![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/LibertyGlobal/d4a-cloudui/badge.svg?branch=master&service=github)
See here for API documentation.
Install development dependencies with:
npm install
To run lint and tests once:
npm test
Run the following commands in separate shells to lint and test on file changes, etc
ESLint linting and JSCS style checking:
npm run watch-lint
Karma unit tests with coverage:
npm run watch-test
API documentation generation:
npm run watch-docs
LiveReload server watching the docs directory (containing the generated coverage report and API documentation):
npm run livereload
Travis-CI takes care of releases.
First update the version number in package.json
and push it.
"name": "d4a-cloudui",
"version": "1.2.3",
git commit -m "version 1.2.3"
git push
Then push a new tag to have Travis-CI automatically run tests and if successful publish to npmjs.com
git tag 1.2.3
git push --tags