Docker VPN
Docker based vpn openvpn server with dnsmasq.
The idea here is to make vpn server install and management easy to use on top of docker.
Docker is not required to run openvpn, but it makes encapsulation easier if we want to have multiple networks on one host.
Also comes with built-in dnsmasq server, that makes your life easier when you want to set up internal domain names for the office or in similar use cases.
- Works only on linux hosts.
- Uses /var/lib/docker/volumes to add files to the vpn volumes
Usage: vpn <cmd> <args ...>
vpn install [server] Install a new vpn service config.
vpn uninstall [server] Uninstall a vpn service config.
vpn start <server> Start a vpn service.
vpn stop <server> Stop a vpn service.
vpn restart <server> Restart a vpn service.
vpn config <server> [type] Edit one of the server configs.
vpn logs <server> Follow the vpn log.
vpn status <server> Follow the vpn status.
vpn clients <server> List all clients.
vpn issue <server> [client] [ip] [-s <file>] Issue a new client certificate and config.
vpn revoke <server> [client] Revoke a client certificate.
vpn install-dependencies Install dependencies (Ubuntu/Debian).
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
The docker image can be used standalone.
The vpn command has an alias docker-vpn, if the word vpn is already in use
The npm package makes it easy to use it all without having to remember commands.
Install node
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -; sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
Install docker-vpn
npm install -g docker-vpn
vpn --help
For Ubuntu/Debian distributions:
vpn install-dependencies
For other distributions you will need to install:
Known issues
- Revoking clients requires restart. Not sure why, it must not behave this way, but...
- Windows users have to remove the linux lines at the end of the config file.
- Install scripts for other linux distros
- Autocomplete commands when double tab is pressed