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@@ -1,38 +0,38 @@

function Dt() {
const r = window;
function t() {
function n(l, c) {
return function(...d) {
var $, p;
l === "open" && (this.open_args = d);
const g = c[l];
if (g != null && g.callback) {
const E =, d, this.xhr);
if (E !== void 0)
return E;
function Pt() {
const n = window;
function e() {
function s(d, c) {
return function(...g) {
var E, C;
d === "open" && (this.open_args = g);
const m = c[d];
if (m != null && m.callback) {
const I =, g, this.xhr);
if (I !== void 0)
return I;
return (p = ($ = this.xhr)[l]) == null ? void 0 :$, ...d);
return (C = (E = this.xhr)[d]) == null ? void 0 :, ...g);
function i(l, c) {
function r(d, c) {
return function() {
const d =, `${l}_`) ? this[`${l}_`] : this.xhr[l], g = c[l];
return g != null && g.getter ? g.getter(d, this) : d;
const g =, `${d}_`) ? this[`${d}_`] : this.xhr[d], m = c[d];
return m != null && m.getter ? m.getter(g, this) : g;
function T(l, c) {
return function(d) {
const g = this.xhr, $ = c[l];
if (this[`${l}_`] = d, l.startsWith("on")) {
const p = l;
typeof d == "function" ? g[p] = (E) => {
var N;
((N = $ == null ? void 0 : $.callback) == null ? void 0 :, [E], g)) !== !0 &&, E);
} : g[p] = null;
function h(d, c) {
return function(g) {
const m = this.xhr, E = c[d];
if (this[`${d}_`] = g, d.startsWith("on")) {
const C = d;
typeof g == "function" ? m[C] = (I) => {
var U;
((U = E == null ? void 0 : E.callback) == null ? void 0 :, [I], m)) !== !0 &&, I);
} : m[C] = null;
} else {
const p = $ != null && $.setter ? $.setter(d, this) : d;
const C = E != null && E.setter ? E.setter(g, this) : g;
try {
g[l] = p;
m[d] = C;
} catch {

@@ -42,17 +42,17 @@ }

function h(l) {
return r.realXhr = r.realXhr || XMLHttpRequest, XMLHttpRequest = function() {
const c = new r.realXhr();
function l(d) {
return n.realXhr = n.realXhr || XMLHttpRequest, XMLHttpRequest = function() {
const c = new n.realXhr();
this.xhr = c;
for (const d in c)
typeof c[d] == "function" ? this[d] = n(d, l) : Object.defineProperty(this, d, {
get: i(d, l),
set: T(d, l),
for (const g in c)
typeof c[g] == "function" ? this[g] = s(g, d) : Object.defineProperty(this, g, {
get: r(g, d),
set: h(g, d),
enumerable: !0
}, r.realXhr;
}, n.realXhr;
open: {
callback(l, c) {
callback(d, c) {

@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ },

// @ts-ignore
callback(l, c) {
var d, g;
url: (d = c.open_args) == null ? void 0 : d[1],
method: (g = c.open_args) == null ? void 0 : g[0],
callback(d, c) {
var g, m;
url: (g = c.open_args) == null ? void 0 : g[1],
method: (m = c.open_args) == null ? void 0 : m[0],
response: c.response,

@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ requestType: "xhr-onload"

// @ts-ignore
callback(l, c) {
var d, g;
(c == null ? void 0 : c.readyState) === 4 && e({
url: (d = c.open_args) == null ? void 0 : d[1],
method: (g = c.open_args) == null ? void 0 : g[0],
callback(d, c) {
var g, m;
(c == null ? void 0 : c.readyState) === 4 && t({
url: (g = c.open_args) == null ? void 0 : g[1],
method: (m = c.open_args) == null ? void 0 : m[0],
response: c.response,

@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ requestType: "xhr-onreadystatechange"

// @ts-ignore
callback(l, c) {
var d, g;
url: (d = c.open_args) == null ? void 0 : d[1],
method: (g = c.open_args) == null ? void 0 : g[0],
callback(d, c) {
var g, m;
url: (g = c.open_args) == null ? void 0 : g[1],
method: (m = c.open_args) == null ? void 0 : m[0],
response: c.response,

@@ -100,88 +100,88 @@ requestType: "xhr-onloadend"

const b = window.fetch.bind(window);
window.fetch = function(l, c) {
const d = l instanceof Request ? l.url : l.toString();
return b(l, c).then((g) => {
var p;
const $ = g.clone();
return (p = $.headers.get("Content-Type")) != null && p.includes("application/json") && $.json().then((E) => {
url: d,
const p = window.fetch.bind(window);
window.fetch = function(d, c) {
const g = d instanceof Request ? d.url : d.toString();
return p(d, c).then((m) => {
var C;
const E = m.clone();
return (C = E.headers.get("Content-Type")) != null && C.includes("application/json") && E.json().then((I) => {
url: g,
method: c == null ? void 0 : c.method,
response: E,
response: I,
requestType: "fetch"
}), g;
}), m;
}, console.log("inject ok");
function e(n) {
function t(s) {
data: n
data: s
function St(r) {
return r && r.__esModule &&, "default") ? r.default : r;
function St(n) {
return n && n.__esModule &&, "default") ? n.default : n;
var tt = { exports: {} }, Tt = tt.exports, it;
var tt = { exports: {} }, Tt = tt.exports, ct;
function yt() {
return it || (it = 1, function(r, t) {
(function(e, n) {
r.exports = n();
return ct || (ct = 1, function(n, e) {
(function(t, s) {
n.exports = s();
})(Tt, function() {
var e = 1e3, n = 6e4, i = 36e5, T = "millisecond", h = "second", b = "minute", l = "hour", c = "day", d = "week", g = "month", $ = "quarter", p = "year", E = "date", P = "Invalid Date", N = /^(\d{4})[-/]?(\d{1,2})?[-/]?(\d{0,2})[Tt\s]*(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?[.:]?(\d+)?$/, Q = /\[([^\]]+)]|Y{1,4}|M{1,4}|D{1,2}|d{1,4}|H{1,2}|h{1,2}|a|A|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|Z{1,2}|SSS/g, G = { name: "en", weekdays: "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"), months: "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_"), ordinal: function(f) {
var o = ["th", "st", "nd", "rd"], s = f % 100;
return "[" + f + (o[(s - 20) % 10] || o[s] || o[0]) + "]";
} }, j = function(f, o, s) {
var t = 1e3, s = 6e4, r = 36e5, h = "millisecond", l = "second", p = "minute", d = "hour", c = "day", g = "week", m = "month", E = "quarter", C = "year", I = "date", D = "Invalid Date", U = /^(\d{4})[-/]?(\d{1,2})?[-/]?(\d{0,2})[Tt\s]*(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?:?(\d{1,2})?[.:]?(\d+)?$/, Q = /\[([^\]]+)]|Y{1,4}|M{1,4}|D{1,2}|d{1,4}|H{1,2}|h{1,2}|a|A|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|Z{1,2}|SSS/g, B = { name: "en", weekdays: "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"), months: "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_"), ordinal: function(f) {
var o = ["th", "st", "nd", "rd"], i = f % 100;
return "[" + f + (o[(i - 20) % 10] || o[i] || o[0]) + "]";
} }, q = function(f, o, i) {
var u = String(f);
return !u || u.length >= o ? f : "" + Array(o + 1 - u.length).join(s) + f;
}, mt = { s: j, z: function(f) {
var o = -f.utcOffset(), s = Math.abs(o), u = Math.floor(s / 60), a = s % 60;
return (o <= 0 ? "+" : "-") + j(u, 2, "0") + ":" + j(a, 2, "0");
}, m: function f(o, s) {
if ( < return -f(s, o);
var u = 12 * (s.year() - o.year()) + (s.month() - o.month()), a = o.clone().add(u, g), m = s - a < 0, S = o.clone().add(u + (m ? -1 : 1), g);
return +(-(u + (s - a) / (m ? a - S : S - a)) || 0);
return !u || u.length >= o ? f : "" + Array(o + 1 - u.length).join(i) + f;
}, mt = { s: q, z: function(f) {
var o = -f.utcOffset(), i = Math.abs(o), u = Math.floor(i / 60), a = i % 60;
return (o <= 0 ? "+" : "-") + q(u, 2, "0") + ":" + q(a, 2, "0");
}, m: function f(o, i) {
if ( < return -f(i, o);
var u = 12 * (i.year() - o.year()) + (i.month() - o.month()), a = o.clone().add(u, m), S = i - a < 0, T = o.clone().add(u + (S ? -1 : 1), m);
return +(-(u + (i - a) / (S ? a - T : T - a)) || 0);
}, a: function(f) {
return f < 0 ? Math.ceil(f) || 0 : Math.floor(f);
}, p: function(f) {
return { M: g, y: p, w: d, d: c, D: E, h: l, m: b, s: h, ms: T, Q: $ }[f] || String(f || "").toLowerCase().replace(/s$/, "");
return { M: m, y: C, w: g, d: c, D: I, h: d, m: p, s: l, ms: h, Q: E }[f] || String(f || "").toLowerCase().replace(/s$/, "");
}, u: function(f) {
return f === void 0;
} }, H = "en", U = {};
U[H] = G;
var rt = "$isDayjsObject", nt = function(f) {
return f instanceof K || !(!f || !f[rt]);
}, J = function f(o, s, u) {
} }, Y = "en", A = {};
A[Y] = B;
var at = "$isDayjsObject", st = function(f) {
return f instanceof K || !(!f || !f[at]);
}, J = function f(o, i, u) {
var a;
if (!o) return H;
if (!o) return Y;
if (typeof o == "string") {
var m = o.toLowerCase();
U[m] && (a = m), s && (U[m] = s, a = m);
var S = o.split("-");
if (!a && S.length > 1) return f(S[0]);
var S = o.toLowerCase();
A[S] && (a = S), i && (A[S] = i, a = S);
var T = o.split("-");
if (!a && T.length > 1) return f(T[0]);
} else {
var C =;
U[C] = o, a = C;
var b =;
A[b] = o, a = b;
return !u && a && (H = a), a || !u && H;
}, R = function(f, o) {
if (nt(f)) return f.clone();
var s = typeof o == "object" ? o : {};
return = f, s.args = arguments, new K(s);
return !u && a && (Y = a), a || !u && Y;
}, $ = function(f, o) {
if (st(f)) return f.clone();
var i = typeof o == "object" ? o : {};
return = f, i.args = arguments, new K(i);
}, y = mt;
y.l = J, y.i = nt, y.w = function(f, o) {
return R(f, { locale: o.$L, utc: o.$u, x: o.$x, $offset: o.$offset });
y.l = J, y.i = st, y.w = function(f, o) {
return $(f, { locale: o.$L, utc: o.$u, x: o.$x, $offset: o.$offset });
var K = function() {
function f(s) {
this.$L = J(s.locale, null, !0), this.parse(s), this.$x = this.$x || s.x || {}, this[rt] = !0;
function f(i) {
this.$L = J(i.locale, null, !0), this.parse(i), this.$x = this.$x || i.x || {}, this[at] = !0;
var o = f.prototype;
return o.parse = function(s) {
return o.parse = function(i) {
this.$d = function(u) {
var a =, m = u.utc;
var a =, S = u.utc;
if (a === null) return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN);

@@ -191,26 +191,26 @@ if (y.u(a)) return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date();

if (typeof a == "string" && !/Z$/i.test(a)) {
var S = a.match(N);
if (S) {
var C = S[2] - 1 || 0, _ = (S[7] || "0").substring(0, 3);
return m ? new Date(Date.UTC(S[1], C, S[3] || 1, S[4] || 0, S[5] || 0, S[6] || 0, _)) : new Date(S[1], C, S[3] || 1, S[4] || 0, S[5] || 0, S[6] || 0, _);
var T = a.match(U);
if (T) {
var b = T[2] - 1 || 0, _ = (T[7] || "0").substring(0, 3);
return S ? new Date(Date.UTC(T[1], b, T[3] || 1, T[4] || 0, T[5] || 0, T[6] || 0, _)) : new Date(T[1], b, T[3] || 1, T[4] || 0, T[5] || 0, T[6] || 0, _);
return new Date(a);
}(s), this.init();
}(i), this.init();
}, o.init = function() {
var s = this.$d;
this.$y = s.getFullYear(), this.$M = s.getMonth(), this.$D = s.getDate(), this.$W = s.getDay(), this.$H = s.getHours(), this.$m = s.getMinutes(), this.$s = s.getSeconds(), this.$ms = s.getMilliseconds();
var i = this.$d;
this.$y = i.getFullYear(), this.$M = i.getMonth(), this.$D = i.getDate(), this.$W = i.getDay(), this.$H = i.getHours(), this.$m = i.getMinutes(), this.$s = i.getSeconds(), this.$ms = i.getMilliseconds();
}, o.$utils = function() {
return y;
}, o.isValid = function() {
return this.$d.toString() !== P;
}, o.isSame = function(s, u) {
var a = R(s);
return this.$d.toString() !== D;
}, o.isSame = function(i, u) {
var a = $(i);
return this.startOf(u) <= a && a <= this.endOf(u);
}, o.isAfter = function(s, u) {
return R(s) < this.startOf(u);
}, o.isBefore = function(s, u) {
return this.endOf(u) < R(s);
}, o.$g = function(s, u, a) {
return y.u(s) ? this[u] : this.set(a, s);
}, o.isAfter = function(i, u) {
return $(i) < this.startOf(u);
}, o.isBefore = function(i, u) {
return this.endOf(u) < $(i);
}, o.$g = function(i, u, a) {
return y.u(i) ? this[u] : this.set(a, i);
}, o.unix = function() {

@@ -220,71 +220,71 @@ return Math.floor(this.valueOf() / 1e3);

return this.$d.getTime();
}, o.startOf = function(s, u) {
var a = this, m = !!y.u(u) || u, S = y.p(s), C = function(F, v) {
var O = y.w(a.$u ? Date.UTC(a.$y, v, F) : new Date(a.$y, v, F), a);
return m ? O : O.endOf(c);
}, _ = function(F, v) {
return y.w(a.toDate()[F].apply(a.toDate("s"), (m ? [0, 0, 0, 0] : [23, 59, 59, 999]).slice(v)), a);
}, w = this.$W, I = this.$M, B = this.$D, q = "set" + (this.$u ? "UTC" : "");
switch (S) {
case p:
return m ? C(1, 0) : C(31, 11);
}, o.startOf = function(i, u) {
var a = this, S = !!y.u(u) || u, T = y.p(i), b = function(j, G) {
var x = y.w(a.$u ? Date.UTC(a.$y, G, j) : new Date(a.$y, G, j), a);
return S ? x : x.endOf(c);
}, _ = function(j, G) {
return y.w(a.toDate()[j].apply(a.toDate("s"), (S ? [0, 0, 0, 0] : [23, 59, 59, 999]).slice(G)), a);
}, M = this.$W, R = this.$M, k = this.$D, H = "set" + (this.$u ? "UTC" : "");
switch (T) {
case C:
return S ? b(1, 0) : b(31, 11);
case m:
return S ? b(1, R) : b(0, R + 1);
case g:
return m ? C(1, I) : C(0, I + 1);
var F = this.$locale().weekStart || 0, W = (M < F ? M + 7 : M) - F;
return b(S ? k - W : k + (6 - W), R);
case c:
case I:
return _(H + "Hours", 0);
case d:
var A = this.$locale().weekStart || 0, Y = (w < A ? w + 7 : w) - A;
return C(m ? B - Y : B + (6 - Y), I);
case c:
case E:
return _(q + "Hours", 0);
return _(H + "Minutes", 1);
case p:
return _(H + "Seconds", 2);
case l:
return _(q + "Minutes", 1);
case b:
return _(q + "Seconds", 2);
case h:
return _(q + "Milliseconds", 3);
return _(H + "Milliseconds", 3);
return this.clone();
}, o.endOf = function(s) {
return this.startOf(s, !1);
}, o.$set = function(s, u) {
var a, m = y.p(s), S = "set" + (this.$u ? "UTC" : ""), C = (a = {}, a[c] = S + "Date", a[E] = S + "Date", a[g] = S + "Month", a[p] = S + "FullYear", a[l] = S + "Hours", a[b] = S + "Minutes", a[h] = S + "Seconds", a[T] = S + "Milliseconds", a)[m], _ = m === c ? this.$D + (u - this.$W) : u;
if (m === g || m === p) {
var w = this.clone().set(E, 1);
w.$d[C](_), w.init(), this.$d = w.set(E, Math.min(this.$D, w.daysInMonth())).$d;
} else C && this.$d[C](_);
}, o.endOf = function(i) {
return this.startOf(i, !1);
}, o.$set = function(i, u) {
var a, S = y.p(i), T = "set" + (this.$u ? "UTC" : ""), b = (a = {}, a[c] = T + "Date", a[I] = T + "Date", a[m] = T + "Month", a[C] = T + "FullYear", a[d] = T + "Hours", a[p] = T + "Minutes", a[l] = T + "Seconds", a[h] = T + "Milliseconds", a)[S], _ = S === c ? this.$D + (u - this.$W) : u;
if (S === m || S === C) {
var M = this.clone().set(I, 1);
M.$d[b](_), M.init(), this.$d = M.set(I, Math.min(this.$D, M.daysInMonth())).$d;
} else b && this.$d[b](_);
return this.init(), this;
}, o.set = function(s, u) {
return this.clone().$set(s, u);
}, o.get = function(s) {
return this[y.p(s)]();
}, o.add = function(s, u) {
var a, m = this;
s = Number(s);
var S = y.p(u), C = function(I) {
var B = R(m);
return y.w( + Math.round(I * s)), m);
}, o.set = function(i, u) {
return this.clone().$set(i, u);
}, o.get = function(i) {
return this[y.p(i)]();
}, o.add = function(i, u) {
var a, S = this;
i = Number(i);
var T = y.p(u), b = function(R) {
var k = $(S);
return y.w( + Math.round(R * i)), S);
if (S === g) return this.set(g, this.$M + s);
if (S === p) return this.set(p, this.$y + s);
if (S === c) return C(1);
if (S === d) return C(7);
var _ = (a = {}, a[b] = n, a[l] = i, a[h] = e, a)[S] || 1, w = this.$d.getTime() + s * _;
return y.w(w, this);
}, o.subtract = function(s, u) {
return this.add(-1 * s, u);
}, o.format = function(s) {
if (T === m) return this.set(m, this.$M + i);
if (T === C) return this.set(C, this.$y + i);
if (T === c) return b(1);
if (T === g) return b(7);
var _ = (a = {}, a[p] = s, a[d] = r, a[l] = t, a)[T] || 1, M = this.$d.getTime() + i * _;
return y.w(M, this);
}, o.subtract = function(i, u) {
return this.add(-1 * i, u);
}, o.format = function(i) {
var u = this, a = this.$locale();
if (!this.isValid()) return a.invalidDate || P;
var m = s || "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ", S = y.z(this), C = this.$H, _ = this.$m, w = this.$M, I = a.weekdays, B = a.months, q = a.meridiem, A = function(v, O, W, V) {
return v && (v[O] || v(u, m)) || W[O].slice(0, V);
}, Y = function(v) {
return y.s(C % 12 || 12, v, "0");
}, F = q || function(v, O, W) {
var V = v < 12 ? "AM" : "PM";
return W ? V.toLowerCase() : V;
if (!this.isValid()) return a.invalidDate || D;
var S = i || "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ", T = y.z(this), b = this.$H, _ = this.$m, M = this.$M, R = a.weekdays, k = a.months, H = a.meridiem, F = function(G, x, X, V) {
return G && (G[x] || G(u, S)) || X[x].slice(0, V);
}, W = function(G) {
return y.s(b % 12 || 12, G, "0");
}, j = H || function(G, x, X) {
var V = G < 12 ? "AM" : "PM";
return X ? V.toLowerCase() : V;
return m.replace(Q, function(v, O) {
return O || function(W) {
switch (W) {
return S.replace(Q, function(G, x) {
return x || function(X) {
switch (X) {
case "YY":

@@ -295,9 +295,9 @@ return String(u.$y).slice(-2);

case "M":
return w + 1;
return M + 1;
case "MM":
return y.s(w + 1, 2, "0");
return y.s(M + 1, 2, "0");
case "MMM":
return A(a.monthsShort, w, B, 3);
return F(a.monthsShort, M, k, 3);
case "MMMM":
return A(B, w);
return F(k, M);
case "D":

@@ -310,19 +310,19 @@ return u.$D;

case "dd":
return A(a.weekdaysMin, u.$W, I, 2);
return F(a.weekdaysMin, u.$W, R, 2);
case "ddd":
return A(a.weekdaysShort, u.$W, I, 3);
return F(a.weekdaysShort, u.$W, R, 3);
case "dddd":
return I[u.$W];
return R[u.$W];
case "H":
return String(C);
return String(b);
case "HH":
return y.s(C, 2, "0");
return y.s(b, 2, "0");
case "h":
return Y(1);
return W(1);
case "hh":
return Y(2);
return W(2);
case "a":
return F(C, _, !0);
return j(b, _, !0);
case "A":
return F(C, _, !1);
return j(b, _, !1);
case "m":

@@ -339,50 +339,50 @@ return String(_);

case "Z":
return S;
return T;
return null;
}(v) || S.replace(":", "");
}(G) || T.replace(":", "");
}, o.utcOffset = function() {
return 15 * -Math.round(this.$d.getTimezoneOffset() / 15);
}, o.diff = function(s, u, a) {
var m, S = this, C = y.p(u), _ = R(s), w = (_.utcOffset() - this.utcOffset()) * n, I = this - _, B = function() {
return y.m(S, _);
}, o.diff = function(i, u, a) {
var S, T = this, b = y.p(u), _ = $(i), M = (_.utcOffset() - this.utcOffset()) * s, R = this - _, k = function() {
return y.m(T, _);
switch (C) {
case p:
m = B() / 12;
switch (b) {
case C:
S = k() / 12;
case m:
S = k();
case E:
S = k() / 3;
case g:
m = B();
S = (R - M) / 6048e5;
case $:
m = B() / 3;
case c:
S = (R - M) / 864e5;
case d:
m = (I - w) / 6048e5;
S = R / r;
case c:
m = (I - w) / 864e5;
case p:
S = R / s;
case l:
m = I / i;
S = R / t;
case b:
m = I / n;
case h:
m = I / e;
m = I;
S = R;
return a ? m : y.a(m);
return a ? S : y.a(S);
}, o.daysInMonth = function() {
return this.endOf(g).$D;
return this.endOf(m).$D;
}, o.$locale = function() {
return U[this.$L];
}, o.locale = function(s, u) {
if (!s) return this.$L;
var a = this.clone(), m = J(s, u, !0);
return m && (a.$L = m), a;
return A[this.$L];
}, o.locale = function(i, u) {
if (!i) return this.$L;
var a = this.clone(), S = J(i, u, !0);
return S && (a.$L = S), a;
}, o.clone = function() {

@@ -399,17 +399,17 @@ return y.w(this.$d, this);

}, f;
}(), st = K.prototype;
return R.prototype = st, [["$ms", T], ["$s", h], ["$m", b], ["$H", l], ["$W", c], ["$M", g], ["$y", p], ["$D", E]].forEach(function(f) {
st[f[1]] = function(o) {
}(), ot = K.prototype;
return $.prototype = ot, [["$ms", h], ["$s", l], ["$m", p], ["$H", d], ["$W", c], ["$M", m], ["$y", C], ["$D", I]].forEach(function(f) {
ot[f[1]] = function(o) {
return this.$g(o, f[0], f[1]);
}), R.extend = function(f, o) {
return f.$i || (f(o, K, R), f.$i = !0), R;
}, R.locale = J, R.isDayjs = nt, R.unix = function(f) {
return R(1e3 * f);
}, R.en = U[H], R.Ls = U, R.p = {}, R;
}), $.extend = function(f, o) {
return f.$i || (f(o, K, $), f.$i = !0), $;
}, $.locale = J, $.isDayjs = st, $.unix = function(f) {
return $(1e3 * f);
}, $.en = A[Y], $.Ls = A, $.p = {}, $;
}(tt)), tt.exports;
var Ct = yt();
const pt = /* @__PURE__ */ St(Ct), L = {
var bt = yt();
const Ct = /* @__PURE__ */ St(bt), v = {

@@ -424,28 +424,126 @@ SP2BG_GET_CURRENT_TAB: "CET_SP2BG_GET_CURRENT_TAB",

}, z = {
}, P = {
debug: !1
function Pt(r) {
z.debug = r;
function Ot(n) {
P.debug = n;
var x = /* @__PURE__ */ ((r) => (r.CS = "cs", r.SP = "sp", r.BG = "bg", r))(x || {}), M = /* @__PURE__ */ ((r) => (r.DEBUG = "debug", r.INFO = "info", r.WARN = "warn", r.ERROR = "error", r))(M || {});
const at = [];
function Z(r, t) {
const e = at.find((n) => n.messageId === r);
e ? (console.warn("已经监听过相关事件,覆盖旧事件"), e.bgCallback = t) : at.push({
messageId: r,
bgCallback: t
var L = /* @__PURE__ */ ((n) => (n.CS = "cs", n.SP = "sp", n.BG = "bg", n))(L || {}), w = /* @__PURE__ */ ((n) => (n.DEBUG = "debug", n.INFO = "info", n.WARN = "warn", n.ERROR = "error", n))(w || {});
const rt = [];
function _t(n, e, t) {
if (!t)
throw new Error("option is required");
return P.debug && console.log("stat sendMsgByBG", n, e, t), new Promise((s) => {
if (t.destination === L.CS) {
if (!t.tabId) {
console.error("tabId is required");
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(t.tabId, {
messageId: n,
data: e,
option: t
}, (r) => {
P.debug && console.log("sendMsgByBG response2", r), s({
data: r == null ? void 0 :,
messageId: n,
tabId: t.tabId,
success: (r == null ? void 0 : r.success) || !1,
msg: r == null ? void 0 : r.msg
} else
messageId: n,
data: e,
option: t
}, (r) => {
P.debug && console.log("sendMsgByBG response", r), s({
data: r == null ? void 0 :,
messageId: n,
tabId: t.tabId,
success: (r == null ? void 0 : r.success) || !1,
msg: r == null ? void 0 : r.msg
const ot = [];
function et(r, t, e) {
return new Promise((n) => {
z.debug && console.log("cs sendMsgByCS", r, t, e), chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ messageId: r, data: t, option: e }, {}, (i) => {
z.debug && console.log("cs sendMsgByCS response", r, i), n({
data: i == null ? void 0 :,
tabId: e.tabId,
tabUrl: e.tabUrl,
messageId: r,
success: (i == null ? void 0 : i.success) || !1,
msg: i == null ? void 0 : i.msg
function Z(n, e) {
const t = rt.find((s) => s.messageId === n);
t ? (console.warn("已经监听过相关事件,覆盖旧事件"), t.bgCallback = e) : rt.push({
messageId: n,
bgCallback: e
function Dt() {
(n, e, t) => {
if (P.debug && console.log("bg receive", n, e), !== "[object Object]" || !n.messageId)
return !0;
const s = n, r = rt.find((h) => h.messageId === s.messageId);
if (s.option.destination === L.SP)
return !0;
if (s.option.destination === L.CS)
if (s.option.tabId)
_t(s.messageId,, s.option).then((h) => {
P.debug && console.log("sendMsgByBG response(cs)", h), t({ data: h, success: !0 });
return console.warn("没有 tabId,不给 content script 发送消息"), t({ msg: "not have tabId", success: !1 }), !1;
else if (r && r.bgCallback)
r.bgCallback(, {
option: s.option,
messageId: s.messageId
}).then((h) => {
t({ data: h, success: !0 });
}).catch((h) => {
console.error("bgCallback error", h), t({ data: void 0, msg: h.message, success: !1 });
return console.warn("没有监听相关事件"), !0;
return !0;
const it = [];
function xt() {
console.log("initCSMsgListener"), chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(
(n, e, t) => {
if (P.debug && console.log("cs", n), !== "[object Object]" || !n.messageId)
return !0;
const s = it.find((r) => r.messageId === n.messageId);
if (!s || !s.csCallback)
return console.warn("没有监听相关事件"), !0;
if (s && s.csCallback)
s.csCallback(, {
option: n.option,
messageId: n.messageId
}).then((r) => {
data: r,
success: !0
}).catch((r) => {
data: void 0,
success: !1,
msg: r.message
return !1;
return !0;
function et(n, e, t) {
return new Promise((s) => {
P.debug && console.log("cs sendMsgByCS", n, e, t), chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ messageId: n, data: e, option: t }, {}, (r) => {
P.debug && console.log("cs sendMsgByCS response", n, r), s({
data: r == null ? void 0 :,
tabId: t.tabId,
tabUrl: t.tabUrl,
messageId: n,
success: (r == null ? void 0 : r.success) || !1,
msg: r == null ? void 0 : r.msg

@@ -455,37 +553,86 @@ });

function _t(r, t, e) {
const n = ot.find((i) => i.messageId === r);
return n ? n.csCallback = t : ot.push({
messageId: r,
csCallback: t
function pt(n, e, t) {
const s = it.find((r) => r.messageId === n);
return s ? s.csCallback = e : it.push({
messageId: n,
csCallback: e
}), !0;
const ct = [];
function ht(r, t, e) {
return new Promise((n) => {
if (z.debug && console.log("sendMsgBySP", r, t, e), e.destination === x.CS && !e.tabId)
return console.error("tabId is required"), n({
const nt = [];
function Nt() {
(n, e, t) => {
P.debug && console.log("sp receive", n, e);
const s = nt.find((h) => h.messageId === n.messageId), r = n.option.destination;
if (!r)
throw new Error("destination is required");
if (s && s.spCallback)
s.spCallback(, {
option: n.option,
messageId: n.messageId
}).then((h) => {
data: h,
success: !0
}).catch((h) => {
data: void 0,
success: !1,
msg: h.message
else if (r === L.SP) {
const h = nt.find((l) => l.messageId === n.messageId);
if (h && h.spCallback)
h.spCallback(, {
option: n.option,
messageId: n.messageId
}).then((l) => {
data: l,
success: !0
}).catch((l) => {
data: void 0,
success: !1,
msg: l.message
} else
return !0;
function ht(n, e, t) {
return new Promise((s) => {
if (P.debug && console.log("sendMsgBySP", n, e, t), t.destination === L.CS && !t.tabId)
return console.error("tabId is required"), s({
data: void 0,
tabId: e.tabId,
messageId: r,
tabId: t.tabId,
messageId: n,
success: !1,
msg: "tabId is required"
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ messageId: r, data: t, option: e }, {}, (i) => {
if (z.debug && console.log("sp sendMsgBySP", i), e.destination === x.CS) {
const T =;
return n({
data: T == null ? void 0 :,
tabId: e.tabId,
messageId: r,
success: (T == null ? void 0 : T.success) || !1,
msg: T == null ? void 0 : T.msg
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ messageId: n, data: e, option: t }, {}, (r) => {
if (P.debug && console.log("sp sendMsgBySP", r), t.destination === L.CS) {
const h =;
return s({
data: h == null ? void 0 :,
tabId: t.tabId,
messageId: n,
success: (h == null ? void 0 : h.success) || !1,
msg: h == null ? void 0 : h.msg
data: i == null ? void 0 :,
tabId: e.tabId,
messageId: r,
success: (i == null ? void 0 : i.success) || !1,
msg: i == null ? void 0 : i.msg
data: r == null ? void 0 :,
tabId: t.tabId,
messageId: n,
success: (r == null ? void 0 : r.success) || !1,
msg: r == null ? void 0 : r.msg

@@ -495,80 +642,80 @@ });

function bt(r, t) {
const e = ct.find((n) => n.messageId === r);
e ? e.spCallback = t : ct.push({
messageId: r,
spCallback: t
function Et(n, e) {
const t = nt.find((s) => s.messageId === n);
t ? t.spCallback = e : nt.push({
messageId: n,
spCallback: e
const ut = 5e3;
class $t {
constructor(t = {}) {
class It {
constructor(e = {}) {
this.logCache = [], this.maxCacheSize = ut, this.options = {
level: t.level || M.INFO,
timestamp: t.timestamp ?? !0,
prefix: t.prefix || "[Chrome Extension]",
color: t.color ?? !0,
isSyncToBG: t.isSyncToBG ?? !1,
isSyncToSP: t.isSyncToSP ?? !1,
isCS: t.isCS ?? !1
}, this.isShowInConsole = t.isShowInConsole ?? !1, this.maxCacheSize = t.maxCacheSize || ut;
level: e.level || w.INFO,
timestamp: e.timestamp ?? !0,
prefix: e.prefix || "[Chrome Extension]",
color: e.color ?? !0,
isSyncToBG: e.isSyncToBG ?? !1,
isSyncToSP: e.isSyncToSP ?? !1,
isCS: e.isCS ?? !1
}, this.isShowInConsole = e.isShowInConsole ?? !1, this.maxCacheSize = e.maxCacheSize || ut;
getTimestamp() {
return pt().format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss");
return Ct().format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss");
formatMessage(t, e, ...n) {
const i = [];
return this.options.timestamp && i.push(`[${this.getTimestamp()}]`), i.push(this.options.prefix || "[Chrome Extension]"), i.push(`[${t.toUpperCase()}]`), i.push(e), i.join(" ");
formatMessage(e, t, ...s) {
const r = [];
return this.options.timestamp && r.push(`[${this.getTimestamp()}]`), r.push(this.options.prefix || "[Chrome Extension]"), r.push(`[${e.toUpperCase()}]`), r.push(t), r.join(" ");
shouldLog(t) {
const e = Object.values(M), n = e.indexOf(this.options.level || M.INFO);
return e.indexOf(t) >= n;
shouldLog(e) {
const t = Object.values(w), s = t.indexOf(this.options.level || w.INFO);
return t.indexOf(e) >= s;
addLog(t) {
this.logCache.unshift(t), this.logCache.length > this.maxCacheSize && this.logCache.pop();
addLog(e) {
this.logCache.unshift(e), this.logCache.length > this.maxCacheSize && this.logCache.pop();
log(t) {
log(e) {
syncToBG(t) {
this.options.isCS && this.options.isSyncToBG ? et(L.CS2BG_LOG, t, { destination: x.BG }) : this.options.isSP && this.options.isSyncToBG && ht(L.SP2BG_LOG, t, { destination: x.BG });
syncToBG(e) {
this.options.isCS && this.options.isSyncToBG ? et(v.CS2BG_LOG, e, { destination: L.BG }) : this.options.isSP && this.options.isSyncToBG && ht(v.SP2BG_LOG, e, { destination: L.BG });
syncToSP(t) {
this.options.isCS && this.options.isSyncToSP && et(L.CS2SP_LOG, t, { destination: x.SP });
syncToSP(e) {
this.options.isCS && this.options.isSyncToSP && et(v.CS2SP_LOG, e, { destination: L.SP });
addToCache(t, e, n) {
const i = {
addToCache(e, t, s) {
const r = {
timestamp: this.getTimestamp(),
level: t,
message: e,
args: n
level: e,
message: t,
args: s
this.addLog(i), this.syncToBG(i), this.syncToSP(i);
this.addLog(r), this.syncToBG(r), this.syncToSP(r);
debug(t, ...e) {
if (this.shouldLog(M.DEBUG)) {
const n = this.formatMessage(M.DEBUG, t, ...e);
this.isShowInConsole && console.debug(n, ...e), this.addToCache(M.DEBUG, t, e);
debug(e, ...t) {
if (this.shouldLog(w.DEBUG)) {
const s = this.formatMessage(w.DEBUG, e, ...t);
this.isShowInConsole && console.debug(s, ...t), this.addToCache(w.DEBUG, e, t);
info(t, ...e) {
if (this.shouldLog(M.INFO)) {
const n = this.formatMessage(M.INFO, t, ...e);
this.isShowInConsole &&, ...e), this.addToCache(M.INFO, t, e);
info(e, ...t) {
if (this.shouldLog(w.INFO)) {
const s = this.formatMessage(w.INFO, e, ...t);
this.isShowInConsole &&, ...t), this.addToCache(w.INFO, e, t);
warn(t, ...e) {
if (this.shouldLog(M.WARN)) {
const n = this.formatMessage(M.WARN, t, ...e);
this.isShowInConsole && console.warn(n, ...e), this.addToCache(M.WARN, t, e);
warn(e, ...t) {
if (this.shouldLog(w.WARN)) {
const s = this.formatMessage(w.WARN, e, ...t);
this.isShowInConsole && console.warn(s, ...t), this.addToCache(w.WARN, e, t);
error(t, ...e) {
if (this.shouldLog(M.ERROR)) {
const n = this.formatMessage(M.ERROR, t, ...e);
this.isShowInConsole && console.error(n, ...e), this.addToCache(M.ERROR, t, e);
error(e, ...t) {
if (this.shouldLog(w.ERROR)) {
const s = this.formatMessage(w.ERROR, e, ...t);
this.isShowInConsole && console.error(s, ...t), this.addToCache(w.ERROR, e, t);
setOptions(t) {
this.options = { ...this.options, ...t };
setOptions(e) {
this.options = { ...this.options, ...e };

@@ -580,4 +727,4 @@ // 获取所有缓存的日志

// 获取指定级别的日志
getLogsByLevel(t) {
return this.logCache.filter((e) => e.level === t);
getLogsByLevel(e) {
return this.logCache.filter((t) => t.level === e);

@@ -593,20 +740,20 @@ // 清空日志缓存

function Et(r = 1e3) {
return new Promise((t) => setTimeout(t, r));
function $t(n = 1e3) {
return new Promise((e) => setTimeout(e, n));
async function Rt(r, t = 10, e = 1e3) {
let n = 0, i = !1;
for (; n < t && (n > 0 && await Et(e), i = await r(n), !i); )
return i;
async function Mt(n, e = 10, t = 1e3) {
let s = 0, r = !1;
for (; s < e && (s > 0 && await $t(t), r = await n(s), !r); )
return r;
function wt(r) {
return r != null;
function wt(n) {
return n != null;
class Mt {
class Rt {
constructor() {
this.stack = [];
push(t) {
push(e) {

@@ -620,4 +767,4 @@ pop() {

peekAdd() {
const t = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1];
t !== void 0 && (this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] = t + 1);
const e = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1];
e !== void 0 && (this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] = e + 1);

@@ -628,47 +775,47 @@ isEmpty() {

function It(r, t) {
let e;
for (const n of r) {
if ( === t) {
e = n;
function Bt(n, e) {
let t;
for (const s of n) {
if ( === e) {
t = s;
if (n.children && (e = It(n.children, t), e))
if (s.children && (t = Bt(s.children, e), t))
return e;
return t;
function k(r) {
function N(n) {
try {
return JSON.stringify(r);
} catch (t) {
return console.log("parse error", t), r;
return JSON.stringify(n);
} catch (e) {
return console.log("parse error", e), n;
function xt(r) {
function Ut(n) {
try {
return JSON.parse(r);
} catch (t) {
return console.log("parse error", t), r;
return JSON.parse(n);
} catch (e) {
return console.log("parse error", e), n;
function Gt(r = 9999999999, t = 1e9) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (r - t + 1) + t);
function Gt(n = 9999999999, e = 1e9) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (n - e + 1) + e);
function Ot(r, t) {
return new Promise((e) => {
function At(n, e) {
return new Promise((t) => {
id: "intercept-request",
js: [r],
js: [n],
world: "MAIN",
persistAcrossSessions: !1,
matches: t
matches: e
], () => {
const D = new $t({
const O = new It({
isCS: !0,

@@ -678,3 +825,3 @@ isSP: !0,

isSyncToSP: !0,
level: M.DEBUG
level: w.DEBUG

@@ -691,204 +838,213 @@ function lt() {

class ft {
constructor(t, e, n = {}) {
var T, h; = "", this.tabId = 0, this.children = [], this.indexPath = [], this.level = 0, this.nextTaskPath = [], this.hasChildren = !1, this.isRoot = !1, this.isCurrentLast = !1, this.isLoopItem = !1, this.parentLoopData = [], =, this.configure = t, this.indexPath = e, this.level = e.length;
const i = e.length - 1;
this.nextTaskPath =, l) => l === i ? e[i] + 1 : b), this.hasChildren = !!((T = t.children) != null && T.length), this.isRoot = !!n.isRoot, this.isCurrentLast = !!n.isCurrentLast, this.isLoopItem = !!((h = n.parentLoopData) != null && h.length), this.parentLoopData = n.parentLoopData || [];
class dt {
constructor(e, t, s = {}) {
var h, l; = "", this.tabId = 0, this.children = [], this.indexPath = [], this.level = 0, this.nextTaskPath = [], this.hasChildren = !1, this.isRoot = !1, this.isCurrentLast = !1, this.isLoopItem = !1, this.parentLoopData = [], =, this.configure = e, this.indexPath = t, this.level = t.length;
const r = t.length - 1;
this.nextTaskPath =, d) => d === r ? t[r] + 1 : p), this.hasChildren = !!((h = e.children) != null && h.length), this.isRoot = !!s.isRoot, this.isCurrentLast = !!s.isCurrentLast, this.isLoopItem = !!((l = s.parentLoopData) != null && l.length), this.parentLoopData = s.parentLoopData || [];
setTabId(t) {
this.tabId = t;
setTabId(e) {
this.tabId = e;
appendChildren(t) {
this.children = t, this.hasChildren = t.length > 0;
appendChildren(e) {
this.children = e, this.hasChildren = e.length > 0;
async run(t, e) {
const n = this.configure;
e.logItem = {
async run(e, t) {
const s = this.configure;
t.logItem = {
success: !1
const i = { isFirstLevel: !0, name: };
t.isRetry && t.currentRetryNumber > 0 && (i.retryNumber = t.currentRetryNumber), wt(e.currentLoopData) && (i.currentLoopData = e.currentLoopData, i.currentLoopIndex = e.currentLoopIndex);
const T = n.spBeforeFn ? await n.spBeforeFn(i) : lt();
if (e.logItem.spBeforeFn = T, !T || !
const r = { isFirstLevel: !0, name: };
e.isRetry && e.currentRetryNumber > 0 && (r.retryNumber = e.currentRetryNumber), wt(t.currentLoopData) && (r.currentLoopData = t.currentLoopData, r.currentLoopIndex = t.currentLoopIndex);
const h = s.spBeforeFn ? await s.spBeforeFn(r) : lt();
if (t.logItem.spBeforeFn = h, !h || !
return !1;
const h = vt();
if (n.csFn && await Rt(async (l) => {
const c = await ht(L.SP2CS_EXECUTE_TASK, {
spBeforeFnResult: T,
csRetryNumber: l,
const l = vt();
if (s.csFn && await Mt(async (d) => {
const c = await ht(v.SP2CS_EXECUTE_TASK, {
spBeforeFnResult: h,
csRetryNumber: d,
tabId: this.tabId
}, {
destination: x.CS,
destination: L.CS,
tabId: this.tabId
return console.log("msgResult", c), h.tabId = c.tabId, h.tabUrl = c.tabUrl, =, = c.success,;
}, (n.csRetryNumber || 0) + 1, n.csRetryInterval || 1e3), e.logItem.csFn = h, !h || ! && !n.skipCsCallbackFail)
return console.log("msgResult", c), l.tabId = c.tabId, l.tabUrl = c.tabUrl, =, = c.success,;
}, (s.csRetryNumber || 0) + 1, s.csRetryInterval || 1e3), t.logItem.csFn = l, !l || ! && !s.skipCsCallbackFail)
return !1;
const b = n.spAfterFn ? await n.spAfterFn({
csFnResult: h
const p = s.spAfterFn ? await s.spAfterFn({
csFnResult: l
}) : lt();
return e.logItem.spAfterFn = b, !b || ! ? !1 : (e.logItem.success = !0, !0);
return t.logItem.spAfterFn = p, !p || ! ? !1 : (t.logItem.success = !0, !0);
function dt(r, t = [], e, n) {
return, h) => {
function ft(n, e = [], t, s) {
return, l) => {
var c;
const b = h === r.length - 1, l = new ft(T, [...t, h], {
isCurrentLast: b,
parentLoopData: ((c = n == null ? void 0 : n.configure) == null ? void 0 : c.loopData) || []
const p = l === n.length - 1, d = new dt(h, [...e, l], {
isCurrentLast: p,
parentLoopData: ((c = s == null ? void 0 : s.configure) == null ? void 0 : c.loopData) || []
return e[] = l.indexPath, T.children && (l.children = dt(T.children, [...t, h], e, l)), l;
return t[] = d.indexPath, h.children && (d.children = ft(h.children, [...e, l], t, d)), d;
function Lt(r) {
const t = {}, e = new ft({ name: "root", children: [] }, [], { isRoot: !0 });
return e.appendChildren(dt(r, [], t)), { rootTask: e, nameMap: t };
function Lt(n) {
const e = {}, t = new dt({ name: "root", children: [] }, [], { isRoot: !0 });
return t.appendChildren(ft(n, [], e)), { rootTask: t, nameMap: e };
function X(r, t) {
if (t.length)
function z(n, e) {
if (e.length)
try {
let e = r;
const n = [...t];
for (let i = 0; i < n.length; i++)
e = e.children[n[i]];
return e;
} catch (e) {
let t = n;
const s = [...e];
for (let r = 0; r < s.length; r++)
t = t.children[s[r]];
return t;
} catch (t) {
function gt(r, t) {
const e = X(r, t);
if (!e)
function gt(n, e) {
const t = z(n, e);
if (!t)
const n = X(r, e.nextTaskPath);
return n || gt(r, e.indexPath.slice(0, -1));
const s = z(n, t.nextTaskPath);
return s || gt(n, t.indexPath.slice(0, -1));
const Bt = 1e3 * 1 * 60;
class kt {
constructor(t, e) {
this.configures = t, this.params = e || { nextTime: Bt };
const kt = 1e3 * 1 * 60;
class Ft {
constructor(e, t) {
this.configures = e, this.params = t || { nextTime: kt };
getActuatorCache(t) {
return t.reduce((e, n) => (e[] = {
retryNumber: n.retryNumber || 0,
getActuatorCache(e) {
return e.reduce((t, s) => (t[] = {
retryNumber: s.retryNumber || 0,
currentRetryNumber: 0,
isRetry: !!n.retryTarget
}, n.children && Object.assign(e, this.getActuatorCache(n.children)), e), {});
isRetry: !!s.retryTarget
}, s.children && Object.assign(t, this.getActuatorCache(s.children)), t), {});
getRetryTargetIndex(t) {
return this.configures.findIndex((e) => === t);
getRetryTargetIndex(e) {
return this.configures.findIndex((t) => === e);
checkIsSameName(t, e = {}) {
return t.some((n) => e[] ? !0 : (e[] = !0, n.children ? this.checkIsSameName(n.children, e) : !1));
checkIsSameName(e, t = {}) {
return e.some((s) => t[] ? !0 : (t[] = !0, s.children ? this.checkIsSameName(s.children, t) : !1));
findConfigureByName(t) {
let e;
return this.configures.some((n) => === t ? (e = n, !0) : n.children ? this.findConfigureByName(t) : !1), e;
findConfigureByName(e) {
let t;
return this.configures.some((s) => === e ? (t = s, !0) : s.children ? this.findConfigureByName(e) : !1), t;
async run() {
var g, $, p, E;
var m, E, C, I;
if (this.checkIsSameName(this.configures))
throw console.log("error"), new Error("name 不能重复");
const t = [], e = {
const e = [], t = {
logItem: void 0
}, n = this.getActuatorCache(this.configures), { rootTask: i, nameMap: T } = Lt(this.configures);
let h = i, b = !1, l = 1, c = !1;
const d = new Mt();
for (; h; ) {
if (h.isRoot) {
h = h.children[0], l = h.level;
}, s = this.getActuatorCache(this.configures), { rootTask: r, nameMap: h } = Lt(this.configures);
let l = r, p = !1, d = 1, c = !1;
const g = new Rt();
for (; l; ) {
if (l.isRoot) {
l = l.children[0], d = l.level;
const P = n[], N = await (($ = (g = this.params).getTabId) == null ? void 0 : $.call(g, h, P, e));
N && h.setTabId(N);
const Q = await, e);
if (P.isRetry && !Q && (P.currentRetryNumber++, P.currentRetryNumber <= P.retryNumber)) {
const j = X(i, T[h.configure.retryTarget]);
if (!j)
throw new Error(`retryTargetIndex not found, ${h.configure.retryTarget}`);
h = j;
const D = s[], U = await ((E = (m = this.params).getTabId) == null ? void 0 :, l, D, t));
U && l.setTabId(U);
const Q = await, t);
if (D.isRetry && !Q && (D.currentRetryNumber++, D.currentRetryNumber <= D.retryNumber)) {
const q = z(r, h[l.configure.retryTarget]);
if (!q)
throw new Error(`retryTargetIndex not found, ${l.configure.retryTarget}`);
l = q;
if (e.logItem && t.push(e.logItem), !Q)
if (t.logItem && e.push(t.logItem), !Q)
let G;
if (h.hasChildren ? (b = !0, G = h.children[0]) : G = X(i, h.nextTaskPath), !G)
if (c && (d.peek() || 0) < h.parentLoopData.length - 1)
d.peekAdd(), G = X(i, [...h.indexPath.slice(0, -1), 0]);
else if (b && h.isCurrentLast) {
if (G = gt(i, h.indexPath.slice(0, -1)), !G)
let B;
if (l.hasChildren ? (p = !0, B = l.children[0]) : B = z(r, l.nextTaskPath), !B)
if (c && (g.peek() || 0) < l.parentLoopData.length - 1)
g.peekAdd(), B = z(r, [...l.indexPath.slice(0, -1), 0]);
else if (p && l.isCurrentLast) {
if (B = gt(r, l.indexPath.slice(0, -1)), !B)
b = G.level !== 1;
p = B.level !== 1;
} else
c = G.isLoopItem, l < G.level ? c && d.push(0) : l > G.level && c && d.pop(), c && (e.currentLoopData = G.parentLoopData[d.peek()], e.currentLoopIndex = d.peek()), l = G.level, h = G;
c = B.isLoopItem, d < B.level ? c && g.push(0) : d > B.level && c && g.pop(), c && (t.currentLoopData = B.parentLoopData[g.peek()], t.currentLoopIndex = g.peek()), d = B.level, l = B;
return (E = (p = this.params).callback) == null ||, t), console.log("end"), t;
return (I = (C = this.params).callback) == null ||, e), console.log("end"), e;
function Nt() {"initService"), Z(L.CS2BG_LOG, async (r) => {
}), Z(L.SP2BG_LOG, async (r) => {
}), Z(L.SP2BG_GET_CURRENT_TAB, async (r, t) => {"bg SP2BG_GET_CURRENT_TAB: ", k(r), k(t));
const e = await chrome.tabs.query({ active: !0, currentWindow: !0 });
return"bg SP2BG_GET_CURRENT_TAB RESULT: ", k(e)), e[0];
}), Z(L.CS2BG_GET_CURRENT_TAB, async (r, t) => {"bg CS2BG_GET_CURRENT_TAB: ", k(r), k(t));
const e = await chrome.tabs.query({ active: !0, currentWindow: !0 });
return"bg CS2BG_GET_CURRENT_TAB RESULT: ", k(e)), e[0];
function jt() {"initService"), Z(v.CS2BG_LOG, async (n) => {
}), Z(v.SP2BG_LOG, async (n) => {
}), Z(v.SP2BG_GET_CURRENT_TAB, async (n, e) => {"bg SP2BG_GET_CURRENT_TAB: ", N(n), N(e));
const t = await chrome.tabs.query({ active: !0, currentWindow: !0 });
return"bg SP2BG_GET_CURRENT_TAB RESULT: ", N(t)), t[0];
}), Z(v.CS2BG_GET_CURRENT_TAB, async (n, e) => {"bg CS2BG_GET_CURRENT_TAB: ", N(n), N(e));
const t = await chrome.tabs.query({ active: !0, currentWindow: !0 });
return"bg CS2BG_GET_CURRENT_TAB RESULT: ", N(t)), t[0];
function Ut() {"initSidePanel"), bt(L.CS2SP_LOG, async (r) => {
function qt() {"initSidePanel"), Et(v.CS2SP_LOG, async (n) => {
function At(r) {"initContentScript"), window.addEventListener("message", (t) => {
const e = k(, n = {
response: e,
function Ht(n) {"initContentScript"), window.addEventListener("message", (e) => {
const t = N(, s = {
response: t,
id: Gt()
et(L.CS2SP_GET_REQUEST, n, { destination: x.SP }), et(L.CS2BG_GET_REQUEST, n, { destination: x.BG });
et(v.CS2SP_GET_REQUEST, s, { destination: L.SP }), et(v.CS2BG_GET_REQUEST, s, { destination: L.BG });
}, !1), r && _t(L.SP2CS_EXECUTE_TASK, async (t) => {
var n;"SP2CS_EXECUTE_TASK: ", k(t));
const e = (n = r.find((i) => === == null ? void 0 : n.csFn;
return e ? await e(t) : { next: !0 };
}, !1), n && pt(v.SP2CS_EXECUTE_TASK, async (e) => {
var s;"SP2CS_EXECUTE_TASK: ", N(e));
const t = (s = n.find((r) => === == null ? void 0 : s.csFn;
return t ? await t(e) : { next: !0 };
export {
kt as CetActuator,
x as CetDestination,
M as CetLogLevel,
$t as CetLogger,
Mt as SimpleStack,
Et as asyncSetTimeout,
z as configures,
xt as deserializeJSON,
It as findDeepTargetByName,
Ft as CetActuator,
L as CetDestination,
w as CetLogLevel,
It as CetLogger,
v as EVENTS,
Rt as SimpleStack,
$t as asyncSetTimeout,
P as configures,
Ut as deserializeJSON,
Bt as findDeepTargetByName,
Gt as generateTenDigitRandom,
At as initContentScript,
Dt as initInterceptRequest,
Nt as initService,
Ut as initSidePanel,
Ot as injectInterceptRequest,
Dt as initBGMsgListener,
xt as initCSMsgListener,
Ht as initContentScript,
Pt as initInterceptRequest,
Nt as initSPMsgListener,
jt as initService,
qt as initSidePanel,
At as injectInterceptRequest,
wt as isExist,
Rt as loopCheck,
k as serializeJSON,
Pt as toggleDebug
Mt as loopCheck,
Z as onMsgInBG,
pt as onMsgInCS,
Et as onMsgInSP,
_t as sendMsgByBG,
et as sendMsgByCS,
ht as sendMsgBySP,
N as serializeJSON,
Ot as toggleDebug
export * from './components/intercept-request';
export * from './components/logger';
export * from './constants';
export * from './message';
export * from './types';
export * from './utils';
export * from './workflow';
"name": "chrome-extension-tools",
"type": "module",
"version": "0.0.2",
"version": "0.0.3",
"packageManager": "pnpm@9.15.3",

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ "author": "rni-l",

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