Datapumps is a node.js ETL framework that allows you to easily import, export,
transform, or move data between systems. This package introduces a mixin that
can be used with datapumps to write data to a Tableau Extract.
In order to install and use this package, you will need to install the C/C++
Tableau SDK on your system. Instructions for doing so can be found on the
Node.js Tableau SDK project page.
Once the Tableau SDK is installed, you can install this package like you would
any other node package:
npm install datapumps-tde --save
npm install datapumps --save
var datapumps = require('datapumps'),
RestMixin = datapumps.mixin.RestMixin,
TableauExtractMixin = require('datapumps-tde'),
pump = new datapumps.Pump();
query: function () {return pump.get('');},
resultMapping: function (message) {
return message.result;
path: 'posts.hyper',
definition: {
defaultAlias: 'JSON Placeholder Posts',
columns: [
{id: 'userId', dataType: 'int'},
{id: 'id', dataType: 'int'},
{id: 'title', dataType: 'string'},
{id: 'body', dataType: 'string'}
.process(function (post) {
return pump.insertIntoExtract(post);
.then(function() {
console.log('Done writing posts to the Extract.');
Advanced Usage
You can add multiple tables to your extract and insert data into specific
tables like this.
.mixin(TableauExtractMixin({path: extPath, definition: extDef}))
.addTableToExtract(secondTableName, secondTableDef)
.process(function (data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty('foo')) {
return pump.insertIntoExtract(secondTableName, data);
else {
return pump.insertIntoExtract(otherTableName, data);
You can also insert multiple rows of data at once (for example, using the
node-datapumps built-in BatchMixin) like this.
.mixin(TableauExtractMixin({path: extPath, definition: extDef}))
.process(function (rows) {
return pump.insertMultipleIntoExtract(rows);
For more information about how to define an extract see the Node.js
Tableau SDK usage details.