A Simple CLI for rapidly building APIs and Mocks based on Waterline.
Based on (and forked from) ember-cli with great love and appreciation.
Potentially, lessons learned will be abstracted into a shared code base for building advanced CLIs.
npm install -g driven-cli
Creating a new API
driven new my-app
This will create a new project with the following structure:
|–– app
| |–– data
| | |–– application
| | | |–– adapter.js
| | | |–– normalizer.js
| | | |–– serializer.js
| | |
| | |–– foo
| | |–– schema.js
| | |–– decorator.js
| |
| |–– endpoints
| | |–– bar
| | |–– index.js
| | |–– create.js
| | |–– update.js
| | |–– delete.js
| | |–– actions
| | |–– baz.js
| |
| |–– services
| | |–– spam.js
| |
| |–– initializers
| | |–– eggs.js
| |
| |–– router.js
| |–– app.js
|–– config
| |–– driven.js
|–– node_modules