CSS devendorize - CSS vendor prefixes remover
This can sounds weird to remove CSS vendor prefixes from a CSS, but that in the case you want to use prefix-free for example without changing your vendors' CSS files one by one, you can use this tool to remove the vendors from any source.
While this is still in alpha, it's working and usable.
npm install --save css-devendorize
CLI tool
To use the CLI tool, you can use either css-devendorize
or css-unprefix
Usage: css-unprefix [options] [files]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-o, --output <path> path where the output file(s) will be generated (file or path)
-b, --base-path <path> base path when `output` is a directory, default to current directory
-m, --source-map [path] generates source-map, relative to current directory or given path
-r, --recursive include sub directories
or --output
- if it's a directory, file(s) will be generated in that directory, with the same directory hierarchy as the input file relative to the base path
- if it's a file, all the input files will be concatenated in that file
or --base
- by default it is the current working directory; it's used to find out the relative path to an output file in the output directory, using its input file's path relative to base path
or --source-map
- used to generate source-amp file(s); if no path given, the input file path will appear relative to the current working directory in the source-map file, else it'll be relative to the given path in this argument value
or --recursive
- if present, it'll look for CSS files in all sub directories fo the given path(s)
examples (expect running those from the base path of this project):
css-unprefix -r -m -o output test
- will look recursively for CSS input files in the
directory, and generate output files in the output
directory, as well as source-map files
, output/test/fixtures/app.css.map
, output/test/fixtures/app.expected.css
and output/test/fixtures/app.expected.css.map
will be generated
css-unprefix -r -o output -b test/fixtures test
- will look recursively for CSS input files in the
directory, and generate output files in the output
directory using the file relative paths to test/fixture
as output path
and output/app.expected.css
will be generated
Library API
To remove CSS from an input string getting directly the resulting CSS, use:
var Cleaner = require('css-devendorize').Cleaner;
var cleaner = new Cleaner();
To remove CSS from an AST, with options to keep sourceMaps or such:
var Cleaner = require('css-devendorize').Cleaner;
var cleaner = new Cleaner();
There is also a browserified version, which you can use in your browser directly, in the dist