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@@ -67,270 +67,3 @@ import _CodeMirror from "codemirror";

presetModeName: import("vue").Ref<"Default" | "Merge" | "FcLog">;
cmOptions: import("vue").Ref<{
value?: string | {
getEditor: () => _CodeMirror.Editor | null;
copy: (copyHistory: boolean) => _CodeMirror.Doc;
on: <T extends keyof _CodeMirror.DocEventMap>(eventName: T, handler: _CodeMirror.DocEventMap[T]) => void;
off: <T_1 extends keyof _CodeMirror.DocEventMap>(eventName: T_1, handler: _CodeMirror.DocEventMap[T_1]) => void;
modeOption: string | {
highlightNonStandardPropertyKeywords?: boolean | undefined;
version?: 2 | 3 | undefined;
singleLineStringErrors?: boolean | undefined;
hangingIndent?: number | undefined;
singleOperators?: unknown;
singleDelimiters?: unknown;
doubleOperators?: unknown;
doubleDelimiters?: unknown;
tripleDelimiters?: unknown;
identifiers?: unknown;
extra_keywords?: string[] | undefined;
extra_builtins?: string[] | undefined;
useCPP?: boolean | undefined;
base?: string | undefined;
tags?: {
[x: string]: unknown;
} | undefined;
json?: boolean | undefined;
jsonld?: boolean | undefined;
typescript?: boolean | undefined;
trackScope?: boolean | undefined;
statementIndent?: boolean | undefined;
wordCharacters?: unknown;
highlightFormatting?: boolean | undefined;
maxBlockquoteDepth?: boolean | undefined;
xml?: boolean | undefined;
fencedCodeBlockHighlighting?: boolean | undefined;
fencedCodeBlockDefaultMode?: string | undefined;
tokenTypeOverrides?: unknown;
allowAtxHeaderWithoutSpace?: boolean | undefined;
gitHubSpice?: boolean | undefined;
taskLists?: boolean | undefined;
strikethrough?: boolean | undefined;
emoji?: boolean | undefined;
leftDelimiter?: string | undefined;
rightDelimiter?: string | undefined;
baseMode?: string | undefined;
inMathMode?: boolean | undefined;
noIndentKeywords?: unknown;
atoms?: unknown;
hooks?: unknown;
multiLineStrings?: boolean | undefined;
htmlMode?: boolean | undefined;
matchClosing?: boolean | undefined;
alignCDATA?: boolean | undefined;
name: string;
getValue: (seperator?: string | undefined) => string;
setValue: (content: string) => void;
getRange: (from: _CodeMirror.Position, to: _CodeMirror.Position, seperator?: string | undefined) => string;
replaceRange: (replacement: string | string[], from: _CodeMirror.Position, to?: _CodeMirror.Position | undefined, origin?: string | undefined) => void;
getLine: (n: number) => string;
setLine: (n: number, text: string) => void;
removeLine: (n: number) => void;
lineCount: () => number;
firstLine: () => number;
lastLine: () => number;
getLineHandle: (num: number) => _CodeMirror.LineHandle;
getLineNumber: (handle: _CodeMirror.LineHandle) => number | null;
eachLine: {
(f: (line: _CodeMirror.LineHandle) => void): void;
(start: number, end: number, f: (line: _CodeMirror.LineHandle) => void): void;
markClean: () => void;
changeGeneration: (closeEvent?: boolean | undefined) => number;
isClean: (generation?: number | undefined) => boolean;
getSelection: () => string;
getSelections: (lineSep?: string | undefined) => string[];
replaceSelection: (replacement: string, collapse?: string | undefined) => void;
replaceSelections: (replacements: string[], collapse?: string | undefined) => void;
getCursor: (start?: string | undefined) => _CodeMirror.Position;
listSelections: () => _CodeMirror.Range[];
somethingSelected: () => boolean;
setCursor: (pos: number | _CodeMirror.Position, ch?: number | undefined, options?: {
bias?: number | undefined;
origin?: string | undefined;
scroll?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined) => void;
setSelection: (anchor: _CodeMirror.Position, head?: _CodeMirror.Position | undefined, options?: {
bias?: number | undefined;
origin?: string | undefined;
scroll?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined) => void;
setSelections: (ranges: {
anchor: _CodeMirror.Position;
head: _CodeMirror.Position;
}[], primary?: number | undefined, options?: _CodeMirror.SelectionOptions | undefined) => void;
addSelection: (anchor: _CodeMirror.Position, head?: _CodeMirror.Position | undefined) => void;
extendSelection: (from: _CodeMirror.Position, to?: _CodeMirror.Position | undefined, options?: _CodeMirror.SelectionOptions | undefined) => void;
extendSelections: (heads: _CodeMirror.Position[], options?: _CodeMirror.SelectionOptions | undefined) => void;
extendSelectionsBy: (f: (range: _CodeMirror.Range) => _CodeMirror.Position) => void;
setExtending: (value: boolean) => void;
getExtending: () => boolean;
linkedDoc: (options: {
sharedHist?: boolean | undefined;
from?: number | undefined;
to?: number | undefined;
mode?: string | _CodeMirror.ModeSpec<_CodeMirror.ModeSpecOptions> | undefined;
}) => _CodeMirror.Doc;
unlinkDoc: (doc: _CodeMirror.Doc) => void;
iterLinkedDocs: (fn: (doc: _CodeMirror.Doc, sharedHist: boolean) => void) => void;
undo: () => void;
redo: () => void;
undoSelection: () => void;
redoSelection: () => void;
historySize: () => {
undo: number;
redo: number;
clearHistory: () => void;
getHistory: () => any;
setHistory: (history: any) => void;
markText: (from: _CodeMirror.Position, to: _CodeMirror.Position, options?: _CodeMirror.TextMarkerOptions | undefined) => _CodeMirror.TextMarker<_CodeMirror.MarkerRange>;
setBookmark: (pos: _CodeMirror.Position, options?: {
widget?: HTMLElement | undefined;
insertLeft?: boolean | undefined;
shared?: boolean | undefined;
handleMouseEvents?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined) => _CodeMirror.TextMarker<_CodeMirror.Position>;
findMarks: (from: _CodeMirror.Position, to: _CodeMirror.Position) => _CodeMirror.TextMarker<_CodeMirror.Position | _CodeMirror.MarkerRange>[];
findMarksAt: (pos: _CodeMirror.Position) => _CodeMirror.TextMarker<_CodeMirror.Position | _CodeMirror.MarkerRange>[];
getAllMarks: () => _CodeMirror.TextMarker<_CodeMirror.Position | _CodeMirror.MarkerRange>[];
addLineWidget: (line: any, node: HTMLElement, options?: _CodeMirror.LineWidgetOptions | undefined) => _CodeMirror.LineWidget;
removeLineWidget: (widget: _CodeMirror.LineWidget) => void;
getMode: () => _CodeMirror.Mode<unknown>;
lineSeparator: () => string;
posFromIndex: (index: number) => _CodeMirror.Position;
indexFromPos: (object: _CodeMirror.Position) => number;
state: any;
} | undefined;
mode?: string | {
highlightNonStandardPropertyKeywords?: boolean | undefined;
version?: 2 | 3 | undefined;
singleLineStringErrors?: boolean | undefined;
hangingIndent?: number | undefined;
singleOperators?: unknown;
singleDelimiters?: unknown;
doubleOperators?: unknown;
doubleDelimiters?: unknown;
tripleDelimiters?: unknown;
identifiers?: unknown;
extra_keywords?: string[] | undefined;
extra_builtins?: string[] | undefined;
useCPP?: boolean | undefined;
base?: string | undefined;
tags?: {
[x: string]: unknown;
} | undefined;
json?: boolean | undefined;
jsonld?: boolean | undefined;
typescript?: boolean | undefined;
trackScope?: boolean | undefined;
statementIndent?: boolean | undefined;
wordCharacters?: unknown;
highlightFormatting?: boolean | undefined;
maxBlockquoteDepth?: boolean | undefined;
xml?: boolean | undefined;
fencedCodeBlockHighlighting?: boolean | undefined;
fencedCodeBlockDefaultMode?: string | undefined;
tokenTypeOverrides?: unknown;
allowAtxHeaderWithoutSpace?: boolean | undefined;
gitHubSpice?: boolean | undefined;
taskLists?: boolean | undefined;
strikethrough?: boolean | undefined;
emoji?: boolean | undefined;
leftDelimiter?: string | undefined;
rightDelimiter?: string | undefined;
baseMode?: string | undefined;
inMathMode?: boolean | undefined;
noIndentKeywords?: unknown;
atoms?: unknown;
hooks?: unknown;
multiLineStrings?: boolean | undefined;
htmlMode?: boolean | undefined;
matchClosing?: boolean | undefined;
alignCDATA?: boolean | undefined;
name: string;
} | undefined;
lineSeparator?: string | null | undefined;
theme?: string | undefined;
indentUnit?: number | undefined;
smartIndent?: boolean | undefined;
tabSize?: number | undefined;
indentWithTabs?: boolean | undefined;
electricChars?: boolean | undefined;
specialChars?: {
exec: (string: string) => RegExpExecArray | null;
test: (string: string) => boolean;
readonly source: string;
readonly global: boolean;
readonly ignoreCase: boolean;
readonly multiline: boolean;
lastIndex: number;
compile: (pattern: string, flags?: string | undefined) => RegExp;
readonly flags: string;
readonly sticky: boolean;
readonly unicode: boolean;
readonly dotAll: boolean;
[Symbol.match]: (string: string) => RegExpMatchArray | null;
[Symbol.replace]: {
(string: string, replaceValue: string): string;
(string: string, replacer: (substring: string, ...args: any[]) => string): string;
[]: (string: string) => number;
[Symbol.split]: (string: string, limit?: number | undefined) => string[];
[Symbol.matchAll]: (str: string) => IterableIterator<RegExpMatchArray>;
} | undefined;
specialCharPlaceholder?: ((char: string) => HTMLElement) | undefined;
direction?: "ltr" | "rtl" | undefined;
rtlMoveVisually?: boolean | undefined;
keyMap?: string | undefined;
extraKeys?: string | {
[x: string]: string | false | ((instance: _CodeMirror.Editor) => void | {
toString(): "CodeMirror.PASS";
} | undefined;
configureMouse?: ((cm: _CodeMirror.Editor, repeat: "single" | "double" | "triple", event: Event) => _CodeMirror.MouseSelectionConfiguration) | undefined;
lineWrapping?: boolean | undefined;
lineNumbers?: boolean | undefined;
firstLineNumber?: number | undefined;
lineNumberFormatter?: ((line: number) => string) | undefined;
gutters?: (string | {
className: string;
style?: string | undefined;
})[] | undefined;
fixedGutter?: boolean | undefined;
scrollbarStyle?: keyof _CodeMirror.ScrollbarModels | undefined;
coverGutterNextToScrollbar?: boolean | undefined;
inputStyle?: _CodeMirror.InputStyle | undefined;
readOnly?: boolean | "nocursor" | undefined;
screenReaderLabel?: string | undefined;
showCursorWhenSelecting?: boolean | undefined;
lineWiseCopyCut?: boolean | undefined;
pasteLinesPerSelection?: boolean | undefined;
selectionsMayTouch?: boolean | undefined;
undoDepth?: number | undefined;
historyEventDelay?: number | undefined;
tabindex?: number | undefined;
autofocus?: boolean | undefined;
phrases?: {
[x: string]: unknown;
} | undefined;
dragDrop?: boolean | undefined;
allowDropFileTypes?: string[] | null | undefined;
onDragEvent?: ((instance: _CodeMirror.Editor, event: DragEvent) => boolean) | undefined;
onKeyEvent?: ((instance: _CodeMirror.Editor, event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean) | undefined;
cursorBlinkRate?: number | undefined;
cursorScrollMargin?: number | undefined;
cursorHeight?: number | undefined;
resetSelectionOnContextMenu?: boolean | undefined;
workTime?: number | undefined;
workDelay?: number | undefined;
pollInterval?: number | undefined;
flattenSpans?: boolean | undefined;
addModeClass?: boolean | undefined;
maxHighlightLength?: number | undefined;
viewportMargin?: number | undefined;
spellcheck?: boolean | undefined;
autocorrect?: boolean | undefined;
autocapitalize?: boolean | undefined;
cmOptions: any;
cminstance: import("vue").Ref<{

@@ -428,3 +161,3 @@ hasFocus: () => boolean;

getStateAfter: (line?: number | undefined) => any;
operation: <T_2>(fn: () => T_2) => T_2;
operation: <T>(fn: () => T) => T;
startOperation: () => void;

@@ -444,10 +177,10 @@ endOperation: () => void;

on: {
<T_3 extends keyof _CodeMirror.EditorEventMap>(eventName: T_3, handler: _CodeMirror.EditorEventMap[T_3]): void;
<T_1 extends keyof _CodeMirror.EditorEventMap>(eventName: T_1, handler: _CodeMirror.EditorEventMap[T_1]): void;
<K_2 extends "mousedown" | "dblclick" | "touchstart" | "contextmenu" | "keydown" | "keypress" | "keyup" | "dragstart" | "dragenter" | "dragover" | "dragleave" | "drop">(eventName: K_2, handler: (instance: _CodeMirror.Editor, event: GlobalEventHandlersEventMap[K_2]) => void): void;
<K_3 extends "copy" | "cut" | "paste">(eventName: K_3, handler: (instance: _CodeMirror.Editor, event: DocumentAndElementEventHandlersEventMap[K_3]) => void): void;
<K_3 extends "cut" | "copy" | "paste">(eventName: K_3, handler: (instance: _CodeMirror.Editor, event: DocumentAndElementEventHandlersEventMap[K_3]) => void): void;
off: {
<T_4 extends keyof _CodeMirror.EditorEventMap>(eventName: T_4, handler: _CodeMirror.EditorEventMap[T_4]): void;
<T_2 extends keyof _CodeMirror.EditorEventMap>(eventName: T_2, handler: _CodeMirror.EditorEventMap[T_2]): void;
<K_4 extends "mousedown" | "dblclick" | "touchstart" | "contextmenu" | "keydown" | "keypress" | "keyup" | "dragstart" | "dragenter" | "dragover" | "dragleave" | "drop">(eventName: K_4, handler: (instance: _CodeMirror.Editor, event: GlobalEventHandlersEventMap[K_4]) => void): void;
<K_5 extends "copy" | "cut" | "paste">(eventName: K_5, handler: (instance: _CodeMirror.Editor, event: DocumentAndElementEventHandlersEventMap[K_5]) => void): void;
<K_5 extends "cut" | "copy" | "paste">(eventName: K_5, handler: (instance: _CodeMirror.Editor, event: DocumentAndElementEventHandlersEventMap[K_5]) => void): void;

@@ -454,0 +187,0 @@ state: any;



@@ -10,2 +10,3 @@ import { Editor, EditorConfiguration } from "codemirror";

type Nullable<T> = T | null;

@@ -15,9 +16,5 @@

value: string;
marker?: () => HTMLElement;
unseenLines: Array<any>;
name?: string;
placeholder?: string;
merge?: boolean;
options?: EditorConfiguration;
globalOptions?: EditorConfiguration;
placeholder?: string;
border?: boolean;

@@ -27,4 +24,8 @@ width: string | number;

KeepCursorInEnd: boolean;
merge?: boolean;
name?: string;
marker?: () => HTMLElement;
unseenLines?: Array<any>;
declare module "codemirror";

@@ -55,270 +55,3 @@ import type { Ref, PropType } from "vue";

presetModeName: Ref<"Default" | "Merge" | "FcLog">;
cmOptions: Ref<{
value?: string | {
getEditor: () => Editor | null;
copy: (copyHistory: boolean) => _CodeMirror.Doc;
on: <T extends keyof _CodeMirror.DocEventMap>(eventName: T, handler: _CodeMirror.DocEventMap[T]) => void;
off: <T_1 extends keyof _CodeMirror.DocEventMap>(eventName: T_1, handler: _CodeMirror.DocEventMap[T_1]) => void;
modeOption: string | {
highlightNonStandardPropertyKeywords?: boolean | undefined;
version?: 2 | 3 | undefined;
singleLineStringErrors?: boolean | undefined;
hangingIndent?: number | undefined;
singleOperators?: unknown;
singleDelimiters?: unknown;
doubleOperators?: unknown;
doubleDelimiters?: unknown;
tripleDelimiters?: unknown;
identifiers?: unknown;
extra_keywords?: string[] | undefined;
extra_builtins?: string[] | undefined;
useCPP?: boolean | undefined;
base?: string | undefined;
tags?: {
[x: string]: unknown;
} | undefined;
json?: boolean | undefined;
jsonld?: boolean | undefined;
typescript?: boolean | undefined;
trackScope?: boolean | undefined;
statementIndent?: boolean | undefined;
wordCharacters?: unknown;
highlightFormatting?: boolean | undefined;
maxBlockquoteDepth?: boolean | undefined;
xml?: boolean | undefined;
fencedCodeBlockHighlighting?: boolean | undefined;
fencedCodeBlockDefaultMode?: string | undefined;
tokenTypeOverrides?: unknown;
allowAtxHeaderWithoutSpace?: boolean | undefined;
gitHubSpice?: boolean | undefined;
taskLists?: boolean | undefined;
strikethrough?: boolean | undefined;
emoji?: boolean | undefined;
leftDelimiter?: string | undefined;
rightDelimiter?: string | undefined;
baseMode?: string | undefined;
inMathMode?: boolean | undefined;
noIndentKeywords?: unknown;
atoms?: unknown;
hooks?: unknown;
multiLineStrings?: boolean | undefined;
htmlMode?: boolean | undefined;
matchClosing?: boolean | undefined;
alignCDATA?: boolean | undefined;
name: string;
getValue: (seperator?: string | undefined) => string;
setValue: (content: string) => void;
getRange: (from: _CodeMirror.Position, to: _CodeMirror.Position, seperator?: string | undefined) => string;
replaceRange: (replacement: string | string[], from: _CodeMirror.Position, to?: _CodeMirror.Position | undefined, origin?: string | undefined) => void;
getLine: (n: number) => string;
setLine: (n: number, text: string) => void;
removeLine: (n: number) => void;
lineCount: () => number;
firstLine: () => number;
lastLine: () => number;
getLineHandle: (num: number) => _CodeMirror.LineHandle;
getLineNumber: (handle: _CodeMirror.LineHandle) => number | null;
eachLine: {
(f: (line: _CodeMirror.LineHandle) => void): void;
(start: number, end: number, f: (line: _CodeMirror.LineHandle) => void): void;
markClean: () => void;
changeGeneration: (closeEvent?: boolean | undefined) => number;
isClean: (generation?: number | undefined) => boolean;
getSelection: () => string;
getSelections: (lineSep?: string | undefined) => string[];
replaceSelection: (replacement: string, collapse?: string | undefined) => void;
replaceSelections: (replacements: string[], collapse?: string | undefined) => void;
getCursor: (start?: string | undefined) => _CodeMirror.Position;
listSelections: () => _CodeMirror.Range[];
somethingSelected: () => boolean;
setCursor: (pos: number | _CodeMirror.Position, ch?: number | undefined, options?: {
bias?: number | undefined;
origin?: string | undefined;
scroll?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined) => void;
setSelection: (anchor: _CodeMirror.Position, head?: _CodeMirror.Position | undefined, options?: {
bias?: number | undefined;
origin?: string | undefined;
scroll?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined) => void;
setSelections: (ranges: {
anchor: _CodeMirror.Position;
head: _CodeMirror.Position;
}[], primary?: number | undefined, options?: _CodeMirror.SelectionOptions | undefined) => void;
addSelection: (anchor: _CodeMirror.Position, head?: _CodeMirror.Position | undefined) => void;
extendSelection: (from: _CodeMirror.Position, to?: _CodeMirror.Position | undefined, options?: _CodeMirror.SelectionOptions | undefined) => void;
extendSelections: (heads: _CodeMirror.Position[], options?: _CodeMirror.SelectionOptions | undefined) => void;
extendSelectionsBy: (f: (range: _CodeMirror.Range) => _CodeMirror.Position) => void;
setExtending: (value: boolean) => void;
getExtending: () => boolean;
linkedDoc: (options: {
sharedHist?: boolean | undefined;
from?: number | undefined;
to?: number | undefined;
mode?: string | _CodeMirror.ModeSpec<_CodeMirror.ModeSpecOptions> | undefined;
}) => _CodeMirror.Doc;
unlinkDoc: (doc: _CodeMirror.Doc) => void;
iterLinkedDocs: (fn: (doc: _CodeMirror.Doc, sharedHist: boolean) => void) => void;
undo: () => void;
redo: () => void;
undoSelection: () => void;
redoSelection: () => void;
historySize: () => {
undo: number;
redo: number;
clearHistory: () => void;
getHistory: () => any;
setHistory: (history: any) => void;
markText: (from: _CodeMirror.Position, to: _CodeMirror.Position, options?: _CodeMirror.TextMarkerOptions | undefined) => _CodeMirror.TextMarker<_CodeMirror.MarkerRange>;
setBookmark: (pos: _CodeMirror.Position, options?: {
widget?: HTMLElement | undefined;
insertLeft?: boolean | undefined;
shared?: boolean | undefined;
handleMouseEvents?: boolean | undefined;
} | undefined) => _CodeMirror.TextMarker<_CodeMirror.Position>;
findMarks: (from: _CodeMirror.Position, to: _CodeMirror.Position) => _CodeMirror.TextMarker<_CodeMirror.Position | _CodeMirror.MarkerRange>[];
findMarksAt: (pos: _CodeMirror.Position) => _CodeMirror.TextMarker<_CodeMirror.Position | _CodeMirror.MarkerRange>[];
getAllMarks: () => _CodeMirror.TextMarker<_CodeMirror.Position | _CodeMirror.MarkerRange>[];
addLineWidget: (line: any, node: HTMLElement, options?: _CodeMirror.LineWidgetOptions | undefined) => _CodeMirror.LineWidget;
removeLineWidget: (widget: _CodeMirror.LineWidget) => void;
getMode: () => _CodeMirror.Mode<unknown>;
lineSeparator: () => string;
posFromIndex: (index: number) => _CodeMirror.Position;
indexFromPos: (object: _CodeMirror.Position) => number;
state: any;
} | undefined;
mode?: string | {
highlightNonStandardPropertyKeywords?: boolean | undefined;
version?: 2 | 3 | undefined;
singleLineStringErrors?: boolean | undefined;
hangingIndent?: number | undefined;
singleOperators?: unknown;
singleDelimiters?: unknown;
doubleOperators?: unknown;
doubleDelimiters?: unknown;
tripleDelimiters?: unknown;
identifiers?: unknown;
extra_keywords?: string[] | undefined;
extra_builtins?: string[] | undefined;
useCPP?: boolean | undefined;
base?: string | undefined;
tags?: {
[x: string]: unknown;
} | undefined;
json?: boolean | undefined;
jsonld?: boolean | undefined;
typescript?: boolean | undefined;
trackScope?: boolean | undefined;
statementIndent?: boolean | undefined;
wordCharacters?: unknown;
highlightFormatting?: boolean | undefined;
maxBlockquoteDepth?: boolean | undefined;
xml?: boolean | undefined;
fencedCodeBlockHighlighting?: boolean | undefined;
fencedCodeBlockDefaultMode?: string | undefined;
tokenTypeOverrides?: unknown;
allowAtxHeaderWithoutSpace?: boolean | undefined;
gitHubSpice?: boolean | undefined;
taskLists?: boolean | undefined;
strikethrough?: boolean | undefined;
emoji?: boolean | undefined;
leftDelimiter?: string | undefined;
rightDelimiter?: string | undefined;
baseMode?: string | undefined;
inMathMode?: boolean | undefined;
noIndentKeywords?: unknown;
atoms?: unknown;
hooks?: unknown;
multiLineStrings?: boolean | undefined;
htmlMode?: boolean | undefined;
matchClosing?: boolean | undefined;
alignCDATA?: boolean | undefined;
name: string;
} | undefined;
lineSeparator?: string | null | undefined;
theme?: string | undefined;
indentUnit?: number | undefined;
smartIndent?: boolean | undefined;
tabSize?: number | undefined;
indentWithTabs?: boolean | undefined;
electricChars?: boolean | undefined;
specialChars?: {
exec: (string: string) => RegExpExecArray | null;
test: (string: string) => boolean;
readonly source: string;
readonly global: boolean;
readonly ignoreCase: boolean;
readonly multiline: boolean;
lastIndex: number;
compile: (pattern: string, flags?: string | undefined) => RegExp;
readonly flags: string;
readonly sticky: boolean;
readonly unicode: boolean;
readonly dotAll: boolean;
[Symbol.match]: (string: string) => RegExpMatchArray | null;
[Symbol.replace]: {
(string: string, replaceValue: string): string;
(string: string, replacer: (substring: string, ...args: any[]) => string): string;
[]: (string: string) => number;
[Symbol.split]: (string: string, limit?: number | undefined) => string[];
[Symbol.matchAll]: (str: string) => IterableIterator<RegExpMatchArray>;
} | undefined;
specialCharPlaceholder?: ((char: string) => HTMLElement) | undefined;
direction?: "ltr" | "rtl" | undefined;
rtlMoveVisually?: boolean | undefined;
keyMap?: string | undefined;
extraKeys?: string | {
[x: string]: string | false | ((instance: Editor) => void | {
toString(): "CodeMirror.PASS";
} | undefined;
configureMouse?: ((cm: Editor, repeat: "single" | "double" | "triple", event: Event) => _CodeMirror.MouseSelectionConfiguration) | undefined;
lineWrapping?: boolean | undefined;
lineNumbers?: boolean | undefined;
firstLineNumber?: number | undefined;
lineNumberFormatter?: ((line: number) => string) | undefined;
gutters?: (string | {
className: string;
style?: string | undefined;
})[] | undefined;
fixedGutter?: boolean | undefined;
scrollbarStyle?: keyof _CodeMirror.ScrollbarModels | undefined;
coverGutterNextToScrollbar?: boolean | undefined;
inputStyle?: _CodeMirror.InputStyle | undefined;
readOnly?: boolean | "nocursor" | undefined;
screenReaderLabel?: string | undefined;
showCursorWhenSelecting?: boolean | undefined;
lineWiseCopyCut?: boolean | undefined;
pasteLinesPerSelection?: boolean | undefined;
selectionsMayTouch?: boolean | undefined;
undoDepth?: number | undefined;
historyEventDelay?: number | undefined;
tabindex?: number | undefined;
autofocus?: boolean | undefined;
phrases?: {
[x: string]: unknown;
} | undefined;
dragDrop?: boolean | undefined;
allowDropFileTypes?: string[] | null | undefined;
onDragEvent?: ((instance: Editor, event: DragEvent) => boolean) | undefined;
onKeyEvent?: ((instance: Editor, event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean) | undefined;
cursorBlinkRate?: number | undefined;
cursorScrollMargin?: number | undefined;
cursorHeight?: number | undefined;
resetSelectionOnContextMenu?: boolean | undefined;
workTime?: number | undefined;
workDelay?: number | undefined;
pollInterval?: number | undefined;
flattenSpans?: boolean | undefined;
addModeClass?: boolean | undefined;
maxHighlightLength?: number | undefined;
viewportMargin?: number | undefined;
spellcheck?: boolean | undefined;
autocorrect?: boolean | undefined;
autocapitalize?: boolean | undefined;
cmOptions: any;
cminstance: Ref<{

@@ -416,3 +149,3 @@ hasFocus: () => boolean;

getStateAfter: (line?: number | undefined) => any;
operation: <T_2>(fn: () => T_2) => T_2;
operation: <T>(fn: () => T) => T;
startOperation: () => void;

@@ -432,10 +165,10 @@ endOperation: () => void;

on: {
<T_3 extends keyof _CodeMirror.EditorEventMap>(eventName: T_3, handler: _CodeMirror.EditorEventMap[T_3]): void;
<T_1 extends keyof _CodeMirror.EditorEventMap>(eventName: T_1, handler: _CodeMirror.EditorEventMap[T_1]): void;
<K_2 extends "mousedown" | "dblclick" | "touchstart" | "contextmenu" | "keydown" | "keypress" | "keyup" | "dragstart" | "dragenter" | "dragover" | "dragleave" | "drop">(eventName: K_2, handler: (instance: Editor, event: GlobalEventHandlersEventMap[K_2]) => void): void;
<K_3 extends "copy" | "cut" | "paste">(eventName: K_3, handler: (instance: Editor, event: DocumentAndElementEventHandlersEventMap[K_3]) => void): void;
<K_3 extends "cut" | "copy" | "paste">(eventName: K_3, handler: (instance: Editor, event: DocumentAndElementEventHandlersEventMap[K_3]) => void): void;
off: {
<T_4 extends keyof _CodeMirror.EditorEventMap>(eventName: T_4, handler: _CodeMirror.EditorEventMap[T_4]): void;
<T_2 extends keyof _CodeMirror.EditorEventMap>(eventName: T_2, handler: _CodeMirror.EditorEventMap[T_2]): void;
<K_4 extends "mousedown" | "dblclick" | "touchstart" | "contextmenu" | "keydown" | "keypress" | "keyup" | "dragstart" | "dragenter" | "dragover" | "dragleave" | "drop">(eventName: K_4, handler: (instance: Editor, event: GlobalEventHandlersEventMap[K_4]) => void): void;
<K_5 extends "copy" | "cut" | "paste">(eventName: K_5, handler: (instance: Editor, event: DocumentAndElementEventHandlersEventMap[K_5]) => void): void;
<K_5 extends "cut" | "copy" | "paste">(eventName: K_5, handler: (instance: Editor, event: DocumentAndElementEventHandlersEventMap[K_5]) => void): void;

@@ -442,0 +175,0 @@ state: any;

"name": "codemirror-editor-vue3",
"description": "CodeMirror component for Vue3",
"version": "1.1.0-beta13",
"version": "1.1.0-beta14",
"license": "MIT",

@@ -87,2 +87,3 @@ "files": [

"less": "^4.1.2",
"prettier": "^2.5.1",
"rollup-plugin-cpy": "^2.0.1",

@@ -89,0 +90,0 @@ "rollup-plugin-vue": "^6.0.0",