![Discord server](https://discordapp.com/api/guilds/753938142246994031/widget.png)
discord-forums 💬
![discord-forums picture](https://i.ibb.co/DbV86bj/discord-forums.jpg)
discord-forums is a lightweight, powerfull npm package that lets you make a forums channel for your server where members can discuss questions and ideas.
- This package is built with Discord.js v14.9.0 (not tested on v13)
- If you need help feel free to join our discord server to talk and get help.
- If you encounter any of issues fell free to open an issue in our github repository.
📁 | Download & Update
You can download the package from npm:
npm install discord-forums
You can update to a newer version to receive updates using npm:
npm update discord-forums
📰 | Changelog
- 9 April, 2023 (v2.0.1) - Added Exampes in /examples
- 8 April, 2023 (v2.0.0) - Removed all previous methods. Added setupForums, createPost, and deletePost.
- 8 April, 2023 (v2.0.0) - Switched to Discord's ForumChannel.
- 8 July, 2022 (v1.2.0) - Added createForum and deleteForum methods.
- 8 July, 2022 (v1.0.0) - Grand Launch.
✍ | Quick Example
const Forums = require("discord-forums");
const myForums = Forums.setupForums(guild, "355897081333940227", "My Forums", [...]);
Forums.createPost(myForums, "My Post", "This is my first post!");
⚡ | Setting Up
First things first, download the package.
npm install discord-forums@latest
then, include the module into your project.
const Forums = require("discord-forums");
🔧 | Methods
setupForums - Creates a new forums channel.
Forums.setupForums(<Discord.Guild>, <Discord.CategoryChannelResolvable|Discord.Snowflake>, <String>, <Array<Discord.OverwriteResolvable>>);
Returns: Promise<Discord.ForumChannel>
createPost - Creates a new post in a specific forum channel.
Forums.createPost(<Discord.ForumChannel>, <String>, <String>);
Returns: Promise<Discord.ThreadChannel>
deletePost - Deletes a forum post in a specific guild.
Forums.deletePost(<Discord.Guild>, <Discord.Snowflake>, <String>);
Returns: Promise<Discord.ThreadChannel>
📝 | Examples
Examples can be found in /examples
Have fun and happy discussions! Made with ❤ by Abdelrahman.