What is dottie?
The dottie npm package is a utility for safely reading and writing deep properties of objects in JavaScript. It uses dot notation strings to access deeply nested properties and provides a set of functions to manipulate these properties without worrying about whether the intermediate properties exist.
What are dottie's main functionalities?
Retrieve the value of a nested property using a dot notation string.
const dottie = require('dottie');
const value = dottie.get({a: {b: {c: 'd'}}}, 'a.b.c'); // 'd'
Set the value of a nested property using a dot notation string. If intermediate properties do not exist, they are created.
const dottie = require('dottie');
const obj = {};
dottie.set(obj, 'a.b.c', 'd'); // obj is now {a: {b: {c: 'd'}}}
Transform an object with dot notation string keys into a nested object structure.
const dottie = require('dottie');
const obj = { 'a.b.c': 'd' };
const transformed = dottie.transform(obj); // transformed is now {a: {b: {c: 'd'}}}
Check if a nested property exists within an object using a dot notation string.
const dottie = require('dottie');
const exists = dottie.exists({a: {b: {c: 'd'}}}, 'a.b.c'); // true
Get an array of dot notation paths for all properties in an object.
const dottie = require('dottie');
const paths = dottie.paths({a: {b: {c: 'd'}}}); // ['a.b.c']
Other packages similar to dottie
lodash.get is a method from the Lodash library that allows you to access deep properties of an object safely. It is similar to dottie's get function but is part of a larger utility library.
deep-get-set is a small library that provides get and set functions for deep properties of an object, similar to dottie. It does not have as many features as dottie but is lightweight.
object-path is another utility that provides access to deep properties using a similar dot notation. It offers a rich set of methods like dottie and includes additional functionality such as del (delete) and has (check existence).

Dottie helps you easily (and without sacrificing too much performance) look up and play with nested keys in objects, without them throwing up in your face.
Not actively maintained. You are likely better off using lodash or ES6+
npm install dottie
For detailed usage, check source or tests.
Get value
Gets nested value, or undefined if unreachable, or a default value if passed.
var values = {
some: {
nested: {
key: 'foobar';
'some.dot.included': {
key: 'barfoo'
dottie.get(values, 'some.nested.key');
dottie.get(values, 'some.undefined.key');
dottie.get(values, 'some.undefined.key', 'defaultval');
dottie.get(values, ['some.dot.included', 'key']);
Note: lodash.get() also works fine for this
Set value
Sets nested value, creates nested structure if needed
dottie.set(values, 'some.nested.value', someValue);
dottie.set(values, ['some.dot.included', 'value'], someValue);
dottie.set(values, 'some.nested.object', someValue, {
force: true
Transform object
Transform object from keys with dottie notation to nested objects
var values = {
'user.name': 'Gummy Bear',
'user.email': 'gummybear@candymountain.com',
'user.professional.title': 'King',
'user.professional.employer': 'Candy Mountain'
var transformed = dottie.transform(values);
With a custom delimiter
var values = {
'user_name': 'Mick Hansen',
'user_email': 'maker@mhansen.io'
var transformed = dottie.transform(values, { delimiter: '_' });
Get paths in object
var object = {
a: 1,
b: {
c: 2,
d: { e: 3 }
and up ships with dottie.memoizePath: true
by default, if this causes any bugs, please try setting it to false