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Comparing version 0.1.2 to 0.1.3




@@ -40,3 +40,3 @@ /*

return (p) {
return obj[p] || '';
return obj[p];

@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ };

for (i = 0; i < arrs.length; i += 1) {
lengths.push(winston.longestElement(arrs[i].map(function(elem) {
return (elem || '').toString();
lengths.push(longestElement(arrs[i].map(function(elem) {
return cliff.stringifyLiteral(elem);
return lengths;

@@ -101,4 +100,5 @@ };

for (i = 0; i < row.length; i += 1) {
item = colorize ? row[i][colors[i]] : row[i];
length = (row[i] || '').toString().length;
item = cliff.stringifyLiteral(row[i]);
item = colorize ? item[colors[i]] : item;
length = realLength(item);
padding = length < lengths[i] ? lengths[i] - length + 2 : 2;

@@ -133,3 +133,3 @@ rowtext += item + new Array(padding).join(' ');

cliff.rowifyObjects = function (objs, properties, colors) {
cliff.stringifyObjectRows = cliff.rowifyObjects = function (objs, properties, colors) {
var rows = [properties].concat( (obj) {

@@ -219,1 +219,45 @@ return cliff.extractFrom(obj, properties);

cliff.stringifyLiteral = function stringifyLiteral (literal) {
switch (cliff.typeOf(literal)) {
case 'number' : return literal + '';
case 'null' : return 'null';
case 'undefined': return 'undefined';
case 'boolean' : return literal + '';
default : return literal;
cliff.typeOf = function typeOf (value) {
var s = typeof(value),
types = [Object, Array, String, RegExp, Number, Function, Boolean, Date];
if (s === 'object' || s === 'function') {
if (value) {
types.forEach(function (t) {
if (value instanceof t) {
s =;
} else {
s = 'null';
return s;
var realLength = function (str) {
return ("" + str).replace(/\u001b\[\d+m/g,'').length;
var longestElement = function (a) {
var l = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
var new_l = realLength(a[i]);
if (l < new_l) {
l = new_l;
return l;


"name": "cliff",
"description": "Your CLI formatting friend.",
"version": "0.1.2",
"version": "0.1.3",
"author": "Nodejitsu <>",

@@ -22,2 +22,2 @@ "repository": {

"engines": { "node": ">= 0.4.0" }

@@ -17,93 +17,84 @@ # cliff

## Motivation
Cliff is the swiss army knife of CLI formatting tools. It is based on highly flexible and powerful libraries:
* [winston][0]: A multi-transport async logging library for node.js
* [eyes][1]: A customizable value inspector for node.js
* [colors][2]: Get colors in your node.js console like what
## Usage
There are a number of methods available in Cliff for common logging tasks in command-line tools. If you're looking for more usage, checkout the [examples in this repository][3]:
1. Inspecting Objects
2. Logging rows of data
1. Logging rows of data
2. Inspecting Objects
### Inspecting Objects
### Logging rows of data
**cliff.stringifyRows(rows[, colors])**
The `inspect` method is a lightweight wrapper to a pre-configured [eyes][1] inspector. Here is how it is created:
Takes a set of Arrays and row headers and returns properly formatted and padded rows. Here's a sample:
``` js
cliff.inspect = eyes.inspector({ stream: null,
styles: { // Styles applied to stdout
all: null, // Overall style applied to everything
label: 'underline', // Inspection labels, like 'array' in `array: [1, 2, 3]`
other: 'inverted', // Objects which don't have a literal representation, such as functions
key: 'grey', // The keys in object literals, like 'a' in `{a: 1}`
special: 'grey', // null, undefined...
number: 'blue', // 0, 1, 2...
bool: 'magenta', // true false
regexp: 'green', // /\d+/
var cliff = require('../lib/cliff');
var rows = [
['Name', 'Flavor', 'Dessert'],
['Alice', 'cherry', 'yogurt'],
['Bob', 'carmel', 'apples'],
['Joe', 'chocolate', 'cake'],
['Nick', 'vanilla', 'ice cream']
console.log(cliff.stringifyRows(rows, ['red', 'blue', 'green']));
If you wish to change the coloring of objects that are logged using `cliff` you only need to override `cliff.inspect` with a new [eyes][1] inspector.
![output from string-rows.js][string-rows]
**cliff.putObject(obj, [rewriters, padding])**
**cliff.putRows(level, rows[, colors])**
The `putObject` method is a simple helper function for prefixing and styling inspected object output from [eyes][1]. Here's a quick sample:
The `putRows` method is a simple helper that takes a set of Arrays and row headers and logs properly formatted and padded rows (logs `stringifyRows` to [winston][0]). Here's a quick sample:
``` js
var cliff = require('cliff');
var cliff = require('../lib/cliff');
literal: "bazz",
arr: [
obj: {
host: "localhost",
port: 5984,
auth: {
username: "admin",
password: "password"
var rows = [
['Name', 'Flavor', 'Dessert'],
['Alice', 'cherry', 'yogurt'],
['Bob', 'carmel', 'apples'],
['Joe', 'chocolate', 'cake'],
['Nick', 'vanilla', 'ice cream']
cliff.putRows('data', rows, ['red', 'blue', 'green']);
The resulting output on the command-line would be (sadly the colors do not translate):
The resulting output on the command-line would be:
``` bash
$ node examples/put-object.js
data: {
data: arr: [ 'one', 2 ],
data: literal: 'bazz',
data: obj: {
data: host: 'localhost',
data: port: 5984,
data: auth: { username: 'admin', password: 'password' }
data: }
data: }
![output from put-rows.js][put-rows]
### Logging rows of data
**cliff.stringifyObjectRows(objs, properties[, colors])**
*used to be: cliff.rowifyObjects(objs, properties, colors)*
**cliff.stringifyRows(rows, colors)**
Takes a set of Arrays and row headers and returns properly formatted and padded rows.
Takes a set of Objects and the properties to extract from them and returns properly formatted and padded rows. Here's a sample:
**cliff.putRows(level, rows, colors)**
Similar to `stringifyRows`, but it will log to the console using [winston][0] at the specified level.
``` js
var cliff = require('../lib/cliff');
**cliff.rowifyObjects(objs, properties, colors)**
Takes a set of Objects and the properties to extract from them and returns properly formatted and padded rows.
var objs = [], obj = {
name: "bazz",
address: "1234 Nowhere Dr.",
**cliff.putObjectRows(level, objs, properties, colors)**
Similar to `rowifyObjects`, but it will log to the console using [winston][0] at the specified level. Here's a sample:
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
address: obj.address,
id: Math.random().toString()
console.log(cliff.stringifyObjectRows(objs, ['id', 'name', 'address'], ['red', 'blue', 'green']));
![output from string-object-rows.js][string-object-rows]
**cliff.putObjectRows(level, objs, properties[, colors])**
Takes a set of Objects and the properties to extract from them and it will log to the console. (it prints `stringifyObjectRows` with [winston][0]). Here's a sample:
``` js
var cliff = require('cliff');
var cliff = require('../lib/cliff');

@@ -126,20 +117,86 @@ var objs = [], obj = {

``` bash
$ node examples/put-object-rows.js
data: id name address
data: 0.4157979858573526 bazz 1234 Nowhere Dr.
data: 0.7140450903680176 bazz 1234 Nowhere Dr.
data: 0.39573496161028743 bazz 1234 Nowhere Dr.
data: 0.8285396825522184 bazz 1234 Nowhere Dr.
data: 0.40711840940639377 bazz 1234 Nowhere Dr.
data: 0.7133555023465306 bazz 1234 Nowhere Dr.
data: 0.006228019250556827 bazz 1234 Nowhere Dr.
data: 0.5560931102372706 bazz 1234 Nowhere Dr.
data: 0.14310582634061575 bazz 1234 Nowhere Dr.
data: 0.4638693502638489 bazz 1234 Nowhere Dr.
![output from string-object-rows.js][string-object-rows]
**Colors Parameter**
The `colors` parameter is an array that colors the first row. It uses the [colors.js][2]. You can use any of those.
``` js
var cliff = require('../lib/cliff');
var rows = [
['Name', 'Flavor', 'Dessert'],
['Alice'.grey, 'cherry'.cyan, 'yogurt'.yellow],
['Bob'.magenta, 'carmel'.rainbow, 'apples'.white],
['Joe'.italic, 'chocolate'.underline, 'cake'.inverse],
['Nick'.bold, 'vanilla', 'ice cream']
cliff.putRows('data', rows, ['red', 'blue', 'green']);
The resulting output on the command-line would be:
![output from puts-rows-colors.js][put-rows-colors]
### Inspecting Objects
The `inspect` method is a lightweight wrapper to a pre-configured [eyes][1] inspector. If you wish to change the coloring of objects that are logged using `cliff` you only need to override `cliff.inspect` with a new [eyes][1] inspector. Here is how to use it:
``` js
var cliff = require('../lib/cliff');
literal: "bazz",
arr: [
obj: {
host: "localhost",
port: 5984,
auth: {
username: "admin",
password: "password"
![output from inspect.js][inspect]
**cliff.putObject(obj, [rewriters, padding])**
The `putObject` method is a simple helper function for prefixing and styling inspected object output from [eyes][1]. Here's a quick sample:
``` js
var cliff = require('cliff');
literal: "bazz",
arr: [
obj: {
host: "localhost",
port: 5984,
auth: {
username: "admin",
password: "password"
The resulting output on the command-line would be:
![output from put-object.js][put-object]
## Run Tests
All of the winston tests are written in [vows][4], and cover all of the use cases described above.
All of the cliff tests are written in [vows][4], and cover all of the use cases described above.

@@ -149,2 +206,11 @@ npm test

## Motivation
Cliff is the swiss army knife of CLI formatting tools. It is based on highly flexible and powerful libraries:
* [winston][0]: A multi-transport async logging library for node.js
* [eyes][1]: A customizable value inspector for node.js
* [colors][2]: Get colors in your node.js console like what
#### Author: [Charlie Robbins](

@@ -156,2 +222,10 @@

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