colorful, nice formatted logs for node.js
ATTENTION: this library should only be used when developing - it makes use of the sysnchronous logging funtionality ( like console.log itself ). you should never use synchronous logging in a live environment, it will slow down your application heavily! The library will be updated soon with asynchronous logging support for live applicaions.
npm install ee-log
build status

var log = require( "ee-log" );
prints grey text
log.debug( "debug %s ==> %s", 1, new Buffer( "whoa!" ), { go: "is a cool language!"} );
// output:
22 13:06:34.935 > test.js:6, Object.<anonymous> >>> debug 1 ==> 77 68 6f 61 21
go: "is a cool language!"
prints white text "info" );
// output
22 13:06:34.939 > test.js:7, Object.<anonymous> >>> info
prints yellow text
log.warn( "warn", new Date(), 455 );
// output
22 13:06:34.940 > test.js:8, Object.<anonymous> >>> warn, 2013-08-22T11:06:34.939Z, 455
prints red text
log.error( "error", { "test": 3 } );
// output
22 13:06:34.940 > test.js:9, Object.<anonymous> >>> error
prints cyan text
log.highlight( "highlight" );
// output
22 13:06:34.940 > test.js:10, Object.<anonymous> >>> highlight
prints the items passed to it
log.dir( { hi: 1 } );
// output
22 13:16:32.207 > test.js:11, Object.<anonymous> >>> Dir
hi: 1
prints a colorful error stack trace
log.trace( new Error( "testing the sh*t" ) );
// output
22 13:30:48.899 > /test.js:12, Object.<anonymous> >>> Trace
Error: testing the sh*t
/test.js 12:13 Object.<anonymous>
module.js 456:26 Module._compile
module.js 474:10 Object.Module._extensions..js
module.js 356:32 Module.load
module.js 312:12 Function.Module._load
module.js 497:10 Function.Module.runMain
node.js 119:16 startup
node.js 901:3
log method
prints whatever comes, uses for text types
log( 2, "er %s:%s", 22, new Error( "whoa!" ), "hui", new Error( "" ), new Buffer(22) );
// output
23 14:53:15.480 > /test.js 16:2, Object.<anonymous> >>> 2
23 14:53:15.480 > /test.js 16:2, Object.<anonymous> >>> er 22:Error: whoa!
23 14:53:15.480 > /test.js 16:2, Object.<anonymous> >>> hui
23 14:53:15.482 > /test.js 16:2, Object.<anonymous> >>> [Trace]
Error: -
/test.js 16:55 Object.<anonymous>
module.js 456:26 Module._compile
module.js 474:10 Object.Module._extensions..js
module.js 356:32 Module.load
module.js 312:12 Function.Module._load
module.js 497:10 Function.Module.runMain
node.js 119:16 startup
node.js 901:3
23 14:53:15.482 > /test.js 16:2, Object.<anonymous> >>> 70 ab ac 0 0 0 0 0 3a 0 0 0 3b 0 0 0 f0 34 72 1 0 0
disable logging inside one module
// call this from inside your module, no logs will be displayed anymore
// enable logging again