######current version : v1.1.2
Javascript's prototypal object oriented style, although powerful, is tedious, specially for those who come to javascript
from a classical object oriented language like C++, Java or C#.
Classing{js} is created to solve this problem by creating a classical-like OOP interface that behaves almost exactly
like any regular classical object oriented environment.
#Install via NPM
npm install classing-js
Include the module in your application through require
var classing = require('classing-js');
Typed and non-typed function overloading with the ability to recognize custom types.
Creating All types of classes : concrete , final concrete and abstract.
Defining components in any of the three access levels : private , protected and public.
Defining abstrcat and final methods.
Defining static components.
Extending any non-final class.
Overriding non-final methods in derived classes.
Accessing the base class constructor and components through the keyword base
Creating and implemeting mutiple interfaces.
Visit the the library's website for more info
Start a quick tutorial to learn how to use the library
Follow Classing{js} on Twitter to keep up with what's new.
Take a look of what you can do with
![alt tag](http://mostafa-samir.github.io/classingjs/others/screenshot1.png "Employee")
![alt tag](http://mostafa-samir.github.io/classingjs/others/screenshot2.PNG "Singleton")
##Your Contributions are Valuable
There's a lot more to be done in Classing{js}, and your contribution will certailny help acheving this whether it is:
- a bug report.
- a code optimization.
- a new feature.
- an expansion to other javascript platform.