This is an Agoric DAPP implementation. This project is under development and lots of code needs to be updated/pushed.
This includes the code of Agoric's Fungible Faucet DAPP. This needs massive updating.
Install the prerequisites. Then in a first terminal in the directory where you want to put your dapp, install the dapp:
agoric install && agoric start --reset
In a second terminal, deploy this contract and the API server
agoric deploy contract/deploy.js
agoric deploy api/deploy.js
In a third terminal,
cd ui && yarn start
Then navigate to
Using the Dapp
- Navigate to
- Enter
agoric open
in your terminal - A window for your wallet should open.
- Under "Dapps" in the wallet, enable the Dapp:
To learn more about how to build Agoric Dapps, please see the Dapp Guide.
See the Dapp Deployment Guide for how to deploy this Dapp on a public website.