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command-line-usage - npm Package Compare versions

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@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ #!/usr/bin/env node

process.stdout.write(usage(cliOptions, {
console.log(usage(cliOptions, {
viewWidth: process.stdout.columns

@@ -14,5 +14,19 @@ "use strict";

@param {cliOption[]} - the CLI options
@param options {object} - Options
@param [options.title] {string}
@param [options.description] {string}
@param [options.forms] {string|string[]}
@param [options.groups] {object} - if you have groups, only names specified here will appear in the output
@param [options.footer] {string}
@param [options.hide] {string|string[]}
@returns {string}
@alias module:command-line-usage
function usage(cliOptions, options){
options = options || {};
options.hide = a.arrayify(options.hide);
cliOptions = cliOptions || [];
if (!Array.isArray(cliOptions)){

@@ -25,2 +39,9 @@ if (cliOptions.options &&{

/* skip hidden options */
if (options.hide.length){
cliOptions = cliOptions.filter(function(option){
return !a(options.hide).contains(;
var lines = [];

@@ -30,2 +51,8 @@ lines.addLine = function(line){

lines.addRow = function(cliOption){
option: getOptionNames(cliOption),
description: cliOption.description
lines.addEmpty = function(){

@@ -48,3 +75,3 @@ this.push("");

if (cliOptions.length){

@@ -67,17 +94,7 @@ if (options.groups){

a(cliOptions).where({ "+group": group }).forEach(function(cliOption){
option: getOptionNames(cliOption),
description: cliOption.description
a(cliOptions).where({ "+group": group }).forEach(lines.addRow);
} else {
option: getOptionNames(cliOption),
description: cliOption.description

@@ -92,3 +109,3 @@ }

return columnLayout(lines, {
var output = columnLayout(lines, {
viewWidth: options.viewWidth || process.stdout.columns,

@@ -103,2 +120,4 @@ padding: {

output = output.replace(/\n\n$/, "\n");
return output;

@@ -108,4 +127,5 @@

var names = [];
var type = cliOption.type ? : ""
if (type) type = type === "boolean" ? "" : " <" + type + ">";
var type = cliOption.type ? : "";
var multiple = cliOption.multiple ? "[]" : "";
if (type) type = type === "boolean" ? "" : " <" + type + multiple + ">";

@@ -112,0 +132,0 @@ if (cliOption.alias) names.push("-" + cliOption.alias);

"name": "command-line-usage",
"author": "Lloyd Brookes <>",
"version": "1.0.0-2",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Generates command-line usage information",

@@ -23,3 +23,2 @@ "repository": "",

"docs": "jsdoc2md -t jsdoc2md/README.hbs lib/*.js >; echo",
"lint": "jshint lib/*.js bin/*.js test/*.js; echo",
"test": "tape test/*.js"

@@ -29,7 +28,11 @@ },

"ansi-escape-sequences": "^2.1.0",
"array-tools": "^2.0.0-0",
"array-tools": "^2",
"column-layout": "^1.0.0",
"object-tools": "^2",
"typical": "^2.2.0"
"devDependencies": {
"jsdoc-to-markdown": "^1.1.1",
"tape": "^4.0.0"
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@@ -9,66 +10,40 @@

## Synopsis
Where `example/dmd.js` looks like this
Where `example/my-app.js` looks like this
module.exports = {
options: {
title: "dmd",
description: "Generate markdown API documentation",
title: "my-app",
description: "Generates something useful",
forms: [
"$ cat jsdoc-parse-output.json | dmd [<options>]"
"$ cat input.json | my-app [<options>]",
"$ my-app <files>"
footer: "Project home:"
groups: {
main: {
title: "Main options",
description: "This group contains the most important options."
misc: "Miscellaneous"
footer: "Project home:"
data: [
{ name: "template", alias: "t", type: String,
description: "A custom handlebars template file to insert documentation into. The default template is `{{>main}}`."
{ name: "one", alias: "a", type: String, group: "main",
description: "The first option"
{ name: "heading-depth", type: Number, alias: "d",
description: "root heading depth, defaults to 2 (`##`)."
{ name: "two", type: Number, alias: "b", group: "main",
description: "The second option"
{ name: "plugin", type: Array,
description: "Use an installed package containing helper and/or partial overrides"
{ name: "three", alias: "c", type: String, group: "misc",
description: "The third option"
{ name: "helper", type: Array,
description: "handlebars helper files to override or extend the default set"
{ name: "partial", type: Array,
description: "handlebars partial files to override or extend the default set"
{ name: "example-lang", type: String, alias: "l",
description: "Specifies the default language used in @example blocks (for syntax-highlighting purposes). In gfm mode, each @example is wrapped in a fenced-code block. Example usage: `--example-lang js`. Use the special value `none` for no specific language. While using this option, you can override the supplied language for any @example by specifying the `@lang` subtag, e.g `@example @lang hbs`. Specifying `@example @lang off` will disable code blocks for that example."
{ name: "name-format", type: Boolean,
description: "Format identifier names as code"
{ name: "no-gfm", type: Boolean,
description: "By default, dmd generates github-flavoured markdown. Not all markdown parsers render gfm correctly. If your generated docs look incorrect on sites other than Github (e.g. try enabling this option to disable Github-specific syntax. "
{ name: "separators", type: Boolean,
description: "Put <hr> breaks between identifiers. Improves readability on bulky docs. "
{ name: "module-index-format", type: String, alias: "m",
description: "none, grouped, table, dl"
{ name: "global-index-format", type: String, alias: "g",
description: "none, grouped, table, dl"
{ name: "param-list-format", type: String, alias: "p",
description: "Two options to render parameter lists: 'list' or 'table' (default). Table format works well in most cases but switch to list if things begin to look crowded / squashed. "
{ name: "property-list-format", type: String, alias: "r",
description: "list, table"
{ name: "member-index-format", type: String, alias: "c",
description: "grouped, list"
{ name: "group-by", type: Array,
description: "a list of fields to group member indexes by"
{ name: "four", type: Number, alias: "d", group: "misc",
description: "The fourth option"
This command:
$ command-line-usage example/dmd.js
$ command-line-usage example/my-app.js

@@ -79,37 +54,43 @@

Generate markdown API documentation
Generates something useful
$ cat jsdoc-parse-output.json | dmd [<options>]
$ cat input.json | my-app [<options>]
$ my-app <files>
-t, --template <string> A custom handlebars template file to insert documentation into. The default template is `{{>main}}`.
-d, --heading-depth <number> root heading depth, defaults to 2 (`##`).
--plugin <array> Use an installed package containing helper and/or partial overrides
--helper <array> handlebars helper files to override or extend the default set
--partial <array> handlebars partial files to override or extend the default set
-l, --example-lang <string> Specifies the default language used in @example blocks (for syntax-highlighting purposes). In gfm
mode, each @example is wrapped in a fenced-code block. Example usage: `--example-lang js`. Use the
special value `none` for no specific language. While using this option, you can override the supplied
language for any @example by specifying the `@lang` subtag, e.g `@example @lang hbs`. Specifying
`@example @lang off` will disable code blocks for that example.
--name-format Format identifier names as code
--no-gfm By default, dmd generates github-flavoured markdown. Not all markdown parsers render gfm correctly. If
your generated docs look incorrect on sites other than Github (e.g. try enabling this
option to disable Github-specific syntax.
--separators Put <hr> breaks between identifiers. Improves readability on bulky docs.
-m, --module-index-format <string> none, grouped, table, dl
-g, --global-index-format <string> none, grouped, table, dl
-p, --param-list-format <string> Two options to render parameter lists: 'list' or 'table' (default). Table format works well in most
cases but switch to list if things begin to look crowded / squashed.
-r, --property-list-format <string> list, table
-c, --member-index-format <string> grouped, list
--group-by <array> a list of fields to group member indexes by
Main options
This group contains the most important options.
Project home:
-a, --one <string> The first option
-b, --two <number> The second option
-c, --three <string> The third option
-d, --four <number> The fourth option
Project home:
<a name="module_command-line-usage"></a>
## command-line-usage
<a name="exp_module_command-line-usage--usage"></a>
### usage(cliOptions, options) ⇒ <code>string</code> ⏏
**Kind**: Exported function
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| cliOptions | <code>Array.&lt;cliOption&gt;</code> | the CLI options |
| options | <code>object</code> | Options |
| [options.title] | <code>string</code> | |
| [options.description] | <code>string</code> | |
| [options.forms] | <code>string</code> &#124; <code>Array.&lt;string&gt;</code> | |
| [options.groups] | <code>object</code> | |
| [options.footer] | <code>string</code> | |
| [options.hide] | <code>string</code> &#124; <code>Array.&lt;string&gt;</code> | |
* * *
&copy; 2015 Lloyd Brookes \<\>.
&copy; 2015 Lloyd Brookes \<\>. Documented by [jsdoc-to-markdown](
var test = require("tape");
var lib = require("../");
var usage = require("../");
var cliOptions = require("../example/my-app");
test("first", function(t){
test("basic", function(t){
var result = usage(cliOptions);