If you have Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed, simply open console and type
npm install colog
To use colog, add it to your project file
var colog = require('colog');
Then you can start creating colorful output for your console:
colog.success('Up and running');
If you did everything right, after you start your program like this:
node myApplication.js
You should see green text "Up and running";
For more informations check Wiki page for this project
####Predefined options:
colog.question('How are you ?');
Full list
- info() - white text
- success() - green text
- warning() - yellow text
- error() - red text
- question() - cyan text
- answer() - magenta text
- headerInfo() - black text, white background
- headerSuccess() - white text, green background
- headerWarning() - black text, yellow background
- headerError() - white text, red background
- headerQuestion() - white text, cyan background
- headerAnswer() - white text, magenta background
####Applying colors, effects or background:
colog.log(colog.colorGreen('My text'));
colog.log(colog.backgroundGreen('My text'));
Available effects:
- bold()
- underline()
- strike() (draw line on the text)
- inverse() (change background color with text color and vice versa)
Also you can use .b(), .u(), .s() and .i() etc.
Available colors:
- black()
- red()
- green()
- yellow()
- blue()
- magenta()
- cyan()
- white()
Also you can use .colorBlack() instead of .black()
Available backgrounds:
- bgBlack()
- bgRed()
- bgGreen()
- bgYellow()
- bgBlue()
- bgMagenta()
- bgCyan()
- bgWhite()
Also you can use for example backgroundRed() instead of bgRed()
.nl() is alias for .newLine(). You get the point.
####Combining multiple effects:
colog.log(colog.underscore(colog.colorRed('My text')));
colog.log(colog.apply('My text', ['underscore', 'colorRed']));
colog.log(colog.color('My text', 'red') + colog.color('My text', 'green'));
colog.format('<question>How are you ?</question>');
colog.format('colog.format(<bold><colorRed>This</colorRed></bold> <underline><yellow>is</yellow></underline> <green>SPARTA</green><inverse>!</inverse>);');
colog.log(colog.format('<question>How are you ?</question>', false));
All options that can be used as tags:
bold, underline, strike, inverse, colorBlack, colorRed, colorGreen, colorYellow, colorBlue, colorMagenta, colorCyan, colorWhite, backgroundBlack, backgroundRed, backgroundGreen, backgroundYellow, backgroundBlue, backgroundMagenta, backgroundCyan, backgroundWhite
now you can use short names like "black", "bgGreen" etc. Same as methods listed above
Progress bar
To init a progress bar with 1000 steps that is charged 50% (5000 steps) just use:
colog.progress(5000, 10000);
Now you can advance progress bar by .progress() method with one or no arguments:
Formating output
Now .format() method allow You to combine string with arguments just like .format() method from Node.js Util library
colog.format('My name is %s and I\'m %d', 'Earl', 45);
Sometimes you want some description with status. This will print message on the left side of the screen and status on the right side.
Script will measure size of your terminal and match position of both strings.
colog.status('Module message', '[OK]');
colog.status('Module <b>message</b>', '<b>[OK]</b>');
If script will be unable to check size of TTY, default cols will be used.
Silent mode
Sometimes you want Your colog to just shut up. You can do that using silent mode:
Dumping stuff
You can dump variables and functions at any point and apply effects to them.
colog.dump(variable, ['red', 'bgGreen']);
##Example output

Author: Półtorak Dariusz poltorak.dariusz@gmail.com
License: MIT