ES 7 Decorators for Custom Elements

Custom Elements are one of the most exciting new specifications to come out in the last few years. But they often contain lots of boilerplate code for setting up templates, events, attributes, ect...
Enter ES 7 Decorators which can be used to quickly setup all this boilerplate code.
import {
} from 'custom-element-decorators';
@attribute('name', 'String')
@attribute('disabled', 'Boolean')
@watchAttribute('name', 'nameChanged')
@bindEvent('form', 'submit', 'handleSubmit')
<h1>Editing {name}</h1>
<input type="text" rv-value="name" placeholder="Name" />
<input type="submit" value="Done" rv-disabled="disabled"/>
class UserEditForm extends HTMLElement {
createdCallback () {
this.nameInput = this.querySelectorAll('input[type="text"]')[0];
nameChanged (oldValue, newValue) {
console.log('name changed from ${oldValue} to ${newValue}');
handleSubmit (e) {
this.disabled = true; = this.nameInput.value;
var UserEditFormElement = document.registerElement('user-edit-form', UserEditForm);
export default function (attributes) {
return Object.assign(new UserEditFormElement(), attributes);
Setup a custom HTML attribute on your custom element.
import { attribute } from 'custom-element-decorators';
@attribute('name', 'String')
@attribute('count', 'Number')
@attribute('created', 'Date')
@attribute('readonly', 'Boolean')
class MyElement extends HTMLElement {
export default document.registerElement('my-element', MyElement);
You can access all of your @attribute
declarations as plain properties with custom getters and setter just like regular HTML elements. This makes property binding in frameworks like Aurelia easier.
Since there are no boolean attributes in HTML (all attributes are strings) the following strings are considered false
If the element does not have the attribute it is considered false
. All other values are considered true
. Note that empty string is considered true
<my-element name="Micky Mouse" count="1" created="November 18, 1928
" readonly></my-element>
var myElement = document.getElementByTagName('my-element')[0];
console.log(; = 'Donald Duck';
Watching for changes to attributes results in a significant amount of boilerplate when making custom elements, you can use the @watchAttribute
decorator to watch for changes to specific attributes.
import { watchAttribute } from 'custom-element-decorators';
@watchAttribute('name', 'nameChanged')
@watchAttribute('count', function (oldValue, newValue) {
console.log(`count changed from ${oldValue} to ${newValue} on ${this}`);
class MyElement extends HTMLElement {
nameChanged (oldValue, newValue) {
console.log(`count changed from ${oldValue} to ${newValue} on ${this}`);
export default document.registerElement('my-element', MyElement);
The @watchAttribute
decorator takes the name of the attribute you want to watch as the first parameter and either an anonymous function or name of a function on your class as the second. The value of this
in your function will be bound to the instance of the element.
Listening for events on custom elements is a common task that can be easily handled with the @bindEvent
decorator which will automatically bind and unbind listeners when the element is added and remove from the DOM.
import { bindEvent } from 'custom-element-decorators';
@bindEvent('click', 'handleClick')
@bindEvent('submit', 'form', function (e) {
console.log(`child <form> element of ${this} fired submit event`);
class MyElement extends HTMLElement {
handleClick (e) {
console.log('${this} clicked')
export default document.registerElement('my-element', MyElement);
takes the name of the event as the first argument, a CSS selector to filter the events to specific elements and finally the name of a handler function on your class or an anonymous function. You can omit the selector to bind the event directly to your custom element.
Rivets JS is a lightweight data binding library which is particularly useful for complex custom elements that need a richer template and data binding solution.
import { attribute, rivetsTemplate } from 'custom-element-decorators';
@attribute('name', 'String')
@attribute('description', 'String')
@attribute('expaned', 'Boolean')
<div class="panel">
<p class="details" rv-show="expanded">{description}</p>
class MyElement extends HTMLElement {
export default document.registerElement('my-element', MyElement);
The @rivetsTemplate
decorator takes a template string as its first argument and optionally any Rivets configuration as the second argument.
Your custom element is bound as the data source for the template do you can interpolate and bind any property on your element (not just attributes) and use any part of the Rivets JS
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