFRe = /\r?\n/g;
function queryEncode(prop, value) {
return "&" + encodeURIComponent(prop) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value.replace(queryEncodeCRLFRe, '\r\n')).replace(queryEncodeSpaceRe, '+');
return "&".concat(encodeURIComponent(prop), "=").concat(encodeURIComponent(value.replace(queryEncodeCRLFRe, '\r\n')).replace(queryEncodeSpaceRe, '+'));
var skippableRe = /file|reset|submit|button|image/i,
checkableRe = /radio|checkbox/i;
var skippableRe = /file|reset|submit|button|image/i;
var checkableRe = /radio|checkbox/i;
fn.serialize = function () {
var query = '';
this.each(function (i, ele) {
each(ele.elements || [ele], function (i, ele) {
if (ele.disabled || ! || ele.tagName === 'FIELDSET' || skippableRe.test(ele.type) || checkableRe.test(ele.type) && !ele.checked) return;
var value = getValue(ele);
if (!isUndefined(value)) {
var values = isArray(value) ? value : [value];
each(values, function (i, value) {
query += queryEncode(, value);
var query = '';
this.each(function (i, ele) {
each(ele.elements || [ele], function (i, ele) {
if (ele.disabled || ! || ele.tagName === 'FIELDSET' || skippableRe.test(ele.type) || (checkableRe.test(ele.type) && !ele.checked))
var value = getValue(ele);
if (!isUndefined(value)) {
var values = isArray(value) ? value : [value];
each(values, function (i, value) {
query += queryEncode(, value);
return query.slice(1);
return query.slice(1);
function val(value) {
if (!arguments.length) return this[0] && getValue(this[0]);
return this.each(function (i, ele) {
var isSelect = ele.multiple && ele.options;
if (isSelect || checkableRe.test(ele.type)) {
var eleValue_1 = isArray(value) ?, String) : isNull(value) ? [] : [String(value)];
if (isSelect) {
each(ele.options, function (i, option) {
option.selected = eleValue_1.indexOf(option.value) >= 0;
}, true);
} else {
ele.checked = eleValue_1.indexOf(ele.value) >= 0;
} else {
ele.value = isUndefined(value) || isNull(value) ? '' : value;
fn.val = val;
fn.clone = function () {
return (i, ele) {
return ele.cloneNode(true);
fn.detach = function (comparator) {
filtered(this, comparator).each(function (i, ele) {
if (ele.parentNode) {
return this;
var fragmentRe = /^\s*<(\w+)[^>]*>/,
singleTagRe = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>)?$/;
var containers = {
'*': div,
tr: tbody,
td: tr,
th: tr,
thead: table,
tbody: table,
tfoot: table
}; //TODO: Create elements inside a document fragment, in order to prevent inline event handlers from firing
//TODO: Ensure the created elements have the fragment as their parent instead of null, this also ensures we can deal with detatched nodes more reliably
function parseHTML(html) {
if (!isString(html)) return [];
if (singleTagRe.test(html)) return [createElement(RegExp.$1)];
var fragment = fragmentRe.test(html) && RegExp.$1,
container = containers[fragment] || containers['*'];
container.innerHTML = html;
return cash(container.childNodes).detach().get();
cash.parseHTML = parseHTML;
fn.empty = function () {
return this.each(function (i, ele) {
while (ele.firstChild) {
function html(html) {
if (!arguments.length) return this[0] && this[0].innerHTML;
if (isUndefined(html)) return this;
return this.each(function (i, ele) {
if (!isElement(ele)) return;
ele.innerHTML = html;
fn.html = html;
fn.remove = function (comparator) {
filtered(this, comparator).detach().off();
return this;
function text(text) {
if (isUndefined(text)) return this[0] ? this[0].textContent : '';
return this.each(function (i, ele) {
if (!isElement(ele)) return;
ele.textContent = text;
fn.text = text;
fn.unwrap = function () {
this.parent().each(function (i, ele) {
if (ele.tagName === 'BODY') return;
var $ele = cash(ele);
return this;
fn.offset = function () {
var ele = this[0];
if (!ele) return;
var rect = ele.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
top: + win.pageYOffset,
left: rect.left + win.pageXOffset
fn.offsetParent = function () {
return (i, ele) {
var offsetParent = ele.offsetParent;
while (offsetParent && computeStyle(offsetParent, 'position') === 'static') {
offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent;
return offsetParent || docEle;
fn.position = function () {
var ele = this[0];
if (!ele) return;
var isFixed = computeStyle(ele, 'position') === 'fixed',
offset = isFixed ? ele.getBoundingClientRect() : this.offset();
if (!isFixed) {
var doc_1 = ele.ownerDocument;
var offsetParent = ele.offsetParent || doc_1.documentElement;
while ((offsetParent === doc_1.body || offsetParent === doc_1.documentElement) && computeStyle(offsetParent, 'position') === 'static') {
offsetParent = offsetParent.parentNode;
if (offsetParent !== ele && isElement(offsetParent)) {
var parentOffset = cash(offsetParent).offset(); -= + computeStyleInt(offsetParent, 'borderTopWidth');
offset.left -= parentOffset.left + computeStyleInt(offsetParent, 'borderLeftWidth');
return {
top: - computeStyleInt(ele, 'marginTop'),
left: offset.left - computeStyleInt(ele, 'marginLeft')
fn.children = function (comparator) {
return filtered(cash(unique(pluck(this, function (ele) {
return ele.children;
}))), comparator);
fn.contents = function () {
return cash(unique(pluck(this, function (ele) {
return ele.tagName === 'IFRAME' ? [ele.contentDocument] : ele.tagName === 'TEMPLATE' ? ele.content.childNodes : ele.childNodes;
fn.find = function (selector) {
return cash(unique(pluck(this, function (ele) {
return find(selector, ele);
}; // @require core/variables.ts
// @require core/types.ts
// @require core/cash.ts
// @require core/type_checking.ts
// @require core/variables.ts
// @require core/each.ts
// @require core/extend.ts
// @require core/find.ts
// @require core/get_compare_function.ts
// @require core/get_split_values.ts
// @require core/guid.ts
// @require core/parse_html.ts
// @require core/unique.ts
// @require attributes/add_class.ts
// @require attributes/attr.ts
// @require attributes/has_class.ts
// @require attributes/prop.ts
// @require attributes/remove_attr.ts
// @require attributes/remove_class.ts
// @require attributes/remove_prop.ts
// @require attributes/toggle_class.ts
// @require collection/add.ts
// @require collection/each.ts
// @require collection/eq.ts
// @require collection/filter.ts
// @require collection/first.ts
// @require collection/get.ts
// @require collection/index.ts
// @require collection/last.ts
// @require collection/map.ts
// @require collection/slice.ts
// @require css/css.ts
// @require data/data.ts
// @require dimensions/inner_outer.ts
// @require dimensions/normal.ts
// @require effects/hide.ts
// @require effects/show.ts
// @require effects/toggle.ts
// @require events/off.ts
// @require events/on.ts
// @require events/one.ts
// @require events/ready.ts
// @require events/trigger.ts
// @require forms/serialize.ts
// @require forms/val.ts
// @require manipulation/after.ts
// @require manipulation/append.ts
// @require manipulation/append_to.ts
// @require manipulation/before.ts
// @require manipulation/clone.ts
// @require manipulation/detach.ts
// @require manipulation/empty.ts
// @require manipulation/html.ts
// @require manipulation/insert_after.ts
// @require manipulation/insert_before.ts
// @require manipulation/prepend.ts
// @require manipulation/prepend_to.ts
// @require manipulation/remove.ts
// @require manipulation/replace_all.ts
// @require manipulation/replace_with.ts
// @require manipulation/text.ts
// @require manipulation/unwrap.ts
// @require manipulation/wrap.ts
// @require manipulation/wrap_all.ts
// @require manipulation/wrap_inner.ts
// @require offset/offset.ts
// @require offset/offset_parent.ts
// @require offset/position.ts
// @require traversal/children.ts
// @require traversal/closest.ts
// @require traversal/contents.ts
// @require traversal/find.ts
var HTMLCDATARe = /^\s*<!(?:\[CDATA\[|--)|(?:\]\]|--)>\s*$/g,
scriptTypeRe = /^$|^module$|\/(java|ecma)script/i,
scriptAttributes = ['type', 'src', 'nonce', 'noModule'];
function evalScripts(node, doc) {
var collection = cash(node);
collection.filter('script').add(collection.find('script')).each(function (i, ele) {
if (scriptTypeRe.test(ele.type) && docEle.contains(ele)) {
// The script type is supported // The element is attached to the DOM // Using `documentElement` for broader browser support
var script_1 = createElement('script');
script_1.text = ele.textContent.replace(HTMLCDATARe, '');
each(scriptAttributes, function (i, attr) {
if (ele[attr]) script_1[attr] = ele[attr];
doc.head.insertBefore(script_1, null);
} // @require ./eval_scripts.ts
function insertElement(anchor, target, left, inside, evaluate) {
if (inside) {
// prepend/append
anchor.insertBefore(target, left ? anchor.firstChild : null);
} else {
// before/after
if (anchor.nodeName === 'HTML') {
anchor.parentNode.replaceChild(target, anchor);
} else {
anchor.parentNode.insertBefore(target, left ? anchor : anchor.nextSibling);
if (evaluate) {
evalScripts(target, anchor.ownerDocument);
} // @require ./insert_element.ts
function insertSelectors(selectors, anchors, inverse, left, inside, reverseLoop1, reverseLoop2, reverseLoop3) {
each(selectors, function (si, selector) {
each(cash(selector), function (ti, target) {
each(cash(anchors), function (ai, anchor) {
var anchorFinal = inverse ? target : anchor,
targetFinal = inverse ? anchor : target,
indexFinal = inverse ? ti : ai;
insertElement(anchorFinal, !indexFinal ? targetFinal : targetFinal.cloneNode(true), left, inside, !indexFinal);
}, reverseLoop3);
}, reverseLoop2);
}, reverseLoop1);
return anchors;
// @require traversal/has.ts
// @require traversal/is.ts
// @require traversal/next.ts
// @require traversal/next_all.ts
// @require traversal/next_until.ts
// @require traversal/not.ts
// @require traversal/parent.ts
// @require traversal/parents.ts
// @require traversal/parents_until.ts
// @require traversal/prev.ts
// @require traversal/prev_all.ts
// @require traversal/prev_until.ts
// @require traversal/siblings.ts
// @no-require extras/get_script.ts
// @no-require extras/shorthands.ts
// @require methods.ts
if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { // Node.js
module.exports = cash;
fn.after = function () {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, false, false, false, true, true);
fn.append = function () {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, false, false, true);
fn.appendTo = function (selector) {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, true, false, true);
fn.before = function () {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, false, true);
fn.insertAfter = function (selector) {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, true, false, false, false, false, true);
fn.insertBefore = function (selector) {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, true, true);
fn.prepend = function () {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, false, true, true, true, true);
fn.prependTo = function (selector) {
return insertSelectors(arguments, this, true, true, true, false, false, true);
fn.replaceWith = function (selector) {
return this.before(selector).remove();
fn.replaceAll = function (selector) {
return this;
fn.wrapAll = function (selector) {
var structure = cash(selector),
wrapper = structure[0];
while (wrapper.children.length) {
wrapper = wrapper.firstElementChild;
return this.appendTo(wrapper);
fn.wrap = function (selector) {
return this.each(function (i, ele) {
var wrapper = cash(selector)[0];
cash(ele).wrapAll(!i ? wrapper : wrapper.cloneNode(true));
fn.wrapInner = function (selector) {
return this.each(function (i, ele) {
var $ele = cash(ele),
contents = $ele.contents();
contents.length ? contents.wrapAll(selector) : $ele.append(selector);
fn.has = function (selector) {
var comparator = isString(selector) ? function (i, ele) {
return find(selector, ele).length;
} : function (i, ele) {
return ele.contains(selector);
return this.filter(comparator);
}; = function (comparator) {
var compare = getCompareFunction(comparator);
return, function (ele, i) {
return, i, ele);
}; = function (comparator, _all, _until) {
return filtered(cash(unique(pluck(this, 'nextElementSibling', _all, _until))), comparator);
fn.nextAll = function (comparator) {
return, true);
fn.nextUntil = function (until, comparator) {
return, true, until);
fn.not = function (comparator) {
var compare = getCompareFunction(comparator);
return this.filter(function (i, ele) {
return (!isString(comparator) || isElement(ele)) && !, i, ele);
fn.parent = function (comparator) {
return filtered(cash(unique(pluck(this, 'parentNode'))), comparator);
fn.index = function (selector) {
var child = selector ? cash(selector)[0] : this[0],
collection = selector ? this : cash(child).parent().children();
return, child);
fn.closest = function (comparator) {
var filtered = this.filter(comparator);
if (filtered.length) return filtered;
var $parent = this.parent();
if (!$parent.length) return filtered;
return $parent.closest(comparator);
fn.parents = function (comparator, _until) {
return filtered(cash(unique(pluck(this, 'parentElement', true, _until))), comparator);
fn.parentsUntil = function (until, comparator) {
return this.parents(comparator, until);
fn.prev = function (comparator, _all, _until) {
return filtered(cash(unique(pluck(this, 'previousElementSibling', _all, _until))), comparator);
fn.prevAll = function (comparator) {
return this.prev(comparator, true);
fn.prevUntil = function (until, comparator) {
return this.prev(comparator, true, until);
fn.siblings = function (comparator) {
return filtered(cash(unique(pluck(this, function (ele) {
return cash(ele).parent().children().not(ele);
}))), comparator);
}; // @optional ./children.ts
// @optional ./closest.ts
// @optional ./contents.ts
// @optional ./find.ts
// @optional ./has.ts
// @optional ./is.ts
// @optional ./next.ts
// @optional ./next_all.ts
// @optional ./next_until.ts
// @optional ./not.ts
// @optional ./parent.ts
// @optional ./parents.ts
// @optional ./parents_until.ts
// @optional ./prev.ts
// @optional ./prev_all.ts
// @optional ./prev_until.ts
// @optional ./siblings.ts
// @optional attributes/index.ts
// @optional collection/index.ts
// @optional css/index.ts
// @optional data/index.ts
// @optional dimensions/index.ts
// @optional effects/index.ts
// @optional events/index.ts
// @optional forms/index.ts
// @optional manipulation/index.ts
// @optional offset/index.ts
// @optional traversal/index.ts
// @require core/index.ts
// @priority -100
// @require ./cash.ts
// @require ./variables.ts
if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
// Node.js
module.exports = cash;
} else {
// Browser
win['cash'] = win['$'] = cash;
else { // Browser
win['cash'] = win['$'] = cash;

@@ -1,46 +0,2 @@

/* MIT */
var aa={"class":"className",contenteditable:"contentEditable","for":"htmlFor",readonly:"readOnly",maxlength:"maxLength",tabindex:"tabIndex",colspan:"colSpan",rowspan:"rowSpan",usemap:"useMap"};function ba(a,b){try{return a(b)}catch(c){return b}}
var e=document,k=window,ca=e.documentElement,p=e.createElement.bind(e),da=p("div"),q=p("table"),ea=p("tbody"),ha=p("tr"),v=Array.isArray,x=Array.prototype,ia=x.concat,y=x.filter,ja=x.indexOf,,la=x.push,ma=x.slice,z=x.some,na=x.splice,oa=/^#(?:[\w-]|\\.|[^\x00-\xa0])*$/,pa=/^\.(?:[\w-]|\\.|[^\x00-\xa0])*$/,qa=/<.+>/,ra=/^\w+$/;
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a=f[0],y=f[1],c=f[2];if(u&&c.guid!==u.guid||!At(a,r)||i&&i!==y)return!0;t.removeEventListener(n,c)}));else for(n in s)F(t,n,r,i,u)},n,r){var i=this;if(v(t))this.each(function(s,f){!h(f)&&!D(f)&&!B(f)||F(f)});else if(g(t))A(n)&&(r=n,n=""),d($(t),function(s,f){var a=nt(f),y=a[0],c=a[1],p=tt(y);i.each(function(O,b){!h(b)&&!D(b)&&!B(b)||F(b,p,c,n,r)})});else for(var u in t),t[u]);return this},e.remove=function(t){return x(this,t).detach().off(),this},e.replaceWith=function(t){return this.before(t).remove()},e.replaceAll=function(t){return o(t).replaceWith(this),this};function ln(t,n,r,i,u){var s=this;if(!g(t)){for(var f in t)this.on(f,n,r,t[f],u);return this}return g(n)||(v(n)||P(n)?n="":v(r)?(r=n,n=""):(i=r,r=n,n="")),A(i)||(i=r,r=void 0),i?(d($(t),function(a,y){var c=nt(y),p=c[0],O=c[1],b=tt(p),W=p in Nt,rt=p in k;!b||s.each(function(it,m){if(!(!h(m)&&!D(m)&&!B(m))){var et=function(l){if(["___i".concat(l.type)])return 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"name": "cash-dom",
"repository": "github:fabiospampinato/cash",
"description": "An absurdly small jQuery alternative for modern browsers.",
"version": "8.1.1",
"version": "8.1.2",
"license": "MIT",

@@ -10,21 +11,13 @@ "browser": "./dist/cash.js",

"jsnext:main": "./dist/cash.esm.js",
"types": "dist/cash.d.ts",
"files": [
"types": "dist/cash.d.ts",
"scripts": {
"clean": "pacco clean",
"build:esm": "pacco build-javascript -e esm",
"build:prod": "pacco build-javascript",
"build:deploy": "npm run build:prod && npm run build:esm",
"build:dev": "pacco build-javascript -e development",
"watch:prod": "pacco watch-javascript",
"watch:dev": "pacco watch-javascript -e development",
"dev": "npm run build:dev && npm run watch:dev",
"prod": "npm run build:prod && npm run watch:prod",
"test": "opn ./test/index.html",
"test:watch": "browser-sync start -s . --files test,dist/cash.js --startPath test --no-notify",
"build": "bash ./tasks/",
"watch": "monex --watch src --exec npm:build",
"dev": "npm run build && npm run watch",
"test": "open ./test/index.html",
"test:karma": "karma start --single-run",
"test:karma:coverage": "karma start --single-run --generate-coverage && open ./coverage/index.html",
"test:karma:sauce": "karma start --single-run --sauce",
"test:jquery:init": "( git -C ./test/jquery reset --hard HEAD && git -C ./test/jquery pull ) || git clone ./test/jquery",

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"test:jquery:reverse:build:watch": "while sleep 1; do npm run test:jquery:reverse:build; done",
"graph": "pacco build-javascript --dependencies-graph --fresh",
"prepublishOnly": "npm run clean && npm run build:deploy && npm run test:karma"
"graph": "minipacco graph src/export_esm.ts",
"prepublishOnly": "npm run build && npm run test:karma"
"bugs": {
"url": ""
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"author": "Ken Wheeler <>",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
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"browser-sync": "^2.26.14",
"coveralls": "^3.1.0",
"jquery": "^3.6.0",
"karma": "^4.0.0",
"karma-chrome-launcher": "^3.1.0",
"karma-coverage": "^2.0.3",
"karma-firefox-launcher": "^1.3.0",
"esbuild": "^0.15.14",
"jquery": "^3.6.1",
"karma": "^6.4.1",
"karma-chrome-launcher": "^3.1.1",
"karma-coverage": "^2.2.0",
"karma-firefox-launcher": "^2.1.2",
"karma-qunit": "^4.1.2",
"karma-sauce-launcher": "^4.3.6",
"karma-spec-reporter": "0.0.32",
"opn-cli": "^3.1.0",
"pacco": "^2.1.17",
"qunit": "^2.7.1",
"qunit-ava-spec": "^1.0.0",
"typescript": "^4.2.4"
"karma-spec-reporter": "0.0.34",
"minipacco": "^1.0.3",
"monex": "^1.4.1",
"qunit": "^2.19.3",
"qunit-ava-spec": "^2.0.0",
"typescript": "^4.9.3"

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