1.70.1 - 2020-06-10
method to the Resource
class in case an instance gets logged as a string. #8722Transforms.rotationMatrixFromPositionVelocity
method from Cesium's private API. #8927ImageryProvider
types, which were missing defaultNightAlpha
and defaultDayAlpha
properties. #8908MaterialProperty
, which were missing the ability to take primitive types in their constructor. #8904GeometryInstance
instances using XXXGeometry
classes. #8941.buildModuleUrl
, which was accidentally excluded from the official CesiumJS API. #8923EllipsoidGeodesic
which incorrectly listed result
as required. #8904EllipsoidTangentPlane.fromPoints
, which takes an array of Cartesian3
, not a single instance. #8928EntityCollection.getById
and CompositeEntityCollection.getById
, which can both return undefined. #8928Viewer
options parameters.Changelog
1.70.0 - 2020-06-01
."types": ["cesium"]
in your tsconfig.json in order for the definitions to be used.Source/Cesium.d.ts
after install.GlobeTranslucency
object including front face alpha, back face alpha, and a translucency rectangle.Globe.undergroundColor
and Globe.undergroundColorAlphaByDistance
for controlling how the back side of the globe is rendered when the camera is underground or the globe is translucent. #8867Cesium3DTileset.extensions
to get the extensions property from the tileset JSON. #8829Camera.completeFlight
, which causes the current camera flight to immediately jump to the final destination and call its complete callback. #8788nightAlpha
and dayAlpha
properties to ImageryLayer
to control alpha separately for the night and day sides of the globe. #8868SkyAtmosphere.perFragmentAtmosphere
to switch between per-vertex and per-fragment atmosphere shading. #8866PostProcessStage
option to DebugCameraPrimitive
. 8849#rgba
and #rrggbbaa
formats in Color.fromCssColorString
. 8873TerrainProvider
. #8766${feature.propertyName}
and ${feature["propertyName"]}
syntax would cause a crash. Also fixed an issue where property names with non-alphanumeric characters would crash. #8785DebugCameraPrimitive
was ignoring the near and far planes of the Camera
. #8848Changelog
1.69.0 - 2020-05-01
has been removed. Use scene.light.color
and scene.light.intensity
instead. #8774isArray
. Use the native Array.isArray
function instead. #8779RequestScheduler
to the public API; this allows users to have more control over the requests made by CesiumJS. #8384Scene.cameraUnderground
for checking whether the camera is underneath the globe. #8765skeleton
was considered required by Cesium. #8175update
events should expect one additional event firing as an animation stops. #7387CesiumWidget
instances. #8591Changelog
1.68.0 - 2020-04-01
build now includes sourcemaps. #8572STEP
animation interpolation. #8786--experimental-modules
. It can still be used in earlier versions as well. #8572TileMapServiceImageryProvider
will now force minimumLevel
to 0 if the tilemapresource.xml
metadata request fails and the rectangle
is too large for the given detail level #8448Changelog
1.67.0 - 2020-03-02
is now false
by default. #8631LEQUALS
depth test function instead of LESS
. This means that when geometry overlaps, the later geometry will be visible above the earlier, where previously the opposite was true. We believe this is a more sensible default, and makes it easier to render e.g. outlined buildings with glTF. #8646Entity.tileset
for loading a 3D Tiles tileset via the Entity API using the new Cesium3DTilesetGraphics
class. #8580tileset.uri
, and tileset.maximumScreenSpaceError
properties to CZML processing for loading 3D Tiles. #8580Color.lerp
for linearly interpolating between two RGB colors. #8607CesiumTerrainProvider
now supports terrain tiles using a WebMercatorTilingScheme
by specifying "projection": "EPSG:3857"
in layer.json
. It also now supports numbering tiles from the North instead of the South by specifying "scheme": "slippyMap"
in layer.json
. #8563isNaN
, isFinite
, null
, and undefined
in the 3D Tiles styling GLSL backend for point clouds. #8621sizeInMeters
to ParticleSystem
. #7746isArray
function has been deprecated and will be removed in Cesium 1.69. Use the native Array.isArray
function instead. #8526