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Comparing version
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الحادة","Latin capital letter c with caron":"حرف c لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل كارون","Latin capital letter c with circumflex":"حرف c لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل ثنية محيطة","Latin capital letter c with dot above":"حرف c لاتيني كبير مع نقطة أعلاه","Latin capital letter d with caron":"حرف d لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل كارون","Latin capital letter d with stroke":"حرف d لاتيني كبير مع علامة شطب","Latin capital letter e with breve":"حرف e لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل بريف","Latin capital letter e with caron":"حرف e لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل كارون","Latin capital letter e with dot above":"حرف e لاتيني كبير مع نقطة أعلاه","Latin capital letter e with macron":"حرف e لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل ماكرون","Latin capital letter e with ogonek":"حرف e لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل خطاف","Latin capital letter eng":"حرف eng لاتيني كبير","Latin capital letter g with breve":"حرف g لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل بريف","Latin capital letter g with cedilla":"حرف g لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل السيديلة","Latin capital letter g with circumflex":"حرف g لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل ثنية محيطة","Latin capital letter g with dot above":"حرف g لاتيني كبير مع نقطة أعلاه","Latin capital letter h with circumflex":"حرف h لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل ثنية محيطة","Latin capital letter h with stroke":"حرف h لاتيني كبير مع علامة شطب","Latin capital letter i with breve":"حرف i لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل بريف","Latin capital letter i with dot above":"حرف i لاتيني كبير مع نقطة أعلاه","Latin capital letter i with macron":"حرف i لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل ماكرون","Latin capital letter i with ogonek":"حرف i لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل خطاف","Latin capital letter i with tilde":"حرف i لاتيني كبير مع علامة المد","Latin capital letter j with circumflex":"حرف j لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل ثنية محيطة","Latin capital letter k with cedilla":"حرف k لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل السيديلة","Latin capital letter l with acute":"حرف l لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل النبرة الحادة","Latin capital letter l with caron":"حرف l لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل كارون","Latin capital letter l with cedilla":"حرف l لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل السيديلة","Latin capital letter l with middle dot":"حرف l لاتيني كبير مع نقطة عند الوسط","Latin capital letter l with stroke":"حرف l لاتيني كبير مع علامة شطب","Latin capital letter n with acute":"حرف n لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل النبرة الحادة","Latin capital letter n with caron":"حرف n لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل كارون","Latin capital letter n with cedilla":"حرف n لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل السيديلة","Latin capital letter o with breve":"حرف o لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل بريف","Latin capital letter o with double acute":"حرف o لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل النبرة الحادة المزدوجة","Latin capital letter o with macron":"حرف o لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل ماكرون","Latin capital letter r with acute":"حرف r لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل النبرة الحادة","Latin capital letter r with caron":"حرف r لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل كارون","Latin capital letter r with cedilla":"حرف r لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل السيديلة","Latin capital letter s with acute":"حرف s لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل النبرة الحادة","Latin capital letter s with caron":"حرف s لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل كارون","Latin capital letter s with cedilla":"حرف s لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل السيديلة","Latin capital letter s with circumflex":"حرف s لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل ثنية محيطة","Latin capital letter t with caron":"حرف t لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل كارون","Latin capital letter t with cedilla":"حرف t لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل السيديلة","Latin capital letter t with stroke":"حرف t لاتيني كبير مع علامة شطب","Latin capital letter u with breve":"حرف u لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل بريف","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"حرف u لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل النبرة الحادة المزدوجة","Latin capital letter u with macron":"حرف u لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل ماكرون","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"حرف u لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل خطاف","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"حرف u لاتيني كبير مع حلقة أعلاه","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"حرف u لاتيني كبير مع علامة المد","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"حرف w لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل ثنية محيطة","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"حرف y لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل ثنية محيطة","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"حرف y لاتيني كبير مع نقطتين أعلاه","Latin capital letter z with acute":"حرف z لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل النبرة الحادة","Latin capital letter z with caron":"حرف z لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل كارون","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"حرف z لاتيني كبير مع نقطة أعلاه","Latin capital ligature ij":"حرف ij لاتيني مُركَّب كبير","Latin capital ligature oe":"حرف oe لاتيني مُركَّب كبير","Latin small letter a with breve":"حرف a لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل بريف","Latin small letter a with macron":"حرف a لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل ماكرون","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"حرف a لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل خطاف","Latin small letter c with acute":"حرف c لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل النبرة الحادة","Latin small letter c with caron":"حرف c لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل كارون","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"حرف c لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل ثنية محيطة","Latin small letter c with dot above":"حرف c لاتيني صغير مع نقطة أعلاه","Latin small letter d with caron":"حرف d لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل كارون","Latin small letter d with stroke":"حرف d لاتيني صغير مع علامة شطب","Latin small letter dotless i":"حرف i لاتيني صغير بدون نقطة","Latin small letter e with breve":"حرف e لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل بريف","Latin small letter e with caron":"حرف e لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل كارون","Latin small letter e with dot above":"حرف e لاتيني صغير مع نقطة أعلاه","Latin small letter e with macron":"حرف e لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل ماكرون","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"حرف e لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل خطاف","Latin small letter eng":"حرف eng لاتيني صغير","Latin small letter f with hook":"حرف f لاتيني صغير مع علامة الخطاف","Latin small letter g with breve":"حرف g لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل بريف","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"حرف g لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل السيديلة","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"حرف g لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل ثنية محيطة","Latin small letter g with dot above":"حرف g لاتيني صغير مع نقطة أعلاه","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"حرف h لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل ثنية محيطة","Latin small letter h with stroke":"حرف h لاتيني صغير مع علامة شطب","Latin small letter i with breve":"حرف i لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل بريف","Latin small letter i with macron":"حرف i لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل ماكرون","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"حرف i لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل خطاف","Latin small letter i with tilde":"حرف i لاتيني صغير مع علامة المد","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"حرف j لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل ثنية محيطة","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"حرف k لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل السيديلة","Latin small letter kra":"حرف kra لاتيني صغير","Latin small letter l with acute":"حرف l لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل النبرة الحادة","Latin small letter l with caron":"حرف l لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل كارون","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"حرف l لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل السيديلة","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"حرف l لاتيني صغير مع نقطة عند الوسط","Latin small letter l with stroke":"حرف l لاتيني صغير مع علامة شطب","Latin small letter long s":'حرف "s طويل" لاتيني صغير',"Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"حرف n لاتيني صغير مسبوقة بعلامة فاصلة عليا","Latin small letter n with acute":"حرف n لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل النبرة الحادة","Latin small letter n with caron":"حرف n لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل كارون","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"حرف n لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل السيديلة","Latin small letter o with breve":"حرف o لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل بريف","Latin small letter o with double acute":"حرف o لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل النبرة الحادة المزدوجة","Latin small letter o with macron":"حرف o لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل ماكرون","Latin small letter r with acute":"حرف r لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل النبرة الحادة\n","Latin small letter r with caron":"حرف r لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل كارون","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"حرف r لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل السيديلة","Latin small letter s with acute":"حرف s لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل النبرة الحادة","Latin small letter s with caron":"حرف s لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل كارون","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"حرف s لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل السيديلة","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"حرف s لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل ثنية محيطة","Latin small letter t with caron":"حرف t لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل كارون","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"حرف t لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل السيديلة","Latin small letter t with stroke":"حرف t لاتيني صغير مع علامة شطب","Latin small letter u with breve":"حرف u لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل بريف","Latin small letter u with double acute":"حرف u لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل النبرة الحادة المزدوجة","Latin small letter u with macron":"حرف u لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل ماكرون","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"حرف u لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل خطاف","Latin small letter u 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تشكيل كارون","Latin capital letter l with cedilla":"حرف l لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل السيديلة","Latin capital letter l with middle dot":"حرف l لاتيني كبير مع نقطة عند الوسط","Latin capital letter l with stroke":"حرف l لاتيني كبير مع علامة شطب","Latin capital letter n with acute":"حرف n لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل النبرة الحادة","Latin capital letter n with caron":"حرف n لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل كارون","Latin capital letter n with cedilla":"حرف n لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل السيديلة","Latin capital letter o with breve":"حرف o لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل بريف","Latin capital letter o with double acute":"حرف o لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل النبرة الحادة المزدوجة","Latin capital letter o with macron":"حرف o لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل ماكرون","Latin capital letter r with acute":"حرف r لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل النبرة الحادة","Latin capital letter r with caron":"حرف r لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل كارون","Latin capital letter r with cedilla":"حرف r لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل السيديلة","Latin 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tilde":"حرف u لاتيني كبير مع علامة المد","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"حرف w لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل ثنية محيطة","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"حرف y لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل ثنية محيطة","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"حرف y لاتيني كبير مع نقطتين أعلاه","Latin capital letter z with acute":"حرف z لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل النبرة الحادة","Latin capital letter z with caron":"حرف z لاتيني كبير مع علامة تشكيل كارون","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"حرف z لاتيني كبير مع نقطة أعلاه","Latin capital ligature ij":"حرف ij لاتيني مُركَّب كبير","Latin capital ligature oe":"حرف oe لاتيني مُركَّب كبير","Latin small letter a with breve":"حرف a لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل بريف","Latin small letter a with macron":"حرف a لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل ماكرون","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"حرف a لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل خطاف","Latin small letter c with acute":"حرف c لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل النبرة الحادة","Latin small letter c with caron":"حرف c لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل كارون","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"حرف c لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل ثنية محيطة","Latin small letter c with dot above":"حرف c لاتيني صغير مع نقطة أعلاه","Latin small letter d with caron":"حرف d لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل كارون","Latin small letter d with stroke":"حرف d لاتيني صغير مع علامة شطب","Latin small letter dotless i":"حرف i لاتيني صغير بدون نقطة","Latin small letter e with breve":"حرف e لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل بريف","Latin small letter e with caron":"حرف e لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل كارون","Latin small letter e with dot above":"حرف e لاتيني صغير مع نقطة أعلاه","Latin small letter e with macron":"حرف e لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل ماكرون","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"حرف e لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل خطاف","Latin small letter eng":"حرف eng لاتيني صغير","Latin small letter f with hook":"حرف f لاتيني صغير مع علامة الخطاف","Latin small letter g with breve":"حرف g لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل بريف","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"حرف g لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل السيديلة","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"حرف g لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل ثنية محيطة","Latin small letter g with dot above":"حرف g لاتيني صغير مع نقطة أعلاه","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"حرف h لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل ثنية محيطة","Latin small letter h with stroke":"حرف h لاتيني صغير مع علامة شطب","Latin small letter i with breve":"حرف i لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل بريف","Latin small letter i with macron":"حرف i لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل ماكرون","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"حرف i لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل خطاف","Latin small letter i with tilde":"حرف i لاتيني صغير مع علامة المد","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"حرف j لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل ثنية محيطة","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"حرف k لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل السيديلة","Latin small letter kra":"حرف kra لاتيني صغير","Latin small letter l with acute":"حرف l لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل النبرة الحادة","Latin small letter l with caron":"حرف l لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل كارون","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"حرف l لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل السيديلة","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"حرف l لاتيني صغير مع نقطة عند الوسط","Latin small letter l with stroke":"حرف l لاتيني صغير مع علامة شطب","Latin small letter long s":'حرف "s طويل" لاتيني صغير',"Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"حرف n لاتيني صغير مسبوقة بعلامة فاصلة عليا","Latin small letter n with acute":"حرف n لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل النبرة الحادة","Latin small letter n with caron":"حرف n لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل كارون","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"حرف n لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل السيديلة","Latin small letter o with breve":"حرف o لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل بريف","Latin small letter o with double acute":"حرف o لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل النبرة الحادة المزدوجة","Latin small letter o with macron":"حرف o لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل ماكرون","Latin small letter r with acute":"حرف r لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل النبرة الحادة\n","Latin small letter r with caron":"حرف r لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل كارون","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"حرف r لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل السيديلة","Latin small letter s with acute":"حرف s لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل النبرة الحادة","Latin small letter s with caron":"حرف s لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل كارون","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"حرف s لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل السيديلة","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"حرف s لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل ثنية محيطة","Latin small letter t with caron":"حرف t لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل كارون","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"حرف t لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل السيديلة","Latin small letter t with stroke":"حرف t لاتيني صغير مع علامة شطب","Latin small letter u with breve":"حرف u لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل بريف","Latin small letter u with double acute":"حرف u لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل النبرة الحادة المزدوجة","Latin small letter u with macron":"حرف u لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل ماكرون","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"حرف u لاتيني صغير مع علامة تشكيل خطاف","Latin small letter u 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ল্যাটিন বড় হাতের অক্ষর l","Latin capital letter l with caron":"ক্যারন সহ ল্যাটিন বড় হাতের অক্ষর l","Latin capital letter l with cedilla":"সেডিলা সহ ল্যাটিন বড় হাতের অক্ষর l","Latin capital letter l with middle dot":"মধ্যবিন্দু সহ ল্যাটিন বড় হাতের অক্ষর l","Latin capital letter l with stroke":"স্ট্রোক সহ ল্যাটিন বড় হাতের অক্ষর l","Latin capital letter n with acute":"অ্যাকিউট সহ ল্যাটিন বড় হাতের অক্ষর n","Latin capital letter n with caron":"ক্যারন সহ ল্যাটিন বড় হাতের অক্ষর n","Latin capital letter n with cedilla":"সেডিলা সহ ল্যাটিন বড় হাতের অক্ষর n","Latin capital letter o with breve":"ব্রেভ সহ ল্যাটিন বড় হাতের অক্ষর o","Latin capital letter o with double acute":"দ্বৈত অ্যাকিউট সহ ল্যাটিন বড় হাতের অক্ষর o","Latin capital letter o with macron":"ম্যাক্রোন সহ ল্যাটিন বড় হাতের অক্ষর o","Latin capital letter r with acute":"অ্যাকিউট সহ ল্যাটিন বড় হাতের অক্ষর r","Latin capital letter r with caron":"ক্যারন সহ ল্যাটিন বড় হাতের অক্ষর r","Latin capital letter r with cedilla":"সেডিলা সহ 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cedilla":"সেডিলা সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর g","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"সার্কামফ্লেক্স সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর g","Latin small letter g with dot above":"উপরে বিন্দু সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর g","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"সার্কামফ্লেক্স সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর h","Latin small letter h with stroke":"স্ট্রোক সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর h","Latin small letter i with breve":"ব্রেভ সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর i","Latin small letter i with macron":"ম্যাক্রোন সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর i","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"ওগোনেক সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর i","Latin small letter i with tilde":"টিল্ড সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর i","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"সার্কামফ্লেক্স সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর j","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"সেডিলা সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর k","Latin small letter kra":"ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর kra","Latin small letter l with acute":"অ্যাকিউট সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর l","Latin small letter l with caron":"ক্যারন সহ 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হাতের অক্ষর r","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"সেডিলা সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর r","Latin small letter s with acute":"অ্যাকিউট সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর s","Latin small letter s with caron":"ক্যারন সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর s","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"সেডিলা সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর s","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"সার্কামফ্লেক্স সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর s","Latin small letter t with caron":"ক্যারন সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর t","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"সেডিলা সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর t","Latin small letter t with stroke":"স্ট্রোক সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর t","Latin small letter u with breve":"ব্রেভ সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর u","Latin small letter u with double acute":"দ্বৈত অ্যাকিউট সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর u","Latin small letter u with macron":"ম্যাক্রোন সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর u","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"ওগোনেক সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর u","Latin small letter u with ring above":"উপরে রিং সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর 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ল্যাটিন বড় হাতের অক্ষর l","Latin capital letter l with caron":"ক্যারন সহ ল্যাটিন বড় হাতের অক্ষর l","Latin capital letter l with cedilla":"সেডিলা সহ ল্যাটিন বড় হাতের অক্ষর l","Latin capital letter l with middle dot":"মধ্যবিন্দু সহ ল্যাটিন বড় হাতের অক্ষর l","Latin capital letter l with stroke":"স্ট্রোক সহ ল্যাটিন বড় হাতের অক্ষর l","Latin capital letter n with acute":"অ্যাকিউট সহ ল্যাটিন বড় হাতের অক্ষর n","Latin capital letter n with caron":"ক্যারন সহ ল্যাটিন বড় হাতের অক্ষর n","Latin capital letter n with cedilla":"সেডিলা সহ ল্যাটিন বড় হাতের অক্ষর n","Latin capital letter o with breve":"ব্রেভ সহ ল্যাটিন বড় হাতের অক্ষর o","Latin capital letter o with double acute":"দ্বৈত অ্যাকিউট সহ ল্যাটিন বড় হাতের অক্ষর o","Latin capital letter o with macron":"ম্যাক্রোন সহ ল্যাটিন বড় হাতের অক্ষর o","Latin capital letter r with acute":"অ্যাকিউট সহ ল্যাটিন বড় হাতের অক্ষর r","Latin capital letter r with caron":"ক্যারন সহ ল্যাটিন বড় হাতের অক্ষর r","Latin capital letter r with cedilla":"সেডিলা সহ 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cedilla":"সেডিলা সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর g","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"সার্কামফ্লেক্স সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর g","Latin small letter g with dot above":"উপরে বিন্দু সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর g","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"সার্কামফ্লেক্স সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর h","Latin small letter h with stroke":"স্ট্রোক সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর h","Latin small letter i with breve":"ব্রেভ সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর i","Latin small letter i with macron":"ম্যাক্রোন সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর i","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"ওগোনেক সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর i","Latin small letter i with tilde":"টিল্ড সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর i","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"সার্কামফ্লেক্স সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর j","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"সেডিলা সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর k","Latin small letter kra":"ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর kra","Latin small letter l with acute":"অ্যাকিউট সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর l","Latin small letter l with caron":"ক্যারন সহ 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হাতের অক্ষর r","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"সেডিলা সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর r","Latin small letter s with acute":"অ্যাকিউট সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর s","Latin small letter s with caron":"ক্যারন সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর s","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"সেডিলা সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর s","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"সার্কামফ্লেক্স সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর s","Latin small letter t with caron":"ক্যারন সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর t","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"সেডিলা সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর t","Latin small letter t with stroke":"স্ট্রোক সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর t","Latin small letter u with breve":"ব্রেভ সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর u","Latin small letter u with double acute":"দ্বৈত অ্যাকিউট সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর u","Latin small letter u with macron":"ম্যাক্রোন সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর u","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"ওগোনেক সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর u","Latin small letter u with ring above":"উপরে রিং সহ ল্যাটিন ছোট হাতের অক্ষর 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'রংটি সঠিক নয়। "#FF0000" অথবা "rgb(255,0,0)" অথবা "লাল" ব্যাবহার করুন।\n','The value is invalid. 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@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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llatina y majúscula amb accent circumflex","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"lletra llatina y majúscula amb dièresi","Latin capital letter z with acute":"lletra llatina z majúscula amb accent agut","Latin capital letter z with caron":"lletra llatina z majúscula amb anticircumflex","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"lletra llatina z majúscula amb un punt per sobre","Latin capital ligature ij":"lligadura llatina ij majúscula","Latin capital ligature oe":"lligadura llatina oe majúscula","Latin small letter a with breve":"lletra llatina a minúscula amb breu","Latin small letter a with macron":"lletra llatina a minúscula amb màcron","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"lletra llatina a minúscula amb ogonek","Latin small letter c with acute":"lletra llatina c minúscula amb accent agut","Latin small letter c with caron":"lletra llatina c minúscula amb anticircumflex","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"lletra llatina c minúscula amb accent circumflex","Latin small letter c with dot above":"lletra llatina c minúscula amb un punt per sobre","Latin small letter d with caron":"lletra llatina d minúscula amb anticircumflex","Latin small letter d with stroke":"lletra llatina d minúscula amb barra inscrita","Latin small letter dotless i":"lletra llatina i sense punt minúscula","Latin small letter e with breve":"lletra llatina e minúscula amb breu","Latin small letter e with caron":"lletra llatina e minúscula amb anticircumflex","Latin small letter e with dot above":"lletra llatina e minúscula amb un punt per sobre","Latin small letter e with macron":"lletra llatina e minúscula amb màcron","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"lletra llatina e minúscula amb ogonek","Latin small letter eng":"lletra llatina eng minúscula","Latin small letter f with hook":"lletra llatina f minúscula amb cua","Latin small letter g with breve":"lletra llatina g minúscula amb breu","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"lletra llatina g minúscula amb trenc","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"lletra llatina g minúscula amb accent circumflex","Latin small letter g with dot above":"lletra llatina g minúscula amb un punt per sobre","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"lletra llatina h minúscula amb accent circumflex","Latin small letter h with stroke":"lletra llatina h minúscula amb barra inscrita","Latin small letter i with breve":"lletra llatina i minúscula amb breu","Latin small letter i with macron":"lletra llatina i minúscula amb màcron","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"lletra llatina i minúscula amb ogonek","Latin small letter i with tilde":"lletra llatina i minúscula amb titlla","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"lletra llatina i minúscula amb circumflex","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"lletra llatina k minúscula amb trenc","Latin small letter kra":"lletra llatina kra minúscula","Latin small letter l with acute":"lletra llatina l minúscula amb accent agut","Latin small letter l with caron":"lletra llatina l minúscula amb anticircumflex","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"lletra llatina l minúscula amb trenc","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"lletra llatina l minúscula amb punt volat","Latin small letter l with stroke":"lletra llatina l minúscula amb barra inscrita","Latin small letter long s":"lletra llatina s llarga minúscula","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Lletra llatina n minúscula precedida d'apòstrof","Latin small letter n with acute":"lletra llatina n minúscula amb accent agut","Latin small letter n with caron":"lletra llatina n minúscula amb anticircumflex","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"lletra llatina n minúscula amb trenc","Latin small letter o with breve":"lletra llatina o minúscula amb breu","Latin small letter o with double acute":"lletra llatina o minúscula amb accent agut doble","Latin small letter o with macron":"lletra llatina o minúscula amb màcron","Latin small letter r with acute":"lletra llatina r minúscula amb accent agut","Latin small letter r with caron":"lletra llatina r minúscula amb anticircumflex","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"lletra llatina r minúscula amb trenc","Latin small letter s with acute":"lletra llatina s minúscula amb accent agut","Latin small letter s with caron":"lletra llatina s minúscula amb anticircumflex","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"lletra llatina s minúscula amb trenc","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"lletra llatina s minúscula amb accent circumflex","Latin small letter t with caron":"lletra llatina t minúscula amb anticircumflex","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"lletra llatina t minúscula amb trenc","Latin small letter t with stroke":"lletra llatina t minúscula amb barra inscrita","Latin small letter u with breve":"lletra llatina u minúscula amb breu","Latin small letter u with double acute":"lletra llatina u minúscula amb accent agut doble","Latin small letter u with macron":"lletra llatina u minúscula amb màcron","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"lletra llatina u minúscula amb ogonek","Latin small letter u with ring above":"lletra llatina u minúscula amb anell per sobre","Latin small letter u with tilde":"lletra llatina u minúscula amb titlla","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"lletra llatina w minúscula amb accent circumflex","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"lletra llatina y minúscula amb accent circumflex","Latin small letter z with acute":"lletra llatina z minúscula amb accent agut","Latin small letter z with caron":"lletra llatina z minúscula amb anticircumflex","Latin small letter z with dot above":"lletra llatina z minúscula amb un punt per sobre","Latin small ligature ij":"lligadura llatina ij minúscula","Latin small ligature oe":"lligadura llatina oe minúscula","Left aligned image":"Imatge alineada a l'esquerra","Left double quotation mark":"Cometes dobles a l'esquerra","Left single quotation mark":"Cometa simple cap a l'esquerra","Left-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Cometes angulars dobles cap a l'esquerra","leftwards arrow to bar":"fletxa cap a la barra de l'esquerra","leftwards dashed arrow":"fletxa discontínua cap a l'esquerra","leftwards double arrow":"fletxa doble cap a l'esquerra","Less-than or equal to":"més petit o igual que","Less-than sign":"signe de més petit que","Light blue":"Blau clar","Light green":"Verd clar","Light grey":"Gris clar",Link:"Enllaç","Link image":"Enllaçar imatge","Link URL":"Enllaçar URL","Lira sign":"signe de la lira","List properties":"Llista de propietats","Livre tournois sign":"signe de la lliura tornesa","Logical and":"Conjunció lògica","Logical or":"Disjunció lògica","Lower-latin":"Lletres llatines en minúscules","Lower–roman":"Numerals romans en minúscules",Macron:"Màcron","Manat sign":"signe del manat","Match case":"Coincidència de majúscules i minúscules","Merge cell down":"Combinar la cel·la cap avall","Merge cell left":"Combinar la cel·la a l'esquerra","Merge cell right":"Combinar la cel·la a la dreta","Merge cell up":"Combinar la cel·la cap amunt","Merge cells":"Combinar cel·les","Mill sign":"signe del mill","Minus sign":"Signe de menys","Multiple styles":"Estils múltiples","Multiplication sign":"Signe de multiplicació","N-ary product":"Producte de n-ària","N-ary summation":"Suma n-ària",Nabla:"Gradient","Naira sign":"signe de la naira","New sheqel sign":"signe del nou xéquel",Next:"Següent","Next result":"Següent resultat","No preview available":"No hi ha cap vista prèvia disponible",None:"Cap","Nordic mark sign":"Signe del marc nòrdic","Not an element of":"No és un element de","Not equal to":"No igual a","Not sign":"Negació lògica","Numbered List":"Llista numerada","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Barra d'eines d'estils de llista numerada","on with exclamation mark with left right arrow above":"on amb el signe d'exclamació i fletxa cap a l'esquerra i cap a la dreta per sobre","Open in a new tab":"Obrir en una pestanya nova","Open link in new tab":"Obrir l'enllaç en una pestanya nova",Orange:"Taronja",Original:"Original",Outset:"Sortint",Overline:"Sobrelínia",Padding:"Padding","Page break":"Salt de pàgina",Paragraph:"Pàrraf","Paragraph sign":"Signe de paràgraf","Partial differential":"Derivada parcial","Paste raw HTML here...":"Enganxa HTML en brut aquí...","Per mille sign":"Signe de per mil","Per ten thousand sign":"Signe de per deu mil","Peseta sign":"signe de la pesseta","Peso sign":"signe del peso","Pink marker":"Marcador rosa","Plain text":"Text simple","Plus-minus sign":"Signe de més o menys","Pound sign":"signe de la lliura",Previous:"Anterior","Previous result":"Resultat anterior","Proportional to":"Proporcional a",Purple:"Lila","Question exclamation mark":"Signe d'exclamació d'interrogació",Red:"Vermell","Red pen":"Marcador vermell",Redo:"Refer","Registered sign":"Signe de marca registrada","Remove color":"Eliminar el color","Remove Format":"Esborrar el format","Remove highlight":"Esborrar destacat","Remove language":"Eliminar l'idioma",Replace:"Substituir","Replace all":"Substituir-ho tot","Replace with…":"Substituir per...","Resize image":"Redimensionar la imatge","Resize image to %0":"Redimensiona la imatge a %0","Resize image to the original size":"Redimensiona la imatge a la mida original","Restore default":"Restaurar el valor predeterminat","Reversed order":"Ordre invertit","Reversed paragraph sign":"Signe de paràgraf invertit","Rich Text Editor":"Editor de text enriquit","Rich Text Editor. Editing area: %0":"Editor de text enriquit. Àrea d'edició: %0",Ridge:"De cresta","Right aligned image":"Imatge alineada a la dreta","Right double quotation mark":"Cometes dobles a la dreta","Right single quotation mark":"Cometa simple cap a la dreta","Right-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Cometes angulars dobles cap a la dreta","rightwards arrow to bar":"fletxa cap a la barra de la dreta","rightwards dashed arrow":"fletxa discontínua cap a la dreta","rightwards double arrow":"fletxa doble cap a la dreta",Row:"Fila","Ruble sign":"signe del ruble","Rupee sign":"signe de la rupia",Save:"Desar","Save changes":"Desar els canvis","Saving changes":"S'estan desant els canvis","Section sign":"Signe de secció","Select all":"Seleccionar-ho tot","Select column":"Seleccionar columna","Select row":"Seleccionar fila","Show more items":"Mostrar més elements","Show options":"Mostrar opcions","Side image":"Imatge lateral","Single left-pointing angle quotation mark":"Cometa angular simple cap a l'esquerra","Single low-9 quotation mark":"Cometes simples inferiors","Single right-pointing angle quotation mark":"Cometa angular simple cap a la dreta",Small:"Peita",Solid:"Sòlid","soon with rightwards arrow above":"soon amb fletxa cap a la dreta per sobre",Source:"Font","Special characters":"Caràcters especials","Spesmilo sign":"signe del spesmilo","Split cell horizontally":"Dividir la cel·la horitzontalment","Split cell vertically":"Dividir la cel·la verticalment",Square:"Quadrat","Square root":"Arrel quadrada","Start at":"Començar a","Start index must be greater than 0.":"L'índex inicial ha de ser superior a 0.",Strikethrough:"Marcat",Style:"Estil",Styles:"Estils",Subscript:"Subíndex",Superscript:"Superíndex","Table alignment toolbar":"Barra d'eines d'alineació de taules","Table cell text alignment":"Alineació del text de la cel·la de la taula","Table properties":"Propietats de la taula","Table toolbar":"Barra d'eines de taula","Tenge sign":"signe del tenge","Text alignment":"Alineació text","Text alignment toolbar":"Barra d'eines d'alineació de text","Text alternative":"Alternativa de text","Text highlight toolbar":"Barra d'eines de ressaltat de text","Text styles":"Estils de text","Text to find must not be empty.":"El text per cercar no pot estar buit.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'El color és invàlid. Prova "#FF0000" o "rgb(255,0,0)" o "vermell".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'El valor és invàlid. Prova "10px" o "2em" o simplement "2".',"There exists":"Quantificador existencial","This link has no URL":"Aquest enllaç no té cap URL","Tilde operator":"Operador de titlla",Tiny:"Molt petita","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Consell: Troba primer un text per substituir-lo.","To-do List":"Llista de tasques pendents","Toggle caption off":"Desactivar el peu de foto","Toggle caption on":"Activar el peu de foto","Toggle the circle list style":"Canviar l'estil de llista de cercles","Toggle the decimal list style":"Canviar l'estil de llista decimal","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Commutar l'estil de la llista de decimals amb un zero al davant","Toggle the disc list style":"Canviar l'estil de llista de discs","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Canviar l'estil de la llista a lletres llatines en minúscules","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Canviar l'estil de la llista a numerals romans en minúscules","Toggle the square list style":"Canviar l'estil de llista quadrada","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Canviar l'estil de la llista a lletres llatines en majúscules","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Canviar l'estil de la llista a numerals romans en majúscules","top with upwards arrow above":"top amb fletxa cap amunt per sobre","Trade mark sign":"Signe de marca comercial","Tugrik sign":"signe del tögrög","Turkish lira sign":"signe de la lira turca",Turquoise:"Turquesa","Two dot leader":"Dos punts horitzontals",Underline:"Subrallat",Undo:"Desfer",Union:"Unió",Unlink:"Desenllaçar","up down arrow with base":"fletxa cap amunt i cap avall amb base",Update:"Actualitzar","Update image URL":"Actualitzar l'URL de la imatge","Upload failed":"No s'ha pogut carregar","Upload in progress":"Carrega en curs","Upper-latin":"Lletres llatines en majúscules","Upper-roman":"Numerals romans en majúscules","upwards arrow to bar":"fletxa cap a la barra de dalt","upwards dashed arrow":"fletxa discontínua cap amunt","upwards double arrow":"fletxa doble cap amunt","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Barra d'eines d'alineació de text vertical","Vulgar fraction one half":"Fracció comuna d'una meitat","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Fracció comuna d'un quart","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Fracció comuna de tres quarts",White:"Blanc","Whole words only":"Només paraules senceres","Widget toolbar":"Barra d'eines de ginys",Width:"Amplada","Won sign":"signe del won","Words: %0":"Paraules: %0","Wrap text":"Embolcallar el text",Yellow:"Groc","Yellow marker":"Marcador groc","Yen sign":"signe del ien"}),e.getPluralForm=function(a){return 1!=a}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); | ||
!function(a){const||{};e.dictionary=Object.assign(e.dictionary||{},{"%0 of %1":"%0 de %1","Align cell text to the bottom":"Alinear el text de la cel·la a la part inferior","Align cell text to the center":"Alinear el text de la cel·la al centre","Align cell text to the left":"Alinear el text de la cel·la a l'esquerra","Align cell text to the middle":"Alinear el text de la cel·la al centre","Align cell text to the right":"Alinear el text de la cel·la a la dreta","Align cell text to the top":"Alinear el text de la cel·la a la part superior","Align center":"Alineació centre","Align left":"Alineació esquerra","Align right":"Alineació dreta","Align table to the left":"Alinear la taula a l'esquerra","Align table to the right":"Alinear la taula a la dreta",Alignment:"Alineació","Almost equal to":"Gairebé igual a",Angle:"Angle","Approximately equal to":"Aproximadament igual a",Aquamarine:"Aiguamarina","Asterisk operator":"Operador d'asterisc","Austral sign":"signe de l'austral","back with 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picker":"Selector de colors",Column:"Columna","Contains as member":"Conté com a membre","Copyright sign":"Signe de drets d'autor","Cruzeiro sign":"signe del cruzeiro","Currency sign":"signe de divisa",Dashed:"De guions",Decimal:"Decimal","Decimal with leading zero":"Decimal amb un zero al davant","Decrease indent":"Reduir el sagnat",Default:"Predeterminada","Degree sign":"Signe del grau","Delete column":"Suprimir la columna","Delete row":"Suprimir fila","Dim grey":"Gris fosc",Dimensions:"Dimensions","Disable editing":"Desactivar l'edició",Disc:"Disc","Division sign":"Signe de divisió","Document colors":"Colors del document","Dollar sign":"signe del dòlar","Dong sign":"signe del dong",Dotted:"De punts",Double:"Doble","Double dagger":"Doble obelisc o diesi","Double exclamation mark":"Doble signe d'exclamació","Double low-9 quotation mark":"Cometes dobles inferiors","Double question mark":"Doble signe d'interrogació",Downloadable:"Es pot descarregar","downwards arrow to bar":"fletxa cap a la barra de sota","downwards dashed arrow":"fletxa discontínua cap avall","downwards double arrow":"fletxa doble cap avall","Drachma sign":"signe del dracma","Dropdown toolbar":"Barra d'eines desplegable","Edit block":"Editar bloc","Edit link":"Editar enllaç","Edit source":"Editar la font","Editor editing area: %0":"Àrea d'edició d'editor: %0","Editor toolbar":"Barra d'eines de l'editor","Element of":"Element de","Em dash":"Guió llarg","Empty set":"Conjunt buit","Empty snippet content":"Contingut del fragment buit","En dash":"Guió mitjà","Enable editing":"Activar l'edició","end with leftwards arrow above":"end amb fletxa cap a l'esquerra per sobre","Enter image caption":"Introduir el peu de foto de la imatge","Enter table caption":"Introduir el peu de foto de la taula","Euro sign":"signe de l'euro","Euro-currency sign":"signe de l'eurodivisa","Exclamation question mark":"Signe d'interrogació d'exclamació",Find:"Trobar","Find and replace":"Trobar i substituir","Find in text…":"Trobar al text...","Font Background Color":"Color de fons del tipus de lletra","Font Color":"Color del tipus de lletra","Font Family":"Font","Font Size":"Mida de la font","For all":"Per a tot","Fraction slash":"Barra obliqua de fracció","French franc sign":"signe del franc francès","Full size image":"Imatge a mida completa","German penny sign":"signe del cèntim alemany","Greater-than or equal to":"més gran o igual que","Greater-than sign":"signe de més gran que",Green:"Verd","Green marker":"Marcador verd","Green pen":"Bolígraf verd",Grey:"Gris",Groove:"De solc","Guarani sign":"signe del guaraní","Header column":"Columna d'encapçalament","Header row":"Fila d'encapçalament",Heading:"Capçalera","Heading 1":"Capçalera 1","Heading 2":"Capçalera 2","Heading 3":"Capçalera 3","Heading 4":"Encapçalament 4","Heading 5":"Encapçalament 5","Heading 6":"Encapçalament 6",Height:"Alçada",Highlight:"Destacat","Horizontal ellipsis":"Punts suspensius","Horizontal line":"Línia horitzontal","Horizontal text 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continuació","Insert table":"Introduir taula",Inset:"Entrant",Integral:"Integral",Intersection:"Intersecció","Inverted exclamation mark":"Signe d'exclamació invertit","Inverted question mark":"Signe d'interrogació invertit",Italic:"Cursiva",Justify:"Justificar","Justify cell text":"Justificar el text de la cel·la","Kip sign":"signe del kip",Language:"Idioma","Latin capital letter a with breve":"lletra llatina a majúscula amb breu","Latin capital letter a with macron":"lletra llatina a majúscula amb màcron","Latin capital letter a with ogonek":"lletra llatina a majúscula amb ogonek","Latin capital letter c with acute":"lletra llatina c majúscula amb accent agut","Latin capital letter c with caron":"lletra llatina c majúscula amb anticircumflex","Latin capital letter c with circumflex":"lletra llatina c majúscula amb accent circumflex","Latin capital letter c with dot above":"lletra llatina c majúscula amb un punt per sobre","Latin capital letter d with caron":"lletra llatina d majúscula amb anticircumflex","Latin capital letter d with stroke":"lletra llatina d majúscula amb barra inscrita","Latin capital letter e with breve":"lletra llatina e majúscula amb breu","Latin capital letter e with caron":"lletra llatina e majúscula amb anticircumflex","Latin capital letter e with dot above":"lletra llatina e majúscula amb un punt per sobre","Latin capital letter e with macron":"lletra llatina e majúscula amb màcron","Latin capital letter e with ogonek":"lletra llatina e majúscula amb ogonek","Latin capital letter eng":"lletra llatina eng majúscula","Latin capital letter g with breve":"lletra llatina g majúscula amb breu","Latin capital letter g with cedilla":"lletra llatina g majúscula amb trenc","Latin capital letter g with circumflex":"lletra llatina g majúscula amb accent circumflex","Latin capital letter g with dot above":"lletra llatina g majúscula amb un punt per sobre","Latin capital letter h with circumflex":"lletra llatina h majúscula amb accent circumflex","Latin capital letter h with stroke":"lletra llatina h majúscula amb barra inscrita","Latin capital letter i with breve":"lletra llatina i majúscula amb breu","Latin capital letter i with dot above":"lletra llatina i majúscula amb un punt per sobre","Latin capital letter i with macron":"lletra llatina i majúscula amb màcron","Latin capital letter i with ogonek":"lletra llatina i majúscula amb ogonek","Latin capital letter i with tilde":"lletra llatina i majúscula amb titlla","Latin capital letter j with circumflex":"lletra llatina i majúscula amb circumflex","Latin capital letter k with cedilla":"lletra llatina k majúscula amb trenc","Latin capital letter l with acute":"lletra llatina l majúscula amb accent agut","Latin capital letter l with caron":"lletra llatina l majúscula amb anticircumflex","Latin capital letter l with cedilla":"lletra llatina l majúscula amb trenc","Latin capital letter l with middle dot":"lletra llatina l majúscula amb punt volat","Latin capital letter l with stroke":"lletra llatina l majúscula amb barra inscrita","Latin capital letter n with acute":"lletra llatina n majúscula amb accent agut","Latin capital letter n with caron":"lletra llatina n majúscula amb anticircumflex","Latin capital letter n with cedilla":"lletra llatina n majúscula amb trenc","Latin capital letter o with breve":"lletra llatina o majúscula amb breu","Latin capital letter o with double acute":"lletra llatina o majúscula amb accent agut doble","Latin capital letter o with macron":"lletra llatina o majúscula amb màcron","Latin capital letter r with acute":"lletra llatina r majúscula amb accent agut","Latin capital letter r with caron":"lletra llatina r majúscula amb anticircumflex","Latin capital letter r with cedilla":"lletra llatina r majúscula amb trenc","Latin capital letter s with acute":"lletra llatina s majúscula amb accent agut","Latin capital letter s with caron":"lletra llatina s majúscula amb anticircumflex","Latin capital letter s with cedilla":"lletra llatina s majúscula amb trenc","Latin capital letter s with circumflex":"lletra llatina s majúscula amb accent circumflex","Latin capital letter t with caron":"lletra llatina t majúscula amb anticircumflex","Latin capital letter t with cedilla":"lletra llatina t majúscula amb trenc","Latin capital letter t with stroke":"lletra llatina t majúscula amb barra inscrita","Latin capital letter u with breve":"lletra llatina u majúscula amb breu","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"lletra llatina u majúscula amb accent agut doble","Latin capital letter u with macron":"lletra llatina u majúscula amb màcron","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"lletra llatina u majúscula amb ogonek","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"lletra llatina u majúscula amb anell per sobre","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"lletra llatina u majúscula amb titlla","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"lletra llatina w majúscula amb accent circumflex","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"lletra llatina y majúscula amb accent circumflex","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"lletra llatina y majúscula amb dièresi","Latin capital letter z with acute":"lletra llatina z majúscula amb accent agut","Latin capital letter z with caron":"lletra llatina z majúscula amb anticircumflex","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"lletra llatina z majúscula amb un punt per sobre","Latin capital ligature ij":"lligadura llatina ij majúscula","Latin capital ligature oe":"lligadura llatina oe majúscula","Latin small letter a with breve":"lletra llatina a minúscula amb breu","Latin small letter a with macron":"lletra llatina a minúscula amb màcron","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"lletra llatina a minúscula amb ogonek","Latin small letter c with acute":"lletra llatina c minúscula amb accent agut","Latin small letter c with caron":"lletra llatina c minúscula amb anticircumflex","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"lletra llatina c minúscula amb accent circumflex","Latin small letter c with dot above":"lletra llatina c minúscula amb un punt per sobre","Latin small letter d with caron":"lletra llatina d minúscula amb anticircumflex","Latin small letter d with stroke":"lletra llatina d minúscula amb barra inscrita","Latin small letter dotless i":"lletra llatina i sense punt minúscula","Latin small letter e with breve":"lletra llatina e minúscula amb breu","Latin small letter e with caron":"lletra llatina e minúscula amb anticircumflex","Latin small letter e with dot above":"lletra llatina e minúscula amb un punt per sobre","Latin small letter e with macron":"lletra llatina e minúscula amb màcron","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"lletra llatina e minúscula amb ogonek","Latin small letter eng":"lletra llatina eng minúscula","Latin small letter f with hook":"lletra llatina f minúscula amb cua","Latin small letter g with breve":"lletra llatina g minúscula amb breu","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"lletra llatina g minúscula amb trenc","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"lletra llatina g minúscula amb accent circumflex","Latin small letter g with dot above":"lletra llatina g minúscula amb un punt per sobre","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"lletra llatina h minúscula amb accent circumflex","Latin small letter h with stroke":"lletra llatina h minúscula amb barra inscrita","Latin small letter i with breve":"lletra llatina i minúscula amb breu","Latin small letter i with macron":"lletra llatina i minúscula amb màcron","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"lletra llatina i minúscula amb ogonek","Latin small letter i with tilde":"lletra llatina i minúscula amb titlla","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"lletra llatina i minúscula amb circumflex","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"lletra llatina k minúscula amb trenc","Latin small letter kra":"lletra llatina kra minúscula","Latin small letter l with acute":"lletra llatina l minúscula amb accent agut","Latin small letter l with caron":"lletra llatina l minúscula amb anticircumflex","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"lletra llatina l minúscula amb trenc","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"lletra llatina l minúscula amb punt volat","Latin small letter l with stroke":"lletra llatina l minúscula amb barra inscrita","Latin small letter long s":"lletra llatina s llarga minúscula","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Lletra llatina n minúscula precedida d'apòstrof","Latin small letter n with acute":"lletra llatina n minúscula amb accent agut","Latin small letter n with caron":"lletra llatina n minúscula amb anticircumflex","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"lletra llatina n minúscula amb trenc","Latin small letter o with breve":"lletra llatina o minúscula amb breu","Latin small letter o with double acute":"lletra llatina o minúscula amb accent agut doble","Latin small letter o with macron":"lletra llatina o minúscula amb màcron","Latin small letter r with acute":"lletra llatina r minúscula amb accent agut","Latin small letter r with caron":"lletra llatina r minúscula amb anticircumflex","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"lletra llatina r minúscula amb trenc","Latin small letter s with acute":"lletra llatina s minúscula amb accent agut","Latin small letter s with caron":"lletra llatina s minúscula amb anticircumflex","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"lletra llatina s minúscula amb trenc","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"lletra llatina s minúscula amb accent circumflex","Latin small letter t with caron":"lletra llatina t minúscula amb anticircumflex","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"lletra llatina t minúscula amb trenc","Latin small letter t with stroke":"lletra llatina t minúscula amb barra inscrita","Latin small letter u with breve":"lletra llatina u minúscula amb breu","Latin small letter u with double acute":"lletra llatina u minúscula amb accent agut doble","Latin small letter u with macron":"lletra llatina u minúscula amb màcron","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"lletra llatina u minúscula amb ogonek","Latin small letter u with ring above":"lletra llatina u minúscula amb anell per sobre","Latin small letter u with tilde":"lletra llatina u minúscula amb titlla","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"lletra llatina w minúscula amb accent circumflex","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"lletra llatina y minúscula amb accent circumflex","Latin small letter z with acute":"lletra llatina z minúscula amb accent agut","Latin small letter z with caron":"lletra llatina z minúscula amb anticircumflex","Latin small letter z with dot above":"lletra llatina z minúscula amb un punt per sobre","Latin small ligature ij":"lligadura llatina ij minúscula","Latin small ligature oe":"lligadura llatina oe minúscula","Left aligned image":"Imatge alineada a l'esquerra","Left double quotation mark":"Cometes dobles a l'esquerra","Left single quotation mark":"Cometa simple cap a l'esquerra","Left-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Cometes angulars dobles cap a l'esquerra","leftwards arrow to bar":"fletxa cap a la barra de l'esquerra","leftwards dashed arrow":"fletxa discontínua cap a l'esquerra","leftwards double arrow":"fletxa doble cap a l'esquerra","Less-than or equal to":"més petit o igual que","Less-than sign":"signe de més petit que","Light blue":"Blau clar","Light green":"Verd clar","Light grey":"Gris clar",Link:"Enllaç","Link image":"Enllaçar imatge","Link URL":"Enllaçar URL","Lira sign":"signe de la lira","List properties":"Llista de propietats","Livre tournois sign":"signe de la lliura tornesa","Logical and":"Conjunció lògica","Logical or":"Disjunció lògica","Lower-latin":"Lletres llatines en minúscules","Lower–roman":"Numerals romans en minúscules",Macron:"Màcron","Manat sign":"signe del manat","Match case":"Coincidència de majúscules i minúscules","Merge cell down":"Combinar la cel·la cap avall","Merge cell left":"Combinar la cel·la a l'esquerra","Merge cell right":"Combinar la cel·la a la dreta","Merge cell up":"Combinar la cel·la cap amunt","Merge cells":"Combinar cel·les","Mill sign":"signe del mill","Minus sign":"Signe de menys","Multiple styles":"Estils múltiples","Multiplication sign":"Signe de multiplicació","N-ary product":"Producte de n-ària","N-ary summation":"Suma n-ària",Nabla:"Gradient","Naira sign":"signe de la naira","Navigate editable regions":"Navegar per parts editables","New sheqel sign":"signe del nou xéquel",Next:"Següent","Next editable region":"Següent part editable","Next result":"Següent resultat","No preview available":"No hi ha cap vista prèvia disponible",None:"Cap","Nordic mark sign":"Signe del marc nòrdic","Not an element of":"No és un element de","Not equal to":"No igual a","Not sign":"Negació lògica","Numbered List":"Llista numerada","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Barra d'eines d'estils de llista numerada","on with exclamation mark with left right arrow above":"on amb el signe d'exclamació i fletxa cap a l'esquerra i cap a la dreta per sobre","Open in a new tab":"Obrir en una pestanya nova","Open 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el format","Remove highlight":"Esborrar destacat","Remove language":"Eliminar l'idioma",Replace:"Substituir","Replace all":"Substituir-ho tot","Replace with…":"Substituir per...","Resize image":"Redimensionar la imatge","Resize image to %0":"Redimensiona la imatge a %0","Resize image to the original size":"Redimensiona la imatge a la mida original","Restore default":"Restaurar el valor predeterminat","Reversed order":"Ordre invertit","Reversed paragraph sign":"Signe de paràgraf invertit","Rich Text Editor":"Editor de text enriquit","Rich Text Editor. Editing area: %0":"Editor de text enriquit. Àrea d'edició: %0",Ridge:"De cresta","Right aligned image":"Imatge alineada a la dreta","Right double quotation mark":"Cometes dobles a la dreta","Right single quotation mark":"Cometa simple cap a la dreta","Right-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Cometes angulars dobles cap a la dreta","rightwards arrow to bar":"fletxa cap a la barra de la dreta","rightwards dashed arrow":"fletxa discontínua cap a la dreta","rightwards double arrow":"fletxa doble cap a la dreta",Row:"Fila","Ruble sign":"signe del ruble","Rupee sign":"signe de la rupia",Save:"Desar","Save changes":"Desar els canvis","Saving changes":"S'estan desant els canvis","Section sign":"Signe de secció","Select all":"Seleccionar-ho tot","Select column":"Seleccionar columna","Select row":"Seleccionar fila","Show more items":"Mostrar més elements","Show options":"Mostrar opcions","Side image":"Imatge lateral","Single left-pointing angle quotation mark":"Cometa angular simple cap a l'esquerra","Single low-9 quotation mark":"Cometes simples inferiors","Single right-pointing angle quotation mark":"Cometa angular simple cap a la dreta",Small:"Peita",Solid:"Sòlid","soon with rightwards arrow above":"soon amb fletxa cap a la dreta per sobre",Source:"Font","Special characters":"Caràcters especials","Spesmilo sign":"signe del spesmilo","Split cell horizontally":"Dividir la cel·la horitzontalment","Split cell vertically":"Dividir la cel·la verticalment",Square:"Quadrat","Square root":"Arrel quadrada","Start at":"Començar a","Start index must be greater than 0.":"L'índex inicial ha de ser superior a 0.",Strikethrough:"Marcat",Style:"Estil",Styles:"Estils",Subscript:"Subíndex",Superscript:"Superíndex","Table alignment toolbar":"Barra d'eines d'alineació de taules","Table cell text alignment":"Alineació del text de la cel·la de la taula","Table properties":"Propietats de la taula","Table toolbar":"Barra d'eines de taula","Tenge sign":"signe del tenge","Text alignment":"Alineació text","Text alignment toolbar":"Barra d'eines d'alineació de text","Text alternative":"Alternativa de text","Text highlight toolbar":"Barra d'eines de ressaltat de text","Text styles":"Estils de text","Text to find must not be empty.":"El text per cercar no pot estar buit.",'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'El color és invàlid. Prova "#FF0000" o "rgb(255,0,0)" o "vermell".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'El valor és invàlid. Prova "10px" o "2em" o simplement "2".',"There exists":"Quantificador existencial","This link has no URL":"Aquest enllaç no té cap URL","Tilde operator":"Operador de titlla",Tiny:"Molt petita","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Consell: Troba primer un text per substituir-lo.","To-do List":"Llista de tasques pendents","Toggle caption off":"Desactivar el peu de foto","Toggle caption on":"Activar el peu de foto","Toggle the circle list style":"Canviar l'estil de llista de cercles","Toggle the decimal list style":"Canviar l'estil de llista decimal","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Commutar l'estil de la llista de decimals amb un zero al davant","Toggle the disc list style":"Canviar l'estil de llista de discs","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Canviar l'estil de la llista a lletres llatines en minúscules","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Canviar l'estil de la llista a numerals romans en minúscules","Toggle the square list style":"Canviar l'estil de llista quadrada","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Canviar l'estil de la llista a lletres llatines en majúscules","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Canviar l'estil de la llista a numerals romans en majúscules","top with upwards arrow above":"top amb fletxa cap amunt per sobre","Trade mark sign":"Signe de marca comercial","Tugrik sign":"signe del tögrög","Turkish lira sign":"signe de la lira turca",Turquoise:"Turquesa","Two dot leader":"Dos punts horitzontals",Underline:"Subrallat",Undo:"Desfer",Union:"Unió",Unlink:"Desenllaçar","up down arrow with base":"fletxa cap amunt i cap avall amb base",Update:"Actualitzar","Update image URL":"Actualitzar l'URL de la imatge","Upload failed":"No s'ha pogut carregar","Upload in progress":"Carrega en curs","Upper-latin":"Lletres llatines en majúscules","Upper-roman":"Numerals romans en majúscules","upwards arrow to bar":"fletxa cap a la barra de dalt","upwards dashed arrow":"fletxa discontínua cap amunt","upwards double arrow":"fletxa doble cap amunt","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Barra d'eines d'alineació de text vertical","Vulgar fraction one half":"Fracció comuna d'una meitat","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Fracció comuna d'un quart","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Fracció comuna de tres quarts",White:"Blanc","Whole words only":"Només paraules senceres","Widget toolbar":"Barra d'eines de ginys",Width:"Amplada","Won sign":"signe del won","Words: %0":"Paraules: %0","Wrap text":"Embolcallar el text",Yellow:"Groc","Yellow marker":"Marcador groc","Yen sign":"signe del ien"}),e.getPluralForm=function(a){return 1!=a}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); |
@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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s with acute":"Latinské velké písmeno s s čárkou","Latin capital letter s with caron":"Latinské velké písmeno s s háčkem","Latin capital letter s with cedilla":"Latinské velké písmeno s s háčkem","Latin capital letter s with circumflex":"Latinské velké písmeno s s obráceným háčkem","Latin capital letter t with caron":"Latinské velké písmeno t s háčkem","Latin capital letter t with cedilla":"Latinské velké písmeno t s háčkem","Latin capital letter t with stroke":"Latinské velké písmeno t s přeškrtnutím","Latin capital letter u with breve":"Latinské velké písmeno u s háčkem","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"Latinské velké písmeno u s dvojitým akcentu","Latin capital letter u with macron":"Latinské velké písmeno u s čárou","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"Latinské velké písmeno u s háčkem","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"Latinské velké písmeno u s kroužkem nad znakem","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"Latinské velké písmeno u s vlnovkou","Latin capital letter 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háčkem","Latin small letter g with dot above":"Latinské malé písmeno g s tečkou nad znakem","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"Latinské malé písmeno h s obráceným háčkem","Latin small letter h with stroke":"Latinské malé písmeno h s přeškrtnutím","Latin small letter i with breve":"Latinské malé písmeno i s háčkem","Latin small letter i with macron":"Latinské malé písmeno i s čárou","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"Latinské malé písmeno i s háčkem","Latin small letter i with tilde":"Latinské malé písmeno i s vlnovkou","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"Latinské malé písmeno j s obráceným háčkem","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"Latinské malé písmeno k s háčkem","Latin small letter kra":"Latinský malý znak Kra","Latin small letter l with acute":"Latinské malé písmeno l s čárkou","Latin small letter l with caron":"Latinské malé písmeno l s háčkem","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"Latinské malé písmeno l s háčkem","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"Latinské malé 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Barva má nesprávný formát. Zkuste "#FF0000", "rgb(255,0,0)" nebo "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Hodnota je nesprávná. 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@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Farven er ugyldig. Prøv "#FF0000" eller "rgb(255,0,0)" eller "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Værdien er ugyldig. Prøv "10px" eller "2em" eller ganske enkelt "2".',"There exists":"Der eksisterer","This link has no URL":"Dette link har ingen URL","Tilde operator":"Tilde-operator",Tiny:"Lillebitte","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Tip: Find først noget tekst, for at erstatte det.","To-do List":"To-do liste","Toggle caption off":"Slå billedtekst fra","Toggle caption on":"Slå billedtekst til","Toggle the circle list style":"Slå listestilen cirkel til og fra","Toggle the decimal list style":"Slå listestilen decimal til og fra","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Slå listestilen decimal med nul i starten til og fra","Toggle the disc list style":"Slå listestilen disk til og fra","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Slå listestilen latinsk med små bogstaver til","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Slå listestilen romertal med små bogstaver til","Toggle the square list style":"Slå listestilen firkantet til og fra","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Slå listestilen latinsk med store bogstaver til","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Slå listestilen romertal med store bogstaver til","top with upwards arrow above":"top med opadpegende pil over","Trade mark sign":"Varemærke-tegn","Tugrik sign":"Tugrik-tegn","Turkish lira sign":"Tyrkisk lira-tegn",Turquoise:"Turkis","Two dot leader":"Dobbelt punktum",Underline:"Understreget",Undo:"Fortryd",Union:"Union",Unlink:"Fjern link","up down arrow with base":"Op- og nedadpegende pil med streg under",Update:"Opdater","Update image URL":"Opdater billed-URL","Upload failed":"Upload fejlede","Upload in progress":"Upload i gang","Upper-latin":"Latinsk med store bogstaver","Upper-roman":"Romertal med store bogstaver","upwards arrow to bar":"opadpegende pil mod bjælke","upwards dashed arrow":"opadpegende stiplet pil","upwards double arrow":"Opadpegende dobbeltpil","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertikal tekstjustering værktøjslinje","Vulgar fraction one half":"En halv","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"En kvart","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Trekvart",White:"Hvid","Whole words only":"Kun hele ord","Widget toolbar":"Widget værktøjslinje",Width:"Bredde","Won sign":"Won-tegn","Words: %0":"Ord: %0","Wrap text":"Ombryd tekst",Yellow:"Gyl","Yellow marker":"Gul markør","Yen sign":"Yen-tegn"}),t.getPluralForm=function(e){return 1!=e}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); | ||
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@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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caron":"Lateinischer Kleinbuchstabe s mit Hatschek","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"Lateinischer Kleinbuchstabe s mit Cedille","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"Lateinischer Kleinbuchstabe s mit Zirkumflex","Latin small letter t with caron":"Lateinischer Kleinbuchstabe t mit Hatschek","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"Lateinischer Kleinbuchstabe t mit Cedille","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Lateinischer Kleinbuchstabe t mit Querstrich","Latin small letter u with breve":"Lateinischer Kleinbuchstabe u mit Breve","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Lateinischer Kleinbuchstabe u mit doppeltem Akut","Latin small letter u with macron":"Lateinischer Kleinbuchstabe u mit Makron","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"Lateinischer Kleinbuchstabe u mit Ogonek","Latin small letter u with ring above":"Lateinischer Kleinbuchstabe u mit Kroužek darüber","Latin small letter u with tilde":"Lateinischer Kleinbuchstabe u mit Tilde","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"Lateinischer Kleinbuchstabe w mit Zirkumflex","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"Lateinischer Kleinbuchstabe y mit Zirkumflex","Latin small letter z with acute":"Lateinischer Kleinbuchstabe z mit Akut","Latin small letter z with caron":"Lateinischer Kleinbuchstabe z mit Hatschek","Latin small letter z with dot above":"Lateinischer Kleinbuchstabe z mit Punkt darüber","Latin small ligature ij":"Kleine lateinische Ligatur ij","Latin small ligature oe":"Kleine lateinische Ligatur oe","Left aligned image":"Linksbündiges Bild","Left double quotation mark":"Doppelte Anführungszeichen links","Left single quotation mark":"Einfache Anführungszeichen links","Left-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Doppelte Guillemets nach links","leftwards arrow to bar":"Pfeil nach links zum Querstrich","leftwards dashed arrow":"Gestrichelter Pfeil nach links","leftwards double arrow":"Doppelpfeil nach links","Less-than or equal to":"Kleiner als oder gleich","Less-than 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"Die Farbe ist ungültig. Probieren Sie „#FF0000“ oder „rgb(255,0,0)“ oder „red“.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"Der Wert ist ungültig. Probieren Sie „10px“ oder „2em“ oder „2“.","There exists":"Existenzquantor","This link has no URL":"Dieser Link hat keine Adresse","Tilde operator":"Tilde-Operator",Tiny:"Sehr klein","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Tipp: Zuerst nach Text suchen um diesen zu ersetzen.","To-do List":"Aufgabenliste","Toggle caption off":"Tabellenüberschrift deaktivieren","Toggle caption on":"Tabellenüberschrift aktivieren","Toggle the circle list style":"Leeren Kreis einstellen","Toggle the decimal list style":"Dezimalzahlen einstellen","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Dezimalzahlen mit vorangestellten Nullen einstellen","Toggle the disc list style":"Gefüllten Kreis einstellen","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Kleingeschriebene lateinische Buchstaben einstellen","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Kleingeschriebene römische Zahlen einstellen","Toggle the square list style":"Quadrat einstellen","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Großgeschriebene lateinische Buchstaben einstellen","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Großgeschriebene römische Zahlen einstellen","top with upwards arrow above":"„Top“ darüber Pfeil nach oben","Trade mark sign":"Unregistered-Trade-Mark-Zeichen","Tugrik sign":"Tugrik-Zeichen","Turkish lira sign":"Türkische Lira-Zeichen",Turquoise:"Türkis","Two dot leader":"Doppel-Punktlinie",Underline:"Unterstrichen",Undo:"Rückgängig",Union:"Vereinigung",Unlink:"Link entfernen","up down arrow with base":"Unterstrichener Pfeil nach oben und unten",Update:"Aktualisieren","Update image URL":"Bild-URL aktualisieren","Upload failed":"Hochladen fehlgeschlagen","Upload in progress":"Upload läuft","Upper-latin":"Großgeschriebene lateinische Buchstaben","Upper-roman":"Großgeschriebene römische Zahlen","upwards arrow to bar":"Pfeil nach oben zum Querstrich","upwards dashed arrow":"Gestrichelter Pfeil nach oben","upwards double arrow":"Doppelpfeil nach oben","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Werkzeugleiste für die vertikale Zellentext-Ausrichtung","Vulgar fraction one half":"Gemeiner Bruch ein Halb","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Gemeiner Bruch ein Viertel","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Gemeiner Bruch drei Viertel",White:"Weiß","Whole words only":"Nur ganze Wörter","Widget toolbar":"Widget Werkzeugleiste",Width:"Breite","Won sign":"Won-Zeichen","Words: %0":"Wörter: %0 ","Wrap text":"Text umfließt Bild",Yellow:"Gelb","Yellow marker":"Gelber Marker","Yen sign":"Yen-Zeichen"}),t.getPluralForm=function(e){return 1!=e}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); | ||
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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"Die Farbe ist ungültig. Probieren Sie „#FF0000“ oder „rgb(255,0,0)“ oder „red“.",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"Der Wert ist ungültig. Probieren Sie „10px“ oder „2em“ oder „2“.","There exists":"Existenzquantor","This link has no URL":"Dieser Link hat keine Adresse","Tilde operator":"Tilde-Operator",Tiny:"Sehr klein","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Tipp: Zuerst nach Text suchen um diesen zu ersetzen.","To-do List":"Aufgabenliste","Toggle caption off":"Tabellenüberschrift deaktivieren","Toggle caption on":"Tabellenüberschrift aktivieren","Toggle the circle list style":"Leeren Kreis einstellen","Toggle the decimal list style":"Dezimalzahlen einstellen","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Dezimalzahlen mit vorangestellten Nullen einstellen","Toggle the disc list style":"Gefüllten Kreis einstellen","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Kleingeschriebene lateinische Buchstaben einstellen","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Kleingeschriebene römische Zahlen einstellen","Toggle the square list style":"Quadrat einstellen","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Großgeschriebene lateinische Buchstaben einstellen","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Großgeschriebene römische Zahlen einstellen","top with upwards arrow above":"„Top“ darüber Pfeil nach oben","Trade mark sign":"Unregistered-Trade-Mark-Zeichen","Tugrik sign":"Tugrik-Zeichen","Turkish lira sign":"Türkische Lira-Zeichen",Turquoise:"Türkis","Two dot leader":"Doppel-Punktlinie",Underline:"Unterstrichen",Undo:"Rückgängig",Union:"Vereinigung",Unlink:"Link entfernen","up down arrow with base":"Unterstrichener Pfeil nach oben und unten",Update:"Aktualisieren","Update image URL":"Bild-URL aktualisieren","Upload failed":"Hochladen fehlgeschlagen","Upload in progress":"Upload läuft","Upper-latin":"Großgeschriebene lateinische Buchstaben","Upper-roman":"Großgeschriebene römische Zahlen","upwards arrow to bar":"Pfeil nach oben zum Querstrich","upwards dashed arrow":"Gestrichelter Pfeil nach oben","upwards double arrow":"Doppelpfeil nach oben","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Werkzeugleiste für die vertikale Zellentext-Ausrichtung","Vulgar fraction one half":"Gemeiner Bruch ein Halb","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Gemeiner Bruch ein Viertel","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Gemeiner Bruch drei Viertel",White:"Weiß","Whole words only":"Nur ganze Wörter","Widget toolbar":"Widget Werkzeugleiste",Width:"Breite","Won sign":"Won-Zeichen","Words: %0":"Wörter: %0 ","Wrap text":"Text umfließt Bild",Yellow:"Gelb","Yellow marker":"Gelber Marker","Yen sign":"Yen-Zeichen"}),t.getPluralForm=function(e){return 1!=e}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); |
@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"Το χρώμα δεν είναι έγκυρο. Δοκιμάστε «#FF0000» ή «rgb(255,0,0)» ή «red».",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"Η τιμή δεν είναι έγκυρη. 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cedilla":"Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα s με υποστιγμή","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα s με αιχμή","Latin small letter t with caron":"Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα t με αμβλεία","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα t με υποστιγμή","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα t με κάθετο","Latin small letter u with breve":"Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα u με βραχεία","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα u με διπλή οξεία","Latin small letter u with macron":"Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα u με μακριά παύλα","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα u με ανάστροφη υποστιγμή","Latin small letter u with ring above":"Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα u με δακτύλιο επάνω","Latin small letter u with tilde":"Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα u με περισπωμένη","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα w με αιχμή","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"Λατινικό μικρό γράμμα y με αιχμή","Latin small letter z with 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"Το χρώμα δεν είναι έγκυρο. Δοκιμάστε «#FF0000» ή «rgb(255,0,0)» ή «red».",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"Η τιμή δεν είναι έγκυρη. 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@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'The colour is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".',"There exists":"There exists","This link has no URL":"This link has no URL","Tilde operator":"Tilde operator",Tiny:"Tiny","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.","To-do List":"To-do List","Toggle caption off":"Toggle caption off","Toggle caption on":"Toggle caption on","Toggle the circle list style":"Toggle the circle list style","Toggle the decimal list style":"Toggle the decimal list style","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style","Toggle the disc list style":"Toggle the disc list style","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Toggle the lower–latin list style","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Toggle the lower–roman list style","Toggle the square list style":"Toggle the square list style","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Toggle the upper–latin list style","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Toggle the upper–roman list style","top with upwards arrow above":"top with upwards arrow above","Trade mark sign":"Trade mark sign","Tugrik sign":"Tugrik sign","Turkish lira sign":"Turkish lira sign",Turquoise:"Turquoise","Two dot leader":"Two dot leader",Underline:"Underline",Undo:"Undo",Union:"Union",Unlink:"Unlink","up down arrow with base":"up down arrow with base",Update:"Update","Update image URL":"Update image URL","Upload failed":"Upload failed","Upload in progress":"Upload in progress","Upper-latin":"Upper-latin","Upper-roman":"Upper-roman","upwards arrow to bar":"upwards arrow to bar","upwards dashed arrow":"upwards dashed arrow","upwards double arrow":"upwards double arrow","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertical text alignment toolbar","Vulgar fraction one half":"Vulgar fraction one half","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Vulgar fraction one quarter","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Vulgar fraction three quarters",White:"White","Whole words only":"Whole words only","Widget toolbar":"Widget toolbar",Width:"Width","Won sign":"Won sign","Words: %0":"Words: %0","Wrap text":"Wrap text",Yellow:"Yellow","Yellow marker":"Yellow marker","Yen sign":"Yen sign"}),e.getPluralForm=function(t){return 1!=t}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); | ||
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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'The colour is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".',"There exists":"There exists","This link has no URL":"This link has no URL","Tilde operator":"Tilde operator",Tiny:"Tiny","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.","To-do List":"To-do List","Toggle caption off":"Toggle caption off","Toggle caption on":"Toggle caption on","Toggle the circle list style":"Toggle the circle list style","Toggle the decimal list style":"Toggle the decimal list style","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style","Toggle the disc list style":"Toggle the disc list style","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Toggle the lower–latin list style","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Toggle the lower–roman list style","Toggle the square list style":"Toggle the square list style","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Toggle the upper–latin list style","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Toggle the upper–roman list style","top with upwards arrow above":"top with upwards arrow above","Trade mark sign":"Trade mark sign","Tugrik sign":"Tugrik sign","Turkish lira sign":"Turkish lira sign",Turquoise:"Turquoise","Two dot leader":"Two dot leader",Underline:"Underline",Undo:"Undo",Union:"Union",Unlink:"Unlink","up down arrow with base":"up down arrow with base",Update:"Update","Update image URL":"Update image URL","Upload failed":"Upload failed","Upload in progress":"Upload in progress","Upper-latin":"Upper-latin","Upper-roman":"Upper-roman","upwards arrow to bar":"upwards arrow to bar","upwards dashed arrow":"upwards dashed arrow","upwards double arrow":"upwards double arrow","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertical text alignment toolbar","Vulgar fraction one half":"Vulgar fraction one half","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Vulgar fraction one quarter","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Vulgar fraction three quarters",White:"White","Whole words only":"Whole words only","Widget toolbar":"Widget toolbar",Width:"Width","Won sign":"Won sign","Words: %0":"Words: %0","Wrap text":"Wrap text",Yellow:"Yellow","Yellow marker":"Yellow marker","Yen sign":"Yen sign"}),e.getPluralForm=function(t){return 1!=t}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); |
@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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letter h with stroke","Latin small letter i with breve":"Latin small letter i with breve","Latin small letter i with macron":"Latin small letter i with macron","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"Latin small letter i with ogonek","Latin small letter i with tilde":"Latin small letter i with tilde","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"Latin small letter j with circumflex","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"Latin small letter k with cedilla","Latin small letter kra":"Latin small letter kra","Latin small letter l with acute":"Latin small letter l with acute","Latin small letter l with caron":"Latin small letter l with caron","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"Latin small letter l with cedilla","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"Latin small letter l with middle dot","Latin small letter l with stroke":"Latin small letter l with stroke","Latin small letter long s":"Latin small letter long s","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe","Latin small letter n with acute":"Latin small letter n with acute","Latin small letter n with caron":"Latin small letter n with caron","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"Latin small letter n with cedilla","Latin small letter o with breve":"Latin small letter o with breve","Latin small letter o with double acute":"Latin small letter o with double acute","Latin small letter o with macron":"Latin small letter o with macron","Latin small letter r with acute":"Latin small letter r with acute","Latin small letter r with caron":"Latin small letter r with caron","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"Latin small letter r with cedilla","Latin small letter s with acute":"Latin small letter s with acute","Latin small letter s with caron":"Latin small letter s with caron","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"Latin small letter s with cedilla","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"Latin small letter s with circumflex","Latin small letter t with caron":"Latin small letter t with caron","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"Latin small letter t with cedilla","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Latin small letter t with stroke","Latin small letter u with breve":"Latin small letter u with breve","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Latin small letter u with double acute","Latin small letter u with macron":"Latin small letter u with macron","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"Latin small letter u with ogonek","Latin small letter u with ring above":"Latin small letter u with ring above","Latin small letter u with tilde":"Latin small letter u with tilde","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"Latin small letter w with circumflex","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"Latin small letter y with circumflex","Latin small letter z with acute":"Latin small letter z with acute","Latin small letter z with caron":"Latin small letter z with caron","Latin small letter z with dot above":"Latin small letter z with dot above","Latin small ligature ij":"Latin small ligature ij","Latin small ligature oe":"Latin small ligature oe","Left aligned image":"Left aligned image","Left double quotation mark":"Left double quotation mark","Left single quotation mark":"Left single quotation mark","Left-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Left-pointing double angle quotation mark","leftwards arrow to bar":"leftwards arrow to bar","leftwards dashed arrow":"leftwards dashed arrow","leftwards double arrow":"leftwards double arrow","Less-than or equal to":"Less-than or equal to","Less-than sign":"Less-than sign","Light blue":"Light blue","Light green":"Light green","Light grey":"Light grey",Link:"Link","Link image":"Link image","Link URL":"Link URL","Lira sign":"Lira sign","List properties":"List properties","Livre tournois sign":"Livre tournois sign","Logical and":"Logical and","Logical or":"Logical or","Lower-latin":"Lower-latin","Lower–roman":"Lower–roman",Macron:"Macron","Manat sign":"Manat sign","Match case":"Match case","Merge cell down":"Merge cell down","Merge 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tab",Orange:"Orange",Original:"Original",Outset:"Outset",Overline:"Overline",Padding:"Padding","Page break":"Page break",Paragraph:"Paragraph","Paragraph sign":"Paragraph sign","Partial differential":"Partial differential","Paste raw HTML here...":"Paste raw HTML here...","Per mille sign":"Per mille sign","Per ten thousand sign":"Per ten thousand sign","Peseta sign":"Peseta sign","Peso sign":"Peso sign","Pink marker":"Pink marker","Plain text":"Plain text","Plus-minus sign":"Plus-minus sign","Pound sign":"Pound sign",Previous:"Previous","Previous result":"Previous result","Proportional to":"Proportional to",Purple:"Purple","Question exclamation mark":"Question exclamation mark",Red:"Red","Red pen":"Red pen",Redo:"Redo","Registered sign":"Registered sign","Remove color":"Remove color","Remove Format":"Remove Format","Remove highlight":"Remove highlight","Remove language":"Remove language",Replace:"Replace","Replace all":"Replace all","Replace with…":"Replace with…","Resize image":"Resize image","Resize image to %0":"Resize image to %0","Resize image to the original size":"Resize image to the original size","Restore default":"Restore default","Reversed order":"Reversed order","Reversed paragraph sign":"Reversed paragraph sign","Rich Text Editor":"Rich Text Editor","Rich Text Editor. 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".',"There exists":"There exists","This link has no URL":"This link has no URL","Tilde operator":"Tilde operator",Tiny:"Tiny","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.","To-do List":"To-do List","Toggle caption off":"Toggle caption off","Toggle caption on":"Toggle caption on","Toggle the circle list style":"Toggle the circle list style","Toggle the decimal list style":"Toggle the decimal list style","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style","Toggle the disc list style":"Toggle the disc list style","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Toggle the lower–latin list style","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Toggle the lower–roman list style","Toggle the square list style":"Toggle the square list style","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Toggle the upper–latin list style","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Toggle the upper–roman list style","top with upwards arrow above":"top with upwards arrow above","Trade mark sign":"Trade mark sign","Tugrik sign":"Tugrik sign","Turkish lira sign":"Turkish lira sign",Turquoise:"Turquoise","Two dot leader":"Two dot leader",Underline:"Underline",Undo:"Undo",Union:"Union",Unlink:"Unlink","up down arrow with base":"up down arrow with base",Update:"Update","Update image URL":"Update image URL","Upload failed":"Upload failed","Upload in progress":"Upload in progress","Upper-latin":"Upper-latin","Upper-roman":"Upper-roman","upwards arrow to bar":"upwards arrow to bar","upwards dashed arrow":"upwards dashed arrow","upwards double arrow":"upwards double arrow","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertical text alignment toolbar","Vulgar fraction one half":"Vulgar fraction one half","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Vulgar fraction one quarter","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Vulgar fraction three quarters",White:"White","Whole words only":"Whole words only","Widget toolbar":"Widget toolbar",Width:"Width","Won sign":"Won sign","Words: %0":"Words: %0","Wrap text":"Wrap text",Yellow:"Yellow","Yellow marker":"Yellow marker","Yen sign":"Yen sign"})}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); | ||
!function(t){const e=t.en=t.en||{};e.dictionary=Object.assign(e.dictionary||{},{"%0 of %1":"%0 of %1","Align cell text to the bottom":"Align cell text to the bottom","Align cell text to the center":"Align cell text to the center","Align cell text to the left":"Align cell text to the left","Align cell text to the middle":"Align cell text to the middle","Align cell text to the right":"Align cell text to the right","Align cell text to the top":"Align cell text to the top","Align center":"Align center","Align left":"Align left","Align right":"Align right","Align table to the left":"Align table to the left","Align table to the right":"Align table to the right",Alignment:"Alignment","Almost equal to":"Almost equal to",Angle:"Angle","Approximately equal to":"Approximately equal to",Aquamarine:"Aquamarine","Asterisk operator":"Asterisk operator","Austral sign":"Austral sign","back with leftwards arrow above":"back with leftwards arrow above",Background:"Background",Big:"Big","Bitcoin 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sign":"Currency sign",Dashed:"Dashed",Decimal:"Decimal","Decimal with leading zero":"Decimal with leading zero","Decrease indent":"Decrease indent",Default:"Default","Degree sign":"Degree sign","Delete column":"Delete column","Delete row":"Delete row","Dim grey":"Dim grey",Dimensions:"Dimensions","Disable editing":"Disable editing",Disc:"Disc","Division sign":"Division sign","Document colors":"Document colors","Dollar sign":"Dollar sign","Dong sign":"Dong sign",Dotted:"Dotted",Double:"Double","Double dagger":"Double dagger","Double exclamation mark":"Double exclamation mark","Double low-9 quotation mark":"Double low-9 quotation mark","Double question mark":"Double question mark",Downloadable:"Downloadable","downwards arrow to bar":"downwards arrow to bar","downwards dashed arrow":"downwards dashed arrow","downwards double arrow":"downwards double arrow","Drachma sign":"Drachma sign","Dropdown toolbar":"Dropdown toolbar","Edit block":"Edit block","Edit link":"Edit link","Edit 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letter c with caron":"Latin capital letter c with caron","Latin capital letter c with circumflex":"Latin capital letter c with circumflex","Latin capital letter c with dot above":"Latin capital letter c with dot above","Latin capital letter d with caron":"Latin capital letter d with caron","Latin capital letter d with stroke":"Latin capital letter d with stroke","Latin capital letter e with breve":"Latin capital letter e with breve","Latin capital letter e with caron":"Latin capital letter e with caron","Latin capital letter e with dot above":"Latin capital letter e with dot above","Latin capital letter e with macron":"Latin capital letter e with macron","Latin capital letter e with ogonek":"Latin capital letter e with ogonek","Latin capital letter eng":"Latin capital letter eng","Latin capital letter g with breve":"Latin capital letter g with breve","Latin capital letter g with cedilla":"Latin capital letter g with cedilla","Latin capital letter g with circumflex":"Latin capital 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with cedilla","Latin capital letter l with middle dot":"Latin capital letter l with middle dot","Latin capital letter l with stroke":"Latin capital letter l with stroke","Latin capital letter n with acute":"Latin capital letter n with acute","Latin capital letter n with caron":"Latin capital letter n with caron","Latin capital letter n with cedilla":"Latin capital letter n with cedilla","Latin capital letter o with breve":"Latin capital letter o with breve","Latin capital letter o with double acute":"Latin capital letter o with double acute","Latin capital letter o with macron":"Latin capital letter o with macron","Latin capital letter r with acute":"Latin capital letter r with acute","Latin capital letter r with caron":"Latin capital letter r with caron","Latin capital letter r with cedilla":"Latin capital letter r with cedilla","Latin capital letter s with acute":"Latin capital letter s with acute","Latin capital letter s with caron":"Latin capital letter s with caron","Latin capital letter s with cedilla":"Latin capital letter s with cedilla","Latin capital letter s with circumflex":"Latin capital letter s with circumflex","Latin capital letter t with caron":"Latin capital letter t with caron","Latin capital letter t with cedilla":"Latin capital letter t with cedilla","Latin capital letter t with stroke":"Latin capital letter t with stroke","Latin capital letter u with breve":"Latin capital letter u with breve","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"Latin capital letter u with double acute","Latin capital letter u with macron":"Latin capital letter u with macron","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"Latin capital letter u with ogonek","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"Latin capital letter u with ring above","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"Latin capital letter u with tilde","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"Latin capital letter w with circumflex","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"Latin capital letter y with circumflex","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"Latin capital letter y with diaeresis","Latin capital letter z with acute":"Latin capital letter z with acute","Latin capital letter z with caron":"Latin capital letter z with caron","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"Latin capital letter z with dot above","Latin capital ligature ij":"Latin capital ligature ij","Latin capital ligature oe":"Latin capital ligature oe","Latin small letter a with breve":"Latin small letter a with breve","Latin small letter a with macron":"Latin small letter a with macron","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"Latin small letter a with ogonek","Latin small letter c with acute":"Latin small letter c with acute","Latin small letter c with caron":"Latin small letter c with caron","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"Latin small letter c with circumflex","Latin small letter c with dot above":"Latin small letter c with dot above","Latin small letter d with caron":"Latin small letter d with caron","Latin small letter d with stroke":"Latin small letter d with stroke","Latin small letter dotless i":"Latin small letter dotless i","Latin small letter e with breve":"Latin small letter e with breve","Latin small letter e with caron":"Latin small letter e with caron","Latin small letter e with dot above":"Latin small letter e with dot above","Latin small letter e with macron":"Latin small letter e with macron","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"Latin small letter e with ogonek","Latin small letter eng":"Latin small letter eng","Latin small letter f with hook":"Latin small letter f with hook","Latin small letter g with breve":"Latin small letter g with breve","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"Latin small letter g with cedilla","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"Latin small letter g with circumflex","Latin small letter g with dot above":"Latin small letter g with dot above","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"Latin small letter h with circumflex","Latin small letter h with stroke":"Latin small letter h with stroke","Latin small letter i with breve":"Latin small letter i with breve","Latin small letter i with macron":"Latin small letter i with macron","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"Latin small letter i with ogonek","Latin small letter i with tilde":"Latin small letter i with tilde","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"Latin small letter j with circumflex","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"Latin small letter k with cedilla","Latin small letter kra":"Latin small letter kra","Latin small letter l with acute":"Latin small letter l with acute","Latin small letter l with caron":"Latin small letter l with caron","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"Latin small letter l with cedilla","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"Latin small letter l with middle dot","Latin small letter l with stroke":"Latin small letter l with stroke","Latin small letter long s":"Latin small letter long s","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe","Latin small letter n with acute":"Latin small letter n with acute","Latin small letter n with caron":"Latin small letter n with caron","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"Latin small letter n with cedilla","Latin small letter o with breve":"Latin small letter o with breve","Latin small letter o with double acute":"Latin small letter o with double acute","Latin small letter o with macron":"Latin small letter o with macron","Latin small letter r with acute":"Latin small letter r with acute","Latin small letter r with caron":"Latin small letter r with caron","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"Latin small letter r with cedilla","Latin small letter s with acute":"Latin small letter s with acute","Latin small letter s with caron":"Latin small letter s with caron","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"Latin small letter s with cedilla","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"Latin small letter s with circumflex","Latin small letter t with caron":"Latin small letter t with caron","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"Latin small letter t with cedilla","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Latin small letter t with stroke","Latin small letter u with breve":"Latin small letter u with breve","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Latin small letter u with double acute","Latin small letter u with macron":"Latin small letter u with macron","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"Latin small letter u with ogonek","Latin small letter u with ring above":"Latin small letter u with ring above","Latin small letter u with tilde":"Latin small letter u with tilde","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"Latin small letter w with circumflex","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"Latin small letter y with circumflex","Latin small letter z with acute":"Latin small letter z with acute","Latin small letter z with caron":"Latin small letter z with caron","Latin small letter z with dot above":"Latin small letter z with dot above","Latin small ligature ij":"Latin small ligature 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tab":"Open link in new tab",Orange:"Orange",Original:"Original",Outset:"Outset",Overline:"Overline",Padding:"Padding","Page break":"Page break",Paragraph:"Paragraph","Paragraph sign":"Paragraph sign","Partial differential":"Partial differential","Paste raw HTML here...":"Paste raw HTML here...","Per mille sign":"Per mille sign","Per ten thousand sign":"Per ten thousand sign","Peseta sign":"Peseta sign","Peso sign":"Peso sign","Pink marker":"Pink marker","Plain text":"Plain text","Plus-minus sign":"Plus-minus sign","Pound sign":"Pound sign",Previous:"Previous","Previous editable region":"Previous editable region","Previous result":"Previous result","Proportional to":"Proportional to",Purple:"Purple","Question exclamation mark":"Question exclamation mark",Red:"Red","Red pen":"Red pen",Redo:"Redo","Registered sign":"Registered sign","Remove color":"Remove color","Remove Format":"Remove Format","Remove highlight":"Remove highlight","Remove language":"Remove language",Replace:"Replace","Replace all":"Replace all","Replace with…":"Replace with…","Resize image":"Resize image","Resize image to %0":"Resize image to %0","Resize image to the original size":"Resize image to the original size","Restore default":"Restore default","Reversed order":"Reversed order","Reversed paragraph sign":"Reversed paragraph sign","Rich Text Editor":"Rich Text Editor","Rich Text Editor. 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".',"There exists":"There exists","This link has no URL":"This link has no URL","Tilde operator":"Tilde operator",Tiny:"Tiny","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.","To-do List":"To-do List","Toggle caption off":"Toggle caption off","Toggle caption on":"Toggle caption on","Toggle the circle list style":"Toggle the circle list style","Toggle the decimal list style":"Toggle the decimal list style","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style","Toggle the disc list style":"Toggle the disc list style","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Toggle the lower–latin list style","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Toggle the lower–roman list style","Toggle the square list style":"Toggle the square list style","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Toggle the upper–latin list style","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Toggle the upper–roman list style","top with upwards arrow above":"top with upwards arrow above","Trade mark sign":"Trade mark sign","Tugrik sign":"Tugrik sign","Turkish lira sign":"Turkish lira sign",Turquoise:"Turquoise","Two dot leader":"Two dot leader",Underline:"Underline",Undo:"Undo",Union:"Union",Unlink:"Unlink","up down arrow with base":"up down arrow with base",Update:"Update","Update image URL":"Update image URL","Upload failed":"Upload failed","Upload in progress":"Upload in progress","Upper-latin":"Upper-latin","Upper-roman":"Upper-roman","upwards arrow to bar":"upwards arrow to bar","upwards dashed arrow":"upwards dashed arrow","upwards double arrow":"upwards double arrow","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertical text alignment toolbar","Vulgar fraction one half":"Vulgar fraction one half","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Vulgar fraction one quarter","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Vulgar fraction three quarters",White:"White","Whole words only":"Whole words only","Widget toolbar":"Widget toolbar",Width:"Width","Won sign":"Won sign","Words: %0":"Words: %0","Wrap text":"Wrap text",Yellow:"Yellow","Yellow marker":"Yellow marker","Yen sign":"Yen sign"})}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); |
@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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right":"Sisesta veerg paremale","Insert HTML":"Sisesta HTML","Insert image":"Siseta pilt","Insert image via URL":"Sisesta pilt läbi URL-i","Insert paragraph after block":"Sisesta lõik pärast plokki","Insert paragraph before block":"Sisesta lõik enne plokki","Insert row above":"Sisesta rida ülespoole","Insert row below":"Sisesta rida allapoole","Insert table":"Sisesta tabel",Inset:"Süvik",Integral:"Integraal",Intersection:"Ühisosa","Inverted exclamation mark":"Tagurpidine hüüumärk","Inverted question mark":"Tagurpidine küsimärk",Italic:"Kaldkiri",Justify:"Rööpjoondus","Justify cell text":"Lahtri tekst rööpjoondatud","Kip sign":"Kipimärk",Language:"Keel","Latin capital letter a with breve":"Ladina suurtäht A kaarega","Latin capital letter a with macron":"Ladina suurtäht A ülakriipsuga","Latin capital letter a with ogonek":"Ladina suurtäht A pöördsediiga","Latin capital letter c with acute":"Ladina suurtäht C akuudiga","Latin capital letter c with caron":"Ladina suurtäht C haagiga","Latin capital letter c with circumflex":"Ladina suurtäht C tsirkumfleksiga","Latin capital letter c with dot above":"Ladina suurtäht C ülapunktiga","Latin capital letter d with caron":"Ladina suurtäht D haagiga","Latin capital letter d with stroke":"Ladina suurtäht D läbiva kriipsuga","Latin capital letter e with breve":"Ladina suurtäht E kaarega","Latin capital letter e with caron":"Ladina suurtäht E haagiga","Latin capital letter e with dot above":"Ladina suurtäht E ülapunktiga","Latin capital letter e with macron":"Ladina suurtäht E ülakriipsuga","Latin capital letter e with ogonek":"Ladina suurtäht E pöördsediiga","Latin capital letter eng":"Ladina suurtäht ENG","Latin capital letter g with breve":"Ladina suurtäht G kaarega","Latin capital letter g with cedilla":"Ladina suurtäht G sediiga","Latin capital letter g with circumflex":"Ladina suurtäht G tsirkumfleksiga","Latin capital letter g with dot above":"Ladina suurtäht G ülapunktiga","Latin capital letter h with circumflex":"Ladina suurtäht H tsirkumfleksiga","Latin capital letter h with stroke":"Ladina suurtäht H läbiva kriipsuga","Latin capital letter i with breve":"Ladina suurtäht I kaarega","Latin capital letter i with dot above":"Ladina suurtäht I ülapunktiga","Latin capital letter i with macron":"Ladina suurtäht I ülakriipsuga","Latin capital letter i with ogonek":"Ladina suurtäht I pöördsediiga","Latin capital letter i with tilde":"Ladina suurtäht I tildega","Latin capital letter j with circumflex":"Ladina suurtäht J tsirkumfleksiga","Latin capital letter k with cedilla":"Ladina suurtäht K sediiga","Latin capital letter l with acute":"Ladina suurtäht I akuudiga","Latin capital letter l with caron":"Ladina suurtäht I haagiga","Latin capital letter l with cedilla":"Ladina suurtäht I sediiga","Latin capital letter l with middle dot":"Ladina suurtäht I keskmise punktiga","Latin capital letter l with stroke":"Ladina suurtäht I läbiva kriipsuga","Latin capital letter n with acute":"Ladina suurtäht N akuudiga","Latin capital letter n with caron":"Ladina suurtäht N haagiga","Latin capital letter n with cedilla":"Ladina suurtäht N sediiga","Latin capital letter o with breve":"Ladina suurtäht O kaarega","Latin capital letter o with double acute":"Ladina suurtäht O topeltakuudiga","Latin capital letter o with macron":"Ladina suurtäht O ülakriipsuga","Latin capital letter r with acute":"Ladina suurtäht R akuudiga","Latin capital letter r with caron":"Ladina suurtäht R haagiga","Latin capital letter r with cedilla":"Ladina suurtäht R sediiga","Latin capital letter s with acute":"Ladina suurtäht S akuudiga","Latin capital letter s with caron":"Ladina suurtäht S haagiga","Latin capital letter s with cedilla":"Ladina suurtäht S sediiga","Latin capital letter s with circumflex":"Ladina suurtäht S tsirkumfleksiga","Latin capital letter t with caron":"Ladina suurtäht T haagiga","Latin capital letter t with cedilla":"Ladina suurtäht T sediiga","Latin capital letter t with stroke":"Ladina suurtäht T läbiva kriipsuga","Latin capital letter u with breve":"Ladina suurtäht U kaarega","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"Ladina suurtäht U topeltakuudiga","Latin capital letter u with macron":"Ladina suurtäht U ülakriipsuga","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"Ladina suurtäht U pöördsediiga","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"Ladina suurtäht U ülaringiga","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"Ladina suurtäht U tildega","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"Ladina suurtäht W tsirkumfleksiga","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"Ladina suurtäht Y tsirkumfleksiga","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"Ladina suurtäht Y täppidega","Latin capital letter z with acute":"Ladina suurtäht Z akuudiga","Latin capital letter z with caron":"Ladina suurtäht Z haagiga","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"Ladina suurtäht Z ülapunktiga","Latin capital ligature ij":"Ladina suurligatuur IJ","Latin capital ligature oe":"Ladina suurligatuur OE","Latin small letter a with breve":"Ladina väiketäht A kaarega","Latin small letter a with macron":"Ladina väiketäht A ülakriipsuga","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"Ladina väiketäht A pöördsediiga","Latin small letter c with acute":"Ladina väiketäht C akuudiga","Latin small letter c with caron":"Ladina väiketäht C haagiga","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"Ladina väiketäht C tsirkumfleksiga","Latin small letter c with dot above":"Ladina väiketäht C ülapunktiga","Latin small letter d with caron":"Ladina väiketäht D haagiga","Latin small letter d with stroke":"Ladina väiketäht D läbiva kriipsuga","Latin small letter dotless i":"Ladina väiketäht I ilma täpita","Latin small letter e with breve":"Ladina väiketäht E kaarega","Latin small letter e with caron":"Ladina väiketäht E haagiga","Latin small letter e with dot above":"Ladina väiketäht E ülapunktiga","Latin small letter e with macron":"Ladina väiketäht E ülakriipsuga","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"Ladina väiketäht E pöördsediiga","Latin small letter eng":"Ladina väiketäht ENG","Latin small letter f with hook":"Ladina väiketäht F konksuga","Latin small letter g with breve":"Ladina väiketäht G kaarega","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"Ladina väiketäht G sediiga","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"Ladina väiketäht G tsirkumfleksiga","Latin small letter g with dot above":"Ladina väiketäht G ülapunktiga","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"Ladina väiketäht H tsirkumfleksiga","Latin small letter h with stroke":"Ladina väiketäht H läbiva kriipsuga","Latin small letter i with breve":"Ladina väiketäht I kaarega","Latin small letter i with macron":"Ladina väiketäht I ülakriipsuga","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"Ladina väiketäht I pöördsediiga","Latin small letter i with tilde":"Ladina väiketäht I tildega","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"Ladina väiketäht J tsirkumfleksiga","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"Ladina väiketäht K sediiga","Latin small letter kra":"Ladina väiketäht KRA","Latin small letter l with acute":"Ladina väiketäht I akuudiga","Latin small letter l with caron":"Ladina väiketäht I haagiga","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"Ladina väiketäht I sediiga","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"Ladina väiketäht I keskmise punktiga","Latin small letter l with stroke":"Ladina väiketäht I läbiva kriipsuga","Latin small letter long s":"Ladina väiketäht pikk S","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Ladina väiketäht N koos eelneva ülakomaga","Latin small letter n with acute":"Ladina väiketäht N akuudiga","Latin small letter n with caron":"Ladina väiketäht N haagiga","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"Ladina väiketäht N sediiga","Latin small letter o with breve":"Ladina väiketäht O kaarega","Latin small letter o with double acute":"Ladina väiketäht O topeltakuudiga","Latin small letter o with macron":"Ladina väiketäht O ülakriipsuga","Latin small letter r with acute":"Ladina väiketäht R akuudiga","Latin small letter r with caron":"Ladina väiketäht R haagiga","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"Ladina väiketäht R sediiga","Latin small letter s with acute":"Ladina väiketäht S akuudiga","Latin small letter s with caron":"Ladina väiketäht S haagiga","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"Ladina väiketäht S sediiga","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"Ladina väiketäht S tsirkumfleksiga","Latin small letter t with caron":"Ladina väiketäht T haagiga","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"Ladina väiketäht T sediiga","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Ladina väiketäht T läbiva kriipsuga","Latin small letter u with breve":"Ladina väiketäht U kaarega","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Ladina väiketäht U topeltakuudiga","Latin small letter u with macron":"Ladina väiketäht U ülakriipsuga","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"Ladina väiketäht U pöördsediiga","Latin small letter u with ring above":"Ladina väiketäht U ülaringiga","Latin small letter u with tilde":"Ladina väiketäht U tildega","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"Ladina väiketäht W tsirkumfleksiga","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"Ladina väiketäht Y tsirkumfleksiga","Latin small letter z with acute":"Ladina väiketäht Z akuudiga","Latin small letter z with caron":"Ladina väiketäht Z haagiga","Latin small letter z with dot above":"Ladina väiketäht Z ülapunktiga","Latin small ligature ij":"Ladina väikeligatuur IJ","Latin small ligature oe":"Ladina väikeligatuur OE","Left aligned image":"Vasakule joondatud pilt","Left double quotation mark":"Vasakpoolsed kahekordsed jutumärgid","Left single quotation mark":"Vasakpoolne ühekordne jutumärk","Left-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Vasakule suunatud kahekordse nurgaga jutumärgid","leftwards arrow to bar":"kriipsu suunatud vasaknool","leftwards dashed arrow":"katkendnool vasakule","leftwards double arrow":"topeltnool vasakule","Less-than or equal to":"Väiksem-kui või võrdne","Less-than sign":"Väiksem-kui märk","Light blue":"Helesinine","Light green":"Heleroheline","Light grey":"Helehall",Link:"Link","Link image":"Lingi pilt","Link URL":"Lingi URL","Lira sign":"Liirimärk","List properties":"Loendi atribuudid","Livre tournois sign":"Livre tournois' märk","Logical and":"Loogiline ja","Logical or":"Loogiline või","Lower-latin":"Ladina väiketähe","Lower–roman":"Väikse rooma numbri",Macron:"Ülakriips","Manat sign":"Manatimärk","Match case":"Erista juhtumit","Merge cell down":"Liida alumise lahtriga","Merge cell left":"Liida vasakul oleva lahtriga","Merge cell right":"Liida paremal oleva lahtriga","Merge cell up":"Liida ülemise lahtriga","Merge cells":"Liida lahtrid","Mill sign":"Valuutatuhandiku märk","Minus sign":"Miinusmärk","Multiple styles":"Mitu stiili","Multiplication sign":"Korrutusmärk","N-ary product":"N-aari tulem","N-ary summation":"N-aar liitmine",Nabla:"Nabla","Naira sign":"Nairamärk","New sheqel sign":"Uusseekelimärk",Next:"Järgmine","Next result":"Järgmine tulemus","No preview available":"Eelvaade pole saadaval",None:"Puudub","Nordic mark sign":"Põhjamaade marga märk","Not an 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proportsionaalsus",Purple:"Lilla","Question exclamation mark":"Küsihüüumärk",Red:"Punane","Red pen":"Punane pliiats",Redo:"Tee uuesti","Registered sign":"Registreerimiskujutis","Remove color":"Eemalda värv","Remove Format":"Eemalda vorming","Remove highlight":"Eemalda esiletõstmine","Remove language":"Eemalda keel",Replace:"Asenda","Replace all":"Asenda kõik","Replace with…":"Asenda...","Resize image":"Muuda pildi suurust","Resize image to %0":"Muuda pilt suurusesse %0","Resize image to the original size":"Muuda pilt algsuurusesse","Restore default":"Taasta algne","Reversed order":"Vastupidine järjekord","Reversed paragraph sign":"Ümberpööratud lõigumärk","Rich Text Editor":"Tekstiredaktor","Rich Text Editor. 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Värvus ei sobi. Proovi "#FF0000" või "rgb(255,0,0)" või "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Väärtus ei sobi. 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capital letter c with circumflex":"Ladina suurtäht C tsirkumfleksiga","Latin capital letter c with dot above":"Ladina suurtäht C ülapunktiga","Latin capital letter d with caron":"Ladina suurtäht D haagiga","Latin capital letter d with stroke":"Ladina suurtäht D läbiva kriipsuga","Latin capital letter e with breve":"Ladina suurtäht E kaarega","Latin capital letter e with caron":"Ladina suurtäht E haagiga","Latin capital letter e with dot above":"Ladina suurtäht E ülapunktiga","Latin capital letter e with macron":"Ladina suurtäht E ülakriipsuga","Latin capital letter e with ogonek":"Ladina suurtäht E pöördsediiga","Latin capital letter eng":"Ladina suurtäht ENG","Latin capital letter g with breve":"Ladina suurtäht G kaarega","Latin capital letter g with cedilla":"Ladina suurtäht G sediiga","Latin capital letter g with circumflex":"Ladina suurtäht G tsirkumfleksiga","Latin capital letter g with dot above":"Ladina suurtäht G ülapunktiga","Latin capital letter h with circumflex":"Ladina 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akuudiga","Latin capital letter n with caron":"Ladina suurtäht N haagiga","Latin capital letter n with cedilla":"Ladina suurtäht N sediiga","Latin capital letter o with breve":"Ladina suurtäht O kaarega","Latin capital letter o with double acute":"Ladina suurtäht O topeltakuudiga","Latin capital letter o with macron":"Ladina suurtäht O ülakriipsuga","Latin capital letter r with acute":"Ladina suurtäht R akuudiga","Latin capital letter r with caron":"Ladina suurtäht R haagiga","Latin capital letter r with cedilla":"Ladina suurtäht R sediiga","Latin capital letter s with acute":"Ladina suurtäht S akuudiga","Latin capital letter s with caron":"Ladina suurtäht S haagiga","Latin capital letter s with cedilla":"Ladina suurtäht S sediiga","Latin capital letter s with circumflex":"Ladina suurtäht S tsirkumfleksiga","Latin capital letter t with caron":"Ladina suurtäht T haagiga","Latin capital letter t with cedilla":"Ladina suurtäht T sediiga","Latin capital letter t with stroke":"Ladina suurtäht T läbiva kriipsuga","Latin capital letter u with breve":"Ladina suurtäht U kaarega","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"Ladina suurtäht U topeltakuudiga","Latin capital letter u with macron":"Ladina suurtäht U ülakriipsuga","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"Ladina suurtäht U pöördsediiga","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"Ladina suurtäht U ülaringiga","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"Ladina suurtäht U tildega","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"Ladina suurtäht W tsirkumfleksiga","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"Ladina suurtäht Y tsirkumfleksiga","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"Ladina suurtäht Y täppidega","Latin capital letter z with acute":"Ladina suurtäht Z akuudiga","Latin capital letter z with caron":"Ladina suurtäht Z haagiga","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"Ladina suurtäht Z ülapunktiga","Latin capital ligature ij":"Ladina suurligatuur IJ","Latin capital ligature oe":"Ladina suurligatuur OE","Latin small letter a with breve":"Ladina väiketäht A kaarega","Latin small letter a with macron":"Ladina väiketäht A ülakriipsuga","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"Ladina väiketäht A pöördsediiga","Latin small letter c with acute":"Ladina väiketäht C akuudiga","Latin small letter c with caron":"Ladina väiketäht C haagiga","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"Ladina väiketäht C tsirkumfleksiga","Latin small letter c with dot above":"Ladina väiketäht C ülapunktiga","Latin small letter d with caron":"Ladina väiketäht D haagiga","Latin small letter d with stroke":"Ladina väiketäht D läbiva kriipsuga","Latin small letter dotless i":"Ladina väiketäht I ilma täpita","Latin small letter e with breve":"Ladina väiketäht E kaarega","Latin small letter e with caron":"Ladina väiketäht E haagiga","Latin small letter e with dot above":"Ladina väiketäht E ülapunktiga","Latin small letter e with macron":"Ladina väiketäht E ülakriipsuga","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"Ladina väiketäht E pöördsediiga","Latin small letter eng":"Ladina väiketäht ENG","Latin small letter f with hook":"Ladina väiketäht F konksuga","Latin small letter g with breve":"Ladina väiketäht G kaarega","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"Ladina väiketäht G sediiga","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"Ladina väiketäht G tsirkumfleksiga","Latin small letter g with dot above":"Ladina väiketäht G ülapunktiga","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"Ladina väiketäht H tsirkumfleksiga","Latin small letter h with stroke":"Ladina väiketäht H läbiva kriipsuga","Latin small letter i with breve":"Ladina väiketäht I kaarega","Latin small letter i with macron":"Ladina väiketäht I ülakriipsuga","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"Ladina väiketäht I pöördsediiga","Latin small letter i with tilde":"Ladina väiketäht I tildega","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"Ladina väiketäht J tsirkumfleksiga","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"Ladina väiketäht K sediiga","Latin small letter kra":"Ladina väiketäht KRA","Latin small letter l with acute":"Ladina väiketäht I akuudiga","Latin small letter l with caron":"Ladina väiketäht I haagiga","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"Ladina väiketäht I sediiga","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"Ladina väiketäht I keskmise punktiga","Latin small letter l with stroke":"Ladina väiketäht I läbiva kriipsuga","Latin small letter long s":"Ladina väiketäht pikk S","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Ladina väiketäht N koos eelneva ülakomaga","Latin small letter n with acute":"Ladina väiketäht N akuudiga","Latin small letter n with caron":"Ladina väiketäht N haagiga","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"Ladina väiketäht N sediiga","Latin small letter o with breve":"Ladina väiketäht O kaarega","Latin small letter o with double acute":"Ladina väiketäht O topeltakuudiga","Latin small letter o with macron":"Ladina väiketäht O ülakriipsuga","Latin small letter r with acute":"Ladina väiketäht R akuudiga","Latin small letter r with caron":"Ladina väiketäht R haagiga","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"Ladina väiketäht R sediiga","Latin small letter s with acute":"Ladina väiketäht S akuudiga","Latin small letter s with caron":"Ladina väiketäht S haagiga","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"Ladina väiketäht S sediiga","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"Ladina väiketäht S tsirkumfleksiga","Latin small letter t with caron":"Ladina väiketäht T haagiga","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"Ladina väiketäht T sediiga","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Ladina väiketäht T läbiva kriipsuga","Latin small letter u with breve":"Ladina väiketäht U kaarega","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Ladina väiketäht U topeltakuudiga","Latin small letter u with macron":"Ladina väiketäht U ülakriipsuga","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"Ladina väiketäht U pöördsediiga","Latin small letter u with ring above":"Ladina väiketäht U ülaringiga","Latin small letter u with tilde":"Ladina väiketäht U tildega","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"Ladina väiketäht W tsirkumfleksiga","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"Ladina väiketäht Y tsirkumfleksiga","Latin small letter z with acute":"Ladina väiketäht Z akuudiga","Latin small letter z with caron":"Ladina väiketäht Z haagiga","Latin small letter z with dot above":"Ladina väiketäht Z ülapunktiga","Latin small ligature ij":"Ladina väikeligatuur IJ","Latin small ligature oe":"Ladina väikeligatuur OE","Left aligned image":"Vasakule joondatud pilt","Left double quotation mark":"Vasakpoolsed kahekordsed jutumärgid","Left single quotation mark":"Vasakpoolne ühekordne jutumärk","Left-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Vasakule suunatud kahekordse nurgaga jutumärgid","leftwards arrow to bar":"kriipsu suunatud vasaknool","leftwards dashed arrow":"katkendnool vasakule","leftwards double arrow":"topeltnool vasakule","Less-than or equal to":"Väiksem-kui või võrdne","Less-than sign":"Väiksem-kui märk","Light blue":"Helesinine","Light green":"Heleroheline","Light grey":"Helehall",Link:"Link","Link image":"Lingi pilt","Link URL":"Lingi URL","Lira sign":"Liirimärk","List properties":"Loendi atribuudid","Livre tournois sign":"Livre tournois' märk","Logical and":"Loogiline ja","Logical or":"Loogiline või","Lower-latin":"Ladina väiketähe","Lower–roman":"Väikse rooma numbri",Macron:"Ülakriips","Manat sign":"Manatimärk","Match case":"Erista juhtumit","Merge cell down":"Liida alumise lahtriga","Merge cell left":"Liida vasakul oleva lahtriga","Merge cell right":"Liida paremal oleva lahtriga","Merge cell up":"Liida ülemise lahtriga","Merge cells":"Liida lahtrid","Mill sign":"Valuutatuhandiku märk","Minus sign":"Miinusmärk","Multiple styles":"Mitu stiili","Multiplication sign":"Korrutusmärk","N-ary product":"N-aari tulem","N-ary summation":"N-aar liitmine",Nabla:"Nabla","Naira sign":"Nairamärk","Navigate editable regions":"Muudetavate piirkondade vahel liikumine","New sheqel sign":"Uusseekelimärk",Next:"Järgmine","Next editable region":"Järgmine muudetav piirkond","Next result":"Järgmine 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Väri ei kelpaa. Ota sen sijaan käyttöön "#FF0000", "rgb(255,0,0)" tai "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Arvo ei kelpaa. 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lyhyysmerkki","Latin small letter e with caron":"Latinalainen pienaakkonen e ja hattu","Latin small letter e with dot above":"Latinalainen pienaakkonen e ja yläpuolinen piste","Latin small letter e with macron":"Latinalainen pienaakkonen e ja pituusmerkki","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"Latinalainen pienaakkonen e ja ogonek","Latin small letter eng":"Latinalainen pienaakkonen äng","Latin small letter f with hook":"Latinalainen pienaakkonen f jossa koukku","Latin small letter g with breve":"Latinalainen pienaakkonen g ja lyhyysmerkki","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"Latinalainen pienaakkonen g ja sedilji","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"Latinalainen pienaakkonen g ja sirkumfleksi","Latin small letter g with dot above":"Latinalainen pienaakkonen g ja yläpuolinen piste","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"Latinalainen pienaakkonen h ja sirkumfleksi","Latin small letter h with stroke":"Latinalainen pienaakkonen h ja poikkiviiva","Latin small letter i with 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Väri ei kelpaa. Ota sen sijaan käyttöön "#FF0000", "rgb(255,0,0)" tai "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Arvo ei kelpaa. Ota käyttöön "10px", "2em" tai pelkästään "2".',"There exists":"Olemassaolokvanttori","This link has no URL":"Linkillä ei ole URL-osoitetta","Tilde operator":"Tildeoperaattori",Tiny:"Hyvin pieni","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Vinkki: hae ensin teksti korvataksesi sen.","To-do List":"Tehtävälista","Toggle caption off":"Ota tekstitykset pois päältä","Toggle caption on":"Ota tekstitys käyttöön","Toggle the circle list style":"Ympyrälistatyylin vaihdin","Toggle the decimal list style":"Desimaalilistatyylin vaihdin","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Nolla alussa -desimaalilistatyylin vaihdin","Toggle the disc list style":"Levylistatyylin vaihdin","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Pienet latinalaiset aakkoset -listatyylin vaihdin","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Pienet roomalaiset numerot -listatyylin vaihdin","Toggle the square list style":"Neliölistatyylin vaihdin","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Isot latinalaiset aakkoset -listatyylin vaihdin","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Isot roomalaiset numerot -listatyylin vaihdin","top with upwards arrow above":"TOP-nuoli","Trade mark sign":"Tavaramerkin merkki","Tugrik sign":"Tugrikin merkki","Turkish lira sign":"Turkin liiran merkki",Turquoise:"Turkoosi","Two dot leader":"Kaksi täytemerkkiä",Underline:"Alleviivaus",Undo:"Peru",Union:"Yhdisteen merkki",Unlink:"Poista linkki","up down arrow with base":"nuoli ylös ja alas perusviivalla",Update:"Päivitä","Update image URL":"Päivitä kuvan URL","Upload failed":"Lataus epäonnistui","Upload in progress":"Lähetys käynnissä","Upper-latin":"Isot latinalaiset aakkoset","Upper-roman":"Isot roomalaiset numerot","upwards arrow to bar":"nuoli ylös perusviivalla","upwards dashed arrow":"pisteviivanuoli ylös","upwards double arrow":"kaksoisnuoli ylös","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Pystysuoran tekstin suunnan työkalupalkki","Vulgar fraction one half":"Puolikkaan merkki","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Neljäsosan merkki","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Kolmen neljäsosan merkki",White:"Valkoinen","Whole words only":"Vain kokonaisia sanoja","Widget toolbar":"Widget-työkalupalkki",Width:"Leveys","Won sign":"Wonin merkki","Words: %0":"Sanoja: %0","Wrap text":"Sovita teksti",Yellow:"Keltainen","Yellow marker":"Keltainen tussi","Yen sign":"Jenin merkki"}),i.getPluralForm=function(a){return 1!=a}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); |
@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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cellule","Kip sign":"Kip",Language:"Langue","Latin capital letter a with breve":"A bref majuscule","Latin capital letter a with macron":"A barre majuscule","Latin capital letter a with ogonek":"A ogonek majuscule","Latin capital letter c with acute":"C accent aigu majuscule","Latin capital letter c with caron":"C caron majuscule","Latin capital letter c with circumflex":"C circonflexe majuscule","Latin capital letter c with dot above":"C point suscrit majuscule","Latin capital letter d with caron":"D caron majuscule","Latin capital letter d with stroke":"D barré majuscule","Latin capital letter e with breve":"E bref majuscule","Latin capital letter e with caron":"E caron majuscule","Latin capital letter e with dot above":"E point suscrit majuscule","Latin capital letter e with macron":"E macron majuscule","Latin capital letter e with ogonek":"E ogonek majuscule","Latin capital letter eng":"Eng majuscule","Latin capital letter g with breve":"G bref majuscule","Latin capital letter g with cedilla":"G cédille majuscule","Latin capital letter g with circumflex":"G accent circonflexe majuscule","Latin capital letter g with dot above":"G point suscrit majuscule","Latin capital letter h with circumflex":"H accent circonflexe majuscule","Latin capital letter h with stroke":"H barré majuscule","Latin capital letter i with breve":"I bref majuscule","Latin capital letter i with dot above":"I point suscrit majuscule","Latin capital letter i with macron":"I macron majuscule","Latin capital letter i with ogonek":"I ogonek majuscule","Latin capital letter i with tilde":"I tilde majuscule","Latin capital letter j with circumflex":"J accent circonflexe majuscule","Latin capital letter k with cedilla":"K cédille majuscule","Latin capital letter l with acute":"L accent aigu majuscule","Latin capital letter l with caron":"L caron majuscule","Latin capital letter l with cedilla":"L cédille majuscule","Latin capital letter l with middle dot":"L point médian majuscule","Latin capital letter l with stroke":"L barré majuscule","Latin capital letter n with acute":"N accent aigu majuscule","Latin capital letter n with caron":"N caron majuscule","Latin capital letter n with cedilla":"N cédille majuscule","Latin capital letter o with breve":"O bref majuscule","Latin capital letter o with double acute":"O double accent aigu majuscule","Latin capital letter o with macron":"O macron majuscule","Latin capital letter r with acute":"R accent aigu majuscule","Latin capital letter r with caron":"R caron majuscule","Latin capital letter r with cedilla":"R cédille majuscule","Latin capital letter s with acute":"S accent aigu majuscule","Latin capital letter s with caron":"S caron majuscule","Latin capital letter s with cedilla":"S cédille majuscule","Latin capital letter s with circumflex":"S circonflexe majuscule","Latin capital letter t with caron":"T caron majuscule","Latin capital letter t with cedilla":"T cédille majuscule","Latin capital letter t with stroke":"T barré majuscule","Latin capital letter u with breve":"U bref majuscule","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"U double accent aigu majuscule","Latin capital letter u with macron":"U macron majuscule","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"U ogonek majuscule","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"U rond en chef majuscule","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"U tilde majuscule","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"W circonflexe majuscule","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"Y circonflexe majuscule","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"Y tréma majuscule","Latin capital letter z with acute":"Z accent circonflexe majuscule","Latin capital letter z with caron":"Z caron majuscule","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"Z point suscrit majuscule","Latin capital ligature ij":"Digramme soudé IJ majuscule","Latin capital ligature oe":"O-E entrelacé majuscule","Latin small letter a with breve":"A bref minuscule","Latin small letter a with macron":"A barre minuscule","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"A ogonek minuscule","Latin small letter c with acute":"C accent aigu minuscule","Latin small letter c with caron":"C caron minuscule","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"C circonflexe minuscule","Latin small letter c with dot above":"C point suscrit minuscule","Latin small letter d with caron":"C caron minuscule","Latin small letter d with stroke":"D barré minuscule","Latin small letter dotless i":"I sans point minuscule","Latin small letter e with breve":"E bref minuscule","Latin small letter e with caron":"E caron minuscule","Latin small letter e with dot above":"E point suscrit minuscule","Latin small letter e with macron":"E macron minuscule","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"E ogonek minuscule","Latin small letter eng":"Eng minuscule","Latin small letter f with hook":"Fonction","Latin small letter g with breve":"G bref minuscule","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"G cédille minuscule","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"G accent circonflexe minuscule","Latin small letter g with dot above":"G point suscrit minuscule","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"H accent circonflexe minuscule","Latin small letter h with stroke":"H barré minuscule","Latin small letter i with breve":"I bref minuscule","Latin small letter i with macron":"I macron minuscule","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"I ogonek minuscule","Latin small letter i with tilde":"I tilde minuscule","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"J accent circonflexe minuscule","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"K cédille minuscule","Latin small letter kra":"Kra minuscule","Latin small letter l with acute":"L accent aigu minuscule","Latin small letter l with caron":"L caron minuscule","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"L cédille minuscule","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"L point médian minuscule","Latin small letter l with stroke":"L barré minuscule","Latin small letter long s":"S long minuscule","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Apostrophe N minuscule","Latin small letter n with acute":"N accent aigu minuscule","Latin small letter n with caron":"N caron minuscule","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"N cédille minuscule","Latin small letter o with breve":"O bref minuscule","Latin small letter o with double acute":"O double accent aigu minuscule","Latin small letter o with macron":"O macron minuscule","Latin small letter r with acute":"R accent aigu minuscule","Latin small letter r with caron":"R caron minuscule","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"R cédille minuscule","Latin small letter s with acute":"S accent aigu minuscule","Latin small letter s with caron":"S caron minuscule","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"S cédille minuscule","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"S circonflexe minuscule","Latin small letter t with caron":"T caron minuscule","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"T cédille minuscule","Latin small letter t with stroke":"T barré minuscule","Latin small letter u with breve":"U bref minuscule","Latin small letter u with double acute":"U double accent aigu minuscule","Latin small letter u with macron":"U macron minuscule","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"U ogonek minuscule","Latin small letter u with ring above":"U rond en chef minuscule","Latin small letter u with tilde":"U tilde minuscule","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"W circonflexe minuscule","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"Y circonflexe minuscule","Latin small letter z with acute":"Z accent circonflexe minuscule","Latin small letter z with caron":"Z caron minuscule","Latin small letter z with dot above":"Z point suscrit minuscule","Latin small ligature ij":"Digramme soudé IJ minuscule","Latin small ligature oe":"O-E entrelacé minuscule","Left aligned image":"Image alignée à gauche","Left double quotation mark":"Guillemet-apostrophe double culbuté","Left single quotation mark":"Guillemet-apostrophe culbuté","Left-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Guillemet double vers la 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'La couleur est invalide. Essayez "#FF0000" ou "rgb(255,0,0)" ou "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'La valeur est invalide. Essayez "10px" ou "2em" ou simplement "2".',"There exists":"Existe","This link has no URL":"Ce lien n'a pas d'URL","Tilde operator":"Tilde",Tiny:"Minuscule","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Astuce : rechercher une expression afin de la remplacer","To-do List":"Liste de tâches","Toggle caption off":"Désactiver la légende","Toggle caption on":"Activer la légende","Toggle the circle list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "cercle"',"Toggle the decimal list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "chiffres"',"Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "chiffres de mêmes longueurs"',"Toggle the disc list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "disque"',"Toggle the lower–latin list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "lettres minuscules"',"Toggle the lower–roman list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "chiffres romains en minuscules"',"Toggle the square list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "carré"',"Toggle the upper–latin list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "lettres majuscules"',"Toggle the upper–roman list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "chiffres romains en majuscules"',"top with upwards arrow above":"Haut avec flèche vers le haut","Trade mark sign":"Marque déposée","Tugrik sign":"Tugrik","Turkish lira sign":"Lire turque",Turquoise:"Turquoise","Two dot leader":"Deux points",Underline:"Souligné",Undo:"Annuler",Union:"Union",Unlink:"Supprimer le lien","up down arrow with base":"Flèche haut et bas avec barre de fin",Update:"Modifier","Update image URL":"Modifier l'URL de l'image","Upload failed":"Échec de l'envoi","Upload in progress":"Téléchargement en cours","Upper-latin":"Lettres majuscules","Upper-roman":"Chiffres romains en majuscules","upwards arrow to bar":"Flèche vers le haut avec barre de fin","upwards dashed arrow":"Flèche en pointillés vers le haut","upwards double arrow":"Double flèche vers le haut","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Barre d'outils pour modifier l'alignement vertical du texte","Vulgar fraction one half":"Un demi","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Un quart","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Trois quarts",White:"Blanc","Whole words only":"Mots entiers uniquement","Widget toolbar":"Barre d'outils du widget",Width:"Largeur","Won sign":"Won","Words: %0":"Mots : %0","Wrap text":"Retour à la ligne",Yellow:"Jaune","Yellow marker":"Marqueur jaune","Yen sign":"Yen"}),t.getPluralForm=function(e){return 0==e||1==e?0:0!=e&&e%1e6==0?1:2}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); | ||
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with cedilla":"G cédille majuscule","Latin capital letter g with circumflex":"G accent circonflexe majuscule","Latin capital letter g with dot above":"G point suscrit majuscule","Latin capital letter h with circumflex":"H accent circonflexe majuscule","Latin capital letter h with stroke":"H barré majuscule","Latin capital letter i with breve":"I bref majuscule","Latin capital letter i with dot above":"I point suscrit majuscule","Latin capital letter i with macron":"I macron majuscule","Latin capital letter i with ogonek":"I ogonek majuscule","Latin capital letter i with tilde":"I tilde majuscule","Latin capital letter j with circumflex":"J accent circonflexe majuscule","Latin capital letter k with cedilla":"K cédille majuscule","Latin capital letter l with acute":"L accent aigu majuscule","Latin capital letter l with caron":"L caron majuscule","Latin capital letter l with cedilla":"L cédille majuscule","Latin capital letter l with middle dot":"L point médian majuscule","Latin capital letter l with stroke":"L barré majuscule","Latin capital letter n with acute":"N accent aigu majuscule","Latin capital letter n with caron":"N caron majuscule","Latin capital letter n with cedilla":"N cédille majuscule","Latin capital letter o with breve":"O bref majuscule","Latin capital letter o with double acute":"O double accent aigu majuscule","Latin capital letter o with macron":"O macron majuscule","Latin capital letter r with acute":"R accent aigu majuscule","Latin capital letter r with caron":"R caron majuscule","Latin capital letter r with cedilla":"R cédille majuscule","Latin capital letter s with acute":"S accent aigu majuscule","Latin capital letter s with caron":"S caron majuscule","Latin capital letter s with cedilla":"S cédille majuscule","Latin capital letter s with circumflex":"S circonflexe majuscule","Latin capital letter t with caron":"T caron majuscule","Latin capital letter t with cedilla":"T cédille majuscule","Latin capital letter t with stroke":"T barré majuscule","Latin capital letter u with breve":"U bref majuscule","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"U double accent aigu majuscule","Latin capital letter u with macron":"U macron majuscule","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"U ogonek majuscule","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"U rond en chef majuscule","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"U tilde majuscule","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"W circonflexe majuscule","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"Y circonflexe majuscule","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"Y tréma majuscule","Latin capital letter z with acute":"Z accent circonflexe majuscule","Latin capital letter z with caron":"Z caron majuscule","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"Z point suscrit majuscule","Latin capital ligature ij":"Digramme soudé IJ majuscule","Latin capital ligature oe":"O-E entrelacé majuscule","Latin small letter a with breve":"A bref minuscule","Latin small letter a with macron":"A barre minuscule","Latin 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minuscule","Latin small letter g with dot above":"G point suscrit minuscule","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"H accent circonflexe minuscule","Latin small letter h with stroke":"H barré minuscule","Latin small letter i with breve":"I bref minuscule","Latin small letter i with macron":"I macron minuscule","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"I ogonek minuscule","Latin small letter i with tilde":"I tilde minuscule","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"J accent circonflexe minuscule","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"K cédille minuscule","Latin small letter kra":"Kra minuscule","Latin small letter l with acute":"L accent aigu minuscule","Latin small letter l with caron":"L caron minuscule","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"L cédille minuscule","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"L point médian minuscule","Latin small letter l with stroke":"L barré minuscule","Latin small letter long s":"S long minuscule","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Apostrophe N minuscule","Latin small letter n with acute":"N accent aigu minuscule","Latin small letter n with caron":"N caron minuscule","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"N cédille minuscule","Latin small letter o with breve":"O bref minuscule","Latin small letter o with double acute":"O double accent aigu minuscule","Latin small letter o with macron":"O macron minuscule","Latin small letter r with acute":"R accent aigu minuscule","Latin small letter r with caron":"R caron minuscule","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"R cédille minuscule","Latin small letter s with acute":"S accent aigu minuscule","Latin small letter s with caron":"S caron minuscule","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"S cédille minuscule","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"S circonflexe minuscule","Latin small letter t with caron":"T caron minuscule","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"T cédille minuscule","Latin small letter t with stroke":"T barré minuscule","Latin small letter u with breve":"U bref minuscule","Latin small letter u with double acute":"U double accent aigu minuscule","Latin small letter u with macron":"U macron minuscule","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"U ogonek minuscule","Latin small letter u with ring above":"U rond en chef minuscule","Latin small letter u with tilde":"U tilde minuscule","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"W circonflexe minuscule","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"Y circonflexe minuscule","Latin small letter z with acute":"Z accent circonflexe minuscule","Latin small letter z with caron":"Z caron minuscule","Latin small letter z with dot above":"Z point suscrit minuscule","Latin small ligature ij":"Digramme soudé IJ minuscule","Latin small ligature oe":"O-E entrelacé minuscule","Left aligned image":"Image alignée à gauche","Left double quotation mark":"Guillemet-apostrophe double culbuté","Left single quotation mark":"Guillemet-apostrophe culbuté","Left-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Guillemet double vers la gauche","leftwards arrow to bar":"Flèche vers la gauche avec barre de fin","leftwards dashed arrow":"Flèche en pointillés vers la gauche","leftwards double arrow":"Double flèche vers la gauche","Less-than or equal to":"Signe inférieur ou égal","Less-than sign":"Signe inférieur","Light blue":"Bleu clair","Light green":"Vert clair","Light grey":"Gris clair",Link:"Lien","Link image":"Lien d'image","Link URL":"URL du lien","Lira sign":"Lire","List properties":"Liste des propriétés","Livre tournois sign":"Livre tournois","Logical and":"Et logique","Logical or":"Ou logique","Lower-latin":"Lettres minuscules","Lower–roman":"Chiffres romains en minuscules",Macron:"Macron","Manat sign":"Manat","Match case":"Sensible à la casse","Merge cell down":"Fusionner la cellule en-dessous","Merge cell left":"Fusionner la cellule à gauche","Merge cell right":"Fusionner la cellule à droite","Merge cell up":"Fusionner la cellule au-dessus","Merge cells":"Fusionner les cellules","Mill sign":"Moulin","Minus sign":"Moins","Multiple styles":"Styles multiples","Multiplication sign":"Multiplication","N-ary product":"Produit","N-ary summation":"Somme",Nabla:"Nabla","Naira sign":"Naira","Navigate editable regions":"Naviguer vers","New sheqel sign":"Shekel",Next:"Suivant","Next editable region":"Région éditable suivante","Next result":"Résultat suivant","No preview available":"Aucun aperçu disponible",None:"Aucun","Nordic mark sign":"Mark nordique","Not an element of":"N'appartient pas à","Not equal to":"Différent de","Not sign":"Négation logique","Numbered List":"Liste numérotée","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Barre d'outils des styles de liste numérotée","on with exclamation mark with left right arrow above":"Allumé avec flèches vers la gauche et la droite","Open in a new tab":"Ouvrir dans un nouvel onglet","Open link in new tab":"Ouvrir le lien dans un nouvel onglet",Orange:"Orange",Original:"Taille originale",Outset:"Relief extérieur",Overline:"Macron long",Padding:"Remplissage pour aérer le texte","Page break":"Séparation de page",Paragraph:"Paragraphe","Paragraph sign":"Fin de paragraphe","Partial differential":"Partiellement différent","Paste raw HTML here...":"Collez le code HTML brut ici...","Per mille sign":"Pour mille","Per ten thousand sign":"Pour dix milles","Peseta sign":"Peseta","Peso sign":"Peso","Pink marker":"Marqueur rose","Plain text":"Texte brut","Plus-minus sign":"Plus ou moins","Pound sign":"Livre sterling",Previous:"Précedent","Previous editable region":"Région éditable précédente","Previous result":"Résultat précédent","Proportional to":"Proportionnel à",Purple:"Violet","Question exclamation mark":"Point d'interrogation et exclamation",Red:"Rouge","Red pen":"Crayon rouge",Redo:"Restaurer","Registered sign":"Registered","Remove color":"Enlever la couleur","Remove Format":"Enlever le format","Remove highlight":"Enlever le surlignage","Remove language":"Supprimer la langue",Replace:"Remplacer","Replace all":"Remplacer tout","Replace with…":"Remplacer par ...","Resize image":"Redimensionner l'image","Resize image to %0":"Redimensionner à %0","Resize image to the original size":"Appliquer les dimensions d'origine","Restore default":"Restaurer par défaut","Reversed order":"Ordre inversé","Reversed paragraph sign":"Fin de paragraphe inversé","Rich Text Editor":"Éditeur de texte enrichi","Rich Text Editor. 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'La couleur est invalide. Essayez "#FF0000" ou "rgb(255,0,0)" ou "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'La valeur est invalide. Essayez "10px" ou "2em" ou simplement "2".',"There exists":"Existe","This link has no URL":"Ce lien n'a pas d'URL","Tilde operator":"Tilde",Tiny:"Minuscule","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Astuce : rechercher une expression afin de la remplacer","To-do List":"Liste de tâches","Toggle caption off":"Désactiver la légende","Toggle caption on":"Activer la légende","Toggle the circle list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "cercle"',"Toggle the decimal list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "chiffres"',"Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "chiffres de mêmes longueurs"',"Toggle the disc list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "disque"',"Toggle the lower–latin list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "lettres minuscules"',"Toggle the lower–roman list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "chiffres romains en minuscules"',"Toggle the square list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "carré"',"Toggle the upper–latin list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "lettres majuscules"',"Toggle the upper–roman list style":'Activer / désactiver le style de liste "chiffres romains en majuscules"',"top with upwards arrow above":"Haut avec flèche vers le haut","Trade mark sign":"Marque déposée","Tugrik sign":"Tugrik","Turkish lira sign":"Lire turque",Turquoise:"Turquoise","Two dot leader":"Deux points",Underline:"Souligné",Undo:"Annuler",Union:"Union",Unlink:"Supprimer le lien","up down arrow with base":"Flèche haut et bas avec barre de fin",Update:"Modifier","Update image URL":"Modifier l'URL de l'image","Upload failed":"Échec de l'envoi","Upload in progress":"Téléchargement en cours","Upper-latin":"Lettres majuscules","Upper-roman":"Chiffres romains en majuscules","upwards arrow to bar":"Flèche vers le haut avec barre de fin","upwards dashed arrow":"Flèche en pointillés vers le haut","upwards double arrow":"Double flèche vers le haut","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Barre d'outils pour modifier l'alignement vertical du texte","Vulgar fraction one half":"Un demi","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Un quart","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Trois quarts",White:"Blanc","Whole words only":"Mots entiers uniquement","Widget toolbar":"Barre d'outils du widget",Width:"Largeur","Won sign":"Won","Words: %0":"Mots : %0","Wrap text":"Retour à la ligne",Yellow:"Jaune","Yellow marker":"Marqueur jaune","Yen sign":"Yen"}),t.getPluralForm=function(e){return 0==e||1==e?0:0!=e&&e%1e6==0?1:2}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); |
@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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Color":"Cor do fondo da letra","Font Color":"Cor da letra","Font Family":"Familia tipográfica","Font Size":"Tamaño da letra","For all":"Para todo","Fraction slash":"Barra de fracción","French franc sign":"Símbolo do franco francés","Full size image":"Imaxe a tamaño completo","German penny sign":"Símbolo do penique alemán","Greater-than or equal to":"Maior ou igual que","Greater-than sign":"Maior que",Green:"Verde","Green marker":"Marcador verde","Green pen":"Pluma verde",Grey:"Gris",Groove:"Rañura","Guarani sign":"Símbolo do guaraní","Header column":"Cabeceira de columna","Header row":"Cabeceira de fila",Heading:"Título","Heading 1":"Título 1","Heading 2":"Título 2","Heading 3":"Título 3","Heading 4":"Título 4","Heading 5":"Título 5","Heading 6":"Título 6",Height:"Alto",Highlight:"Resaltado","Horizontal ellipsis":"Elipse horizontal","Horizontal line":"Liña horizontal","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de aliñamento de texto horizontal","Hryvnia sign":"Símbolo do 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invertida de exclamación","Inverted question mark":"Marca invertida de interrogación",Italic:"Itálica",Justify:"Xustificado","Justify cell text":"Xustificar o texto da cela","Kip sign":"Símbolo do kip",Language:"Idioma","Latin capital letter a with breve":"A maiúsculo latino con acento breve","Latin capital letter a with macron":"A maiúsculo latino con macron","Latin capital letter a with ogonek":"A maiúsculo latino con ogonek","Latin capital letter c with acute":"C maiúsculo latino con acento agudo","Latin capital letter c with caron":"C maiúsculo latino con caron","Latin capital letter c with circumflex":"C maiúsculo latino con acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter c with dot above":"C maiúsculo latino con punto enriba","Latin capital letter d with caron":"D maiúsculo latino con caron","Latin capital letter d with stroke":"D maiúsculo latino barrado","Latin capital letter e with breve":"E maiúsculo latino con acento breve","Latin capital letter e with caron":"E maiúsculo latino con caron","Latin capital letter e with dot above":"E maiúsculo latino con punto enriba","Latin capital letter e with macron":"E maiúsculo latino con macron","Latin capital letter e with ogonek":"E maiúsculo latino con ogonek","Latin capital letter eng":"Eng (engma) mziúsculo latino","Latin capital letter g with breve":"G maiúsculo latino con acento breve","Latin capital letter g with cedilla":"G maiúsculo latino con cedilla","Latin capital letter g with circumflex":"G maiúsculo latino con acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter g with dot above":"G maiúsculo latino con punto enriba","Latin capital letter h with circumflex":"H maiúsculo latino con acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter h with stroke":"H maiúsculo latino barrado","Latin capital letter i with breve":"I maiúsculo latino con acento breve","Latin capital letter i with dot above":"I maiúsculo latino con punto enriba","Latin capital letter i with macron":"I maiúsculo latino con macron","Latin capital letter i with ogonek":"I maiúsculo latino con ogonek","Latin capital letter i with tilde":"I maiúsculo latino con til","Latin capital letter j with circumflex":"J maiúsculo latino con acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter k with cedilla":"K maiúsculo latino con cedilla","Latin capital letter l with acute":"L maiúsculo latino con acento agudo","Latin capital letter l with caron":"L maiúsculo latino con caron","Latin capital letter l with cedilla":"L maiúsculo latino con cedilla","Latin capital letter l with middle dot":"L maiúsculo latino con punto medio","Latin capital letter l with stroke":"L maiúsculo latino barrado","Latin capital letter n with acute":"N maiúsculo latino con acento agudo","Latin capital letter n with caron":"N maiúsculo latino con caron","Latin capital letter n with cedilla":"N maiúsculo latino con cedilla","Latin capital letter o with breve":"O maiúsculo latino con acento breve","Latin capital letter o with double acute":"O maiúsculo latino con acento agudo dobre","Latin capital letter o with macron":"O maiúsculo latino con macron","Latin capital letter r with acute":"R maiúsculo latino con acento agudo","Latin capital letter r with caron":"R maiúsculo latino con caron","Latin capital letter r with cedilla":"R maiúsculo latino con cedilla","Latin capital letter s with acute":"S maiúsculo latino con acento agudo","Latin capital letter s with caron":"S maiúsculo latino con caron","Latin capital letter s with cedilla":"S maiúsculo latino con cedilla","Latin capital letter s with circumflex":"S maiúsculo latino con acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter t with caron":"T maiúsculo latino con caron","Latin capital letter t with cedilla":"T maiúsculo latino con cedilla","Latin capital letter t with stroke":"T maiúsculo latino barrado","Latin capital letter u with breve":"U maiúsculo latino con acento breve","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"U maiúsculo latino con acento agudo dobre","Latin capital letter u with macron":"U maiúsculo latino con macron","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"U maiúsculo latino con ogonek","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"U maiúsculo latino con anel enriba","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"U maiúsculo latino con til","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"W maiúsculo latino con acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"Y maiúsculo latino con acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"Y maiúsculo latino con diérese","Latin capital letter z with acute":"Z maiúsculo latino con acento agudo","Latin capital letter z with caron":"Z maiúsculo latino con caron","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"Z maiúsculo latino con punto enriba","Latin capital ligature ij":"Ligadura IJ maiúsculo latino","Latin capital ligature oe":"Ligadura OE maiúsculo latino","Latin small letter a with breve":"a minúsculo latino con acento breve","Latin small letter a with macron":"a minúsculo latino con macron","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"a minúsculo latino con ogonek","Latin small letter c with acute":"c minúsculo latino con acento agudo","Latin small letter c with caron":"cminúsculo latino con caron","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"c minúsculo latino con acento circunflexo","Latin small letter c with dot above":"c minúsculo latino con punto enriba","Latin small letter d with caron":"d minúsculo latino con caron","Latin small letter d with stroke":"d minúsculo latino barrado","Latin small letter dotless i":"i minúsculo latino sen punto","Latin small letter e with breve":"e minúsculo latino con acento breve","Latin small letter e with caron":"e minúsculo latino con caron","Latin small letter e with dot above":"e minúsculo latino con punto enriba","Latin small letter e with macron":"e minúsculo latino con macron","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"e minúsculo latino con ogonek","Latin small letter eng":"Eng (engma) minúsculo latino","Latin small letter f with hook":"f minúsculo latino con gancho","Latin small letter g with breve":"g minúsculo latino con acento breve","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"g minúsculo latino con cedilla","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"g minúsculo latino con acento circunflexo","Latin small letter g with dot above":"g minúsculo latino con punto enriba","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"h minúsculo latino con acento circunflexo","Latin small letter h with stroke":"h minúsculo latino barrado","Latin small letter i with breve":"i minúsculo latino con acento breve","Latin small letter i with macron":"i minúsculo latino con macron","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"i minúsculo latino con ogonek","Latin small letter i with tilde":"i minúsculo latino con til","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"j minúsculo latino con acento circunflexo","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"k minúsculo latino con cedilla","Latin small letter kra":"Letra kra minúscula","Latin small letter l with acute":"l minúsculo latino con acento agudo","Latin small letter l with caron":"l minúsculo latino con caron","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"l minúsculo latino con cedilla","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"l minúsculo latino con punto medio","Latin small letter l with stroke":"l minúsculo latino barrado","Latin small letter long s":"s minúsculo latino larga","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"n minúsculo latino precedido de apostrofe","Latin small letter n with acute":"n minúsculo latino con acento agudo","Latin small letter n with caron":"n minúsculo latino con caron","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"n minúsculo latino con cedilla","Latin small letter o with breve":"o minúsculo latino con acento breve","Latin small letter o with double acute":"o minúsculo latino con acento agudo dobre","Latin small letter o with macron":"o minúsculo latino con macron","Latin small letter r with acute":"r minúsculo latino con acento agudo","Latin small letter r with caron":"r minúsculo latino con caron","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"r minúsculo latino con cedilla","Latin small letter s with acute":"s minúsculo latino con acento agudo","Latin small letter s with caron":"s minúsculo latino con caron","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"s minúsculo latino con cedilla","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"s minúsculo latino con acento circunflexo","Latin small letter t with caron":"t minúsculo latino con caron","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"t minúsculo latino con cedilla","Latin small letter t with stroke":"t minúsculo latino barrado","Latin small letter u with breve":"u minúsculo latino con acento breve","Latin small letter u with double acute":"u minúsculo latino con acento agudo dobre","Latin small letter u with macron":"u minúsculo latino con macron","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"u minúsculo latino con ogonek","Latin small letter u with ring above":"u minúsculo latino con anel enriba","Latin small letter u with tilde":"u minúsculo latino con til","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"w minúsculo latino con acento circunflexo","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"y minúsculo latino con acento circunflexo","Latin small letter z with acute":"z minúsculo latino con acento agudo","Latin small letter z with caron":"z minúsculo latino con caron","Latin small letter z with dot above":"z minúsculo latino con punto enriba","Latin small ligature ij":"Ligadura ij minúsculo latino","Latin small ligature oe":"Ligadura oe minúsculo latino","Left aligned image":"Imaxe aliñada á esquerda","Left double quotation mark":"Marca de acoutamento comiña dobre esquerda","Left single quotation mark":"Marca de acoutamento comiña sinxela esquerda","Left-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Marca de acoutamento ángulo esquerdo dobre","leftwards arrow to bar":"frecha cara á esquerda con tope","leftwards dashed arrow":"frecha de guións cara á esquerda","leftwards double arrow":"frecha dobre cara á esquerda","Less-than or equal to":"Menor ou igual que","Less-than sign":"Menor que","Light blue":"Azul claro","Light green":"Verde claro","Light grey":"Gris claro",Link:"Ligar","Link image":"Ligazón da imaxe","Link URL":"URL de ligazón","Lira sign":"Símbolo da lira","List properties":"Lista de propiedades","Livre tournois sign":"Símbolo da libra tournois","Logical and":"E lóxico (conxunción)","Logical or":"Ou lóxico (disxunción)","Lower-latin":"Letras minúsculas","Lower–roman":"Núm, romanos en minúscula",Macron:"Macron","Manat sign":"Símbolo do manat","Match case":"Coincidencia de maiúsculas","Merge cell down":"Combinar cela cara abaixo","Merge cell left":"Combinar cela cara a esquerda","Merge cell right":"Combinar cela cara a dereita","Merge cell up":"Combinar cela cara arriba","Merge cells":"Combinar celas","Mill sign":"Símbolo do mill","Minus sign":"Signo menos","Multiple styles":"Múltiples estilos","Multiplication sign":"Signo de multiplicación","N-ary product":"Produto de n elementos, produtorio","N-ary summation":"Suma de n elementos, sumatorio",Nabla:"Nabla (Gradiente)","Naira sign":"Símbolo da naira","New sheqel sign":"Símbolo do novo xequel",Next:"Seguinte","Next result":"Seguinte resultado","No preview available":"Non hai vista previa dispoñíbel",None:"Ningún","Nordic mark sign":"Símbolo do marco nordico","Not an element of":"Non pertenza","Not equal to":"Distinto de","Not sign":"Signo non","Numbered List":"Lista numerada","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de estilos de lista numerada","on with exclamation mark with left right arrow above":"activado, con signo de exclamación coa frecha esquerda-dereita enrriba","Open in a new tab":"Abrir nunha nova lapela","Open link in new tab":"Abrir a ligazón nunha nova lapela",Orange:"Laranxa",Original:"Orixinal",Outset:"Inicio",Overline:"Liña superior",Padding:"Recheo","Page break":"Salto de páxina",Paragraph:"Parágrafo","Paragraph sign":"Signo de parágrafo","Partial differential":"Derivada parcial","Paste raw HTML here...":"Pegar HTML en bruto aquí…","Per mille sign":"Signo de por milleiro","Per ten thousand sign":"Signo de por dez mil","Peseta sign":"Símbolo da peseta","Peso sign":"Símbolo do peso","Pink marker":"Marcador rosa","Plain text":"Texto simple","Plus-minus sign":"Signo más/menos","Pound sign":"Símbolo da libra",Previous:"Anterior","Previous result":"Resultado anterior","Proportional to":"Proporcional a",Purple:"Púrpura","Question exclamation mark":"Marca de interrogación exclamación",Red:"Vermello","Red pen":"Pluma vermella",Redo:"Refacer","Registered sign":"Símbolo de rexistrado","Remove color":"Retirar a cor","Remove Format":"Retirar o formato","Remove highlight":"Retirar o resaltado","Remove language":"Retirar o idioma",Replace:"Substituír","Replace all":"Substituír todo","Replace with…":"Substituír por…","Resize image":"Redimensionar a imaxe","Resize image to %0":"Redimensionar a imaxe ao %0","Resize image to the original size":"Aplicar o tamaño orixinal da imaxe","Restore default":"Restaurar valores predeterminados","Reversed order":"Orde inversa","Reversed paragraph sign":"Signo invertido do parágrafo","Rich Text Editor":"Editor de texto mellorado","Rich Text Editor. 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"A cor non é válida. Probe «#FF0000» ou «rgb(255,0,0)» ou «vermello».",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"O valor non é válido. Probe «10px» ou «2em» ou simplemente «2».","There exists":"Existe","This link has no URL":"Esta ligazón non ten URL","Tilde operator":"Operador til",Tiny:"Diminuta","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Consello: primeiro busca algo de texto para substituílo.","To-do List":"Lista de cousas por facer","Toggle caption off":"Desactivar os subtítulos","Toggle caption on":"Activar os subtítulos","Toggle the circle list style":"Alternar o estilo da lista «círculos»","Toggle the decimal list style":"Alternar o estilo da lista «decimais»","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Activar/desactivar o estilo «decimais con cero á esquerda»","Toggle the disc list style":"Alternar o estilo da lista «discos»","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Activar/desactivar o estilo da lista «letras minúsculas»","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Activar/desactivar o estilo da lista «núm. romanos en minúscula»","Toggle the square list style":"Alternar o estilo da lista «cadrados»","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Activar/desactivar o estilo da lista «letras maiúsculas»","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Activar/desactivar o estilo da lista «núm. romanos en maiúscula»","top with upwards arrow above":"superior, coa frecha cara arriba enriba","Trade mark sign":"Símbolo de marca de fábrica","Tugrik sign":"Símbolo do tugrik","Turkish lira sign":"Símbolo da lira turca",Turquoise:"Turquesa","Two dot leader":"Líder de dous puntos",Underline:"Subliñado",Undo:"Desfacer",Union:"Unión",Unlink:"Desligar","up down arrow with base":"frecha arriba-abaixo con base",Update:"Actualizar","Update image URL":"Actualizar o URL da imaxe","Upload failed":"Fallou o envío","Upload in progress":"Envío en proceso","Upper-latin":"Letras maiúsculas","Upper-roman":"Núm, romanos en maiúscula","upwards arrow to bar":"frecha cara arriba con tope","upwards dashed arrow":"frecha de guións cara arriba","upwards double arrow":"frecha dobre cara arriba","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de aliñamento de texto vertical","Vulgar fraction one half":"Fracción común dun medio","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Fracción común dun cuarto","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Fracción común de tres cuartos",White:"Branco","Whole words only":"Só palabras enteiras","Widget toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de trebellos",Width:"Largo","Won sign":"Símbolo do won","Words: %0":"Palabras: %0","Wrap text":"Envolver o texto",Yellow:"Amarelo","Yellow marker":"Marcador marelo","Yen sign":"Símbolo do yen"}),e.getPluralForm=function(a){return 1!=a}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); | ||
!function(a){const||{};e.dictionary=Object.assign(e.dictionary||{},{"%0 of %1":"%0 de %1","Align cell text to the bottom":"Aliñar o texto da cela á base","Align cell text to the center":"Aliñar o texto da cela ao centro","Align cell text to the left":"Aliñar o texto da cela á esquerda","Align cell text to the middle":"Aliñar o texto da cela ao medio","Align cell text to the right":"Aliña o texto da cela á dereita","Align cell text to the top":"Aliñar o texto da cela á parte superior","Align center":"Centrar horizontalmente","Align left":"Aliñar á esquerda","Align right":"Aliñar á dereita","Align table to the left":"Aliñar a táboa á esquerda","Align table to the right":"Aliñar a táboa á dereita",Alignment:"Aliñamento","Almost equal to":"Case igual a",Angle:"Ángulo","Approximately equal to":"Aproximadamente igual a",Aquamarine:"Augamariña","Asterisk operator":"Operador asterisco","Austral sign":"Símbolo do austral","back with leftwards arrow above":"cara atrás, coa frecha cara á esquerda 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cores",Column:"Columna","Contains as member":"Conten a","Copyright sign":"Símbolo de copyright","Cruzeiro sign":"Símbolo do cruceiro","Currency sign":"Símbolo de moeda",Dashed:"Raiado",Decimal:"Decimais","Decimal with leading zero":"Decimais con cero á esquerda","Decrease indent":"Reducir sangrado",Default:"Predeterminada","Degree sign":"Signo de grao","Delete column":"Eliminar columna","Delete row":"Eliminar fila","Dim grey":"Gris fume",Dimensions:"Dimensións","Disable editing":"Desactivar a edición",Disc:"Discos","Division sign":"Signo de división","Document colors":"Cores do documento","Dollar sign":"Símbolo do dolar","Dong sign":"Símbolo do dong",Dotted:"Punteado",Double:"Dobre","Double dagger":"Daga dobre","Double exclamation mark":"Marca de dobre exclamación","Double low-9 quotation mark":"Marca de acoutamento comiña dobre baixo-9","Double question mark":"Marca de dobre interrogación",Downloadable:"Descargábel","downwards arrow to bar":"frecha cara abaixo con tope","downwards dashed arrow":"frecha de guións cara abaixo","downwards double arrow":"frecha dobre cara abaixo","Drachma sign":"Símbolo do dracma","Dropdown toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas despregábel","Edit block":"Editar bloque","Edit link":"Editar a ligazón","Edit source":"Editar fonte","Editor editing area: %0":"","Editor toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas do editor","Element of":"Pertenza","Em dash":"Guión longo (raia)","Empty set":"Conxunto baleiro","Empty snippet content":"Contido de fragmento de código baleiro","En dash":"Guión curto","Enable editing":"Activar a edición","end with leftwards arrow above":"final, coa frecha cara á esquerda enriba","Enter image caption":"Introduza o título da imaxe","Enter table caption":"Introduza o título da táboa","Euro sign":"Símbolo do euro","Euro-currency sign":"Símbolo da moeda do euro","Exclamation question mark":"Marca de exclamación interrogación",Find:"Buscar","Find and replace":"Buscar e substituír","Find in text…":"Buscar no texto…","Font Background Color":"Cor do fondo da letra","Font Color":"Cor da letra","Font Family":"Familia tipográfica","Font Size":"Tamaño da letra","For all":"Para todo","Fraction slash":"Barra de fracción","French franc sign":"Símbolo do franco francés","Full size image":"Imaxe a tamaño completo","German penny sign":"Símbolo do penique alemán","Greater-than or equal to":"Maior ou igual que","Greater-than sign":"Maior que",Green:"Verde","Green marker":"Marcador verde","Green pen":"Pluma verde",Grey:"Gris",Groove:"Rañura","Guarani sign":"Símbolo do guaraní","Header column":"Cabeceira de columna","Header row":"Cabeceira de fila",Heading:"Título","Heading 1":"Título 1","Heading 2":"Título 2","Heading 3":"Título 3","Heading 4":"Título 4","Heading 5":"Título 5","Heading 6":"Título 6",Height:"Alto",Highlight:"Resaltado","Horizontal ellipsis":"Elipse horizontal","Horizontal line":"Liña horizontal","Horizontal text alignment toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de aliñamento de texto horizontal","Hryvnia sign":"Símbolo do hryvnia","HTML object":"Obxecto HTML","HTML snippet":"Fragmento HTML",Huge:"Enorme","Identical to":"Idéntico a","Image resize list":"Lista de tamaños de imaxe","Image toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de imaxe","image widget":"Trebello de imaxe","In line":"En liña","Increase indent":"Aumentar sangrado","Indian rupee sign":"Símbolo da rupia india",Infinity:"Infinito",Insert:"Inserir","Insert code block":"Inserir bloque de código","Insert column left":"Inserir columna á esquerda","Insert column right":"Inserir columna á dereita","Insert HTML":"Inserir HTML","Insert image":"Inserir imaxe","Insert image via URL":"Inserir imaxe a través de URL","Insert paragraph after block":"Inserir parágrafo após o bloque","Insert paragraph before block":"Inserir parágrafo antes do bloque","Insert row above":"Inserir fila enriba","Insert row below":"Inserir fila embaixo","Insert table":"Inserir táboa",Inset:"Inserción",Integral:"Integral",Intersection:"Intersección","Inverted exclamation mark":"Marca invertida de exclamación","Inverted question mark":"Marca invertida de interrogación",Italic:"Itálica",Justify:"Xustificado","Justify cell text":"Xustificar o texto da cela","Kip sign":"Símbolo do kip",Language:"Idioma","Latin capital letter a with breve":"A maiúsculo latino con acento breve","Latin capital letter a with macron":"A maiúsculo latino con macron","Latin capital letter a with ogonek":"A maiúsculo latino con ogonek","Latin capital letter c with acute":"C maiúsculo latino con acento agudo","Latin capital letter c with caron":"C maiúsculo latino con caron","Latin capital letter c with circumflex":"C maiúsculo latino con acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter c with dot above":"C maiúsculo latino con punto enriba","Latin capital letter d with caron":"D maiúsculo latino con caron","Latin capital letter d with stroke":"D maiúsculo latino barrado","Latin capital letter e with breve":"E maiúsculo latino con acento breve","Latin capital letter e with caron":"E maiúsculo latino con caron","Latin capital letter e with dot above":"E maiúsculo latino con punto enriba","Latin capital letter e with macron":"E maiúsculo latino con macron","Latin capital letter e with ogonek":"E maiúsculo latino con ogonek","Latin capital letter eng":"Eng (engma) mziúsculo latino","Latin capital letter g with breve":"G maiúsculo latino con acento breve","Latin capital letter g with cedilla":"G maiúsculo latino con cedilla","Latin capital letter g with circumflex":"G maiúsculo latino con acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter g with dot above":"G maiúsculo latino con punto enriba","Latin capital letter h with circumflex":"H maiúsculo latino con acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter h with stroke":"H maiúsculo latino barrado","Latin capital letter i with breve":"I maiúsculo latino con acento breve","Latin capital letter i with dot above":"I maiúsculo latino con punto enriba","Latin capital letter i with macron":"I maiúsculo latino con macron","Latin capital letter i with ogonek":"I maiúsculo latino con ogonek","Latin capital letter i with tilde":"I maiúsculo latino con til","Latin capital letter j with circumflex":"J maiúsculo latino con acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter k with cedilla":"K maiúsculo latino con cedilla","Latin capital letter l with acute":"L maiúsculo latino con acento agudo","Latin capital letter l with caron":"L maiúsculo latino con caron","Latin capital letter l with cedilla":"L maiúsculo latino con cedilla","Latin capital letter l with middle dot":"L maiúsculo latino con punto medio","Latin capital letter l with stroke":"L maiúsculo latino barrado","Latin capital letter n with acute":"N maiúsculo latino con acento agudo","Latin capital letter n with caron":"N maiúsculo latino con caron","Latin capital letter n with cedilla":"N maiúsculo latino con cedilla","Latin capital letter o with breve":"O maiúsculo latino con acento breve","Latin capital letter o with double acute":"O maiúsculo latino con acento agudo dobre","Latin capital letter o with macron":"O maiúsculo latino con macron","Latin capital letter r with acute":"R maiúsculo latino con acento agudo","Latin capital letter r with caron":"R maiúsculo latino con caron","Latin capital letter r with cedilla":"R maiúsculo latino con cedilla","Latin capital letter s with acute":"S maiúsculo latino con acento agudo","Latin capital letter s with caron":"S maiúsculo latino con caron","Latin capital letter s with cedilla":"S maiúsculo latino con cedilla","Latin capital letter s with circumflex":"S maiúsculo latino con acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter t with caron":"T maiúsculo latino con caron","Latin capital letter t with cedilla":"T maiúsculo latino con cedilla","Latin capital letter t with stroke":"T maiúsculo latino barrado","Latin capital letter u with breve":"U maiúsculo latino con acento breve","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"U maiúsculo latino con acento agudo dobre","Latin capital letter u with macron":"U maiúsculo latino con macron","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"U maiúsculo latino con ogonek","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"U maiúsculo latino con anel enriba","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"U maiúsculo latino con til","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"W maiúsculo latino con acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"Y maiúsculo latino con acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"Y maiúsculo latino con diérese","Latin capital letter z with acute":"Z maiúsculo latino con acento agudo","Latin capital letter z with caron":"Z maiúsculo latino con caron","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"Z maiúsculo latino con punto enriba","Latin capital ligature ij":"Ligadura IJ maiúsculo latino","Latin capital ligature oe":"Ligadura OE maiúsculo latino","Latin small letter a with breve":"a minúsculo latino con acento breve","Latin small letter a with macron":"a minúsculo latino con macron","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"a minúsculo latino con ogonek","Latin small letter c with acute":"c minúsculo latino con acento agudo","Latin small letter c with caron":"cminúsculo latino con caron","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"c minúsculo latino con acento circunflexo","Latin small letter c with dot above":"c minúsculo latino con punto enriba","Latin small letter d with caron":"d minúsculo latino con caron","Latin small letter d with stroke":"d minúsculo latino barrado","Latin small letter dotless i":"i minúsculo latino sen punto","Latin small letter e with breve":"e minúsculo latino con acento breve","Latin small letter e with caron":"e minúsculo latino con caron","Latin small letter e with dot above":"e minúsculo latino con punto enriba","Latin small letter e with macron":"e minúsculo latino con macron","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"e minúsculo latino con ogonek","Latin small letter eng":"Eng (engma) minúsculo latino","Latin small letter f with hook":"f minúsculo latino con gancho","Latin small letter g with breve":"g minúsculo latino con acento breve","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"g minúsculo latino con cedilla","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"g minúsculo latino con acento circunflexo","Latin small letter g with dot above":"g minúsculo latino con punto enriba","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"h minúsculo latino con acento circunflexo","Latin small letter h with stroke":"h minúsculo latino barrado","Latin small letter i with breve":"i minúsculo latino con acento breve","Latin small letter i with macron":"i minúsculo latino con macron","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"i minúsculo latino con ogonek","Latin small letter i with tilde":"i minúsculo latino con til","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"j minúsculo latino con acento circunflexo","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"k minúsculo latino con cedilla","Latin small letter kra":"Letra kra minúscula","Latin small letter l with acute":"l minúsculo latino con acento agudo","Latin small letter l with caron":"l minúsculo latino con caron","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"l minúsculo latino con cedilla","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"l minúsculo latino con punto medio","Latin small letter l with stroke":"l minúsculo latino barrado","Latin small letter long s":"s minúsculo latino larga","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"n minúsculo latino precedido de apostrofe","Latin small letter n with acute":"n minúsculo latino con acento agudo","Latin small letter n with caron":"n minúsculo latino con caron","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"n minúsculo latino con cedilla","Latin small letter o with breve":"o minúsculo latino con acento breve","Latin small letter o with double acute":"o minúsculo latino con acento agudo dobre","Latin small letter o with macron":"o minúsculo latino con macron","Latin small letter r with acute":"r minúsculo latino con acento agudo","Latin small letter r with caron":"r minúsculo latino con caron","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"r minúsculo latino con cedilla","Latin small letter s with acute":"s minúsculo latino con acento agudo","Latin small letter s with caron":"s minúsculo latino con caron","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"s minúsculo latino con cedilla","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"s minúsculo latino con acento circunflexo","Latin small letter t with caron":"t minúsculo latino con caron","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"t minúsculo latino con cedilla","Latin small letter t with stroke":"t minúsculo latino barrado","Latin small letter u with breve":"u minúsculo latino con acento breve","Latin small letter u with double acute":"u minúsculo latino con acento agudo dobre","Latin small letter u with macron":"u minúsculo latino con macron","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"u minúsculo latino con ogonek","Latin small letter u with ring above":"u minúsculo latino con anel enriba","Latin small letter u with tilde":"u minúsculo latino con til","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"w minúsculo latino con acento circunflexo","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"y minúsculo latino con acento circunflexo","Latin small letter z with acute":"z minúsculo latino con acento agudo","Latin small letter z with caron":"z minúsculo latino con caron","Latin small letter z with dot above":"z minúsculo latino con punto enriba","Latin small ligature ij":"Ligadura ij minúsculo latino","Latin small ligature oe":"Ligadura oe minúsculo latino","Left aligned image":"Imaxe aliñada á esquerda","Left double quotation mark":"Marca de acoutamento comiña dobre esquerda","Left single quotation mark":"Marca de acoutamento comiña sinxela esquerda","Left-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Marca de acoutamento ángulo esquerdo dobre","leftwards arrow to bar":"frecha cara á esquerda con tope","leftwards dashed arrow":"frecha de guións cara á esquerda","leftwards double arrow":"frecha dobre cara á esquerda","Less-than or equal to":"Menor ou igual que","Less-than sign":"Menor que","Light blue":"Azul claro","Light green":"Verde claro","Light grey":"Gris claro",Link:"Ligar","Link image":"Ligazón da imaxe","Link URL":"URL de ligazón","Lira sign":"Símbolo da lira","List properties":"Lista de propiedades","Livre tournois sign":"Símbolo da libra tournois","Logical and":"E lóxico (conxunción)","Logical or":"Ou lóxico (disxunción)","Lower-latin":"Letras minúsculas","Lower–roman":"Núm, romanos en minúscula",Macron:"Macron","Manat sign":"Símbolo do manat","Match case":"Coincidencia de maiúsculas","Merge cell down":"Combinar cela cara abaixo","Merge cell left":"Combinar cela cara a esquerda","Merge cell right":"Combinar cela cara a dereita","Merge cell up":"Combinar cela cara arriba","Merge cells":"Combinar celas","Mill sign":"Símbolo do mill","Minus sign":"Signo menos","Multiple styles":"Múltiples estilos","Multiplication sign":"Signo de multiplicación","N-ary product":"Produto de n elementos, produtorio","N-ary summation":"Suma de n elementos, sumatorio",Nabla:"Nabla (Gradiente)","Naira sign":"Símbolo da naira","Navigate editable regions":"Navegar polas áreas editábeiss","New sheqel sign":"Símbolo do novo xequel",Next:"Seguinte","Next editable region":"Seguinte área editábel","Next result":"Seguinte resultado","No preview available":"Non hai vista previa dispoñíbel",None:"Ningún","Nordic mark sign":"Símbolo do marco nordico","Not an element of":"Non pertenza","Not equal to":"Distinto de","Not sign":"Signo non","Numbered List":"Lista numerada","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de estilos de lista numerada","on with exclamation mark with left right arrow above":"activado, con signo de exclamación coa frecha esquerda-dereita enrriba","Open in a new tab":"Abrir nunha nova lapela","Open link in new tab":"Abrir a ligazón nunha nova lapela",Orange:"Laranxa",Original:"Orixinal",Outset:"Inicio",Overline:"Liña superior",Padding:"Recheo","Page break":"Salto de páxina",Paragraph:"Parágrafo","Paragraph sign":"Signo de parágrafo","Partial differential":"Derivada parcial","Paste raw HTML here...":"Pegar HTML en bruto aquí…","Per mille sign":"Signo de por milleiro","Per ten thousand sign":"Signo de por dez mil","Peseta sign":"Símbolo da peseta","Peso sign":"Símbolo do peso","Pink marker":"Marcador rosa","Plain text":"Texto simple","Plus-minus sign":"Signo más/menos","Pound sign":"Símbolo da libra",Previous:"Anterior","Previous editable region":"Área editábel anterior","Previous result":"Resultado anterior","Proportional to":"Proporcional a",Purple:"Púrpura","Question exclamation mark":"Marca de interrogación exclamación",Red:"Vermello","Red pen":"Pluma vermella",Redo:"Refacer","Registered sign":"Símbolo de rexistrado","Remove color":"Retirar a cor","Remove Format":"Retirar o formato","Remove highlight":"Retirar o resaltado","Remove language":"Retirar o idioma",Replace:"Substituír","Replace all":"Substituír todo","Replace with…":"Substituír por…","Resize image":"Redimensionar a imaxe","Resize image to %0":"Redimensionar a imaxe ao %0","Resize image to the original size":"Aplicar o tamaño orixinal da imaxe","Restore default":"Restaurar valores predeterminados","Reversed order":"Orde inversa","Reversed paragraph sign":"Signo invertido do parágrafo","Rich Text Editor":"Editor de texto mellorado","Rich Text Editor. 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"A cor non é válida. Probe «#FF0000» ou «rgb(255,0,0)» ou «vermello».",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"O valor non é válido. Probe «10px» ou «2em» ou simplemente «2».","There exists":"Existe","This link has no URL":"Esta ligazón non ten URL","Tilde operator":"Operador til",Tiny:"Diminuta","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Consello: primeiro busca algo de texto para substituílo.","To-do List":"Lista de cousas por facer","Toggle caption off":"Desactivar os subtítulos","Toggle caption on":"Activar os subtítulos","Toggle the circle list style":"Alternar o estilo da lista «círculos»","Toggle the decimal list style":"Alternar o estilo da lista «decimais»","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Activar/desactivar o estilo «decimais con cero á esquerda»","Toggle the disc list style":"Alternar o estilo da lista «discos»","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Activar/desactivar o estilo da lista «letras minúsculas»","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Activar/desactivar o estilo da lista «núm. romanos en minúscula»","Toggle the square list style":"Alternar o estilo da lista «cadrados»","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Activar/desactivar o estilo da lista «letras maiúsculas»","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Activar/desactivar o estilo da lista «núm. romanos en maiúscula»","top with upwards arrow above":"superior, coa frecha cara arriba enriba","Trade mark sign":"Símbolo de marca de fábrica","Tugrik sign":"Símbolo do tugrik","Turkish lira sign":"Símbolo da lira turca",Turquoise:"Turquesa","Two dot leader":"Líder de dous puntos",Underline:"Subliñado",Undo:"Desfacer",Union:"Unión",Unlink:"Desligar","up down arrow with base":"frecha arriba-abaixo con base",Update:"Actualizar","Update image URL":"Actualizar o URL da imaxe","Upload failed":"Fallou o envío","Upload in progress":"Envío en proceso","Upper-latin":"Letras maiúsculas","Upper-roman":"Núm, romanos en maiúscula","upwards arrow to bar":"frecha cara arriba con tope","upwards dashed arrow":"frecha de guións cara arriba","upwards double arrow":"frecha dobre cara arriba","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de aliñamento de texto vertical","Vulgar fraction one half":"Fracción común dun medio","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Fracción común dun cuarto","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Fracción común de tres cuartos",White:"Branco","Whole words only":"Só palabras enteiras","Widget toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de trebellos",Width:"Largo","Won sign":"Símbolo do won","Words: %0":"Palabras: %0","Wrap text":"Envolver o texto",Yellow:"Amarelo","Yellow marker":"Marcador marelo","Yen sign":"Símbolo do yen"}),e.getPluralForm=function(a){return 1!=a}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); |
@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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with circumflex":"y גדולה לטינית עם גג","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"y גדולה לטינית עם אומלאוט","Latin capital letter z with acute":"z גדולה לטינית עם סימן הטעמה עילי","Latin capital letter z with caron":"z גדולה לטינית עם וי קטן","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"z גדולה לטינית עם נקודה עילית","Latin capital ligature ij":"ליגטורה גדולה לטינית ij","Latin capital ligature oe":"ליגטורה גדולה לטינית oe","Latin small letter a with breve":"a קטנה לטינית עם ברווה","Latin small letter a with macron":"a קטנה לטינית עם קו עילי","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"a קטנה לטינית עם זנבון","Latin small letter c with acute":"c קטנה לטינית עם סימן הטעמה עילי","Latin small letter c with caron":"c גדולה לטינית עם וי קטן","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"c קטנה לטינית עם גג","Latin small letter c with dot above":"c קטנה לטינית עם נקודה עילית","Latin small letter d with caron":"d קטנה לטינית עם וי קטן","Latin small letter d with stroke":"d קטנה לטינית עם קו","Latin small letter 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@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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t with caron","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"Latin small letter t with cedilla","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Latin small letter t with stroke","Latin small letter u with breve":"Latin small letter u with breve","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Latin small letter u with double acute","Latin small letter u with macron":"Latin small letter u with macron","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"Latin small letter u with ogonek","Latin small letter u with ring above":"Latin small letter u with ring above","Latin small letter u with tilde":"Latin small letter u with tilde","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"Latin small letter w with circumflex","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"Latin small letter y with circumflex","Latin small letter z with acute":"Latin small letter z with acute","Latin small letter z with caron":"Latin small letter z with caron","Latin small letter z with dot above":"Latin small letter z with dot above","Latin small ligature ij":"Latin small 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Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".',"There exists":"There exists","This link has no URL":"This link has no URL","Tilde operator":"Tilde operator",Tiny:"Tiny","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"टिप:उसे बदलने के लिए पहले कुछ वह टेक्स्ट खोजें.","To-do List":"To-do List","Toggle caption off":"कैप्शन को टॉगल बंद करें","Toggle caption on":"कैप्शन का टॉगल ऑन करें","Toggle the circle list style":"Toggle the circle list style","Toggle the decimal list style":"Toggle the decimal list style","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style","Toggle the disc list style":"Toggle the disc list style","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Toggle the lower–latin list style","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Toggle the lower–roman list style","Toggle the square list style":"Toggle the square list style","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Toggle the upper–latin list style","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Toggle the upper–roman list style","top with upwards arrow above":"top with upwards arrow above","Trade mark sign":"Trade mark sign","Tugrik sign":"Tugrik sign","Turkish lira sign":"Turkish lira sign",Turquoise:"Turquoise","Two dot leader":"Two dot leader",Underline:"Underline",Undo:"Undo",Union:"Union",Unlink:"Unlink","up down arrow with base":"up down arrow with base",Update:"Update","Update image URL":"Update image URL","Upload failed":"Upload failed","Upload in progress":"Upload in progress","Upper-latin":"Upper-latin","Upper-roman":"Upper-roman","upwards arrow to bar":"upwards arrow to bar","upwards dashed arrow":"upwards dashed arrow","upwards double arrow":"upwards double arrow","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertical text alignment toolbar","Vulgar fraction one half":"Vulgar fraction one half","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Vulgar fraction one quarter","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Vulgar fraction three quarters",White:"White","Whole words only":"केवल पूरे शब्द","Widget toolbar":"Widget toolbar",Width:"Width","Won sign":"Won sign","Words: %0":"Words: %0","Wrap text":"टेक्स्ट रैप करें",Yellow:"Yellow","Yellow marker":"Yellow marker","Yen sign":"Yen sign"}),e.getPluralForm=function(t){return 1!=t}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); | ||
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t with caron","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"Latin small letter t with cedilla","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Latin small letter t with stroke","Latin small letter u with breve":"Latin small letter u with breve","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Latin small letter u with double acute","Latin small letter u with macron":"Latin small letter u with macron","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"Latin small letter u with ogonek","Latin small letter u with ring above":"Latin small letter u with ring above","Latin small letter u with tilde":"Latin small letter u with tilde","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"Latin small letter w with circumflex","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"Latin small letter y with circumflex","Latin small letter z with acute":"Latin small letter z with acute","Latin small letter z with caron":"Latin small letter z with caron","Latin small letter z with dot above":"Latin small letter z with dot above","Latin small ligature ij":"Latin small 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हटाएं",Replace:"बदलें","Replace all":"सब बदल दें","Replace with…":"...के साथ बदलें","Resize image":"Resize image","Resize image to %0":"Resize image to %0","Resize image to the original size":"Resize image to the original size","Restore default":"डिफ़ॉल्ट रिस्टोर कर दें","Reversed order":"रिवर्स किया गया क्रम","Reversed paragraph sign":"Reversed paragraph sign","Rich Text Editor":"Rich Text Editor","Rich Text Editor. 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'The color is invalid. Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'The value is invalid. 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@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Warna tidak valid. Coba "#FF0000" atau "rgb(255,0,0)" atau "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Nilai tidak valid. Coba "10px" atau "2em" atau hanya "2".',"There exists":"Ada","This link has no URL":"Tautan ini tidak memiliki URL","Tilde operator":"Operator tilde",Tiny:"Sangat Kecil","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Tip: Cari suatu teks terlebih dahulu untuk menggantinya.","To-do List":"Daftar untuk-dikerjakan","Toggle caption off":"Sembunyikan keterangan","Toggle caption on":"Tampilkan keterangan","Toggle the circle list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar circle","Toggle the decimal list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar decimal","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar decimal with leading zero","Toggle the disc list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar disc","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar lower–latin","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar lower–roman","Toggle the square list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar square","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar upper–latin","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar upper–roman","top with upwards arrow above":"puncak (top) dengan panah arah atas di atas","Trade mark sign":"Simbol merek dagang","Tugrik sign":"Simbol tugrik","Turkish lira sign":"Simbol lira Turki",Turquoise:"Turkish","Two dot leader":"Dua titik utama",Underline:"Garis bawah",Undo:"Batal",Union:"Himpunan",Unlink:"Hapus tautan","up down arrow with base":"panah atas bawah dari dasar",Update:"Perbarui","Update image URL":"Perbarui URL gambar","Upload failed":"Gagal mengunggah","Upload in progress":"Sedang mengunggah","Upper-latin":"Upper-latin","Upper-roman":"Upper-roman","upwards arrow to bar":"panah atas ke bar","upwards dashed arrow":"Panah putus-putus ke atas","upwards double arrow":"Panah ganda ke atas","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Bilah alat penjajaran teks vertikal","Vulgar fraction one half":"Pecahan vulgar satu perdua","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Pecahan vulgar satu perempat","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Pecahan vulgar tiga perempat",White:"Putih","Whole words only":"Kata utuh saja","Widget toolbar":"Alat widget",Width:"Lebar","Won sign":"Tanda won","Words: %0":"Kata: %0","Wrap text":"Bungkus teks",Yellow:"Kuning","Yellow marker":"Marka kuning","Yen sign":"Tanda yen"}),e.getPluralForm=function(a){return 0}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); | ||
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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Warna tidak valid. Coba "#FF0000" atau "rgb(255,0,0)" atau "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Nilai tidak valid. Coba "10px" atau "2em" atau hanya "2".',"There exists":"Ada","This link has no URL":"Tautan ini tidak memiliki URL","Tilde operator":"Operator tilde",Tiny:"Sangat Kecil","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Tip: Cari suatu teks terlebih dahulu untuk menggantinya.","To-do List":"Daftar untuk-dikerjakan","Toggle caption off":"Sembunyikan keterangan","Toggle caption on":"Tampilkan keterangan","Toggle the circle list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar circle","Toggle the decimal list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar decimal","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar decimal with leading zero","Toggle the disc list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar disc","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar lower–latin","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar lower–roman","Toggle the square list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar square","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar upper–latin","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Alihkan gaya daftar upper–roman","top with upwards arrow above":"puncak (top) dengan panah arah atas di atas","Trade mark sign":"Simbol merek dagang","Tugrik sign":"Simbol tugrik","Turkish lira sign":"Simbol lira Turki",Turquoise:"Turkish","Two dot leader":"Dua titik utama",Underline:"Garis bawah",Undo:"Batal",Union:"Himpunan",Unlink:"Hapus tautan","up down arrow with base":"panah atas bawah dari dasar",Update:"Perbarui","Update image URL":"Perbarui URL gambar","Upload failed":"Gagal mengunggah","Upload in progress":"Sedang mengunggah","Upper-latin":"Upper-latin","Upper-roman":"Upper-roman","upwards arrow to bar":"panah atas ke bar","upwards dashed arrow":"Panah putus-putus ke atas","upwards double arrow":"Panah ganda ke atas","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Bilah alat penjajaran teks vertikal","Vulgar fraction one half":"Pecahan vulgar satu perdua","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Pecahan vulgar satu perempat","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Pecahan vulgar tiga perempat",White:"Putih","Whole words only":"Kata utuh saja","Widget toolbar":"Alat widget",Width:"Lebar","Won sign":"Tanda won","Words: %0":"Kata: %0","Wrap text":"Bungkus teks",Yellow:"Kuning","Yellow marker":"Marka kuning","Yen sign":"Tanda yen"}),e.getPluralForm=function(a){return 0}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); |
@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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blocco","Insert row above":"Inserisci riga sopra","Insert row below":"Inserisci riga sotto","Insert table":"Inserisci tabella",Inset:"Incassato",Integral:"Integrale",Intersection:"Intersezione","Inverted exclamation mark":"Punto esclamativo invertito","Inverted question mark":"Punto interrogativo invertito",Italic:"Corsivo",Justify:"Giustifica","Justify cell text":"Testo della cella giustificato","Kip sign":"Simbolo kip",Language:"Lingua","Latin capital letter a with breve":"Lettera A latina maiuscola con breve","Latin capital letter a with macron":"Lettera A latina maiuscola con macron","Latin capital letter a with ogonek":"Lettera A latina maiuscola con codetta","Latin capital letter c with acute":"Lettera C latina maiuscola con accento acuto","Latin capital letter c with caron":"Lettera C latina maiuscola con pipa","Latin capital letter c with circumflex":"Lettera C latina maiuscola con accento circonflesso","Latin capital letter c with dot above":"Lettera C latina maiuscola con punto sovrascritto","Latin capital letter d with caron":"Lettera D latina maiuscola con pipa","Latin capital letter d with stroke":"Lettera D latina maiuscola con barra","Latin capital letter e with breve":"Lettera E latina maiuscola con accento breve","Latin capital letter e with caron":"Lettera E latina maiuscola con pipa","Latin capital letter e with dot above":"Lettera E latina maiuscola con punto sovrascritto","Latin capital letter e with macron":"Lettera E latina maiuscola con macron","Latin capital letter e with ogonek":"Lettera E latina maiuscola con codetta","Latin capital letter eng":"Nasale velare maiuscola","Latin capital letter g with breve":"Lettera G latina maiuscola con breve","Latin capital letter g with cedilla":"Lettera G latina maiuscola con cediglia","Latin capital letter g with circumflex":"Lettera G latina maiuscola con accento circonflesso","Latin capital letter g with dot above":"Lettera G latina maiuscola con punto sovrascritto","Latin capital letter h with circumflex":"Lettera H latina maiuscola con accento circonflesso","Latin capital letter h with stroke":"Lettera H latina maiuscola con barra","Latin capital letter i with breve":"Lettera I latina maiuscola con breve","Latin capital letter i with dot above":"Lettera I latina maiuscola con punto sovrascritto","Latin capital letter i with macron":"Lettera I latina maiuscola con macron","Latin capital letter i with ogonek":"Lettera I latina maiuscola con codetta","Latin capital letter i with tilde":"Lettera I latina maiuscola con tilde","Latin capital letter j with circumflex":"Lettera J latina maiuscola con accento circonflesso","Latin capital letter k with cedilla":"Lettera K latina maiuscola con cediglia","Latin capital letter l with acute":"Lettera L latina maiuscola con accento acuto","Latin capital letter l with caron":"Lettera L latina maiuscola con pipa","Latin capital letter l with cedilla":"Lettera L latina maiuscola con cediglia","Latin capital letter l with middle dot":"Lettera 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pipa","Latin capital letter s with cedilla":"Lettera S latina maiuscola con cediglia","Latin capital letter s with circumflex":"Lettera S latina maiuscola con accento circonflesso","Latin capital letter t with caron":"Lettera T latina maiuscola con pipa","Latin capital letter t with cedilla":"Lettera T latina maiuscola con cediglia","Latin capital letter t with stroke":"Lettera T latina maiuscola con barra","Latin capital letter u with breve":"Lettera U latina maiuscola con breve","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"Lettera U latina maiuscola con doppio accento acuto","Latin capital letter u with macron":"Lettera U latina maiuscola con macron","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"Lettera U latina maiuscola con codetta","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"Lettera U latina maiuscola con anello in alto","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"Lettera U latina maiuscola con tilde","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"Lettera W latina maiuscola con accento circonflesso","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"Lettera Y latina maiuscola con accento circonflesso","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"Lettera Y latina maiuscola con dieresi","Latin capital letter z with acute":"Lettera Z latina maiuscola con accento acuto","Latin capital letter z with caron":"Lettera Z latina maiuscola con pipa","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"Lettera Z latina maiuscola con punto sovrascritto","Latin capital ligature ij":"Legatura IJ latina maiuscola","Latin capital ligature oe":"Legatura OE latina maiuscola","Latin small letter a with breve":"Lettera A latina minuscola con breve","Latin small letter a with macron":"Lettera A latina minuscola con macron","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"Lettera A latina minuscola con codetta","Latin small letter c with acute":"Lettera C latina minuscola con accento acuto","Latin small letter c with caron":"Lettera C latina minuscola con pipa","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"Lettera C latina minuscola con accento circonflesso","Latin small letter c with dot above":"Lettera C latina minuscola con punto sovrascritto","Latin small letter d with caron":"Lettera D latina minuscola con pipa","Latin small letter d with stroke":"Lettera D latina minuscola con barra","Latin small letter dotless i":"Lettera I latina minuscola senza punto","Latin small letter e with breve":"Lettera E latina minuscola con accento breve","Latin small letter e with caron":"Lettera E latina minuscola con pipa","Latin small letter e with dot above":"Lettera E latina minuscola con punto sovrascritto","Latin small letter e with macron":"Lettera E latina minuscola con macron","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"Lettera E latina minuscola con codetta","Latin small letter eng":"Nasale velare minuscola","Latin small letter f with hook":"Lettera f latina minuscola con gancio","Latin small letter g with breve":"Lettera G latina minuscola con breve","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"Lettera G latina minuscola con cediglia","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"Lettera G latina minuscola con accento circonflesso","Latin small letter g with dot above":"Lettera G latina minuscola con punto sovrascritto","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"Lettera H latina minuscola con accento circonflesso","Latin small letter h with stroke":"Lettera H latina minuscola con barra","Latin small letter i with breve":"Lettera I latina minuscola con breve","Latin small letter i with macron":"Lettera I latina minuscola con macron","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"Lettera I latina minuscola con codetta","Latin small letter i with tilde":"Lettera I latina minuscola con tilde","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"Lettera J latina minuscola con accento circonflesso","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"Lettera K latina minuscola con cediglia","Latin small letter kra":"Lettera Kra latina minuscola","Latin small letter l with acute":"Lettera L latina minuscola con accento acuto","Latin small letter l with caron":"Lettera L latina minuscola con pipa","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"Lettera L latina minuscola con cediglia","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"Lettera L latina minuscola con punto in mezzo","Latin small letter l with stroke":"Lettera L latina minuscola con barra","Latin small letter long s":"Lettera S latina lunga minuscola","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Lettera N latina minuscola preceduta da apostrofo","Latin small letter n with acute":"Lettera N latina minuscola con accento acuto","Latin small letter n with caron":"Lettera N latina minuscola con pipa","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"Lettera N latina minuscola con cediglia","Latin small letter o with breve":"Lettera O latina minuscola con breve","Latin small letter o with double acute":"Lettera O latina minuscola con doppio accento acuto","Latin small letter o with macron":"Lettera O latina minuscola con macron","Latin small letter r with acute":"Lettera R latina minuscola con accento acuto","Latin small letter r with caron":"Lettera R latina minuscola con pipa","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"Lettera R latina minuscola con cediglia","Latin small letter s with acute":"Lettera S latina minuscola con accento acuto","Latin small letter s with caron":"Lettera S latina minuscola con pipa","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"Lettera S latina minuscola con cediglia","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"Lettera S latina minuscola con accento circonflesso","Latin small letter t with caron":"Lettera T latina minuscola con pipa","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"Lettera T latina minuscola con cediglia","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Lettera T latina minuscola con barra","Latin small letter u with breve":"Lettera U latina minuscola con breve","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Lettera U latina minuscola con doppio accento acuto","Latin small letter u with macron":"Lettera U latina minuscola con macron","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"Lettera U latina minuscola con codetta","Latin small letter u with ring above":"Lettera U latina minuscola con cerchio in alto","Latin small letter u with tilde":"Lettera U latina minuscola con tilde","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"Lettera W latina minuscola con accento circonflesso","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"Lettera Y latina minuscola con accento circonflesso","Latin small letter z with acute":"Lettera Z latina minuscola con accento acuto","Latin small letter z with caron":"Lettera Z latina minuscola con pipa","Latin small letter z with dot above":"Lettera Z latina minuscola con punto sovrascritto","Latin small ligature ij":"Legatura IJ latina minuscola","Latin small ligature oe":"Legatura OE latina minuscola","Left aligned image":"Immagine allineata a sinistra","Left double quotation mark":"Doppie virgolette a sinistra","Left single quotation mark":"Virgoletta a sinistra","Left-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Virgolette doppie angolari a sinistra","leftwards arrow to bar":"Freccia verso barra a sinistra","leftwards dashed arrow":"Freccia tratteggiata verso sinistra","leftwards double arrow":"Freccia doppia verso sinistra","Less-than or equal to":"Minore o uguale a","Less-than sign":"Simbolo minore di","Light blue":"Azzurro","Light green":"Verde chiaro","Light grey":"Grigio chiaro",Link:"Collegamento","Link image":"Collega immagine","Link URL":"URL del collegamento","Lira sign":"Simbolo lira","List properties":"Proprietà elenco","Livre tournois sign":"Simbolo livre tournois","Logical and":"E logico","Logical or":"O logico","Lower-latin":"Lettera minuscola","Lower–roman":"Numero romano minuscolo",Macron:"Macron","Manat sign":"Simbolo manat","Match case":"Distingui maiuscole e minuscole","Merge cell down":"Unisci cella sotto","Merge cell left":"Unisci cella a sinistra","Merge cell right":"Unisci cella a destra","Merge cell up":"Unisci cella sopra","Merge cells":"Unisci celle","Mill sign":"Simbolo millesimo","Minus sign":"Segno di sottrazione","Multiple styles":"Stili multipli","Multiplication sign":"Segno di moltiplicazione","N-ary product":"Prodotto ennesimo","N-ary summation":"Sommatoria",Nabla:"Nabla","Naira sign":"Simbolo naira","New sheqel sign":"Simbolo nuovo shekel",Next:"Avanti","Next result":"Risultato successivo","No preview available":"Nessuna anteprima disponibile",None:"Nessuno","Nordic mark sign":"Simbolo marco nordico","Not an element of":"Non parte di","Not equal to":"Non uguale a","Not sign":"Simbolo Not","Numbered List":"Elenco numerato","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti con gli stili degli elenchi numerati","on with exclamation mark with left right arrow above":"on! con sopra freccia verso sinistra","Open in a new tab":"Apri in una nuova scheda","Open link in new tab":"Apri collegamento in nuova scheda",Orange:"Arancio",Original:"Originale",Outset:"Rialzato",Overline:"Linea alta",Padding:"Spaziatura interna","Page break":"Interruzione di 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Il colore non è valido. Provare "#FF0000" o "rgb(255,0,0)" o "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Il valore non è valido. Provare "10px" o "2em" o semplicemente "2".',"There exists":"Esiste","This link has no URL":"Questo collegamento non ha un URL","Tilde operator":"Operatore tilde",Tiny:"Piccolissimi","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Consiglio: trova il testo prima di sostituirlo.","To-do List":"Elenco cose da fare","Toggle caption off":"Attiva didascalia","Toggle caption on":"Disattiva didascalia","Toggle the circle list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con cerchi","Toggle the decimal list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con numeri","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con numeri con zero anteposto","Toggle the disc list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con dischi","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con lettere minuscole","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con numeri romani minuscoli","Toggle the square list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con quadrati","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con lettere maiuscole","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con numeri romani maiuscoli","top with upwards arrow above":"top con sopra freccia verso l'alto","Trade mark sign":"Simbolo trademark","Tugrik sign":"Simbolo tugrik","Turkish lira sign":"Simbolo lira turca",Turquoise:"Turchese","Two dot leader":"Due punti iniziali",Underline:"Sottolineato",Undo:"Annulla",Union:"Unione",Unlink:"Elimina collegamento","up down arrow with base":"Doppia freccia verticale con base",Update:"Aggiorna","Update image URL":"Aggiorna URL immagine","Upload failed":"Caricamento fallito","Upload in progress":"Caricamento in corso","Upper-latin":"Lettera maiuscola","Upper-roman":"Numero romano maiuscolo","upwards arrow to bar":"Freccia verso barra in alto","upwards dashed arrow":"Freccia tratteggiata verso l'alto","upwards double arrow":"Freccia doppia verso l'alto","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti dell'allineamento verticale del testo","Vulgar fraction one half":"Frazione semplice un mezzo","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Frazione semplice un quarto","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Frazione semplice tre quarti",White:"Bianco","Whole words only":"Solo parole intere","Widget toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti del widget",Width:"Larghezza","Won sign":"Simbolo won","Words: %0":"Parole: %0","Wrap text":"Testo a capo",Yellow:"Giallo","Yellow marker":"Contrassegno giallo","Yen sign":"Simbolo yen"}),t.getPluralForm=function(a){return 1==a?0:0!=a&&a%1e6==0?1:2}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); | ||
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replace":"Trova e sostituisci","Find in text…":"Trova nel testo…","Font Background Color":"Colore di sfondo caratteri","Font Color":"Colore caratteri","Font Family":"Tipo di caratteri","Font Size":"Dimensione caratteri","For all":"Per ogni","Fraction slash":"Barra di frazione","French franc sign":"Simbolo franco francese","Full size image":"Immagine a dimensione intera","German penny sign":"Simbolo pfennig tedesco","Greater-than or equal to":"Maggiore o uguale a","Greater-than sign":"Simbolo maggiore di",Green:"Verde","Green marker":"Contrassegno verde","Green pen":"Penna verde",Grey:"Grigio",Groove:"Scanalatura","Guarani sign":"Simbolo guaraní","Header column":"Intestazione colonna","Header row":"Riga d'intestazione",Heading:"Intestazione","Heading 1":"Intestazione 1","Heading 2":"Intestazione 2","Heading 3":"Intestazione 3","Heading 4":"Intestazione 4","Heading 5":"Intestazione 5","Heading 6":"Intestazione 6",Height:"Altezza",Highlight:"Evidenzia","Horizontal ellipsis":"Puntini di 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punto sovrascritto","Latin capital letter d with caron":"Lettera D latina maiuscola con pipa","Latin capital letter d with stroke":"Lettera D latina maiuscola con barra","Latin capital letter e with breve":"Lettera E latina maiuscola con accento breve","Latin capital letter e with caron":"Lettera E latina maiuscola con pipa","Latin capital letter e with dot above":"Lettera E latina maiuscola con punto sovrascritto","Latin capital letter e with macron":"Lettera E latina maiuscola con macron","Latin capital letter e with ogonek":"Lettera E latina maiuscola con codetta","Latin capital letter eng":"Nasale velare maiuscola","Latin capital letter g with breve":"Lettera G latina maiuscola con breve","Latin capital letter g with cedilla":"Lettera G latina maiuscola con cediglia","Latin capital letter g with circumflex":"Lettera G latina maiuscola con accento circonflesso","Latin capital letter g with dot above":"Lettera G latina maiuscola con punto sovrascritto","Latin capital letter h with 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circonflesso","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"Lettera Y latina maiuscola con accento circonflesso","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"Lettera Y latina maiuscola con dieresi","Latin capital letter z with acute":"Lettera Z latina maiuscola con accento acuto","Latin capital letter z with caron":"Lettera Z latina maiuscola con pipa","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"Lettera Z latina maiuscola con punto sovrascritto","Latin capital ligature ij":"Legatura IJ latina maiuscola","Latin capital ligature oe":"Legatura OE latina maiuscola","Latin small letter a with breve":"Lettera A latina minuscola con breve","Latin small letter a with macron":"Lettera A latina minuscola con macron","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"Lettera A latina minuscola con codetta","Latin small letter c with acute":"Lettera C latina minuscola con accento acuto","Latin small letter c with caron":"Lettera C latina minuscola con pipa","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"Lettera C latina minuscola con accento circonflesso","Latin small letter c with dot above":"Lettera C latina minuscola con punto sovrascritto","Latin small letter d with caron":"Lettera D latina minuscola con pipa","Latin small letter d with stroke":"Lettera D latina minuscola con barra","Latin small letter dotless i":"Lettera I latina minuscola senza punto","Latin small letter e with breve":"Lettera E latina minuscola con accento breve","Latin small letter e with caron":"Lettera E latina minuscola con pipa","Latin small letter e with dot above":"Lettera E latina minuscola con punto sovrascritto","Latin small letter e with macron":"Lettera E latina minuscola con macron","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"Lettera E latina minuscola con codetta","Latin small letter eng":"Nasale velare minuscola","Latin small letter f with hook":"Lettera f latina minuscola con gancio","Latin small letter g with breve":"Lettera G latina minuscola con breve","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"Lettera G latina minuscola con cediglia","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"Lettera G latina minuscola con accento circonflesso","Latin small letter g with dot above":"Lettera G latina minuscola con punto sovrascritto","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"Lettera H latina minuscola con accento circonflesso","Latin small letter h with stroke":"Lettera H latina minuscola con barra","Latin small letter i with breve":"Lettera I latina minuscola con breve","Latin small letter i with macron":"Lettera I latina minuscola con macron","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"Lettera I latina minuscola con codetta","Latin small letter i with tilde":"Lettera I latina minuscola con tilde","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"Lettera J latina minuscola con accento circonflesso","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"Lettera K latina minuscola con cediglia","Latin small letter kra":"Lettera Kra latina minuscola","Latin small letter l with acute":"Lettera L latina minuscola con accento acuto","Latin small letter l with caron":"Lettera L latina minuscola con pipa","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"Lettera L latina minuscola con cediglia","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"Lettera L latina minuscola con punto in mezzo","Latin small letter l with stroke":"Lettera L latina minuscola con barra","Latin small letter long s":"Lettera S latina lunga minuscola","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Lettera N latina minuscola preceduta da apostrofo","Latin small letter n with acute":"Lettera N latina minuscola con accento acuto","Latin small letter n with caron":"Lettera N latina minuscola con pipa","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"Lettera N latina minuscola con cediglia","Latin small letter o with breve":"Lettera O latina minuscola con breve","Latin small letter o with double acute":"Lettera O latina minuscola con doppio accento acuto","Latin small letter o with macron":"Lettera O latina minuscola con macron","Latin small letter r with acute":"Lettera R latina minuscola con accento acuto","Latin small letter r with caron":"Lettera R latina minuscola con pipa","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"Lettera R latina minuscola con cediglia","Latin small letter s with acute":"Lettera S latina minuscola con accento acuto","Latin small letter s with caron":"Lettera S latina minuscola con pipa","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"Lettera S latina minuscola con cediglia","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"Lettera S latina minuscola con accento circonflesso","Latin small letter t with caron":"Lettera T latina minuscola con pipa","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"Lettera T latina minuscola con cediglia","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Lettera T latina minuscola con barra","Latin small letter u with breve":"Lettera U latina minuscola con breve","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Lettera U latina minuscola con doppio accento acuto","Latin small letter u with macron":"Lettera U latina minuscola con macron","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"Lettera U latina 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Il colore non è valido. Provare "#FF0000" o "rgb(255,0,0)" o "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Il valore non è valido. Provare "10px" o "2em" o semplicemente "2".',"There exists":"Esiste","This link has no URL":"Questo collegamento non ha un URL","Tilde operator":"Operatore tilde",Tiny:"Piccolissimi","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Consiglio: trova il testo prima di sostituirlo.","To-do List":"Elenco cose da fare","Toggle caption off":"Attiva didascalia","Toggle caption on":"Disattiva didascalia","Toggle the circle list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con cerchi","Toggle the decimal list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con numeri","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con numeri con zero anteposto","Toggle the disc list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con dischi","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con lettere minuscole","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con numeri romani minuscoli","Toggle the square list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con quadrati","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con lettere maiuscole","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Attiva/disattiva lo stile degli elenchi con numeri romani maiuscoli","top with upwards arrow above":"top con sopra freccia verso l'alto","Trade mark sign":"Simbolo trademark","Tugrik sign":"Simbolo tugrik","Turkish lira sign":"Simbolo lira turca",Turquoise:"Turchese","Two dot leader":"Due punti iniziali",Underline:"Sottolineato",Undo:"Annulla",Union:"Unione",Unlink:"Elimina collegamento","up down arrow with base":"Doppia freccia verticale con base",Update:"Aggiorna","Update image URL":"Aggiorna URL immagine","Upload failed":"Caricamento fallito","Upload in progress":"Caricamento in corso","Upper-latin":"Lettera maiuscola","Upper-roman":"Numero romano maiuscolo","upwards arrow to bar":"Freccia verso barra in alto","upwards dashed arrow":"Freccia tratteggiata verso l'alto","upwards double arrow":"Freccia doppia verso l'alto","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti dell'allineamento verticale del testo","Vulgar fraction one half":"Frazione semplice un mezzo","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Frazione semplice un quarto","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Frazione semplice tre quarti",White:"Bianco","Whole words only":"Solo parole intere","Widget toolbar":"Barra degli strumenti del widget",Width:"Larghezza","Won sign":"Simbolo won","Words: %0":"Parole: %0","Wrap text":"Testo a capo",Yellow:"Giallo","Yellow marker":"Contrassegno giallo","Yen sign":"Simbolo yen"}),t.getPluralForm=function(a){return 1==a?0:0!=a&&a%1e6==0?1:2}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); |
@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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대문자 J","Latin capital letter k with cedilla":"갈고리 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 K","Latin capital letter l with acute":"양음 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 I","Latin capital letter l with caron":"반대 곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 I","Latin capital letter l with cedilla":"갈고리 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 I","Latin capital letter l with middle dot":"중간에 점 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 I","Latin capital letter l with stroke":"획 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 I","Latin capital letter n with acute":"양음 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 N","Latin capital letter n with caron":"반대 곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 N","Latin capital letter n with cedilla":"갈고리 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 N","Latin capital letter o with breve":"반달점 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 O","Latin capital letter o with double acute":"이중 양음 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 O","Latin capital letter o with macron":"장음 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 O","Latin capital letter r with acute":"양음 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 R","Latin capital letter r with caron":"반대 곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 R","Latin capital letter r with cedilla":"갈고리 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 R","Latin capital letter s with acute":"양음 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 S","Latin capital letter s 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있는 라틴어 대문자 Z","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"위에 점 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 Z","Latin capital ligature ij":"라틴어 대문자 합자 IJ","Latin capital ligature oe":"라틴어 대문자 합자 OE","Latin small letter a with breve":"반달점 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 a","Latin small letter a with macron":"장음 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 a","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"꼬리 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 a","Latin small letter c with acute":"양음 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 c","Latin small letter c with caron":"반대 곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 c","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 c","Latin small letter c with dot above":"위에 점 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 c","Latin small letter d with caron":"반대 곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 d","Latin small letter d with stroke":"획 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 d","Latin small letter dotless i":"라틴어 소문자 점 없는 i","Latin small letter e with breve":"반달점 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 e","Latin small letter e with caron":"반대 곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 e","Latin small letter e with dot above":"위에 점 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 e","Latin small letter e with macron":"장음 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 e","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"꼬리 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 e","Latin small letter eng":"라틴어 소문자 엥","Latin small letter f with hook":"밑이 구부러진 라틴어 소문자 f","Latin small letter g with breve":"반달점 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 g","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"갈고리 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 g","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 g","Latin small letter g with dot above":"위에 점 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 g","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 h","Latin small letter h with stroke":"획 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 h","Latin small letter i with breve":"반달점 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 i","Latin small letter i with macron":"장음 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 i","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"꼬리 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 i","Latin small letter i with tilde":"물결 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 i","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 j","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"갈고리 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 k","Latin small letter kra":"라틴어 소문자 크라","Latin small letter l with acute":"양음 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 i","Latin small letter l with caron":"반대 곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 i","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"갈고리 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 i","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"중간에 점 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 i","Latin small letter l with stroke":"획 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 i","Latin small letter long s":"라틴어 소문자 긴 s","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"아포스트로피 다음에 있는 라틴어 소문자 n","Latin small letter n with acute":"양음 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 n","Latin small letter n with caron":"반대 곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 n","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"갈고리 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 n","Latin small letter o with breve":"반달점 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 o","Latin small letter o with double acute":"이중 양음 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 o","Latin small letter o with macron":"장음 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 o","Latin small letter r with acute":"양음 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 r","Latin small letter r with caron":"반대 곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 r","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"갈고리 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 r","Latin small letter s with acute":"양음 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 s","Latin small letter s with caron":"반대 곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 s","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"갈고리 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 s","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 s","Latin small letter t with caron":"반대 곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 t","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"갈고리 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 t","Latin small letter t with stroke":"획 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 t","Latin small letter u with breve":"반달점 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 u","Latin small letter u with double acute":"이중 양음 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 u","Latin small letter u with macron":"장음 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 u","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"꼬리 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 u","Latin small letter u with ring above":"위에 고리가 있는 라틴어 소문자 u","Latin small letter u with tilde":"물결 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 u","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 w","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 y","Latin small letter z with acute":"양음 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 z","Latin small letter z with caron":"반대 곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 z","Latin small letter z with dot above":"위에 점 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 z","Latin small ligature ij":"라틴어 소문자 합자 ij","Latin small ligature oe":"라틴어 소문자 합자 oe","Left aligned image":"왼쪽 정렬","Left double quotation 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capital letter e with caron":"반대 곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 E","Latin capital letter e with dot above":"위에 점 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 E","Latin capital letter e with macron":"장음 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 E","Latin capital letter e with ogonek":"꼬리 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 E","Latin capital letter eng":"라틴어 대문자 엥","Latin capital letter g with breve":"반달점 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 G","Latin capital letter g with cedilla":"갈고리 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 G","Latin capital letter g with circumflex":"곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 G","Latin capital letter g with dot above":"위에 점 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 G","Latin capital letter h with circumflex":"곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 H","Latin capital letter h with stroke":"획 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 H","Latin capital letter i with breve":"반달점 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 I","Latin capital letter i with dot above":"위에 점 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 I","Latin capital letter i with macron":"장음 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 I","Latin capital letter i with ogonek":"꼬리 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 I","Latin capital letter i with tilde":"물결 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 I","Latin capital letter j with circumflex":"곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 J","Latin capital letter k with cedilla":"갈고리 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 K","Latin capital letter l with acute":"양음 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 I","Latin capital letter l with caron":"반대 곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 I","Latin capital letter l with cedilla":"갈고리 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 I","Latin capital letter l with middle dot":"중간에 점 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 I","Latin capital letter l with stroke":"획 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 I","Latin capital letter n with acute":"양음 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 N","Latin capital letter n with caron":"반대 곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 N","Latin capital letter n with cedilla":"갈고리 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 N","Latin capital letter o with breve":"반달점 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 O","Latin capital letter o with double acute":"이중 양음 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 O","Latin capital letter o with macron":"장음 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 O","Latin capital letter r with acute":"양음 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 R","Latin capital letter r with caron":"반대 곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 R","Latin capital letter r with cedilla":"갈고리 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 R","Latin capital letter s with acute":"양음 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 S","Latin capital letter s with caron":"반대 곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 S","Latin capital letter s with cedilla":"갈고리 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 S","Latin capital letter s with circumflex":"곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 S","Latin capital letter t with caron":"반대 곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 T","Latin capital letter t with cedilla":"갈고리 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 T","Latin capital letter t with stroke":"획 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 T","Latin capital letter u with breve":"반달점 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 U","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"이중 양음 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 U","Latin capital letter u with macron":"장음 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 U","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"꼬리 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 U","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"위에 고리가 있는 라틴어 대문자 U","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"물결 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 U","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 W","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 Y","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"분음 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 Y","Latin capital letter z with acute":"양음 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 Z","Latin capital letter z with caron":"반대 곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 Z","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"위에 점 부호가 있는 라틴어 대문자 Z","Latin capital ligature ij":"라틴어 대문자 합자 IJ","Latin capital ligature oe":"라틴어 대문자 합자 OE","Latin small letter a with breve":"반달점 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 a","Latin small letter a with macron":"장음 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 a","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"꼬리 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 a","Latin small letter c with acute":"양음 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 c","Latin small letter c with caron":"반대 곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 c","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 c","Latin small letter c with dot above":"위에 점 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 c","Latin small letter d with caron":"반대 곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 d","Latin small letter d with stroke":"획 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 d","Latin small letter dotless i":"라틴어 소문자 점 없는 i","Latin small letter e with breve":"반달점 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 e","Latin small letter e with caron":"반대 곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 e","Latin small letter e with dot above":"위에 점 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 e","Latin small letter e with macron":"장음 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 e","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"꼬리 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 e","Latin small letter eng":"라틴어 소문자 엥","Latin small letter f with hook":"밑이 구부러진 라틴어 소문자 f","Latin small letter g with breve":"반달점 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 g","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"갈고리 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 g","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 g","Latin small letter g with dot above":"위에 점 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 g","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 h","Latin small letter h with stroke":"획 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 h","Latin small letter i with breve":"반달점 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 i","Latin small letter i with macron":"장음 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 i","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"꼬리 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 i","Latin small letter i with tilde":"물결 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 i","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 j","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"갈고리 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 k","Latin small letter kra":"라틴어 소문자 크라","Latin small letter l with acute":"양음 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 i","Latin small letter l with caron":"반대 곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 i","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"갈고리 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 i","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"중간에 점 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 i","Latin small letter l with stroke":"획 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 i","Latin small letter long s":"라틴어 소문자 긴 s","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"아포스트로피 다음에 있는 라틴어 소문자 n","Latin small letter n with acute":"양음 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 n","Latin small letter n with caron":"반대 곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 n","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"갈고리 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 n","Latin small letter o with breve":"반달점 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 o","Latin small letter o with double acute":"이중 양음 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 o","Latin small letter o with macron":"장음 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 o","Latin small letter r with acute":"양음 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 r","Latin small letter r with caron":"반대 곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 r","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"갈고리 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 r","Latin small letter s with acute":"양음 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 s","Latin small letter s with caron":"반대 곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 s","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"갈고리 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 s","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 s","Latin small letter t with caron":"반대 곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 t","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"갈고리 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 t","Latin small letter t with stroke":"획 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 t","Latin small letter u with breve":"반달점 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 u","Latin small letter u with double acute":"이중 양음 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 u","Latin small letter u with macron":"장음 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 u","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"꼬리 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 u","Latin small letter u with ring above":"위에 고리가 있는 라틴어 소문자 u","Latin small letter u with tilde":"물결 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 u","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 w","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 y","Latin small letter z with acute":"양음 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 z","Latin small letter z with caron":"반대 곡절 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 z","Latin small letter z with dot above":"위에 점 부호가 있는 라틴어 소문자 z","Latin small ligature ij":"라틴어 소문자 합자 ij","Latin small ligature oe":"라틴어 소문자 합자 oe","Left aligned image":"왼쪽 정렬","Left double quotation 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'유효하지 않은 색입니다. "#FF0000"이나 "rgb(255,0,0)", 또는 "red"를 입력해 보세요.','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'유효하지 않은 값입니다. 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@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Spalva neteisinga. Mėginkite "#FF0000" arba "rgb(255,0,0)" arba "raudona".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Reikšmė neteisinga. Mėginkite "10px" arba "2em", ar paprasčiausiai "2".',"There exists":"Egzistavimo kvantorius","This link has no URL":"Ši nuorda neturi URL","Tilde operator":"Ekvivalentas",Tiny:"Mažytis","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Patarimas: Pirmiausiai suraskite teksto, jog jį sukeistumėte.","To-do List":"Užduočių sąrašas","Toggle caption off":"Išjungti antraštę","Toggle caption on":"Įjungti antraštę","Toggle the circle list style":"Perjungti ovalų sąrašo stilių","Toggle the decimal list style":"Perjungti dešimtainį sąrašo stilių","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Perjungti dešimtainį sąrašo su nuliu priekyje stilių","Toggle the disc list style":"Perjungti diskinį sąrašo stilių","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Perjungti žemesnįjį lotyniško stiliaus sąrašą","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Perjungti žemesnįjį romėniško stiliaus sąrašą","Toggle the square list style":"Perjungti kvadratinį sąrašo stilių","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Perjungti aukštesnįjį lotyniško stiliaus sąrašą","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Perjungti aukštesnįjį romėniško stiliaus sąrašą","top with upwards arrow above":"viršus su rodykle aukštyn viršuje","Trade mark sign":"Prekės ženklo simbolis","Tugrik sign":"Tugriko ženklas","Turkish lira sign":"Turkijos liros ženklas",Turquoise:"Turkio","Two dot leader":"Two taškų linijos",Underline:"Pabrauktas",Undo:"Atgal",Union:"Sąjunga",Unlink:"Pašalinti nuorodą","up down arrow with base":"rodyklė aukštyn žemyn su pagrindu",Update:"Atnaujinti","Update image URL":"Atnaujinti paveikslėlio URL","Upload failed":"Įkelti nepavyko","Upload in progress":"Įkelima","Upper-latin":"Viršutinis romėniškas","Upper-roman":"Viršutinis romėniškas","upwards arrow to bar":"rodyklė į juostą aukštyn","upwards dashed arrow":"punktyrinė rodyklė aukštyn","upwards double arrow":"dviguba rodyklė aukštyn","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertikalaus teksto lygiavimo įrankių juosta","Vulgar fraction one half":"Paprastoji trupmena one antroji","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Paprastoji trupmena one ketvirtadalis","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Paprastoji trupmena three ketvirtadaliai",White:"Balta","Whole words only":"Tik vientisus žodžius","Widget toolbar":"Valdiklių įrankių juosta",Width:"Plotis","Won sign":"Vonos ženklas","Words: %0":"Žodžių: %0","Wrap text":"Perkelti tekstą į kitą eilutę",Yellow:"Geltona","Yellow marker":"Geltonas žymeklis","Yen sign":"Jenos ženklas"}),a.getPluralForm=function(i){return i%10==1&&(i%100>19||i%100<11)?0:i%10>=2&&i%10<=9&&(i%100>19||i%100<11)?1:i%1!=0?2:3}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); | ||
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stroke":"Lotynų didžioji raidė t su pasviruoju brūkšneliu","Latin capital letter u with breve":"Lotynų didžioji raidė u su lankeliu","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"Lotynų didžioji raidė u su dvigubu dešininiu kirčiu","Latin capital letter u with macron":"Lotynų didžioji raidė u su makronu","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"Lotynų didžioji raidė u su nosine","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"Lotynų didžioji raidė u su žiedu viršuje","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"Lotynų didžioji raidė u su riestiniu kirčiu","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"Lotynų didžioji raidė w su cirkumfleksu","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"Lotynų didžioji raidė y su cirkumfleksu","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"Lotynų didžioji raidė y su diaereze","Latin capital letter z with acute":"Lotynų didžioji raidė z su dešininiu kirčiu","Latin capital letter z with caron":"Lotynų didžioji raidė z su paukščiuku","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"Lotynų 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ogonek":"Lotynų mažoji raidė i su nosine","Latin small letter i with tilde":"Lotynų mažoji raidė i su riestiniu kirčiu","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"Lotynų mažoji raidė j su cirkumfleksu","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"Lotynų mažoji raidė k su sedile","Latin small letter kra":"Lotynų mažoji raidė kra","Latin small letter l with acute":"Lotynų mažoji raidė l su dešininiu kirčiu","Latin small letter l with caron":"Lotynų mažoji raidė l su paukščiuku","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"Lotynų mažoji raidė l su sedile","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"Lotynų mažoji raidė l su tašku viduryje","Latin small letter l with stroke":"Lotynų mažoji raidė l su pasviruoju brūkšneliu","Latin small letter long s":"Lotynų mažoji ilga raidė s","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Lotynų mažoji raidė n su apostrofu priešais","Latin small letter n with acute":"Lotynų mažoji raidė n su dešininiu kirčiu","Latin small letter n with caron":"Lotynų mažoji raidė n su paukščiuku","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"Lotynų mažoji raidė n su sedile","Latin small letter o with breve":"Lotynų mažoji raidė o su lankeliu","Latin small letter o with double acute":"Lotynų mažoji raidė o su dvigubu dešininiu kirčiu","Latin small letter o with macron":"Lotynų mažoji raidė o su makronu","Latin small letter r with acute":"Lotynų mažoji raidė r su dešininiu kirčiu","Latin small letter r with caron":"Lotynų mažoji raidė r su paukščiuku","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"Lotynų mažoji raidė r su sedile","Latin small letter s with acute":"Lotynų mažoji raidė s su dešininiu kirčiu","Latin small letter s with caron":"Lotynų mažoji raidė s su paukščiuku","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"Lotynų mažoji raidė s su sedile","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"Lotynų mažoji raidė s su cirkumfleksu","Latin small letter t with caron":"Lotynų mažoji raidė t su paukščiuku","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"Lotynų mažoji raidė t su sedile","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Lotynų mažoji raidė t su pasviruoju brūkšneliu","Latin small letter u with breve":"Lotynų mažoji raidė u su lankeliu","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Lotynų mažoji raidė u su dvigubu dešininiu kirčiu","Latin small letter u with macron":"Lotynų mažoji raidė u su makronu","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"Lotynų mažoji raidė u su nosine","Latin small letter u with ring above":"Lotynų mažoji raidė u su žiedu viršuje","Latin small letter u with tilde":"Lotynų mažoji raidė u su riestiniu kirčiu","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"Lotynų mažoji raidė w su cirkumfleksu","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"Lotynų mažoji raidė y su cirkumfleksu","Latin small letter z with acute":"Lotynų mažoji raidė z su dešininiu kirčiu","Latin small letter z with caron":"Lotynų mažoji raidė z su paukščiuku","Latin small letter z with dot above":"Lotynų mažoji raidė z su tašku viršuje","Latin small ligature ij":"Lotynų mažoji ligatūra ij","Latin small ligature oe":"Lotynų 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Spalva neteisinga. Mėginkite "#FF0000" arba "rgb(255,0,0)" arba "raudona".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Reikšmė neteisinga. Mėginkite "10px" arba "2em", ar paprasčiausiai "2".',"There exists":"Egzistavimo kvantorius","This link has no URL":"Ši nuorda neturi URL","Tilde operator":"Ekvivalentas",Tiny:"Mažytis","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Patarimas: Pirmiausiai suraskite teksto, jog jį sukeistumėte.","To-do List":"Užduočių sąrašas","Toggle caption off":"Išjungti antraštę","Toggle caption on":"Įjungti antraštę","Toggle the circle list style":"Perjungti ovalų sąrašo stilių","Toggle the decimal list style":"Perjungti dešimtainį sąrašo stilių","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Perjungti dešimtainį sąrašo su nuliu priekyje stilių","Toggle the disc list style":"Perjungti diskinį sąrašo stilių","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Perjungti žemesnįjį lotyniško stiliaus sąrašą","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Perjungti žemesnįjį romėniško stiliaus sąrašą","Toggle the square list style":"Perjungti kvadratinį sąrašo stilių","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Perjungti aukštesnįjį lotyniško stiliaus sąrašą","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Perjungti aukštesnįjį romėniško stiliaus sąrašą","top with upwards arrow above":"viršus su rodykle aukštyn viršuje","Trade mark sign":"Prekės ženklo simbolis","Tugrik sign":"Tugriko ženklas","Turkish lira sign":"Turkijos liros ženklas",Turquoise:"Turkio","Two dot leader":"Two taškų linijos",Underline:"Pabrauktas",Undo:"Atgal",Union:"Sąjunga",Unlink:"Pašalinti nuorodą","up down arrow with base":"rodyklė aukštyn žemyn su pagrindu",Update:"Atnaujinti","Update image URL":"Atnaujinti paveikslėlio URL","Upload failed":"Įkelti nepavyko","Upload in progress":"Įkelima","Upper-latin":"Viršutinis romėniškas","Upper-roman":"Viršutinis romėniškas","upwards arrow to bar":"rodyklė į juostą aukštyn","upwards dashed arrow":"punktyrinė rodyklė aukštyn","upwards double arrow":"dviguba rodyklė aukštyn","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertikalaus teksto lygiavimo įrankių juosta","Vulgar fraction one half":"Paprastoji trupmena one antroji","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Paprastoji trupmena one ketvirtadalis","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Paprastoji trupmena three ketvirtadaliai",White:"Balta","Whole words only":"Tik vientisus žodžius","Widget toolbar":"Valdiklių įrankių juosta",Width:"Plotis","Won sign":"Vonos ženklas","Words: %0":"Žodžių: %0","Wrap text":"Perkelti tekstą į kitą eilutę",Yellow:"Geltona","Yellow marker":"Geltonas žymeklis","Yen sign":"Jenos ženklas"}),a.getPluralForm=function(i){return i%10==1&&(i%100>19||i%100<11)?0:i%10>=2&&i%10<=9&&(i%100>19||i%100<11)?1:i%1!=0?2:3}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); |
@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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with caron":"Latīņu lielais burts r ar karonu","Latin capital letter r with cedilla":"Latīņu lielais burts r ar sediļu","Latin capital letter s with acute":"Latīņu lielais burts s ar akūtu","Latin capital letter s with caron":"Latīņu lielais burts s ar karonu","Latin capital letter s with cedilla":"Latīņu lielais burts s ar sediļu","Latin capital letter s with circumflex":"Latīņu lielais burts s ar cirkumfleksu","Latin capital letter t with caron":"Latīņu lielais burts t ar karonu","Latin capital letter t with cedilla":"Latīņu lielais burts t ar sediļu","Latin capital letter t with stroke":"Latīņu lielais burts t ar līniju","Latin capital letter u with breve":"Latīņu lielais burts u ar īsuma zīmi","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"Latīņu lielais burts u ar dubultu akūtu","Latin capital letter u with macron":"Latīņu lielais burts u ar garumzīmi","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"Latīņu lielais burts u ar ogoneku","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"Latīņu lielais burts u ar gredzenu augšpusē","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"Latīņu lielais burts u ar tildi","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"Latīņu lielais burts w ar cirkumfleksu","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"Latīņu lielais burts y ar cirkumfleksu","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"Latīņu lielais burts y ar diaerēzi","Latin capital letter z with acute":"Latīņu lielais burts z ar akūtu","Latin capital letter z with caron":"Latīņu lielais burts z ar karonu","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"Latīņu lielais burts z ar punktu augšpusē","Latin capital ligature ij":"Latīņu lielā ligatūra ij","Latin capital ligature oe":"Latīņu lielā ligatūra oe","Latin small letter a with breve":"Latīņu mazais burts a ar īsuma zīmi","Latin small letter a with macron":"Latīņu mazais burts a ar garumzīmi","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"Latīņu mazais burts a ar ogoneku","Latin small letter c with acute":"Latīņu mazais burts c ar akūtu","Latin small letter c with caron":"Latīņu mazais burts c ar karonu","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"Latīņu mazais burts c ar cirkumfleksu","Latin small letter c with dot above":"Latīņu mazais burts c ar punktu augšpusē","Latin small letter d with caron":"Latīņu mazais burts d ar karonu","Latin small letter d with stroke":"Latīņu mazais burts d ar līniju","Latin small letter dotless i":"Latīņu mazais bezpunkta burts i","Latin small letter e with breve":"Latīņu mazais burts e ar īsuma zīmi","Latin small letter e with caron":"Latīņu mazais burts e ar karonu","Latin small letter e with dot above":"Latīņu mazais burts e ar punktu augšpusē","Latin small letter e with macron":"Latīņu mazais burts e ar garumzīmi","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"Latīņu mazais burts e ar ogoneku","Latin small letter eng":"Latīņu mazais burts eng","Latin small letter f with hook":"Latīņu mazais burts f ar āķi","Latin small letter g with breve":"Latīņu mazais burts g ar īsuma zīmi","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"Latīņu mazais burts g ar sediļu","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"Latīņu mazais burts g ar cirkumfleksu","Latin small letter g with dot above":"Latīņu mazais burts e ar punktu augšpusē","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"Latīņu mazais burts c ar cirkumfleksu","Latin small letter h with stroke":"Latīņu mazais burts h ar līniju","Latin small letter i with breve":"Latīņu mazais burts i ar īsuma zīmi","Latin small letter i with macron":"Latīņu mazais burts i ar garumzīmi","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"Latīņu mazais burts i ar ogoneku","Latin small letter i with tilde":"Latīņu mazais burts i ar tildi","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"Latīņu mazais burts j ar cirkumfleksu","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"Latīņu mazais burts k ar sediļu","Latin small letter kra":"Latīņu mazais burts kra","Latin small letter l with acute":"Latīņu mazais burts l ar akūtu","Latin small letter l with caron":"Latīņu mazais burts l ar karonu","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"Latīņu mazais burts l ar sediļu","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"Latīņu mazais burts l ar vidējo punktu","Latin small letter l with stroke":"Latīņu mazais burts l ar līniju","Latin small letter long s":"Latīņu mazais burts garais s","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Latīņu mazais burts n, pirms kura ir apostrofs","Latin small letter n with acute":"Latīņu mazais burts n ar akūtu","Latin small letter n with caron":"Latīņu mazais burts n ar karonu","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"Latīņu mazais burts n ar sediļu","Latin small letter o with breve":"Latīņu mazais burts o ar īsuma zīmi","Latin small letter o with double acute":"Latīņu mazais burts o ar dubultu akūtu","Latin small letter o with macron":"Latīņu mazais burts o ar garumzīmi","Latin small letter r with acute":"Latīņu mazais burts r ar akūtu","Latin small letter r with caron":"Latīņu mazais burts r ar karonu","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"Latīņu mazais burts r ar sediļu","Latin small letter s with acute":"Latīņu mazais 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Krāsa nav korekta. Mēģiniet "#FF0000" vai "rgb(255,0,0)" vai "red"','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Vērtība nav korekta. Mēģiniet "10px" vai "2em" vai vienkārši "2"',"There exists":"Eksistē","This link has no URL":"Saitei nav norādīts URL","Tilde operator":"Tildes operators",Tiny:"Ļoti mazs","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Padoms: Sākumā uzmeklējiet tekstu un tikai tad aizstājiet to.","To-do List":"To-do Saraksts","Toggle caption off":"Izslēgt tabulas parakstu","Toggle caption on":"Ieslēgt tabulas parakstu","Toggle the circle list style":"Pārslēgt apļveida saraksta stilu","Toggle the decimal list style":"Pārslēgt decimālskaitļu saraksta stilu","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Pārslēgt decimālskaitļu sākot ar nulli saraksta stilu","Toggle the disc list style":"Pārslēgt diskveida saraksta stilu","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Pārslēgt mazo latīņu burtu saraksta stilu","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Pārslēgt mazo romiešu burtu saraksta stilu","Toggle the square list style":"Pārslēgt kvadrātveida saraksta stilu","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Pārslēgt lielo latīņu burtu saraksta stilu","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Pārslēgt lielo romiešu burtu saraksta stilu","top with upwards arrow above":"augšpusē ar augšupvērstu bultiņu augšpusē","Trade mark sign":"Prečuzīmes zīme","Tugrik sign":"Tugrika zīme","Turkish lira sign":"Turcijas liras zīme",Turquoise:"Tirkīza","Two dot leader":"Divu punktu līderis",Underline:"Pasvītrots",Undo:"Atsaukt",Union:"Savienība",Unlink:"Noņemt Saiti","up down arrow with base":"augšup-lejupvērsta bultiņa ar pamatni",Update:"Atjaunināt","Update image URL":"Labot attēla avota saiti","Upload failed":"Augšupielāde neizdevusies","Upload in progress":"Notiek augšupielāde","Upper-latin":"lielie latīņu burti","Upper-roman":"lielie romiešu burti","upwards arrow to bar":"augšupvērsta bultiņa uz joslu","upwards dashed arrow":"augšupvērsta pārtrauktā bultiņa","upwards double arrow":"augšupvērsta dubultā bultiņa","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertikāla teksta līdzināšana","Vulgar fraction one half":"Viena puse","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Viena ceturtdaļa","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Trīs ceturtdaļas",White:"Balts","Whole words only":"Tikai pilni vārdi","Widget toolbar":"Sīkrīku rīkjosla",Width:"Platums","Won sign":"Vonas zīme","Words: %0":"Vārdi: %0","Wrap text":"Aplauzt tekstu",Yellow:"Dzeltens","Yellow marker":"Dzeltens marķieris","Yen sign":"Jenas zīme"}),t.getPluralForm=function(a){return a%10==1&&a%100!=11?0:0!=a?1:2}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); | ||
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with caron":"Latīņu lielais burts r ar karonu","Latin capital letter r with cedilla":"Latīņu lielais burts r ar sediļu","Latin capital letter s with acute":"Latīņu lielais burts s ar akūtu","Latin capital letter s with caron":"Latīņu lielais burts s ar karonu","Latin capital letter s with cedilla":"Latīņu lielais burts s ar sediļu","Latin capital letter s with circumflex":"Latīņu lielais burts s ar cirkumfleksu","Latin capital letter t with caron":"Latīņu lielais burts t ar karonu","Latin capital letter t with cedilla":"Latīņu lielais burts t ar sediļu","Latin capital letter t with stroke":"Latīņu lielais burts t ar līniju","Latin capital letter u with breve":"Latīņu lielais burts u ar īsuma zīmi","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"Latīņu lielais burts u ar dubultu akūtu","Latin capital letter u with macron":"Latīņu lielais burts u ar garumzīmi","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"Latīņu lielais burts u ar ogoneku","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"Latīņu lielais 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mazais burts c ar karonu","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"Latīņu mazais burts c ar cirkumfleksu","Latin small letter c with dot above":"Latīņu mazais burts c ar punktu augšpusē","Latin small letter d with caron":"Latīņu mazais burts d ar karonu","Latin small letter d with stroke":"Latīņu mazais burts d ar līniju","Latin small letter dotless i":"Latīņu mazais bezpunkta burts i","Latin small letter e with breve":"Latīņu mazais burts e ar īsuma zīmi","Latin small letter e with caron":"Latīņu mazais burts e ar karonu","Latin small letter e with dot above":"Latīņu mazais burts e ar punktu augšpusē","Latin small letter e with macron":"Latīņu mazais burts e ar garumzīmi","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"Latīņu mazais burts e ar ogoneku","Latin small letter eng":"Latīņu mazais burts eng","Latin small letter f with hook":"Latīņu mazais burts f ar āķi","Latin small letter g with breve":"Latīņu mazais burts g ar īsuma zīmi","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"Latīņu mazais burts g ar sediļu","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"Latīņu mazais burts g ar cirkumfleksu","Latin small letter g with dot above":"Latīņu mazais burts e ar punktu augšpusē","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"Latīņu mazais burts c ar cirkumfleksu","Latin small letter h with stroke":"Latīņu mazais burts h ar līniju","Latin small letter i with breve":"Latīņu mazais burts i ar īsuma zīmi","Latin small letter i with macron":"Latīņu mazais burts i ar garumzīmi","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"Latīņu mazais burts i ar ogoneku","Latin small letter i with tilde":"Latīņu mazais burts i ar tildi","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"Latīņu mazais burts j ar cirkumfleksu","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"Latīņu mazais burts k ar sediļu","Latin small letter kra":"Latīņu mazais burts kra","Latin small letter l with acute":"Latīņu mazais burts l ar akūtu","Latin small letter l with caron":"Latīņu mazais burts l ar karonu","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"Latīņu mazais burts l ar sediļu","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"Latīņu mazais burts l ar vidējo punktu","Latin small letter l with stroke":"Latīņu mazais burts l ar līniju","Latin small letter long s":"Latīņu mazais burts garais s","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Latīņu mazais burts n, pirms kura ir apostrofs","Latin small letter n with acute":"Latīņu mazais burts n ar akūtu","Latin small letter n with caron":"Latīņu mazais burts n ar karonu","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"Latīņu mazais burts n ar sediļu","Latin small letter o with breve":"Latīņu mazais burts o ar īsuma zīmi","Latin small letter o with double acute":"Latīņu mazais burts o ar dubultu akūtu","Latin small letter o with macron":"Latīņu mazais burts o ar garumzīmi","Latin small letter r with acute":"Latīņu mazais burts r ar akūtu","Latin small letter r with caron":"Latīņu mazais burts r ar karonu","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"Latīņu mazais burts r ar sediļu","Latin small letter s with acute":"Latīņu mazais burts s ar akūtu","Latin small letter s with caron":"Latīņu mazais burts s ar karonu","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"Latīņu mazais burts s ar sediļu","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"Latīņu mazais burts s ar cirkumfleksu","Latin small letter t with caron":"Latīņu mazais burts t ar karonu","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"Latīņu mazais burts t ar sediļu","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Latīņu mazais burts t ar līniju","Latin small letter u with breve":"Latīņu mazais burts u ar īsuma zīmi","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Latīņu mazais burts u ar dubultu akūtu","Latin small letter u with macron":"Latīņu mazais burts u ar garumzīmi","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"Latīņu mazais burts u ar ogoneku","Latin small letter u with ring above":"Latīņu mazais burts u ar gredzenu augšpusē","Latin small letter u with tilde":"Latīņu mazais burts u ar tildi","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"Latīņu mazais burts w ar cirkumfleksu","Latin small letter y with 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Krāsa nav korekta. Mēģiniet "#FF0000" vai "rgb(255,0,0)" vai "red"','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Vērtība nav korekta. Mēģiniet "10px" vai "2em" vai vienkārši "2"',"There exists":"Eksistē","This link has no URL":"Saitei nav norādīts URL","Tilde operator":"Tildes operators",Tiny:"Ļoti mazs","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Padoms: Sākumā uzmeklējiet tekstu un tikai tad aizstājiet to.","To-do List":"To-do Saraksts","Toggle caption off":"Izslēgt tabulas parakstu","Toggle caption on":"Ieslēgt tabulas parakstu","Toggle the circle list style":"Pārslēgt apļveida saraksta stilu","Toggle the decimal list style":"Pārslēgt decimālskaitļu saraksta stilu","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Pārslēgt decimālskaitļu sākot ar nulli saraksta stilu","Toggle the disc list style":"Pārslēgt diskveida saraksta stilu","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Pārslēgt mazo latīņu burtu saraksta stilu","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Pārslēgt mazo romiešu burtu saraksta stilu","Toggle the square list style":"Pārslēgt kvadrātveida saraksta stilu","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Pārslēgt lielo latīņu burtu saraksta stilu","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Pārslēgt lielo romiešu burtu saraksta stilu","top with upwards arrow above":"augšpusē ar augšupvērstu bultiņu augšpusē","Trade mark sign":"Prečuzīmes zīme","Tugrik sign":"Tugrika zīme","Turkish lira sign":"Turcijas liras zīme",Turquoise:"Tirkīza","Two dot leader":"Divu punktu līderis",Underline:"Pasvītrots",Undo:"Atsaukt",Union:"Savienība",Unlink:"Noņemt Saiti","up down arrow with base":"augšup-lejupvērsta bultiņa ar pamatni",Update:"Atjaunināt","Update image URL":"Labot attēla avota saiti","Upload failed":"Augšupielāde neizdevusies","Upload in progress":"Notiek augšupielāde","Upper-latin":"lielie latīņu burti","Upper-roman":"lielie romiešu burti","upwards arrow to bar":"augšupvērsta bultiņa uz joslu","upwards dashed arrow":"augšupvērsta pārtrauktā bultiņa","upwards double arrow":"augšupvērsta dubultā bultiņa","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertikāla teksta līdzināšana","Vulgar fraction one half":"Viena puse","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Viena ceturtdaļa","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Trīs ceturtdaļas",White:"Balts","Whole words only":"Tikai pilni vārdi","Widget toolbar":"Sīkrīku rīkjosla",Width:"Platums","Won sign":"Vonas zīme","Words: %0":"Vārdi: %0","Wrap text":"Aplauzt tekstu",Yellow:"Dzeltens","Yellow marker":"Dzeltens marķieris","Yen sign":"Jenas zīme"}),t.getPluralForm=function(a){return a%10==1&&a%100!=11?0:0!=a?1:2}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); |
@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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tanda singkat","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"Huruf Latin u besar dengan tanda tirus berkembar","Latin capital letter u with macron":"Huruf Latin u besar dengan tanda makron","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"Huruf Latin u besar dengan tanda ogonek","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"Huruf Latin u besar dengan bulatan di atas","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"Huruf Latin u besar dengan tanda tilde","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"Huruf Latin w besar dengan tanda sirkumfleks","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"Huruf Latin y besar dengan tanda sirkumfleks","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"Huruf Latin y besar dengan tanda diaresis","Latin capital letter z with acute":"Huruf Latin z besar dengan tanda tirus","Latin capital letter z with caron":"Huruf Latin z besar dengan tanda caron","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"Huruf Latin z besar dengan titik di atas","Latin capital ligature ij":"Huruf kembar Latin ij besar","Latin capital ligature oe":"Huruf kembar Latin oe besar","Latin small letter a with breve":"Huruf Latin a kecil dengan tanda singkat","Latin small letter a with macron":"Huruf Latin a kecil dengan tanda makron","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"Huruf Latin a kecil dengan tanda ogonek","Latin small letter c with acute":"Huruf Latin c kecil dengan tanda tirus","Latin small letter c with caron":"Huruf Latin c kecil dengan tanda caron","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"Huruf Latin c kecil dengan tanda Sirkumfleks","Latin small letter c with dot above":"Huruf Latin c kecil dengan titik di atas","Latin small letter d with caron":"Huruf Latin d kecil dengan tanda caron","Latin small letter d with stroke":"Huruf Latin d kecil dengan garis miring","Latin small letter dotless i":"Huruf Latin i kecil tanpa titik","Latin small letter e with breve":"Huruf Latin e kecil dengan tanda singkat","Latin small letter e with caron":"Huruf Latin e kecil dengan tanda caron","Latin small letter e with dot above":"Huruf Latin e kecil dengan titik di atas","Latin small letter e with macron":"Huruf Latin e kecil dengan tanda makron","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"Huruf Latin e kecil dengan tanda ogonek","Latin small letter eng":"Huruf Latin eng kecil","Latin small letter f with hook":"Huruf Latin f kecil dengan cangkuk","Latin small letter g with breve":"Huruf Latin g kecil dengan tanda singkat","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"Huruf Latin g kecil dengan tanda sedila","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"Huruf Latin g kecil dengan tanda sirkumfleks","Latin small letter g with dot above":"Huruf Latin g kecil dengan titik di atas","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"Huruf Latin h kecil dengan tanda sirkumfleks","Latin small letter h with stroke":"Huruf Latin h kecil dengan garis miring","Latin small letter i with breve":"Huruf Latin i kecil dengan tanda singkat","Latin small letter i with macron":"Huruf Latin i kecil dengan tanda makron","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"Huruf Latin i kecil dengan tanda ogonek","Latin small letter i with tilde":"Huruf Latin i kecil dengan tanda tilde","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"Huruf Latin j kecil dengan tanda sirkumfleks","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"Huruf Latin k kecil dengan tanda sedila","Latin small letter kra":"Huruf Latin kra kecil","Latin small letter l with acute":"Huruf Latin l kecil dengan tanda tirus","Latin small letter l with caron":"Huruf Latin l kecil dengan tanda caron","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"Huruf Latin l kecil dengan tanda sedila","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"Huruf Latin l kecil dengan titik tengah","Latin small letter l with stroke":"Huruf Latin l kecil dengan garis miring","Latin small letter long s":"Huruf latin s panjang kecil","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Huruf Latin n kecil didahului dengan koma atas","Latin small letter n with acute":"Huruf Latin n kecil dengan tanda tirus","Latin small letter n with caron":"Huruf Latin n 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cedilla":"Huruf Latin t kecil dengan tanda sedila","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Huruf Latin t kecil dengan garis miring","Latin small letter u with breve":"Huruf Latin u kecil dengan tanda singkat","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Huruf Latin u kecil dengan tanda tirus berkembar","Latin small letter u with macron":"Huruf Latin u kecil dengan tanda makron","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"Huruf Latin u kecil dengan tanda ogonek","Latin small letter u with ring above":"Huruf Latin u kecil dengan bulatan di atas","Latin small letter u with tilde":"Huruf Latin u kecil dengan tanda tilde","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"Huruf Latin w kecil dengan tanda sirkumfleks","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"Huruf Latin y kecil dengan tanda sirkumfleks","Latin small letter z with acute":"Huruf Latin z kecil dengan tanda tirus","Latin small letter z with caron":"Huruf Latin z kecil dengan tanda caron","Latin small letter z with dot above":"Huruf Latin z kecil dengan titik di atas","Latin small ligature ij":"Huruf kembar Latin ij kecil","Latin small ligature oe":"Huruf kembar Latin oe kecil","Left aligned image":"Imej berjajar kiri","Left double quotation mark":"Tanda petikan berkembar kiri","Left single quotation mark":"Tanda petikan tunggal kiri","Left-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Tanda petikan sudut ke kiri berkembar","leftwards arrow to bar":"anak panah arah kiri ke bar","leftwards dashed arrow":"anak panah bersengkang arah kiri","leftwards double arrow":"anak panah berkembar arah kiri","Less-than or equal to":"Kurang daripada atau sama dengan","Less-than sign":"Simbol kurang daripada","Light blue":"Biru cerah","Light green":"Hijau cerah","Light grey":"Kelabu cerah",Link:"Pautkan","Link image":"Pautkan imej","Link URL":"Pautkan URL","Lira sign":"Simbol Lira","List properties":"Senarai sifat","Livre tournois sign":"Simbol Livre Tournois","Logical and":"Logik dan","Logical or":"Logik atau","Lower-latin":"Latin 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Warna tidak sah. Cuba "#FF0000" atau "rgb(255,0,0)" atau "merah".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Nilai tidak sah. Cuba "10px" atau "2em" atau "2" sahaja.',"There exists":"Wujud","This link has no URL":"Pautan ini tidak mempunyai URL","Tilde operator":"Pengoperasi tilde",Tiny:"Halus","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Petua: Cari teks terlebih dahulu untuk menggantikannya.","To-do List":"Senarai Untuk Dilakukan","Toggle caption off":"Tutup kapsyen","Toggle caption on":"Buka kapsyen","Toggle the circle list style":"Buka gaya senarai bulatan","Toggle the decimal list style":"Buka gaya senarai titik perpuluhan","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Buka titik perpuluhan dengan gaya senarai kosong pendahulu","Toggle the disc list style":"Buka gaya senarai cakera","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Buka gaya senarai latin bawah","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Buka gaya senarai roman bawah","Toggle the square list style":"Buka gaya senarai petak","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Buka gaya senarai latin atas","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Buka gaya senarai roman atas","top with upwards arrow above":"atas dengan anak panah arah atas di atas","Trade mark sign":"Simbol tanda dagangan","Tugrik sign":"Simbol Tugrik","Turkish lira sign":"Simbol Lira Turki",Turquoise:"Firus","Two dot leader":"Pendahulu dua titik",Underline:"Garis bawah",Undo:"Buat asal",Union:"Penyatuan",Unlink:"Buang pautan","up down arrow with base":"anak panah atas bawah dengan dasar",Update:"Kemaskini","Update image URL":"Kemaskini URL imej","Upload failed":"Muat naik gagal","Upload in progress":"Muat naik sedang berlangsung","Upper-latin":"Latin atas","Upper-roman":"Roman atas","upwards arrow to bar":"anak panah arah atas ke bar","upwards dashed arrow":"anak panah bersengkang arah atas","upwards double arrow":"anak panah berkembar arah atas","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Bar alat capaian jajaran teks menegak","Vulgar fraction one half":"Pecahan kasar satu per dua","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Pecahan kasar satu per empat","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Pecahan kasar tiga per empat",White:"Putih","Whole words only":"Perkataan penuh sahaja","Widget toolbar":"Bar alat capaian widget",Width:"Lebar","Won sign":"Simbol Won","Words: %0":"Perkataan: %0","Wrap text":"Balut teks",Yellow:"Kuning","Yellow marker":"Penanda kuning","Yen sign":"Simbol Yen"}),e.getPluralForm=function(a){return 0}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); | ||
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ligature oe":"Huruf kembar Latin oe besar","Latin small letter a with breve":"Huruf Latin a kecil dengan tanda singkat","Latin small letter a with macron":"Huruf Latin a kecil dengan tanda makron","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"Huruf Latin a kecil dengan tanda ogonek","Latin small letter c with acute":"Huruf Latin c kecil dengan tanda tirus","Latin small letter c with caron":"Huruf Latin c kecil dengan tanda caron","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"Huruf Latin c kecil dengan tanda Sirkumfleks","Latin small letter c with dot above":"Huruf Latin c kecil dengan titik di atas","Latin small letter d with caron":"Huruf Latin d kecil dengan tanda caron","Latin small letter d with stroke":"Huruf Latin d kecil dengan garis miring","Latin small letter dotless i":"Huruf Latin i kecil tanpa titik","Latin small letter e with breve":"Huruf Latin e kecil dengan tanda singkat","Latin small letter e with caron":"Huruf Latin e kecil dengan tanda caron","Latin small letter e with dot above":"Huruf Latin e kecil dengan titik di atas","Latin small letter e with macron":"Huruf Latin e kecil dengan tanda makron","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"Huruf Latin e kecil dengan tanda ogonek","Latin small letter eng":"Huruf Latin eng kecil","Latin small letter f with hook":"Huruf Latin f kecil dengan cangkuk","Latin small letter g with breve":"Huruf Latin g kecil dengan tanda singkat","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"Huruf Latin g kecil dengan tanda sedila","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"Huruf Latin g kecil dengan tanda sirkumfleks","Latin small letter g with dot above":"Huruf Latin g kecil dengan titik di atas","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"Huruf Latin h kecil dengan tanda sirkumfleks","Latin small letter h with stroke":"Huruf Latin h kecil dengan garis miring","Latin small letter i with breve":"Huruf Latin i kecil dengan tanda singkat","Latin small letter i with macron":"Huruf Latin i kecil dengan tanda makron","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"Huruf Latin i kecil dengan tanda ogonek","Latin small letter i with tilde":"Huruf Latin i kecil dengan tanda tilde","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"Huruf Latin j kecil dengan tanda sirkumfleks","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"Huruf Latin k kecil dengan tanda sedila","Latin small letter kra":"Huruf Latin kra kecil","Latin small letter l with acute":"Huruf Latin l kecil dengan tanda tirus","Latin small letter l with caron":"Huruf Latin l kecil dengan tanda caron","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"Huruf Latin l kecil dengan tanda sedila","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"Huruf Latin l kecil dengan titik tengah","Latin small letter l with stroke":"Huruf Latin l kecil dengan garis miring","Latin small letter long s":"Huruf latin s panjang kecil","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Huruf Latin n kecil didahului dengan koma atas","Latin small letter n with acute":"Huruf Latin n kecil dengan tanda tirus","Latin small letter n with caron":"Huruf Latin n 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cedilla":"Huruf Latin t kecil dengan tanda sedila","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Huruf Latin t kecil dengan garis miring","Latin small letter u with breve":"Huruf Latin u kecil dengan tanda singkat","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Huruf Latin u kecil dengan tanda tirus berkembar","Latin small letter u with macron":"Huruf Latin u kecil dengan tanda makron","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"Huruf Latin u kecil dengan tanda ogonek","Latin small letter u with ring above":"Huruf Latin u kecil dengan bulatan di atas","Latin small letter u with tilde":"Huruf Latin u kecil dengan tanda tilde","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"Huruf Latin w kecil dengan tanda sirkumfleks","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"Huruf Latin y kecil dengan tanda sirkumfleks","Latin small letter z with acute":"Huruf Latin z kecil dengan tanda tirus","Latin small letter z with caron":"Huruf Latin z kecil dengan tanda caron","Latin small letter z with dot above":"Huruf Latin z kecil dengan titik di atas","Latin small ligature ij":"Huruf kembar Latin ij kecil","Latin small ligature oe":"Huruf kembar Latin oe kecil","Left aligned image":"Imej berjajar kiri","Left double quotation mark":"Tanda petikan berkembar kiri","Left single quotation mark":"Tanda petikan tunggal kiri","Left-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Tanda petikan sudut ke kiri berkembar","leftwards arrow to bar":"anak panah arah kiri ke bar","leftwards dashed arrow":"anak panah bersengkang arah kiri","leftwards double arrow":"anak panah berkembar arah kiri","Less-than or equal to":"Kurang daripada atau sama dengan","Less-than sign":"Simbol kurang daripada","Light blue":"Biru cerah","Light green":"Hijau cerah","Light grey":"Kelabu cerah",Link:"Pautkan","Link image":"Pautkan imej","Link URL":"Pautkan URL","Lira sign":"Simbol Lira","List properties":"Senarai sifat","Livre tournois sign":"Simbol Livre Tournois","Logical and":"Logik dan","Logical or":"Logik atau","Lower-latin":"Latin 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Warna tidak sah. Cuba "#FF0000" atau "rgb(255,0,0)" atau "merah".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Nilai tidak sah. Cuba "10px" atau "2em" atau "2" sahaja.',"There exists":"Wujud","This link has no URL":"Pautan ini tidak mempunyai URL","Tilde operator":"Pengoperasi tilde",Tiny:"Halus","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Petua: Cari teks terlebih dahulu untuk menggantikannya.","To-do List":"Senarai Untuk Dilakukan","Toggle caption off":"Tutup kapsyen","Toggle caption on":"Buka kapsyen","Toggle the circle list style":"Buka gaya senarai bulatan","Toggle the decimal list style":"Buka gaya senarai titik perpuluhan","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Buka titik perpuluhan dengan gaya senarai kosong pendahulu","Toggle the disc list style":"Buka gaya senarai cakera","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Buka gaya senarai latin bawah","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Buka gaya senarai roman bawah","Toggle the square list style":"Buka gaya senarai petak","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Buka gaya senarai latin atas","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Buka gaya senarai roman atas","top with upwards arrow above":"atas dengan anak panah arah atas di atas","Trade mark sign":"Simbol tanda dagangan","Tugrik sign":"Simbol Tugrik","Turkish lira sign":"Simbol Lira Turki",Turquoise:"Firus","Two dot leader":"Pendahulu dua titik",Underline:"Garis bawah",Undo:"Buat asal",Union:"Penyatuan",Unlink:"Buang pautan","up down arrow with base":"anak panah atas bawah dengan dasar",Update:"Kemaskini","Update image URL":"Kemaskini URL imej","Upload failed":"Muat naik gagal","Upload in progress":"Muat naik sedang berlangsung","Upper-latin":"Latin atas","Upper-roman":"Roman atas","upwards arrow to bar":"anak panah arah atas ke bar","upwards dashed arrow":"anak panah bersengkang arah atas","upwards double arrow":"anak panah berkembar arah atas","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Bar alat capaian jajaran teks menegak","Vulgar fraction one half":"Pecahan kasar satu per dua","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Pecahan kasar satu per empat","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Pecahan kasar tiga per empat",White:"Putih","Whole words only":"Perkataan penuh sahaja","Widget toolbar":"Bar alat capaian widget",Width:"Lebar","Won sign":"Simbol Won","Words: %0":"Perkataan: %0","Wrap text":"Balut teks",Yellow:"Kuning","Yellow marker":"Penanda kuning","Yen sign":"Simbol Yen"}),e.getPluralForm=function(a){return 0}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); |
@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'De kleur in niet correct, probeer "#FF0000" of "rgb(255,0,0)" of "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"De waarde is ongeldig. Probeer '10px' of '2em' of gewoon '2'.","There exists":"Er bestaat","This link has no URL":"Deze link heeft geen URL","Tilde operator":"Tidle teken",Tiny:"Zeer klein","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Tip: zoek eerst de tekst om hem te vervangen","To-do List":"To-do lijst","Toggle caption off":"Bijschrift uitzetten","Toggle caption on":"Bijschrift aanzetten","Toggle the circle list style":"Schakel de stijl van lijsten met cirkel in","Toggle the decimal list style":"Schakel de stijl van lijsten met cijfers in","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Schakel de stijl van lijsten met cijfers voorafgegaan door een nul in","Toggle the disc list style":"Schakel de stijl van lijsten met bulletpoint in","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Schakel de stijl van lijsten met kleine Latijnse letters in","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Schakel de stijl van lijsten met kleine Romeinse cijfers in","Toggle the square list style":"Schakel de stijl van lijsten met vierkant in","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Schakel de stijl van lijsten met Latijnse hoofdletters in","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Schakel de stijl van lijsten met grote Romeinse cijfers in","top with upwards arrow above":"top met bovenwijzende pijl erboven","Trade mark sign":"Handelsmerkteken","Tugrik sign":"Tugrik teken","Turkish lira sign":"Turkse lira teken",Turquoise:"Turquoise","Two dot leader":"Dubbele leidende punt",Underline:"Onderlijnen",Undo:"Ongedaan maken",Union:"Unie",Unlink:"Verwijder link","up down arrow with base":"boven beneden pijl met streep",Update:"Update","Update image URL":"URL van afbeelding bijwerken","Upload failed":"Uploaden afbeelding mislukt","Upload in progress":"Bezig met uploaden","Upper-latin":"Latijnse hoofdletters","Upper-roman":"Grote Romeinse cijfers","upwards arrow to bar":"bovenwijzende pijl naar streep","upwards dashed arrow":"bovenwijzende gestreepte pijl","upwards double arrow":"bovenwijzende dubbele pijl","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Werkbalk voor verticale tekstuitlijning","Vulgar fraction one half":"Gewone breuk een half","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Gewone breuk een kwart","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Gewone breuk driekwart",White:"Wit","Whole words only":"Alleen volledige woorden","Widget toolbar":"Widget werkbalk",Width:"Breedte","Won sign":"Won teken","Words: %0":"Woorden: %0","Wrap text":"Tekstterugloop",Yellow:"Geel","Yellow marker":"Gele marker","Yen sign":"Yen teken"}),t.getPluralForm=function(e){return 1!=e}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); | ||
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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'De kleur in niet correct, probeer "#FF0000" of "rgb(255,0,0)" of "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"De waarde is ongeldig. 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@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':"Ugyldig farge ",'The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"Ugyldig verdi ","There exists":"Det eksisterer","This link has no URL":"Denne lenken mangler en URL","Tilde operator":"Tildeoperatør",Tiny:"Veldig liten","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Tips: Finn noe tekst først for å kunne erstatte den.","To-do List":"Oppgaveliste","Toggle caption off":"Veksle tabelltekst av","Toggle caption on":"Veksle tabelltekst på","Toggle the circle list style":"Veksle sirkellistestil","Toggle the decimal list style":"Veksle nummerlistestil","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Veksle listestilen med nummer med foranstilt null","Toggle the disc list style":"Veksle disklistestil","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Veksle listestilen med små latinske tegn","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Veksle listestilen med små romertall","Toggle the square list style":"Veksle firkantlistestil","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Veksle listestilen med store latinske tegn","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Veksle listestilen med store romertall","top with upwards arrow above":"Topp med pil oppover over","Trade mark sign":"Varemerketegn","Tugrik sign":"Tugriktegn","Turkish lira sign":"Tyrkisk liretegn",Turquoise:"Turkis","Two dot leader":"To prikker leder",Underline:"Understreket",Undo:"Angre",Union:"Union",Unlink:"Fjern lenke","up down arrow with base":"Pil oppover med base",Update:"Oppdater","Update image URL":"Oppdater bilde-URL","Upload failed":"Kunne ikke laste opp","Upload in progress":"Laster opp fil","Upper-latin":"Store latinske tegn","Upper-roman":"Store romertall","upwards arrow to bar":"Pil oppover til strek ","upwards dashed arrow":"Stiplet pil oppover","upwards double arrow":"Dobbel pil opp","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Verktøylinje for justering av tekst vertikalt ","Vulgar fraction one half":"Vulgær brøkdel en halv","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Vulgær brøkdel en kvart","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Vulgær brøkdel tre kvarte",White:"Hvit","Whole words only":"Kun hele ord","Widget toolbar":"Widget verktøylinje ",Width:"Bredde","Won sign":"Wontegn","Words: %0":"Ord: %0","Wrap text":"Omslutt",Yellow:"Gul","Yellow marker":"Gul utheving","Yen sign":"Yentegn"}),t.getPluralForm=function(e){return 1!=e}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); | ||
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Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"Ugyldig verdi ","There exists":"Det eksisterer","This link has no URL":"Denne lenken mangler en URL","Tilde operator":"Tildeoperatør",Tiny:"Veldig liten","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Tips: Finn noe tekst først for å kunne erstatte den.","To-do List":"Oppgaveliste","Toggle caption off":"Veksle tabelltekst av","Toggle caption on":"Veksle tabelltekst på","Toggle the circle list style":"Veksle sirkellistestil","Toggle the decimal list style":"Veksle nummerlistestil","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Veksle listestilen med nummer med foranstilt null","Toggle the disc list style":"Veksle disklistestil","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Veksle listestilen med små latinske tegn","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Veksle listestilen med små romertall","Toggle the square list style":"Veksle firkantlistestil","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Veksle listestilen med store latinske tegn","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Veksle listestilen med store romertall","top with upwards arrow above":"Topp med pil oppover over","Trade mark sign":"Varemerketegn","Tugrik sign":"Tugriktegn","Turkish lira sign":"Tyrkisk liretegn",Turquoise:"Turkis","Two dot leader":"To prikker leder",Underline:"Understreket",Undo:"Angre",Union:"Union",Unlink:"Fjern lenke","up down arrow with base":"Pil oppover med base",Update:"Oppdater","Update image URL":"Oppdater bilde-URL","Upload failed":"Kunne ikke laste opp","Upload in progress":"Laster opp fil","Upper-latin":"Store latinske tegn","Upper-roman":"Store romertall","upwards arrow to bar":"Pil oppover til strek ","upwards dashed arrow":"Stiplet pil oppover","upwards double arrow":"Dobbel pil opp","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Verktøylinje for justering av tekst vertikalt ","Vulgar fraction one half":"Vulgær brøkdel en halv","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Vulgær brøkdel en kvart","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Vulgær brøkdel tre kvarte",White:"Hvit","Whole words only":"Kun hele ord","Widget toolbar":"Widget verktøylinje ",Width:"Bredde","Won sign":"Wontegn","Words: %0":"Ord: %0","Wrap text":"Omslutt",Yellow:"Gul","Yellow marker":"Gul utheving","Yen sign":"Yentegn"}),t.getPluralForm=function(e){return 1!=e}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); |
@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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Spróbuj wpisać "10px", "2em" lub po prostu "2".',"There exists":"Kwantyfikator szczegółowy","This link has no URL":"Nie podano adresu URL odnośnika","Tilde operator":"Operator tylda",Tiny:"Bardzo mały","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Podpowiedź: Znajdź jakiś tekst, aby go zamienić.","To-do List":"Lista rzeczy do zrobienia","Toggle caption off":"Ukryj podpis tabeli","Toggle caption on":"Pokaż podpis tabeli","Toggle the circle list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „kółko”","Toggle the decimal list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „dziesiętne”","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „dziesiętne z zerem wiodącym”","Toggle the disc list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „dysk”","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „alfabet łaciński – małe litery”","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „małe cyfry rzymskie”","Toggle the square list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „kwadrat”","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „alfabet łaciński – wielkie litery”","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „wielkie cyfry rzymskie”","top with upwards arrow above":"do góry ze strzałką w górę powyżej","Trade mark sign":"Symbol znaku towarowego","Tugrik sign":"Znak tugrika","Turkish lira sign":"Znak liry tureckiej",Turquoise:"Turkusowy","Two dot leader":"Dwie kropki wiodące",Underline:"Podkreślenie",Undo:"Cofnij",Union:"Suma zbiorów",Unlink:"Usuń odnośnik","up down arrow with base":"strzałka w górę i w dół z podstawą",Update:"Zaktualizuj","Update image URL":"Uaktualnij obraz z adresu URL","Upload failed":"Przesyłanie obrazu nie powiodło się","Upload in progress":"Trwa przesyłanie","Upper-latin":"Alfabet łaciński – wielkie litery","Upper-roman":"Wielkie cyfry rzymskie","upwards arrow to bar":"strzałka w górę do belki","upwards dashed arrow":"przerywana strzałka w górę","upwards double arrow":"podwójna strzałka w górę","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Pasek narzędzi wyrównania tekstu w pionie","Vulgar fraction one half":"Ułamek zwykły jedna druga","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Ułamek zwykły jedna czwarta","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Ułamek zwykły trzy czwarte",White:"Biały","Whole words only":"Znajdź tylko całe wyrazy","Widget toolbar":"Pasek widgetów",Width:"Szerokość","Won sign":"Znak wona","Words: %0":"Słowa: %0","Wrap text":"Zawijaj tekst",Yellow:"Żółty","Yellow marker":"Żółty marker","Yen sign":"Znak jena"}),e.getPluralForm=function(a){return 1==a?0:a%10>=2&&a%10<=4&&(a%100<12||a%100>14)?1:1!=a&&a%10>=0&&a%10<=1||a%10>=5&&a%10<=9||a%100>=12&&a%100<=14?2:3}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); | ||
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caron":"Łacińska mała litera r z ptaszkiem","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"Łacińska mała litera r z haczykiem","Latin small letter s with acute":"Łacińska mała litera s z kreską","Latin small letter s with caron":"Łacińska mała litera s z ptaszkiem","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"Łacińska wielka litera s z haczykiem","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"Łacińska mała litera s z daszkiem","Latin small letter t with caron":"Łacińska mała litera t z ptaszkiem","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"Łacińska mała litera t z haczykiem","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Łacińska mała litera t z przekreśleniem","Latin small letter u with breve":"Łacińska mała litera u z łuczkiem","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Łacińska mała litera u z dwiema kreskami","Latin small letter u with macron":"Łacińska mała litera u z makronem","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"Łacińska mała litera u z ogonkiem","Latin small letter u with ring above":"Łacińska mała litera u z kółkiem 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Kolor jest niepoprawny. Spróbuj wpisać "#FF0000", "rgb(255,0,0)" lub "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Wartość jest niepoprawna. Spróbuj wpisać "10px", "2em" lub po prostu "2".',"There exists":"Kwantyfikator szczegółowy","This link has no URL":"Nie podano adresu URL odnośnika","Tilde operator":"Operator tylda",Tiny:"Bardzo mały","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Podpowiedź: Znajdź jakiś tekst, aby go zamienić.","To-do List":"Lista rzeczy do zrobienia","Toggle caption off":"Ukryj podpis tabeli","Toggle caption on":"Pokaż podpis tabeli","Toggle the circle list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „kółko”","Toggle the decimal list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „dziesiętne”","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „dziesiętne z zerem wiodącym”","Toggle the disc list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „dysk”","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „alfabet łaciński – małe litery”","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „małe cyfry rzymskie”","Toggle the square list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „kwadrat”","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „alfabet łaciński – wielkie litery”","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Włącz/wyłącz listę w stylu „wielkie cyfry rzymskie”","top with upwards arrow above":"do góry ze strzałką w górę powyżej","Trade mark sign":"Symbol znaku towarowego","Tugrik sign":"Znak tugrika","Turkish lira sign":"Znak liry tureckiej",Turquoise:"Turkusowy","Two dot leader":"Dwie kropki wiodące",Underline:"Podkreślenie",Undo:"Cofnij",Union:"Suma zbiorów",Unlink:"Usuń odnośnik","up down arrow with base":"strzałka w górę i w dół z podstawą",Update:"Zaktualizuj","Update image URL":"Uaktualnij obraz z adresu URL","Upload failed":"Przesyłanie obrazu nie powiodło się","Upload in progress":"Trwa przesyłanie","Upper-latin":"Alfabet łaciński – wielkie litery","Upper-roman":"Wielkie cyfry rzymskie","upwards arrow to bar":"strzałka w górę do belki","upwards dashed arrow":"przerywana strzałka w górę","upwards double arrow":"podwójna strzałka w górę","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Pasek narzędzi wyrównania tekstu w pionie","Vulgar fraction one half":"Ułamek zwykły jedna druga","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Ułamek zwykły jedna czwarta","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Ułamek zwykły trzy czwarte",White:"Biały","Whole words only":"Znajdź tylko całe wyrazy","Widget toolbar":"Pasek widgetów",Width:"Szerokość","Won sign":"Znak wona","Words: %0":"Słowa: %0","Wrap text":"Zawijaj tekst",Yellow:"Żółty","Yellow marker":"Żółty marker","Yen sign":"Znak jena"}),e.getPluralForm=function(a){return 1==a?0:a%10>=2&&a%10<=4&&(a%100<12||a%100>14)?1:1!=a&&a%10>=0&&a%10<=1||a%10>=5&&a%10<=9||a%100>=12&&a%100<=14?2:3}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); |
@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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with dot above":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo I com ponto acima","Latin capital letter i with macron":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo I com macron","Latin capital letter i with ogonek":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo I com ogonek","Latin capital letter i with tilde":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo I com til","Latin capital letter j with circumflex":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo J com acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter k with cedilla":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo K com cedilha","Latin capital letter l with acute":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo l com acento agudo","Latin capital letter l with caron":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo I com caron","Latin capital letter l with cedilla":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo L com cedilha","Latin capital letter l with middle dot":"Símbolo latin maiúsculo L com ponto no meio","Latin capital letter l with stroke":"Símbolo latin maiúsculo L com um traçado vertical","Latin capital letter n with acute":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo N com acento agudo","Latin capital letter n with caron":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo N com caron","Latin capital letter n with cedilla":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo N com cedilha","Latin capital letter o with breve":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo O com breve","Latin capital letter o with double acute":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo O com acento agudo duplo","Latin capital letter o with macron":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo I com macron","Latin capital letter r with acute":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo R com acento agudo","Latin capital letter r with caron":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo R com caron","Latin capital letter r with cedilla":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo R com cedilha","Latin capital letter s with acute":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo S com acento agudo","Latin capital letter s with caron":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo S com caron","Latin capital letter s with cedilla":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo S com cedilha","Latin capital letter s with circumflex":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo S com acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter t with caron":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo T com caron","Latin capital letter t with cedilla":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo T com cedilha","Latin capital letter t with stroke":"Símbolo latin maiúsculo T com um traçado vertical","Latin capital letter u with breve":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo U com breve","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo U com acento agudo duplo","Latin capital letter u with macron":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo I com macron","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo U com ogonek","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo U com anel acima","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo U com til","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo W com acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo Y com acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo Z com trema","Latin capital letter z with acute":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo Z com acento agudo","Latin capital letter z with caron":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo Z com caron","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo Z com ponto acima","Latin capital ligature ij":"Símbolo latin maiúsculo ligadura IJ","Latin capital ligature oe":"Símbolo latin maiúsculo ligadura OE","Latin small letter a with breve":"Símbolo latim minúsculo A com breve","Latin small letter a with macron":"Símbolo latim minúsculo A com macron","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"Símbolo latim minúsculo A com ogonek","Latin small letter c with acute":"Símbolo latim minúsculo C com acento agudo","Latin small letter c with caron":"Símbolo latim minúsculo C com caron","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"Símbolo latim minúsculo C com acento circunflexo","Latin small letter c with dot above":"Símbolo latim minúsculo C com ponto acima","Latin small letter d with caron":"Símbolo latim minúsculo D com caron","Latin small letter d with stroke":"Símbolo latin minúsculo D com um traçado vertical","Latin small letter dotless i":"Símbolo latin sem ponto I","Latin small letter e with breve":"Símbolo latim minúsculo E com breve","Latin small letter e with caron":"Símbolo latim minúsculo E com caron","Latin small letter e with dot above":"Símbolo latim minúsculo E com ponto acima","Latin small letter e with macron":"Símbolo latim minúsculo E com macron","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"Símbolo latim minúsculo E com ogonek","Latin small letter eng":"Símbolo latim minúsculo Eng","Latin small letter f with hook":"Símbolo latim minúsculo F com gancho","Latin small letter g with breve":"Símbolo latim minúsculo G com breve","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"Símbolo latim minúsculo G com cedilha","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"Símbolo latim minúsculo G com acento circunflexo","Latin small letter g with dot above":"Símbolo latim minúsculo G com ponto acima","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"Símbolo latim minúsculo H com acento circunflexo","Latin small letter h with stroke":"Símbolo latin minúsculo H com um traçado vertical","Latin small letter i with breve":"Símbolo latim minúsculo I com breve","Latin small letter i with macron":"Símbolo latim minúsculo I com macron","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"Símbolo latim minúsculo I com ogonek","Latin small letter i with tilde":"Símbolo latim minúsculo I com til","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"Símbolo latim minúsculo J com acento circunflexo","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"Símbolo latim minúsculo K com cedilha","Latin small letter kra":"Símbolo latin minúsculo K","Latin small letter l with acute":"Símbolo latim minúsculo I com acento agudo","Latin small letter l with caron":"Símbolo latim minúsculo I com caron","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"Símbolo latim minúsculo L com cedilha","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"Símbolo latin minúsculo L com ponto no meio","Latin small letter l with stroke":"Símbolo latin minúsculo L com um traçado vertical","Latin small letter long s":"Símbolo latim minúsculo long s","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Símbolo latim minúsculo N precedido por apóstrofe","Latin small letter n with acute":"Símbolo latim minúsculo N com acento agudo","Latin small letter n with caron":"Símbolo latim minúsculo N com caron","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"Símbolo latim minúsculo N com cedilha","Latin small letter o with breve":"Símbolo latim minúsculo O com breve","Latin small letter o with double acute":"Símbolo latim minúsculo O com acento agudo duplo","Latin small letter o with macron":"Símbolo latim minúsculo O com macron","Latin small letter r with acute":"Símbolo latim minúsculo R com acento agudo","Latin small letter r with caron":"Símbolo latim minúsculo R com caron","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"Símbolo latim minúsculo R com cedilha","Latin small letter s with acute":"Símbolo latim minúsculo S com acento agudo","Latin small letter s with caron":"Símbolo latim minúsculo S com caron","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"Símbolo latim minúsculo S com cedilha","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"Símbolo latim minúsculo S com acento circunflexo","Latin small letter t with caron":"Símbolo latim minúsculo T com caron","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"Símbolo latim minúsculo T com cedilha","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Símbolo latin minúsculo T com um traçado vertical","Latin small letter u with breve":"Símbolo latim minúsculo U com breve","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Símbolo latim minúsculo U com acento agudo","Latin small letter u with macron":"Símbolo latim minúsculo U com macron","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"Símbolo latim minúsculo U com ogonek","Latin small letter u with ring above":"Símbolo latim minúsculo U com anel acima","Latin small letter u with tilde":"Símbolo latim minúsculo U com til","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"Símbolo latim minúsculo W com acento circunflexo","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"Símbolo latim minúsculo Y com acento circunflexo","Latin small letter z with acute":"Símbolo latim minúsculo Z com acento agudo","Latin small letter z with caron":"Símbolo latim minúsculo Z com caron","Latin small letter z with dot above":"Símbolo latim minúsculo Z com ponto acima","Latin small ligature ij":"Símbolo latin minúsculo ligadura IJ","Latin small ligature oe":"Símbolo latin minúsculo ligadura OE","Left aligned image":"Imagem alinhada à esquerda","Left double quotation mark":"Aspas dupla esquerda","Left single quotation mark":"Aspas simples esquerda","Left-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Aspas angulares duplas esquerda","leftwards arrow to bar":"seta para a esquerda para barra","leftwards dashed arrow":"Seta tracejada para esquerda","leftwards double arrow":"Seta dupla para esquerda","Less-than or equal to":"Menor que ou igual a","Less-than sign":"Sinal menor que","Light blue":"Azul claro","Light green":"Verde claro","Light grey":"Cinza claro",Link:"Link","Link image":"Link da imagem","Link URL":"URL","Lira sign":"Símbolo da 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Cor inválida. Tente "#FF0000" ou "rgb(255,0,0)" ou "red"','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Valor inválido. Tente "10px" ou "2em" ou apenas "2"',"There exists":"Existe","This link has no URL":"Este link não possui uma URL","Tilde operator":"Operador til",Tiny:"Minúsculo","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Dica: Pesquise por algum texto antes para poder substituí-la.","To-do List":"Lista de Tarefas","Toggle caption off":"Desabilitar legenda","Toggle caption on":"Habilitar legenda","Toggle the circle list style":"Alternar o estilo da lista de círculo","Toggle the decimal list style":"Alternar o estilo de lista decimal","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Alternar o decimal com estilo de lista zero à esquerda","Toggle the disc list style":"Alternar o estilo da lista de disco","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Alternar o estilo de lista latina inferior","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Alternar o estilo de lista romana inferior","Toggle the square list style":"Alternar o estilo de lista quadrada","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Alternar o estilo de lista latino superior","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Alternar o estilo de lista romana superior","top with upwards arrow above":"Símbolo topo com a seta para cima acima","Trade mark sign":"Símbolo de marca registrada","Tugrik sign":"Símbolo de Tugrik","Turkish lira sign":"Símbolo da Lira Turca",Turquoise:"Turquesa","Two dot leader":"Dois pontos",Underline:"Sublinhado",Undo:"Desfazer",Union:"União",Unlink:"Remover link","up down arrow with base":"seta para baixo com base",Update:"Atualizar","Update image URL":"Atualizar URL da imagem","Upload failed":"Falha ao subir arquivo","Upload in progress":"Enviando dados","Upper-latin":"Latim superior","Upper-roman":"Romano superior","upwards arrow to bar":"seta para cima para barra","upwards dashed arrow":"Seta tracejada para cima","upwards double arrow":"Seta dupla para cima","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Ferramentas de alinhamento vertical do texto","Vulgar fraction one half":"Fração um meio","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Fração um quarto","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Fração três quartos",White:"Branco","Whole words only":"Apenas palavras inteiras","Widget toolbar":"Ferramentas de Widgets",Width:"Largura","Won sign":"Símbolo do Won","Words: %0":"Palavras: %0","Wrap text":"Texto ao redor",Yellow:"Amarelo","Yellow marker":"Marcador amarelo","Yen sign":"Símbolo do Yen"}),o.getPluralForm=function(a){return 0==a||1==a?0:0!=a&&a%1e6==0?1:2}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); | ||
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mark":"Ponto de exclamação invertido","Inverted question mark":"Ponto de interrogação invertido",Italic:"Itálico",Justify:"Justificar","Justify cell text":"Justificar texto da célula","Kip sign":"Símbolo do Kip",Language:"Idioma","Latin capital letter a with breve":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo A com breve","Latin capital letter a with macron":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo A com macron","Latin capital letter a with ogonek":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo A com ogonek","Latin capital letter c with acute":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo C com acento agudo","Latin capital letter c with caron":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo C com caron","Latin capital letter c with circumflex":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo C com acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter c with dot above":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo C com ponto acima","Latin capital letter d with caron":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo D com caron","Latin capital letter d with stroke":"Símbolo latin maiúsculo D com um traçado vertical","Latin capital letter e with breve":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo E com breve","Latin capital letter e with caron":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo E com caron","Latin capital letter e with dot above":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo E com ponto acima","Latin capital letter e with macron":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo E com macron","Latin capital letter e with ogonek":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo E com ogonek","Latin capital letter eng":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo Eng","Latin capital letter g with breve":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo G com breve","Latin capital letter g with cedilla":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo G com cedilha","Latin capital letter g with circumflex":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo G com acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter g with dot above":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo G com ponto acima","Latin capital letter h with circumflex":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo H com acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter h with stroke":"Símbolo latin maiúsculo H com um traçado vertical","Latin capital letter i with breve":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo I com breve","Latin capital letter i with dot above":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo I com ponto acima","Latin capital letter i with macron":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo I com macron","Latin capital letter i with ogonek":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo I com ogonek","Latin capital letter i with tilde":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo I com til","Latin capital letter j with circumflex":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo J com acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter k with cedilla":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo K com cedilha","Latin capital letter l with acute":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo l com acento agudo","Latin capital letter l with caron":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo I com caron","Latin capital letter l with cedilla":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo L com cedilha","Latin capital letter l with middle dot":"Símbolo latin maiúsculo L com ponto no meio","Latin capital letter l with stroke":"Símbolo latin maiúsculo L com um traçado vertical","Latin capital letter n with acute":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo N com acento agudo","Latin capital letter n with caron":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo N com caron","Latin capital letter n with cedilla":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo N com cedilha","Latin capital letter o with breve":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo O com breve","Latin capital letter o with double acute":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo O com acento agudo duplo","Latin capital letter o with macron":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo I com macron","Latin capital letter r with acute":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo R com acento agudo","Latin capital letter r with caron":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo R com caron","Latin capital letter r with cedilla":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo R com cedilha","Latin capital letter s with acute":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo S com acento agudo","Latin capital letter s with caron":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo S com caron","Latin capital letter s with cedilla":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo S com cedilha","Latin capital letter s with circumflex":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo S com acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter t with caron":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo T com caron","Latin capital letter t with cedilla":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo T com cedilha","Latin capital letter t with stroke":"Símbolo latin maiúsculo T com um traçado vertical","Latin capital letter u with breve":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo U com breve","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo U com acento agudo duplo","Latin capital letter u with macron":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo I com macron","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo U com ogonek","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo U com anel acima","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo U com til","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo W com acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo Y com acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo Z com trema","Latin capital letter z with acute":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo Z com acento agudo","Latin capital letter z with caron":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo Z com caron","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"Símbolo latim maiúsculo Z com ponto acima","Latin capital ligature ij":"Símbolo latin maiúsculo ligadura IJ","Latin capital ligature oe":"Símbolo latin maiúsculo ligadura OE","Latin small letter a with breve":"Símbolo latim minúsculo A com breve","Latin small letter a with macron":"Símbolo latim minúsculo A com macron","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"Símbolo latim minúsculo A com ogonek","Latin small letter c with acute":"Símbolo latim minúsculo C com acento agudo","Latin small letter c with caron":"Símbolo latim minúsculo C com caron","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"Símbolo latim minúsculo C com acento circunflexo","Latin small letter c with dot above":"Símbolo latim minúsculo C com ponto acima","Latin small letter d with caron":"Símbolo latim minúsculo D com caron","Latin small letter d with stroke":"Símbolo latin minúsculo D com um traçado vertical","Latin small letter dotless i":"Símbolo latin sem ponto I","Latin small letter e with breve":"Símbolo latim minúsculo E com breve","Latin small letter e with caron":"Símbolo latim minúsculo E com caron","Latin small letter e with dot above":"Símbolo latim minúsculo E com ponto acima","Latin small letter e with macron":"Símbolo latim minúsculo E com macron","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"Símbolo latim minúsculo E com ogonek","Latin small letter eng":"Símbolo latim minúsculo Eng","Latin small letter f with hook":"Símbolo latim minúsculo F com gancho","Latin small letter g with breve":"Símbolo latim minúsculo G com breve","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"Símbolo latim minúsculo G com cedilha","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"Símbolo latim minúsculo G com acento circunflexo","Latin small letter g with dot above":"Símbolo latim minúsculo G com ponto acima","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"Símbolo latim minúsculo H com acento circunflexo","Latin small letter h with stroke":"Símbolo latin minúsculo H com um traçado vertical","Latin small letter i with breve":"Símbolo latim minúsculo I com breve","Latin small letter i with macron":"Símbolo latim minúsculo I com macron","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"Símbolo latim minúsculo I com ogonek","Latin small letter i with tilde":"Símbolo latim minúsculo I com til","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"Símbolo latim minúsculo J com acento circunflexo","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"Símbolo latim minúsculo K com cedilha","Latin small letter kra":"Símbolo latin minúsculo K","Latin small letter l with acute":"Símbolo latim minúsculo I com acento agudo","Latin small letter l with caron":"Símbolo latim minúsculo I com caron","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"Símbolo latim minúsculo L com cedilha","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"Símbolo latin minúsculo L com ponto no meio","Latin small letter l with stroke":"Símbolo latin minúsculo L com um traçado vertical","Latin small letter long s":"Símbolo latim minúsculo long s","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Símbolo latim minúsculo N precedido por apóstrofe","Latin small letter n with acute":"Símbolo latim minúsculo N com acento agudo","Latin small letter n with caron":"Símbolo latim minúsculo N com caron","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"Símbolo latim minúsculo N com cedilha","Latin small letter o with breve":"Símbolo latim minúsculo O com breve","Latin small letter o with double acute":"Símbolo latim minúsculo O com acento agudo duplo","Latin small letter o with macron":"Símbolo latim minúsculo O com macron","Latin small letter r with acute":"Símbolo latim minúsculo R com acento agudo","Latin small letter r with caron":"Símbolo latim minúsculo R com caron","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"Símbolo latim minúsculo R com cedilha","Latin small letter s with acute":"Símbolo latim minúsculo S com acento agudo","Latin small letter s with caron":"Símbolo latim minúsculo S com caron","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"Símbolo latim minúsculo S com cedilha","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"Símbolo latim minúsculo S com acento circunflexo","Latin small letter t with caron":"Símbolo latim minúsculo T com caron","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"Símbolo latim minúsculo T com cedilha","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Símbolo latin minúsculo T com um traçado vertical","Latin small letter u with breve":"Símbolo latim minúsculo U com breve","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Símbolo latim minúsculo U com acento agudo","Latin small letter u with macron":"Símbolo latim minúsculo U com macron","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"Símbolo latim minúsculo U com ogonek","Latin small letter u with ring above":"Símbolo latim minúsculo U com anel acima","Latin small letter u with tilde":"Símbolo latim minúsculo U com til","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"Símbolo latim minúsculo W com acento circunflexo","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"Símbolo latim minúsculo Y com acento circunflexo","Latin small letter z with acute":"Símbolo latim minúsculo Z com acento agudo","Latin small letter z with caron":"Símbolo latim minúsculo Z com caron","Latin small letter z with dot above":"Símbolo latim minúsculo Z com ponto acima","Latin small ligature ij":"Símbolo latin minúsculo ligadura IJ","Latin small ligature oe":"Símbolo latin minúsculo ligadura OE","Left aligned image":"Imagem alinhada à esquerda","Left double quotation mark":"Aspas dupla esquerda","Left single quotation mark":"Aspas simples esquerda","Left-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Aspas angulares duplas esquerda","leftwards arrow to bar":"seta para a esquerda para barra","leftwards dashed arrow":"Seta tracejada para esquerda","leftwards double arrow":"Seta dupla para esquerda","Less-than or equal to":"Menor que ou igual a","Less-than sign":"Sinal menor que","Light blue":"Azul claro","Light green":"Verde claro","Light grey":"Cinza claro",Link:"Link","Link image":"Link da imagem","Link URL":"URL","Lira sign":"Símbolo da 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available":"Nenhuma visualização disponível",None:"Sem borda","Nordic mark sign":"Símbolo da Marca Nórdica","Not an element of":"Não é um elemento de","Not equal to":"Diferente de","Not sign":"Sinal de não","Numbered List":"Lista numerada","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de estilos de lista numerada","on with exclamation mark with left right arrow above":"com ponto de exclamação com a seta esquerda direita acima","Open in a new tab":"Abrir em nova aba","Open link in new tab":"Abrir link em nova aba",Orange:"Laranja",Original:"Original",Outset:"Alto relevo",Overline:"Sobrepor",Padding:"Margem interna","Page break":"Quebra de página",Paragraph:"Parágrafo","Paragraph sign":"Símbolo de parágrafo","Partial differential":"Diferencial parcial","Paste raw HTML here...":"Cole o HTML puro aqui","Per mille sign":"Símbolo de por 1 mil","Per ten thousand sign":"Símbolo de por 10 mil","Peseta sign":"Símbolo de Peseta","Peso sign":"Sinal de Peso","Pink marker":"Marcador 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de Formatação","Rich Text Editor. 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Cor inválida. Tente "#FF0000" ou "rgb(255,0,0)" ou "red"','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Valor inválido. Tente "10px" ou "2em" ou apenas "2"',"There exists":"Existe","This link has no URL":"Este link não possui uma URL","Tilde operator":"Operador til",Tiny:"Minúsculo","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Dica: Pesquise por algum texto antes para poder substituí-la.","To-do List":"Lista de Tarefas","Toggle caption off":"Desabilitar legenda","Toggle caption on":"Habilitar legenda","Toggle the circle list style":"Alternar o estilo da lista de círculo","Toggle the decimal list style":"Alternar o estilo de lista decimal","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Alternar o decimal com estilo de lista zero à esquerda","Toggle the disc list style":"Alternar o estilo da lista de disco","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Alternar o estilo de lista latina inferior","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Alternar o estilo de lista romana inferior","Toggle the square list style":"Alternar o estilo de lista quadrada","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Alternar o estilo de lista latino superior","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Alternar o estilo de lista romana superior","top with upwards arrow above":"Símbolo topo com a seta para cima acima","Trade mark sign":"Símbolo de marca registrada","Tugrik sign":"Símbolo de Tugrik","Turkish lira sign":"Símbolo da Lira Turca",Turquoise:"Turquesa","Two dot leader":"Dois pontos",Underline:"Sublinhado",Undo:"Desfazer",Union:"União",Unlink:"Remover link","up down arrow with base":"seta para baixo com base",Update:"Atualizar","Update image URL":"Atualizar URL da imagem","Upload failed":"Falha ao subir arquivo","Upload in progress":"Enviando dados","Upper-latin":"Latim superior","Upper-roman":"Romano superior","upwards arrow to bar":"seta para cima para barra","upwards dashed arrow":"Seta tracejada para cima","upwards double arrow":"Seta dupla para cima","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Ferramentas de alinhamento vertical do texto","Vulgar fraction one half":"Fração um meio","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Fração um quarto","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Fração três quartos",White:"Branco","Whole words only":"Apenas palavras inteiras","Widget toolbar":"Ferramentas de Widgets",Width:"Largura","Won sign":"Símbolo do Won","Words: %0":"Palavras: %0","Wrap text":"Texto ao redor",Yellow:"Amarelo","Yellow marker":"Marcador amarelo","Yen sign":"Símbolo do Yen"}),e.getPluralForm=function(a){return 0==a||1==a?0:0!=a&&a%1e6==0?1:2}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); |
@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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com breve","Latin capital letter e with caron":"Latim - letra maiúscula e com cáron","Latin capital letter e with dot above":"Latim - letra maiúscula e com um ponto por cima","Latin capital letter e with macron":"Latim - letra maiúscula e com mácron","Latin capital letter e with ogonek":"Latim - letra maiúscula e com ogonek","Latin capital letter eng":"Latim - letra maiúscula eng (fonema velar nasal)","Latin capital letter g with breve":"Latim - letra maiúscula g com breve","Latin capital letter g with cedilla":"Latim - letra maiúscula g com cedilha","Latin capital letter g with circumflex":"Latim - letra maiúscula g com acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter g with dot above":"Latim - letra maiúscula g com um ponto por cima","Latin capital letter h with circumflex":"Latim - letra maiúscula h com acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter h with stroke":"Latim - letra maiúscula h cortada por um traço","Latin capital letter i with breve":"Latim - letra maiúscula i com breve","Latin capital letter i with dot above":"Latim - letra maiúscula i com um ponto por cima","Latin capital letter i with macron":"Latim - letra maiúscula i com mácron","Latin capital letter i with ogonek":"Latim - letra maiúscula i com ogonek","Latin capital letter i with tilde":"Latim - letra maiúscula i com til","Latin capital letter j with circumflex":"Latim - letra maiúscula j com acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter k with cedilla":"Latim - letra maiúscula k com cedilha","Latin capital letter l with acute":"Latim - letra maiúscula l com acento agudo","Latin capital letter l with caron":"Latim - letra maiúscula l com cáron","Latin capital letter l with cedilla":"Latim - letra maiúscula l com cedilha","Latin capital letter l with middle dot":"Latim - letra maiúscula l com ponto central","Latin capital letter l with stroke":"Latim - letra maiúscula l cortada por um traço","Latin capital letter n with acute":"Latim - letra maiúscula n com acento agudo","Latin capital letter n with 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cáron","Latin capital letter t with cedilla":"Latim - letra maiúscula t com cedilha","Latin capital letter t with stroke":"Latim - letra maiúscula t cortada por um traço","Latin capital letter u with breve":"Latim - letra maiúscula u com breve","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"Latim - letra maiúscula u com acento agudo duplo","Latin capital letter u with macron":"Latim - letra maiúscula u com mácron","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"Latim - letra maiúscula u com ogonek","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"Latim - letra maiúscula u com círculo por cima","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"Latim - letra maiúscula u com til","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"Latim - letra maiúscula w com acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"Latim - letra maiúscula y com acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"Latim - letra maiúscula y com trema","Latin capital letter z with acute":"Latim - letra maiúscula z com acento agudo","Latin capital letter z with caron":"Latim - letra maiúscula z com cáron","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"Latim - letra maiúscula z com um ponto por cima","Latin capital ligature ij":"Latim - digrama das letras maiúsculas ligadas ij","Latin capital ligature oe":"Latim - digrama das letras maiúsculas ligadas oe","Latin small letter a with breve":"Latim - letra minúscula a com breve","Latin small letter a with macron":"Latim - letra minúscula a com mácron","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"Latim - letra minúscula a com ogonek","Latin small letter c with acute":"Latim - letra minúscula c com acento agudo","Latin small letter c with caron":"Latim - letra minúscula c com cáron","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"Latim - letra minúscula c com acento circunflexo","Latin small letter c with dot above":"Latim - letra minúscula c com um ponto por cima","Latin small letter d with caron":"Latim - letra minúscula d com cáron","Latin small letter d with stroke":"Latim - letra minúscula d cortada por um traço","Latin small letter dotless i":"Latim - letra minúscula i, sem ponto","Latin small letter e with breve":"Latim - letra minúscula e com breve","Latin small letter e with caron":"Latim - letra minúscula e com cáron","Latin small letter e with dot above":"Latim - letra minúscula e com um ponto por cima","Latin small letter e with macron":"Latim - letra minúscula e com mácron","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"Latim - letra minúscula e com ogonek","Latin small letter eng":"Latim - letra minúscula eng (fonema velar nasal)","Latin small letter f with hook":"Latim - letra minúscula f com gancho","Latin small letter g with breve":"Latim - letra minúscula g com breve","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"Latim - letra minúscula g com cedilha","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"Latim - letra minúscula g com acento circunflexo","Latin small letter g with dot above":"Latim - letra minúscula g com um ponto por cima","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"Latim - letra minúscula h com acento circunflexo","Latin small letter h with stroke":"Latim - letra minúscula h cortada por um traço","Latin small letter i with breve":"Latim - letra minúscula i com breve","Latin small letter i with macron":"Latim - letra minúscula i com mácron","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"Latim - letra minúscula i com ogonek","Latin small letter i with tilde":"Latim - letra minúscula i com til","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"Latim - letra minúscula j com acento circunflexo","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"Latim - letra minúscula k com cedilha","Latin small letter kra":"Latim - letra minúscula kra (pequeno k)","Latin small letter l with acute":"Latim - letra minúscula l com acento agudo","Latin small letter l with caron":"Latim - letra minúscula l com cáron","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"Latim - letra minúscula l com cedilha","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"Latim - letra minúscula l com ponto central","Latin small letter l with stroke":"Latim - letra minúscula l cortada por um traço","Latin small letter long s":"Latim - s prolongado (símbolo do fonema fricativo alveolar surdo)","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Latim - letra minúscula n precedida por um apóstrofo","Latin small letter n with acute":"Latim - letra minúscula n com acento agudo","Latin small letter n with caron":"Latim - letra minúscula n com cáron","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"Latim - letra minúscula n com cedilha","Latin small letter o with breve":"Latim - letra minúscula o com breve","Latin small letter o with double acute":"Latim - letra minúscula o com acento agudo duplo","Latin small letter o with macron":"Latim - letra minúscula o com mácron","Latin small letter r with acute":"Latim - letra minúscula r com acento agudo","Latin small letter r with caron":"Latim - letra minúscula r com cáron","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"Latim - letra minúscula r com cedilha","Latin small letter s with acute":"Latim 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with circumflex":"Latim - letra minúscula w com acento circunflexo","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"Latim - letra minúscula y com acento circunflexo","Latin small letter z with acute":"Latim - letra minúscula z com acento agudo","Latin small letter z with caron":"Latim - letra minúscula z com cáron","Latin small letter z with dot above":"Latim - letra minúscula z com um ponto por cima","Latin small ligature ij":"Latim - digrama das letras minúsculas ligadas ij","Latin small ligature oe":"Latim - digrama das letras minúsculas ligadas oe","Left aligned image":"Imagem alinhada à esquerda","Left double quotation mark":"Aspas esquerdas","Left single quotation mark":"Plica esquerda","Left-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Aspas esquerdas em ângulo","leftwards arrow to bar":"seta para a esquerda contra uma barra","leftwards dashed arrow":"seta tracejada para a esquerda","leftwards double arrow":"seta dupla para a esquerda","Less-than or equal to":"Menor que ou igual a","Less-than sign":"Sinal de menor","Light blue":"Azul-claro","Light green":"Verde-claro","Light grey":"Cinzento-claro",Link:"Hiperligação","Link image":"Adicionar link a imagem","Link URL":"URL da ligação","Lira sign":"Sinal de lira","List properties":"Propriedades da lista","Livre tournois sign":"Sinal de libra de tours","Logical and":"E lógico","Logical or":"Ou lógico","Lower-latin":"Latim minúsculo","Lower–roman":"Romano minúsculo",Macron:"Mácron","Manat sign":"Sinal de manat","Match case":"Corresponder maiúsculas/minúsculas","Merge cell down":"Unir célula abaixo","Merge cell left":"Unir célula à esquerda","Merge cell right":"Unir célula à direita","Merge cell up":"Unir célula acima","Merge cells":"Fundir células","Mill sign":"Sinal de mill","Minus sign":"Sinal de subtração","Multiple styles":"Vários estilos","Multiplication sign":"Sinal de multiplicação","N-ary product":"N-ésimo produto","N-ary summation":"N-ésimo somatório",Nabla:"Nabla","Naira sign":"Sinal de naira","New sheqel sign":"Sinal de novo sheqel",Next:"Seguinte","Next result":"Próximo resultado","No preview available":"Pré-visualização indisponível",None:"Nenhum","Nordic mark sign":"Sinal de marca nórdica","Not an element of":"Não é um elemento de","Not equal to":"Diferente de","Not sign":"Sinal de negação","Numbered List":"Lista ordenada","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas de estilos de lista numerada","on with exclamation mark with left right arrow above":'"on" com sinal de exclamação com seta para a direita e para a esquerda em cima',"Open in a new tab":"Abrir num novo separador","Open link in new tab":"Abrir link num novo separador",Orange:"Laranja",Original:"Original",Outset:"Exterior",Overline:"Linha sobreposta",Padding:"Enchimento","Page break":"Quebra de página",Paragraph:"Parágrafo","Paragraph sign":"Sinal de parágrafo","Partial differential":"Diferencial parcial","Paste raw HTML here...":"Colar HTML aqui...","Per mille sign":"Sinal de permilagem","Per ten thousand sign":"Razão de um para dez mil","Peseta sign":"Sinal de peseta","Peso sign":"Sinal de peso","Pink marker":"Marcador rosa","Plain text":"Texto simples","Plus-minus sign":"Sinal de adição-subtração","Pound sign":"Sinal de libra",Previous:"Anterior","Previous result":"Resultado anterior","Proportional to":"Proporcional a",Purple:"Roxo","Question exclamation mark":"Sinal de exclamação interrogativa",Red:"Vermelho","Red pen":"Caneta vermelha",Redo:"Refazer","Registered sign":"Sinal de registado","Remove color":"Remover cor","Remove Format":"Remover formatação","Remove highlight":"Remover ","Remove language":"Remover idioma",Replace:"Substituir","Replace all":"Substituir todos","Replace with…":"Substituir com...","Resize image":"Redimensionar imagem","Resize image to %0":"Redimensionar imagem para %0","Resize image to the original size":"Redimensionar imagem para tamanho original","Restore default":"Restaurar predefinição","Reversed order":"Ordem invertida","Reversed paragraph sign":"Sinal de parágrafo 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'A cor é inválida. Tente "#FF0000" ou "rgb(255,0,0)" ou "vermelho".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'O valor é inválido. Tente "10px" ou "2em" ou simplesmente "2".',"There exists":"Existe","This link has no URL":"Este link não tem URL","Tilde operator":"Operador de til",Tiny:"Mínima","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Dica: Encontre algum texto primeiro para poder substituí-lo.","To-do List":"Lista de Afazeres","Toggle caption off":"Desativar legenda","Toggle caption on":"Ativar legenda","Toggle the circle list style":"Ativar o estilo de lista de círculos","Toggle the decimal list style":"Ativar o estilo de lista decimal","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Ativar o estilo de lista decimal com zero inicial","Toggle the disc list style":"Ativar o estilo de lista de discos","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Ativar o estilo de lista de latim minúsculo","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Ativar o estilo de lista de números romanos minúsculos","Toggle the square list style":"Ativar o estilo de lista de quadrados","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Ativar o estilo de lista de latim maiúsculo","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Ativar o estilo de lista de números romanos maiúsculos","top with upwards arrow above":'"Top" com seta para cima em cima',"Trade mark sign":"Sinal de marca comercial","Tugrik sign":"Sinal de tugrique","Turkish lira sign":"Sinal de lira turca",Turquoise:"Turquesa","Two dot leader":"Dois pontos de seguimento",Underline:"Sublinhado",Undo:"Desfazer",Union:"União",Unlink:"Desligar","up down arrow with base":"seta bidirecional vertical com base",Update:"Atualizar","Update image URL":"Atualizar URL da imagem","Upload failed":"Falha ao carregar","Upload in progress":"Carregamento em progresso","Upper-latin":"Latim maiúsculo","Upper-roman":"Romano maiúsculo","upwards arrow to bar":"seta para cima contra uma barra","upwards dashed arrow":"seta tracejada para cima","upwards double arrow":"seta dupla para cima","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas do alinhamento vertical de texto","Vulgar fraction one half":"Fração comum - um meio","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Fração comum - um quarto","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Fração comum - três quartos",White:"Branco","Whole words only":"Apenas palavras inteiras","Widget toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas do widget",Width:"Largura","Won sign":"Sinal de won","Words: %0":"Palavras: %0","Wrap text":"Envolver texto",Yellow:"Amarelo","Yellow marker":"Marcador amarelo","Yen sign":"Sinal de iene"}),e.getPluralForm=function(a){return 0==a||1==a?0:0!=a&&a%1e6==0?1:2}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); | ||
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com breve","Latin capital letter e with caron":"Latim - letra maiúscula e com cáron","Latin capital letter e with dot above":"Latim - letra maiúscula e com um ponto por cima","Latin capital letter e with macron":"Latim - letra maiúscula e com mácron","Latin capital letter e with ogonek":"Latim - letra maiúscula e com ogonek","Latin capital letter eng":"Latim - letra maiúscula eng (fonema velar nasal)","Latin capital letter g with breve":"Latim - letra maiúscula g com breve","Latin capital letter g with cedilla":"Latim - letra maiúscula g com cedilha","Latin capital letter g with circumflex":"Latim - letra maiúscula g com acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter g with dot above":"Latim - letra maiúscula g com um ponto por cima","Latin capital letter h with circumflex":"Latim - letra maiúscula h com acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter h with stroke":"Latim - letra maiúscula h cortada por um traço","Latin capital letter i with breve":"Latim - letra maiúscula i com breve","Latin 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cáron","Latin capital letter t with cedilla":"Latim - letra maiúscula t com cedilha","Latin capital letter t with stroke":"Latim - letra maiúscula t cortada por um traço","Latin capital letter u with breve":"Latim - letra maiúscula u com breve","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"Latim - letra maiúscula u com acento agudo duplo","Latin capital letter u with macron":"Latim - letra maiúscula u com mácron","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"Latim - letra maiúscula u com ogonek","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"Latim - letra maiúscula u com círculo por cima","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"Latim - letra maiúscula u com til","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"Latim - letra maiúscula w com acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"Latim - letra maiúscula y com acento circunflexo","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"Latim - letra maiúscula y com trema","Latin capital letter z with acute":"Latim - letra maiúscula z com acento agudo","Latin capital letter z with caron":"Latim - letra maiúscula z com cáron","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"Latim - letra maiúscula z com um ponto por cima","Latin capital ligature ij":"Latim - digrama das letras maiúsculas ligadas ij","Latin capital ligature oe":"Latim - digrama das letras maiúsculas ligadas oe","Latin small letter a with breve":"Latim - letra minúscula a com breve","Latin small letter a with macron":"Latim - letra minúscula a com mácron","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"Latim - letra minúscula a com ogonek","Latin small letter c with acute":"Latim - letra minúscula c com acento agudo","Latin small letter c with caron":"Latim - letra minúscula c com cáron","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"Latim - letra minúscula c com acento circunflexo","Latin small letter c with dot above":"Latim - letra minúscula c com um ponto por cima","Latin small letter d with caron":"Latim - letra minúscula d com cáron","Latin small letter d with stroke":"Latim - letra minúscula d cortada por um traço","Latin small letter dotless i":"Latim - letra minúscula i, sem ponto","Latin small letter e with breve":"Latim - letra minúscula e com breve","Latin small letter e with caron":"Latim - letra minúscula e com cáron","Latin small letter e with dot above":"Latim - letra minúscula e com um ponto por cima","Latin small letter e with macron":"Latim - letra minúscula e com mácron","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"Latim - letra minúscula e com ogonek","Latin small letter eng":"Latim - letra minúscula eng (fonema velar nasal)","Latin small letter f with hook":"Latim - letra minúscula f com gancho","Latin small letter g with breve":"Latim - letra minúscula g com breve","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"Latim - letra minúscula g com cedilha","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"Latim - letra minúscula g com acento circunflexo","Latin small letter g with dot above":"Latim - letra minúscula g com um ponto por cima","Latin small letter h with 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letter l with stroke":"Latim - letra minúscula l cortada por um traço","Latin small letter long s":"Latim - s prolongado (símbolo do fonema fricativo alveolar surdo)","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Latim - letra minúscula n precedida por um apóstrofo","Latin small letter n with acute":"Latim - letra minúscula n com acento agudo","Latin small letter n with caron":"Latim - letra minúscula n com cáron","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"Latim - letra minúscula n com cedilha","Latin small letter o with breve":"Latim - letra minúscula o com breve","Latin small letter o with double acute":"Latim - letra minúscula o com acento agudo duplo","Latin small letter o with macron":"Latim - letra minúscula o com mácron","Latin small letter r with acute":"Latim - letra minúscula r com acento agudo","Latin small letter r with caron":"Latim - letra minúscula r com cáron","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"Latim - letra minúscula r com cedilha","Latin small letter s with acute":"Latim - letra minúscula s com acento agudo","Latin small letter s with caron":"Latim - letra minúscula s com cáron","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"Latim - letra minúscula s com cedilha","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"Latim - letra minúscula s com acento circunflexo","Latin small letter t with caron":"Latim - letra minúscula t com cáron","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"Latim - letra minúscula t com cedilha","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Latim - letra minúscula t cortada por um traço","Latin small letter u with breve":"Latim - letra minúscula u com breve","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Latim - letra minúscula u com acento agudo duplo","Latin small letter u with macron":"Latim - letra minúscula u com mácron","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"Latim - letra minúscula u com ogonek","Latin small letter u with ring above":"Latim - letra minúscula u com círculo por cima","Latin small letter u with tilde":"Latim - letra minúscula u com til","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"Latim - letra minúscula w com acento circunflexo","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"Latim - letra minúscula y com acento circunflexo","Latin small letter z with acute":"Latim - letra minúscula z com acento agudo","Latin small letter z with caron":"Latim - letra minúscula z com cáron","Latin small letter z with dot above":"Latim - letra minúscula z com um ponto por cima","Latin small ligature ij":"Latim - digrama das letras minúsculas ligadas ij","Latin small ligature oe":"Latim - digrama das letras minúsculas ligadas oe","Left aligned image":"Imagem alinhada à esquerda","Left double quotation mark":"Aspas esquerdas","Left single quotation mark":"Plica esquerda","Left-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Aspas esquerdas em ângulo","leftwards arrow to bar":"seta para a esquerda contra uma barra","leftwards dashed arrow":"seta tracejada para a esquerda","leftwards double arrow":"seta dupla para a esquerda","Less-than or equal to":"Menor que ou igual a","Less-than 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size":"Redimensionar imagem para tamanho original","Restore default":"Restaurar predefinição","Reversed order":"Ordem invertida","Reversed paragraph sign":"Sinal de parágrafo invertido","Rich Text Editor":"Editor de texto avançado","Rich Text Editor. 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'A cor é inválida. Tente "#FF0000" ou "rgb(255,0,0)" ou "vermelho".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'O valor é inválido. Tente "10px" ou "2em" ou simplesmente "2".',"There exists":"Existe","This link has no URL":"Este link não tem URL","Tilde operator":"Operador de til",Tiny:"Mínima","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Dica: Encontre algum texto primeiro para poder substituí-lo.","To-do List":"Lista de Afazeres","Toggle caption off":"Desativar legenda","Toggle caption on":"Ativar legenda","Toggle the circle list style":"Ativar o estilo de lista de círculos","Toggle the decimal list style":"Ativar o estilo de lista decimal","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Ativar o estilo de lista decimal com zero inicial","Toggle the disc list style":"Ativar o estilo de lista de discos","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Ativar o estilo de lista de latim minúsculo","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Ativar o estilo de lista de números romanos minúsculos","Toggle the square list style":"Ativar o estilo de lista de quadrados","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Ativar o estilo de lista de latim maiúsculo","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Ativar o estilo de lista de números romanos maiúsculos","top with upwards arrow above":'"Top" com seta para cima em cima',"Trade mark sign":"Sinal de marca comercial","Tugrik sign":"Sinal de tugrique","Turkish lira sign":"Sinal de lira turca",Turquoise:"Turquesa","Two dot leader":"Dois pontos de seguimento",Underline:"Sublinhado",Undo:"Desfazer",Union:"União",Unlink:"Desligar","up down arrow with base":"seta bidirecional vertical com base",Update:"Atualizar","Update image URL":"Atualizar URL da imagem","Upload failed":"Falha ao carregar","Upload in progress":"Carregamento em progresso","Upper-latin":"Latim maiúsculo","Upper-roman":"Romano maiúsculo","upwards arrow to bar":"seta para cima contra uma barra","upwards dashed arrow":"seta tracejada para cima","upwards double arrow":"seta dupla para cima","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas do alinhamento vertical de texto","Vulgar fraction one half":"Fração comum - um meio","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Fração comum - um quarto","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Fração comum - três quartos",White:"Branco","Whole words only":"Apenas palavras inteiras","Widget toolbar":"Barra de ferramentas do widget",Width:"Largura","Won sign":"Sinal de won","Words: %0":"Palavras: %0","Wrap text":"Envolver texto",Yellow:"Amarelo","Yellow marker":"Marcador amarelo","Yen sign":"Sinal de iene"}),e.getPluralForm=function(a){return 0==a||1==a?0:0!=a&&a%1e6==0?1:2}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); |
@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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stroke":"Litera D barată majusculă","Latin capital letter e with breve":"Litera E majusculă cu breve („căciulă”)","Latin capital letter e with caron":"Litera E majusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin capital letter e with dot above":"Litera E majusculă cu punct deasupra","Latin capital letter e with macron":"Litera E majusculă cu macron","Latin capital letter e with ogonek":"Litera E majusculă cu ogonek („codiță”)","Latin capital letter eng":"Litera ENG majusculă","Latin capital letter g with breve":"Litera G majusculă cu breve („căciulă”)","Latin capital letter g with cedilla":"Litera G majusculă cu sedilă","Latin capital letter g with circumflex":"Litera G majusculă cu accent circumflex","Latin capital letter g with dot above":"Litera G majusculă cu punct deasupra","Latin capital letter h with circumflex":"Litera H majusculă cu accent circumflex","Latin capital letter h with stroke":"Litera H barată majusculă","Latin capital letter i with breve":"Litera I majusculă cu breve („căciulă”)","Latin capital letter i with dot above":"Litera I majusculă cu punct deasupra","Latin capital letter i with macron":"Litera I majusculă cu macron","Latin capital letter i with ogonek":"Litera I majusculă cu ogonek („codiță”)","Latin capital letter i with tilde":"Litera I majusculă cu tildă","Latin capital letter j with circumflex":"Litera J majusculă cu accent circumflex","Latin capital letter k with cedilla":"Litera K majusculă cu sedilă","Latin capital letter l with acute":"Litera L majusculă cu accent ascuțit","Latin capital letter l with caron":"Litera L majusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin capital letter l with cedilla":"Litera L majusculă cu sedilă","Latin capital letter l with middle dot":"Litera L majusculă cu punct median","Latin capital letter l with stroke":"Litera L majusculă cu bară oblică","Latin capital letter n with acute":"Litera N majusculă cu accent ascuțit","Latin capital letter n with caron":"Litera N majusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin capital letter n with cedilla":"Litera N majusculă cu sedilă","Latin capital letter o with breve":"Litera O majusculă cu breve („căciulă”)","Latin capital letter o with double acute":"Litera O majusculă cu dublu accent ascuțit","Latin capital letter o with macron":"Litera O majusculă cu macron","Latin capital letter r with acute":"Litera R majusculă cu accent ascuțit","Latin capital letter r with caron":"Litera R majusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin capital letter r with cedilla":"Litera R majusculă cu sedilă","Latin capital letter s with acute":"Litera S majusculă cu accent ascuțit","Latin capital letter s with caron":"Litera S majusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin capital letter s with cedilla":"Litera S majusculă cu sedilă","Latin capital letter s with circumflex":"Litera S majusculă cu accent circumflex","Latin capital letter t with caron":"Litera T majusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin capital letter t with cedilla":"Litera T majusculă cu sedilă","Latin capital letter t with stroke":"Litera T majusculă barată","Latin capital letter u with breve":"Litera U majusculă cu breve („căciulă”)","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"Litera U majusculă cu dublu accent ascuțit","Latin capital letter u with macron":"Litera U majusculă cu macron","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"Litera U majusculă cu ogonek („codiță”)","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"Litera majusculă U cu inel deasupra","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"Litera U majusculă cu tildă","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"Litera W majusculă cu accent circumflex","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"Litera Y majusculă cu accent circumflex","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"Litera Y majusculă cu tremă","Latin capital letter z with acute":"Litera Z majusculă cu accent ascuțit","Latin capital letter z with caron":"Litera Z majusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"Litera Z majusculă cu punct deasupra","Latin capital ligature ij":"Ligatură formată din literele majuscule IJ","Latin capital ligature oe":"Ligatură formată din literele OE majuscule","Latin small letter a with breve":"Litera A minusculă cu breve („căciulă”)","Latin small letter a with macron":"Litera A minusculă cu macron","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"Litera A minusculă cu codiță (ogonek)","Latin small letter c with acute":"Litera C minusculă cu accent ascuțit","Latin small letter c with caron":"Litera C minusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"Litera C minusculă cu accent circumflex","Latin small letter c with dot above":"Litera C minusculă cu punct deasupra","Latin small letter d with caron":"Litera D minusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin small letter d with stroke":"Litera D barată minusculă","Latin small letter dotless i":"Litera I minusculă fără punct","Latin small letter e with breve":"Litera E minusculă cu breve („căciulă”)","Latin small letter e with caron":"Litera E minusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin small letter e with dot above":"Litera E minusculă cu punct deasupra","Latin small letter e with macron":"Litera E minusculă cu macron","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"Litera E minusculă cu ogonek („codiță”)","Latin small letter eng":"Litera ENG minusculă","Latin small letter f with hook":"Litera F minusculă cu cârlig","Latin small letter g with breve":"Litera G minusculă cu breve („căciulă”)","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"Litera G minusculă cu sedilă","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"Litera G minusculă cu accent circumflex","Latin small letter g with dot above":"Litera G minusculă cu punct deasupra","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"Litera H minusculă cu accent circumflex","Latin small letter h with stroke":"Litera H barată minusculă","Latin small letter i with breve":"Litera I minusculă cu breve („căciulă”)","Latin small letter i with macron":"Litera I minusculă cu macron","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"Litera I minusculă cu ogonek („codiță”)","Latin small letter i with tilde":"Litera I minusculă cu tildă","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"Litera J minusculă cu accent circumflex","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"Litera K minusculă cu sedilă","Latin small letter kra":"Litera KRA minusculă","Latin small letter l with acute":"Litera L minusculă cu accent ascuțit","Latin small letter l with caron":"Litera L minusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"Litera L minusculă cu sedilă","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"Litera L minusculă cu punct median","Latin small letter l with stroke":"Litera L minusculă cu bară oblică","Latin small letter long s":"Litera S lungă minusculă","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Litera N minusculă cu apostrof în față","Latin small letter n with acute":"Litera N minusculă cu accent ascuțit","Latin small letter n with caron":"Litera N minusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"Litera N minusculă cu sedilă","Latin small letter o with breve":"Litera O minusculă cu breve („căciulă”)","Latin small letter o with double acute":"Litera O minusculă cu dublu accent ascuțit","Latin small letter o with macron":"Litera O minusculă cu macron","Latin small letter r with acute":"Litera R minusculă cu accent ascuțit","Latin small letter r with caron":"Litera R minusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"Litera R minusculă cu sedilă","Latin small letter s with acute":"Litera S minusculă cu accent ascuțit","Latin small letter s with caron":"Litera S minusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"Litera S minusculă cu sedilă","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"Litera S minusculă cu accent circumflex","Latin small letter t with caron":"Litera T minusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"Litera T minusculă cu sedilă","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Litera T minusculă barată","Latin small letter u with breve":"Litera U minusculă cu breve („căciulă”)","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Litera U minusculă cu dublu accent ascuțit","Latin small letter u with macron":"Litera U minusculă cu macron","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"Litera U minusculă cu ogonek („codiță”)","Latin small letter u with ring above":"Litera minusculă U cu inel deasupra","Latin small letter u with tilde":"Litera U minusculă cu tildă","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"Litera W minusculă cu accent circumflex","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"Litera Y minusculă cu accent circumflex","Latin small letter z with acute":"Litera Z minusculă cu accent ascuțit","Latin small letter z with caron":"Litera Z minusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin small letter z with dot above":"Litera Z minusculă cu punct deasupra","Latin small ligature ij":"Ligatură formată din literele minuscule IJ","Latin small ligature oe":"Ligatură formată din literele OE minuscule","Left aligned image":"Imagine aliniată la stânga","Left double quotation mark":"Ghilimele sus în formă de 66","Left single quotation mark":"Semnul citării simplu stânga (în formă de 6)","Left-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Ghilimele unghiulare cu vârful spre stânga","leftwards arrow to bar":"săgeată la stânga spre bară","leftwards dashed arrow":"săgeată la stânga cu linie întreruptă","leftwards double arrow":"săgeată dublă spre stânga","Less-than or equal to":"Simbolul „mai mic sau egal”","Less-than sign":"Simbolul „mai mic decât”","Light blue":"Albastru deschis","Light green":"Verde deschis","Light grey":"Gri deschis",Link:"Link","Link image":"Link imagine","Link URL":"Link URL","Lira sign":"Simbolul pentru liră","List properties":"Proprietăți listă","Livre tournois sign":"Simbolul pentru livra tournois","Logical and":"ȘI logic","Logical or":"SAU logic","Lower-latin":"Litere mici 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Culoarea este invalidă. Încearcă "#FF0000" sau "rgb(255,0,0)" sau "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Valoarea este invalidă. Încearcă "10px" sau "2em" sau simplu "2".',"There exists":"Există","This link has no URL":"Acest link nu are niciun URL","Tilde operator":"Operatorul tildă",Tiny:"Foarte mică","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Sfat: Mai întâi găsiți textul pentru a-l înlocui.","To-do List":"Listă cu activități","Toggle caption off":"Dezactivați subtitlul","Toggle caption on":"Activați subtitlul","Toggle the circle list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu cercuri","Toggle the decimal list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu numere","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu numere cu zero la început","Toggle the disc list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu discuri","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu litere mici latine","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu litere mici romane","Toggle the square list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu pătrate","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu litere mari latine","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu litere mari romane","top with upwards arrow above":"„top” cu săgeată în sus deasupra","Trade mark sign":"Simbolul de marcă comercială","Tugrik sign":"Simbolul pentru tugrik","Turkish lira sign":"Simbolul pentru lira turcească",Turquoise:"Turcoaz","Two dot leader":"Două puncte orizontale pe linia de bază",Underline:"Subliniat",Undo:"Anulare",Union:"Uniune",Unlink:"Șterge link","up down arrow with base":"săgeată în sus și în jos cu linie de bază",Update:"Actualizează","Update image URL":"Actualizează o imagine via URL","Upload failed":"Încărcare eșuată","Upload in progress":"Încărcare în curs","Upper-latin":"Litere mari latine","Upper-roman":"Litere mari romane","upwards arrow to bar":"săgeată în sus spre bară","upwards dashed arrow":"săgeată în sus cu linie întreruptă","upwards double arrow":"săgeată dublă în sus","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Toolbar aliniere text verticală","Vulgar fraction one half":"Jumătate (fracție în scrierea comună)","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Un sfert (fracție în scrierea comună)","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Trei sferturi (fracție în scrierea comună)",White:"Alb","Whole words only":"Doar cuvinte întregi","Widget toolbar":"Bară widget",Width:"Lungime","Won sign":"Simbolul pentru won","Words: %0":"Cuvinte: %0","Wrap text":"Încadrare text",Yellow:"Galben","Yellow marker":"Evidențiator galben","Yen sign":"Simbolul yenului"}),t.getPluralForm=function(e){return 1==e?0:e%100>19||e%100==0&&0!=e?2:1}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); | ||
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tabel",Inset:"Inserează",Integral:"Integrală",Intersection:"Intersecție","Inverted exclamation mark":"Semnul exclamării inversat","Inverted question mark":"Semnul întrebării inversat",Italic:"Cursiv",Justify:"Aliniază stânga-dreapta","Justify cell text":"Textul celulei justify","Kip sign":"Simbolul pentru kip",Language:"Limbă","Latin capital letter a with breve":"Litera A majusculă cu breve („căciulă”)","Latin capital letter a with macron":"Litera A majusculă cu macron","Latin capital letter a with ogonek":"Litera A majusculă cu codiță (ogonek)","Latin capital letter c with acute":"Litera C majusculă cu accent ascuțit","Latin capital letter c with caron":"Litera C majusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin capital letter c with circumflex":"Litera C majusculă cu accent circumflex","Latin capital letter c with dot above":"Litera C majusculă cu punct deasupra","Latin capital letter d with caron":"Litera D majusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin capital letter d with stroke":"Litera D barată majusculă","Latin capital letter e with breve":"Litera E majusculă cu breve („căciulă”)","Latin capital letter e with caron":"Litera E majusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin capital letter e with dot above":"Litera E majusculă cu punct deasupra","Latin capital letter e with macron":"Litera E majusculă cu macron","Latin capital letter e with ogonek":"Litera E majusculă cu ogonek („codiță”)","Latin capital letter eng":"Litera ENG majusculă","Latin capital letter g with breve":"Litera G majusculă cu breve („căciulă”)","Latin capital letter g with cedilla":"Litera G majusculă cu sedilă","Latin capital letter g with circumflex":"Litera G majusculă cu accent circumflex","Latin capital letter g with dot above":"Litera G majusculă cu punct deasupra","Latin capital letter h with circumflex":"Litera H majusculă cu accent circumflex","Latin capital letter h with stroke":"Litera H barată majusculă","Latin capital letter i with breve":"Litera I majusculă cu breve („căciulă”)","Latin capital letter i with dot above":"Litera I majusculă cu punct deasupra","Latin capital letter i with macron":"Litera I majusculă cu macron","Latin capital letter i with ogonek":"Litera I majusculă cu ogonek („codiță”)","Latin capital letter i with tilde":"Litera I majusculă cu tildă","Latin capital letter j with circumflex":"Litera J majusculă cu accent circumflex","Latin capital letter k with cedilla":"Litera K majusculă cu sedilă","Latin capital letter l with acute":"Litera L majusculă cu accent ascuțit","Latin capital letter l with caron":"Litera L majusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin capital letter l with cedilla":"Litera L majusculă cu sedilă","Latin capital letter l with middle dot":"Litera L majusculă cu punct median","Latin capital letter l with stroke":"Litera L majusculă cu bară oblică","Latin capital letter n with acute":"Litera N majusculă cu accent ascuțit","Latin capital letter n with caron":"Litera N majusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin capital letter n with cedilla":"Litera N majusculă cu sedilă","Latin capital letter o with breve":"Litera O majusculă cu breve („căciulă”)","Latin capital letter o with double acute":"Litera O majusculă cu dublu accent ascuțit","Latin capital letter o with macron":"Litera O majusculă cu macron","Latin capital letter r with acute":"Litera R majusculă cu accent ascuțit","Latin capital letter r with caron":"Litera R majusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin capital letter r with cedilla":"Litera R majusculă cu sedilă","Latin capital letter s with acute":"Litera S majusculă cu accent ascuțit","Latin capital letter s with caron":"Litera S majusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin capital letter s with cedilla":"Litera S majusculă cu sedilă","Latin capital letter s with circumflex":"Litera S majusculă cu accent circumflex","Latin capital letter t with caron":"Litera T majusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin capital letter t with cedilla":"Litera T majusculă cu sedilă","Latin capital letter t with stroke":"Litera T majusculă barată","Latin capital letter u with breve":"Litera U majusculă cu breve („căciulă”)","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"Litera U majusculă cu dublu accent ascuțit","Latin capital letter u with macron":"Litera U majusculă cu macron","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"Litera U majusculă cu ogonek („codiță”)","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"Litera majusculă U cu inel deasupra","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"Litera U majusculă cu tildă","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"Litera W majusculă cu accent circumflex","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"Litera Y majusculă cu accent circumflex","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"Litera Y majusculă cu tremă","Latin capital letter z with acute":"Litera Z majusculă cu accent ascuțit","Latin capital letter z with caron":"Litera Z majusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"Litera Z majusculă cu punct deasupra","Latin capital ligature ij":"Ligatură formată din literele majuscule IJ","Latin capital ligature oe":"Ligatură formată din literele OE majuscule","Latin small letter a with breve":"Litera A minusculă cu breve („căciulă”)","Latin small letter a with macron":"Litera A minusculă cu macron","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"Litera A minusculă cu codiță (ogonek)","Latin small letter c with acute":"Litera C minusculă cu accent ascuțit","Latin small letter c with caron":"Litera C minusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"Litera C minusculă cu accent circumflex","Latin small letter c with dot above":"Litera C minusculă cu punct deasupra","Latin small letter d with caron":"Litera D minusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin small letter d with stroke":"Litera D barată minusculă","Latin small letter dotless i":"Litera I minusculă fără punct","Latin small letter e with breve":"Litera E minusculă cu breve („căciulă”)","Latin small letter e with caron":"Litera E minusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin small letter e with dot above":"Litera E minusculă cu punct deasupra","Latin small letter e with macron":"Litera E minusculă cu macron","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"Litera E minusculă cu ogonek („codiță”)","Latin small letter eng":"Litera ENG minusculă","Latin small letter f with hook":"Litera F minusculă cu cârlig","Latin small letter g with breve":"Litera G minusculă cu breve („căciulă”)","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"Litera G minusculă cu sedilă","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"Litera G minusculă cu accent circumflex","Latin small letter g with dot above":"Litera G minusculă cu punct deasupra","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"Litera H minusculă cu accent circumflex","Latin small letter h with stroke":"Litera H barată minusculă","Latin small letter i with breve":"Litera I minusculă cu breve („căciulă”)","Latin small letter i with macron":"Litera I minusculă cu macron","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"Litera I minusculă cu ogonek („codiță”)","Latin small letter i with tilde":"Litera I minusculă cu tildă","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"Litera J minusculă cu accent circumflex","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"Litera K minusculă cu sedilă","Latin small letter kra":"Litera KRA minusculă","Latin small letter l with acute":"Litera L minusculă cu accent ascuțit","Latin small letter l with caron":"Litera L minusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"Litera L minusculă cu sedilă","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"Litera L minusculă cu punct median","Latin small letter l with stroke":"Litera L minusculă cu bară oblică","Latin small letter long s":"Litera S lungă minusculă","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Litera N minusculă cu apostrof în față","Latin small letter n with acute":"Litera N minusculă cu accent ascuțit","Latin small letter n with caron":"Litera N minusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"Litera N minusculă cu sedilă","Latin small letter o with breve":"Litera O minusculă cu breve („căciulă”)","Latin small letter o with double acute":"Litera O minusculă cu dublu accent ascuțit","Latin small letter o with macron":"Litera O minusculă cu macron","Latin small letter r with acute":"Litera R minusculă cu accent ascuțit","Latin small letter r with caron":"Litera R minusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"Litera R minusculă cu sedilă","Latin small letter s with acute":"Litera S minusculă cu accent ascuțit","Latin small letter s with caron":"Litera S minusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"Litera S minusculă cu sedilă","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"Litera S minusculă cu accent circumflex","Latin small letter t with caron":"Litera T minusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"Litera T minusculă cu sedilă","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Litera T minusculă barată","Latin small letter u with breve":"Litera U minusculă cu breve („căciulă”)","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Litera U minusculă cu dublu accent ascuțit","Latin small letter u with macron":"Litera U minusculă cu macron","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"Litera U minusculă cu ogonek („codiță”)","Latin small letter u with ring above":"Litera minusculă U cu inel deasupra","Latin small letter u with tilde":"Litera U minusculă cu tildă","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"Litera W minusculă cu accent circumflex","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"Litera Y minusculă cu accent circumflex","Latin small letter z with acute":"Litera Z minusculă cu accent ascuțit","Latin small letter z with caron":"Litera Z minusculă cu caron (circumflex inversat)","Latin small letter z with dot above":"Litera Z minusculă cu punct deasupra","Latin small ligature ij":"Ligatură formată din literele minuscule IJ","Latin small ligature oe":"Ligatură formată din literele OE minuscule","Left aligned image":"Imagine aliniată la stânga","Left double quotation mark":"Ghilimele sus în formă de 66","Left single quotation mark":"Semnul citării simplu stânga (în formă de 6)","Left-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Ghilimele unghiulare cu vârful spre stânga","leftwards arrow to bar":"săgeată la stânga spre bară","leftwards dashed arrow":"săgeată la stânga cu linie întreruptă","leftwards double arrow":"săgeată dublă spre stânga","Less-than or equal to":"Simbolul „mai mic sau egal”","Less-than sign":"Simbolul „mai mic decât”","Light blue":"Albastru deschis","Light green":"Verde deschis","Light grey":"Gri deschis",Link:"Link","Link image":"Link imagine","Link URL":"Link URL","Lira sign":"Simbolul pentru liră","List properties":"Proprietăți listă","Livre tournois sign":"Simbolul pentru livra tournois","Logical and":"ȘI logic","Logical or":"SAU logic","Lower-latin":"Litere mici 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Culoarea este invalidă. Încearcă "#FF0000" sau "rgb(255,0,0)" sau "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Valoarea este invalidă. Încearcă "10px" sau "2em" sau simplu "2".',"There exists":"Există","This link has no URL":"Acest link nu are niciun URL","Tilde operator":"Operatorul tildă",Tiny:"Foarte mică","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Sfat: Mai întâi găsiți textul pentru a-l înlocui.","To-do List":"Listă cu activități","Toggle caption off":"Dezactivați subtitlul","Toggle caption on":"Activați subtitlul","Toggle the circle list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu cercuri","Toggle the decimal list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu numere","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu numere cu zero la început","Toggle the disc list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu discuri","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu litere mici latine","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu litere mici romane","Toggle the square list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu pătrate","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu litere mari latine","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Comutați stilul la lista cu litere mari romane","top with upwards arrow above":"„top” cu săgeată în sus deasupra","Trade mark sign":"Simbolul de marcă comercială","Tugrik sign":"Simbolul pentru tugrik","Turkish lira sign":"Simbolul pentru lira turcească",Turquoise:"Turcoaz","Two dot leader":"Două puncte orizontale pe linia de bază",Underline:"Subliniat",Undo:"Anulare",Union:"Uniune",Unlink:"Șterge link","up down arrow with base":"săgeată în sus și în jos cu linie de bază",Update:"Actualizează","Update image URL":"Actualizează o imagine via URL","Upload failed":"Încărcare eșuată","Upload in progress":"Încărcare în curs","Upper-latin":"Litere mari latine","Upper-roman":"Litere mari romane","upwards arrow to bar":"săgeată în sus spre bară","upwards dashed arrow":"săgeată în sus cu linie întreruptă","upwards double arrow":"săgeată dublă în sus","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Toolbar aliniere text verticală","Vulgar fraction one half":"Jumătate (fracție în scrierea comună)","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Un sfert (fracție în scrierea comună)","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Trei sferturi (fracție în scrierea comună)",White:"Alb","Whole words only":"Doar cuvinte întregi","Widget toolbar":"Bară widget",Width:"Lungime","Won sign":"Simbolul pentru won","Words: %0":"Cuvinte: %0","Wrap text":"Încadrare text",Yellow:"Galben","Yellow marker":"Evidențiator galben","Yen sign":"Simbolul yenului"}),t.getPluralForm=function(e){return 1==e?0:e%100>19||e%100==0&&0!=e?2:1}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); |
@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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Попробуйте "10px" или "2em" или просто "2".',"There exists":"Существует","This link has no URL":"Для этой ссылки не установлен адрес URL","Tilde operator":"Оператор тильда",Tiny:"Очень мелкий","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Совет: сначала найдите текст, чтобы заменить его.","To-do List":"Список задач","Toggle caption off":"Выключить описание","Toggle caption on":"Включить описание","Toggle the circle list style":"Переключить на стиль списка с маркерами в виде незакрашенного кружка","Toggle the decimal list style":"Переключить на стиль списка с цифровыми маркерами","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Переключить на стиль списка с маркерами в виде цифр с нулем в начале","Toggle the disc list style":"Переключить на стиль списка с маркерами в виде закрашенного кружка","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Переключить на стиль списка с маркерами в виде строчных латинских букв","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Переключить на стиль списка с маркерами в виде строчных римских цифр","Toggle the square list style":"Переключить на стиль списка с квадратными маркерами","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Переключить на стиль списка с маркерами в виде заглавных латинских букв","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Переключить на стиль списка с маркерами в виде заглавных римских цифр","top with upwards arrow above":"Стрелка вверх над словом TOP (верх)","Trade mark sign":"Знак торговой марки","Tugrik sign":"Символ тугрика","Turkish lira sign":"Символ турецкой лиры",Turquoise:"Бирюзовый","Two dot leader":"Двухточечный пунктир",Underline:"Подчеркнутый",Undo:"Отменить",Union:"Объединение",Unlink:"Убрать ссылку","up down arrow with base":"Стрелка вверх и вниз от планки внизу",Update:"Изменить","Update image URL":"Изменить URL изображения","Upload failed":"Загрузка не выполнена","Upload in progress":"Идёт загрузка","Upper-latin":"Большие латинские","Upper-roman":"Большие римские","upwards arrow to bar":"Стрелка вверх, упирающаяся в планку","upwards dashed arrow":"Пунктирная стрелка вверх","upwards double arrow":"Двойная стрелка вверх","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Панель инструментов вертикального выравнивания текста","Vulgar fraction one half":"Дробь – одна вторая","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Дробь – одна четверть","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Дробь – три четверти",White:"Белый","Whole words only":"Только слова целиком","Widget toolbar":"Панель инструментов виджета",Width:"Ширина","Won sign":"Символ воны","Words: %0":"Слов: %0","Wrap text":"Обтекать текст",Yellow:"Жёлтый","Yellow marker":"Выделение жёлтым маркером","Yen sign":"Символ иены"}),e.getPluralForm=function(t){return t%10==1&&t%100!=11?0:t%10>=2&&t%10<=4&&(t%100<12||t%100>14)?1:t%10==0||t%10>=5&&t%10<=9||t%100>=11&&t%100<=14?2:3}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); |
@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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letter s with acute":"Latinské malé písmeno s s dĺžňom","Latin small letter s with caron":"Latinské malé písmeno s s mäkčeňom","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"Latinské malé písmeno s s háčikom","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"Latinské malé písmeno s s obráteným mäkčeňom","Latin small letter t with caron":"Latinské malé písmeno t s mäkčeňom","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"Latinské malé písmeno t s háčikom","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Latinské malé písmeno t s prečiarknutím","Latin small letter u with breve":"Latinské malé písmeno u s mäkčeňom","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Latinské malé písmeno u s dvojitým dĺžňom","Latin small letter u with macron":"Latinské malé písmeno o s čiarou","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"Latinské malé písmeno u s háčikom","Latin small letter u with ring above":"Latinské malé písmeno u s krúžkom nad znakom","Latin small letter u with tilde":"Latinské malé písmeno u s vlnovkou","Latin small letter w with 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Farba má nesprávny formát. Skúste "#FF0000", "rgb(255,0,0)" alebo "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Hodnota je nesprávna. 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@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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tačkom iznad","Latin small letter d with caron":"Latinsko malo slovo d sa caronom","Latin small letter d with stroke":"Latinsko malo slovo d sa stroke","Latin small letter dotless i":"Latinsko malo slovo i bez tačke","Latin small letter e with breve":"Latinsko malo slovo e sa breve","Latin small letter e with caron":"Latinsko malo slovo e sa caron","Latin small letter e with dot above":"Latinsko malo slovo e sa tačkom iznad","Latin small letter e with macron":"Latinsko malo slovo e sa macron","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"Latinsko malo slovo e sa ogonek","Latin small letter eng":"Latinsko malo slovo eng","Latin small letter f with hook":"Latinsko malo slovo f sa kukom","Latin small letter g with breve":"Latinsko malo slovo g sa breve","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"Latinsko malo slovo g sa cedillom","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"Latinsko malo slovo g sa circumflex","Latin small letter g with dot above":"Latinsko malo slovo g sa tačkom iznad","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"Latinsko malo slovo h sa circumflex","Latin small letter h with stroke":"Latinsko malo slovo h sa stroke","Latin small letter i with breve":"Latinsko malo slovo i sa breve","Latin small letter i with macron":"Latinsko malo slovo i sa macron","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"Latinsko malo slovo i sa ogonek","Latin small letter i with tilde":"Latinsko malo slovo i sa tildom","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"Latinsko malo slovo j sa circumflex","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"Latinsko malo slovo k sa cedila","Latin small letter kra":"Latinsko malo slovo kra","Latin small letter l with acute":"Latinsko malo slovo l sa akutom","Latin small letter l with caron":"Latinsko malo slovo l sa caron","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"Latinsko malo slovo l sa cedila","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"Latinsko malo slovo l sa srednjom tačkom","Latin small letter l with stroke":"Latinsko malo slovo l sa stroke","Latin small letter long s":"Latinsko malo slovo dugačko s","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Latinsko malo slovo n koje prethodi apostrof","Latin small letter n with acute":"Latinsko malo slovo n sa akutom ","Latin small letter n with caron":"Latinsko malo slovo n sa caron ","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"Latinsko malo slovo n sa cedilom","Latin small letter o with breve":"Latinsko malo slovo o sa breve","Latin small letter o with double acute":"Latinsko malo slovo o sa dvostrukom akutom","Latin small letter o with macron":"Latinsko malo slovo o sa macron","Latin small letter r with acute":"Latinsko malo slovo r sa akutom","Latin small letter r with caron":"Latinsko malo slovo r sa caron","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"Latinsko malo slovo r sa cedila","Latin small letter s with acute":"Latinsko malo slovo s sa akutom","Latin small letter s with caron":"Latinsko malo slovo s sa caron","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"Latinsko malo slovo s sa cedila","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"Latinsko malo slovo s sa circumflex","Latin small letter t with caron":"Latinsko malo slovo t sa caron","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"Latinsko malo slovo t sa cedila","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Latinsko malo slovo t sa stroke","Latin small letter u with breve":"Latinsko malo slovo u sa breve","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Latinsko malo slovo u s dvostrukom akutom","Latin small letter u with macron":"Latinsko malo slovo u sa macron","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"Latinsko malo slovo u sa ogonek","Latin small letter u with ring above":"Latinsko malo slovo u s prstenom iznad","Latin small letter u with tilde":"Latinsko malo slovo u sa tildom","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"Latinsko malo slovo w sa circumflex","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"Latinsko malo slovo y sa circumflex","Latin small letter z with acute":"Latinsko malo slovo z sa akutom","Latin small letter z with caron":"Latinsko malo slovo z sa caron","Latin small letter z with dot above":"Latinsko malo slovo z sa tačkom iznad","Latin small ligature ij":"Latinska mala ligatura ij","Latin small ligature oe":"Latinska mala ligatura oe","Left aligned image":"Leva slika","Left double quotation mark":"Levi dvostruki navodnik","Left single quotation mark":"Levi pojedinačni navodnik","Left-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Levi dvostrani navodnik dvostrukog ugla","leftwards arrow to bar":"Strelica nalevo ka traci","leftwards dashed arrow":"Prekidana strelica levo","leftwards double arrow":"Dupla strlica levo","Less-than or equal to":"Znak manje od ili jednako","Less-than sign":"Znak manje od","Light blue":"Svetloplava","Light green":"Svetlo zelena","Light grey":"Svetlo siva",Link:"Link","Link image":"Link slike","Link URL":"URL link","Lira sign":"Znak lire","List properties":"Navedite svojstva","Livre tournois sign":"Znak livre tournois","Logical and":"Logički i","Logical or":"Logički ili","Lower-latin":"Donji - latinski","Lower–roman":"Donji - 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language":"Odstrani jezik",Replace:"Zameni","Replace all":"Zameni sve","Replace with…":"Zameni sa…","Resize image":"Promenite veličinu slike","Resize image to %0":"Promenite veličinu slike na% 0","Resize image to the original size":"Promenite veličinu slike do originalne veličine","Restore default":"Vrati podrazumevano","Reversed order":"Obrnuti redosled","Reversed paragraph sign":"Obrnuti znak paragrafa","Rich Text Editor":"Prošireni uređivač teksta","Rich Text Editor. 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Boja je nevažeća. Pokušajte sa "# FF0000" ili "rgb (255,0,0)" ili "crvena".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"Vrednost je nevažeća. Pokušajte sa „10pk“ ili „2em“ ili jednostavno „2“.","There exists":"Postoji","This link has no URL":"Link ne sadrži URL","Tilde operator":"Tilde operator",Tiny:"Sitno","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Savet: Prvo pronađjite neki tekst da biste ga zamenili.","To-do List":"Lista obaveza","Toggle caption off":"Isključivanje natpisa","Toggle caption on":"Uključite naslov","Toggle the circle list style":"Uključite / isključite stil liste krugova","Toggle the decimal list style":"Uključi / isključi stil dekadne liste","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Prebaci decimalni znak sa vodećim stilom liste nula","Toggle the disc list style":"Uključite / isključite stil liste diskova","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Uključite / isključite stil donje liste latinice","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Uključite / isključite stil donje rimske liste","Toggle the square list style":"Uključite / isključite stil liste kvadrata","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Uključite / isključite stil gornje liste latinice","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Uključite / isključite stil gornje rimske liste","top with upwards arrow above":"Na vrhu sa strelicom prema gore","Trade mark sign":"Znak brenda","Tugrik sign":"Znak tugrik","Turkish lira sign":"Znak turskih lira",Turquoise:"Tirkizna","Two dot leader":"Vodja sa dve tačke",Underline:"Podvučen",Undo:"Povlačenje",Union:"Unija",Unlink:"Оtkloni link","up down arrow with base":"Strelica nadole sa bazom",Update:"Ažuriraj","Update image URL":"Ažuriraj URL slike","Upload failed":"Postavljanje neuspešno","Upload in progress":"Postavljanje u toku","Upper-latin":"Gornji - latinski","Upper-roman":"Gornji - rimski","upwards arrow to bar":"Strelica prema gore ka traci","upwards dashed arrow":"Prekidana strelica prema gore","upwards double arrow":"Dupla strelica prema gore","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Vertikalna traka sa alatkama za poravnavanje teksta","Vulgar fraction one half":"Vulgarna frakcija jedna polovina","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Vulgarna frakcija jedna četvrtina","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Vulgarna frakcija tri četvrtine",White:"Bela","Whole words only":"Samo cele reči","Widget toolbar":"Видгет трака са алаткама",Width:"Širina","Won sign":"Znak von","Words: %0":"Reči: %0","Wrap text":"Prelomiti tekst",Yellow:"Žuta","Yellow marker":"Žuti marker","Yen sign":"Znak jena"}),e.getPluralForm=function(a){return a%10==1&&a%100!=11?0:a%10>=2&&a%10<=4&&(a%100<10||a%100>=20)?1:2}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); | ||
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tačkom iznad","Latin small letter d with caron":"Latinsko malo slovo d sa caronom","Latin small letter d with stroke":"Latinsko malo slovo d sa stroke","Latin small letter dotless i":"Latinsko malo slovo i bez tačke","Latin small letter e with breve":"Latinsko malo slovo e sa breve","Latin small letter e with caron":"Latinsko malo slovo e sa caron","Latin small letter e with dot above":"Latinsko malo slovo e sa tačkom iznad","Latin small letter e with macron":"Latinsko malo slovo e sa macron","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"Latinsko malo slovo e sa ogonek","Latin small letter eng":"Latinsko malo slovo eng","Latin small letter f with hook":"Latinsko malo slovo f sa kukom","Latin small letter g with breve":"Latinsko malo slovo g sa breve","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"Latinsko malo slovo g sa cedillom","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"Latinsko malo slovo g sa circumflex","Latin small letter g with dot above":"Latinsko malo slovo g sa tačkom iznad","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"Latinsko malo slovo h sa circumflex","Latin small letter h with stroke":"Latinsko malo slovo h sa stroke","Latin small letter i with breve":"Latinsko malo slovo i sa breve","Latin small letter i with macron":"Latinsko malo slovo i sa macron","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"Latinsko malo slovo i sa ogonek","Latin small letter i with tilde":"Latinsko malo slovo i sa tildom","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"Latinsko malo slovo j sa circumflex","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"Latinsko malo slovo k sa cedila","Latin small letter kra":"Latinsko malo slovo kra","Latin small letter l with acute":"Latinsko malo slovo l sa akutom","Latin small letter l with caron":"Latinsko malo slovo l sa caron","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"Latinsko malo slovo l sa cedila","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"Latinsko malo slovo l sa srednjom tačkom","Latin small letter l with stroke":"Latinsko malo slovo l sa stroke","Latin small letter long s":"Latinsko malo slovo dugačko s","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Latinsko malo slovo n koje prethodi apostrof","Latin small letter n with acute":"Latinsko malo slovo n sa akutom ","Latin small letter n with caron":"Latinsko malo slovo n sa caron ","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"Latinsko malo slovo n sa cedilom","Latin small letter o with breve":"Latinsko malo slovo o sa breve","Latin small letter o with double acute":"Latinsko malo slovo o sa dvostrukom akutom","Latin small letter o with macron":"Latinsko malo slovo o sa macron","Latin small letter r with acute":"Latinsko malo slovo r sa akutom","Latin small letter r with caron":"Latinsko malo slovo r sa caron","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"Latinsko malo slovo r sa cedila","Latin small letter s with acute":"Latinsko malo slovo s sa akutom","Latin small letter s with caron":"Latinsko malo slovo s sa caron","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"Latinsko malo slovo s sa cedila","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"Latinsko malo slovo s sa circumflex","Latin small letter t with caron":"Latinsko malo slovo t sa caron","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"Latinsko malo slovo t sa cedila","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Latinsko malo slovo t sa stroke","Latin small letter u with breve":"Latinsko malo slovo u sa breve","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Latinsko malo slovo u s dvostrukom akutom","Latin small letter u with macron":"Latinsko malo slovo u sa macron","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"Latinsko malo slovo u sa ogonek","Latin small letter u with ring above":"Latinsko malo slovo u s prstenom iznad","Latin small letter u with tilde":"Latinsko malo slovo u sa tildom","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"Latinsko malo slovo w sa circumflex","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"Latinsko malo slovo y sa circumflex","Latin small letter z with acute":"Latinsko malo slovo z sa akutom","Latin small letter z with caron":"Latinsko malo slovo z sa caron","Latin small letter z with dot above":"Latinsko malo slovo z sa tačkom iznad","Latin small ligature ij":"Latinska mala ligatura ij","Latin small ligature oe":"Latinska mala ligatura oe","Left aligned image":"Leva slika","Left double quotation mark":"Levi dvostruki navodnik","Left single quotation mark":"Levi pojedinačni navodnik","Left-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Levi dvostrani navodnik dvostrukog ugla","leftwards arrow to bar":"Strelica nalevo ka traci","leftwards dashed arrow":"Prekidana strelica levo","leftwards double arrow":"Dupla strlica levo","Less-than or equal to":"Znak manje od ili jednako","Less-than sign":"Znak manje od","Light blue":"Svetloplava","Light green":"Svetlo zelena","Light grey":"Svetlo siva",Link:"Link","Link image":"Link slike","Link URL":"URL link","Lira sign":"Znak lire","List properties":"Navedite svojstva","Livre tournois sign":"Znak livre tournois","Logical and":"Logički i","Logical or":"Logički ili","Lower-latin":"Donji - latinski","Lower–roman":"Donji - 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olovka",Redo:"Ponovo","Registered sign":"Registrovani znak","Remove color":"Otkloni boju","Remove Format":"Ukloni formatiranje","Remove highlight":"Ukloni isticanje","Remove language":"Odstrani jezik",Replace:"Zameni","Replace all":"Zameni sve","Replace with…":"Zameni sa…","Resize image":"Promenite veličinu slike","Resize image to %0":"Promenite veličinu slike na% 0","Resize image to the original size":"Promenite veličinu slike do originalne veličine","Restore default":"Vrati podrazumevano","Reversed order":"Obrnuti redosled","Reversed paragraph sign":"Obrnuti znak paragrafa","Rich Text Editor":"Prošireni uređivač teksta","Rich Text Editor. 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Boja je nevažeća. Pokušajte sa "# FF0000" ili "rgb (255,0,0)" ili "crvena".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':"Vrednost je nevažeća. 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@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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letter s with acute":"Латинско велоко слово с са акутом","Latin capital letter s with caron":"Латинско велико слово с са царон","Latin capital letter s with cedilla":"Латинско велико слово с са цедила","Latin capital letter s with circumflex":"Латинско велико слово с са цирцумфлекс","Latin capital letter t with caron":"Латинско велико слово т са царон","Latin capital letter t with cedilla":"Латинско велико слово т са цедила","Latin capital letter t with stroke":"Латинско велико слово т са строке","Latin capital letter u with breve":"Латинско велико слово у са бреве","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"Латинско велико слово у с двоструким акутом","Latin capital letter u with macron":"Латинско велико слово у са мацрон","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"Латинско велико слово у са огонек","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"Латинско велико слово у с престеном изнад","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"Латинско велико слово у са тилдом","Latin capital letter w with 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цирцумфлекс","Latin small letter c with dot above":"Латинско мало слвово ц са тачком изнад","Latin small letter d with caron":"Латинско мало слово д са цароном","Latin small letter d with stroke":"Латинско мало слово д са строке","Latin small letter dotless i":"Латинско мало слово и без тачке","Latin small letter e with breve":"Латинско мало слово е са бреве","Latin small letter e with caron":"Латинско мало слово е са царон","Latin small letter e with dot above":"Латинско мало слово е са тачком изнад","Latin small letter e with macron":"Латинско мало слово е са мацрон","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"Латинско мало слво е са огонек","Latin small letter eng":"Латинско мало слово енг","Latin small letter f with hook":"Латинско мало слово ф са куком","Latin small letter g with breve":"Латинско мало слово г са бреве","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"Латинско мало слово г са цедилом","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"Латинско мало слобо г са цирцумфлекс","Latin small letter g with dot above":"Латинско мало слово г са тачком изнад","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"Латинско мало слово х са цирцумфлекс","Latin small letter h with stroke":"Латинско мало слово х са строке","Latin small letter i with breve":"Латинско мало слово и са бреве","Latin small letter i with macron":"Латинско мало слово и са мацрон","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"Латинско мало слово и са огонек","Latin small letter i with tilde":"Латинско мало слово и са тилдом","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"Латнцско мало слово ј са цирцумфлекс","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"Латинско мало слово к са цедила","Latin small letter kra":"Латинско мало слово кра","Latin small letter l with acute":"Латинско мало слово л са акутом","Latin small letter l with caron":"Латинско мало слово л са царон","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"Латинско мало слово л са цедила","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"Латинско мало слово са цреднјом тачком","Latin small letter l with 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letter s with acute":"Латинско велоко слово с са акутом","Latin capital letter s with caron":"Латинско велико слово с са царон","Latin capital letter s with cedilla":"Латинско велико слово с са цедила","Latin capital letter s with circumflex":"Латинско велико слово с са цирцумфлекс","Latin capital letter t with caron":"Латинско велико слово т са царон","Latin capital letter t with cedilla":"Латинско велико слово т са цедила","Latin capital letter t with stroke":"Латинско велико слово т са строке","Latin capital letter u with breve":"Латинско велико слово у са бреве","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"Латинско велико слово у с двоструким акутом","Latin capital letter u with macron":"Латинско велико слово у са мацрон","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"Латинско велико слово у са огонек","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"Латинско велико слово у с престеном изнад","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"Латинско велико слово у са тилдом","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"Латинско велико слово дупло в са цирцумфлекс","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"Латинско велико слово ипсилон са цирцумфлекс","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"Латинско велико слово ипсилон са дијарезом","Latin capital letter z with acute":"Латинско велико слово з са акутом","Latin capital letter z with caron":"Латинско велико слово з са царон","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"Латинско велико слово з са тачком изнад","Latin capital ligature ij":"Латинска велика лигатура иј","Latin capital ligature oe":"Латинска велика лигатура ое","Latin small letter a with breve":"Латинско мало слово а са бревом","Latin small letter a with macron":"Латинско мало слово а са макроном","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"Латинско мало слово с са огонек","Latin small letter c with acute":"Латинско мало слово ц са акутом","Latin small letter c with caron":"Латинско мало слово ц са цароном","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"Латинско мало слово ц са цирцумфлекс","Latin small letter c with dot above":"Латинско мало слвово ц са тачком изнад","Latin small letter d with caron":"Латинско мало слово д са цароном","Latin small letter d with stroke":"Латинско мало слово д са строке","Latin small letter dotless i":"Латинско мало слово и без тачке","Latin small letter e with breve":"Латинско мало слово е са бреве","Latin small letter e with caron":"Латинско мало слово е са царон","Latin small letter e with dot above":"Латинско мало слово е са тачком изнад","Latin small letter e with macron":"Латинско мало слово е са мацрон","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"Латинско мало слво е са огонек","Latin small letter eng":"Латинско мало слово енг","Latin small letter f with hook":"Латинско мало слово ф са куком","Latin small letter g with breve":"Латинско мало слово г са бреве","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"Латинско мало слово г са цедилом","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"Латинско мало слобо г са цирцумфлекс","Latin small letter g with dot above":"Латинско мало слово г са тачком изнад","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"Латинско мало слово х са цирцумфлекс","Latin small letter h with stroke":"Латинско мало слово х са строке","Latin small letter i with breve":"Латинско мало слово и са бреве","Latin small letter i with macron":"Латинско мало слово и са мацрон","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"Латинско мало слово и са огонек","Latin small letter i with tilde":"Латинско мало слово и са тилдом","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"Латнцско мало слово ј са цирцумфлекс","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"Латинско мало слово к са цедила","Latin small letter kra":"Латинско мало слово кра","Latin small letter l with acute":"Латинско мало слово л са акутом","Latin small letter l with caron":"Латинско мало слово л са царон","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"Латинско мало слово л са цедила","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"Латинско мало слово са цреднјом тачком","Latin small letter l with 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Покушајте са "10px" или "2em" или једноставно "2".',"There exists":"Постоји","This link has no URL":"Линк не садржи УРЛ","Tilde operator":"Тилде оператор",Tiny:"Ситно","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Савет: Прво пронађите неки текст да бисте га заменили. 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Testa "10px" eller "2em" eller helt enkelt "2".',"There exists":"Tom uppsättning","This link has no URL":"Denna länk saknar URL","Tilde operator":"Tilde-operatör",Tiny:"Mycket liten","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Tips: Hitta någon text först för att ersätta den.","To-do List":"Att-göra-lista","Toggle caption off":"Slå av rubrik","Toggle caption on":"Slå på rubrik","Toggle the circle list style":"Växla till cirkellisttypen","Toggle the decimal list style":"Växla till decimallisttypen","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Växla till listtypen decimal-med-inledande-nolla","Toggle the disc list style":"Växla till disklisttypen","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Växla till listtypen latinska gemener","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Växla till listtypen romerska gemener","Toggle the square list style":"Växla till fyrkantslisttypen","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Växla till listtypen latinska versaler ","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Växla till listtypen romerska versaler","top with upwards arrow above":"överst med en uppåtriktad pil ovanför","Trade mark sign":"Varumärkesskylt","Tugrik sign":"Tugrik-tecken","Turkish lira sign":"Turkiska liran tecken",Turquoise:"Turkos","Two dot leader":"Två punkts ledare",Underline:"Understrykning",Undo:"Ångra",Union:"Unionen",Unlink:"Ta bort länk","up down arrow with base":"upp ner pil med bas",Update:"Uppdatera","Update image URL":"Uppdatera bildens URL","Upload failed":"Uppladdning misslyckades","Upload in progress":"Uppladdning pågår","Upper-latin":"Latinska versaler","Upper-roman":"Romerska versaler","upwards arrow to bar":"uppåtriktad pil till streck","upwards dashed arrow":"streckad pil uppåt","upwards double arrow":"dubbelpil uppåt","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Verktygsfält för vertikal textjustering","Vulgar fraction one half":"Vulgärfraktion hälften","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Vulgärfraktion en fjärdedel","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Vulgärfraktion tre fjärdedelar",White:"Vit","Whole words only":"Enbart hela ord","Widget toolbar":"Widgetverktygsfält",Width:"Bredd","Won sign":"Vunnit tecken","Words: %0":"Ord: %0","Wrap text":"Omslut med text",Yellow:"Gul","Yellow marker":"Gul markering","Yen sign":"Yen-tecken"}),t.getPluralForm=function(e){return 1!=e}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); | ||
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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Färgen är ogiltig. Testa "#FF0000" eller "rgb(255,0,0)" eller "röd".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Värdet är ogiltigt. Testa "10px" eller "2em" eller helt enkelt "2".',"There exists":"Tom uppsättning","This link has no URL":"Denna länk saknar URL","Tilde operator":"Tilde-operatör",Tiny:"Mycket liten","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Tips: Hitta någon text först för att ersätta den.","To-do List":"Att-göra-lista","Toggle caption off":"Slå av rubrik","Toggle caption on":"Slå på rubrik","Toggle the circle list style":"Växla till cirkellisttypen","Toggle the decimal list style":"Växla till decimallisttypen","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Växla till listtypen decimal-med-inledande-nolla","Toggle the disc list style":"Växla till disklisttypen","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Växla till listtypen latinska gemener","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Växla till listtypen romerska gemener","Toggle the square list style":"Växla till fyrkantslisttypen","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Växla till listtypen latinska versaler ","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Växla till listtypen romerska versaler","top with upwards arrow above":"överst med en uppåtriktad pil ovanför","Trade mark sign":"Varumärkesskylt","Tugrik sign":"Tugrik-tecken","Turkish lira sign":"Turkiska liran tecken",Turquoise:"Turkos","Two dot leader":"Två punkts ledare",Underline:"Understrykning",Undo:"Ångra",Union:"Unionen",Unlink:"Ta bort länk","up down arrow with base":"upp ner pil med bas",Update:"Uppdatera","Update image URL":"Uppdatera bildens URL","Upload failed":"Uppladdning misslyckades","Upload in progress":"Uppladdning pågår","Upper-latin":"Latinska versaler","Upper-roman":"Romerska versaler","upwards arrow to bar":"uppåtriktad pil till streck","upwards dashed arrow":"streckad pil uppåt","upwards double arrow":"dubbelpil uppåt","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Verktygsfält för vertikal textjustering","Vulgar fraction one half":"Vulgärfraktion hälften","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Vulgärfraktion en fjärdedel","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Vulgärfraktion tre fjärdedelar",White:"Vit","Whole words only":"Enbart hela ord","Widget toolbar":"Widgetverktygsfält",Width:"Bredd","Won sign":"Vunnit tecken","Words: %0":"Ord: %0","Wrap text":"Omslut med text",Yellow:"Gul","Yellow marker":"Gul markering","Yen sign":"Yen-tecken"}),t.getPluralForm=function(e){return 1!=e}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); |
@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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"10px" veya "2em" veya sadece "2" deneyin.',"There exists":"Var","This link has no URL":"Bağlantı adresi yok","Tilde operator":"Tilde operatörü",Tiny:"Çok Küçük","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"İpucu: Değiştirmek için önce bir metin bul.","To-do List":"Yapılacaklar Listesi","Toggle caption off":"Açıklamayı kapat","Toggle caption on":"Açıklamayı aç","Toggle the circle list style":"Çember liste stilini değiştir","Toggle the decimal list style":"Ondalık liste stilini değiştir","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"0'la başlayan ondalık liste stilini değiştir","Toggle the disc list style":"Disk liste stilini değiştir","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Küçük Latin harfleri liste stilini değiştir","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Küçük Roma rakamları liste stilini değiştir","Toggle the square list style":"Kare liste stilini değiştir","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Büyük Latin harfleri liste stilini değiştir","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Büyük Roma rakamları liste stilini değiştir","top with upwards arrow above":"en üst yukarı oku","Trade mark sign":"Ticari marka işareti","Tugrik sign":"Tugrik işareti","Turkish lira sign":"Türk Lirası işareti",Turquoise:"Turkuaz","Two dot leader":"Öncelikli iki nokta",Underline:"Altı Çizgili",Undo:"Geri al",Union:"Birleşik",Unlink:"Bağlantıyı kaldır","up down arrow with base":"taban ile yukarı aşağı ok",Update:"Güncelle","Update image URL":"Görüntü URL'sini güncelle","Upload failed":"Yükleme başarsız","Upload in progress":"Yükleme işlemi devam ediyor","Upper-latin":"Büyük Latin harfleri","Upper-roman":"Büyük Roma rakamları","upwards arrow to bar":"yukarı ok çubuğu","upwards dashed arrow":"yukarı doğru kesik ok","upwards double arrow":"yukarı çift ok","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Dikey metin hizalama araç çubuğu","Vulgar fraction one half":"Kaba kesir bir buçuk","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Kaba kesir bir çeyrek","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Kaba bölüm dörtte üç",White:"Beyaz","Whole words only":"Sadece bütün kelimeler","Widget toolbar":"Bileşen araç çubuğu",Width:"Genişlik","Won sign":"Kazanılan işaret","Words: %0":"Kelimeler: %0","Wrap text":"Metni kaydır",Yellow:"Sarı","Yellow marker":"Sarı işaretleyici","Yen sign":"Yen işareti"}),a.getPluralForm=function(i){return i>1}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); | ||
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acute":"Латинська велика літера u із подвійним наголосом","Latin capital letter u with macron":"Латинська велика літера u зі знаком довготи","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"Латинська велика літера u з хвостиком","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"Латинська велика літера u із кільцем вгорі","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"Латинська велика літера u із тильдою","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"Латинська велика літера w із дашком","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"Латинська велика літера y із дашком","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"Латинська велика літера y з умляутом","Latin capital letter z with acute":"Латинська велика літера z з гострим наголосом","Latin capital letter z with caron":"Латинська велика літера z з пташкою","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"Латинська велика літера z з крапкою вгорі","Latin capital ligature ij":"Латинська велика лігатура ij","Latin capital ligature oe":"Латинська велика лігатура ое","Latin small letter a 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знаком довготи","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"Латинська мала літера е з хвостиком","Latin small letter eng":"Латинські малі літери eng","Latin small letter f with hook":"Латинська мала літера f з гачком","Latin small letter g with breve":"Латинська мала літера g з бревісом","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"Латинська мала літера g з седилем","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"Латинська мала літера g з дашком","Latin small letter g with dot above":"Латинська мала літера g з крапкою вгорі","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"Латинська мала літера h з дашком","Latin small letter h with stroke":"Латинська мала літера h з рискою","Latin small letter i with breve":"Латинська мала літера і з бревісом","Latin small letter i with macron":"Латинська мала літера і зі знаком довготи","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"Латинська мала літера і з пташкою","Latin small letter i with tilde":"Латинська мала літера і з тильдою","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"Латинська мала літера j з дашком","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"Латинська мала літера k з седилем","Latin small letter kra":"Латинська мала літера kra","Latin small letter l with acute":"Латинська мала літера l з гострим наголосом","Latin small letter l with caron":"Латинська мала літера l із пташкою","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"Латинська мала літера l із седилем","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"Латинська мала літера l з середньою крапкою","Latin small letter l with stroke":"Латинська мала літера l з рискою","Latin small letter long s":"Латинська мала літера довга s","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Латинська мала літера n з апострофом","Latin small letter n with acute":"Латинська мала літера n з гострим наголосом","Latin small letter n with caron":"Латинська мала літера n із пташкою","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"Латинська мала літера n із седилем","Latin small letter o with breve":"Латинська мала літера о з бревісом","Latin small letter o with double acute":"Латинська мала літера о з подвійним наголосом","Latin small letter o with macron":"Латинська мала літера о зі знаком довготи","Latin small letter r with acute":"Латинська мала літера r з гострим наголосом","Latin small letter r with caron":"Латинська мала літера r із пташкою","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"Латинська мала літера r із седилем","Latin small letter s with acute":"Латинська мала літера s із гострим наголосом ","Latin small letter s with caron":"Латинська мала літера s із пташкою","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"Латинська мала літера s із седилем","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"Латинська мала літера s із дашком","Latin small letter t with caron":"Латинська мала літера t із пташкою","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"Латинська мала літера t із седилем","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Латинська мала літера t із рискою","Latin small letter u with breve":"Латинська мала літера u із бревісом","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Латинська 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@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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macron":"Chữ cái Latinh a viết thường với dấu trường âm","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"Chữ cái Latinh a viết thường với dấu ogonek","Latin small letter c with acute":"Chữ cái Latinh c viết thường với dấu sắc","Latin small letter c with caron":"Chữ cái Latinh c viết thường với dấu mũ ngược","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"Chữ cái Latinh c viết thường với dấu mũ","Latin small letter c with dot above":"Chữ cái Latinh c viết thường với dấu chấm ở trên","Latin small letter d with caron":"Chữ cái Latinh d viết thường với dấu mũ ngược","Latin small letter d with stroke":"Chữ cái Latinh d viết thường với dấu gạch ngang","Latin small letter dotless i":"Chữ cái Latinh i viết thường không dấu chấm","Latin small letter e with breve":"Chữ cái Latinh e viết thường với dấu trăng","Latin small letter e with caron":"Chữ cái Latinh e viết thường với dấu mũ ngược","Latin small letter e with dot above":"Chữ cái Latinh e viết thường với dấu chấm ở trên","Latin small letter e with macron":"Chữ cái Latinh e viết thường với dấu trường âm","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"Chữ cái Latinh e viết thường với dấu ogonek","Latin small letter eng":"Chữ cái Latinh ŋ viết thường","Latin small letter f with hook":"Chữ cái Latinh f viết thường với móc","Latin small letter g with breve":"Chữ cái Latinh g viết thường với dấu trăng","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"Chữ cái Latinh g viết thường với dấu móc dưới","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"Chữ cái Latinh g viết thường với dấu mũ","Latin small letter g with dot above":"Chữ cái Latinh g viết thường với dấu chấm ở trên","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"Chữ cái Latinh h viết thường với dấu mũ","Latin small letter h with stroke":"Chữ cái Latinh h viết thường với dấu gạch ngang","Latin small letter i with breve":"Chữ cái Latinh i viết thường với dấu trăng","Latin small letter i with macron":"Chữ cái Latinh i viết thường với dấu trường âm","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"Chữ cái Latinh i viết thường với dấu ogonek","Latin small letter i with tilde":"Chữ cái Latinh i viết thường với dấu ngã","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"Chữ cái Latinh j viết thường với dấu mũ","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"Chữ cái Latinh k viết hoa với dấu móc dưới","Latin small letter kra":"Chữ cái Latinh k viết thường","Latin small letter l with acute":"Chữ cái Latinh l viết thường với dấu sắc","Latin small letter l with caron":"Chữ cái Latinh l viết thường với dấu mũ ngược","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"Chữ cái Latinh l viết thường với dấu móc dưới","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"Chữ cái Latinh l viết thường với dấu chấm ở giữa","Latin small letter l with stroke":"Chữ cái Latinh l viết thường với dấu gạch ngang","Latin small letter long s":"Chữ cái Latinh s dài viết thường","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Chữ cái Latinh n viết thường có dấu viết lược đứng trước","Latin small letter n with acute":"Chữ cái Latinh n viết thường với dấu sắc","Latin small letter n with caron":"Chữ cái Latinh n viết thường với dấu mũ ngược","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"Chữ cái Latinh n viết thường với dấu móc dưới","Latin small letter o with breve":"Chữ cái Latinh o viết thường với dấu trăng","Latin small letter o with double acute":"Chữ cái Latinh o viết thường với dấu sắc kép","Latin small letter o with macron":"Chữ cái Latinh o viết thường với dấu trường âm","Latin small letter r with acute":"Chữ cái Latinh r viết thường với dấu sắc","Latin small letter r with caron":"Chữ cái Latinh r viết thường với dấu mũ ngược","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"Chữ cái Latinh r viết thường với dấu móc dưới","Latin small letter s with acute":"Chữ cái Latinh s viết thường với dấu sắc","Latin small letter s with caron":"Chữ cái Latinh s viết thường với dấu mũ ngược","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"Chữ cái Latinh s viết thường với dấu móc dưới","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"Chữ cái Latinh s viết thường với dấu mũ","Latin small letter t with caron":"Chữ cái Latinh t viết thường với dấu mũ ngược","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"Chữ cái Latinh t viết thường với dấu móc dưới","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Chữ cái Latinh t viết thường với dấu gạch ngang","Latin small letter u with breve":"Chữ cái Latinh u viết thường với dấu trăng","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Chữ cái Latinh u viết thường với dấu sắc kép","Latin small letter u with macron":"Chữ cái Latinh u viết thường với dấu trường âm","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"Chữ cái Latinh u viết thường với dấu ogonek","Latin small letter u with ring above":"Chữ cái Latinh u viết thường với vòng tròn ở trên","Latin small letter u with tilde":"Chữ cái Latinh u viết hoa với dấu ngã","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"Chữ cái Latinh w viết thường với dấu mũ","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"Chữ cái Latinh y viết thường với dấu mũ","Latin small letter z with acute":"Chữ cái Latinh z viết thường với dấu sắc","Latin small letter z with caron":"Chữ cái Latinh z viết thường với dấu mũ ngược","Latin small letter z with dot above":"Chữ cái Latinh z viết thường với dấu chấm ở trên","Latin small ligature ij":"Chữ ghép Latinh ij viết thường","Latin small ligature oe":"Chữ ghép Latinh oe viết thường","Left aligned image":"Ảnh canh trái","Left double quotation mark":"Dấu nháy kép bên trái","Left single quotation mark":"Dấu nháy đơn bên trái","Left-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Dấu nháy kép dạng góc chỉ sang bên trái","leftwards arrow to bar":"mũi tên hướng sang trái về phía thanh","leftwards dashed arrow":"mũi tên đứt nét hướng sang trái","leftwards double arrow":"mũi tên kép hướng sang trái","Less-than or equal to":"Nhỏ hơn hoặc bằng","Less-than sign":"Ký hiệu nhỏ hơn","Light blue":"Xanh dương","Light green":"Xanh lá nhạt","Light grey":"Xám nhạt",Link:"Chèn liên kết","Link image":"Liên kết của ảnh","Link URL":"Đường dẫn liên kết","Lira sign":"Ký hiệu Lira","List properties":"Thuộc tính danh sách","Livre tournois sign":"Ký hiệu Livre 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Màu này không hợp lệ. Hãy thử "#FF0000" hoặc "rgb(255,0,0)" hoặc "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Giá trị này không hợp lệ. Hãy thử "10px" hoặc "2em" hoặc chỉ "2".',"There exists":"Tồn tại","This link has no URL":"Liên kết không có đường dẫn","Tilde operator":"Toán tử dấu ngã",Tiny:"Bé","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Mẹo: Tìm một đoạn văn bản trước để thay thế.","To-do List":"Danh sách cần làm","Toggle caption off":"Ẩn chú thích","Toggle caption on":"Hiện chú thích","Toggle the circle list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách dạng vòng tròn","Toggle the decimal list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách dạng thập phân","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách dạng thập phân bắt đầu bằng số 0","Toggle the disc list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách dạng đĩa","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách chữ cái Latinh viết thường","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách chữ số La Mã viết thường","Toggle the square list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách dạng vuông","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách chữ cái Latinh viết hoa","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách chữ số La Mã viết hoa","top with upwards arrow above":"top với mũi tên hướng lên ở trên","Trade mark sign":"Ký hiệu thương hiệu","Tugrik sign":"Ký hiệu Tögrög","Turkish lira sign":"Ký hiệu lira Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ",Turquoise:"Xanh ngọc bích","Two dot leader":"Hàng hai dấu chấm",Underline:"Gạch dưới",Undo:"Hoàn tác",Union:"Hợp",Unlink:"Bỏ liên kết","up down arrow with base":"mũi tên lên xuống có đế",Update:"Cập nhật","Update image URL":"Cập nhật ảnh từ URL","Upload failed":"Tải thất bại","Upload in progress":"Đang tải lên","Upper-latin":"Chữ cái Latinh viết hoa","Upper-roman":"Chữ số La Mã viết hoa","upwards arrow to bar":"mũi tên hướng lên trên về phía thanh","upwards dashed arrow":"mũi tên đứt nét hướng lên","upwards double arrow":"mũi tên kép hướng lên","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Thanh công cụ căn chỉnh văn bản theo chiều dọc","Vulgar fraction one half":"Phân số thường một phần hai","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Phân số thường một phần tư","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Phân số thường ba phần tư",White:"Trắng","Whole words only":"Chỉ toàn bộ từ","Widget toolbar":"Thanh công cụ tiện ích",Width:"Rộng","Won sign":"Ký hiệu Won","Words: %0":"Số chữ: %0","Wrap text":"Bọc văn bản",Yellow:"Vàng","Yellow marker":"Bút vàng","Yen sign":"Ký hiệu Yên Nhật"}),i.getPluralForm=function(t){return 0}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); | ||
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with ogonek":"Chữ cái Latinh a viết hoa với dấu ogonek","Latin capital letter c with acute":"Chữ cái Latinh c viết hoa với dấu sắc","Latin capital letter c with caron":"Chữ cái Latinh c viết hoa với dấu mũ ngược","Latin capital letter c with circumflex":"Chữ cái Latinh c viết hoa với dấu mũ","Latin capital letter c with dot above":"Chữ cái Latinh c viết hoa với dấu chấm ở trên","Latin capital letter d with caron":"Chữ cái Latinh d viết hoa với dấu mũ ngược","Latin capital letter d with stroke":"Chữ cái Latinh d viết hoa với dấu gạch ngang","Latin capital letter e with breve":"Chữ cái Latinh e viết hoa với dấu trăng","Latin capital letter e with caron":"Chữ cái Latinh e viết hoa với dấu mũ ngược","Latin capital letter e with dot above":"Chữ cái Latinh e viết hoa với dấu chấm ở trên","Latin capital letter e with macron":"Chữ cái Latinh e viết hoa với dấu trường âm","Latin capital letter e with ogonek":"Chữ cái Latinh e viết hoa với dấu ogonek","Latin capital letter eng":"Chữ cái Latinh Ŋ viết hoa","Latin capital letter g with breve":"Chữ cái Latinh g viết hoa với dấu trăng","Latin capital letter g with cedilla":"Chữ cái Latinh g viết hoa với dấu móc dưới","Latin capital letter g with circumflex":"Chữ cái Latinh g viết hoa với dấu mũ","Latin capital letter g with dot above":"Chữ cái Latinh g viết hoa với dấu chấm ở trên","Latin capital letter h with circumflex":"Chữ cái Latinh h viết hoa với dấu mũ","Latin capital letter h with stroke":"Chữ cái Latinh h viết hoa với dấu gạch ngang","Latin capital letter i with breve":"Chữ cái Latinh i viết hoa với dấu trăng","Latin capital letter i with dot above":"Chữ cái Latinh i viết hoa với dấu chấm ở trên","Latin capital letter i with macron":"Chữ cái Latinh i viết hoa với dấu trường âm","Latin capital letter i with ogonek":"Chữ cái Latinh i viết hoa với dấu ogonek","Latin capital letter i with tilde":"Chữ cái Latinh i viết hoa với dấu ngã","Latin capital letter j with circumflex":"Chữ cái Latinh j viết hoa với dấu mũ","Latin capital letter k with cedilla":"Chữ cái Latinh k viết hoa với dấu móc dưới","Latin capital letter l with acute":"Chữ cái Latinh l viết hoa với dấu sắc","Latin capital letter l with caron":"Chữ cái Latinh l viết hoa với dấu mũ ngược","Latin capital letter l with cedilla":"Chữ cái Latinh l viết hoa với dấu móc dưới","Latin capital letter l with middle dot":"Chữ cái Latinh l viết hoa với dấu chấm ở giữa","Latin capital letter l with stroke":"Chữ cái Latinh l viết hoa với dấu gạch ngang","Latin capital letter n with acute":"Chữ cái Latinh n viết hoa với dấu sắc","Latin capital letter n with caron":"Chữ cái Latinh n viết hoa với dấu mũ ngược","Latin capital letter n with cedilla":"Chữ cái Latinh n viết hoa với dấu móc dưới","Latin capital letter o with breve":"Chữ cái Latinh o viết hoa với dấu trăng","Latin capital letter o with double acute":"Chữ cái Latinh o viết hoa với dấu sắc kép","Latin capital letter o with macron":"Chữ cái Latinh o viết hoa với dấu trường âm","Latin capital letter r with acute":"Chữ cái Latinh r viết hoa với dấu sắc","Latin capital letter r with caron":"Chữ cái Latinh r viết hoa với dấu mũ ngược","Latin capital letter r with cedilla":"Chữ cái Latinh r viết hoa với dấu móc dưới","Latin capital letter s with acute":"Chữ cái Latinh s viết hoa với dấu sắc","Latin capital letter s with caron":"Chữ cái Latinh s viết hoa với dấu mũ ngược","Latin capital letter s with cedilla":"Chữ cái Latinh s viết hoa với dấu móc dưới","Latin capital letter s with circumflex":"Chữ cái Latinh s viết hoa với dấu mũ","Latin capital letter t with caron":"Chữ cái Latinh t viết hoa với dấu mũ ngược","Latin capital letter t with cedilla":"Chữ cái Latinh t viết hoa với dấu móc dưới","Latin capital letter t with stroke":"Chữ cái Latinh t viết hoa với dấu gạch ngang","Latin capital letter u with breve":"Chữ cái Latinh u viết hoa với dấu trăng","Latin capital letter u with double acute":"Chữ cái Latinh u viết hoa với dấu sắc kép","Latin capital letter u with macron":"Chữ cái Latinh u viết hoa với dấu trường âm","Latin capital letter u with ogonek":"Chữ cái Latinh u viết hoa với dấu ogonek","Latin capital letter u with ring above":"Chữ cái Latinh u viết hoa với vòng tròn ở trên","Latin capital letter u with tilde":"Chữ cái Latinh u viết hoa với dấu ngã","Latin capital letter w with circumflex":"Chữ cái Latinh w viết hoa với dấu mũ","Latin capital letter y with circumflex":"Chữ cái Latinh y viết hoa với dấu mũ","Latin capital letter y with diaeresis":"Chữ cái Latinh y viết hoa với dấu tách đôi","Latin capital letter z with acute":"Chữ cái Latinh z viết hoa với dấu sắc","Latin capital letter z with caron":"Chữ cái Latinh z viết hoa với dấu mũ ngược","Latin capital letter z with dot above":"Chữ cái Latinh z viết hoa với dấu chấm ở trên","Latin capital ligature ij":"Chữ ghép Latinh ij viết hoa","Latin capital ligature oe":"Chữ ghép Latinh oe viết hoa","Latin small letter a with breve":"Chữ cái Latinh a viết thường với dấu trăng","Latin small letter a with macron":"Chữ cái Latinh a viết thường với dấu trường âm","Latin small letter a with ogonek":"Chữ cái Latinh a viết thường với dấu ogonek","Latin small letter c with acute":"Chữ cái Latinh c viết thường với dấu sắc","Latin small letter c with caron":"Chữ cái Latinh c viết thường với dấu mũ ngược","Latin small letter c with circumflex":"Chữ cái Latinh c viết thường với dấu mũ","Latin small letter c with dot above":"Chữ cái Latinh c viết thường với dấu chấm ở trên","Latin small letter d with caron":"Chữ cái Latinh d viết thường với dấu mũ ngược","Latin small letter d with stroke":"Chữ cái Latinh d viết thường với dấu gạch ngang","Latin small letter dotless i":"Chữ cái Latinh i viết thường không dấu chấm","Latin small letter e with breve":"Chữ cái Latinh e viết thường với dấu trăng","Latin small letter e with caron":"Chữ cái Latinh e viết thường với dấu mũ ngược","Latin small letter e with dot above":"Chữ cái Latinh e viết thường với dấu chấm ở trên","Latin small letter e with macron":"Chữ cái Latinh e viết thường với dấu trường âm","Latin small letter e with ogonek":"Chữ cái Latinh e viết thường với dấu ogonek","Latin small letter eng":"Chữ cái Latinh ŋ viết thường","Latin small letter f with hook":"Chữ cái Latinh f viết thường với móc","Latin small letter g with breve":"Chữ cái Latinh g viết thường với dấu trăng","Latin small letter g with cedilla":"Chữ cái Latinh g viết thường với dấu móc dưới","Latin small letter g with circumflex":"Chữ cái Latinh g viết thường với dấu mũ","Latin small letter g with dot above":"Chữ cái Latinh g viết thường với dấu chấm ở trên","Latin small letter h with circumflex":"Chữ cái Latinh h viết thường với dấu mũ","Latin small letter h with stroke":"Chữ cái Latinh h viết thường với dấu gạch ngang","Latin small letter i with breve":"Chữ cái Latinh i viết thường với dấu trăng","Latin small letter i with macron":"Chữ cái Latinh i viết thường với dấu trường âm","Latin small letter i with ogonek":"Chữ cái Latinh i viết thường với dấu ogonek","Latin small letter i with tilde":"Chữ cái Latinh i viết thường với dấu ngã","Latin small letter j with circumflex":"Chữ cái Latinh j viết thường với dấu mũ","Latin small letter k with cedilla":"Chữ cái Latinh k viết hoa với dấu móc dưới","Latin small letter kra":"Chữ cái Latinh k viết thường","Latin small letter l with acute":"Chữ cái Latinh l viết thường với dấu sắc","Latin small letter l with caron":"Chữ cái Latinh l viết thường với dấu mũ ngược","Latin small letter l with cedilla":"Chữ cái Latinh l viết thường với dấu móc dưới","Latin small letter l with middle dot":"Chữ cái Latinh l viết thường với dấu chấm ở giữa","Latin small letter l with stroke":"Chữ cái Latinh l viết thường với dấu gạch ngang","Latin small letter long s":"Chữ cái Latinh s dài viết thường","Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe":"Chữ cái Latinh n viết thường có dấu viết lược đứng trước","Latin small letter n with acute":"Chữ cái Latinh n viết thường với dấu sắc","Latin small letter n with caron":"Chữ cái Latinh n viết thường với dấu mũ ngược","Latin small letter n with cedilla":"Chữ cái Latinh n viết thường với dấu móc dưới","Latin small letter o with breve":"Chữ cái Latinh o viết thường với dấu trăng","Latin small letter o with double acute":"Chữ cái Latinh o viết thường với dấu sắc kép","Latin small letter o with macron":"Chữ cái Latinh o viết thường với dấu trường âm","Latin small letter r with acute":"Chữ cái Latinh r viết thường với dấu sắc","Latin small letter r with caron":"Chữ cái Latinh r viết thường với dấu mũ ngược","Latin small letter r with cedilla":"Chữ cái Latinh r viết thường với dấu móc dưới","Latin small letter s with acute":"Chữ cái Latinh s viết thường với dấu sắc","Latin small letter s with caron":"Chữ cái Latinh s viết thường với dấu mũ ngược","Latin small letter s with cedilla":"Chữ cái Latinh s viết thường với dấu móc dưới","Latin small letter s with circumflex":"Chữ cái Latinh s viết thường với dấu mũ","Latin small letter t with caron":"Chữ cái Latinh t viết thường với dấu mũ ngược","Latin small letter t with cedilla":"Chữ cái Latinh t viết thường với dấu móc dưới","Latin small letter t with stroke":"Chữ cái Latinh t viết thường với dấu gạch ngang","Latin small letter u with breve":"Chữ cái Latinh u viết thường với dấu trăng","Latin small letter u with double acute":"Chữ cái Latinh u viết thường với dấu sắc kép","Latin small letter u with macron":"Chữ cái Latinh u viết thường với dấu trường âm","Latin small letter u with ogonek":"Chữ cái Latinh u viết thường với dấu ogonek","Latin small letter u with ring above":"Chữ cái Latinh u viết thường với vòng tròn ở trên","Latin small letter u with tilde":"Chữ cái Latinh u viết hoa với dấu ngã","Latin small letter w with circumflex":"Chữ cái Latinh w viết thường với dấu mũ","Latin small letter y with circumflex":"Chữ cái Latinh y viết thường với dấu mũ","Latin small letter z with acute":"Chữ cái Latinh z viết thường với dấu sắc","Latin small letter z with caron":"Chữ cái Latinh z viết thường với dấu mũ ngược","Latin small letter z with dot above":"Chữ cái Latinh z viết thường với dấu chấm ở trên","Latin small ligature ij":"Chữ ghép Latinh ij viết thường","Latin small ligature oe":"Chữ ghép Latinh oe viết thường","Left aligned image":"Ảnh canh trái","Left double quotation mark":"Dấu nháy kép bên trái","Left single quotation mark":"Dấu nháy đơn bên trái","Left-pointing double angle quotation mark":"Dấu nháy kép dạng góc chỉ sang bên trái","leftwards arrow to bar":"mũi tên hướng sang trái về phía thanh","leftwards dashed arrow":"mũi tên đứt nét hướng sang trái","leftwards double arrow":"mũi tên kép hướng sang trái","Less-than or equal to":"Nhỏ hơn hoặc bằng","Less-than sign":"Ký hiệu nhỏ hơn","Light blue":"Xanh dương","Light green":"Xanh lá nhạt","Light grey":"Xám nhạt",Link:"Chèn liên kết","Link image":"Liên kết của ảnh","Link URL":"Đường dẫn liên kết","Lira sign":"Ký hiệu Lira","List properties":"Thuộc tính danh sách","Livre tournois sign":"Ký hiệu Livre tournois","Logical and":"Và logic","Logical or":"Hoặc logic","Lower-latin":"Chữ cái Latinh viết thường","Lower–roman":"Chữ số La Mã viết thường",Macron:"Dấu trường âm","Manat sign":"Ký hiệu Manat","Match case":"Khớp chữ hoa/chữ thường","Merge cell down":"Sát nhập ô xuống dưới","Merge cell left":"Sát nhập ô qua trái","Merge cell right":"Sát nhập ô qua phải","Merge cell up":"Sát nhập ô lên trên","Merge cells":"Sát nhập ô","Mill sign":"Ký hiệu Mill","Minus sign":"Ký hiệu trừ","Multiple styles":"Nhiều kiểu","Multiplication sign":"Ký hiệu nhân","N-ary product":"Tích n số nguyên","N-ary summation":"Phép tổng n số nguyên",Nabla:"Nabla","Naira sign":"Ký hiệu Naira","Navigate editable regions":"Di chuyển giữa các vùng có thể chỉnh sửa","New sheqel sign":"Ký hiệu Shekel mới",Next:"Tiếp theo","Next editable region":"Vùng có thể chỉnh sửa tiếp theo","Next result":"Kết quả tiếp theo","No preview available":"Không có sẵn bản xem trước",None:"Không có kiểu nào","Nordic mark sign":"Ký hiệu Mác Bắc Âu","Not an element of":"Không thuộc","Not equal to":"Không bằng","Not sign":"Không","Numbered List":"Danh sách đánh số","Numbered list styles toolbar":"Thanh công cụ kiểu danh sách được đánh số","on with exclamation mark with left right arrow above":"on với dấu chấm than và mũi tên trái phải ở trên","Open in a new tab":"Mở trên tab mới","Open link in new tab":"Mở liên kết",Orange:"Cam",Original:"Nguyên bản",Outset:"Dạng nổi",Overline:"Gạch trên",Padding:"Cách lề","Page break":"Ngắt trang",Paragraph:"Đoạn văn","Paragraph sign":"Ký hiệu đoạn văn","Partial differential":"Vi phân riêng phần","Paste raw HTML here...":"Dán mã HTML nguyên bản tại đây...","Per mille sign":"Ký hiệu phần nghìn","Per ten thousand sign":"Ký hiệu phần vạn","Peseta sign":"Ký hiệu Peseta","Peso sign":"Ký hiệu Peso","Pink marker":"Bút hồng","Plain text":"Văn bản thuần","Plus-minus sign":"Ký hiệu cộng-trừ","Pound sign":"Ký hiệu Bảng Anh",Previous:"Quay lại","Previous editable region":"Vùng có thể chỉnh sửa trước 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Try "#FF0000" or "rgb(255,0,0)" or "red".':'Màu này không hợp lệ. Hãy thử "#FF0000" hoặc "rgb(255,0,0)" hoặc "red".','The value is invalid. Try "10px" or "2em" or simply "2".':'Giá trị này không hợp lệ. Hãy thử "10px" hoặc "2em" hoặc chỉ "2".',"There exists":"Tồn tại","This link has no URL":"Liên kết không có đường dẫn","Tilde operator":"Toán tử dấu ngã",Tiny:"Bé","Tip: Find some text first in order to replace it.":"Mẹo: Tìm một đoạn văn bản trước để thay thế.","To-do List":"Danh sách cần làm","Toggle caption off":"Ẩn chú thích","Toggle caption on":"Hiện chú thích","Toggle the circle list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách dạng vòng tròn","Toggle the decimal list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách dạng thập phân","Toggle the decimal with leading zero list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách dạng thập phân bắt đầu bằng số 0","Toggle the disc list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách dạng đĩa","Toggle the lower–latin list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách chữ cái Latinh viết thường","Toggle the lower–roman list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách chữ số La Mã viết thường","Toggle the square list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách dạng vuông","Toggle the upper–latin list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách chữ cái Latinh viết hoa","Toggle the upper–roman list style":"Bật/tắt kiểu danh sách chữ số La Mã viết hoa","top with upwards arrow above":"top với mũi tên hướng lên ở trên","Trade mark sign":"Ký hiệu thương hiệu","Tugrik sign":"Ký hiệu Tögrög","Turkish lira sign":"Ký hiệu lira Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ",Turquoise:"Xanh ngọc bích","Two dot leader":"Hàng hai dấu chấm",Underline:"Gạch dưới",Undo:"Hoàn tác",Union:"Hợp",Unlink:"Bỏ liên kết","up down arrow with base":"mũi tên lên xuống có đế",Update:"Cập nhật","Update image URL":"Cập nhật ảnh từ URL","Upload failed":"Tải thất bại","Upload in progress":"Đang tải lên","Upper-latin":"Chữ cái Latinh viết hoa","Upper-roman":"Chữ số La Mã viết hoa","upwards arrow to bar":"mũi tên hướng lên trên về phía thanh","upwards dashed arrow":"mũi tên đứt nét hướng lên","upwards double arrow":"mũi tên kép hướng lên","Vertical text alignment toolbar":"Thanh công cụ căn chỉnh văn bản theo chiều dọc","Vulgar fraction one half":"Phân số thường một phần hai","Vulgar fraction one quarter":"Phân số thường một phần tư","Vulgar fraction three quarters":"Phân số thường ba phần tư",White:"Trắng","Whole words only":"Chỉ toàn bộ từ","Widget toolbar":"Thanh công cụ tiện ích",Width:"Rộng","Won sign":"Ký hiệu Won","Words: %0":"Số chữ: %0","Wrap text":"Bọc văn bản",Yellow:"Vàng","Yellow marker":"Bút vàng","Yen sign":"Ký hiệu Yên Nhật"}),i.getPluralForm=function(t){return 0}}(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS||(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS={})); |
@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@ | ||
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@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ { | ||
"description": "A custom CKEditor 5 build made by the CKEditor 5 online builder No support markdown.", | ||
"version": "0.0.5", | ||
"version": "0.0.6", | ||
"license": "SEE LICENSE IN", | ||
@@ -8,0 +8,0 @@ "private": false, |
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Major refactor
Supply chain riskPackage has recently undergone a major refactor. It may be unstable or indicate significant internal changes. Use caution when updating to versions that include significant changes.
Found 1 instance in 1 package