cli tool to fetch all documents from elasticsearch by query.
$ elasticsearch-query-to-json -h "$ELASTIC_HOST" -i "$ELASTIC_INDEX" -b "$QUERY" -o output.json -f jsonPerRow
available options
) host eg. http://elasticsearch.co:9200
) index
) query body - some examples below
) output file - leave empty to write results to stdout
) - possible values:['json','jsonPerRow'] - json means single array with elements, jsonPerRow means every record is encoded as json as put into separate line
specify how long a consistent view of the index should be maintained for scrolled search - default 1m
- number of hits to return at once - default 1000
- write only _source_
field value
some examples of --body
- get all documents from yesterday based on
'{"query":{"range":{"timestamp":{"gte":"now-1d/d","lt": "now/d"}}}}'
- get all documents with
field equals ""