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cesium - npm Package Versions



published 1.75.0 •
published 1.74.0 •
published 1.73.0 •
published 1.72.0 •
published 1.71.0 •
published 1.70.1 •



1.70.1 - 2020-06-10

Additions :tada:

  • Add a toString method to the Resource class in case an instance gets logged as a string. #8722
  • Exposed Transforms.rotationMatrixFromPositionVelocity method from Cesium's private API. #8927

Fixes :wrench:

  • Fixed JSDoc and TypeScript type definitions for all ImageryProvider types, which were missing defaultNightAlpha and defaultDayAlpha properties. #8908
  • Fixed JSDoc and TypeScript for MaterialProperty, which were missing the ability to take primitive types in their constructor. #8904
  • Fixed JSDoc and TypeScript type definitions to allow the creation of GeometryInstance instances using XXXGeometry classes. #8941.
  • Fixed JSDoc and TypeScript for buildModuleUrl, which was accidentally excluded from the official CesiumJS API. #8923
  • Fixed JSDoc and TypeScript type definitions for EllipsoidGeodesic which incorrectly listed result as required. #8904
  • Fixed JSDoc and TypeScript type definitions for EllipsoidTangentPlane.fromPoints, which takes an array of Cartesian3, not a single instance. #8928
  • Fixed JSDoc and TypeScript type definitions for EntityCollection.getById and CompositeEntityCollection.getById, which can both return undefined. #8928
  • Fixed JSDoc and TypeScript type definitions for Viewer options parameters.
  • Fixed a memory leak where some 3D Tiles requests were being unintentionally retained after the requests were cancelled. #8843
  • Fixed a bug with handling of PixelFormat's flipY. #8893
published 1.70.0 •



1.70.0 - 2020-06-01

Major Announcements :loudspeaker:

  • All Cesium ion users now have access to Cesium OSM Buildings - a 3D buildings layer covering the entire world built with OpenStreetMap building data, available as 3D Tiles. Read more about it on our blog.
  • CesiumJS now ships with official TypeScript type definitions! #8878
    • If you import CesiumJS as a module, the new definitions will automatically be used by TypeScript and related tooling.
    • If you import individual CesiumJS source files directly, you'll need to add "types": ["cesium"] in your tsconfig.json in order for the definitions to be used.
    • If you’re using your own custom definitions and you’re not yet ready to switch, you can delete Source/Cesium.d.ts after install.
    • See our blog post for more information and a technical overview of how it all works.
  • CesiumJS now supports underground rendering with globe translucency! #8726
    • Added options for controlling globe translucency through the new GlobeTranslucency object including front face alpha, back face alpha, and a translucency rectangle.
    • Added Globe.undergroundColor and Globe.undergroundColorAlphaByDistance for controlling how the back side of the globe is rendered when the camera is underground or the globe is translucent. #8867
    • Improved camera controls when the camera is underground. #8811
    • Sandcastle examples: Globe Translucency, Globe Interior, and Underground Color

Additions :tada:

  • Our API reference documentation has received dozens of fixes and improvements, largely due to the TypeScript effort.
  • Added Cesium3DTileset.extensions to get the extensions property from the tileset JSON. #8829
  • Added Camera.completeFlight, which causes the current camera flight to immediately jump to the final destination and call its complete callback. #8788
  • Added nightAlpha and dayAlpha properties to ImageryLayer to control alpha separately for the night and day sides of the globe. #8868
  • Added SkyAtmosphere.perFragmentAtmosphere to switch between per-vertex and per-fragment atmosphere shading. #8866
  • Added a new sandcastle example to show how to add fog using a PostProcessStage #8798
  • Added frustumSplits option to DebugCameraPrimitive. 8849
  • Supported #rgba and #rrggbbaa formats in Color.fromCssColorString. 8873

Fixes :wrench:

  • Fixed a bug that could cause rendering of a glTF model to become corrupt when switching from a Uint16 to a Uint32 index buffer to accommodate new vertices added for edge outlining. #8820
  • Fixed a bug where a removed billboard could prevent changing of the TerrainProvider. #8766
  • Fixed an issue with 3D Tiles point cloud styling where ${feature.propertyName} and ${feature["propertyName"]} syntax would cause a crash. Also fixed an issue where property names with non-alphanumeric characters would crash. #8785
  • Fixed a bug where DebugCameraPrimitive was ignoring the near and far planes of the Camera. #8848
  • Fixed sky atmosphere artifacts below the horizon. #8866
  • Fixed ground primitives in orthographic mode. #5110
  • Fixed the depth plane in orthographic mode. This improves the quality of polylines and other primitives that are rendered near the horizon. 8858
published 1.69.0 •



1.69.0 - 2020-05-01

Breaking Changes :mega:

  • The property Scene.sunColor has been removed. Use scene.light.color and scene.light.intensity instead. #8774
  • Removed isArray. Use the native Array.isArray function instead. #8779

Additions :tada:

  • Added RequestScheduler to the public API; this allows users to have more control over the requests made by CesiumJS. #8384
  • Added support for high-quality edges on solid geometry in glTF models. #8776
  • Added Scene.cameraUnderground for checking whether the camera is underneath the globe. #8765

Fixes :wrench:

  • Fixed several problems with polylines when the logarithmic depth buffer is enabled, which is the default on most systems. #8706
  • Fixed a bug with very long view ranges requiring multiple frustums even with the logarithmic depth buffer enabled. Previously, such scenes could resolve depth incorrectly. #8727
  • Fixed an issue with glTF skinning support where an optional property skeleton was considered required by Cesium. #8175
  • Fixed an issue with clamping of non-looped glTF animations. Subscribers to animation update events should expect one additional event firing as an animation stops. #7387
  • Geometry instance floats now work for high precision floats on newer iOS devices. #8805
  • Fixed a bug where the elevation contour material's alpha was not being applied. #8749
  • Fix potential memory leak when destroying CesiumWidget instances. #8591
  • Fixed displaying the Cesium ion icon when running in an Android, iOS or UWP WebView. #8758
published 1.68.0 •



1.68.0 - 2020-04-01

Additions :tada:

  • Added basic underground rendering support. When the camera is underground the globe will be rendered as a solid surface and underground entities will not be culled. #8572
  • The CesiumUnminified build now includes sourcemaps. #8572
  • Added glTF STEP animation interpolation. #8786
  • Added the ability to edit CesiumJS shaders on-the-fly using the SpectorJS Shader Editor. #8608

Fixes :wrench:

  • Cesium can now be used in Node.JS 12 and later, with or without --experimental-modules. It can still be used in earlier versions as well. #8572
  • Interacting with the Cesium canvas will now blur the previously focused element. This prevents unintended modification of input elements when interacting with the globe. #8662
  • TileMapServiceImageryProvider will now force minimumLevel to 0 if the tilemapresource.xml metadata request fails and the rectangle is too large for the given detail level #8448
  • Fixed ground atmosphere rendering when using a smaller ellipsoid. #8683
  • Fixed globe incorrectly occluding objects when using a smaller ellipsoid. #7124
  • Fixed a regression introduced in 1.67 which caused overlapping colored ground geometry to have visual artifacts. #8694
  • Fixed a clipping problem when viewing a polyline up close with the logarithmic depth buffer enabled, which is the default on most systems. #8703
published 1.67.0 •



1.67.0 - 2020-03-02

Breaking Changes :mega:

  • Cesium3DTileset.skipLevelOfDetail is now false by default. #8631
  • glTF models are now rendered using the LEQUALS depth test function instead of LESS. This means that when geometry overlaps, the later geometry will be visible above the earlier, where previously the opposite was true. We believe this is a more sensible default, and makes it easier to render e.g. outlined buildings with glTF. #8646

Additions :tada:

  • Massively improved performance of clamped Entity ground geometry with dynamic colors. #8630
  • Added Entity.tileset for loading a 3D Tiles tileset via the Entity API using the new Cesium3DTilesetGraphics class. #8580
  • Added tileset.uri,, and tileset.maximumScreenSpaceError properties to CZML processing for loading 3D Tiles. #8580
  • Added Color.lerp for linearly interpolating between two RGB colors. #8607
  • CesiumTerrainProvider now supports terrain tiles using a WebMercatorTilingScheme by specifying "projection": "EPSG:3857" in layer.json. It also now supports numbering tiles from the North instead of the South by specifying "scheme": "slippyMap" in layer.json. #8563
  • Added basic support for isNaN, isFinite, null, and undefined in the 3D Tiles styling GLSL backend for point clouds. #8621
  • Added sizeInMeters to ParticleSystem. #7746

Fixes :wrench:

  • Fixed a bug that caused large, nearby geometry to be clipped when using a logarithmic depth buffer, which is the default on most systems. #8600
  • Fixed a bug where tiles would not load if the camera was tracking a moving tileset. #8598
  • Fixed a bug where applying a new 3D Tiles style during a flight would not update all existing tiles. #8622
  • Fixed a bug where Cartesian vectors could not be packed to typed arrays #8568
  • Updated knockout from 3.5.0 to 3.5.1. #8424
  • Cesium's local development server now works in Node 12 & 13 #8648

Deprecated :hourglass_flowing_sand:

  • The isArray function has been deprecated and will be removed in Cesium 1.69. Use the native Array.isArray function instead. #8526