Edit an ember DS.model inline by clicking on it to toggle editor.
Click outside or press escape to rollback change and cancel edit.
inspired by ember-inline-edit
ember install ember-ds-inline-edit
Use the ds-inline-edit
component and provide it a model with the property to edit/display.
customUpdate=(action updateModelName)
onError=(action send 'onError')
onUpdate=(action send 'onUpdate')
Customize input template using #ds-inline-edit
{{#ds-inline-edit model=person prop='age' as |age|}}
{{input type="number" class="form-control" value=age}}
Ember Data Integration
By default, this plugin relies on a strict usage of Ember Data. An automatic model update is sent upon confirming edit. This behavior can be overriden by passing in a customUpdate action :
customUpdate(value, model, prop)
If the prop
is an object, the default display is the following property of the model :
> name
> id
Only the property identified through prop
is updated, the rest of the model remains
When an update is successful, the onUpdate
function is called with the updated model.
Extending this plugin
Feel free to extend ds-inline-edit
using the following code :
// app/pods/components/ds-inline-edit
import DsInlineEdit from 'ds-inline-edit/components/ds-inline-edit'
export default DsInlineEdit.extend({})
You can override the following functions :
- Called when the model is updated successfully
- Called on update failure (due to error from network or customUpdate)
Keyboard Support
Hit enter
to confirm changes.
Hit esc
or click outside the component to discard the changes.
Error Handling
When an error occurs, an onError
action is executed.