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A package that lets you load events and commands easily and fast.

Version published



Discord-Module-Loader Version

A package that lets you load events and commands easily and fast. Automatically update the commands on the Discord API just by running a function!


# npm
npm install discord-module-loader

# yarn
yarn add discord-module-loader



// Here we're importing the default export "ModuleLoader", which is the main class which will load all modules
// as well as the DiscordEvent class which is used to add event listeners to the main class
import ModuleLoader, { DiscordEvent } from "discord-module-loader";
// Here we're importing the default export "ModuleLoader", which is the main class which will load all modules
// as well as the DiscordEvent class which is used to add event listeners to the main class
const {
	default: ModuleLoader
} = require("discord-module-loader");

Or, if you only want the main class ModuleLoader

const ModuleLoader = require("discord-module-loader");

Or if you only want the event class

const { DiscordEvent } = require("discord-module-loader");

Using our module loader

To use the ModuleLoader, your bot has to use the following file structure:

├─ commands
├─ events
├─ guilds
├─ modules
╰─ index
commands folder

Inside of the commands folder you can put as many command files as you want! We suggest you put the command name as the file name, but it is not required. The commands folder also accepts sub-directories, meaning that in the commands folder you could put a folder named anything, and put commands inside of there. In those files the following must be exported:

import { DiscordCommand } from "discord-module-loader";

export default new DiscordCommand({
	name: "name",
	description: "Example command",
	execute: async int => {

You may export a function that returns the DiscordCommand instance.

In the DiscordCommand class you have to pass an object with the following arguments:

nameName of the commandYesstring
descriptionDescription of the commandYesstring
defaultPermissionWhether the command is enabled by default when the app is added to a guildNoboolean
optionsThe options of the commandNoApplicationCommandOptionData[]
cooldownThe amount of time in seconds a user has to wait between command executionsNonumber
channelAllowlistArray of Discord channel ids where the command is allowed to be executed inNostring[]
channelDenylistArray of Discord channel ids where the command is not allowed to be executed inNostring[]
permissionsPermission data of the commandNoApplicationCommandPermissionData[]
hasUserCommandWhether the command has a user context menuNoboolean
executeThe function which will be run when the command is executedYesFunction (interaction:CommandInteraction)
events folder

Inside of the events folder you can put as many event files as you want! We suggest you put the event name as the file name, but it is not required. In those files the following must be exported:

import { DiscordEvent } from "discord-module-loader";

export default new DiscordEvent("messageCreate", message => {

You may export a function that returns the DiscordEvent instance.

"messageCreate" can be changed for any event name just like the message variable can be changed to the incoming data of the event.

modules folder

To use the DiscordModule class you have to use the following file structure:

● (modules folder)
╰─ <module name>
   ├─ commands
   ├─ events
   ├─ modules
   ╰─ index

The commands, events, and modules folders are just like their above specified ones. In the index file the following must be exported:

import { DiscordModule } from "discord-module-loader";

export default new DiscordModule("<module name>");

You may export a function that returns the DiscordModule instance.

In the DiscordModule class you only have to specify the name you want the module to have.

guilds folder

To use the DiscordGuild class you have to use the following file structure:

● (guilds folder)
╰─ <guild name>
   ├─ commands
   ├─ events
   ├─ modules
   ╰─ index

The commands, events, and modules folders are just like their above specified ones. But the index one is of course a lil' different! In the index file the following must be exported:

import { DiscordGuild } from "discord-module-loader";

export default new DiscordGuild("<guildId>");

You may export a function that returns the DiscordGuild instance.

In the DiscordGuild class you only have the specify the guildId wherein the commands, events, and modules should work.

index file
// Firstly we must create the normal Discord Client from Discord.js
const client = new Client({
	intents: [Intents.Flags.GUILD, Intents.Flags.GUILD_MESSAGES]

// Afterwards we can initialize the module loader with the Discord.js Client
// a few options could be appended after the client, more information about the ModuleLoader options can be found further below
const moduleLoader = new ModuleLoader(client);

// Now we can login and load all the modules
// inside of the load functions you can also input a string argument for a different file directory if you didn't follow above mentioned file structure
// you can now also update all slash commands on the Discord API by just running the updateSlashCommands function
client.on("ready", async () => {
	await moduleLoader.loadAll();
	await moduleLoader.updateSlashCommands();

In the ModuleLoader class you can pass an object with the following arguments: (All arguments are optional)

ArgumentDescriptionTypeDefault Value
unknownCommandMessageThe message shown when a user executes an unknown commandstringCouldn't find executed command. Please try again later, or report the issue.
disabledCommandMessageThe message shown when a user executes a disabled commandstringThis command is currently disabled. Please try again later.
disallowedChannelMessageThe message shown when a user executes a command in a disallowed channelstringYou're not allowed to execute this command in this channel!
commandCooldownMessageThe message shown when a user executes a command while on cooldownstringPlease wait % seconds before using this command again.


Due to Discord and Discord.js always updating, it is possible some things might break. If you believe you have found and issue, feel free to open a pull request.


Due to the amount of Discord bots our team makes it was always annoying to copy over our module loader and getting it working for that project, hence why we decided to just make one module loader which we can import into all of our Discord Bot projcets. We hope to keep this module updated and working whenever new features are added to Discord/Discord.js, but we may also add custom things to our likings. This package was created by Bas950 and Timeraa and is not officially endorsed by Discord nor affiliated with the company in any way.



Last updated on 12 Aug 2022

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