Koa 2' application generator. Currently only the web service mode is available.

$ npm install -g create-koa2-app
Quick Start
Create the app:
$ create-koa2-app my-app
Go to directory:
$ cd my-app
Install dependencies:
$ npm install
Copy and change environment variables from default file:
$ cp .env.default .env
Start your Koa2 app at http://localhost:3011/
$ npm start
Command Line Options
This generator can also be further configured with the following command line flags.
--version output the version number
-d, --db <database> add database support (mysql, postgresql, mongodb)
--redis add redis support
--git add .gitignore
-f, --force force on non-empty directory
-h, --help output usage information
There're some features (updates) which will be included in this generator in the near future: