21.0.0-beta.1 (2023-04-11)
Bug Fixes
- add approvedImmediately=false case (2cb939b)
- add comment (781c6a1)
- add mock functions export (53c38a4)
- add mocks for workTimes (6752007)
- change error message to have type correctly (2f2c88e)
- correct return type of approve/decline (671d4c0)
- Improve AddWorkTimesChangeRequestReturnType type (0620097)
- Incorrect param type of addWorkTimesChangeRequest() (18fddb1)
- make mock generation slimmer (09016c9)
- reflect concept changes (8ba8355)
- return single mock instead of array (fee1ff2)
- update user mock (1a4864e)
- add workTimeEditLock prop to User (89c3c86)
- Add workTimes API methods (#101) (8bbca40)
- add workTimes types (4c8f6e4)
- expand change request return type (d337cc3)
- Expose team types (952f700)
- Improve workTimes mocks (3499590)
- Introduce special IsoDate and IsoUtcDateTime types (6fe88e2)
- parametrize user mock's workTimeEditLock (f976f7f)
- Update Node (40f81b6)
- Removed official Node 14 support. We don't know of an actual breaking change for Node 14, but it might happen in future releases.