effortlessness, clientside, requirejs, package, modules
version 0.0.12 (high alpha)
Packager = require('cetera').Packager
packager = new Packager
app = express()
script_tags = packager.mount
# config.app as express app instance
# - uses app.get() to define routes
app: app
# config.name as name of package
# - results in script routes as /packagename/**/*.js for the browser to access
name: 'packagename'
# config.src as source directory for the js scripts
src: __dirname + '/lib/client'
# scripts as array of scripts to serve,
# path relative to 'src' as specified above
scripts: [
# When NODE_ENV is set to production all scripts are concatinated and minified,
# and published with a version number and cache controls in the headed
cache_seconds: 31536000 # how long should proxies and clients cache the script file
# defaults to one day
version: 'n.n.n' # changing the version will cause a refresh on the proxies
# and clients no matter how long the cache_seconds
# defaults to 0.0.0
app.get '/index', (req, res) ->
res.render 'index',
title: 'www.newswords.org'
script_tags: script_tags
<%= script_tags %>
- Handle missing script file
- Production to bundle all