Django Apps Webpack Alias
Automatically discovery django apps folder and create webpack alias for them with the app name.
If you need to start using Webpack on a Django organized project it can be a pain. Static files are usually organized per django app, and communication between them using relative paths can soon become messy.
This way you can generate Webpack alias for all Django apps automatically and let Webpack handle the messy part for you.
If you are using Jest (and you should) also check out django-apps-jest-mapper to follow same naming in both configurations.
npm i -D django-apps-webpack-alias
const djangoAppsAlias = require('django-apps-webpack-alias');
alias: {
...djangoAppsAlias({ options })
Available options:
- dir [default 'apps'] path to directory holding the apps (example: path.resolve(__dirname, 'project/apps'))
- prefix [default '@app:'] each app alias prefix, for instance for auth app it will generate
All aliases point to app/static/app/js directory.