Prepackaged application services and behaviors for single-run scripts. Services provided by fable. The key elements:
- settings/configuratin
- logging
- reading files of common formats (csv, text)
- writing files to the execution-specific rundata folder
Specifically, I kept writing a bunch of these one-off scripts that do tasks like importing a set of data. Or mutating a set of records. Or exercising a set of endpoints. And at times, had to pull in data multiple iterations or on different servers.
When using traditional application services for this, it can be rough. If I were to, say, import 50,000 records and wanted to log anomalies as well as some surrounding data. And, there are 20,000 anomalies.
After running the thing a bunch of times, the log file is fricken enormous. And if I'm running it against qa, staging and production based on shifting config it gets even trickier.
Using This Thing
So you want to Choreograph something:
1. Install the Package:
~/Code/someawesomescript: npm i --save choreographic
2. Write Your Awesome Script:
const libChoreographic = require('choreographic');
const _ScriptHost = new libChoreographic({ "ImportantSettingValue":"I am an important setting!" });'My script is running!');
_ScriptHost.log.error(`There are settings like [ImportantSettingsValue] you can use [${_ScriptHost.settings.ImportantSettingValue}].`);
3. Run Your Awesome Script:
~/Code/someawesomescript: node index.js
2023-04-24T23:43:31.849Z [info] (ScriptHost): Starting up script host [/Users/steven/Code/someawesomescript/rundata/ScriptHost-Run-2023-04-24-16-43-31-833/ScriptHost-Run-2023-04-24-16-43-31-833.log] for ScriptHost...
2023-04-24T23:43:31.855Z [info] (ScriptHost): My script is running!
2023-04-24T23:43:31.855Z [error] (ScriptHost): There are settings like [ImportantSettingsValue] you can use [I am an important setting!].
4. But Wait, There's More!
After running the script, there will also be a rundata
~/Code/someawesomescript: ls -l rundata/
drwxr-xr-x 3 steven staff 96 Apr 24 16:42 ScriptHost-Run-2023-04-24-16-42-11-581
drwxr-xr-x 3 steven staff 96 Apr 24 16:42 ScriptHost-Run-2023-04-24-16-42-31-419
drwxr-xr-x 3 steven staff 96 Apr 24 16:43 ScriptHost-Run-2023-04-24-16-43-31-833
And in this case the script has been run three times. There is a log file in each folder. Each time you execute the script, it has a new folder for itself.
If you want the prefix to not be ScriptHost
, it just uses the common fable
settings format for application name:
"Product": "MyProductName"
Documentation Yet to Write
- read common format files
- write a file to the current rundata folder