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@@ -93,3 +93,3 @@ /// <reference types="@cloudflare/workers-types" />

export declare type customESIVarsFunction = (request: Request) => Promise<customESIVars>;
export declare type fetchFunction = (request: string | Request, requestInitr?: Request | RequestInit | undefined) => Promise<Response>;
export declare type fetchFunction = (request: string | Request) => Promise<Response>;
export declare class esi {

@@ -96,0 +96,0 @@ options: ESIConfig;

@@ -240,3 +240,3 @@ import { create as createHandleChunk } from "./handleChunk";

// return a brand new
return [new Request(current.toString(), request), vars];
return [new Request(current.toString(), request.clone()), vars];

@@ -243,0 +243,0 @@ /**

@@ -87,3 +87,7 @@ import { tagParser } from "./tagParser";

// All of our ESI regexs
const regexExtractor = /\/(.*?)(?<!\\)\/([a-z]*)/;
const reg_esi_seperator = /(?:'.*?(?<!\\)')|(\|{1,2}|&{1,2}|!(?!=))/g;
const reg_esi_brackets = /(?:'.*?(?<!\\)')|(\(|\))/g;
const reg_esi_condition = /(?:(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(?:'(.*?)(?<!\\)'))\s*(!=|==|=~|<=|>=|>|<)\s*(?:(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(?:'(.*?)(?<!\\)'))/;

@@ -108,95 +112,182 @@ * Evaluates esi Vars within when tag conditional statements

* Takes a condition string and turns it into javascript to be ran
* if the condition is invalid returns null otherwise the compiled string
* Takes a condition string and splits it into its two sides and operator
* passes that to the tester and returns the result
* @param {string} condition conditional string to build out
* @returns {null[] | [boolean, string]} valid condition compiled or null
* @param {string} condition conditional string to split
* @returns {boolean} condition result
async function _esi_condition_lexer(condition) {
const reg_esi_condition = /(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(?:'(.*?)(?<!\\)')|(!=|!|\|{1,2}|&{1,2}|={2}|=~|\(|\)|<=|>=|>|<)/g;
const op_replacements = {
"!=": "!==",
"|": " || ",
"&": " && ",
"||": " || ",
"&&": " && ",
"!": " ! ",
"|": "||",
"&": "&&",
"||": "||",
"&&": "&&",
"!": "!",
const lexer_rules = {
number: {
nil: true,
operator: true,
string: {
nil: true,
operator: true,
operator: {
nil: true,
number: true,
string: true,
operator: true,
const tokensSplit = condition.match(reg_esi_condition);
if (tokensSplit == null) {
return false;
const left = tokensSplit[1] || tokensSplit[2];
const op = op_replacements[tokensSplit[3]] || tokensSplit[3];
const right = tokensSplit[4] || tokensSplit[5];
return esiConditionTester(left, right, op);
* Takes a condition broken down into an a, b & operator and tests the data
* returns the result
* @param {string | number} left conditional left
* @param {string | number} right conditional right
* @param {string} operator operator to compare
* @returns {boolean} condition result
function esiConditionTester(left, right, operator) {
switch (operator) {
case "==":
case "===":
return left === right;
case "!==":
return left !== right;
case ">=":
return left >= right;
case "<=":
return left <= right;
case "<":
return left < right;
case ">":
return left > right;
case "=~": {
const regex = right.match(regexExtractor);
if (!regex)
return false;
// Bloody javascript!
// Gotta cleanup some escaping here
// Only have to do it for regex'd strings
// As normal comparison strings should be escaped the same (need to be to be equal)
left = left.replace(/\\"/g, '"');
left = left.replace(/\\'/g, "'");
left = left.replace(/\\\\/g, "\\");
const reg = new RegExp(regex[1], regex[2]);
return reg.test(left);
return false;
* Takes a condition string and splits it into parts splitting along a seperator
* seperators are logical seperators ie `|` or `&`
* passes the splits along to ${_esi_condition_lexer} and then
* returns the result of the condition after comparing the splits
* against their logical seperators
* @param {string} condition conditional string to split
* @returns {boolean} condition result
async function esi_seperator_splitter(condition) {
let startingIndex = 0;
let negatorySeperator = false;
let prevSeperator = "";
let valid = null;
const handleString = async function (str) {
if (str == "false" || str == "true") {
return str === "true";
else {
return await _esi_condition_lexer(str);
const tokens = [];
let prev_type = "nil";
let expectingPattern = false;
const tokensSplit = condition.matchAll(reg_esi_condition);
const validityCheck = function (res, seperator) {
if (negatorySeperator) {
res = !res;
negatorySeperator = !negatorySeperator;
if (valid == null) {
return res;
switch (seperator) {
case "&":
case "&&":
return valid && res;
case "||":
case "|":
return valid || res;
return valid;
const tokensSplit = condition.matchAll(reg_esi_seperator);
for (const token of tokensSplit) {
const number = token[1];
const string = token[2];
const operator = token[3];
let token_type = "nil";
if (number) {
token_type = "number";
if (!token[1])
const seperator = token[1];
// Negatory seperator!
if (seperator == "!") {
negatorySeperator = !negatorySeperator;
else if (string) {
token_type = "string";
if (expectingPattern) {
const regex = string.match(regexExtractor);
if (!regex) {
return null;
else {
const pattern = regex[1];
const options = regex[2];
const cmpString = tokens.pop();
// tokens.push(`(${cmpString}.search(/${pattern}/${options}) !== -1)`)
expectingPattern = false;
else {
const conditionBefore = condition
.substring(startingIndex, token.index)
const res = await handleString(conditionBefore);
valid = validityCheck(res, prevSeperator);
prevSeperator = seperator;
// Move onto the next one
startingIndex = token.index + seperator.length;
const finalRes = await handleString(condition.substring(startingIndex).trim());
valid = validityCheck(finalRes, prevSeperator);
return valid;
* Takes a condition string and splits it into seperate parts based off
* brackets amd passes the splits along to ${esi_seperator_splitter} and then
* returns the result of the condition
* @param {string} condition conditional string to split
* @returns {boolean} condition result
async function esi_bracket_splitter(condition) {
let parsedPoint = 0;
let startingIndex = 0;
let endIndex = -1;
let depth = 0;
const fullExpression = [];
const tokensSplit = condition.matchAll(reg_esi_brackets);
for (const token of tokensSplit) {
if (!token[1])
const bracket = token[1];
if (bracket == "(") {
if (depth == 0)
startingIndex = token.index;
depth = depth + 1;
else if (operator) {
token_type = "operator";
if (operator == "=~") {
if (prev_type == "operator") {
return null;
else {
expectingPattern = true;
if (bracket == ")") {
// bail out if its invalid depth
if (depth == 0)
return false;
depth = depth - 1;
// Right we have a full bracketed set
if (depth == 0) {
endIndex = token.index;
fullExpression.push(condition.substring(parsedPoint, startingIndex));
const conditionBracketed = condition.substring(startingIndex + 1, endIndex);
// Loop it back to see if there is another bracket inside
const bracketResult = await esi_bracket_splitter(conditionBracketed);
// Know were we are up too
parsedPoint = endIndex + 1;
else {
tokens.push(op_replacements[operator] || operator);
if (prev_type !== "nil") {
if (!lexer_rules[prev_type][token_type]) {
return null;
// Derefence it
prev_type = `${token_type}`;
// If we havent got a regex yet but we're expecting one
// fail.
if (expectingPattern) {
return null;
// If we didnt have any then push it all along
// Otherwise push the leftovers and return
if (endIndex == -1) {
return await esi_seperator_splitter(condition);
return tokens.join(" ");
else {
fullExpression.push(condition.substring(endIndex + 1));
return await esi_seperator_splitter(fullExpression.join(""));

@@ -213,14 +304,4 @@ /**

condition = replace_vars(esiData, condition, esi_eval_var_in_when_tag);
const compiledCondition = await _esi_condition_lexer(condition);
if (!compiledCondition) {
return false;
try {
const ret = Function(`"use strict"; return( ${compiledCondition} )`)();
return ret;
catch (err) {
return false;
return await esi_bracket_splitter(condition);
"name": "cloudflare-esi",
"version": "0.0.0-0ee57d19ad4993c1d8d80728084daaa04272edec",
"version": "0.0.0-2d059ad9214af4d8c98600e09cb6d2d0200ff69d",
"repository": "cdloh/cloudflare-esi",

@@ -45,3 +45,9 @@ "description": "ESI Parser built to run in Cloudflare workers",

"rules": {
"jsdoc/no-undefined-types": 0
"jsdoc/no-undefined-types": 0,
"no-new-func": [
"no-eval": [

@@ -48,0 +54,0 @@ },

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet