EC Columns Widget
An Apostrophe CMS module to provide layout framework that will allow for 1-4 columns being added. Have control over narrow/full width and each column width.
This widget is meant to have data entered in the following manner:
Quote: 'This statement is the content of the quote'
Author: 'Porter L'
Author Info: 'An Earlham College student from Berea, KY'
From within your apostrophe project npm install --save ec-columns
Include widgets and bundle in app.js:
bundles: [ 'ec-columns' ],
modules: {
'ec-columns': {},
'ec-one-column-widgets': {},
'ec-two-column-widgets': {},
'ec-three-column-widgets': {},
'ec-four-column-widgets': {},
// ... other modules
In your page templates include: ex. /lib/modules/apostrophe-pages/views/pages/default.html
{% import "ec-columns:macros/utils.html" as utils with context %}
<main id="main-content">
{% block main %}
{{ utils.columns() }}
{% endblock %}
To add your own wigets in the drop down for each column. Overwrite your own custom.html In the example below I added ec-quote widget to my drop down.
ex. /lib/modules/ec-columns/views/macros/custom.html
{% macro column(parent, name, imageSize) %}
{{ apos.area(parent, name, {
widgets: {
'apostrophe-rich-text': {
toolbar: [ 'Styles', 'Bold', 'Italic', 'Link', 'Unlink' ]
'apostrophe-images': {
size: imageSize
'apostrophe-video': {},
'ec-quote': {}
}) }}
{% endmacro %}
The layout grid is defined by PURE CSS so there is no bootstrap conflicts.