Eleventy Shiki Twoslash
Sets up markdown code blocks to run through shiki which means it gets the VS Code quality
syntax highlighting mixed with the twoslash JavaScript tooling from the TypeScript website.
Check version of Eleventy: this plugin requires Eleventy 1.0 or newer, see below for details
Install the dependency: yarn add eleventy-plugin-shiki-twoslash
Include "eleventy-plugin-shiki-twoslash"
in the plugins section of .eleventy.js
const shikiTwoslash = require("eleventy-plugin-shiki-twoslash")
module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
eleventyConfig.addPlugin(shikiTwoslash, { theme: "nord" })
Include the CSS which you can find in the next step
Go read npmjs.com/package/remark-shiki-twoslash to see the next steps, and what is available, this module leaves all the heavy work to that module.
Requires Eleventy 1.0 or greater
This plugin makes use of features only available in Eleventy 1.0 or greater. It will not work with earlier versions of Eleventy. See the related issue for context. Until Eleventy 1.0 is has a general release, you may use canary releases with this plugin. See the project linked below as an example.
An example usage of this plugin is available in the Shiki Twoslash repository.