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eraro - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.4.1 to 1.0.0




@@ -1,25 +0,20 @@

/* Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Richard Rodger, MIT License */
/* Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Richard Rodger, MIT License */
/* jshint node:true, asi:true, eqnull:true */
// Create JavaScript Error objects with code strings, context details,
// and templated messages.
"use strict";
'use strict'
// #### System modules
var util = require('util')
// #### External modules
var _ = require('lodash')
// #### Exports
module.exports = eraro
// #### Create an _eraro_ function
// Parameters:
// * _options_ : (optional) Object; properties:

@@ -29,3 +24,3 @@ // * _package_ : (optional) String; package name to mark Error objects

// * _module_ : (optional) Object; _module_ object to use as starting point for _require_ calls
// * _msgmap_ : (optional) Object; map codes to message templates
// * _msgmap_ : (optional) Object; map codes to message templates
// * _inspect_ : (optional) Boolean; If true, _util.inspect_ is called on values; default: true.

@@ -36,3 +31,3 @@ //

// The created function has parameters:
// * _exception_ : (optional) Error; the original exception to be wrapped

@@ -45,3 +40,3 @@ // * _code_ : (optional) String; code value

// The returned Error object has the following additional properties:
// * _code_: String; the code string

@@ -52,55 +47,75 @@ // * _package_: String; the package name

// * _details_: Object; contextual details of error
// * _callpoint_: String; first line of stacktrace that is external to eraro and calling module
function eraro( options ) {
// * _callpoint_: String; first line of stacktrace that is external to eraro and calling module
function eraro(options) {
options = options || {}
var msgprefix = false === options.prefix ? '' :
(_.isString(options.prefix) ? options.prefix : _.isString(options.package) ? options.package+': ' : '')
var msgprefix =
false === options.prefix
? ''
: _.isString(options.prefix)
? options.prefix
: _.isString(options.package)
? options.package + ': '
: ''
var packaje = options.package || 'unknown'
var callmodule = options.module || module
var msgmap = options.msgmap || {}
var inspect = null == options.inspect ? true : !!options.inspect
var packaje = options.package || 'unknown'
var callmodule = options.module || module
var msgmap = options.msgmap || {}
var inspect = null == options.inspect ? true : !!options.inspect
var markers = [module.filename]
var markers = [module.filename]
var filename = callmodule.filename
if( filename ) markers.push(filename);
if (filename) markers.push(filename)
var errormaker = function( ex, code, msg, details ) {
var errormaker = function(ex, code, msg, details) {
var internalex = false
if( util.isError(ex) ) {
if( ex.eraro && !options.override ) return ex;
else {
if (util.isError(ex)) {
if (ex.eraro && !options.override) return ex
} else {
internalex = true
ex = null
code = arguments[0]
msg = arguments[1]
details = arguments[2]
ex = null
code = arguments[0]
msg = arguments[1]
details = arguments[2]
code = _.isString(code) ? code :
(ex ?
ex.code ? ex.code :
ex.message ? ex.message :
'unknown' : 'unknown')
code = _.isString(code)
? code
: ex
? ex.code
? ex.code
: ex.message
? ex.message
: 'unknown'
: 'unknown'
details = _.isObject(details) ? details :
(_.isObject(msg) && !_.isString(msg) ? msg : {})
details = _.isObject(details)
? details
: _.isObject(msg) && !_.isString(msg)
? msg
: {}
msg = _.isString(msg) ? msg : null
msg = buildmessage(options,msg,msgmap,msgprefix,inspect,code,details,ex)
msg = buildmessage(
var err = new Error(msg)
if( ex ) {
details.orig$ = null == details.orig$ ? ex : details.orig$
details.message$ = null == details.message$ ? ex.message : details.message$
if (ex) {
details.orig$ = null == details.orig$ ? ex : details.orig$
details.message$ =
null == details.message$ ? ex.message : details.message$
// drag along properties from original exception
for( var p in ex ) {
for (var p in ex) {
err[p] = ex[p]

@@ -110,15 +125,15 @@ }

err.eraro = true
err.eraro = true
err.orig = ex // orig
err.code = code
err[packaje] = true
err.package = packaje
err.msg = msg
err.details = details
err.orig = ex // orig
err.code = code
err[packaje] = true
err.package = packaje
err.msg = msg
err.details = details
err.stack = ex ? ex.stack : err.stack
err.callpoint = callpoint( err , markers )
err.stack = ex ? ex.stack : err.stack
err.callpoint = callpoint(err, markers)
return err;
return err

@@ -128,10 +143,8 @@

return errormaker;
return errormaker
// #### Find the first external stack trace line.
// Parameters:
// * _error_ : (optional) Error; provides the stack

@@ -141,26 +154,25 @@ // * _markers_ : (optional) Array[String]; ignore lines containing these strings

// Returns: String; stack trace line, with indent removed
function callpoint( error, markers ) {
function callpoint(error, markers) {
markers = _.isArray(markers) ? markers : []
var stack = error ? error.stack : null
var out = ''
var out = ''
if( stack ) {
if (stack) {
var lines = stack.split('\n')
var done = false
var done = false
var i
for( i = 1; i < lines.length; i++ ) {
line_loop: for (i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i]
var found = false
for( var j = 0; j < markers.length; j++ ) {
if( _.isString( markers[j] ) ) {
found = ( -1 != line.indexOf( markers[j] ) )
if( found ) break;
for (var j = 0; j < markers.length; j++) {
if (_.isString(markers[j])) {
found = -1 != line.indexOf(markers[j])
if (found) break
if( !found ) break line_loop;
if (!found) break line_loop

@@ -174,6 +186,4 @@

// #### Build the message string from a template by inserting details
// Uses the underscore template function with default settings.
// Uses the underscore template function with default settings.
// The original message (_msg_) has priority over messages from the _msgmap_.

@@ -185,3 +195,3 @@ // If no message can be found, the _code_ is used as a message.

// Parameters:
// * _msg_ : (required) String; message template

@@ -194,9 +204,24 @@ // * _msgmap_ : (required) Object; map codes to message templates

// Returns: String; human readable error message
function buildmessage(options,msg,msgmap,msgprefix,inspect,code,details,ex) {
var message = msgprefix + (_.isString(msg) ? msg :
_.isString(msgmap[code]) ? msgmap[code] :
ex ? originalmsg(options.override,ex) : code )
function buildmessage(
) {
var message =
msgprefix +
? msg
: _.isString(msgmap[code])
? msgmap[code]
: ex
? originalmsg(options.override, ex)
: code)
// These are the inserts.
var valmap = _.extend({},details,{code:code})
var valmap = _.extend({}, details, { code: code })

@@ -207,7 +232,13 @@ // Workaround to prevent underscore blowing up if properties are not

var valstrmap = {util:util,_:_}
var valstrmap = { util: util, _: _ }
_.each(valmap, function(val, key) {
/* jshint evil:true */
try { eval('var '+key+';') } catch(e) { key = key+'$' }
if( {'undefined':1,'NaN':1}[key] ) { key = key+'$' }
try {
eval('var ' + key + ';')
} catch (e) {
key = key + '$'
if ({ undefined: 1, NaN: 1 }[key]) {
key = key + '$'
valstrmap[key] = inspect && !_.isString(val) ? util.inspect(val) : val

@@ -217,15 +248,13 @@ })

var done = false
while( !done ) {
while (!done) {
try {
var tm = _.template( message )
var tm = _.template(message)
message = tm(valstrmap)
done = true
catch(e) {
if(e instanceof ReferenceError) {
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof ReferenceError) {
var m = /ReferenceError:\s+(.*?)\s+/.exec(e.toString())
if( m && m[1] ) {
else done = true
if (m && m[1]) {
valstrmap[m[1]] = '[' + m[1] + '?]'
} else done = true

@@ -237,4 +266,8 @@

done = true
message = message+' VALUES:'+util.inspect(valmap,{depth:2})+
message =
message +
' VALUES:' +
util.inspect(valmap, { depth: 2 }) +

@@ -247,10 +280,8 @@ }

function originalmsg(override, ex) {
if (!ex) return
if (override && ex.eraro && ex.orig) return ex.orig.message
function originalmsg( override, ex ) {
if( !ex ) return;
if( override && ex.eraro && ex.orig ) return ex.orig.message;
return ex.message;
return ex.message
"name": "eraro",
"version": "0.4.1",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Create JavaScript Error objects with code strings, context details, and templated messages.",
"main": "eraro.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "./",
"build": "./"
"test": "lab -v -P test -t 80 -I URL,URLSearchParams",
"coverage": "lab -s -P test -r lcov -I URL,URLSearchParams | coveralls",
"prettier": "prettier --write --no-semi --single-quote *.js lib/*.js test/*.js"

@@ -21,2 +22,5 @@ "repository": {

"license": "MIT",
"contributors": [
"Adrien Becchis ("
"bugs": {

@@ -27,3 +31,3 @@ "url": ""

"dependencies": {
"lodash": "~2.4.1"
"lodash": "4.17"

@@ -34,3 +38,9 @@ "files": [

"devDependencies": {
"code": "4",
"coveralls": "3",
"lab": "14",
"prettier": "1"
[![npm version][npm-badge]][npm-url]
[![Build Status][travis-badge]][travis-url]
[![Coverage Status][coveralls-badge]][coveralls-url]
[![Dependency Status][david-badge]][david-url]
#### Create JavaScript Error objects with code strings, context details, and templated messages.
Current Version: 0.4.1
Tested on: node 0.10.35
[![Build Status](](
[Annotated Source](
For use in library modules to generate contextual errors with useful

@@ -20,13 +17,5 @@ meta data. Your library module can throw or pass (to a callback) an

See the [use-plugin]( module for
an example of practical usage.
# Support
If you're using this module, feel free to contact me on twitter if you have any questions! :) [@rjrodger](
[![Gitter chat](](
# Quick example

@@ -52,4 +41,4 @@

In all these cases, the Error object will have a _code_ property with
value _"code_string"_.
In all these cases, the Error object will have a `code`` property with
value `"code_string"`.

@@ -79,4 +68,4 @@

The _error_ function can then be used in your library code. The
_error_ function generates _Error_ objects, which can be thrown or used in callbacks:
The `error` function can then be used in your library code. The
`error` function generates `Error` objects, which can be thrown or used in callbacks:

@@ -86,10 +75,10 @@ ```JavaScript

function doStuff( input, callback ) {
if( bad( input ) ) return callback( error('code2') );
function doStuff (input, callback) {
if (bad(input)) return callback(error('code2'));
The _package_ option is normally the name of your library. That is, the value
of the _name_ property in _package.json_. The generated Error object will
have two properties to define the package: _package_, a string that is
The `package` option is normally the name of your library. That is, the value
of the `name` property in `package.json`. The generated Error object will
have two properties to define the package: `package`, a string that is
the name of the package, and also a boolean, the name of the package itself.

@@ -116,3 +105,3 @@ This lets you check for the type of error easily:

var err0 = error('code0',{foo:'FOO',bar:'BAR'})
var err0 = error('code0', {foo: 'FOO', bar: 'BAR'})
"FOO" ===

@@ -123,3 +112,2 @@ "BAR" ===

## Error codes and message templates

@@ -130,3 +118,3 @@

var error = require('eraro')({package:'mylib',msgmap:{
var error = require('eraro')({package: 'mylib', msgmap: {
code0: "The first error, foo is <%=foo%>.",

@@ -140,7 +128,7 @@ code1: "The second error, bar is <%=bar%>.",

var err0 = error('code0',{foo:'FOO',bar:'BAR'})
var err0 = error('code0',{foo: 'FOO', bar: 'BAR'})
"mylib: The first error, foo is FOO." === err0.message
The message templates are [underscorejs templates](
The message templates are [underscorejs templates](
with the default settings.

@@ -152,4 +140,4 @@

var err0 = error('code2',
'My custom message, details: <%=util.inspect(zed)%>',
'My custom message, details: <%=util.inspect(zed)%>',
{zed: {a: 1, b: 2}})
"mylib: My custom message, details: { a: 1, b: 2 }" === err0.message

@@ -163,8 +151,8 @@ ```

* _code_: String; the code string
* _package_: String; the package name
* _**package-name**_: Boolean (true); a convenience marker for the package
* _msg_: String; the generated message, may differ from original exception message (if any)
* _details_: Object; contextual details of error
* _callpoint_: String; first line of stacktrace that is external to eraro and calling module
* `code`: String; the code string
* `package`: String; the package name
* **`package-name`**: Boolean (true); a convenience marker for the package
* `msg`: String; the generated message, may differ from original exception message (if any)
* `details`: Object; contextual details of error
* `callpoint`: String; first line of stacktrace that is external to eraro and calling module

@@ -178,9 +166,9 @@ You can pass in an existing Error object. The additional properties

When creating an _error_ function, you can use the following options:
When creating an `error` function, you can use the following options:
* _package_ : (optional) String; package name to mark Error objects
* _prefix_ : (optional) Boolean/String; If false, then no prefix is used; If not defined, the package name is used
* _module_ : (optional) Object; _module_ object to use as starting point for _require_ calls
* _msgmap_ : (optional) Object; map codes to message templates
* _inspect_ : (optional) Boolean; If true, _util.inspect_ is called on values; default: true.
* `package` : (_optional_) String; package name to mark Error objects
* `prefix` : (_optional_) Boolean/String; If false, then no prefix is used; If not defined, the package name is used
* `module` : (_optional_) Object; `module` object to use as starting point for `require` calls
* `msgmap` : (_optional_) Object; map codes to message templates
* `inspect` : (_optional_) Boolean; If true, `util.inspect` is called on values; default: true.

@@ -196,2 +184,9 @@

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