A store for dealing with continuous values. Useful for complex animations.
Continue reading for background and example usage. Click here for a demo.
The idea for this module came from discussions with @mikolalysenko.
Credit largely goes to him. See filtered-vector for
prior art.
Curve store is a state container that intelligently deals with mapping discrete
values to a continuous curve. Its primary intended use case is for dealing with
complex animations over time, though there may be other applications.
The idea is that animation can be defined as a series of positions over time:
given an object at position x, y
at time t
, we should be able to define an
animation by promising that the object will be at some other position x', y'
some future time t'
, and infer the points along the path.
This is what curve-store
gives you, a way to define state at a given time:
store.set(currentTime, { x: x, y: y});
store.set(currentTime + 1000, { x: xprime, y: yprime});
and a way to sample points in between:
store.sample(currentTime + 500);
Users can define how they want the interpolation to be handled. There are a few
built in helpers, for example:
import { createStore } from 'curve-store';
import { linear } from 'curve-store/samplers';
const store = createStore({
x: linear('x'),
y: linear('y')
defines basic linear interpolation. There are also calculus functions to help
build out more complicated curves:
import { createStore } from 'curve-store';
import { linear, derivative, integral } from 'curve-store/samplers';
const store = createStore({
position: {
x: linear('x'),
y: linear('y')
velocity: {
x: derivative('x'),
y: derivative('y')
acceleration: {
x: derivative(derivative('x')),
y: derivative(derivative('y'))
distance: {
x: integral('x'),
y: integral('y')
You can also provide custom sampling functions, to get e.g. different easing curves
(see below for more details).
$ npm install --save curve-store
Simple Example
import { createStore } from 'curve-store';
import { linear, derivative } from 'curve-store/samplers';
const store = createStore({
x: linear('x'),
dx: derivative('x')
store.set(0, { x: 0 });
store.set(1, { x: 1 });
Creates a new curve-store
that maps discrete input values onto a set
of continuous output values. The samplers object defines this mapping and defines
how to interpolate between points.
Basic usage:
const store = createStore({
outputX: linear('inputX')
store.set(time, values)
Set values at a particular point in time.
store.set(0, { inputX: 0 });
store.set(1, { inputX: 0 });
Sample points at a particular time.
The way that sampling occurs is defined based on the samplers object passed
to createStore
Custom sampling
import { createStore } from 'create-store';
import { getPointBefore, getPointAfter } from 'create-store/utils';
const store = createStore({
myKey: (t, state) => {
const before = getPointBefore(state.myKey, t);
const after = getPointAfter(state.myKey, t);
return customVal;
store.set(0, { myKey: 0 });
store.set(1, { myKey: 1 });
Clearing values