Development Environments Reimagined.
A CLI application for managing microservice, containerized development environments.
Install with
npm install -g denvr
Use with the now-installed binary:
$ denvr -h
Usage: denvr [top-options] subcmd [subcmd-options]
Top-level options:
-c, --configdir DIR ~/.denvr Configuration Directory
-v Verbosity level
-h, --help
Available Subcommands:
version: Report version of denvr
up: Bring an environment up
down: Shut an environment down
status: Query the status of environments
sync: Start code-sync of a single container
unsync: Stop code-sync of a single container
rebuild: Rebuild a single container and update local environment
push: Push an environment to a remote repository
pull: Pull an updated environment from a remote repository
clone: Clone an environment from a remote repository
is written in Clojurescript and runs in node.js.
To build a javascript bundle, use:
lein build
Then you can execute it with:
node build/main.js [top-options] subcmd [subcmd-options]
To test once, just use:
lein test
To test and watch for changes, use:
lein test-auto
MIT license found in LICENSE file.