Chart.js ^3.3 module for creating sankey diagrams

Browser support
All modern and up-to-date browsers are supported, including, but not limited to:
Internet Explorer 11 is not supported.
Typescript 3.x and higher is supported.
You can use chartjs-chart-sankey.js as ES module. You'll need to manually register two components
import {Chart} from 'chart.js';
import {SankeyController, Flow} from 'chartjs-chart-sankey';
Chart.register(SankeyController, Flow);
To create a sankey chart, include chartjs-chart-sankey.js after chart.js and then create the chart by setting the type
attribute to 'sankey'
const chart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'sankey',
data: dataObject
const colors = {
a: 'red',
b: 'green',
c: 'blue',
d: 'gray'
const getHover = (key) => colors[key];
const getColor = (key) => colors[key];
const chart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'sankey',
data: {
datasets: [{
label: 'My sankey',
data: [
{from: 'a', to: 'b', flow: 10},
{from: 'a', to: 'c', flow: 5},
{from: 'b', to: 'c', flow: 10},
{from: 'd', to: 'c', flow: 7}
colorFrom: (c) => getColor([c.dataIndex].from),
colorTo: (c) => getColor([c.dataIndex].to),
hoverColorFrom: (c) => getHover([c.dataIndex].from),
hoverColorTo: (c) => getHover([c.dataIndex].to),
colorMode: 'gradient',
alpha: 1,
labels: {
a: 'Label A',
b: 'Label B',
c: 'Label C',
d: 'Label D'
priority: {
b: 1,
d: 0
column: {
d: 1
size: 'max',
Custom data structure
Custom data structure can be used by specifying the custom data keys in options.parsing
For example:
const chart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'sankey',
data: {
datasets: [
data: [
{source: 'a', destination: 'b', value: 20},
{source: 'c', destination: 'd', value: 10},
{source: 'c', destination: 'e', value: 5},
colorFrom: 'red',
colorTo: 'green'
options: {
parsing: {
from: 'source',
to: 'destination',
flow: 'value'

Online examples
Vue.js 2
You first need to install node dependencies (requires Node.js):
> npm install
The following commands will then be available from the repository root:
> npm run build // build dist files
> npm run autobuild // build and watch for changes
> npm test // run all tests
> npm autotest // run all tests and watch for changes
> npm lint // perform code linting
> npm package // create an archive with dist files and samples
chartjs-chart-sankey is available under the MIT license.