What is crypt?
The 'crypt' npm package is designed to provide cryptographic functionalities such as hashing and encryption. It allows developers to secure data, especially passwords, by using various algorithms. This package can be used in Node.js applications to enhance security by encrypting sensitive information before storing or transmitting it.
What are crypt's main functionalities?
Password Hashing
This feature allows you to hash passwords using SHA-256, a cryptographic hash function. Hashing is a one-way process, making it suitable for securely storing passwords.
const crypt = require('crypt');
const hashedPassword = crypt.createHash('sha256').update('your-password').digest('hex');
Data Encryption
This feature enables the encryption of data using the AES-256-CBC algorithm. Encryption is useful for protecting sensitive information during storage or transmission.
const crypt = require('crypt');
const cipher = crypt.createCipher('aes-256-cbc', 'a password');
let encrypted = cipher.update('some clear text data', 'utf8', 'hex');
encrypted += cipher.final('hex');
Other packages similar to crypt
Bcrypt is a popular npm package for hashing passwords. It is designed to build a password hashing function. Compared to 'crypt', bcrypt focuses specifically on password hashing and includes a salt to protect against rainbow table attacks.
Crypto-js is a package that provides cryptographic functionalities, including encryption, hashing, and HMAC operations. It offers a broader range of algorithms compared to 'crypt' and is widely used for both client-side and server-side encryption tasks.