An elasticsearch client on node.js written in CoffeeScript.
Enju provides a simple way to define mapping and access data.
enju | Elasticsearch |
2.x | 2.4 |
5.x | 5.6 |
$ npm install enju --save
enju use node-config.
Read more elasticsearch config at here:
"enju": {
"indexPrefix": "",
"elasticsearchConfig": {
"apiVersion": "5.6",
"host": "http://localhost:9200"
Quick start
1. Define models
enju = require 'enju'
class UserModel extends enju.Document
@_index = 'users' # your index name
@_settings =
type: 'custom'
tokenizer: 'uax_url_email'
name: new enju.KeywordProperty
required: yes
email: new enju.TextProperty
required: yes
analyzer: 'email_url'
createTime: new enju.DateProperty
autoNow: yes
dbField: 'create_time'
class ProductModel extends enju.Document
@_index = 'products'
user: new enju.ReferenceProperty
referenceClass: UserModel
required: yes
title: new enju.KeywordProperty
required: yes
2. Update elasticsearch mapping
3. Insert documents
user = new UserModel
name: 'Kelp'
email: 'kelp@phate.org'
user.save().then (user) ->
product = new ProductModel
user: user
title: 'enju'
4. Fetch documents
ProductModel.where('title', '==': 'enju').fetch().then (result) ->
console.log JSON.stringify(result.items, null, 4)
# [{
# "id": "AU-mMiIwtrhIjlPeQBbT",
# "version": 1,
# "user": {
# "id": "AU-mMiIOtrhIjlPeQBbS",
# "version": 1,
# "name": "Kelp",
# "email": "kelp@phate.org",
# "createTime": "2015-09-07T05:05:47.500Z"
# },
# "title": "enju"
# }]
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install
grunt dev
npm run build
npm run build
npm test
# CoffeeScript
enju = require 'enju'
class UserModel extends enju.Document
@_index = 'users' # your index name
@_settings =
type: 'custom'
tokenizer: 'uax_url_email'
name: new enju.KeywordProperty
required: yes
email: new enju.TextProperty
required: yes
analyzer: 'email_url'
createTime: new enju.DateProperty
autoNow: yes
dbField: 'create_time'
var enju = require('enju');
var UserModel = enju.Document.define('UserModel', {
_index: 'users',
_settings: {
analysis: {
analyzer: {
email_url: {
type: 'custom',
tokenizer: 'uax_url_email'
name: new enju.KeywordProperty({
required: true
email: new enju.TextProperty({
required: true,
analyzer: 'email_url'
createTime: new enju.DateProperty({
autoNow: true,
dbField: 'create_time'
class Document
_index {string} You can set index name by this attribute. **constructor property**
_type {string} You can set type of the document. The default is class name. **constructor property**
_settings {object} You can set index settings by this attribute. **constructor property**
id {string}
version {number}
Class method
@get = (ids, fetchReference=yes) ->
Fetch the document with id or ids.
If the document is not exist, it will return null.
@param ids {string|list}
@param fetchReference {bool} Fetch reference data of this document.
@returns {promise<Document>}
# ex: Document.get('MQ-ULRSJ291RG_eEwSfQ').then (result) ->
# ex: Document.get(['MQ-ULRSJ291RG_eEwSfQ']).then (result) ->
@exists = (id) ->
Is the document exists?
@param id {string} The documents' id.
@returns {promise<bool>}
@all = ->
Generate a query for this document.
@returns {Query}
# ex: query = Document.all()
@where = (field, operation) ->
Generate the query for this document.
@param field {string|function}
string: The property name of the document.
function: The sub query.
@param operation {object}
key: [
'!=', 'unequal'
'==', 'equal'
'<', 'less'
'<=', 'lessEqual'
'>', 'greater',
'>=', 'greaterEqual'
@returns {Query}
# ex: query = Document.where('field', '==': 'value')
@refresh = (args) ->
Explicitly refresh one or more index.
@params args {object}
@returns {promise}
@updateMapping = ->
Update the index mapping.
@returns {promise}
save: (refresh=no) ->
Save this document.
@param refresh {bool} Refresh the index after performing the operation.
@returns {promise<Document>}
delete: (refresh=no) ->
Delete this document.
@returns {promise<Document>}
class Property
@property default {any}
@property required {bool}
@property dbField {string}
@property type {string} https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.6/mapping-types.html
@property index {bool} https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.6/mapping-index.html
@property mapping {object} https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.6/mapping.html
@property propertyName {string} The property name in the document. It will be set at Document.define()
class StringProperty extends Property
@property analyzer {string}
class TextProperty extends Property
@property analyzer {string}
class KeywordProperty extends Property
@property normalizer {string}
class IntegerProperty extends Property
class FloatProperty extends Property
class BooleanProperty extends Property
class DateProperty extends Property
@property autoNow {bool}
class ListProperty extends Property
@property itemClass {constructor}
class ObjectProperty extends Property
class ReferenceProperty extends Property
@property referenceClass {Property}
The enju query.
where: (field, operation) ->
Append a query as intersect.
@param field {string|function}
string: The property name of the document.
function: The sub query.
@param operation {object}
key: [
'!=', 'unequal'
'==', 'equal'
'<', 'less'
'<=', 'lessEqual'
'>', 'greater',
'>=', 'greaterEqual'
@returns {Query}
union: (field, operation) ->
Append a query as intersect.
@param field {string} string: The property name of the document.
@param operation {object}
key: [
'!=', 'unequal'
'==', 'equal'
'<', 'less'
'<=', 'lessEqual'
'>', 'greater',
'>=', 'greaterEqual'
@returns {Query}
orderBy: (field, descending=no) ->
Append the order query.
@param field {string} The property name of the document.
@param descending {bool} Is sorted by descending?
@returns {Query}
fetch: (args={}) ->
Fetch documents by this query.
@param args {object}
limit: {number} The size of the pagination. (The limit of the result items.) default is 1000
skip: {number} The offset of the pagination. (Skip x items.) default is 0
fetchReference: {bool} Fetch documents of reference properties. default is true.
@returns {promise<object>} ({items: {Document}, total: {number}})
first: (fetchReference=yes) ->
Fetch the first document by this query.
@param fetchReference {bool}
@returns {promise<Document|null>}
count: ->
Count documents by the query.
@returns {promise<number>}
sum: (field) ->
Sum the field of documents by the query.
@param field {string} The property name of the document.
@returns {promise<number>}
groupBy: (field, args) ->
@param field {string} The property name of the document.
@param args {object}
limit: {number} Default is 1,000.
order: {string} "count|term" Default is "term".
descending: {bool} Default is no.
@returns {promise<list<object>>}
doc_count: {number}
key: {string}
select * from "ExampleModel" where "name" = "tina"
ExampleModel.where('name', equal: 'tina').fetch().then (result) ->
select * from "ExampleModel" where "name" = "tina" and "email" = "kelp@phate.org"
ExampleModel.where('name', equal: 'enju')
.where('email', equal: 'kelp@phate.org')
.fetch().then (result) ->
select * from "ExampleModel" where "name" like "%tina%" or "email" like "%tina%"
ExampleModel.where (query) ->
query.where('name', like: 'tina').union('email', like: 'tina')
.fetch().then (result) ->
select * from "ExampleModel" where "category" = 1 or "category" = 3
order by "created_at" limit 20 offset 20
ExampleModel.where('category', contains: [1, 3])
.fetch(20, 20).then (result) ->
Fetch the first item.
select * from "ExampleModel" where "age" >= 10
order by "created_at" desc limit 1
ExampleModel.where('age', '>=': 10)
.orderBy('created_at', yes).first().then (model) ->
Count items.
select count(*) from "ExampleModel" where "age" < 10
ExampleModel.where('age', less: 10).count().then (result) ->