![Known Vulnerabilities](https://snyk.io/test/github/dinoloop/dinache/badge.svg)
Dinache is an open source RESTFUL light weight in-memory cache server built on top of node.js and dinoloop.
Why Dinache?
You can quickly setup a cache server via HTTP endpoint by installing a npm package.
HTTP and JSON format are supported across variety of programming languages.
Nodejs is known for handling millions of concurrent requests with less memory
and Javascript objects are key-value pairs which makes Nodejs a perfect choice to build light weight
in-memory cache server.
npm install dinache
Step 1: Add app.ts (file: app.ts)
import { Dinache } from 'dinache';
// Checks for process.env.PORT and if not found, starts in-memory cache server on default 8080 port.
new Dinache().start();
// Checks for process.env.PORT and if not found, starts in-memory cache server on provided 4200 port.
new Dinache(4200).start();
// GET key
query: {
op: 'GET',
key: 'key1'
// result
query: {
// PUT key
query: {
op: 'PUT',
key: 'key1',
value: 'value1'
// result
query: { }
// or you receive the following error when you try to put a key which already exists.
query: {
error: 'KEY_EXISTS'
// DELETE key
query: {
op: 'DELETE',
key: 'key1'
// result is similar when you try to delete a key that exists or not.
query: { }
// UPSERT key
query: {
op: 'UPSERT',
key: 'key1',
value: 'value1'
// result is similar when you try to upsert a key that exists or not.
query: { }
// UPDATE key
query: {
op: 'UPDATE',
key: 'key1',
value: 'value1'
// result
query: { }
// or you receive the following error when you try to update a key which dont exists.
query: {
- Possible values for op are GET | PUT | UPDATE | UPSERT | DELETE.
- Use UPSERT if you want to update or create.
- Use PUT if you want to create when key not exists.
You can also execute batch queries instead of making subsequent calls to server and reduce round-trips.
// batch-queries
batch: [{
op: 'GET',
key: 'key1'
}, {
op: 'PUT'
key: 'key2',
value: 'value2
}, {
op: 'PUT'
key: 'key2',
value: 'value2
// result
batch: [{
value: 'value1'
}, {
error: 'KEY_EXISTS'
MIT Licensed.