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datalist-polyfill - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.2.1 to 1.3.0


"name": "datalist-polyfill",
"description": "An extremely lightweight and library-dependency-free vanilla JavaScript datalist polyfill.",
"version": "1.2.1",
"version": "1.3.0",
"homepage": "",

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ "authors": [{

@@ -86,3 +86,12 @@ /*

disabledValues = document.createDocumentFragment(),
visible = false;
visible = false,
multipleEmails = ( $eventTarget.type === 'email' && $eventTarget.multiple );
// in case of type=email and multiple attribute, we would need to split the inputs value into pieces
if ( multipleEmails ) {
var multipleEntries = inputValue.split( ',' ),
relevantIndex = multipleEntries.length - 1;
inputValue = multipleEntries[ relevantIndex ].trim();

@@ -248,3 +257,12 @@ // if the input contains a value, than ...

if ( $inputList !== null && eventTargetValue.length > 0 && eventTargetValue !== message ) {
$inputList.value = eventTargetValue;
var inputListValue = $inputList.value,
multipleEmails = ( $inputList.type === 'email' && $inputList.multiple );
// in case of type=email and multiple attribute, we need to set up the resulting inputs value differently
if ( multipleEmails && ( lastSeperator = inputListValue.lastIndexOf(',') ) > -1 ) {
$inputList.value = inputListValue.slice( 0, lastSeperator ) + ',' + eventTargetValue;
} else {
$inputList.value = eventTargetValue;

@@ -251,0 +269,0 @@ }

@@ -6,2 +6,2 @@ /*

!function(){"use strict";if(!("list"in document.createElement("input"))||(!document.createElement("datalist")||!window.HTMLDataListElement)){!function(e){e&&e.prototype&&void 0===e.prototype.list&&Object.defineProperty(e.prototype,"list",{get:function(){if("object"==typeof this&&this instanceof e){var t=this.getAttribute("list");return document.getElementById(t)}return null}})}(window.HTMLInputElement),function(e){e&&e.prototype&&void 0===e.prototype.options&&Object.defineProperty(e.prototype,"options",{get:function(){if("object"==typeof this&&this instanceof e)return this.getElementsByTagName("option")}})}(window.HTMLElement);var e=function(e){var,i=t.tagName;if(i&&"input"===i.toLowerCase()&&t.getAttribute("list")){var n=t.getAttribute("list"),r=document.getElementById(n);if(null!==r){var a=r.getElementsByTagName("select")[0];if(void 0!==a){if(27===e.keyCode)return a.classList.remove("visible"),void a.setAttribute("aria-hidden",!0);var o=r.querySelectorAll("option[value]"),l=t.value,s=document.createDocumentFragment(),u=document.createDocumentFragment(),d=!1;""!==l&&(,t){return e.value.localeCompare(t.value)}).forEach(function(e){var t=e.value;""!==t&&-1!==t.toLowerCase().indexOf(l.toLowerCase())&&!1===e.disabled?(e.innerText=t,s.appendChild(e),d=!0):u.appendChild(e)}),a.appendChild(s),a.selectedIndex=0,r.appendChild(u)),a.classList.toggle("visible",d),a.setAttribute("aria-hidden",!d),38!==e.keyCode&&40!==e.keyCode||a.focus()}}}},t=function(n){var,a=r.tagName;if(a&&"input"===a.toLowerCase()&&r.getAttribute("list")){var o=n.type,l=r.getAttribute("list"),s=document.getElementById(l);if(null!==s){var u=s.getElementsByTagName("select")[0],d="focus"===o&&""!||n.relatedTarget&&n.relatedTarget===u,c=s.title;if(void 0===u){var p=r.getClientRects(),m=document.createElement("option");u=document.createElement("select"),u.setAttribute("aria-hidden",!0),u.setAttribute("aria-live","polite"),u.setAttribute("role","listbox"),"-"+p[0].width+"px",[0].height+"px",[0].width+"px",m.innerText=c,m.disabled=!0,u.appendChild(m),s.appendChild(u),u.addEventListener("change",i),u.addEventListener("blur",i),u.addEventListener("keyup",i),r.setAttribute("autocomplete","off"),r.setAttribute("role","textbox"),r.setAttribute("aria-haspopup","true"),r.setAttribute("aria-autocomplete","list"),r.setAttribute("aria-owns",l)}switch(u.classList.toggle("visible",d),u.setAttribute("aria-hidden",!d),o){case"focus":r.addEventListener("keyup",e),r.addEventListener("blur",t,!0);break;case"blur":r.removeEventListener("keyup",e),r.removeEventListener("blur",t,!0);break}}}},i=function(e){var,i=t.tagName,n=t.parentNode.title;if(i&&"select"===i.toLowerCase()){var r=e.type,a="keyup"===r&&13!==e.keyCode&&27!==e.keyCode;if("change"===r||"keyup"===r&&13===e.keyCode){var,l=document.querySelector('input[list="'+o+'"]'),s=t.value;null!==l&&s.length>0&&s!==n&&(l.value=s)}t.classList.toggle("visible",a),t.setAttribute("aria-hidden",!a)}};document.addEventListener("focus",t,!0)}}();
!function(){"use strict";if(!("list"in document.createElement("input"))||(!document.createElement("datalist")||!window.HTMLDataListElement)){!function(e){e&&e.prototype&&void 0===e.prototype.list&&Object.defineProperty(e.prototype,"list",{get:function(){if("object"==typeof this&&this instanceof e){var t=this.getAttribute("list");return document.getElementById(t)}return null}})}(window.HTMLInputElement),function(e){e&&e.prototype&&void 0===e.prototype.options&&Object.defineProperty(e.prototype,"options",{get:function(){if("object"==typeof this&&this instanceof e)return this.getElementsByTagName("option")}})}(window.HTMLElement);var e=function(e){var,i=t.tagName;if(i&&"input"===i.toLowerCase()&&t.getAttribute("list")){var a=t.getAttribute("list"),n=document.getElementById(a);if(null!==n){var r=n.getElementsByTagName("select")[0];if(void 0!==r){if(27===e.keyCode)return r.classList.remove("visible"),void r.setAttribute("aria-hidden",!0);var o=n.querySelectorAll("option[value]"),l=t.value,s=document.createDocumentFragment(),u=document.createDocumentFragment(),d=!1;if("email"===t.type&&t.multiple){var p=l.split(","),c=p.length-1;l=p[c].trim()}""!==l&&(,t){return e.value.localeCompare(t.value)}).forEach(function(e){var t=e.value;""!==t&&-1!==t.toLowerCase().indexOf(l.toLowerCase())&&!1===e.disabled?(e.innerText=t,s.appendChild(e),d=!0):u.appendChild(e)}),r.appendChild(s),r.selectedIndex=0,n.appendChild(u)),r.classList.toggle("visible",d),r.setAttribute("aria-hidden",!d),38!==e.keyCode&&40!==e.keyCode||r.focus()}}}},t=function(a){var,r=n.tagName;if(r&&"input"===r.toLowerCase()&&n.getAttribute("list")){var o=a.type,l=n.getAttribute("list"),s=document.getElementById(l);if(null!==s){var u=s.getElementsByTagName("select")[0],d="focus"===o&&""!||a.relatedTarget&&a.relatedTarget===u,p=s.title;if(void 0===u){var c=n.getClientRects(),m=document.createElement("option");u=document.createElement("select"),u.setAttribute("aria-hidden",!0),u.setAttribute("aria-live","polite"),u.setAttribute("role","listbox"),"-"+c[0].width+"px",[0].height+"px",[0].width+"px",m.innerText=p,m.disabled=!0,u.appendChild(m),s.appendChild(u),u.addEventListener("change",i),u.addEventListener("blur",i),u.addEventListener("keyup",i),n.setAttribute("autocomplete","off"),n.setAttribute("role","textbox"),n.setAttribute("aria-haspopup","true"),n.setAttribute("aria-autocomplete","list"),n.setAttribute("aria-owns",l)}switch(u.classList.toggle("visible",d),u.setAttribute("aria-hidden",!d),o){case"focus":n.addEventListener("keyup",e),n.addEventListener("blur",t,!0);break;case"blur":n.removeEventListener("keyup",e),n.removeEventListener("blur",t,!0);break}}}},i=function(e){var,i=t.tagName,a=t.parentNode.title;if(i&&"select"===i.toLowerCase()){var n=e.type,r="keyup"===n&&13!==e.keyCode&&27!==e.keyCode;if("change"===n||"keyup"===n&&13===e.keyCode){var,l=document.querySelector('input[list="'+o+'"]'),s=t.value;if(null!==l&&s.length>0&&s!==a){var u=l.value,d;"email"===l.type&&l.multiple&&(d=u.lastIndexOf(","))>-1?l.value=u.slice(0,d)+","+s:l.value=s}}t.classList.toggle("visible",r),t.setAttribute("aria-hidden",!r)}};document.addEventListener("focus",t,!0)}}();
"name": "datalist-polyfill",
"version": "1.2.1",
"version": "1.3.0",
"description": "An extremely lightweight and library-dependency-free vanilla JavaScript datalist polyfill.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "datalist-polyfill.js",

@@ -8,5 +8,8 @@ # datalist-polyfill

## Features
* Lightweight: 3.26 kB of JavaScript - less than 1.58 kB gzipped
* Lightweight: 3.43 kB of JavaScript - less than 1.68 kB gzipped
* Fully flexible to change the datalist entries / `<option>`s
* Enables core keyboard controls like e.g. the up and down arrow keys, ESC and ENTER
* Supporting:
* `input[type=email]` elements multiple attribute
* properties `.options` for `datalist` elements and `.list` for `input` elements
* Enables core keyboard controls like e.g. the up and down arrow keys, `ESC` and `ENTER`
* Implements the [WAI-ARIA design pattern](

@@ -34,22 +37,22 @@

We're even also enabling the [.options (for `datalist` elements)]( and [.list (for `input` elements)]( properties according to the specs.
We're even also enabling the [`.options` (for `datalist` elements)]( and [`.list` (for `input` elements)]( properties according to the specs.
And you'd like to set a title-Attribute on the datalist HTML tag, as this would get used as label for the first, disabled entry within the polyfilling select.
And you'd like to set a `title`-Attribute on the `<datalist>` HTML tag, as this would get used as label for the first, disabled entry within the polyfilling select.
### dynamic HTML (or DHTML, if you like to be a little bit nostalgic)
In case that you'd like to dynamically add or modify / create your HTML code, you're even also good to go with this polyfill, as it's based on event delegation that makes your UI work with a glance - no function to call after DOM manipulation or something similar.
In case that you'd like to dynamically add or modify / create your HTML code, you're even also good to go with this polyfill, as it's based on event delegation that makes your UI work easily - no (refresh) function to call after DOM manipulation or something similar.
### Changes to the available `option`s
If you'd like to make a change to the integrated list of `<option>` elements, feel free to either remove or add them right away - the list would get generated on the fly after the user typed in something into the input field, so I've even also got you covered on this.
### Changes to the available `option` elements
If you'd like to make a change to the integrated list of `<option>` elements, feel free to either remove or add them right away - the list would get generated on the fly after the user typed in something into the `<input>` field, so I've even also got you covered on this.
You could even also disable `<option>` elements by the disabled attribute if necessary.
You could even also disable `<option>` elements by adding the `disabled` attribute to the `<option>` HTML tag if necessary.
## Demo
See the polyfill in action either by downloading / forking this repo and have a look at the demo.html, or on JSFiddle: <>
See the polyfill in action either by downloading / forking this repo and have a look at `demo.html`, or at the hosted demo on JSFiddle: <>
## things to keep in mind
* The demo HTML code is meant to be simple - I do know that things like a surrounding `<form>` and `<fieldset>` are missing. But lets focus on the relevant tags that this polyfill is all about for the demo.
* After I thought it through and even also did some experiments, I've finally chosen the `<select>` element to polyfill the functionality of the datalist functionality, as it brought most of the functionality, whereas I accepted that it doesn't behave and doesn't look totally equally.
* As I wanted to use most native elements in the most low level / simple way instead of visually emulating a list and than afterwards regain all of the functionality via a lot of JavaScript logic, I've ended up with this element, that even also knows how to play with nested `<option>` elements pretty well.
* I even also tried its multiple attribute, as this is most likely even already what you're up to regarding appearance and functionality, but it does result in - surprise - the possibility for multiple selections, which isn't `<datalist>`s kind of thing ...
* The demo HTML code is meant to be simple - I do know that things like a surrounding `<form>` are missing. But lets focus on the relevant tags that this polyfill is all about for the demo.
* After I thought it through and even also did some experiments, I've finally chosen the `<select>` element to polyfill the functionality of the `<datalist>` functionality, as it brought most of the functionality, whereas I accepted that it doesn't behave and doesn't look totally equally.
* As I wanted to mainly focus on native elements in the most low level / simple way instead of visually emulating a list and than afterwards regain all of the functionality via a lot of JavaScript logic, I've ended up with this element, that even also knows how to play nicely with nested `<option>` elements.
* I even also tried its `multiple` attribute, as this is most likely even already what you're up to regarding appearance, but it does result in - surprise - the possibility for multiple selections, which isn't always `<datalist>` elements kind of thing ...
* If you'd like to support oldies, but goldies like Internet Exlorer 9 and below, you'll even also need to include some `classlist` polyfill

@@ -62,2 +65,5 @@

### Version 1.3.0 - 2017/05/30
Added support for multiple email addresses, separated by comma. And again, updated documentation slightly. And demo accordingly.
### Version 1.2.1 - 2017/05/29

@@ -67,6 +73,6 @@ Simple code style modifications. Because style matters.

### Version 1.2.0 - 2017/05/29
Added .options (for `datalist`s) and .list (for `input`s) properties according to the specs.
Added .options (for `datalist` elements) and .list (for `input` elements) properties according to the specs.
### Version 1.1.2 - 2017/05/14
Further simplified the code, so that we could even skip the .matches() polyfill. Yeah. And documentation updates.
Further simplified the code, so that we could even skip the `.matches()` polyfill. Yeah. And documentation updates.

@@ -83,3 +89,3 @@ ### Version 1.1.1 - 2017/05/10

### Version 1.0.2 - 2017/05/08
added a package.json file
added a `package.json` file

@@ -109,2 +115,4 @@ ### Version 1.0.1 - 2017/05/08

But on the other hand this leads to an additional visible field and doesn't emulate the (hopefully, fingers crossed) upcoming x-browser implementation and leaves unnecessary syntax for all of the clients that wouldn't even need it (anymore).
But on the other hand this leads to an additional visible field, but doesn't emulate the (hopefully, fingers crossed) upcoming x-browser implementation and leaves unnecessary syntax for all of the clients that wouldn't even need it (anymore).
If you're trying out and using my work, feel free to contact me and give me any feedback. I'm curious about how it's gonna be used.

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