Common-Repos is a command line script used to find the top common repositories amongst a group of contributers to a particular repository. If you do not specifiy any commands, the interface with return a serious of questions the user will interact with in order to run the application.
- Install Node.js
- Install Github-Api
- Install Minimist
- Install Prompts
❯ Install
$ npm install --save common-repos
This package uses async/await and requires Node.js 7.6
Usage: node common-repos [options]
username |u <string> login name
password |p <string> user password
token |t <string> oAuth token (provided from Github)
repo |r <string> | username/repository | username repository
maxRequests |m <number> max requests made to Github API - xRateLimit
save |s <boolean> save current progress - default:true
savePath |o <string> path to export progress data
disablePrompt |d <boolean> disable prompt interface
result |l <number> number of repositories returned - default:10
node common-repost -u=brdlyptrs -p=***** --repo=terkelg/prompts -m=50
Thank you.