What is endent?
The npm package 'endent' is a utility for creating multiline strings that maintain predictable indentation. It is particularly useful when working with code generation, templating, or any scenario where managing whitespace and indentation is crucial. The package helps to ensure that multiline strings are formatted neatly without the hassle of manually managing spaces or tabs.
What are endent's main functionalities?
Indentation Management
This feature allows users to easily manage indentation within multiline strings. The example shows how to use endent to create a neatly indented function as a string.
const endent = require('endent');
const result = endent`
function example() {
console.log('Hello, world!');
Template Literals Enhancement
Enhances template literals by automatically handling indentation and interpolation. The example demonstrates creating a personalized greeting message with dynamic data insertion and proper indentation.
const endent = require('endent');
const user = 'Alice';
const greeting = endent`
Hello, ${user}!
Welcome to our service.
Other packages similar to endent
Similar to endent, 'dedent' also helps in managing the indentation of template literals. However, while endent focuses on maintaining and managing indentation, dedent primarily aims to remove excess indentation, making it more about normalization rather than creation.
The 'outdent' package offers functionality similar to endent by allowing users to control indentation in multiline strings. It provides a slightly different API and additional options for customization compared to endent, which might be preferable depending on specific user needs.
An ES6 string tag that makes indentation right, adds some key features to dedent.
Pretty object
import dedent from "dedent";
import endent from "endent";
var someobj = {
contact: {
jack: 123456,
tom: 654321,
color: "blue",
var somejson = '["bear", "fish", "dog", "cat"]';
var awfulTmpl = dedent`
function store (state, emitter) {
state["someobj"] = ${JSON.stringify(someobj, null, 2)}
state["somejson"] = ${JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(somejson), null, 2)}
var prettyTmpl = endent`
function store (state, emitter) {
state["someobj"] = ${endent.pretty(someobj)}
state["somejson"] = ${somejson}
console.log(awfulTmpl + "\n\n" + prettyTmpl);
function store(state, emitter) {
state["someobj"] = {
contact: {
jack: 123456,
tom: 654321,
color: "blue",
state["somejson"] = [
function store(state, emitter) {
state["someobj"] = {
contact: {
jack: 123456,
tom: 654321,
color: "blue",
state["somejson"] = [
Endows suitable indentation for multiline interpolation
var dependencies = ["jquery", "underscore", "bootstrap"];
var dependencyTmpl = ``;
dependencies.forEach((d, i) => {
dependencyTmpl += `var ${d} = require("${d}")\n`;
var awfulTmpl = dedent`
;(function () {
var prettyTmpl = endent`
;(function () {
console.log(awfulTmpl + "\n\n" + prettyTmpl);
(function () {
var jquery = require("jquery");
var underscore = require("underscore");
var bootstrap = require("bootstrap");
(function () {
var jquery = require("jquery");
var underscore = require("underscore");
var bootstrap = require("bootstrap");