Detects faces in images and returns a focal point. Is used to crop the right part of an image. You should use this in conjunction with the ee-image-worker package which has support for cropping using focal points.
The face-detector runs in a separate process & is multithreaded. Its really slow because it does a set of different detections on each image :(
You have first to install native dependecies
ubuntu linux
sudo apt-get install libcv-dev libopencv-dev libhighgui-dev libjpeg-dev libpng-dev libwebp-dev libtiff-dev
sudo brew install opencv
sudo port install jpeg libpng tiff webp
var FaceDetection = require('ee-face-detection');
// create an instacne
var detector = new FaceDetection();
// get focal point for an image
detector.detect(imageBuffer, function(err, focalPoint) {
if (err) log('#Fail :(');
else if (focalPoint) log('Yeah, we got it! x %s, y %s :)', focalPoint.x, focalPoint.y);
else log('sorry, failed to detect any faces in this image ...'');