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@@ -6,5 +6,20 @@ /*

define("CouchDBSecurity",["CouchDBStore"],function(e){function d(){var a="_security";this.setName=function(c){return c?(a=c,true):false};this.getName=function(){return a};this.load=function(c){return this.sync(c,a)}}return function(){d.prototype=new e;return new d}});
define("CouchDBUser",["CouchDBStore","Promise"],function(e,d){function a(){var c="_users",a="org.couchdb.user:";this.getUserDB=function(){return c};this.setUserDB=function(b){return b?(c=b,true):false};this.getIdPrefix=function(){return a};this.setIdPrefix=function(b){return b?(a=b,true):false};this.setId=function(b){return b?(this.set("_id",a+b),true):false};this.getId=function(){return this.get("_id")};this.load=function(b){return this.sync(c,a+b)};this.login=function(){var b=new d,a=this.get("name"),
c=this.get("password");a&&typeof a=="string"&&typeof c=="string"?this.getTransport().request("CouchDB",{method:"GET",path:"/_users/org.couchdb.user:"+a,auth:a+":"+c},b.resolve,b):b.reject({error:"name & password must be strings"});return b};this.create=function(){var b=new d;this.get("type")||this.set("type","user");this.get("roles")||this.set("roles",[]);this.load(this.get("name")).then(function(){b.reject({error:"Failed to create user. The user already exists"})},function(){this.upload().then(function(a){b.resolve(a)},
function(a){b.reject(a)})},this);return b}}return function(){a.prototype=new e;return new a}});
define("CouchDBSecurity",["CouchDBStore"],function(k){function j(){var f="_security";this.setName=function(h){return h?(f=h,true):false};this.getName=function(){return f};this.load=function(h){return this.sync(h,f)}}return function(){j.prototype=new k;return new j}});
define("CouchDBStore",["Store","StateMachine","Tools","Promise"],function(k,j,f,h){function l(){var b=null,a={},i=new h,d={getView:function(){a.query=a.query||{};b.request("CouchDB",{method:"GET",path:"/"+a.database+"/_design/""/"+a.view,query:a.query},function(c){var e=JSON.parse(c);if(e.rows)this.reset(e.rows),i.resolve(this),typeof e.total_rows=="undefined"&&this.setReducedViewInfo(true),g.event("subscribeToViewChanges");else throw Error("CouchDBStore ["+a.database+", "", "+
a.view+"].sync() failed: "+c);},this)},getDocument:function(){b.request("CouchDB",{method:"GET",path:"/"+a.database+"/"+a.document,query:a.query},function(c){var a=JSON.parse(c);a._id?(this.reset(a),i.resolve(this),g.event("subscribeToDocumentChanges")):i.reject(c)},this)},getBulkDocuments:function(){var c={path:"/"+a.database+"/_all_docs",query:a.query},e;a.keys instanceof Array?(c.method="POST",{keys:a.keys}),c.headers={"Content-Type":"application/json"},
"GET",e=JSON.stringify(a.query));a.query.include_docs=true;b.request("CouchDB",c,function(c){var b=JSON.parse(c);if(b.rows)this.reset(b.rows),i.resolve(this),g.event("subscribeToBulkChanges");else throw Error('CouchDBStore.sync("'+a.database+'", '+e+") failed: "+c);},this)},createDocument:function(c){b.request("CouchDB",{method:"PUT",path:"/"+a.database+"/"+a.document,headers:{"Content-Type":"application/json"},data:this.toJSON()},function(a){a=JSON.parse(a);a.ok?(c.resolve(a),g.event("subscribeToDocumentChanges")):
c.reject(a)})},subscribeToViewChanges:function(){f.mixin({feed:"continuous",heartbeat:2E4,limit:0,descending:true},a.query);this.stopListening=b.listen("CouchDB",{path:"/"+a.database+"/_changes",query:a.query},function(c){if(c=="\n")return false;var c=JSON.parse(c),e;e=a.reducedView?"updateReduced":c.deleted?"delete":c.changes[0]"1-")==0?"add":"change";g.event(e,},this)},subscribeToDocumentChanges:function(){this.stopListening=b.listen("CouchDB",{path:"/"+a.database+"/_changes",query:{feed:"continuous",
heartbeat:2E4,limit:0,descending:true}},function(c){if(c=="\n")return false;c=JSON.parse(c);!=this.get("_rev")&&(c.deleted?g.event("deleteDoc"):g.event("updateDoc"))},this)},subscribeToBulkChanges:function(){f.mixin({feed:"continuous",heartbeat:2E4,limit:0,descending:true,include_docs:true},a.query);this.stopListening=b.listen("CouchDB",{path:"/"+a.database+"/_changes",query:a.query},function(a){if(a=="\n")return false;var a=JSON.parse(a),e;e=a.changes[0]"1-")==
0?"bulkAdd":a.deleted?"delete":"bulkChange";g.event(e,,a.doc)},this)},updateDocInStore:function(c){b.request("CouchDB",{method:"GET",path:"/"+a.database+"/_design/""/"+a.view,query:a.query},function(a){a=JSON.parse(a);a.rows.length==this.getNbItems()?a.rows.some(function(a,e){,a)},this),a.rows,c)},this)},evenDocsInStore:function(a,e){var b=this.getNbItems();a.length<b?this.loop(function(a,c){},this):a.length>
b&&a.some(function(a,c){if( this.alter("splice",c,0,a)},this)},addBulkDocInStore:function(c){if(a.query.startkey||a.query.endkey)a.query.include_docs=true,a.query.update_seq=true,b.request("CouchDB",{method:"GET",path:"/"+a.database+"/_all_docs",query:a.query},function(a){JSON.parse(a).rows.forEach(function(a,e){"splice",e,0,a.doc)},this)},this);else return false},updateBulkDocInStore:function(a,e){this.loop(function(b,d){,e)},this)},removeDocInStore:function(a){this.loop(function(e,
a.database+"/"+a.document},function(a){this.reset(JSON.parse(a))},this)},deleteDoc:function(){this.reset({})},updateDatabase:function(c){b.request("CouchDB",{method:"PUT",path:"/"+a.database+"/"+a.document,headers:{"Content-Type":"application/json"},data:this.toJSON()},function(a){a=JSON.parse(a);a.ok?(this.set("_rev",a.rev),c.resolve(a)):c.reject(a)},this)},updateDatabaseWithBulkDoc:function(c){var e=[];this.loop(function(a){e.push(a.doc)});b.request("CouchDB",{method:"POST",path:"/"+a.database+
"/_bulk_docs",headers:{"Content-Type":"application/json"},data:JSON.stringify({docs:e})},function(a){c.resolve(JSON.parse(a))})},removeFromDatabase:function(){b.request("CouchDB",{method:"DELETE",path:"/"+a.database+"/"+a.document,query:{rev:this.get("_rev")}})},unsync:function(){this.stopListening();delete this.stopListening}},g=new j("Unsynched",{Unsynched:[["getView",d.getView,this,"Synched"],["getDocument",d.getDocument,this,"Synched"],["getBulkDocuments",d.getBulkDocuments,this,"Synched"]],Synched:[["updateDatabase",
["updateDoc",d.updateDoc,this],["deleteDoc",d.deleteDoc,this],["updateDatabase",d.updateDatabase,this],["updateDatabaseWithBulkDoc",d.updateDatabaseWithBulkDoc,this],["removeFromDatabase",d.removeFromDatabase,this],["unsync",d.unsync,this,"Unsynched"]]});this.sync=function(a,b,d,f){i=new h;if(typeof a=="string"&&typeof b=="string"&&typeof d=="string")return this.setSyncInfo(a,b,d,f),g.event("getView"),i;else if(typeof a=="string"&&typeof b=="string"&&typeof d!="string")return this.setSyncInfo(a,b,
d),g.event("getDocument"),i;else if(typeof a=="string"&&b instanceof Object)return this.setSyncInfo(a,b),g.event("getBulkDocuments"),i;return false};this.setSyncInfo=function(c,b,d,g){this.clearSyncInfo();if(typeof c=="string"&&typeof b=="string"&&typeof d=="string")return a.database=c,,a.view=d,a.query=g,true;else if(typeof c=="string"&&typeof b=="string"&&typeof d!="string")return a.database=c,a.document=b,a.query=d,true;else if(typeof c=="string"&&b instanceof Object){a.database=c;a.query=
b;if(a.query.keys instanceof Array)a.keys=a.query.keys,delete a.query.keys;return true}return false};this.clearSyncInfo=function(){a={};return true};this.setReducedViewInfo=function(c){return typeof c=="boolean"?(a.reducedView=c,true):false};this.getSyncInfo=function(){return a};this.unsync=function(){return g.event("unsync")};this.upload=function(){var c=new h;if(a.document)return g.event("updateDatabase",c),c;else if(!a.view)return g.event("updateDatabaseWithBulkDoc",c),c;return false};this.remove=
function(){return a.document?g.event("removeFromDatabase"):false};this.setTransport=function(a){return a&&typeof a.listen=="function"&&typeof a.request=="function"?(b=a,true):false};this.getStateMachine=function(){return g};this.getTransport=function(){return b};this.actions=d}return function(b){l.prototype=new k(b);return new l}});
define("CouchDBUser",["CouchDBStore","Promise"],function(k,j){function f(){var h="_users",f="org.couchdb.user:";this.getUserDB=function(){return h};this.setUserDB=function(b){return b?(h=b,true):false};this.getIdPrefix=function(){return f};this.setIdPrefix=function(b){return b?(f=b,true):false};this.setId=function(b){return b?(this.set("_id",f+b),true):false};this.getId=function(){return this.get("_id")};this.load=function(b){return this.sync(h,f+b)};this.login=function(){var b=new j,a=this.get("name"),
f=this.get("password");a&&typeof a=="string"&&typeof f=="string"?this.getTransport().request("CouchDB",{method:"GET",path:"/_users/org.couchdb.user:"+a,auth:a+":"+f},b.resolve,b):b.reject({error:"name & password must be strings"});return b};this.create=function(){var b=new j;this.get("type")||this.set("type","user");this.get("roles")||this.set("roles",[]);this.load(this.get("name")).then(function(){b.reject({error:"Failed to create user. The user already exists"})},function(){this.upload().then(function(a){b.resolve(a)},
function(a){b.reject(a)})},this);return b}}return function(){f.prototype=new k;return new f}});

@@ -78,2 +78,765 @@ /**

["Store", "StateMachine", "Tools", "Promise"],
* @class
* CouchDBStore synchronises a Store with a CouchDB view or document
* It subscribes to _changes to keep its data up to date.
function CouchDBStore(Store, StateMachine, Tools, Promise) {
* Defines the CouchDBStore
* @returns {CouchDBStoreConstructor}
function CouchDBStoreConstructor() {
* The name of the channel on which to run the requests
* @private
var _channel = "CouchDB",
* The transport used to run the requests
* @private
_transport = null,
* That will store the synchronization info
* @private
_syncInfo = {},
* The promise that is returned by sync
* It's resolved when entering listening state
* It's rejected when no such document to sync to
* The promise is initialized here for testing purpose
* but it's initialized again in sync
* @private
_syncPromise = new Promise,
* All the actions performed by the couchDBStore
* They'll feed the stateMachine
* @private
actions = {
* Get a CouchDB view
* @private
getView: function () {
_syncInfo.query = _syncInfo.query || {};
_transport.request(_channel, {
method: "GET",
path: "/" + _syncInfo.database + "/_design/" + + "/" + _syncInfo.view,
query: _syncInfo.query
}, function (results) {
var json = JSON.parse(results);
if (!json.rows) {
throw new Error("CouchDBStore [" + _syncInfo.database + ", " + + ", " + _syncInfo.view + "].sync() failed: " + results);
} else {
if (typeof json.total_rows == "undefined") {
}, this);
* Get a CouchDB document
* @private
getDocument: function () {
_transport.request(_channel, {
method: "GET",
path: "/" + _syncInfo.database + "/" + _syncInfo.document,
query: _syncInfo.query
}, function (results) {
var json = JSON.parse(results);
if (json._id) {
} else {
}, this);
* Get a bulk of documents
* @private
getBulkDocuments: function () {
var reqData = {
path: "/" + _syncInfo.database + "/_all_docs",
query: _syncInfo.query
// If an array of keys is defined, we POST it to _all_docs to get arbitrary docs.
if (_syncInfo["keys"] instanceof Array) {
reqData.method = "POST"; = JSON.stringify({keys:_syncInfo.keys});
reqData.headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
errorString =;
// Else, we just GET the documents using startkey/endkey
} else {
reqData.method = "GET";
errorString = JSON.stringify(_syncInfo.query);
_syncInfo.query.include_docs = true;
function (results) {
var json = JSON.parse(results);
if (!json.rows) {
throw new Error("CouchDBStore.sync(\"" + _syncInfo.database + "\", " + errorString + ") failed: " + results);
} else {
}, this);
* Put a new document in CouchDB
* @private
createDocument: function (promise) {
_transport.request(_channel, {
method: "PUT",
path: "/" + _syncInfo.database + "/" + _syncInfo.document,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
data: this.toJSON()
}, function (result) {
var json = JSON.parse(result);
if (json.ok) {
} else {
* Subscribe to changes when synchronized with a view
* @private
subscribeToViewChanges: function () {
feed: "continuous",
heartbeat: 20000,
limit: 0,
descending: true
}, _syncInfo.query);
this.stopListening = _transport.listen(_channel, {
path: "/" + _syncInfo.database + "/_changes",
query: _syncInfo.query
function (changes) {
// Should I test for this very special case (heartbeat?)
// Or do I have to try catch for any invalid json?
if (changes == "\n") {
return false;
var json = JSON.parse(changes),
// reducedView is known on the first get view
if (_syncInfo.reducedView) {
action = "updateReduced";
} else {
if (json.deleted) {
action = "delete";
} else if (json.changes[0]"1-") == 0) {
action = "add";
} else {
action = "change";
}, this);
* Subscribe to changes when synchronized with a document
* @private
subscribeToDocumentChanges: function () {
this.stopListening = _transport.listen(_channel, {
path: "/" + _syncInfo.database + "/_changes",
query: {
feed: "continuous",
heartbeat: 20000,
limit: 0,
descending: true
function (changes) {
var json;
// Should I test for this very special case (heartbeat?)
// Or do I have to try catch for any invalid json?
if (changes == "\n") {
return false;
json = JSON.parse(changes);
// The document is the modified document is the current one
if ( == _syncInfo.document &&
// And if it has a new revision
json.changes.pop().rev != this.get("_rev")) {
if (json.deleted) {
} else {
}, this);
* Subscribe to changes when synchronized with a bulk of documents
* @private
subscribeToBulkChanges: function () {
feed: "continuous",
heartbeat: 20000,
limit: 0,
descending: true,
include_docs: true
}, _syncInfo.query);
this.stopListening = _transport.listen(_channel, {
path: "/" + _syncInfo.database + "/_changes",
query: _syncInfo.query
function (changes) {
var json;
// Should I test for this very special case (heartbeat?)
// Or do I have to try catch for any invalid json?
if (changes == "\n") {
return false;
var json = JSON.parse(changes),
if (json.changes[0]"1-") == 0) {
action = "bulkAdd";
} else if (json.deleted) {
action = "delete";
} else {
action = "bulkChange";
_stateMachine.event(action,, json.doc);
}, this);
* Update in the Store a document that was updated in CouchDB
* Get the whole view :(, then get the modified document and update it.
* I have no choice but to request the whole view and look for the document
* so I can also retrieve its position in the store (idx) and update the item.
* Maybe I've missed something
* @private
updateDocInStore: function (id) {
method: "GET",
path: "/" + _syncInfo.database + "/_design/" + + "/" + _syncInfo.view,
query: _syncInfo.query
}, function (view) {
var json = JSON.parse(view);
if (json.rows.length == this.getNbItems()) {
json.rows.some(function (value, idx) {
if ( == id) {
this.set(idx, value);
}, this);
} else {, json.rows, id);
}, this);
* When a doc is removed from the view even though it still exists
* or when it's added to a view, though it wasn't just created
* This function must be called to even the store
* @private
evenDocsInStore: function (view, id) {
var nbItems = this.getNbItems();
// If a document was removed from the view
if (view.length < nbItems) {
// Look for it in the store to remove it
this.loop(function (value, idx) {
if ( == id) {
}, this);
// If a document was added to the view
} else if (view.length > nbItems) {
// Look for it in the view and add it to the store at the same place
view.some(function (value, idx) {
if ( == id) {
return this.alter("splice", idx, 0, value);
}, this);
* Add in the Store a document that was added in CouchDB
* @private
addBulkDocInStore: function (id) {
if (_syncInfo["query"].startkey || _syncInfo["query"].endkey) {
_syncInfo.query.include_docs = true;
_syncInfo.query.update_seq = true;
_transport.request(_channel, {
method: "GET",
path: "/" + _syncInfo.database + "/_all_docs",
query: _syncInfo.query
function (results) {
var json = JSON.parse(results);
json.rows.forEach(function (value, idx) {
if ( == id) {
this.alter("splice", idx, 0, value.doc);
}, this);
}, this);
} else {
return false;
* Update in the Store a document that was updated in CouchDB
* @private
updateBulkDocInStore: function (id, doc) {
this.loop(function (value, idx) {
if ( == id) {
this.set(idx, doc);
}, this);
* Remove from the Store a document that was removed in CouchDB
* @private
removeDocInStore: function (id) {
this.loop(function (value, idx) {
if ( == id) {
}, this);
* Add in the Store a document that was added in CouchDB
* @private
addDocInStore: function (id) {
method: "GET",
path: "/" + _syncInfo.database + "/_design/" + + "/" + _syncInfo.view,
query: _syncInfo.query
}, function (view) {
var json = JSON.parse(view);
json.rows.some(function (value, idx) {
if ( == id) {
this.alter("splice", idx, 0, value);
}, this);
}, this);
* Update a reduced view (it has one row with no id)
* @private
updateReduced: function () {
method: "GET",
path: "/" + _syncInfo.database + "/_design/" + + "/" + _syncInfo.view,
query: _syncInfo.query
}, function (view) {
var json = JSON.parse(view);
this.set(0, json.rows[0]);
}, this);
* Update the document when synchronized with a document.
* This differs than updating a document in a View
* @private
updateDoc: function () {
_transport.request(_channel, {
method: "GET",
path: "/"+_syncInfo.database+"/" + _syncInfo.document
}, function (doc) {
}, this);
* Delete all document's properties
* @private
deleteDoc: function () {
* Update a document in CouchDB through a PUT request
* @private
updateDatabase: function (promise) {
_transport.request(_channel, {
method: "PUT",
path: "/" + _syncInfo.database + "/" + _syncInfo.document,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
data: this.toJSON()
}, function (response) {
var json = JSON.parse(response);
if (json.ok) {
this.set("_rev", json.rev);
} else {
}, this);
* Update the database with bulk documents
* @private
updateDatabaseWithBulkDoc: function (promise) {
var docs = [];
this.loop(function (value) {
_transport.request(_channel, {
method: "POST",
path: "/" + _syncInfo.database + "/_bulk_docs",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
data: JSON.stringify({"docs": docs})
}, function (response) {
* Remove a document from CouchDB through a DELETE request
* @private
removeFromDatabase: function () {
_transport.request(_channel, {
method: "DELETE",
path: "/" + _syncInfo.database + "/" + _syncInfo.document,
query: {
rev: this.get("_rev")
* The function call to unsync the store
* @private
unsync: function () {
delete this.stopListening;
* The state machine
* @private
* it concentrates almost the whole logic.
_stateMachine = new StateMachine("Unsynched", {
"Unsynched": [
["getView", actions.getView, this, "Synched"],
["getDocument", actions.getDocument, this, "Synched"],
["getBulkDocuments", actions.getBulkDocuments, this, "Synched"]
"Synched": [
["updateDatabase", actions.createDocument, this],
["subscribeToViewChanges", actions.subscribeToViewChanges, this, "Listening"],
["subscribeToDocumentChanges", actions.subscribeToDocumentChanges, this, "Listening"],
["subscribeToBulkChanges", actions.subscribeToBulkChanges, this, "Listening"],
["unsync", function noop(){}, "Unsynched"]
"Listening": [
["change", actions.updateDocInStore, this],
["bulkAdd", actions.addBulkDocInStore, this],
["bulkChange", actions.updateBulkDocInStore, this],
["delete", actions.removeDocInStore, this],
["add", actions.addDocInStore, this],
["updateReduced", actions.updateReduced, this],
["updateDoc", actions.updateDoc, this],
["deleteDoc", actions.deleteDoc, this],
["updateDatabase", actions.updateDatabase, this],
["updateDatabaseWithBulkDoc", actions.updateDatabaseWithBulkDoc, this],
["removeFromDatabase", actions.removeFromDatabase, this],
["unsync", actions.unsync, this, "Unsynched"]
* Synchronize the store with a view
* @param {String} database the name of the database where to get...
* @param {String} the design document, in which...
* @param {String} view ...the view is.
* @returns {Boolean}
this.sync = function sync() {
_syncPromise = new Promise;
if (typeof arguments[0] == "string" && typeof arguments[1] == "string" && typeof arguments[2] == "string") {
this.setSyncInfo(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]);
return _syncPromise;
} else if (typeof arguments[0] == "string" && typeof arguments[1] == "string" && typeof arguments[2] != "string") {
this.setSyncInfo(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]);
return _syncPromise;
} else if (typeof arguments[0] == "string" && arguments[1] instanceof Object) {
this.setSyncInfo(arguments[0], arguments[1]);
return _syncPromise;
return false;
* Set the synchronization information
* @private
* @returns {Boolean}
this.setSyncInfo = function setSyncInfo() {
if (typeof arguments[0] == "string" && typeof arguments[1] == "string" && typeof arguments[2] == "string") {
_syncInfo["database"] = arguments[0];
_syncInfo["design"] = arguments[1];
_syncInfo["view"] = arguments[2];
_syncInfo["query"] = arguments[3];
return true;
} else if (typeof arguments[0] == "string" && typeof arguments[1] == "string" && typeof arguments[2] != "string") {
_syncInfo["database"] = arguments[0];
_syncInfo["document"] = arguments[1];
_syncInfo["query"] = arguments[2];
return true;
} else if (typeof arguments[0] == "string" && arguments[1] instanceof Object) {
_syncInfo["database"] = arguments[0];
_syncInfo["query"] = arguments[1];
if (_syncInfo["query"].keys instanceof Array) {
_syncInfo["keys"] = _syncInfo["query"].keys;
delete _syncInfo["query"].keys;
return true;
return false;
* Between two synchs, the previous info must be cleared up
* @private
this.clearSyncInfo = function clearSyncInfo() {
_syncInfo = {};
return true;
* Set a flag to tell that a synchronized view is reduced
* @private
this.setReducedViewInfo = function setReducedViewInfo(reduced) {
if (typeof reduced == "boolean") {
_syncInfo.reducedView = reduced;
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Get the synchronization information
* @private
* @returns
this.getSyncInfo = function getSyncInfo() {
return _syncInfo;
* Unsync a store. Unsync must be called prior to resynchronization.
* That will prevent any unwanted resynchronization.
* Notice that previous data will still be available.
* @returns
this.unsync = function unsync() {
return _stateMachine.event("unsync");
* Upload the document to the database
* Works for CouchDBStore that are synchronized with documents or bulk of documents.
* If synchronized with a bulk of documents, you can set the documents to delete _deleted property to true.
* No modification can be done on views.
* @returns true if upload called
this.upload = function upload() {
var promise = new Promise;
if (_syncInfo.document) {
_stateMachine.event("updateDatabase", promise);
return promise;
} else if (!_syncInfo.view){
_stateMachine.event("updateDatabaseWithBulkDoc", promise);
return promise;
return false;
* Remove the document from the database
* @returns true if remove called
this.remove = function remove() {
if (_syncInfo.document) {
return _stateMachine.event("removeFromDatabase");
return false;
* The transport object to use
* @param {Object} transport the transport object
* @returns {Boolean} true if
this.setTransport = function setTransport(transport) {
if (transport && typeof transport.listen == "function" && typeof transport.request == "function") {
_transport = transport;
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Get the state machine
* Also only useful for debugging
* @private
* @returns {StateMachine} the state machine
this.getStateMachine = function getStateMachine() {
return _stateMachine;
* Get the current transport
* Also only useful for debugging
* @private
* @returns {Object} the current transport
this.getTransport = function getTransport() {
return _transport;
* The functions called by the stateMachine made available for testing purpose
* @private
this.actions = actions;
return function CouchDBStoreFactory(data) {
CouchDBStoreConstructor.prototype = new Store(data);
return new CouchDBStoreConstructor;
* The MIT License (MIT)
* Copyright (c) 2012 Olivier Scherrer <>

@@ -80,0 +843,0 @@


"name": "couchdb-emily-tools",
"description": "WIP - CouchDB Tools for Emily&Olives applications",
"version": "0.0.333dev",
"description": "CouchDB Tools for Emily&Olives applications",
"version": "1.0.0",
"homepage": "",

@@ -18,3 +18,3 @@ "licenses": [{

"requirejs": ">=2.0.4",
"emily": ">=1.1.4"
"emily": ">=1.2.0"

@@ -21,0 +21,0 @@ "keywords": ["CouchDB", "Emily", "Olives", "Tools"],

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